this is as this is all going on with microsoft many twitter accounts were compromised today being that we're shooting on a wednesday is this was today the single largest account compromisation on on twitter in a day i don't really i don't know the stats on that job i don't recall any other day like this where where twitter blew up so the question becomes which staff member at twitter got canned and they left their account open because here's the thing today so we're shooting on wednesday yes the 15th you said of july 15th i've lost all track i've given up on time and in this one day apple their twitter account elon musk bloomberg what cash app yep jeff bezos maybe you've heard of them i think is that is that the guy that runs that big company ah yeah i can't remember amazon amazon oh yeah wow right heard of them bill gates he says what bill gates uber tron justin sun bitcoin bitcoin got hacked oh ah that one hurts not bitcoin but bitcoin's twitter account coinbase coinbase and the list goes on and on and then gets into political figures such as joe biden and are you ready for this barack obama ah obama got it gotta act so yes some of you may be noticing a trend however here's the thing the the particular hack posted on all of these accounts pretty much simultaneously like within minutes of one another really a pretty traditional cryptocurrency um scam so basically so elon musk's twitter account said sen i'm feeling generous so for the next 30 minutes send me 1 000 worth of bitcoin and i will send you back 2 000 worth of bitcoin bill gates's twitter account tweeted send me one thousand dollars worth of bitcoin and i will tweet you and i will send you back one uh two thousand dollars worth of bitcoin but here's the thing jeff bitcoins twitter said yes send me one thousand dollars worth of bitcoin and i will send you two thousand dollars of bitcoin so do you see how we need to think about things before we automatically trust them well i was this was my thing like if i saw that my first thought would be this isn't legit yes however elon we know banks cryptocurrency yes bitcoin we know has access to insurmountable amount of bitcoin so why why not and then there are others who are saying oh click this link we're going to uh contribute to um medical science through bitcoin and so on and so forth so there this was a massive attack yeah a massive attack we don't currently at least as as of the time that we're shooting this know who is responsible or or some would say why the question becomes why well clearly they want bitcoin but would anyone fall for jeff would anyone well unfortunately yes the interesting thing about bitcoin is you can not track the transactions however you see that the transactions occurred that's right and so when bill gates worth of bitcoin and i will send you two thousand dollars worth of bitcoin back in the first five minutes oh no 50 000 worth of bitcoin were sent to that bitcoin address in five minutes very difficult math here ten thousand dollars per minute and you're not getting it back like you can't recover that you can't recover it it can't be traced you can't even prove it because bitcoin is secure it's part of the cryptocurrency blockchain oh that just hurts to hear yeah so let's have a moment of silence for those who fell for this scam but this really was a really quick moment of silence yeah let's have a look let's move on let's move on you're a bunch of idiots you fell for it again you fool oh god we've told you we've warned you none of our viewers fell for it jeff i you know what if you did please comment and let us know and and why i sure hope not why would you click that why oh dear this oh you know what can you just indulge me can we get a double face palm i can't help but smile jeff i gotta look serious but i can't help but smirk oh and that was just bill gates again what about the other accounts do we have stats on that yet or uh there are stats i mean you can look at the bitcoin addresses that they posted now last i checked twitter was privy to the fact that this was occurring right and they said they were investigating and in fact they were locking down the ability for some accounts to tweet okay so they're on top of it probably by the time this goes live we're gonna know more but at the point of where we are right now sitting in our studio recording it's happening in real time right now so here's the question that is running through my head is this a security breach on twitter or is this a security breach on the devices that run those twitter accounts because the fact that they were all fairly simultaneous within minutes of one another makes me wonder was it an uh an attack in in the twitter infrastructure is that why i joke what staff member at twitter got fired yeah right but if it wasn't then it becomes a matter of well the dark web well yeah but what's out there that's for sale all of these accounts at the same time it means that either there was a a a some sort of smart entity that was logged into all of these at the same time and went okay go uh or was it a you know your typical email thing you click the link and suddenly you're infected was it something like that where it just kind of did all these yeah is there connection verified folks fell for fishing scams spear phishing scams are on the rise right now and the fact is that during covet 19 i mean hey you might be work from home but so are the hackers is there the possibility again this is just kind of starting to think outside the box but could there be a relation to uh like a an unrelated service where there's some sort of uh phishing program that's collecting information where all of them are using it um like i know we covered in the news couple weeks ago about discord that there's bots on the rise uh or could it be like i'm just trying to think of some because i mean a lot of those are tech based we can speculate jeff we don't know at least at the time of filming yeah we yeah there's absolutely a possibility of like i think spearfishing is a very real possibility um somebody compromising phones and who knows what would 2fa fix this i don't know but here's what our crypto correspondent robert koenig says post this privately to us yes and this may be what you're what's kind of triggering this thought process for you he posted this in our staff channel on our discord and says i haven't read it yet well here here you go jeff because this is going to be deja vu when you go home later and you read this okay fair enough robert koenig is our crypto correspondent from the newsroom and he says uh from from uh the crypto corner says those scams are really clever okay absolutely they even know how to place ads on youtube what and that's true and scary because yeah i've seen it where some malicious ads trick people into clicking and providing their details wow um okay so here's the thing that robert stresses he says on github on youtube twitter two-factor authentication or multi-factor authentication is an absolute must these days okay however he warns do not rely on your cell phone because as in like the number or the device the phone number so sms as 2fa oh don't rely on your sms as 2fa because your phone number can be hacked quite easily oh yes a sim swap can occur quite easily yep and that's some food for thought because if you're relying on your phone's phone number that can be hacked that can be obtained and used by someone else so for anybody who's watching that's going i i've just lost a thousand dollars in bitcoin i'm sorry for your loss uh you said that so straight face that was good uh if they're going okay so i don't want to use my cell phone number for two-factor authentication what other options are available for them for 2fa the google authenticator app i mean there's other authenticator apps there are tokens that you can purchase okay you can get them off amazon i mean you can get uh physical hardware keys that have a token that do look for things like single-use passwords and and it's easy enough i mean google authenticator works pretty well um and and you just don't want to uh you don't want to lose your phone because that causes a problem yes if you lose your you can use your phone as the authentication device but robert is very specific in his phrasing when he says don't use your phone number right as the 2fa right and that absolutely makes sense absolutely google authenticator on the other hand and i say that because that's a very common one there are other authenticator apps or single use password one-time password otp apps available but they generate a password and they refresh every 15 seconds or something like that so it it makes sure that that one-time password is only available for 15 seconds yeah so if you don't have your phone you're not getting in yeah and you really do need multi-factor authentication on every service these days period oh absolutely period yep yep and it really does it's not the perfect solution it's not you don't be complacent but realize that if you don't have 2fa you are in a very risky situation these days i was a part of a kingston tweet up tweet up i guess they call it the other day about encryption 2fa those kinds of things and one of my comments was like if you had a device that had a bunch of data on it you left it on your car seat and someone stole it would one would you lose any of the data and two would they gain access to that data and the answer to both of those questions should be no correct and that encryption should be authentication enabled you should have 2fa in order to be able to access the data so even if they figure out the decryption they don't have your phone they don't have your authenticator app right so they can't gain access to that that's very very important these days folks i can't stress you