covering the week's top tech stories with a slight linux bias a clever phishing scam is targeting cpanel users with a fake security advisory alerting them of critical vulnerabilities in their web hosting management panel cpanel is administrative software commonly installed on shared web hosting services that allow website owners to easily administer their site through a graphical user interface starting last week cpanel and web host manager whm users began reporting a targeted phishing email campaign with an email subject of cpanel urgent update request that was pretending to be a security advisory from the company this fake advisory stated that updates had been released to fix security concerns in cpanel and whm software and recommends all users install the updates in addition to a well-worded email with little or no grammar and spelling issues the threat actors use language commonly found in security advisories the attackers registered the domain cpanel to make the scam appear as a as an authentic advisory from cpanel and are using amazon's simple email service ses to send out the emails if a recipient of this phishing email falls for the scam and clicks on the update your cpanel and whm installations they were brought to a website that prompted a user to log in with their cpanel credentials as this is a well done and convincing scam it would not be surprising if some users fell for the scam if you received a similar email recently and entered your login credentials at this site it is strongly suggested that you immediately log in to your web hosting provider and change the password on your account you should then perform a complete audit of your site while paying extra attention to the addition of strange php files that can be used as backdoors also be sure to examine the website's dot h t access file for changes that automatically inject malicious code into every web page or redirect visitors that's an interesting story because for a lot of people who don't have a lot of background knowledge in web development to be able to go to a diy web hosting service where you can build your own website with your own cpanel it seems like such an easy thing but most people wouldn't have that tech knowledge to recognize a phishing scam when it came to the cpanel sure and i mean some of the stuff that they get access to if you give them login credentials can really cause problems yeah like if they have linux access yeah but yeah certainly i mean any like cheap hosting solution is going to have some kind of a a portal whether it's cpanel or otherwise but you think about cpanel and and as you say a novice user signing up for the five dollar hosting account not really up on the latest security trends yeah could be dangerous same thing we see with wordpress you get a wordpress site because you think it's easy to set up and administer yourself but you don't realize necessarily i am generalizing but maybe you don't realize that that leads to major security implications if you are not on the up and up it's true super careful so for somebody who's sitting there going uh i do my own website i just happen to update myself your cpanel i just gave my login to these hackers like what i i know that you know becca covered in the story you know checking some certain things but what are some i think well she hit on the the first thing i would do is check for any recently modified files and on a linux server it's really easy because you can do a find dash m time and and sort by the time uh that the file was last modified okay and so you can see any file that was modified in the last 10 days and if you don't you know if you uploaded your site six months ago you know that hey those files are suspect so you can look at them yeah yeah because it's not like a virus it's not like you run a virus scan and and find the malware no it's like perfectly legit tools that they're using to allow them to con command and control your website yeah or even going so far using the wordpress example of creating users cpanel same thing maybe they create users maybe they add uh an smtp account so they can use your mail server for sending spam that's right that's a big one yeah so if somebody doesn't have the tech knowledge to go in take a look at their account what's another way that they could deal with that go through the hosting provider and say hey can you check my account jeff if you if you really have that low of a knowledge when it comes to that kind of thing you shouldn't you shouldn't be doing yourself hosting right realistically for sure if you're not familiar with terms like ftp sftp and what the difference between those two things is ssh ssl smtp pop3 imap if you don't know what any one of those terms are mysql mariadb if you don't know what any of those words mean then self-hosting is not for you that's right um again i'm b in general but that's those are red flags for me and and you don't want to find yourself in a situation where yes i'm saving money on hosting but i part of that is that you are relinquishing the desire to pay someone to maintain that's right and putting that all on you so it works great if you're knowledgeable and you're getting the five dollar a month hosting account or whatever right as an example because you're able to do that maintenance yourself but this is where church websites become illicit websites yes and other business websites become defaced and data theft occurs and some companies are you know irreparably have their reputation damaged yes because of these things um well and also if you have a website where you're doing any monetary payments you know if you're if you're receiving customer payments like that's even that's a whole other can of worms you're getting into there jeff well yeah but you've got to be careful for that kind of stuff so please please please number one change your password just like becca said number two start going through the files on your server to make sure something hasn't changed if you haven't logged into your cpanel for a security update chances are you're probably not hit by this but if you did you need to start doing some checking so good advice you