hovering the week's top tech stories it's like Linux bias researchers have found an updated version of Anarchy grabber that steals victims plaintext passwords and infects victims friends on discord detected as Anarchy grabber 3 the new trojan variant modifies the discord clients javascriptcore upon successful installation and this modified version gives the malware the ability to load other JavaScript files when the infected disk or client is open the threat loaded inject j/s from a new anarchy folder this file loaded another script called discord magis and the two scripts together logs the user out at which point they are prompted to log back in the new Anarchy grabber variant then attempts to disable two-factor authentication on its victims account and steals information including their username plaintext password and user token which it sends to the attackers own discord server by a web hook the malware also attempts to spread itself to other discord users by sending a message that contains the malware to everyone on the user's friend list after modifying the discord client and our key grabber doesn't run again which makes it difficult for antivirus software to detect the threat since there are no malicious processes it also ensures that a victim remains part of the botnet whenever they interact with discord using the app Robbie how can a user determine if they're infected if antivirus can't detect it well becca tech-savvy users can open the index j s5 and then they can check the content so on Windows you're gonna find that in its app data just wrap that in percent signs to get there really quickly and then you'll enter the discord folder Linux and Mac users go to the doc config hidden folder in your home folder and within that you'll find the discord folder holding all the files now on any architecture the files in from there are going to be the same so whether you're on Windows Mac or Linux you'll note that that the are many many files called index J s in the tree from that folder so the one that you're looking for is in discord underscore desktop underscore core and the directory format is your discord version now in my case here on windows if that's zero point zero point 306 so I enter that folder then modules then discord underscore desktop underscore core and I can check the contents of the index J ass file and if it contains anything other than a command to require Chordata SAR it's probably infected thanks Robbie if you suspect infection uninstall the discord app and reinstall change your password and ensure two FA is reenable diff it's been turned off whether discord email Facebook or otherwise be diligent and ensure you only click links you know you can trust since malware like this spreads to friendless it's also important to remember that just because it's one of your trusted friends sending it doesn't mean you can automatically trust the links a simple did you send this question could be all it takes to protect you your account and your privacy [Music]