covering the week's top tech stories with a slight linux bias google is creating a worldwide android phone powered earthquake alert system the first part of that system rolled out tuesday if you opt in the accelero accelerometer in your android phone will become one data point for an algorithm designed to detect earthquakes eventually that system will automatically send warnings to people who could be impacted it's a feature made possible through google's strengths the staggering numbers of android phones around the world and clear clever use of algorithms on big data as with its collaboration with apple on exposure tracing and other android features like car crash detection and emergency location services it shows that there are untapped ways that smartphones could be used for something important to the community at large google is rolling out the system in small stages first google is partnering with the united states geogra geological survey and the california office of emergency services to send the agency's earthquake alerts to android users in that state those alerts are generated by already existing shake alert system which uses data generated by traditional seismometers marx dogade gadis principal android software engineer at google says it'd be great if they were just seismometer-based systems everywhere that could detect earthquakes that's not really practical and it's unlikely to have global coverage because seismometers are extremely expensive they have to be constantly maintained you need a lot of them in an area to really have a good earthquake early warning system so the second and third stages of google's plan will be powered instead by the android phones the company is proceeding fairly cautiously though in the second stage google will show localized results in google searches for earthquakes based on the data it's detecting from android phones the idea there is that when you feel an earthquake you'll go to google to see if that's what you felt or not an android phone can become a mini seismometer because it's an excel an accelerometer that's the thing that detects if you've rotated it or not android system uses the data from that sensor to see if the phone is shaking it is only on when an android phone is plugged in and not in use to preserve battery life once it has more confidence in the accuracy of the google will begin actively sending out earthquake warnings to people who live in areas where there are not seismometer based warning systems over the long term google hopes to create an api based on its earthquake detection system it doesn't plan on using the system on iphones but if the api comes out then apple would be free to use it more interesting though is what other systems would benefit from an earthquake detection api for example somebody could build something that automatically stops an elevator at the next floor and opens the door so that people can get out before the wave comes and you can turn off gas valves automatically you can have something that stops medical procedures or open the door to fire stations ahead of time that's a common problem in earthquakes where fires are a big deal and firefighters often just can't get out so you can build something that does that airplanes can stop landing as they're doing this aboard their landing trains can be slowed down there's an entire ecosystem that can be enabled by using this android-based detection and having it publish server-side so that others can plug into it google's plan is to minimize false positives and tune the system right away and users near earthquake fault zones will soon see info in google searches and the inevitable rollout of local notifications it wasn't long ago jeff that simon weckert berlin-based artist took 99 android smartphones put them in a red wagon and walked down the main street that was completely devoid of vehicles and yet google's map service showed that there were traffic jams everywhere he went right because there's 99 android phones so you know i hate to put the thought in people's heads but this is the thing with an android-based system such as this while it sounds amazing well it sounds like hey this is a very brilliant idea how hard is it to take a raspberry pi zero and a motor and connect it to one centralized server and share the diagrams of that online and say okay everybody i want you to to build this take a raspberry pi plug it into this motor put your phone in this motor when you go to bed and because it's internet connected they can make it they can set off all the phones vibrating like this in any area of the world where they have these devices it'd be so easy it'd just be it's such an easy hack so it's like how can they trust that data well i think it's brilliant an accelerometer to detect earthquake well and that's the thing like this is an amazing thing that they're doing yeah but with amazing ideas also comes the amazing ability to mess with it thanks to human beings yeah i mean not only terrible like what if you have you know if somebody decides to use it as a uh a type of social attack so to speak where there's a group of 15 20 people they all of the phones they congregate in a particular area and they just sit there and start shaking their phone and if they also synchronize it with with like raspberry pi is through the internet like you could actually like pick a spot and make an earthquake on google maps [Music] you