covering the week's top textbooks like Linux bias you shouldn't stare at the Sun it's dangerous but this month marks a full decade of NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory doing the staring at the Sun for us it's been studying the star closest to Earth non-stop from orbit gathering 425 million high-resolution images since June 2010 the data collected has helped scientists make many discoveries but for those of us scrolling the internet for some kind of good news nASA has turned the observations into something fun nASA has compiled the images into a stunning time-lapse of the stars activity over the last 10 years the time-lapse assembles images taken at an extreme ultraviolet wavelength that shows the sun's outermost atmospheric layer the corona the movie compiles a photo every hour with dark slides caused by the Earth or the moon eclipsing the observatory as they pass between the spacecraft and the Sun the full video lasts 61 minutes showcasing the sun's 11-year solar cycle with its rise and fall in activity the shift in solar activity can be clearly seen as the number of swelling solar spots increased to explosive levels with violent whips of magnetic field lines and solar flares it then calms down again to a period known as solar minimum when the amount of solar activity is relatively low that's a period we're in now with one result being that the Northern Lights are less frequently seen in lower latitudes it's stunning to see from our perspective even if a decade is a little more than a blip in the life of a star the full time-lapse video in 4k resolution can be viewed at cat5 dot TV slash Sun [Music]