okay well let's start by saying that it's been a heck of a week it's you know it's been a wild couple of weeks they just don't know about it what right Friday is when it dropped Jeff I know but that was last week all right last week one week ago yeah one week ago we were standing here yes Sasha and I because Jeff was tardy I I had a very personally very bad weave on so you had a hard luck it's when it rains it pours right it's like it's been tsunami it's been an unbelievable time yes be very careful not to look at the white camera we've got cameras all around us yep so right now we're over there yep yeah and and the community feels us so there is no real show this week we are live we're here we're at the studio because we promised you that we always would be yep week after week but there's no show that is correct there is no show so here's what here's why there's no show because we need to have the family chat it's really when it comes down to this is family night this is about you the viewers who tuned in every week to give us your hour and a half of your life to say we're gonna hang out with you guys from all over the globe and tonight is family night mm-hmm it's not about take jad thank you Jeff yeah family I appreciate that this is a family discussion it's been a really really hard week for me yeah at the weekend into now yes I have I've never cried so hard in studio D why the floors are slippery yep yep let's just say that I've invested in a new audio rig I've invested in a new sound a sound rack so our server rack is is in that yep all these things because we're in the space we love this space we've built it into our space you'll notice that the signage is down this week yep because it's already packed yep well it's on the desk but you know what I mean Jeff you you talk up so here's the nuts and bolts of what's going on we have been in studio D now for five and a half years broadcast and we've been here six years because we were doing some renovations yeah and the landlord has decided that he needs a space and unfortunately Gabe gave us months and months of notice right Jeff you need Maurice but if by months and months you mean we have less than a month then yeah we got months a month's notice so you mean we've invested in all of this like invested in building up the studio space yes putting in storage racks which I'm seeing here and and putting in new new rigs over here so you you can't really see it I'm gonna try to switch it but you see a pole here what you see here used to have a week ago a nice crop nice backdrop for our unboxing here studio yeah because that's that that is where we were headed was like let's make this place as great as possible exactly right this is all wallpaper which I put up yeah when I'm pretty proud of that I mean I did it with volunteers help right let's go but because I could never have done that I could never line that up without Jeana and Vicki so there's no way though then like the nuts and bolts of it all is that we have to be out before the end of the month yeah but yeah so imagine after six years and and truly six years so six years ago we got this space it took us almost six months to prepare it yeah we had to remediate mold we had to read drywall we had to paint the entire place put up wallpaper everything else and after six years were given one month's notice eviction basically but not for any fault of errors no the the landlord says he well his his words not not verbatim but his words are that he has no problem with us he has no problem with me because he's only ever dealt with me there's no problem with me he's in fact willing to write a reference letter for us to help us to be able to get a new space but he needs to repurpose this space and I can understand that it's his place yep and so I have the utmost respect for that decision I just wish that we had more time because it's really really tough so yeah we'll be frantically packing and moved yeah we already are I mean look around I mean it's a mess right now since Friday I mean here we are it's Wednesday yeah so the reality is we Robbie regularly plans for the show like setting up whatever the topic is all the show notes like getting it all ready you want to know how that really goes down sure Sasha when do I usually other than the past couple of weeks has been tough mm-hmm when do I usually have the news stories written for you couple days in advance the table you think the day before yeah well definitely definitely the day before definitely the day before usually the Monday yes yep well the Monday in the afternoon the stories are usually up yeah so so I start writing the news I read them in the morning that may before proof them yeah yeah yep that's the ideal scenario so so I personally am working on the newsroom stories on Monday so my Monday lunch hour at work is spent doing that so that's that's what I do so that you have them so the Sasha has them in time so that she can proofread them let me know if there's any errors or anything that needs to be corrected and then we import it to the teleprompter and it's ready to go for Wednesday and you've already read it a couple times by then I start 10 shows yeah I start preparing so the Wednesday show I start preparing on Sunday Sunday Monday Monday is news day Tuesday and then Wednesday I arrive at the studio of 4:00 p.m. and I set up all the shots so that means setting up the cameras setting up the audio making sure everything's working and ensure that there are notes so I we don't have any printed notes in front of us because we've already recycled them all I print out notes for all of the staff so that you have what just a bullet list of what it's our script essentially I mean we're not a scripted show but we need to know what we're gonna be talking about in the course at the hour hour and a half so that's important so I actually write that out and those are all everything's done usually before you get here yep yeah yep that's what I do then we do the show and I work until 10:00 11:00 p.m. doing the post-production setting up the shots so taking all the camera feeds taking all the audio putting it all together into DaVinci Resolve and then Thursday morning I work from 5:00 5:30 a.m. until 8 o'clock a.m. on category-five doing the editing right then the that evening because I work full-time during the day so I then I go do my day job 10 hours sitting at a computer doing programming then that evening I take my daughter out because Thursday's our daddy-daughter day love it and so I take her out for a daddy date and when I get back from that whoo I sit back down and I'm producing video from Wednesday's show so the previous night's show until about 9:00 9:30 then I watch a show with my wife and we have some time together and then Friday morning I start at 5:00 and I have to have the show ready for kvv be right our cable TV channel in California it has to be to them before 11:00 a.m. so I have to start so I have to have rendered edited rendered and completely finished the show before 8 o'clock a.m. my time so that I can start uploading it because it takes a couple hours to upload luckily for me California time is a couple hours behind us so so I have a little bit of grace time yes so then on my lunch break when does Robbie rest this is this is weird out Friday at lunch Friday at lunch for that one show that I started on Sunday yeah so then I'm placing the show on the spreadsheet for our cable TV network in California yep that has to be done by lunch sounds like that's a lot of work right it is a lot of work okay so then I take that show Friday night and I cut it up into bitty pieces I cut it up into three pieces three section a which is our first segment of the show yep Section B which is our second segment of the show so usually we do we'll do an unboxing and an unveil of a product then we'll do a Linux tutorial or something like that so those are the two first features then we have one the news room the news room and that's its own clip but that's about 26 minutes ish then I take that 26 ish clip of the newsroom and I make sure that it's ready for kvb be yeah our cable channel in California hopefully we're gonna expand that we're gonna have more cable channels broadcasting our stuff but now so understand they've got category 5 technology TV Friday morning yeah then buy at the very latest Saturday they have category 5 TV news room which is a 30 minute show and so they are category 5 technology TV mm-hmm and category 5 TV newsroom so it's two different shows when it's all said and done and I say kvv B of course this content is available everywhere as well but they're there the one cable channel that's currently carrying us so then you think that's that okay you're done that leaves you Saturday night is that it no no I still have Saturday morning Jeff oh right yes yeah don't forget Saturday morning I really need that because now I take that news room segment that is 30 minutes long 26 minutes long mm-hmm how many newsroom stories do we do 5 you do 4 and I do honorable mentions yeah so this video now gets cut up into six videos yes placed on Linux tech show calm and now those six videos are the first videos from Wednesday's show that the public gets to see right you start to see now Saturday mm-hmm videos being posted to our Twitter to our Facebook to our discord to Linux tech show com it starts with the honorable mentions the newsroom story that I talked about at the beginning then it goes into the news stories that Sasha does and by probably Sunday afternoon because we'd a part it we don't allow the videos to all be sent up yeah at once we we'd a part it so that means that there is a six hour gap between each video so six videos Sunday night you start for the next show no well I do however Sunday night now the video from Wednesday has finished broadcasting all the little snippets from the newsroom yep and so 6 p.m. boom the whole newsroom the newsroom now you have the full half-hour episode of the newsroom right then following that Monday morning category-five technology TV the full length episode from the week before the week before Wednesday yeah gets aired right on demand right but before that can happen first segment a and segment B have to air right so those happen that's 12 hours and then the full-length show airs so Monday Wednesday show is finished but I already had to start Sundays I already had to start Wednesday show on Sunday s in order to keep that loop going right so when something like a surprise eviction happens in the middle of your week how does that affect me I'll say honestly 644 episode number 644 you might notice that the newsroom music is a little bit too loud how does that affect me I didn't have as much time as I normally would right for video production yep plain and simple cuz you were busy looking for spots it's Wednesday I got the notice on Friday yes I have so far looked at five new studios potential news - yeah the most excellent studio yes I really want to be optimistic and I and I really am but it's really hard it's been a hard we yeah right and I'm so yes I'm like yes we're gonna do with it and you'll see on the Kickstarter and you can go to cap 5 TV slash kick to support us you'll see that I'm really trying to be positive yes I have to be but this does come as a shock and it's a lot of work for poor Robbi because I still have had so I just finished last week's episode on Monday yep I didn't have to write you news stories this week yeah right so what does that mean now like fur everybody who's watching like this this family chat where people are tuning in live what does this mean for cat 5 for the next 3-4 weeks what does this look like to the viewers for the next three or four weeks we are off the air which has never happened this length no that really hurts action yeah yeah yeah okay so while we're off the air what are we doing we are packing I don't know cuz I mean you guys are well yeah you guys are welcome to to pitch in what I am personally doing because I expect nothing of my my staff my my volunteers my friends but I mean you guys are welcome to come and show up any time what I am personally doing is I have to take an entire studio that's been here for six years mm-hmm Hackett in a way they can be reassembled yes but it doesn't have to happen all at once but we have to be able to here before the 31st of March yeah if we are not out of here by the 31st of March the lot change yeah the locks will be changed and then we have a big problem that's right okay so my options are I have only two options well three options technically one of them is fold just give up and Robbie does not give up like something that any of us want to do nor what do we want you to do and it's not really an option and that's why I said to but really that that would be the easy way out like crawl into a hole yeah just cry for a day and then come back out and just work a normal just be a normal guy oh yeah I was just on the verge of getting famous finally somebody recognized me at a grocery store so you dull a single job workers no offense so that option a we're throwing away yep Robby's a fighter I always happen that's why we've been here for 13 years okay this is need to play I of the tiger yes here right now it's studio D yep okay we're moving into studio E that's right we can we can do this so what are the options I mean there is we find a space within the month of March yes that's our timeline we have to fund it yeah I am NOT ready for that folks I'll be honest with you so what does that mean at a basic level well before I get into the dollars and cents Jeff because I hate this okay okay I want to be quite honest and I want you to understand why I'm not ready for it why doesn't Robbie have money well we did it we are viewer supported Jeff but we didn't know we didn't it's not like we were saving up for a move correct we're investing in studio D up until Friday yeah yeah so in the last month two months I got the new brick drape yeah I got the new stand so that the unboxing videos can look as good as can be yep we got the new audio recorder so that we have isolated audio we've needed that for a long time we got a rack for our server because our server is that what to you 3u server something like that and it's been sitting on a desk for years so finally we got a rack for that and we've and and I moved all that it because we didn't know that we were gonna have to do this I bought shelving I have one two three four good shelves yep for storage yeah when when beau was here he saw it when bill was here he didn't we didn't have it yet so all those boxes that used to be stacked are now nicely nice and neat on yeah they are organized on shelving we've got four industrial kind of like what you put in your yeah so have the exact same ones in white exactly the same only different yeah so like there's stuff like that what like there's other like random things like we have to buy the products that we review what so I have products that I have purchased that we were going to review in the month of March right so so why aren't we ready to just move because we just it was status quo it was we were doing our show we were doing what we what we do every single week yeah there was no indication that we would not be in studio D five years from now absolutely let alone next month that's why and that's why I've been working you guys saw this wall coming out here with cool signs I got all these tin signs I've been collecting yeah I have can I offer a suggestion yeah let's rename the season that's like rename it season 12 B season 14 can we just jump right to season 14 for those who are superstitious that's right idea four shows for the next month is a soul boo boxing show that's good okay now I'm gonna show you how to put an i 999 hundred k back into the deck oh my gosh that's so we don't have a show this week no we don't have a show next week or the next three weeks yeah cat five dot TV slash kick is where we need you to go I almost feel like that name is kind of like a double entendre it's like about a Kickstarter but it's also the fact that we're getting the kick and I'm getting a swift kick up the butt because hey it'll be an upgrade maybe oh did I Tippie it okay here's the thing and I know I am Little Miss Brightside and I realized that sometimes I can be a little rose-colored glasses and such but I know Studio e is going to be that as soon as we go live first episode studio e you are going to say I am so happy this happened this is it this is the spot that's a serious optimism it's gonna feel better to be there because of the pain of now like it's yeah it that's just the way life and some people said why don't you fight it your landlord can't do that nope and I don't fight it because I'm Robbie and and and that means something like I'm you just need soils a relationship right it's like you want us out I respect that I wish you had have taken a different approach we have been respectable we're fantastic tenants folks I gotta say we are the whole day Jason have hurt ya to get it out of the building for the landlord and then he never patched the hole that the bird came in with so he came back in anyways but at least I put the drop ceiling up so right the bird couldn't get back into our unit yeah I mean there's been a lot that's happened here but it's been home at least I mean we've we've had some funny things happen yeah we've had two weeks of no heat now yeah and then at the end one nope yeah do you want how did this come to a head how did this come to a head yeah last week it was scorching in here Jeff what was it yeah so we had no heat for two weeks and then it was like six 6:19 p.m. before Wednesday's show the heat came on and did not turn off Oh and so by the end of the show oh we're late and of course when I got here at 4:00 o'clock it was 15 degrees see in here yeah and I said to Sasha on discord I said to make sure you wear a sweater yeah and she got here and it was like 400 degrees Celsius what would it be what do you make better yet beeswax these masks Bennett type clay I think it's called I'm picturing like ginger and couple of drops a tea tree oil so the landlord then because the heat has not been working or at least not reliable reliably he put in baseboards electric baseboard okay I'm thinking this we really do yeah these are new we have to okay and then the next day tells you that the next day the word was look it's costing me too much to have you guys in studio D that's the landlord right I don't believe it but at the same time I'm not a I'm not a fighter yep oh yeah you are just in a different one a positive way you're not comfortable so okay yes but I am a fighter in that I I will beat this you I will get through this I don't care I want everyone in our community to support us in this yep because we need funds okay so when you see cap v dot TV slash kick I need you right now however if we get zero dollars I will I will find a way I don't care if I have to sell my might like my own personal possessions to make this like I'll find a way I'm a fighter so with that yeah I think that's that's an appropriate point to you started to go into we have three options and we never got into them yeah so second option is we find a space that we can rent as studio E right that's our second option with the cash to make it happen we have to have the cash sorry I want to tell you what the cash means so my goal on Kickstarter right now count five TV slash kick is arbitrary okay and it's very very low because Kickstarter will only pay us will only allow us to receive the funds if we meet our goal so if I were to tell you on Kickstarter what we really need and we don't achieve that if we fall short by $1 we don't we'll get zero okay so I want you to know that the Kickstarter campaign is an arbitrary number based on this is what I based it on $800 a month rent for first and last month's rent plus eight hundred dollars extra to give us the funds to install Internet maybe do a little bit of renovations that kind of stuff okay so very that is like the bare minimum we can't even be up and running with that if we got Internet in for that we'd be broadcasting from with a white wall behind us yep okay that's that's that's what it would be yeah we need more than that I've since learned that we're gonna be paying probably for a studio space about that eight hundred bucks a month so first and last month's rent but we are also going to need a security deposit I didn't think of that when I was setting up the Kickstarter I wouldn't have either and I and I had to set this up very very quickly and I have to say kudos to Kickstarter they said it were awesome no it's so so like helpful because when this happened I learned that Kickstarter takes eight days to set up a Kickstarter campaign and so I'm like how are we gonna do this yeah the landlord didn't give us any notice and and Kickstarter will take 21 days then once it's over to pay us to actually put the funds into my account so that I can pay for the first and last month's rent and everything else yep but they expedited it for us and we are live right now at cap five dot TV slash kick we've got that Kickstarter campaign up and running awesome yeah it only started on Friday like that's when I got the notice and and I didn't even start the Kickstarter campaign then like I didn't even obviously a couple days ago I was in shock yeah I said I called up the landlord I sent him emails and I said what's the what the heck is going on what did I what did I do oh you didn't do anything right I just need more money yep and when I say that can I just say the more money if we wanted to stay here he would double our rent oh it's not yeah it's just not feasible it's not feasible and it's more than this place is worth absolutely so there is that technicality that yes we could potentially stay here but we'd be paying twice as much as we currently pay it just yeah it's not an option it's not an option and and for those who have been here at studio D you know that it's just a square it's a square in a big building and we're the only tenant and that's what it boils down to it boils down to they just want the space that's all that's all so let's let's make it unreasonable so that they leave yes Judy is nothing compared to what soon you will be she's positivity over here so know you've talked a little bit that that moves into into yeah now three I want options I don't money we clear yeah I don't want option three I want a here option three option three option two okay option one is not on the table shutting down yep well it is technically we could go out of business tomorrow okay because if none of you decide to support us I can't carry this my daughters in high school now my kids played a Nintendo switch on the TV down there there's no way I have a marriage from my garage was another thought yep and that's not an option I have a single car garage I thought I'd renovate it we priced it out seventeen thousand dollars to renovate okay so you know it's not happening it's not insulated it's not we got to put in everything plus then we'd have to know like where do we put our garbage now when you know cuz you got the garbage bins that don't go out until Wednesday yeah yeah not an option so option one is twofold to give up immediately which I'm not doing no I will I will only fold if we cannot succeed after trying option three okay so option one is to fold yep not gonna do it option two is our community comes together and says category five dot TV is an amazing group of people an amazing community it's a great show maybe I don't always agree with them maybe sometimes Jeff is even a little bit maybe I want to argue with him I never argue with Jeff never never but we love this show and and we we do this because like the world needs more shows like category five where it's just yeah it's just great friends hanging out having a nice time learning about tech and there's really just there's no threat here it's safe for the family and that if you want to bring the kids in you don't have to worry about Robbie cussing and doing whatever else you know there's there's just none of that last Friday I was in tears I wasn't yeah so option two is to get into studio E with the support of our community mm-hmm because I can't do it yeah I can't I can't afford it personally personally I can't okay I'd love to say I could I really want I feel like I'm at that I'm 40 years old I feel like I should be at that place where I can say oh I've got enough money yet you know I can afford to do these things I give to other people and I really do and I don't need to get into that oh yeah a generous heart I certainly try and when there's a need I I step up to the occasion I rise up I had somebody that I have never ever [Music] really communicated with but I know like in he's a broadcaster and he went on Twitter and said I have a need please support me here's my pate paper so I sent him 20 bucks I don't know any I have no idea what he needed I don't have any clue what what that was about and I never asked I'm just like okay there's a need I don't have a lot of money at all I just I work full-time and I get paid by the hour yeah and I feel like I'm underpaid for for my skill set mm-hmm but that's what it is I'm content so I'll keep doing it but I need a rose and I said sure I didn't even say yes there there's that that that idiom that says like just you know just give and and don't even know what you're doing you know okay so so that's what I try to do but here's a situation where I can't I can't do that for here yep there's just too much of a neat yeah so I need the community come together that's option B get into Studio E that's the best option of course option C is we can't afford it we're not gonna fold we're not gonna give up but we can't do it so we're gonna take everything that we own category 5 technology TV and we're just gonna rent a storage locker yep and we're gonna say we're gonna take all the money that we have which isn't a lot but you know there's 1,200 bucks in the bank and we're gonna say with that money I'm gonna rent a storage locker until we expire that fund mm-hmm and if which is for what we have you look at that no you can't you're looking at 3 months tops no no I would expect we could get a storage locker for 150 bucks a month not for the size you need for storage we'd have to get rid of a lot of stuff oh yeah if we got rid of stuff we'd be good I'm talking keep the cameras keep the TVs keep this or we'll we'll get rid of the debt we'd have to get rid of the desks and have but like monitors cameras that kind of stuff yeah broadcast equipment we could store that for a hundred 50 bucks a month give or take so we're like really working toward option - RV option C is only a fail-safe yeah so options he says okay well we'll go into storage temporarily and still fight to try to find studio e yeah I don't want to take that option it's not a good option it's not the option that any of us want I want to be on the air in April mm-hmm I want to be back on the air in April April's my birthday month so we have to do it folks there you have it we have we have no choice sorry take your bank account and empty it into ours that's right okay it's Ash's birthday month you know one of the things I have loved about this show it is totally community and and even like I think about when Sasha wanted to do the computer build mm-hmm that's like the community's like we're in it we're here to help it and that's one of the great thing on only the community but who else you yeah yeah I'm like Sasha let's do this exactly the host of the show I run this place yeah I I own the company but I'm like I'm all-in let's do it yeah I'll teach you I'll and and so it became a chance for viewers to learn how to build a computer oh yes but so much some of you have already done it before but hey yeah for those who have never built a computer it was a great opportunity that's right and that took you to the next level - hmm so then when we brought out the Raspberry Pi you're just like heck yeah this is like this I've done like this yeah yeah folks if you can't give if you don't have the funds to give that's okay all right don't do not feel bad I'm not putting that I'm not I'm putting pressure on but I'm not putting guilt on okay I want you to understand that we love you regardless I'm here for you regardless you know I mean there are folks in our chat who I have sent flash drives of our show to just so that you could watch the show because you don't have good internet Yeah right so don't feel bad if you can't give it's okay at all if you can give though or if you have influence at your company if you're the owner of your company it's an opportunity to be a part of something like category 5 is amazing we love this place mm-hmm and not just the not just the physical studio D but the the place that we've created on the web the community and and this family and I don't want to be here just on a Wednesday night chatting in the discord which I will do mm-hmm but I want to be broadcasting I want to be giving you the latest features I'm constantly I mean you guys don't necessarily know even do I'm constantly in discussions like today I was in discussions with three different companies about what features were gonna do in April because I had to tell them I'm sorry no and for companies really because Nelson who does also messaged me asking me to do a feature for him you guys remember him and we love working with him and his company and he's in PR so we have PR reps that bring us companies that want to do shows with us and I had to tell Nelson I'm sorry ma'am we're closed for the month of March and I want to work with you I want to work with you but I have no choice so get your companies together and say this is something we can stand behind and and whether it's 20 bucks or whether it's 2,000 bucks it really is just down to what you feel like you can do exactly okay so are we able to talk about the Kickstarter itself what are you talking about I'm talking about the tiers but like the like the rewards that we have set up we've tried to set up some fun rewards yeah we were okay so I need a print I just punch you in the gut as a demonstration is what this is gonna be so I didn't okay I need to preface this so when when Robbie is talking about this Kickstarter he's like hey Geoff Sasha what could you guys do what is your talent what you're telling slash is like I could talk to people and I go I have zero talents nothing that I can offer right now I'm like well could we shoot you I'm going to be experiencing pain in one form or possibly two yes as a result of this there's a guaranteed element of pain if I may say if there is anyone in the community whatsoever who has ever said oh I wish I could shoot Jeff with a paintball gun and not just one paintball but enough paintballs like say five hundred that would inflict pain on this yeah I do for you guys okay so yeah so then we're gonna take it to the next level and we're gonna say okay and is this okay yeah yeah okay I had to run that by her just there you saw it happen Sasha's pulling the trigger sasha is going to praise your name Jeff is going to curse it so because if you can't read been fighting yes back for the person who contributes the most amount throughout the campaign a person or company Jeff will take ten percent of that in paintball bullets up to five hundred yep so we can shoot them finally the opportunity has a red cent really you tell me that now if you have any trouble Sasha we can move you closer what else is there as far as contributor ship rewards well for even a dollar donation there's Mike oh what a bottle if I said a bike I'm like I didn't know we will sing for you that's right about that so I good not many many many moons ago back when Wow when you had hair and I could not grow facial hair you had a band I did and so you put out an album and put out three albums two of which went number one that's right and why was all you happens to contain a song that both you and I were on you sill could I just say so what happened is is that Jeff and I were we were both working in the radio station at that time at this point I view I think we've been in cahoots for 20 years not not at the student not when we did soul cleansed no but when I started in radio it was my question is did you record that at the radio station or did you come to my studio I came to your studio upstairs on the top floor the corner back bedroom that's funny yeah so we so my wife and I so it's always been the case where Robby's always had a studio so if it wasn't category five it was music production yep so I produce music like I don't know you call it semi-professionally but I created that's created to her we were on tour we tax yeah we played at the Canadian Gospel Music Awards we we were one of the well we were actually the first hip-hop band ever to play at the Gospel Music Awards and I was there that night they didn't know where are you I was there the only nice how was the show I don't remember a lot but I do remember that you guys were good we were headlining with keeping it real so that was our first full-length CD yeah and and the Gospel Music Awards had us there to play our title track keeping it real yep which was the sweet track and it went number one on radio all over Canada then we actually on that CD so that CD this is interesting that CD was produced because we worked in radio so I used the studio in between voice tracks did you I did we had rode nt1 s all over the place I it's so yep so I pulled up goldwave and I recorded my vocal tracks then I sent it over to the power plant they produced it for me and put it all together into the tracks and mastered it yeah and then we released the CD and very cool we had boxes and boxes of it in my garage yeah while yep so you came to the studio at my house yes recorded a track that's right and we released that but it is kind of gone by the wayside as far as now 2020 goes yep it was a pretty pretty good track at that time yes did that track Oh number one do you remember I I don't remember what I have for breakfast what was interesting about where did he go because I mean I'm talking about gospel gospel music but so Christian radio but where did you go was interesting because it was an allegory so it transcended that Christian radio mindset and moved into mainstream yeah which was pretty cool so so it turned out to be a bit of a love song kind of thing but pretty interesting in Jeff being having come to the studio to record his bit actually recorded a full verse yep and we're giving that away for a buck up and I said on on Kickstarter if we could get 10,000 people to contribute to that then we'd have a best-seller that's right yeah finally after all these years finally after all these years yeah so but I mean that's just to start for a buck that's just a bach like that's nothing yeah that's a buck thanks man there you go I'm not giving that back I know I need it so bad right now I'm getting a song but from there I mean the the the tears of donations go up I think it goes from a box to five bucks to ten bucks all the way up to the single donation $5,000 are you guys ready for this I need to be abundantly clear I was joking and I took at I just took it and ran with it yes you did and Kickstarter approved hey Jeff Sascha here's the Kickstarter I look at it and I get to 5,000 and I go oh my he did it and my wife is thrilled enough that she's like I'm give you her credit card enjoy every moment of the way do you want to tell them what it is no it doesn't exist okay yep no get over to cat5 dot TV slash kick and if you like to give this guy a really swift kick there's a couple of ways to do that I'm never joking again Wow I'm gonna do I mean there's chances for you to have a one-on-one video chat with Sasha yep there's a chance for you to have me produce some music for you which I'll admit idli say I'm out of practice it's been a lot of years since I produced music but I am really into doing that and especially I'm gonna have some downtime regardless in that we're not gonna be up and running at the first week of April that's for sure right because we still have to have internet installed and everything else it's a studio setup you get everything set up and built and renovated and everything else so there's a lot that has to go into it yeah yeah four chances of the five thousand level thank you thank you I thought it would be great if I set that to like five thousand chances what that actually means evil what that actually means is that four people are going to be able to participate so we're not going to do it to him four times so for those of you who are wondering yes we are going to inflict an insane amount of pain the women who are watching this you definitely want to find out more about this not that we're going to do this to you four times however up to four individual patrons pardon me I use the word patrons Kickstarter supporters are going to be able to participate in real time alive with this particular event yep we're gonna set up a zoom meeting and you're gonna be able to do that and speaking of zoom meetings we are willing to have one right now so because we're not doing a real show if anyone would like to join us for a zoom meeting tonight I'd love to welcome you now I just want to say thank you to those of you who have pledged so far so far tonight we are up to 794 dollar mazing thing Canadian of our thirty one hundred dollar goal and that is just I love you thank you so very much third it's so wonderful let's jump into zoom so if you have webcam that's great if you don't use your phone install the zoom app I'm going to create a link for you and I want you to get over to our discord or IRC and I may be posting a link that is special for this broadcast so that you can join in and zoom will only allow us to run this for up to 40 minutes so we've got to be we got to be quick folks so be quick about this and I want you to join us and say hi so I'm just creating this link for you you can see that well I thought so but it looks like it's not quite broadcasting yet over this screen I'm just gonna go over here don't mind the black screen folks I think can you guys hear me yeah you guys can still hear me we can't see me yet I just want to check my laptop find out what's going on here let's see display I'm on Linux Mint and I'm just setting up zoom meeting for you guys live it's not seeing the HDMI that's not exactly what I was hoping for tonight but it's okay because studio E is gonna be so much more reliable everything's gonna work it's gonna be amazing shutdown only the fact that we cannot broadcast from this week forward when this when we are done here tonight see we're doing this for you and and to promote awareness about the need but essentially I have to turn everything off at the end of the night yeah I have to I have to pack yeah we have to be ready that if when the movers come we and I hope that we'll have the funds to hire movers cuz like I'm just one guy I thirty pounds awesome so that's the limit of every box get a scale and measure it make sure so today is the what we're talking about today is the fourth it's the 4th of March and you said Kickstarter requires 21 days so even if forget about that okay because if I know that we have the pledges they're y'all personally fund it okay okay so I will personally make sure that we get there we get there yeah but what I need to know that the funds are there I need to know that when Kickstarter ends and the 21 days pass and they finally transfer the funds to my account that I'm reimbursed for that horse yeah absolutely yeah that's that's what it boils down to okay so I'm marsh man thank you marsh man making the trek up the plan is to come up from from down in New York and visit us and help us with the move that's cool to have a viewer that's that's very cool you know what Marsh man that's another that's message me and Dysport like PM me the dates are gonna be here because I don't think we've actually met in person yet no no that's true yeah yeah I've gotta meet Marsh man I mean I've met Bo and sure you do from a merit roid yeah we went out for dinner and got went to a restaurant where apparently there was life it was if you think it was a bad email to have to send out to you guys to say for dinner it was expensive it was expensive it was an amazing meal but then what like not even a week later yes there's a public health alert that one of the kitchen staff has an STI and don't worry none of us were affected yeah Hank and and proper precautions were not taken so they had to alert everybody that oh my you may have come in contact and we're like so if you coming for dinner with the category-five crew I have also not been back for the time when I needed to get the inoculation yeah I don't remember which one it was one of the above yep why can't I get this working but I don't know cuz I'm just fed up with tech right now because it's been such a hard week Oh could we use Sascha's you have no it's not that it's so do you guys have zoom up and running I just need to make sure that the cable oh I know why it is oh you started packing up the cables yeah I've been I've been disconnecting things yeah so that's that is what it is right and doing like I'm doing my best March man you'll be okay unless you're lactose intolerance wow thanks for the transition okay but it's it's it's just coming out now that the corona virus is mutating there's now a second string oh yes yes that's good oh my gosh we're just full of negativity tonight we've got zoom Garbi it hurts to have to say it what are you saying the Garvey said he hasn't been around much due to work but it hurts still to here it hurts you say it's a reality but I mean we're not going anywhere no I sure hope not we're just gonna be here for the rest of the month and I do want to be clear that there is that chance like this realistically from a business perspective okay so let's talk business from a business perspective category five technology TV we've operated on a shoestring budget forever right thirteen years and so we we can pull this off because we're because we've never overspent I'm I'm very cautious and I'm very careful that we don't overspend right and we don't have a lot of money to spend so what can you do no but with any business a crisis like this there yeah there's a very real chance of folding going out of business like not having the funds if I didn't have the funds to move into a new studio space or if if we don't find a new studio space within the next three weeks and secure it yeah and get insurance and get Internet well we don't need Internet to move but definitely to who we need to and we need to have a space at least if we don't get those things then yeah we go at a business we're a business technically even just because we do it for free doesn't mean we're not a business we got to pay the bills okay I'm trying to find you guys the link to join the okay I'm gonna invite there's our fan look at that what happened two weeks ago yep and the fan just arrived yesterday okay and I'm like I can't even install it because okay there you go guys there's ninety five seats to join our to zoom so get on over there come say hi I'm gonna pop up our screen there you guys should be able to hear me though because I've got the blue Yeti Pro microphone so come say hi Sachi you tell me if anyone shows up on the screen there will ya okay and I'm just going to add a footer oh well there's Marsh man hey buddy hey buddy oh now I don't think that we can hear you yet so hang in there this is not like your usual broadcast quality show of category 5 TV that looks like a very comfortable chair it looks a lot like Robby's chair just different color oh really well like that the back shape yeah yeah it's good neck support could like lean back and take a nap in that chair yeah here yeah we're just talking about yeah we're working on yeah Robby's getting your setup oh yeah I'm working on it bill okay you you have a rest okay let's see what I can do here okay I got to figure out how all these buttons work okay let's see if I can get that there we go okay no man 5 says he can hear the fan this time couldn't hear during the interview that's probably because of the Yeti Mike right maybe okay so I don't think hitting it helps did last week I think that that was no I bought a new fan I bought a new fan for a jet boy DJ mics on yay what very cool let's hang in there folks don't worry we're getting there okay so I just need to change okay I need to click on I'm just learning this new console to folks this sooner like not because it's so confusing as far as like pushing the buttons yeah like the new sound board thingy yeah fan really is annoying yeah it is really annoying okay so I need to change my monitor selection to affect send okay check check check okay so you can still hear me out of the speakers I need to be able to hear bill that's the problem and DJ Mike yeah well anyone coming out of that computer for sure okay so I've got typing he's typing something probably very smart in the chat room let's see so you know man have a good on Oh AGGA moto is here too okay oh my goodness oh okay I'm gonna check I just want to check if zoom is set to like a different output just bear with me here folks don't worry it's gonna be in a work oh it's gonna be amazing y'all are gonna be like whoa just so cool alright output device analog output that oh it's pointing it out put to the blue USB audio headphones hello somebody say something I can hear you clear alright that works hey Aang moto Marsh man how are you my friend I'm holding up holding up heck of a weekend man Hitler I can't take this like it's like there's like five-second delays here and there oh good echo echo echo echo that's been fun bill just look into my eyes just know man I appreciate you dude noise is non-stop yeah yeah is that better is this better like that does that help when I do that he has a severe delay I don't I don't mean you have a severe but the microphone wait for a second until the words get oh yes okay let's make sure that I've got the right microphone selected in zoom I just want to be absolutely sure I like being able to see everybody's faces we should do it's nice yes although my people yeah that's the blue so can you guys hear me okay right now or is the fan just too noisy no I hear you clear and bill you you have trouble hearing me or there's a delay here I'm like I'm kissing the microphone right now that's like no I hear everything twice twice oh do you have the feed up up as well maybe you just need to know who's that I just said yeah I just that's all boo-boo I'm going to turn up our speakers so that I can hear you guys I love you guys oh my goodness I got it fixed you got it this is great and it okay who can hear us right now you guys can hear us No yeah maybe maybe not I don't know you guys hear us I can hear you you can hear me yeah yeah okay cool all right hi agra moto agra moto do you have a microphone working no now your fainted well cuz I stood way back there if you just want me to like get right in here hey I can turn up the volume on the mic is that any better oh this thing is nasty no yeah you got that can you hear me okay now you guys hit me all right yeah hi yes I can hear it we can hear you okay this is exciting okay so Keith I imagine that you guys can hear us all yes yep fantastic all right so hey welcome to the show well sort of this what a week we've had it's nice to have you guys here on camera I have to look over there because that's what the world is seeing bill I do would you rather me just look at you I can look at you but then everyone else would be like you're looking at the wrong camera okay what so I could I could pull this up and you'll see what we're looking at you yeah okay but I want I want the viewers at home to be able to see you that's all yeah so yeah there's definitely some inception going on here that's for sure yes so yeah quite a week folks so yeah this is so I mean okay that's as far as we plan for it thoughts concerns yeah any of those things so boo did you see this coming oh yeah yeah this is like oh yeah yeah I was in cahoots with the landlord we were like yeah let's just get them out just get them out can I ask you this your shed have high-speed Internet perfect in the shed his shed has a hundred megabit our studio only has 20 mega vent oh my god 940 oh come on now we're just showing off okay so now we got we got DJ Mike and soul boo are about to go into a speed test battle oh that's good I wonder what kind of Internet we're gonna have it studio e from the previous one out there 16 megabits down as we're looking at studio a I have to look at like what kind of internet is available and we're talking about you know do they have 100 megabit and 250 megabit and gigabit ethernet and it's like it really reminds me how far technology has come because hey when we moved in here it was like 20 Meg's was fantastic yeah well I mean because we were here we also had like we had to have the line-of-sight transmission there for a bit where we had the thing in the hall right yeah we've got the antenna easy stuff here and now now we have an antenna ubiquity on the roof yeah yeah that's pointed at a tower across the way mm-hmm good times so yeah you need to leave that behind what's that the antenna it's which which one the on the roof that's not the one that we currently have Sol boo yeah yeah the one that we currently have is a ubiquity like a an access point I guess like they're like point-to-point fiber I think they are and there's a cellular phone company about two hundred yards away from us and they have a tower on their roof and that tower has the other ubiquity and so where's the law really hey I go moto so we're actually tapping into their internet 200 yards away using a ubiquity wireless connection I see no it belongs to the ISP yeah so I'm gonna I'll be honest I haven't contacted the ISP yet because I don't want them to show up and cancel our internet ahead of time so and I know we've got a little bit of feedback I'll fix that in post as best I can I don't want to have them cancel the internet before we're ready to move out so we want to have that until the end of the month so you found your voice now hakimoto you guys actually yeah yes sir yeah what Sakamoto I think you have your speakers on and it's causing feedback I think I think what's happening is what listening on the actual feeds and then there's the zoom do you have the feed online agamotto because you could turn off oh maybe that's it yes now we're hacking the internet okay so yes okay oh there you go and now I can hear you great okay so yeah that's that's how we're currently getting in yes okay that's how we currently have internet I didn't want to give them the notice beforehand because if they just showed up and pulled it off our roof we'd have no internet and my thinking about that is because I want the Kickstarter campaign fantastic good I want the kick Kickstarter campaign to be able to have the live vlogs so I want to be able to have the live zoom meetings and stuff so we have to have that ability to have internet access at least until the end of the month yeah exactly yeah so as far as like what we're talking up here oh boy like like I want to know how you do that how I do like like how do you segment this up and be like okay this is going to the studio this is going to the studio this is storage like because I see every I see six years yeah it's like how do you differentiate that so how do I select what's going to the studio and what's gonna go to storage er yeah I think it boils down to what we need yeah and what studio we end up with with yeah the space end up with a studio same amount of space that could move everything yeah so it's not it's not just about packing up it's a boat it's just it's just being wise yeah like I mean like stuff like this like a shelf I'm like anybody want a shelf yeah you know but I mean the camera I'll take to the studio and set that up so this is gonna be okay yeah yeah it'll be good so please if you are watching right now and you're wondering what's going on cat five TV slash kick is where you want to go to be able to support our need to move into studio E which comes to us as a surprise it's a shock sure but it needs to be done so we appreciate everybody's support and doing that back over to zoom I know I'm distracted by my strong desire to reach through the screen and hug each and every one of you oh yes thanks Bill I needed that Dave's I really needed that how do we actually set that up okay so we have like a category-5 hug room why is it honestly why is it that I'm picturing a bunch of piglets yeah like we've got Sonic the Hedgehog and piglet basically yeah how have you been my friend problems but sorry to hear that he's on vacation no no the vacation the vacation part should be honest the vacation part sounds really nice yes like I take you up on that right now but the scientists sinusitis though I could do without yeah there you go you don't even know man if I walk out the front door I am up to my knees in snow so yeah we talked this past week Kamath that this year yeah yeah I'm ready for winter meals too much so thank God good yeah yeah we we've had an ebb and flow here in Canada yeah at least Ontario southern Ontario Eastern Canada yeah that has been another story you've probably seen that in the news but no but that was pretty severe so this year anyway here is not that bad no but we've had like it comes and goes like it melts and we're like yay Springs finally here no yeah we always have these yeah exactly that's all right yeah that's okay so yeah good times yeah we've lucked out here in New York - yeah he got a snow blower so he doesn't feel my pain I don't have a snow blower no you know I put it yeah I mentioned how small my garage is I I have no Laura I didn't fire it up once this winter no yeah Wow I should have fired it up when we had that big snow this past weekend yeah but it was sitting outside the house and it itself got buried I have to that's all you need those are the two things that you need knows what she's talking about am i right [Laughter] so yeah there was no blower true but I and the first minute around it I broke it my audience gravel oh no I need to broke something oh no that's something I would do Oh maybe see okay boo I'm concerned about your ability to read the manual what part of snowblower sounds like gravel blower what have you tried to throw gravel out of it bill hey do you guys folks that are on zoom' do you have any questions for us with regards to what's going on and you have anything to say while we're here well you made it pretty clear just I'm with you there buddy yeah but once a year yeah what what what we have done and now in the past we've done what we call the cottage special and the cottage special was me packing up studio equipment going to my cottage with the family and spending most of the time down like just relaxing and enjoying being at the cottage and then Wednesday night going somewhere that has internet because at the cottage there's just no internet and broadcasting live from there so we did that from Silver Beach developments a development that had high speed internet up in cottage country because it's not it wasn't at the time heard of up there we've done all kinds of stuff yeah that was the cottage special but the past two some people have to get away from it all one politely yeah yep past two years though I said to my wife who looked at me with vicious anger in her eyes yes it's like look we do not have we got a dog now we don't have room for all those servers yeah to bring them to the cottage no so what what we've tried is you guys recorded an episode for me so these folks recorded a pre-recorded episode and and did the show on my behalf and then I just aired it so I remote it in and press play yep and then last year I believe it was I simply just didn't do a show about that one week so I have one week off a year yeah and and that's it so there was the odd time where we would pre record a show it's very rare and and people say well why don't you pre record more shows and then you can have more time off but it's actually more work to pre-record than it is to do it live yeah which is crazy I know it's a hard drive space like these are not small shows as far as space 60 gigs per no it's more than that 60 gigs for the master for the for the renders but now we're using about almost three quarters of a terabyte per episode yeah which is crazy dropping or 720 Jake that the boxes oh sorry hey just so you know if you're taking phone calls you are actually on TV as well okay sorry what was that question agamotto if you were to drop it down to 720 what would that take it - no - well our show records at 4k yeah so everything that that goes out to our recorders is 4k what you see live is 720 but the recording is 4k the reason for that egg moto is because then in post-production I can say Oh ash is looking down at her computer right now and it looks like she's really bored oh right yes it happens yeah so now I can zoom in on Robbie or I can zoom in on Jeff and Robbie or I can zoom in on Sasha and Robbie and it I don't know if you watch the on-demand versus the live but it makes the show more interesting and and it allows me to punch in on that 4k shot because our broadcast once it's on demand is 2k so we have basically I can punch in to a half of the the screen size that the camera provides so oh yeah so all of our cameras are 4k and those allow us to punch in and basically zoom in on the camera without having to have a camera operator yeah works pretty well I think for on-demand yeah so I can't I can't record at 720 our master recordings have to be huge they have to be and then I render down from that how big is the must recording for up typical initial six hundred gigabytes yeah that's something that's a very big file remember when we didn't need 640 kilobytes when Bill Gates himself told us that remember those days yes yes yeah because my each has a 20 megabyte drive and I replace that with 170 megabyte Drive in order to play a mobile Wow is there for floppy drives yeah yeah well and now you've got I installed the windows 95 using 26 and now you've got stuff like this like a 260 gig data traveller yeah in your pocket like in your pocket in your siloxane yeah brilliant yeah another thing that some of those things can compute all right yeah yeah yeah what about some of those micro SD s I showed you they're running multi terabytes micro s oh my goodness yes insane I can't imagine like can you imagine the sector size because these are not multi layer devices right like they're so thin Wow Oh crazy crazy crazy well folks we've got a lot to be able to pull together over the next few weeks yes yep I love this I think once we're in studio II we're gonna do this more now Kickstarter we currently have a tier that will allow for you to participate in four of these zoom meetings we can host up to 95 people and we can just hang out and just hey talk about what's going on yeah talk about what's going on yeah so just like you see here and this is pretty cool I guys like I mean we've got the technology to make it happen seems to work yep yay I like it that's far I gotta say as far as Kickstarter sorry years ago yes Sabu think about that so 20 years ago there was a fifth like 15 minute delay on any satellite video yeah that's sure you know so here we are we have now I know that like I see four people well three people on the right but then I know soul boos here as well I don't know why soul boo doesn't happen thumbnail only does four does it only show so many yeah maybe there's a button that rob5 put here yeah I have to press the blue blue arrow blue arrow oh look at us we're so fancy now so I mean we can but we can host up to 95 people here so I mean this is what we're going to be doing over the next couple of weeks we're gonna have four of these and we're gonna do this and it's gonna be private it's gonna be something that we are gonna release to the public but live if you want to participate you've got to be a part of that on Kickstarter at cap 5 DV / kick and you're gonna get to see some of the stuff that we're looking at bill yeah I've been to five units so far since Friday and maybe folks at home should know this so I've actually toured five different possible studio units and I think I might have found one I like that one bill have you seen it I looked at the video I like this guy light yeah see what's Bill talking about we got a skylight we got a natural and what yeah that's a nice to do so folks hey get on over to cap 5 dot dot TV slash kick I'd love to have you a part of the the fundraiser I really do need you to be a part of that fundraiser we got to do this I know we can can I give some good news yeah we're already over 25% for the 5 minimize for that minimum ah thank you so much ladies for $5,000 you can inflict extreme labor pains on Jeff yeah yep tell your wives folks 24 interesting thing Louie just moved to a new store it's not too long ago that people didn't show that transition while it was happening I know you are doing the same yeah a comment on did the last video descended from the old store it was empty and yours is just rubbish less than us and our mother said that it couldn't believe that the shop looked smaller because it did everything yeah check has changed everything but you hope that their new studio will show you I have full faith that it will absolutely Studio II is going to be excellent it will also start season 14 forget about season 13 it's over we're done with this yes season 13 is done you know a superstitious guy but I'm telling you 13 has had its challenges it is ridiculous not only will we have heating and air conditioning but we will not have birds we will not have mice all these things are true fans with good bearings so that we don't yes so yes along that line so the laptop has a bad fan which we discovered two weeks ago yeah and that arrived yesterday so when that arrived so that part that I ordered it was like a little bit of a knife to the heart yeah because it was purchased for this space again like it was like something to fix the interviews yeah so that there was no sound coming off of this so we want to find a space for studio II where the computers can be in a little office space and then we can run wires out to the studio space we want to have the studio separate from all the noise so that we no longer have to deal with this like we may as well like let's take a little bit of an upgrade we're not getting stupid we're not getting crazy we're just like we got it we've got to move anyways let's get a little bit of a better place yeah right now we've just got a big room and so our servers our computers our fans everything is in one spot and you can hear them on our microphones we want to fix that we want to make that a little bit better since we've got a we've got to do this anyways so you gotta go we gotta go it's moved down to the basement yeah just a second you guess that can be in the basement and then one of the services what a difference it makes I just get it out of there yeah it works all right folks well that is all the time that we have because I mean Sasha's looking at her fitness tracker not looking under steps but looking at the time and you know what we're we're so thankful to have each and every one of you as part of this show we are a community we're a family in many many ways and you know what we need go to cap 5tv slash kick I hate that can I be honest I hate doing this the asking for help but I cannot do it alone we can't do it alone we do need our viewers to come together and do this and it's not a case of supporting category 5 like our monthly expenses it's like a keep it alive this is like okay we're gonna go out of business unless we come into some serious cash very quickly because our landlord has said we need the space back and you have to be out by the end of the month yeah I didn't expect this none of us did and and so it's just one of those things that we've got to either deal with and and overcome or fold and and I that's not an option nope we shall overcome absolutely absolutely so cannot can I make a faith-based statement and say see you next month yes yeah yes yeah for you that's it like thanks I'll be there's no more shows this week so yet this month yeah Marlon March were closed so as soon as we're done here right now Sasha's already packed up her laptop we're taking it apart folks we have to I can't I can't leave this to the last minute no I have to shut down and pack up yep I've got boxes and I'm gonna fill them and so this is it this is it for March we will see you in April I have faith in that and and it's it's gonna be awesome oh yeah Studio a is gonna be awesome thanks to you I promise I'm gonna do my best I'm gonna do everything I can to keep this thing afloat folks yep that's right yeah that's right birthday so take it close amazing thank you so much everybody thank you everybody for your support keep it comin this like over the course of March I will be active on social media I'm gonna be active in as many places like as I can be we need this thing we need the momentum to keep going keep in mind we need to blast past the goal the goal is there as an arbitrary number which is a low number so that we meet our goal otherwise Kickstarter will say you don't get any of it okay we have to surpass that it's not once we raise that we're not done we have to keep going so that we can actually make this happen yeah let's make this happen folks there's a reason why there's a challenge on there for 5,000 yes oh yeah yeah so we'll see you on the flip side everybody and be active in our social media I'm on Twitter I'm on LinkedIn I'm on facebook I'm on discord everywhere you can find me say hi let me know you know part of this okay I don't think I've ever said I am on Twitter - okay hold on I I use this soul okay you can just go you can just go she's gotta go she's gonna for a it's it's Jay Weston bari jay weston bari jay weston bear you go well you can look me up on twitter flying robbie Ferguson how hard is that yeah Ashley could you leave me your mic pack yeah don't take it thanks all right take it easy everybody yes thank you so much for your support knit up to now and moving forward keep it growing over the next two three weeks and wish me once and from studio D we're signing off yeah that's it Sasha you got to be on camera for the sign-off from studio D bye see ya that's studio D's gone folks oh thank you everybody end of an in this guy's yes yeah I like your attitude man you know what I first I was shocked and in shock okay that lasted about a half a day and then I just started putting my foot to the floor and realized that hey this needs I need to do something and I need to make this happen so I worked my butt off to start booking appointments with real estate agents and everything else I had to be so now it's Wednesday I've already seen five different units I've got one in mind and I'm already working towards signing the lease and we're gonna we're gonna do our best to make it happen yeah but it's got to happen and I set up the Kickstarter which I've never done before yeah you got all that quick I wasn't proud I had to and Kickstarter was quick too so anything else you need to take with you since we're closing this down this is it okay thanks but your slippers I can mail them they're hard to access because there's boxes in front of everything now don't knock down the shelves yeah you got it that whole bin is yours the one with the pink lid because I say it's about the only thing in here that's it's it's ashes stereotypes mm-hmm no it's not gender stereotyping at all no she just let I tried to give it to Jeff and he looked at me weird so are you with your pink shirt underneath your sweater and then her pink jacket and your pink the pink clearly see that's a very cheery color I'll give you that credit ya see I just I with the red hair I can't wear pink goodnight bill I don't know if you can hear but she says goodnight all right I'm signing off - all right guys Jeff and me - jokes I'm gonna put this together upload it and everything else just start packing love you all take care take it easy thank you thank you Bill remember to get some sleep even if you yeah thanks yeah it's gonna be a mad few weeks I'll tell you what yeah thank you yes see you in the malt yeah take it easy