covering the week's top tech stories with a slight linux bias the results of a major exploration mission showed monday that the dwarf planet serra's long believed to be a barren space rock is an ocean world with reservoirs of sea water beneath its surface maria castine christina de santiff from the national institute for astrophysics in italy says of the discovery i'm extremely excited to find some evidence of liquid water together with the fact that this body has a lot of minerals very interesting for the formation of life it's a good combination of chemical compounds that help in forming biological molecules de sancti and her colleagues analyzed high-resolution images in sarah's of seras taken by the dawn spacecraft which orbited the dwarf planet between 2015 and 2018 before it ran out of fuel in his final phase the spacecraft orbited just 35 kilometers above the surface of sures focusing on the occupator crater she and her team were able to identify salt by comparing data including images and spectral analysis from the dawn spacecraft with equivalent analysis of chemicals here on earth earlier observations of bright deposits on the crater had hinted at the presence of salty water underneath but the discovery of hydrated sodium chloride provides much stronger evidence of an underground ocean impact fractures on the surface of the aquitar crater analyzed in a separate study suggests the ocean is some 40 kilometers below the surface although the exact size is unknown it's pretty large says the snakti adding that the present such a large body will certainly have influenced the geology of sores with water coming up from below the surface and bringing minerals with it ralph jaumen of the free university of berlin in germany says the mineralogy is unique and so far not observed on other solar system bodies drawmen says these findings demonstrate that even small bodies like sores could have water in their interior you