[Applause] [Music] covering the week's top tech stores with a slight linux bias if you enjoy your weekly tech news with a slight linux bias become part of our fleet choose your rank at patreon.com category 5. let's get into it the official.com domain for pearl programming language was hijacked last week that's coming up but first oneplus co-founder carl pay has revealed next to nothing about his new company but we'll tell you all about it carl pay left the company last year and has already announced the founding of a new one which he calls nothing yes you heard that right nothing though the company's first smart devices are expected to be released in the first half of this year pay hasn't yet said what they will be nor which companies they might compete with what he has said is that nothing's mission is to remove barriers between people and technology to create a seamless digital future he went on to say we believe that the best technology is beautiful yet natural and intuitive to use when sufficiently advanced it should fade into the background and feel like nothing in an interview with the verge pay explains that plans for nothing are to create numerous products with the intention of gradually accumulating accumulating a uniquely branded intertwined and here's the keyword seamless internet of things pay says right now the team is being built so we want to focus on simpler categories but as our team gains capabilities and skills we want to start moving up the ultimate vision of having everything connected in a seamless way that can only happen when you have multiple categories of products that are connected in recent years one of the main criticisms of oneplus pays former company was that its smartphones in particular had seemingly become carbon copies of phones released by its well-known competitor oppo there's a reason why a lot of products on the market look quite similar pay says it's because they share a lot of the same components and the same building blocks end quote nothing on the other hand will be using custom-made components from the get-go so it won't be re-labeling somebody else's products the unique designs aren't merely intended to be different for the sake of being different however the intention is for them to not be noticeable at all pay explains i kind of envision a grass field with people having a picnic and there's no screen there's no laptop screen there's no phone screen there's no smart watch screen there's no billboard screen that's kind of the end state he does admit though that it will likely take several decades to get there to a future where technology looks like nothing what would such futuristic technologies entail are we talking holographic screens or ocular implants post your comments below what do you think could be on the horizon from nothing one can only imagine but pay has a knack for building hype that's for sure he's given us just enough of a glimpse of his vision to wet our appetites get us talking but we're going to have to wait and see if this will be much ado about nothing so we got to talk about nothing yeah it's i i like the fact that he called it uh and what could it mean well exactly but i mean as as becca was you know walking through the story you start to understand that nothing is more than just the name it's the it's the essence behind the it's actually clever yeah it is you know it's it's like what do you need to make this happen nothing because it's going to be so seamless it's really it's no different than uh elon musk and his boring company yeah i think so it's like the name is boring oh yes it's for play on words yeah exactly so i i like that and i mean this is an interesting concept uh to have everything run so seamlessly across multiple devices it's not a new concept it's been in sci-fi since the 80s right yeah but what he's looking to do is so interesting because everybody else right now piecemeals their internet of things so it's like oh we'll connect with this we'll connect that but you have to do so much in the background like if you have say an echo from from amazon yeah it's like you have to install the skill and then it connects with that it's like there's so much setup it'd be neat to see how this all plays out and i mean he says what was it 20 to 30 years i don't think it's going to be that long i mean look how much technology has changed oh sure well you know what's going to happen is we're going to see the initial you know what what are the first devices yeah for sure that we'll probably see within the next couple of years and and as we do we'll start to see the vision that uh that carl pay has for nothing yeah that's gonna be just a funny play on words for the for the next while for sure but one day this is going to be it's like google when google first started it's like it was such a silly word right but then now it's like synonymous it's being used as a verb for searching the internet and it's so much more than just search well and google's a great example because there's so much going on in the background with google yeah that you don't know yeah like if people knew truly how much google was impacting their lives and the background that goes on with like the the search bots and the different algorithms and whatnot they would go oh my goodness like there's so much engaged here and so so google help already has been doing this a little bit but not to the point of it being an assistance in life yeah it's more so in assistance with the internet so it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out but it does what i mean for me the one thing it brings to mind is um privacy if everything is so seamless to the point that you don't even have to worry about it because it just takes care of itself is there a privacy concern and is there eventually going to be pushback on that where people are going hold on this is so seamless i don't actually realize what it's doing and so that's going to be an interesting development over the years to see where does that take us and is is it crossing the line it's an interesting point and and look back at this video you know five years from now and say hey jeff called it right um because as companies develop technologies that require less and less user intervention to get things like setup done and and you mentioned the echo devices and it's like it has become a very seamless process i mean i bought a light that i simply plugged in and it showed up in my in my app and it was like and automatically connected and i could start using voice commands to control it because it's on the same wi-fi as my echo device so it was able to pick it up and detect it and worked so but as things get more and more easy from the end user perspective to set up and to use it does take away our ability to understand the technology but that's where we're going to have to surpass that point where we've crossed over into now we no longer understand the underlying technologies of the things that we're using day-to-day yeah we're already there but there is that push back that's right and so that's and that holds up innovation and as innovation pushes toward that there is going to have to be something's got to give yeah yeah for sure going to be we'll see we'll we'll tell you about nothing later that's right sorry we've got to wear our masks because of a lockdown here in ontario canada but we are all smiles today that's true my eyes are squinting you have to look really closely at my eyes all right becca the official.com domain for the pearl programming language was hijacked last week for the past 24 years pearl.com has been used by veteran pearl contributor tom christensen to provide information about the pearl programming language but the famed domain was suddenly taken over by someone else and promptly began distributing malware as it turns out the domain was in fact quietly quietly stolen last september while registered with network solutions and on christmas day was transferred to a registrar in china since the party responsible for hijacking the domain continued to point the dns to the actual web server it remained online and nobody appears to have noticed then a bit more than a month later january 27th to be exact pearl.com went down and was pointed to an ip of a known malware distributor while the pearl team says that there is no news on the recovery of the domain they're doing all they can they've set up a temporary url to allow users to access the site until they get the domain back which is the obvious hopeful outcome they clearly weren't thinking of news coverage when they created the subdomain however which is now pearl.com.pearl.org to be clear that's pearl d-o-t-c-o-m dot pearl.org for now stay clear of pearl.com entirely becca is absolutely bang on correct there that you've got to at this time avoid that.com oh for sure like i ca i couldn't believe they put that in the name like pearl.com.pearl.org just weren't thinking of us um the the thing is you may think well i don't go to pearl.com i never bring up my browser and head on over to pearl.com maybe you do maybe you don't a lot of us are pro programmers but there is the fact that a lot of us use perl and a lot of us therefore use cpan that's right and cpan is like an installer archive system for uh perl applications and and if you use that it may be tapping into pearl.com in its back end so when you think about that and you start to realize oh my goodness they have the power now to replace legitimate packages with malware yes so as i'm installing things with cpan well guess what it's not actually coming from the officialperl.com it's coming from some malware distributor who is known to be a malware distributor yes so then we've got web projects and servers and third-party projects that use those resources and that's a scary situation 100 really can be but the other side to this story i mean you're looking at it from the perspective of a pearl programmer you know a user in that regard as a general consumer somebody who i have my own websites sure i'm sitting here going this is a reminder that you want to make sure that your account security for your hosted web domain is secure that you're using a reputable hosting company that uh your domain registration information is you know secure so that these kind of things don't happen like how did they get access to controlling the domain i think you just got to keep a closer eye on it like use nems linux and sure and monitor your domain because i don't think it really even comes down to are they are you with a reputable registrar because they were right but the thing is i mean perl they're all programmers yeah they're people who know the programming and the things yeah for sure and they still this slid under the radar and for a month another entity owned their website and they did it so seamlessly so this is a to me it's a good reminder pay attention to your websites if you are you know especially if you're you know you say you're hosting a wordpress we know how many times we've heard about wordpress sites being you know hacked and taken over that's just this is a whole other level absolutely it is this is like if you're gonna host a website make sure that this information you know what's going on and it's protected it's locked down speaking of locked down that comes to mind that if you register a domain make sure with your registrar that you lock it because there's a little toggle that you can flip there on your registrar that says lock this domain and what that means is that if anyone ever tries to compromise it either take it over or transfer the ownership or transfer the registrant profile um it will require your intervention in order to allow that if it's an unlocked domain and they get a hold of the transfer the register and transfer code they can conduct that registrant transfer no problem that's right so lock your domains yep please don't miss the other stories we're following this first did spam cop block your email this past weekend you're not alone plus elon musk has augmented a monkey's brain with a wireless implant so it can play video games subscribe to our youtube channel to make sure you catch the full stories from the category 5 tv newsroom i'm becca ferguson thanks for watching you