it's 2020 and the cyber threat landscape is changing so who better to talk to than a rep from ESET head office in Toronto Canada I went there on Monday and had a chance to sit down stick around we're gonna have the interview in just a couple of moments I live recordings are trusted only to solid-state drives by Kingston technology revive your computer with improved performance and reliability over traditional hard drives with Kingston SSDs category 5 TV streams live with Telestream wire cats and nimble streamer tune in every week on roku cody and other HLS video players for local show times visit category 5 TV well welcome to the show everybody nice to have you here it's episode number 640 and been quite a week my fitness tracker is working like crazy excellent yeah how's yours going oh I was going yeah everybody's kind of keeping track I got 42 hundred steps today I've got a 78 beats per minute heart beat right now this thing is telling me my my blood pressure as well which is kind of cool that's a bonus for me because I do lean toward a little bit of a higher blood pressure right so knowing when I need to see that yeah how does yours do blood pressure well it actually uses a an optical sensor it's it shines a green light into the veins on my wrist right and then there's a optical sensor that reads that and is somehow able to determine yeah it's very very so I'm 127 over 81 right now okay at 80 beats per minute so does that does that sound pretty close to good 89 beats per minute I'm just learning how like all these things kind of equate and I've got the scale that's helping me to to get healthy so you know off the top of the show just kind of getting into it because we're we're following up with our kind of health tracking that for 20/20 because we're using technology like our fitness track in order to be able to get healthier for 2020 I've got the scale I'm using it twice a day oh and people are telling me you know what just use it in the morning and I'm like yes I would like to use it in the morning because usually I'm lower weight in the morning so I feel really really good about that right but occasionally after a good day of self-discipline I'm actually lower in the evening and so you know I'm like that's encouraging so I'm taking averages and I'm sticking to that my low-carb and alternative this week because I'm trying for low carbs so that I can burn fat is I replaced taco shells with romaine lettuce oh that's actually I had tacos in romaine lettuce and at first you know when I'm making it I'm like this is a dietary thing to try to reduce the carbs as I'm eating it I'm like this is freaking delicious well also it doesn't break in the middle and everything fall I was so good it was really really good because I like to have shredded lettuce on my tacos but it's always like yeah yeah so you just skip that and just roll it up in a piece of romaine lettuce if you lose outside as if the meat is really hot yeah that heat transfers through the lettuce Miller this is hot so sometimes I've had to use a couple layers of well lettuce but there you go and in fact I've seen that that's funny because I actually went out to and W with my son okay and A&W we talked about they have the vegetarian burgers and he's a vegetarian so so he got that and I had a regular burger but they have they're a tmw so this is a fast-food restaurant yeah what they call lettuce wrap so I guess you know that maybe inspired the idea but so they actually replace the pun with lettuce yes it was messy as heck it really was it was delicious well sure it was really really good the easiest way to do it those you take an iceberg lettuce yeah yeah and chop the slice off no yeah yeah they slice the sides off so that way it has that bun shape and yeah put in the middle see that makes sense see they wrapped it and let us so it was like lettuce leaves wrapped yeah and it was really delicious like it really has a nice taste and I find I'm actually I'm kind of realizing I don't really like the button like the button is like filler yeah and takes away from the taste but as soon as you wrap it in lettuce it's like you get the full flavor explosion right and so I really did like it so that's funny that you mentioned that maybe that birthday the idea yeah by the way I'll take it I'm using the tech yes like this and the digital scale to be to be able to monitor my progress so that and I'm using that text so that I can try to achieve the goals that I've never achieved before for New Year's right like my New Year's resolutions like this is the idea yeah so we do have incidentally we have a new chat channel on our discord service with a social category 5 TV server yeah it's called Biggest Loser and I've never I've never really realized but I really want to be the Biggest Loser in school I was the Biggest Loser this is completely different from like the last episode when we were talking about it and also from the the actual discord chat so I have taken it up as have you now yes but I'll tell you my my your motivations are different than video games video games yeah you just want to play more video games so you're like I'm gonna so this is my diet video games well you all know that I have a VR yeah you're showing off now so instead of just sitting on the couch and watching TV like I do all the time physical fitness I've been playing a game called the knockout League which if you do have a VR headset please don't I want tell me how to annihilate Crimson Fang but my whole body hurts like it's obviously doing something cuz okay because I'm you know squatting to dodge and the opponents are right in your face right and they're throwing punches and the accelerometers in the actual sensors can tell how hard you're punching which for me is not that hard so I never win it sounds so cool like I'm sore because I went to I took my youngest son to a trampoline place yesterday that's and so I was bouncing on the trampolines for about 45 minutes and I'm the guy that I'm not doing flips and stuff I'm just bouncing bouncing bouncing bouncing and then 45 minutes in you're like oh my goodness everything my ankles really hurt this is a painful thing but it was worth it right yes yeah yeah I I just have been fighting here I've been playing video games that's really neat like way way to take the whole like technology for physical fitness and physical health to the next level and thinking VR could be used yeah I've seen VR games that are really really physically intensive and taking you know looking at the Wii Fit for example way back in the day and thinking okay this is the next evolution of that where you're actually like beat saver looks amazing to me yes I can't wait to try it I play a game called audio shield which is very similar to beat saver yeah and so I'm holding shields and these orbs are coming at my face and I have to punch them out of the air but every once in a while depending on the beat of the music I also have to duck under the bar like oh nice yeah okay so you're physically like get man 2 yeah yeah that's what I'm saying is to help you in 2020 yeah yeah together Sacha did I mention two shows ago that my budget was a hundred bucks total if everybody buys the scale that I demonstrated how does that sound then we'll get into some VR and we'll see how that looks I think that that would be a little really really fun way to get physically like just into the game for sure even looking at like the Orville interactive fan experience like I would love in VR to be able to walk through the Orville ship yes that would be so cool you know what I'll do is I'll have Dave record on my phone yeah a video of me trying to beat Crimson Fang which I will not because I I cannot but this is a video of legacy moving up to the screen or is he are you gonna do this you'll be able to see the fight on the video like on the TV so just be sash of being like be amazing so I mean I've just been using the tech that I have and it's really really rudimentary compared to the kind of cool stuff that you have but you know it's a it's a start anyway so I'm going for the low-carb to try to burn fat that's the idea like have you increased your like veggie intake and incidentally because you gotta eat right and it's like okay well if I'm not eating buns and bread and pasta I'm gonna get what am i doing instead of pasta I'm doing spiralized zucchini yeah which looks and tape and has the texture kind of of like a like a linguini yes if you will so but but tastes fantastic so yeah I'm getting more vegetables today's lunch was like cucumber and carrots and cottage cheese and some peanuts right you know as something to get through the day you guys are just having this conversation what's going through my head is a lesson I learnt back when I used to watch Sesame Street one of these things just doesn't belong here yeah because I had a sub and pulled pork for supper and my watch congratulated me for getting up to go to the bathroom oh this you're still able to stand congratulations we are polar opposites right about now I don't know that that's true because my motivation is not like I'm not like okay I need to lose a hundred pounds I'm not we're looking to educate yourself I'm looking to educate myself so that I can be more healthy for the future because I want to live a long healthy life I want to be here for my kids I want to be as physically fit as I can be without like I understand my limitations as a tech nerd I know that I'm not going to be the guy that's working out every day it's just not me it's not gonna happen and even if I set that as a goal which some of us tend to do as a goal I'm not going to achieve that it's impossible for me so my goal instead is just to educate myself and try to eat a hell your diet based on the information that these digital apparatuses give me and and it's really making a difference so I'm down about three pounds which is you know it's a it's little but it's something and and its direction always happen at the beginning so ya lost one year off of my metabolic age you'll also find that as you start losing weight you start to pick up losing weight it's kind of like a trade yeah takes a while to go once my body gets used at the low carb it's gonna start burning the fat that's that's right by the by like Episode seven hundred we won't see you because you're gonna be so ephant oh it's gonna be amazing like guys I'm so weak no bye then no it's just like a two-month experiment let's see what we do yeah I will make both of you feel it's working yeah if it doesn't work you'll buy a VR headset that's the next step alright if my wife is watching that's what we're putting my Christmas bonus to her see how I pulled that off thanks Sasha yeah that's for wonderful hey before we jump into the actual content of the show today I want to remind you to make sure you subscribe to us on YouTube and click that bell that's gonna make sure that you are gonna receive notifications anytime we are live any time that we are posting new and superb videos here at category-five TV I want to say hey to everybody who's new here if you're watching the show for the first time it's great having you here we've seen an increase in our viewership and our subscribership on YouTube that's good and it's nice to have you here so thank you for be a count's that I created are helpful it really does make a difference just so yeah it was a lot of clicking of the belt let me tell you thanks dude I was like why is he like I'm subscribing and re subscribing and unsubscribing who is this oh good times so this week I spent some time in Toronto yeah this is like second nature to you you're there all the time but this week I was Toronto to Kingston to Hamilton place yeah so I I headed down to Toronto because I wanted to spend some time with the folks at ESET we wanted to talk about yeah the cybersecurity landscape for 2020 and when we come back we've got an interview that I held with with Rafa var he's one of the lead sales engineers they call them but basically he's the tech guru at at the head office at he said we're gonna be talking a little bit about some of the the evolution of cyber threats what ESET themselves are seeing how you can protect yourselves in business and kind of what they expect to see over the next 12 months so stick around for that interview it's coming up right after this [Music] I had the pleasure this past Monday to head down to Toronto I jumped on the train about 6 o'clock in the morning and then when I got off the train at Union Station in Toronto I was met by some of the the head folks from ESET Canada and got to spend the day speaking with ESET Canada about some of the the evolution of cyber threats what can customers and viewers and individuals in Canada and the u.s. expect to come across this year here we are in 2020 what should we expect in the cyber threat landscape and so it was a great opportunity for me to express kind of my own concerns and opinions and and and it was really nice to have been well received by ESET Canada and indeed even following up on that ESET North America also following up and and you know thanking me for the time to to be there and and sharing with with the ESET staff the direction that I feel that things should go and and it was a great opportunity for me to learn more about how threats are evolving and and I always try to keep on top of the latest technology trends and threats are a really big part of tech because I need to protect myself I need to protect my customers and I need to be responsible to you my viewers and and help you to be ready and prepared for the threats that are coming over the horizon here as you know here the first month of January starts to wrap up the first month of 2020 I should say January being that my first month yes you're saying you knew what I meant January does feel very long though but we're really it does and when we're seeing an evolution in malware we're seeing things transition from viruses to malware to ransomware and now even file-this attacks we're seeing Hardware attacks and firmware infiltrations and things that we've never ever even encountered before but those are very real threats here as we enter 2020 so the opportunity arose and I spent some time there I want to jump into an interview with Raph bovar at ESET headquarters in Toronto Ontario hey sorry man thanks for being here thanks for was half done heavy well thanks can you tell the folks who are watching a little bit about what you do here at ESET headquarters so Robbie I am actually the sibling here I am the lead sales engineer for the for the attack team in Canada and I am mostly the tech guy that will support sales in general between the Canadian territory so a very technical mind very familiar with the inner workings of the products yep I am doing that has all the geeky talk with the other text and reflect customers yeah and the main driver for that is to be able to technically position the products and see if we can address all the customer requirements sure so part of that comes from educating end-users to understand what the cyber security threat landscape looks like absolutely yeah and we've really really seen that change over the past couple of years I think especially was it 2017 when wanna cry dropped yeah this is like the first ransomware that really made its way around the world and was really really huge how did that impact the direction of a kind of like you said we should not see any any numbers going down whenever it comes to the ransomware it's still the the really prevalent and and everybody in a way is kind of experiencing it we do have a pretty good protection against it so I I don't expect my existing customers that are running updated products and everything from being acted to those threats but it's something that's already very very live very very present in our day-to-day operations something else that right that I usually highlight on the on the threat landscape that we have recently is the upcoming releases of the file as malware's so if you have for example an endpoint security product that's running on your computer either an AV anti-malware or whichever name you prefer to call it yeah I still have the need to scan files so however the idea of a file is malware is there's no files ok so how do you scan something if it's it's not available in your computer so those those malware's are in general being running by script on draw webpages malicious web pages right and the most common one today is probably the quaint miners so it's a script that we run on a given computer and that computer will start mining bitcoins for the for the malware so you call these file lists malware so does that mean that it just loads right into RAM from a website yes it will actually be it it will be a script that will be running in memory whenever you go to those websites and if your existing endpoint security product cannot scan or cannot protect your memory in real time you will be subset susceptible to that kind of threat in general so sounds to me like another like wanna cry as the first kind of example of ransomware another threat where basic like antivirus and you use the absolutely virus because your anti-malware is a term that we in the industry use these days because really it's not just viruses that we're dealing with us threats anymore so so is antivirus is it sufficient anymore I don't believe in C virus has been sufficient for a long time so not only we have the viruses out there we have those files as malware's we have the crypto actors in general the ransom layers we have Trojans we have back doors we have exploits so in general is antivirus enough you know is it better than not having anything yes but if you have the option and yes you do have the options sometimes we are talking about one more expensive or something like that you can go to a full suite of an endpoint security product which will provide you a much better protection overall protection on your computer okay so I don't want to I don't want to give the impression that this is a sales pitch that we're trying to say you know choose ESET endpoint protection advanced because it's a sales pitch I want to instead kind of what what features of a product like endpoint protection advanced isn't it that are taking protection to the next level for those users so file this attacks yep ransomware attacks like these are threats that can take businesses and put them out of this gifts yep then and bankrupt their owners yeah absolutely that's the reason saying yeah so what what features so are those more advanced why do I need to pay Morris and yeah absolutely specifically reset the modules that we add those more advanced features is called hips which stands for host intrusion prevention system and that's where we have the advanced memory scanner which is basically protecting your memory in real time the final and that mostly associated to the file as malware we have the exploit blocker so let's say whenever a new company releases a publicly available exploit for a vulnerability let's say this week we actually had a pretty severe vulnerability with Microsoft and they actually release the patch the next day or something like that we will prevent that vulnerability from being exploited we this is exactly what he said accomplished with wanna cry absolutely yes it was eternal it was yeah it was the summer vulnerability and yes we were able to actually prevent that vulnerability from being exploited in the first place so even though one cry had never been discovered before ESET was already proactively protected absolutely and we were actually providing that kind of fix two weeks before when a crime actually existed fantastic we had that kind of preventive maintenance let's say you're not pro and you want an anti-malware product that is going to be proactive instead of reactive absolutely yes because in the case of something like ransomware you can lose everything yep and so there is no reactive response to that then I hope your backups are good yes actually going back to that initial question about the current threat landscape you are seeing the still you're seeing a really prevalent presence of the wrestler however now the the crypto actors in just in this general they are not only encrypting your data and holding you for ransom but if you're not paying they are actually releasing the data and selling that data so it shouldn't be left yes well that can be even worse yeah so Wow yeah that's scary stuff so what else does does your product so again to just look at why I get the question all the time RAF yep why should I buy the greater product when the antivirus has been working so well for me for so long so as you said it might be a couple bucks more dollars so more per seat which can be a lot if you've got 10,000 computers but in a in a small medium business it's not that much why would I pay more the additional features that we have in the full endpoint security solution from a technical perspective and again I'm talking about 150 dollars more is well worth it the value is actually there so I'm thinking of not only adding additional layers of protection to your computer either at home or at your business but I'm also getting additional visibility on what's happening on your environment as well so let's say one of the features on that new on that bigger product let's say the endpoint security is a personal firewall which will potentially hit place your Windows Firewall in my computer and not only it will allow you to actually have visibility on the network layer so instead of only looking for viruses or Trojans or brain somewhere I'm also looking for duplicate IP address and looking for DNS poisoning that's interesting yeah so now possibly network traffic problems or even social yes which are not necessarily security incidents but it can be a natural threat so for example one of the detection that is a port scanning so maybe your users is a given actor inside your network is scanning your servers for whatever reason where's they're not supposed to be doing that so yeah it gives you that visibility so you can actually go to the user and have a conversation to see what's what's going on yeah I've never really thought about that as a threat yeah because like a duplicate IP address you just think oh well I accidentally assigned that same IP to a printer or something but what if it's a threat actor exactly yeah maybe someone is ruining their IP address yeah mm-hmm interesting and you mentioned about the firewall how and I don't want to put you too much on the spot but absolutely I mean Microsoft Windows 10 comes with a firewall yep so do I really need to supplement my anti-malware with a firewall for Mesa we do see a two main approaches for that replacement let's say so the first one is ease of use so we do provide a management console that will allow you to have much more user-friendly configuration and deployment of that that's specific and we're talking centralized manner not certainly okay so all 10,000 of my computer's yeah all five of my computers just create the policies and push it out to your computers yes again it's fully automated so it's pretty convenient to use and the second reason is the visibility so you do have access to a lot of reporting that's actually coming from the main the natural fire road component let's say you can get a list of all the users on your network that's had a port scanner on your environment on a given time frame so that's the kind of awareness the kind of visibility that some other vendors will not allow you to have great so looking at now here we are it's 2020 yep q1 2020 being that we're here at ease at headquarters what kind of threats are we preparing for in this new year is is there an evolution like in 2017 we really saw an evolution from viruses ransomware and things are continuing to progress yep mention file list attacks what else our thank you for actually touching based on that one and I will actually look at the camera say everybody we have the depth demand wares or the the the actual evil players in the industry every single day they are going better and better and better so it's not only important to hit new your license it's imperative that you guys actually keep your ESET product or any other product that you might have today as updated as possible so you have the evolution of the rest where you have the evolution of the file as a malware if you are running your antivirus or your anti-malware products from three years ago you might be losing some advant advantage in there so you might be actually lagging behind and sometimes they will eventually win over your computer and you might experience some some laws or some incidents in general so it's really important as a vendor to be as updated as possible whenever release a new a new feature a new feature a new version of the product it's important that you actually try to be as updated as possible work with your vendor work with your partner work if your IT departments so so you you are well protected we are seeing coming back to a question we are seeing a lot of the the movements in general whenever we are looking at the data so we are seeing a lot of the new threats coming from two main avenues let's say so the first one is hardware so whenever thinking of FEMA for example you have a BIOS update you have a new chipset on your computer yes it's actually possible to in fact or true to - in fact that that given a component on your computer another point that we have and we actually have a lot of research going on on that specific one is the user behavior so let's say that usually when you think user behavior probably the biggest example is credit card company so you have your credit card in Canada that credit card has been used in somewhere in Asia and Hey even though online shopping is available everywhere it might create a trigger hey it's something that card is not supposed to be used in Asia for example in Europe or anywhere else and we are started to see some some some efforts from different vendors actually to try to correlate all the incidents or all the the the incidents in general the security stance that we flag we also try to map that to the actual user behavior so hey that user has just had his email access in Canada being accessed in Europe nape that's a user that's always traveling so yeah it's kind of expected maybe not that user is an internal user he has no reason to have that kind of exposure in there so we can actually create a ticket and we can flag that as a potential incident so your admins can can take a look at it interesting and we can do that so this is not as a third-party service but as an internal absolutely powerful yeah in mastering and again the amount of data that's coming out of those surfaces is so big that automation is critical for that and so we do have a lot of automation capabilities in our products yeah and again it's everything to make your life easier and I've never really thought of it outside the context of the credit card like a perfect example if I view it and you see it sometimes where is it's an inconvenience but if your credit card ever was stolen and used maliciously then you want to know about it and here's a service that you're offering and evolving in 2020 that is in-house so absolutely I have control over that so you're thinking of your credit card what if it's your email access or maybe your scene number public data basically it's private it should be private and we are trying to make it remain private so is that the evolution of malware do you think is targeting data yeah I would say so I don't see specific data to confirm that that application but I do believe that's that's something that is going to happen we are having we are we as as citizens we are actually producing more data every single day the amount of data that we have associated to our profiles is massive either from financial data health care data social networking data work data basically so we should see more custom attacks targeting specific users or specifically organizations interesting so well RAF it's been a pleasure having you here we've learned excellent I don't want to overwhelm the viewers grand scheme of things I mean 2020 is going to be an interesting year I think from the cybersecurity land absolutely are we still seeing attacks in the ransomware end of things are we still you know ease that customers are generally protected against them yes there is - a lot of ransomware going on I don't see that going down not not not not in the near future at least it's still evolving and the actual organizations that are actually organization the backend that are running with those rare some layers they are still making a profit that's the same yeah so yeah the question for years when it was just viruses on the landscape the question was always what's the motivation of a hacker yep to do this yeah and you say all money yep because makes money ransomware is a perfect example or it's like will there bring in a ton of money in order to create malware yep which you know if that's a scary thing so thank you for working to combat that Thanks now of course you can find out more about the particular protections that we were discussing there by visiting the website endpoint security dot CA and incidentally we've got some more video help and and some great educational content there that is really geared toward businesses so that information is there as a resource for you to be able to to just watch videos that help you to understand the threat landscape and and with that at endpoint security dot CA you're able to arm yourself with more information and as I kind of mentioned it and alluded to in the interview it's not a sales pitch for a particular product or and but it is an educational piece that helps you to understand what you need to know because things are really evolving ESET has proven themselves to be as we talked about with wanna cry very very proactive being able to block a threat before it was even ring yeah it wasn't even a thing they actually blocked the exploit that allowed the thing to exist right so that meant the thing existed the exploit was already blocked by ESET so so that proactive nature of the protection to me is like that's where it's at that's what I want um they do have Linux services available as well incidentally they're centralized management console that we discussed is based on a Linux environment so the one that they provide is sent OS I have a github repository that allows you to install it on Debian buster that is slash cat 5 TV slash ESET you'll see the installers there if you're interested so there's a whole lot of support there and endpoint security dot CA is a great place that it all comes together with blogs videos podcasts of course the products themselves recommendations for what would work in your environment so if you're in business that's where you want to go endpoint security dot CA yep big thanks to Raph for being a part of the show this week and everyone else for hosting me at ESET Canada in in Toronto that was cool it was a great day for today we've got a head over the newsroom so Sasha if you're ready for us here's what's coming up in the category 5 TV newsroom hey Windows users are you still using Internet Explorer stop it there's yet another zero day exploit that will give hackers the ability to remotely take over your computer Pyne 64 is $200 pro grade Linux laptop is now available with a u.s. keyboard and customers who pre-ordered theirs are receiving the first shipment now secure a security shocker out of Microsoft as it has been revealed that 250 million customer records have the exposed online and not to create false hope but this is too huge not to mention scientists at Cardiff University have discovered a part of our immune system that can kill prostate breast lung and other cancers in lab in lab tests stick around the full details are coming up later in the show this is the category 5 dot TV newsroom covering the week stop texting with a slight linux bias saturated joined this week by Jeff Weston and Robbie Ferguson all right some quick honorable mentions this week or at least one hey you ready for this Patrick Stewart appeared on the view this week personally invited host Whoopi Goldberg to appear in the second season of Star Trek Picard I think it's so yes sir while promoting the premiere of the Picard series Stewart surprise Goldberg sang quote I'm here with a formal now I'm here with a formal invitation it's for you will be for me Alex Kurtzman who is the senior executive producer of Star Trek 2 and all of his colleagues of which I am one want to invite you into the second season Stewart's invitation was met with a big smile from Whoopi who played the beloved and timeless Guinan character in Star Trek The Next Generation since the well as soon as the applause from the studio audience subsided and following a warm hug between the two actors what be responded enthusiastically saying yes good season two of Star Trek Picard was already confirmed a month before the first season even began airing Wow other confirmed TNG alumni are Jonathan Frakes as William Riker Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi brent Spiner as data aka be for and I must say Brent we love you and Jonathan del arco as Hugh of Borg also along for the show is Star Trek voyagers Jeri Ryan as seven of nine Star Trek Picard is available as of January 23rd in Canada and the US and the very next day worldwide nice let's get into the top stories we're following this week Microsoft set sent out an advisory on Friday detailing and under it an under attack zero day vulnerability for Internet Explorer the scripting engine flaw can be exploited to gain remote code execution of a vulnerable machine by way of pacifically crafted a specifically crafted webpage well this particular flaw can be mitigated by restricting access to the JavaScript component jscript dot d ll there is no patch available to actually fix the vulnerability even if Microsoft is Swift to create a patch they plan to release it on an upcoming patch Tuesday since we know that's the second Tuesday of each month they're leaving this take over exploit active in the wild for a good four weeks or so at least these kinds of horrendous security practices are another reminder of why we shouldn't be trusting Microsoft to provide our antivirus to there is no practical reason to be running Internet Explorer these days if you must use Microsoft Windows download Chrome Firefox or better yet get the brave private what excuse me private browser from cat5 TV slash brave to automatically block ads while you surf the web it's brutal yeah yeah Microsoft has been continually letting us down Windows 10 has been a nightmare as Microsoft to ever not let us down I mean maybe back like Windows 93 95 we can say that but I mean I know it did feel like they were giving it an effort but at one point and they had the better team they had the the testing team before patches went out and but stuff like this and having to wait for weeks for it's actively exploited yes yes that is a takeover bug like this is something that could completely compromise an entire network of machines and so if somebody a miscreant knows of the vulnerability within let's say a business network and actively exploits it because it is like understand folks this is an exploit that is currently being used by hackers to infiltrate networks it is currently being used so if that's the case wouldn't it be prudent for a company like Microsoft to say we need to fix this and we need to fix this now yes instead they're waiting a month at least at least four weeks I mean we're talking the the second Tuesday of February why four weeks though like why that's that's arbitrary it's just the second Tuesday of every month is when they issue their patches well I get that but yeah why not push through an update because they don't because it's the rollout happens on on that schedule they this is the thing they've said it they've set themselves up for this type of failure see I their infrastructure is set up for this type of failure now but I don't know why they couldn't even just post it to their website and say update manually like nobody's gonna do it but if you unless you know but even if you know that that patch exists imagine if you had a hundred computers and you had to manually go like the whole Windows infrastructure right now is a brutal nightmare that's true it's just ridiculous and it's really causing companies I especially companies that are currently stuck on window like that have Windows 7 machines intermixed in their network yeah a lot of government agencies and we're looking at okay well what do we do next do we buy all new systems so we can install Windows 10 because that's usually necessary unless you can maybe put more RAM in them because you're gonna need at least like twice as much RAM you're gonna need an SSD to you know make it right yeah like you're gonna need to upgrade you're not gonna be using a five year old computer for Windows 10 that's for sure though at least not without a couple of little upgrades so you know we look at that and then we say okay well what other options are there and these are things that we're gonna be talking about here on the show but it really just makes you go wow hold on let's back up a second and say what's really you know what's what's happening here mm-hmm maybe it's a wake-up call to to say maybe Microsoft has got way too much control over our corporation didn't say that for a lot of people have and I don't and I'm not even saying that out of my Linux bias that we call it here I'm saying that out of the reality of this is actually happening right now there is this active threat that is being exploited and Microsoft is not doing a darn thing about it until the next Patch Tuesday yeah that's ridiculous it is Microsoft not vying for like some special government contract for something cloud related right now you're talking like you know something but you're not actually saying something why I feel like we're hearing about like there's the the US government's looking to go cloud or something and I like Amazon's like Amazon was in on and there's a bunch of different companies I thought Microsoft was in on as well well there's only in the three big ones well yeah but I mean I'm thinking about stuff like this it's like if you do any push every four weeks if I'm vying for a government contract to create something new you think you'd want to have a better business model well like yeah I'm not even touching on that like the business end of things I'm talking like the impacts this impacts all should it should make the government's grow like wise up and say maybe there are more secure options out there yep maybe there are better options out there and that that my dear friends is where my Linux bias comes in that's right and speaking of Linux are you ready for this there we go Pyne 64 is $200 pro grade Linux laptop is now available with a u.s. keyboard and customers who pre-ordered theirs are receiving the first shipment now nice the pine book pro ships with a customized version of Debian pre-installed that's right this is a true Linux laptop it also has a few other tricks up its sleeve like a bootable micro SD card slot so that you can easily run another operating system off a cheap memory card whenever you feel like it just about all laptop all laptop computers use Intel processors these days only a very small percentage of Windows laptops have started using Qualcomm ARM processors the PI Book Pro actually uses a 64-bit ARM processor called the rockchip rk3288 60 mp4 GPU which is made by the same company that makes the Pine Book Pro Pine Microsystems Inc Pine also makes other computing hardware such as compute modules and single board computers that you can build into other projects and as Robbie mentioned last week there even they even bring a cheap privacy focused smartphone to market that runs Linux natively the Pinebrook pro includes 4 gigabytes of RAM which is the maximum supported by the rockchip so it's not upgradable by default it also includes a 64 gigabyte at emmc storage module which you can upgrade if you want but as Westerners the biggest problem we had with the original pine book and even the first run of Pine Book Pro was the keyboard there's just no way to get reviewers or in end-users in Canada or the u.s. to truly love an ISO keyboard which is a layout more familiar to users in the UK but now as of last week users who pre-ordered are receiving their antsy keyboard pine book pros ANSI is more commonly called the u.s. keyboard layout so for $200 Linux fans can get a solid professional and super sleek laptop that has keys where they expect them so how can i Pine 64 sell such a find piece of kit for only $200 because they love you that's why actually that's not even sarcasm the pine Book Pro is being sold at as a gift to the open source loving community so it's not technically meant for regular users if you believe in freedom and like to tinker and learn about technology the pine Book Pro is meant for you this is awesome I said it last week with no words but pine sixty-four yeah this is so good I like it now when people first purchased the original pine books and the pine book prose did they know it was coming with the alternate keyboard or were they expecting the pine Book Pro yes the pine book never did the brain book came with the ISO keyboard that's what it came with and when we reviewed it here on the show you remember like it was like I can't get my head around this thing and for those of you who live in the UK and places where the ISO keyboard is you're like this is great this is fantastic but no when you're used to an American layout it's completely different and it seems completely whacked I mean I've seen reviews online and and I'm part of that where it's like I just can't get my head around the ISO keyboard layout my keyboard is a French layout and Robbie doesn't goodness yeah I mean we're here in Canada up here in Studio T and government I don't know if his legislation or what says that things have to be French and English combined so if you walk into a Super Center and buy a laptop it's a French English keyboard and keys are all over the place yeah and so even when I was setting it up with with cloud-ready it was like I was pushing the wrong Keys yeah I just never notice the difference in keyboard to be honest maybe you've just never had to experience that oh great well I guess connoisseur is a fine keyboard every keyboard I use like I recognize that they're all gonna be different so I just roll with it but I suppose what happens is that they don't all have to be different and that's the do touch type like do you type 180 words a minute like Robbie like if it's a cyborg it bits out of the if it's out of place I am going to push the wrong keys because the keys are meant to be where my fingers are trained to know that they are commenting before the show is like magic before the show I was doing this on your you're like yeah he's like what's your password because he needed it to get into my and it's like all this like suggest a strong password it's like this long symbols that I didn't even know the name of which on a French keyboard incidentally is in the wrong woman place so I showed Robbie my phone and he was just like yes type in for a minute that's how it works right on a French keyboard too so I added a slash at the end there because that's where the Enter key is supposed to be so yeah knowing that now a Nancy keyboard is available which is the u.s. layout I'm very excited I really appreciate to that they're selling it it cost me it feels like a big hug like it's a it's just a sure thing to know that a company cares that much and Pyne 64 I've always felt cares about respects and is even a part of that open-source community and there's a mindset there's like a spirit about the open-source community the true open-source community not the there there's kind of two facets of it there's the the angry like if you use windows you are the devil side of open-source and there's the side that just really loves freedom and really loves community support and of giving help to people and becoming part of communities and becoming part of online forums and helping other people like there's that aspect and that's the aspect that I really feel Pyne 64 really falls into mm-hm and so to offer yeah something like the pine Book Pro which is a beautiful notebook computer in two different models now for ISO and ANSI so they heard the call of the reviewers here in Canada in the US yes and they're offering it at cost for two hundred bucks what so for the cost of a premium Chromebook you're getting computer that you can just slap Linux on it comes with Linux yeah it's got more power it's got a lot of oomph mm-hm and I'm really really keen and excited about the Pine Book Pro so well done pine sixty-four and to the community at Pine sixty-four I mean we love you here at category five yes we do and certainly appreciate the entire team so thank you for all that you do we've got to take a quick break more of our this week's top tech news stories are coming up don't go anywhere it has been revealed at 250 million customer records have been exposed online this is a facepalm we really don't intend for the news to be all about Microsoft but this week has been a doozy there's the Internet Explorer zero day vulnerability that's being actively exploited yet Microsoft has hasn't issued a patch for that revelation came just days after the US government issued a critical alert to Windows users concerning the extraordinarily serious a curveball crypto vulnerability and now this 250 million Microsoft customer records spanning an incredible 14 years in all have been exposed online in a database with no password protection the data was accessible to anyone with a web browser who stumbled across the databases according to the report issued by the security researcher team at compare attack no authentication at all was required to access them the nature of the data appears to be that much that much of the personally identifiable information that was redacted however the researchers say that many contain plain text data including customer email addresses IP addresses and geographical locations descriptions of the customer service and support claims cases Microsoft support agent emails case numbers and resolutions and internal notes that had been marked as confidential hmm while this may seem like no big deal considering the number of breaches many of which affecting even more users the thing to consider here is that Microsoft support scams are already rampant and it doesn't take a genius to work out how valuable actual customer information could be to the fraudsters carrying out such attacks and it puts users at a severe disadvantage and risk of being exploited by someone pretending to be the very company they trust Microsoft Security Response Center posted a response dated January 22nd 2020 in that post they confirmed that the exposure of the database started on December 5th 2019 as a result of misconfigured security rules and was fixed on December 31st it's not known at this point if the databases were accessed but it seems very very likely since whitehat security researchers picked up on the issue and even replicated its data to their own servers it's very likely bad actors also got their hands on it based yet another yeah yeah just another what is going on at Microsoft well like what do you say it's like yeah it's that's a disheartening story so I guess what it comes down to is the the only thing we can say I mean sure you're face palming I'm disgusted you as as potential victims need to understand that you just need to be very very conscious that this has happened you have to be very conscious that phishing scams and now spear phishing scams exist so these are now they have your information you have a Microsoft account right you've contacted their support or activated software so now somebody can call you and say I'm calling from Microsoft and I've got your case number here and blah blah blah and I've got enough evidence on this piece of paper to be able to prove to you that I am who I say I am right just like the last time we spoke when we offered you this and this yes remember that yeah I remember the time that you call just a couple of weeks ago and we talked about this and that oh yeah yeah okay well we just found out that there's another exploit and so I need to remote into your computer to fix that for you exactly so all of a sudden there's this okay wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up so here's what you need to do hang up the phone yes okay Microsoft does not phone its users Microsoft will not offer you support that's not the industry that they are in that's right that's not how they work and so just understand that and maybe if you just at least at least make yourself critical enough to be able to say Microsoft does not offer this service if you can just say that to yourself then maybe that's enough to protect you so that when that call comes in or when that email comes in that you just don't click it last week we learned as well last week we learned that a new form of cookie attack is allowing hackers to compromise PayPal accounts just by you clicking on a link that takes you to a site that creates the session and then you can close that and come back to it two weeks later and login to the legitimate website and boom they've got your information so we know that if you just fall for it enough to click the link they could have put something on your computer that's enough to get you next time so even if you don't fall for it this time maybe you click the link and you don't give them your information but you clicked the link don't click the link right stop yourself at that point and realize Microsoft doesn't offer this service I am NOT gonna click a link in an email that says log into my Microsoft account or any Microsoft service so understand that's office 365 that's exchange that's that's your like your what is it Microsoft online even Xbox whatever Xbox 360 online or whatever all that stuff oh yeah all that stuff Microsoft online account for for your minecraft and like all these things you're compromised yeah so don't trust anything that comes in now yes and that's that's a blanket statement don't trust anything now you have to decide you have to go to your bank website and log in correctly you don't you ever don't ever click a link that takes you there and never don't Google it don't search it and Bing don't don't type it in the search don't type your bank's name in the search and click the first link on the results no you type in your people do that yeah and those same people get compromised not to create false hope but this is too huge not to mention other cancers in lab tests the findings published in Nature immunology have not yet been tested in patients but the researchers say that they have enormous potential experts are saying that although the work was still at an early stage it is very exciting our immune system is our body's natural defense against infection but it also attacks cancerous cells the scientists were looking for unconventional and previously undiscovered ways the immune system naturally attacks tumors what they found was a t-cell inside people's blood this is an immune cell that can scan the body to assess whether there is a threat that needs to be eliminated the difference is that the one in particular that they discovered can seemingly attack a wide range of cancers researcher professor Andrew Sewall says quote there is a chance to treat every patient previously nobody believed this could be possible it raises the prospect of a one-size-fits-all cancer treatment a single type of t-cell that could be capable of destroying many different types of cancers across the population end quote the discovered t-cell was able to kill a wide range of cancerous cells in in the lab including lung skin blood colon breast bone prostate ovarian kidney and cervical cancer cells Wow crucially it left normal tissues untouched exactly how it does all this is still being explored the idea is that a blood sample would be taken from a cancer patient the t-cells in the sample would be extracted and genetically modified so that they were they were reprogrammed to make the cancer finding receptor the upgraded cells would be grown in vast quantities in the laboratory and then put back into the patient Daniel Davis a professor of immunology at the University of Manchester said quote at the moment this is very basic research and not close for two actual medicines for patients there is no question that is a very exciting discovery both for advancing our basic knowledge about the immune system and the possibility of future new medicines more safety checks will be needed before human trials can begin I like this this isn't necessarily a text story but it's a human interest story that is here because of tech yeah the advancements that we have made in science to be able to get to the point where it's like what else is there let's explore the body even further let's alter this cell and see what happens yeah and boom suddenly we're going is this it that is so cool exactly the truth of the matter is right now cancer treatments are just they seem so barbaric right now they're life-saving but they're super intrusive so I mean you know the chemotherapy surgery the things that that are just really radiation things that are really detrimental to the human body just to keep it alive you can have an immune response against cancer that that just annihilates any trace of it I just cannot wait I don't really like does anyone else feel that like a excitement and the anticipation like could it be like could that be possible and all they're doing is taking the t-cell that you already produce out and they're just replicating it like they're kind of growing more their own they're altering it to put it in the receptor to find the cancer cells so that's a bit of a genetic modification and then they're culturing more so there can't be adverse reactions because it's your own sure I mean I don't understand the science I can't pretend to understand the science but I know there was a time in our history when penicillin didn't exist and when and when it was discovered if you will know it was a mistake yeah but so when it was accidentally discovered how earth-shatteringly like how many lives were saved how many lives were improved because of it it's you know what I was having a conversation with one of my clients the other day and her older siblings were born before penicillin oh wow he said the reason I'm not deaf is because penicillin existed for me and not for my brothers Wow right so heartbreaking right yet at the same time it's like dawn of a new era yeah right it's very cool so are we at that point with cancer I don't think we are but I'm hopeful I'm like I'm so hopeful in humanity and and our our ability to accomplish that because I just want that yeah that's a good news story yes big thanks to Roy W Nash Jacob and our community of viewers for submitting stories us this week thanks for watching the category-five TV newsroom don't forget to Like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight Linux bias and if you appreciate what we do become a patron at slash newsroom from the category-five TV newsroom I'm Sasha Rickman and I'm Robbie Ferguson and I'm Jeff Weston it's been great having you here with us this week folks thank you so much for joining us and we look forward to seeing you again next week don't forget though before we sign off to make sure you subscribe to us on our I mean follow us on Twitter we're at category 5 TV I'm personally on Twitter at Robbie Fergus and you can follow all the exploits of my culinary delights for example and and see selfies of me bouncing around on trampolines with my 9 year old son so that's that's at robbie ferguson and that's a lot of fun we're also on facebook we're on youtube we're everywhere on the Internet just do a search for category 5 technology TV and we will be there we look forward to having you part of this community thanks everybody