covering the week's top textbooks like Linux bias not to create false hope but this is too huge not to mention scientists at Cardiff University have discovered a part of our immune system that can kill prostate breast lung and other cancers in lab tests the findings published in Nature immunology have not yet been tested in patients but the researchers say that they have enormous potential experts are saying that although the work was still at an early stage it is very exciting our immune system is our body's natural defense against infection but it also attacks cancerous cells the scientists were looking for unconventional and previously undiscovered ways the immune system naturally attacks tumors what they found was a t-cell inside people's blood this is an immune cell that can scan the body to assess whether there is a threat that needs to be eliminated the difference is that the one in particular that they discovered can seemingly attack a wide range of cancers researcher professor Andrew Sewall says quote there is a chance to treat every patient previously nobody believed this could be possible it raises the prospect of a one-size-fits-all cancer treatment a single type of t-cell that could be capable of destroying many different types of cancers across the population end quote the discovered t-cell was able to kill a wide range of cancerous cells in in the lab including lung skin blood colon breast bone prostate ovarian kidney and cervical cancer cells Wow crucially it left normal tissues untouched exactly how it does all this is still being explored the idea is that a blood sample would be taken from a cancer patient the T cells in the sample would be extracted and genetically modified so that they were they were reprogrammed to make the cancer finding receptor the upgraded cells would be grown in vast quantities in the laboratory and then put back into the patient Daniel Davis a professor of immunology at the University of Manchester said quote at the moment this is very basic research and not close for two actual medicines for patients there is no question that is a very exciting discovery both for advancing our basic knowledge about the immune system and the possibility of future new medicines and quote more safety checks will be needed before human trials can begin I like this this isn't necessarily a text story but it's a human interest story that is here because of tech yeah the advancements that we have made in science to be able to get to the point where it's like what else is there let's explore the body even further let's alter this cell and see what happens yeah and boom suddenly we're going is this it that is so cool exactly the truth of the matter is right now cancer treatments are just they seem so barbaric right now they're life-saving but they're super intrusive so I mean you know the chemotherapy surgery the things that that are just really radiation things that are really detrimental to the human body just to keep it alive you can have an immune response against cancer that that just annihilates any trace of it I just cannot wait I don't really like does anyone else feel that like excitement and the anticipation like could it be like could that be possible and all they're doing is taking the t-cell that you already produce out and they're just replicating it like they're kind of growing more on their own they're altering it to put in the receptor to find the cancer cells so that's a bit of a genetic modification and then they're culturing more so there can't be adverse reactions because your own sure I mean I don't understand the science Ike yeah pretend to understand the science but I know there was a time in our history when penicillin didn't exist and when and when it was discovered if you will that was a mistake yeah but so so when it was accidentally discovered how earth-shatteringly like how many lives were saved how many lives were improved because of it it's you know what I was having a conversation with one of my clients the other day and her older siblings were born before penicillin oh wow he said the reason I'm not deaf is because penicillin existed for me and not for my brothers Wow right so heartbreaking right yet at the same time it's like dawn of a new era yeah right it's very cool so are we at that point with cancer I don't think we are but I'm hopeful I'm like I'm so hopeful in humanity and and our our ability to accomplish that because I just want that [Music]