covering the week's top textbooks like Linux bias Google's area 120 team an internal incubator that creates experimental apps and services has launched keen a would-be Pinterest rival that draws on the search giant's machine learning expertise to curate topics available on the web at state keen calm and on Android co-founder CJ Adams says keen aims to be an alternative to mindlessly browsing online feeds Adam writes in a blog post on keen you say what you want to spend more time on and then create content from the web and people you trust to help make that happen you make a keen which can be about any topic whether it's baking delicious bread at home getting into birding or researching typography keen lets you curate the content you love share your collection with others and find new content based on what you have saved Pinterest has already captured the Hobby focused side of this market with its pin board style visual design two characteristics that Keane is trying to imitate but keen has Google's X expertise in machine learning which Adam says will surface helpful content related to your interests Google has never been able to break into the social space a venue of online activity that generates scads of lucrative data for targeting ads a Pinterest style social network would really allow it to hone in on users interests and gather this information and it does seem that data collected by Keene is being collated with everything else Google knows about users you log into Keene using your Google account and clicking on the sites privacy link just points you to the Google wide privacy policy it's interesting to see Google push it's machine learning systems into more varied applications especially those that seem like they're trying to foster users interest in rewarding hobbies rather than algorithms that drive people to greater engagement without caring what it is they're actually engaging with will you give key in a try are your interest such that you don't mind Google knowing what you're into below if you're watching online or hop on to our website to post your thoughts [Music]