covering the week's top tech stories with a slight linux bias if you enjoy your weekly tech news with a slight linux bias become part of our fleet choose your rank at category five let's get into it scientists have created a plane that flies without fuel that's coming up but first as the covid19 pandemic blurs the lines between home life and job life for many the eu is fighting for homeworkers to have the right to disconnect lawmakers have passed a non-binding resolution arguing that homeworkers have the right to be unreachable by work the european parliament employment committee voted 31-6 with 18 abstentions in favor of allowing people to take time off and urge the european commission to create rules that catch up with the new reality of work alex aguias saliba who spearheaded the resolution says the pressure to always be reachable always available is mounting resulting in unpaid overtime and burnout many of us can relate how about you has the need to work from home caused the line between work and private life to become hazy comment below and let us know lawmakers in favor of the new resolution say workers should be allowed to be offline without suffering employer retribution as a result the right to to disconnect in the eu must now be approved by the full chamber before it can be submitted to the commission and state government for a vote no sorry i'm just taking a call from work no you're not all right you need to be able to turn off i need to be able to disconnect yes i'm busy doing my own thing i i love this story and i like that uh in in the eu they're kind of taking that approach to protect the workers because it's been a problem now for quite some time even before covid with the rise of you know e-commerce and internet connectivity where people are not being able to turn off like i remember when i you know started you know my former job in 2007 i think something like that and i had the blackberry yep and that was always with me yeah like i'd be laying in bed and 11 30 i'd get an email that comes in it's like oh yes you know and i never turned off and it became such an addiction almost not that i wanted to work but it was like my mind was always going is there an email waiting for me is there something there yeah i love that they've taken this approach isn't it interesting though jeff that by responding to those pings you're actually training your co-workers and your employers that you're always available yes and and it's a hard thing it's like where is that line and you know we're we're probably speaking to a lot of i.t managers and and folks that work in the it department and and realistically i mean servers go down regardless of whether it's past 5 p.m or not that's right and guess what we're the folks that have to run into the to the office and take care of things i mean how many times have i spent a saturday fixing up a server or doing something to do with work because something's down and it's got to be attended to it's like you can it's not a nine to five job that's right and a lot of things these days are not nine to five jobs and you're lucky if you have something that you can actually shut down and say call it quits at five o'clock in the afternoon yeah but realistically and especially in today's you know kind of covid 19 landscape where hey people are working from home and when the computer when the email comes in or when the ping comes in on zoom you've got to be there yep and you feel like you've got to be there and and maybe that's part of it too is maybe employers have to say okay so staff here's our policy we understand that you've got a life as well we just expect you to put in a good honest hard-working day and and then deal with the stuff that you need to deal with at home but it's hard i've been self-employed i've worked at home yeah oh for sure and i mean like in you know my former career as a labor contract negotiator it used to be the thing was you know you've got your hours work and then there's on call and then yeah like all the time on call that's a burn yeah like you're answering the phone no matter what well yeah and so those kind of things almost have been lost because it's like oh you're not really on the clock but you're just always available yeah and so you know it becomes that fine line between going too far and you know dare i say abusing the employee's time versus being able to have maximum productivity and exposure to address issues as they happen and so it i mean with online work and whatnot it has changed the landscape of like you said a typical nine to five and most jobs that have gone online are no longer nine to fives yeah they're kind of you know your your typical full-time work but around the clock yeah i envy um self-employed individuals who know to call it quits at five yeah after five it's like all right kids let's have fun yeah it's it's time to to hang out with mom or dad and uh you know that's that's a hard thing to accomplish when you are like only a phone call away that's right and it's almost like you know your phone is in your pocket now and you're you're stuck with it ringing if uh so it's like have a separate phone yeah what's your answer i mean we're all in this together what is your solution to this particular issue it may be a law that has to come down from the government or it may be something that you've established within your own within your own infrastructure of your company we'd love to hear about it comment below here's becca a plane that flies without propellers or jets and uses no fuel sounds like something from star trek but apparently it's a thing the secret is to use ion thrusters which also sound like something from sci-fi next up molecular teleportation the team responsible is from the massachusetts institute of technology they say the electro-aerodynamic-powered plane uses a propulsion system to fly which could lead to new aircraft that are quieter and mechanically simpler than what we have today what's more they don't produce any fossil fuel emissions alright to be fair we're not carrying passengers anytime soon the aircraft has a wingspan of just five meters and weighs around two and a half kilograms but it works having taken two years to create the plane works by removing electrons from nitrogen molecules in the air which produces ions these are accelerated toward the back of the plane creating an ionic wind which gives the plane thrust to move through the air wouldn't it be incredible to have an rc version of this tech think about a quadcopter and how quickly its battery depletes now put an fpv camera on one of those ion-powered planes and rip through the air at high speeds for hours while that raises some frightening militaristic possibilities from a hobbyist perspective it sounds incredible what would you do with a small plane that could fly without fuel post your comment below while quite inefficient at low speed indoor test flights the group said that as the speed increases so does the efficiency in theory when moving at 670 miles per hour the plane could be 50 percent efficient it's still only a prototype but scientists believe that the future possibilities are very promising i think this is so neat that we now have now granted it's a small version but you have itty-bitty is this an airplane for amp exactly but you have this propulsion system that doesn't require fuel that has its own ability to convert within the air and keep going i mean in theory if you can hook this sucker up to say solar panels you could have non-stop flight non-stop theoretically unreal like that's wild becca makes some really interesting points about like quadcopter flight and yeah i love flying my quadcopters but she's right the battery is like in some of them it's like 15 minutes flight time and so you buy extra batteries so that you can swap them in the field and you get you know 45 minutes flight time but you're still dealing with the fact that the battery doesn't last very long if you ever shoot any video in the air it's the same kind of thing like you get up there you take some video and then you gotta land and take it and change the battery yep well here's an opportunity something that can actually uh power itself essentially yeah but will it ever see passenger flight that's the thing like so it's more like it's gonna be tough yeah it's gonna be more i think um you know smaller payload payloads and this is where you know i think in terms of a camera or you know being able to to shoot video but they're they're flying like an airplane so yeah it's going to be moving pretty quickly so what about now we've had um henry bailey brown on the show to talk about how he uses his quadcopters to shoot 3d imagery so that he can then convert that into unreal engine and even 3d print buildings and things like that but looking at topography and using a technology like this to keep constant tabs on changing landscapes or on like the we think about like bing maps or google earth and the way that they're able to recreate our planet in basically what to us seems like real time like sci-fi but being able to have something in the air that can just fly around the globe all the time taking this imagery and shooting it back to their servers and making it like virtually you know much more real time than the satellite imagery that they have now that's four years old yeah right so could those be things but you know what what what kind of things spring to mind for you and of course you know in the back of my mind there is that nagging i fear that the military would get a hold of this kind of technology guaranteed they're already using it i know and so this is probably from a military contract yeah this is probably going through your head and and so there that is very ominous and it's because this is a really really cool technology but like so many cool technologies it could be used for good and it could be used for we'll we'll say evil yep um but you know what could we do with this that is good that's what i'd love to know and that's where my head went like the what actually caught my attention the most in this story was the fact that it was indoor flight like initially i was like oh they're flying it outside but when they're like oh our tests indoors i'm going hold on this is indoors okay so could you theoretically take this shrink it down i mean who knows what the components are you're picturing a fly no no not that small but like how neat would it be if they could take this propulsion system to the point where it's um you know for lack of a better word levitation where you can have a stable object it has to be moving though well it has to right now but if you because it's taking the ions from the air and converting them for that propulsion system so i don't know what you know the air flow is out behind or anything like that but could it you know i'm i'm thinking could it be converted to things in your home where it's like you don't have to worry about ladders anymore because you can have you know scaffolding or something some sort of painting unit that goes up for you but i'm just thinking the internal home use i'm like this could change the way we build homes so that you don't have people falling off how does he come up with this stuff what are your ideas he wants to build homes and get rid of ladders this thing is like five meters wide and it can only attack and you could just convert it that could be any living space jeff anybody living space see i'm not confined to the initial thoughts yeah all right so when it can carry a human jeff wants it to lift him up onto his roof so that he can put up the christmas lights a little easier little perfect been up for three years give us your ideas comment below don't miss the other stories we're following this week first there will not be a centos linux 9 plus debian officially supports the pine book pro subscribe to our youtube channel to make sure you catch the full stories from the category 5 dot tv newsroom i'm becca ferguson thanks for watching [Music] [Applause] do