welcome everybody this is category five technology TV in its current state we're gonna call this episode number 646 but really it's just a couple of moments where we get to spend time with some of the Kickstarter supporters cat5 TV slash kick if you want to find out more and that would be a great way to support category 5 technology TV is we get out of this space and move into our new space at Studio II so full disclosure we had a great time we spent some time doing this and we gave the whole kind of we had a great meeting didn't we Sasha and soon yeah and zoom didn't record so here we are this is our opportunity to just kind of let you guys in those who are watching on demand on some of the behind the scenes what's going on here at the studio unfortunately we don't have a recording of our first zoom meeting from this evening and it you know what though make note of that be a part of zoom meetings as they happen and you'll never lose out on the opportunity to be part of that conversation I mean we've got Marsh man here we've got bp9 here guys how was our first zoom meeting [Laughter] well here we are at studio D we've got things kind of ripped apart we've got everything taken apart and most of the stuff is boxed I think we're doing pretty well yeah I think you know what Robby's really generous he says we are doing really well really 99.9% of Studio done am I good you done with this place oh yeah yeah it's funny okay so this is I wanted to show you now we're getting sidetracked but this is kind of all the stuff that is packed and ready to go we're gonna move this into the truck and get out of here we got some garbage we got some boxes that were so through Studio done it was devastating yeah it was devastating to learn that we had to leave this place but I think it was a real kick in the pants to realize that it's time to move on it's time to grow the show and it's an opportunity for us so now I come here and I'm like now that it's torn apart I'm ready I'm excited and and ready to move on to what's next for category five technology TV no can you quickly give us a comparison of the amount of space that's available from the point bp9 just saying how we had to redo this because the recording didn't work okay so look at studio deep okay you can see me from a couple a couple of angles here a few angles is my good angle I don't know there's cameras all around it's always looking at my butt over here we've got my production space okay so this is where I used to produce the show then we've got like our original studio D set over here is where we are currently shooting the show so this is what you're familiar with that's the brick wall over here hey Bo and then this is where the cameras sit so they look this way and this is our our stand-up desk studio over there for production and then we've got the sit down area over here which we sometimes use but not too often because it only seats too lovely when we want to sit I really like it yeah okay so so that's here so this is about 490 square feet almost exactly right here okay beyond here we have our kind of kitchen area which is like a fridge and coffee maker microwave stuff that we feel like we use the coffee maker a lot the fridge like cream and stuff thanks for in the coffee yeah and then here we used to have and and I say used to I've simply moved them out into the hallway into the foyer audience eating was here so we had ten audience seats but how often do that so rarely yeah yeah six like your satchel flip your mic dad told me to do that because your mouth is up here in your head we used to have all the audience sitting here but we don't really use it we don't have audience here and we tried the March Break special but now we can't because of Coppa so it's like it's just wasted space so consider this all wasted space kapa yeah it's like a regulation that says that we can't do programming this focus towards children under 13 years old so because of that our March Break special was moot so yeah so we can't do that anymore Oh older family friendly calling it now where we used to be called family friendly now we are safe for work everybody is working from home just it just we can't target young people because then we can't monetize because I really like to provide that family-friendly focus but we just you know we can't afford it so lose all this space for audience seating because we don't have an audience we never do so when people come to the studio we make them be guests like here's where were you standing you were over here yeah you're not camera yeah my wife sitting well and true when Vera was here she can sit here but we don't need 10 seats for Dara right so sitter so if we had so a co e if we had just a couple of flies ville a couple of fold-up chairs right that we can just pull out when we need them so consider that all this space is just wasted okay so throw this away we don't need a bathroom because the new place has a public bathroom so cut it off right here and say okay yes the new space is smaller 490 square feet versus the 690 that we have here but we don't need all that space it's excessive that's what I was always thinking so when the audience seating was certainly unused so we ended up just putting our stuff on it when we got here right yeah that is true odd shelves yeah so so essentially we're gonna have the same amount of studio space just not have audience seating space and we don't have the same amount of space for like our kitchen area but we can just put that on it like we've got a coffee maker and a fridge we can just put that on a table yeah exactly thanks bp9 Robert Koenig was also here joining us for our first run through our our zoom group meeting now I've got it figured out and I know that I know how I think to make it work we've got so many cameras around and it ended up putting it on my phone instead of on the computer so it didn't record and so that was a little bit disappointing but now we've got it recording so any other questions for me folks while we have time before zoom cuts us off who wants to us can I explain he's been through the long explanation look just know that it's been a weird time for all of us and here at studio D it's it's no exception getting insurance has been odd for studio II because my insurance broker has shut down because of kovat 19 so they're working from home they're doing things like esign and and taking much more time than it should take to get a quote and so that's been really really difficult for me it's been probably the biggest stress that I've had beyond the actual eviction just realizing that okay we've I've paid our rent I've paid our security deposit at the new location in all essences it is ours however they will not give me a key until I have insurance so knowing all that and realizing that okay there I mean from my perspective it seems like they're dragging their heels they're like I'm just not getting a quote from my insurance broker but realistically I understand and I'm empathetic to the fact that they're all trying to do their jobs as well as anyone else through this trying time but for me it's like my what I have to do still goes on I still have to be out of this space before the end of March and in order to do that I have to have access to my new space before the end of March so finally I did receive the quote today so I requested the quote back on the first day of March and here we are in the eighteenth and I finally received the quote there's a couple of things that need to be adjusted I'm very confident that they're going to be able to quickly fix those and and I'll be able to e sign those so we're we're at an interesting time now where even though we're all going through this really difficult situation with kovat 19 where technology is allowing us to do things like assigning things and and they're able to fulfill insurance policies from home even though their brokerage is closed so it's been a bit of a scary time that way because I haven't known whether we're gonna have insurance in time to be able to get out of here before the landlord changes the locks yes yes you can easy sign for Studio II I don't know if you can see me on Sasha's camera here but we are social they are complying and sadly that means I will not be able to come up at the end of the month I hope you guys I know that actually breaks my heart I saw I saw a little memo in my email that said that you'd cancel just as I was on my way out the door to go to work and I was like well this is a situation I mean kovat 19 is a situation that none of us anticipated and it all I think it falls it'll I mean when can it followed a good time right it really falls at a really hard time for the show for everything that's going on I'm I am concerned that maybe I'm not going to have enough hands to move us what is the moving truck company is closed down I don't know if I'm even gonna be able to get a moving truck I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to get the keys to the studio to be able to move my stuff in that's time everything and it changes like day-to-day hour-to-hour what is going to happen what isn't and and we really were really having to live in the moment just having faith that everything is gonna work out and it well oh yes very well if anything I've seen so far is that the community is backing us the community loves what we're doing and and that to me is a huge encouragement when I entered like this month I was very uncertain and for me this has represented our community showing that category 5 is wanted is desired and that you want to see us succeed and NCS continued and that has been a big uplifter for me and we're gonna we're gonna see it happen it's gonna happen so studio years ago we've got the lease I've signed the lease it's it's you know nine-tenths of the way there exactly and there's how many days in prefers like we're practically doing this from Studio II almost Marsh man Marsh man mentioned that he's not gonna be able to be here and I do regret that very much because it really means a loss that that a community member of viewer of the show a fan of the show is willing to come out and and be a part of our move and Marsh man even just the thought of that is like that thank you man like I know that everything is out of our control right now yeah so know that I understand that but look around you look around right now I think like I want the community know like worrying we're in good shape oh we don't we don't have a lot of stuff the biggest thing bill that I have to move is this our student our server rack right which dawn it's funny cuz you just moved it in so you should know how easy exactly I can lift this up myself right I got I got my coffee no problem I picked up I picked up a good I picked up a good card oh okay so like I'm I'm pretty sad so we're gonna we're gonna make do everything's gonna work out just fine so but you know I I just want to say and I know zoom really limits us for time and I and as I walk over here I'm just kind of monitoring because the last time we got kind of cut off and then we lost our recording because it cut us off so I want to be careful of that but I want the community to know how much we appreciate all of your support through this Kickstarter campaign so far know that the Kickstarter campaign is still a go and while category-five technology TV is safe thanks to the early contributors everything that is raised from here on out is just going to improve our stance when it comes to the OEE so that has to do with when I hire the contractor how great are we gonna be able to make the show I really want to be able to do I mean Bo you're there with us you know you own a Marid ride calm and we all love your company we love single board computers we love the things that that you're caring and doing um I want to do more with those kinds of products I want to be able to set up a proper set where we say okay this is this is our set where we're gonna be doing unboxings and and setting up single board computers and doing really cool product demonstrations and DIY projects and things like that there's so much that we could be doing that we never dreamed of with this space because back then we didn't have those technologies remember this was season 8 when we opened this studio so we didn't have those to work with that kind of grew while we were here now we've got a chance to build a studio get a contractor in set up a space that has our proper sets the way that we currently are the way that we're the show is evolving and be able to focus on those technologies that were really really keen on so I'm really very awesome yeah I'm very focused on like where are we at right now I think this is an opportunity for category-five to say where are we right now where are we going over the next three years and say this is how we want it set up I think that's an opportunity that we didn't have at studio D and and so I want to say thank you to those who are supporting our Kickstarter campaign and if you haven't done so already it's cat5 dot TV slash kick and know even though we've met the goal so that the show is safe we're not going under we're not going to close down we are going to be on the air as soon as we're able to from Studio II but everything that's raised beyond where we're at right now is just going to help us to build that set make it as good as possible make it as wonderful as we can so that we can really progress as a show as a community give you the content that you want and and make it look as good as possible I want the show to look really professional as well I think we're at that point where category five not only can be but should be at that point where it just looks really good I wanted to look good for you so that when you sit down and watch it you can say hey that's category five I helped make that and in that'd be really cool before the meeting plant plant closes down on this I want to say to both you Robby and Sasha keep doing what you're doing because you guys rock you wrong thanks be nice to you thank you well I think we are out of time for our zoo meaning quickly any any other comments or questions before we before we wrap up I know we're gonna get cut off here it happened so quick I know I know we should do this again I imagine that we're going to do this quite often from Studio II and it's gonna be a lot of fun are you living it's how many maintain cheap and whole number of meetings you can have oh no the the limits are that there can only be one hundred people per meeting and the the limit is timed to 40 minutes but I did find that the last one they started cutting me off at 30 Oh so 100 is not bad actually yeah so from studio yeah from studio II we could have a fair few people participating in our zoom meeting and we could make that maybe just like a portion of the one hour show you know what would be fun actually I know I'm just pitching an idea for an episode in the future yes but could you imagine if like a certain number of people had exactly the same product and we were doing like an unboxing a simultaneous that would be so much fun that would be a lot of fun I don't think that's been done before I met everybody can come up with a unique twist on how to use it a combination c2 and rock age 64 model B I'll take 100 of those rivaling this tops now in terms of power that's crazy yeah my computer set up a Raspberry Pi will do in terms of in terms of driving normal Linux experience it's amazing I just took down my PC my Dell PC and I've got Debbie and running on my Odroid h2 yeah that's that's a nice one the n2 is great that rock pro 64 is great they're all to me they're a lot more powerful than even the PI 4 but the PI 4 is the one that gets the the lion's share of the attention because of its popularity we also do carry those but there's a lot of interesting single board computers on the market I've got a n2 right here this is actually one that runs the shipping department right now don't drop it big box right here this box here is all single board computers it's like you know what it's like 20 times the size of the box that's all single board computers right there now you switch back to the four camera again I don't see me now it might be sister Shasha it might be just the audio whoever's talking like oh it's just the audio I could describe the blocks it's like 16 so we can do listen we are going to be back with more zoom meetings for our Kickstarter supporters so make sure you get over to cap 5 TV slash kick and participate and we will see you next time take care everybody I you think we really do it says I don't want to take the risk boys last time it cut us off and then I lost all the files if we call space bait I'm starvin no yeah I need to pack things in my mouth and eat them