[Applause] [Music] covering the week's top tech stores with a slight linux bias if you enjoy your weekly tech news with a slight linux bias become part of our fleet choose your rank at patreon.com category five let's get into it elon musk has augmented a monkey's brain with a wireless implant so it can play video games that's coming up but first did spam cop block your email this past weekend you're not alone spamkop a respected anti-spam service provided by cisco had a hiccup this past weekend that resulted in countless emails being blocked as spam even though they were perfectly benign the issue affected users around the world impacting the flow of email even for users who have never heard of or purposefully used spam cop that's because spamcop is a service used by many isps email providers and servers along the way to check if emails flowing through their network are untrusted so if spam cop says this is spam one of those servers will bounce it back to the sender and halt delivery the issue arose when the spamcop.net domain name expired over the weekend as cisco's admin team failed to renew it before the expiry date having expired spam cop stopped responding to these queries from mail servers around the world thereby making them think that since the response was not a positive one it must be negative and the email should be rejected fortunately the spam cop.net domain was renewed pretty quickly but not before mail servers around the world received all their email back as spam having now been renewed everything is effectively back to normal and email is flowing fine i can't say as i had any emails this weekend get blocked no that i'm aware that you know of but what if someone was emailing you well that's possible yeah but i did end up sending an email come to think of it sunday to a number of people that i'd normally send yeah and my wife pointed out to me yesterday or the day before she's like oh look it says spam in the subject line oh and so even though it delivered to her it got flagged as possible spam weird so i don't know if that's related to it maybe maybe not i know from my perspective uh in it um immediately monday morning i started having users of our email service saying people tried to email me on the weekend and it bounced back and i said well could you send me the the damon message so i got that and i looked it over and i investigated and sure enough i saw a spam cop so i replied well looks like maybe the sender was on the spam cop list and i ran a test on their ip address and it was showing that it was clean so no it looks like they they maybe were were flagged but they didn't uh you know they they got off the list right because it's fine now then two days later the news breaks that's right that oh actually the spam cop domain name that's administered by cisco expired how is that like that's an oversight yeah a huge one a little bit i've mentioned it before like come on get an m server to tell you oh by the way i mean maybe maybe i'm being a little bit you know maybe i should back up because that's that's a little rude this is a weird time and i have to be real okay how could this possibly happen to cisco and i think that's what immediately goes through our heads right well what was what the heck was the admin doing why were they ignoring the emails and then i'm starting to think here jeff like we're in the middle of a pretty serious pandemic we are is this a case where an administrator who is supposed to conduct that renewal is perhaps working from home and and or maybe they're there for load or maybe the the person who receives those emails is not available because of this that could be and so it's interesting because for myself you know we talked about it a little bit ago in the news like i have my own domains yeah and one of the things i have done is when i uh sign up for particular services i.e like registering your domain or something i create a specific email for my dom for the domains okay where all my registrations go to that email and then i have it set up as forwarders so that if for whatever reason the email that it would go to i no longer have access to right i can change the forwarder okay or something like that yeah so it makes me wonder if this is one of those cases where somebody had registered under whatever email address maybe they're no longer with the company yeah they weren't available and so they weren't getting the alerts that you know even though they're coming in like hey it's going to expire it's going to expire because they're going to expire and they need to see it it's possible i take a different approach and what i do is i set up automatic renewal and so that way as a domain comes due my registrar automatically builds my credit card and it gets renewed so could this be a case of maybe i mean a company like cisco why would they not pre-register domain for 10 years is it possible that maybe it was coming come and do and the credit card that they had on file and the contact that they had on file might have been somebody that's not with the company now oh that could be it could be another there's so many you know possibilities as to what could have happened but i mean this is a big deal because it knocked out the infrastructure that is there for email service around the world so understanding that so many services depend on the reporting of services such as spam comp so if spam cop stops responding all of a sudden they just say oh well reject that email which is a you know that's maybe a little bit of a flaw in the infrastructure absolutely it's like a single point of failure right well and there should be redundancies in that case where if that doesn't work here's your secondary backup yeah you know but it all it still falls on cisco to have those backups in place that's right you know so so what do you do because as soon as you put a redundancy in that says if spam spam cop is not responding reroute it here now there's something that we can exploit right there's something that we can use to get around spam cop yeah which is you know concern and what would have happened if somebody was wise to the fact that oh this isn't working why isn't it working oh the demand's out i'm gonna buy the domain amp.net is now owned by jeff weston like yeah could you imagine the havoc that would reach because now it's a matter of i'm the legitimate domain owner you let it expire i bought it the whole thing goes down and what happens if you hold it's like also luckily luckily the registrant the whole mechanism behind uh how registration works is that there's a 30-day grace that's right so um after the 30 day grace period had they not realized not renewed then it goes to auction yeah and auction allows people to buy it up at a cost and if it does not sell in auction then it goes up at regular price right and people can register it so never let your domains expire if they're important to you set something up that is going to automatically renew it and make sure that you keep in touch with your registrar in such a way that you've always got an up-to-date email address on there if you change your email make sure you update your registrar because otherwise someone's going to say oh well that email doesn't exist anymore i'm going to register it i'm going to take over that domain yep yeah but this is a weird one i mean these things happen i guess but so if you had some bounced emails over the weekend just know that was what the problem might have been and so just resend that email and it will get through at this point becca on category 5's episode 30 of season 12 we talked about how elon musk's neurolink startup was close to interfacing the brain to computers well now it sounds like he's had some success in a recent clubhouse app chat room the tesla and spacex ceo revealed that neurolink has implanted a wireless chip in a monkey's brain that enables the monkey to control a video game using only its mind oh chimpanzee this isn't the first time san francisco-based neuralink has experimented on animals with brain implants as was showcased last year when neural signals from a wired up pig named gertrude were displayed before a live audience neuralink has now expanded their testing to simeons musk explained that the startup's eventual intention is um sorry eventual intention is to create a wireless implantable chip to be used for human beings with quadriplegia or paraplegia the implant will make it possible for them to use a smartphone computer mouse or any handheld device using mind control musk even has the lofty goal of eventually using such interfaces to keep step with advanced artificial intelligence the process of connecting such an implant to the human brain will be a short non-invasive one hour operation the device is coin sized and once the electrodes are installed beneath the scalp only a small scar will be left behind musk says there are primitive versions of this device with wires sticking out of your head but it's like a fitbit in your skull with tiny wires that go into your brain regarding the simeon experiment he said you can't see where the implant is and he's a happy monkey we have the nicest monkey facilities in the world we want them to play mind pong with each other videos of these simeon experiments will be made available soon possibly within the next month what are your thoughts on putting computer chips into human brains to help those with disabilities do you envision a future where human brains have been altered to compete with ai robots how do you feel about musk experimenting on animals let us know what your thoughts are in the comments below planet of the apes with microchips in their brains that's right but yeah this is an interesting story because it's not a new concept uh you know the idea of neural pathways within the brain being linked up to computers i mean we've heard about it all the time and the idea of using it for quadriplegia or paraplegia you know i think is an amazing thing sure is it's totally within the realm of you know acceptable use of technology to have that link to be able to give people a better sense of quality of life which i absolutely love and i think it's so amazing you know monkey's playing pong or i guess it was the pig playing pong but you know whatever game the monkey was playing every monkey yeah you have to you know test it somewhere but this is this is an interesting story because if it does work in the way that they hope to advance it's going to change people's lives for sure it is yeah if it's used for the good now it could also power mechs sure well and i mean that's going to be you know one of the byproducts of it it's like we can do this for good but oh you know how somebody be able to use this negatively i mean like i was reading an article the other day that uh drones are now getting faster than uh you know we our uh defense mechanisms can actually address sure so it's like well absolutely so now you know and we're talking like neural links so neuralink is to augment the human brain because the human brain is the fastest computer on the planet that's right and possibly in the entire universe so if we can now augment that and make it so that it can communicate in real time with computers now ai and humans can interact at the same speed yeah fear like hey i'm simplifying so then it it raises the concerns well what if ai wants to do some some damage right because that's that's you know the sci-fi future is of course dystopian ai has taken over and and humans are now under their control so there's all these kinds of crazy concerns so there have to be things put into place to protect absolutely the user but from a perspective of medical uh so cool absolutely fantastic and i mean i'm thinking even um you know you've got people who you know have you know degenerative brain um you know like uh alzheimer's and difficulty lose the ability to talk i mean you think of als how you know obviously you know als you you lose that ability but your mind is still active how amazing would it be to be able to have that neural link to be able to it's like hey i can't talk to you personally but here it is through a computer you know i'll just think it and it comes through and you know like all these things i think it's awesome it could be i think i mean coma sure someone who's in a coma comes to mind he's like can that really be possible to be able to like it's just unbelievable technology like we're living in a sci-fi era oh absolutely and we're going to see this just growing by leaps and bounds i mean if it's if it's working in a monkey right now you know you know what's next well for sure but it does i mean becca brought up a good question how do you feel about testing on animals yeah you know and i have to i truthfully i struggle this one i i think i do too i mean i understand that we have to be able to do things safely yes and so to you know you bridge that gap with some animals and it's not a new thing i mean animals are used for science all the time yeah and so i mean by no means am i condoning you know horrible treatment of animals please don't take it that way but i understand you have to have that balance um you know but i do struggle with this one going you know what this one doesn't seem that invasive here hearing about it like it's a little chip couple of neurons it's an hour surgery it's not a big deal and that's the point in this and what we're hearing and then the thing that comes to mind is well what about the the first 10 that we tried it on well yeah which we don't hear about and i don't want to go there i don't want to put a negative spin on a really powerful awesome technology and a story that is very possibly going to change lives for the better for sure but that is a concern for sure i mean hey what do you think i mean becca said comment below post your comments it doesn't have to be about the treatment of animals and things like that but the technology is just unbelievable like i just feel like the the whole the past like five six years we're seeing this sci-fi vision of writers from 25 30 years ago coming to fruition in a way that it's like this is this is reality this is our reality yeah i even saw a working hovering skateboard so i mean it's it's here like marty mcfly back to the future i'll post the link to the video that's the description below don't miss the other stories we're following this week first oneplus co-founder carl pay has revealed next to nothing about his new company but we'll tell you all about it plus the official.com domain for the pearl programming language was hijacked last subscribe to our youtube channel to make sure you catch the full stories from the category 5 tv newsroom i'm becca ferguson thanks for watching do so