category-five technology TV is back and on the air now even though we are broadcasting in a socially distant way which is kind of unexpected at least I have my favorite co-host here with me hey Robbie hey man you good yeah now keep it safe and just kind of social distances yeah not losing my sanity at all awesome well as you said the shows a bit different this time around because I'm the only friend you're allowed to hang out with but between you and me and our friends on zoom' I think we can pull this off well let's see welcome back Robbie thanks same to you our live recordings are trusted only to solid-state drives by Kingston technology revive your computer with improved performance and reliability over traditional hard drives with Kingston SSDs category 5 TV streams live with Telestream wire cast and nimble streamer tune in every week on roku cody and other HLS video players for local show times visit category-five TV [Music] well welcome back everybody it's so great to have you joining us for category-five technology TV just feels like it's been forever doesn't it I'm here at Studio E and we're safe and sound thanks to all of our supporters on our Kickstarter campaign and those who have contributed by other means as well however due to the unexpected of course we had to call off construction and and kind of makeshift things as best we can in order to be able to come and bring you a show our first time here at studio E but I've got a I mean they got the painting done so that's that's something and you know what here we are and it is so great to see you I'm so pleased to have you here let's get right into our interviews folks we've got a great show for you tonight thing is none of us could have anticipated the impact of kovat 19 on the global scale we've all had our lives flipped upside down in the past month and here to share their experiences our bollock now ski hey Robbie how are you All Things Considered I'm doing well thanks beau beau is the owner the founder of a marriage right there one of the world's most well respected vendors of single board computers and other maker tech so this is where I'm sitting yeah just in the middle of the Tauri area cool my next guest is community ambassador and co-producer of Seth MacFarlane's the Orville Tom costantino how's it going hanging in my friend along with Tom I'm also thrilled to have visual effects supervisor on the Orville Brandon Fayette joining us next in line is our very own world-famous co-host on category 5 technology TV adored by all its satiric Minh hello and finally cosplay engineer woman who can start her Tesla by waving her hand and most recently a contestant on Fox's new TV series lego masters with Will Arnett it's a me double D hi Amy great to see you again now since I work in IT and we're considered essential I still have to go to work every single day but like you I've been very careful to practice social distancing and for the most part I'm interacting with nobody but my immediate family except if I'm separated by a couple of metres or more my wife and three kids are at home and I'm actually kind of feeling a bit envious of those dads who are able to stay home with their families right now just going to be honest but I know it's not easy for folks we all have our own challenges Sasha you and your husband Dave are you guys hanging in absolutely yeah we are all of the above doing what it takes you know staying isolated and you know just keeping ourselves entertained and prepping for the move we're good oh how are you doing you and your family healthy and safe oh yeah we're all healthy good there there's a theory that we in California have already all had it Amy how have things been for you transition to working from home I work from home most the time and I'm home on the weekends so not too much of that has changed for me do you feel like I'm living in a fish like Oh wake up for the morning workout and then like well I can go outside today but I don't need to so it's it's an interesting mind it's more of the mind at least for me because I'm very much home all the time um so it's just been a very different yes stay away from the news how is it that Lego masters was able to air during the pandemic so like a wrestlers we filmed from October to December so we had wrapped filming number premiere date was in February just this week so it's been interesting doing interviews because everything now has been digital interviews so it's like one of those or I just had to open the front door and they had to take my picture standing outside this is this is my life now yeah it's kind of mind-blowing how things have changed in just a month thinking of I mean at the start of March I announced to viewers that we were going to be moving our studio at the end of the month but by the time that we got things rolling on lease arrangements and the insurance that I'd need for a new place cope at 19 was in full swing so our insurance brokerage closed the property managers office I wasn't sure if I could get a hold of them I was actually honestly I was getting worried that you know perhaps I wouldn't be able to rent a truck for the move or even secured a unit in time but I absolutely had to be out of our old space by April 1st I think it's fair to say that most if not all of us were caught off guard let's start with Brandon where were you and the team at the Orval as like where were you at as far as production goes I know you were working on season 3 when all this went down sure I mean we had we had filmed a good portion of the first chunk of episodes of the season and you know the way we typically work is our previous team for visual effects is kind of a couple so you know did we haven't released how many episodes of doing the season probably that we thought no we have it's 11 so far for today yeah so we we had things all the way up episode of 5 and some of some like one-off scenes shot and you know we're in previous right now in episode 10 so you know I mean we were we weren't a pretty good swing footage-wise I think when this strike good good and now we're working from home trying to complete kind of the pre-visualization of all of the effects knees and then we've been do doing the editorial for what we have in the can trying to kind of just get shots ready get stuff delivered to our the effects vendors so we can start actually creating kind of the path towards final you know visual effects we don't know this time is kind of letting us do which is pretty good yeah we're just trying to get as much work done as we can because you know it could be a long cold summer were you guys ready for this like how much time did you have to transition from the Fox lot to home based editing we had about a day on Lian kind of rough we knew that we were gonna shut down on a Friday so we kind of synched up as you know many drives as we could you know we have to do everything through the Disney security standards so I got to come in group making sure everything right you know appropriately locked down you know as much as you can do in the midst of a crisis but we meant to do pretty good I was gonna get kudos to my wife she was a little head of the curve because she knew this was coming so we're I was able to secure well I mean ask forgiveness for with content security to get some footage going but you know yeah I mean were we were we ready to go from 0-100 to zero I mean no no I don't think anybody was and I think we had a week ramp up time to try to get everything kind of move in and then once we were up and running it was you know production virtually is a little bit stilted but we're moving in pretty good clip now I think we've kind of gotten into any things cool Sasha how about you as a personal support worker you care for elder elderly folks and I imagine that this would be a very difficult time what throughout this entire the pandemic what has caught you off-guard I was used to the assumption that the clients I saw would be my biggest risk you know there's always risk of injury like back injuries let's and falls as soon as the pandemic came it was the realization that I as an outsider coming into people's homes now I was the risk to them that was that was the biggest thing that caught me off guard was the fact that all of a sudden I felt like at any point in any interaction with any one person I could unknowingly be getting them sick and so I I mean I already am a very careful person but I went in to lay OverDrive's and if there is a rule to be followed I am following it but yeah that was the thing that was the biggest thing that really hit me with the pandemic I would say well what about you guys what were you in the midst of a Tamara Droid we were in the process of scheduling appointments to go visit clients in the California Bay Area okay Silicon Valley and San Francisco area and obviously or social distancing reasons and with a marriage Roy being a tech company do you feel that that kind of better prepared you to suddenly have to move staff to a home-based work scenario well we are very much a paperless operation we almost all of our stuff is already done digitally good good we have network staff so we do things like VPNs and all that type of stuff to get into the business anyway so Remote Desktop and virtual machines and stuff like that so it hasn't really changed a whole lot for us because we were already kind of prepared to do right and we do a lot of work on you know instead of on paper we do it on tablets and on on the screen Amy how about you how have your plans been impacted yes so I'm supposed to go to a hacker event in Serbia and we're planning to fly into Budapest and then take the train down to Serbia and have like a hacker thing on the trains and friends so that is a postpone with no like no date I got a Def Con in August I go to Dragon Con which is also in August and that may seem it's like enough time ways away but it's I mean it's really not I don't see like too many even if they do reinstate it how many people are going to be going to these things because right here is a very strong motivator there are a lot of people and the fear of the unknown and the the Internet is this epitome of misinformation so that's are you gonna be going to an event and if you are now people are going to be hugging or the interactions are not gonna be the same or how people spend money in the future is going to be very different I I think this will be an interesting wake-up call for some of the younger generations that haven't saved you know there are six months of savings or their thousand dollar emergency funds or however they handle like the financial crisis situation and I just adds to like another stress level and it's interesting because it's how can how can we give back when we can't even like some people can't even help themselves or you feel you can't help like with interaction and I will say like working on some side projects or just building things sometimes I I feel guilty about sharing like stuff I'm making or working on I feel guilty for being happy we actually had a hangout call the other day with a bunch of people from the Lego masters and we all just like had a hangout call and we were just like building yeah it was nothing plan to build but everyone we were just building with something with Lego and all just hanging out on a live call and it was it just felt that that felt normal to be doing something that your familiar with yeah so change is hard right so it's you're out of your comfort zone for a lot of the most a lot of people are out of their comfort zone for that but yeah guess I've got an infinite supply of Lego for now comes with the territory I guess now while I was really fortunate to have some friends help out with the move itself for me it's been really tough juggling the studio move and setting things up and being ready to broadcast tonight since social distancing says that I can't have anyone else here to help me out we also had to postpone the construction so I don't have a stage or even a desk in front of me I've had to drill a hole through the studio wall as a temporary way to get the signal from the camera into the production room which is actually a separate room so I think you know while my scenario is not terrible we're all having to kind of figure out innovative ways to keep doing what we do I'll start with Tom what about you what's it been like to have to move to a home-based production studio I hate not seeing everyone and also trying to work with the boss from you know we're you know seven miles away from each other and it's you know presents some technical challenges and yeah I mean I'm Brandon can answer too it's you know I mean luckily we do a lot of stuff on computers and hence we're all pretty good about you know keeping up with each other but you know it's nothing replaces all of us being in an office together sure yeah I miss I'm missing I'm missing everybody's faces for sure but you know we lucked out that we live in an area of the country that has fast enough internet that we can do remote workstation and yeah and why do either you know little tricks to kind of make sure that we can keep moving forward you feel at least kind of like we're in the office even though we don't really see each other except over a camera like this yeah I mean we're definitely working good I mean it won't be forever we're you know we're gonna run out of work I mean the effects can go a little longer we can work that out financially but you know we're now we're gonna run the pipeline till we run out of material once we have you know all the end it's delivered by you guys meaning we've got a lot of work that shows a really visual effects heavy so I mean we've got thousands of shots already that we can start kind of putting into production just with what you did last few weeks so you know best to get sculpted the animated you know ingested into vendor systems you know and then we start bringing it to life shot so it's good we got a lot to do fortunately yeah I can't imagine Tom you you also said that you'll eventually run out of work I can only hope that by the time you get to that point we're going to be through this but I guess some viewers and certainly myself are wondering right now do you have any projections at this point as to you know when the third season of the Orval is going to be available I I'm not at liberty to say because I don't know I think this is gonna affect all production we will all be in the same boat so without without quoting me and I mean that yeah I can't see how all of television and film isn't delayed by this you know what people aren't realizing is we have to now figure out how you go back and put a hundred to 200 people in a wood box and film together when there's you know when we don't have a vaccine or a treatment yet so we got some plans to do we that we mean the higher ups than us right right that's not answer yeah Sasha how how have you and Dave been impacted so with the pandemic happening we made the very important decision to be closer to Dave's dad sooner rather than later and we moved up our mood our move to Newfoundland by a few months and so we're packing up and leaving and going in the midst of a pandemic which is an interesting kind of it's a challenge because you we have to abide by social isolation and physical distancing even during you know a very big like multi-day move where we have to take into account the fact that we can't go anywhere for food you know that sort of thing when we get to the and we get to the house we get home we're not allowed off the property for 14 days it's it's legally you know mandated quarantine which we happily will abide by but it does mean that we've had to make make arrangements that there's gonna be food there for us you know that you know that sort of thing that you don't even you would never think that free movement in your own country would be something that you would have to really think about though how have you been impacted at a marriage right there there are people are working from home now almost most people here are working from home at the moment but our shipping staff still coming in and they're still shipping yeah and everybody's in a social distancing thing good we have a fair amount of room here so it's easy to keep keep our distance but in our in our county right now there's only one confirmed case and it's a somebody who's on parole so or on probation I guess it's they're under house arrest right now anyway so just like the rest of us bow ami how about you so I have pretty much a full maker space shop in my house so that hasn't changed too much I have the access to 3d printers laser cutters I have a five access CNC machine I have like I have all the tools to do stuff here yeah at this point I think it's just as I always spent on this little little it says head case alright because at some point I'm always worried about time for finishing a project or for a certain event or a certain kind and now it's like I have this abundance of time well what can I be doing with this extra time I'm now I'm not commuting an hour to work in an hour from work I mean reality is everyone has the same hours in the day as everyone else right so you know when people are what's the motivation to get out of bed in the morning for me I've been making myself workout every day so when people are stumbling out of bed when it's still dark outside I've already I've already worked out for the day I've already tried to make the best of it that's a good idea how do you stick to it I am I am you make a habit you make a discipline you just indiscipline not as a punishment and discipline as in you can do this you're you know you're worth it so every day so I think today is like my 24th day that I worked out or something but like like the fifth day I'm like this sucks I don't want to do great but that discipline has like I'm like come change so much of just how my day has been at like alright I'm waking up at the same time every morning even on the weekend when I don't have to work because if nothing I just get in this slump and I'm like now I'm just watching useless stuff on TV something that is not furthering or pushing myself like I could stay home anytime and watch Netflix like why um not that I still got some enough lectures I like so no judgement on that it's I think it's going to change to the future of any elect companies or places that say hey you can't work from home and now all these companies in these lucien to that right also all the wonderful parents that are also learning how to balance homeschooling and and working yeah i think it's been a different challenge for each of us you know I think like I'd try to think how many days it's been my biggest challenge is my dad is older so try to not you know like if I have to be around him or you know go get his groceries like not being able to give those people a hug has been like hard for me I think also like not the fear of the unknown the fear of the unknown is probably one of the hardest things is I'm I'm planning to go to these two conferences if they need to be here so I'm trying to plan to work on these projects and how these things finished on time so now where's the motivation to finish those why should I finish those and that's the next steps like okay what if this is the new norm now now we're not going to be having these events am i making my projects for myself or other people am I making it like it's kind of sorry puppies thirsty no worries you were saying that you were considering whether you were making your projects for yourself or for others yeah but it's kind of made me think it's like why do we do the things that we do do we do them for acceptance about people are we doing them for us or doing them to learn and I think I've kind of been honing on like improving some projects I've already worked on and I was like so I'm not gonna go back and work on that it's fine and you know I'm fine it's just not okay so I've been back and kind of improving on some of those and I have the time to do it so that's been a yeah I guess an interesting balance yeah that's good Sasha what's been the hardest for you I think the uncertainty day-to-day the fact waking up not not knowing what's happening the next day has been difficult and I would say for me personally my biggest challenge has been I have a tendency to lean towards like the bright side of everything as you know and although I mean it's so good to see all of all of the humanitarian efforts and all of the good that's coming out of this pandemic there's a real sad side of it and for me it's coming to terms with like the actual fact of the tragedy and it's been a very big challenge for me to balance that I think because I have found myself you know being one of maybe many who end up glued to the TV and they're watching stats and they're watching you know it's it's real lives being affected yeah but at some point I had to teach myself okay I need to turn it off and just tune in you know to something something good lights so that's been our biggest challenge is just learning to filter through when it's appropriate to be a part of the the news and when it's not a me how about you I had my grandmother died I'm so sorry but I never thought I would be asking like to do a private live streaming of a funeral and you know we live in weird times and you know so a lot of family members couldn't be there for the funeral and I was trying to put it in a way to my dad is it's not as a disrespectful thing to do this for your mother our grandmother and my brother put it as a good point he said we have these amazing technology tools to connect us so even if we can't physically be there like we can be there virtually and people didn't used to have that that chance or that experience and though it is bizarre I guess you would say to livestream a private funeral I know the people that couldn't be there were very people that they could at least I guess honor or put their respect towards it yeah yeah it's it's definitely living in a weird time yeah Sasha besides the move itself what kind of changes has the pandemic brought about for you so this is actually really quite be interesting it's almost experiment in the fact that we were between studios and then we were in a pandemic yeah and we have to be physically distant because now as a part of the show in order to maintain you know the connections I've made I am going to turn a part of the house into a studio and so I'll be able to connect remotely just as we're doing now and I mean it'll be a different time zone which I understand but I'll have to get accustomed to I think I end up I end up airing an hour and a half later than you but yeah I'll be I'll still be part of the show I'll just be very physically distant Amy how have you had to adapt I found that I've had to become more resourceful so for example I was trying to design some like new circuit board components and I need some parts that I don't have and have to order well now they're not available right I can't get them so I'm like okay I have to use what I have in my house I feel like I'm like you know yeah you have East my things and you have to make this and you have an hour I feel like I'm back on the Lego master but I feel that I started become more creative and or really understand the parts that I do have or take things apart but it's hard there's technical apology yeah I think having the Internet has the internet connects us but I even did like the Netflix watch party and I've never done that before where you watch movies with your friends like why that's weird I just watch movies by myself anyways but it was actually really fun because we had six of us in the room and early movie you're sitting next to the person or you're in the dark so you don't ever get to see and it was actually probably more fun to watch my friend's facial expressions because some of them had never seen you know like some of these like old school movies or Star Wars or Indiana Jones and you're just like wait a minute or they like may make the connection so to watch their facial expressions like taking someone to Disney World for the first time it's almost just as monthly watch them that's such a fun idea now this is a terrible time for many and and some of you that are watching at home may have lost a loved one or some of you are scared or coping with loneliness or worry I want you to remember that you're not alone through this we're all experiencing this differently but we're all in this together Tom your thoughts you know I'm gonna quote my great grandmother and mom who's no longer with us but it was very wise and she always would say this too shall pass and she's been through like three world wars and you know trying to think about all the all the myriad of things I think she was even around for the early part of the Great Depression so you know it seems as bad right now and it's gonna be rough but humans are resilient and know maybe in a year year and a half it'll just be that haha funny thing for us it was lucky to stay healthy haha funny thing hey remember that time we all were stuck in our houses for months on end um hopefully you know but I do think the human race is very resilient I think you know like I said it's almost like buying a house if you were lucky enough to do so it's horrible trying to do it and then when then you don't remember any of it except for the house when it's over with so you know I think I think we'll all be okay eventually thanks Tom yeah I hear ya it actually reminds me my wife and I were just going through some old photos from a couple years back just this past weekend we'd taken the kids up to the cottage for Canada days fireworks so we sat on the beach of West Guilford and as the Sun went down we got eaten alive by mosquitoes it was terrible but as we looked at the photos my wife actually remarked in looking at the pictures all you see is the good part of the memories you forget about the insects the discomfort and how terrible it was at the time we made it through and now all we have is the fond memory and I'm really hoping that we're gonna see the same in this situation sascha final words this will pass we will be okay and we're with you every step of the way this world is is small we are your neighbors we I mean if anything that that this pandemic has shown us is how just even one kind word to another person can really make a difference and yeah I just want to say we're in this together and we are here for you I am here for you all this be here in Newfoundland thank you my friend Amy what would you say is important for each of us to keep in mind I think it's it's okay to laugh still and I think that's what people are sometimes afraid of right now is like I feel guilty for having fun and finding doesn't have to mean you're irresponsible and you're you know you're going outside with like 20 people and you're right I mean fun can be like we were you know you get together your friends and you do a livestream and you put together stuff so you can yeah you can laugh so after you can still have some future I don't have I don't the right answer for that and I don't anyone that says they have the right answer doesn't know themselves there's too many unknowns yeah support like you're not eleven like that that's the best part you're your not alone but we also have the tools to connect or maybe you know someone who can't afford a laptop maybe you can you know donate for some you know people to get laptops or cell phones something to have someone to help them stay in touch because those are things I I don't think about and I know some of the school districts they're teaching you know the kids are from home I'm gonna go do they provide laptops for those kids and I know a lot of schools don't so that's it's also financial yeah you're right I've been fortunate personally that with all with all three of my kids at home I've been able to give them each an old computer but sadly and I kind of feel bad about this but it honestly Amy I never really thought about how others may not have access to to an old computer for example so I think that's a really great idea thanks Amy bow speaking to those who are struggling right now what would you like them to know and that's that's hard you know life can be really difficult and we've come through with quite a few challenges since the turn of the century haven't we with terrorist attacks and housing crisis in the late 2000 like 2008 and and after that we had the recession and and you know just their ongoing actions in the Middle East and I don't know just there's been a lot of stuff going on in life and you know I from a technology standpoint there's not really a whole lot we can do other than you prepare to work from home too we raised our children in a home school environment so so as far our children are already out of that past that so it would not have made much difference for us from a schooling perspective but I can see how for a lot of people it's it's making a huge difference and I'm hoping that it gives people more time with their children really as they as a prepare to school from home and as they work from home as well of course I can be challenging to segment work and school you're fortunate enough you know work and family life yeah yeah but as far as people who are suffering that's I wish I had some magic words to say for those people other than bro in your in your faith and rely on a higher power because you know we as humans can only do so much thanks Bo Brandon some final thoughts I think right now there are people that are fortunate to be able to work like we are and you know for as long as we have that that's blessing and I think for those that are struggling right now you know the world has gotten through recessions the world has gotten through Wars people are very good at adapting and there's gonna be a light at the end of this tunnel there they're always you know we as a society and as a planet you know can get through things and bounce back even stronger and I think that there's me a lot of positive that comes out of this that we didn't really see before and I'd say for everybody you know find a thing to keep you happy find a new hobby just spend some time doing something you haven't done before but find one great thing in a day to you know keep you motivated you know create something you've never created you know it's it's a time to explore things it's a time to say you know hey for those who have family you know this is time you're never gonna get again like this you know taking photos of your kids have these memories you know they won't remember it but you will and you can show them later what this was like for me is it's a milestone event for the world I think we need to just recognize that in the midst of all the negative that's surrounding us there's definitely positive thanks so much everyone I appreciate those words so very much from all of us we wish you your family's health and comfort throughout this time stay safe we'll be right back this is the category 5 dot TV newsroom covering the week's top tech stories with a slight Linux bias time to head into the newsroom here's Henry Bailey Brown Thank You Robbie to help with the self-isolation applause google has made its stadium pro video game streaming service free for two months Phil Harrison the head of Google stadia wrote on Google's blog video games can be a valuable way to socialize with friends and family when you're stuck at home so are giving gamers in 14 countries free access to stadia for two months unlike before where you have to order the stadia controller and the chromecast ultra in order to subscribe now all you need is a gmail account which many of us already have for free but while most games available to stream through Google stadia need to be bought the pro subscription does come with some free ones the notable of these are destiny to create steam world quest hand of Gilgamesh and thumper stadia Pro is normally a $10 monthly subscription those already subscribed simply won't get billed for the next two months while people signing up for the first time will get all the benefits of pro and will be switched to a free account after two months Pro benefits include access to the free game library and the ability to Street the stream them at a higher quality than just 1080p and 60 frames per second during this period however Google will be adjusting their bandwidth usage to cope with the influx of new users and the increase of people streaming stuff online in general like we're all at home these days right so as a result the default will be 1080p instead of the 4k however you can switch that in settings for now if you're new to stadia go to stadia calm to sign up download the stadia app on Android or iOS and then you can play on your laptop desktop Chrome OS tablet with your favorite controller or mouse and keyboard again just some personal thoughts on this story it's a very interesting time to be a gamer for sure again stadia Pro has had its positives as well as negatives such as the idea that people aren't too happy with having to buy their games again to play in a cloud platform that being said there's other alternatives available if you don't want to get into stadia and Google such as the Xbox game pass how again you have a huge library of games that you buy that are very often cross-platform so you can play these games on your Xbox as well as on your PC etc with a single account your Xbox account or you can even do the other service that I personally prefer the NVIDIA GeForce now where basically you're using a Nvidia servers to play your games however it's actually a free service you can play up to an hour for free or you can play up to I believe six or eight hours paying around $10 a month Canadian but basically what this service entails is that you don't have to buy your games the second time you basically just log in to steam my games or even free games such as war Thunder World warships World of Tanks whatever and you can actually play your games that you already own on this free service well if you play only for an hour but again I've used it I'm very happy with it and again you don't have to buy your games twice which is the big factor with stadia well stadia prove worthy let's decide you can now play for two months what a great time to be able to get into streaming your games thanks Henry and for our next story here's Jeff Weston the CEO of Cambridge Qualcomm computing called honeywell's efforts the best-kept secret in quantum computing in a race where most of the major players are vying for attention Honeywell has quietly worked on its efforts for the last few years and under strict NDA it seems but early last month the company announced a major breakthrough that acclaims will allow it to launch the world's most powerful quantum computer this year Honeywell has long built the kind of complex control systems that power many of the world's largest industrial sites it's that kind of experience that has now allowed it to build an advanced ion trap at the core of its efforts computers use bits to transfer information the more bits the more data that can be transferred think of the leap from Super Nintendo sixteen bits to the Nintendo 64 at 64-bits quantum information is transferred in qubits which have the same purpose as a traditional computer bits but are radically more powerful these qubits can eventually form quantum gates which can lead to quantum circuits that's the measure Google was using Honeywell however is measuring what IBM first called quantum volume which looks at a quantum machine more holistically taking into account the number of qubits connectivity and gate and measurement errors the larger the quantum volume the more complex problems you can solve says dr. patty Lee chief scientists for Honeywell IBM owns machines ibm's own machines Havok we've achieved a quantum volume of 32 Honeywell's machines achieves twice that currently Honeywell has about 100 scientists engineers and developers dedicated to its quantum project original projections might have seen Honeywell's quantum computer unveiled this summer we'll see how long that shapes up in light of Koba 19 thanks Jeff we do have to take a quick break the crypto corner and more of this week's top tech stories are coming right up don't go anywhere I'll come back to the cryptic corner yes I missed you too it's been some time and as you can see I'm working from home it's probably most of us we're running through deep crisis on a global level and if you're working in the travel industry or tharam industry then life is not easy and as there was always when there was a difficulty there's always also an opportunity and I see the opportunity very clear here in my industry which is the cryptocurrency industry or blockchain technology there was even a research done by LinkedIn that came out with a result that companies are desperate need of blockchain developers and that's what I want to focus on today I want to focus on on a positive note and so who's currently hiring blockchain developers or blockchain people that that our knowledge of blockchain technologies well first of course startups there are a lot of startups that have got brilliant ideas they have got money and they're desperate look off of good people then large companies because they know that I have to move into blockchain technologies tech firms as always and governments so those are the four big sectors that are currently looking for blockchain people and what are they looking for well of course the usual subjects marketing which includes public relations and communication and social networking and so on trade and sales it's a big one support help desk and so on legal compliance and my favorite is development and that's what I want to focus on where are a technology Channel and so that's why I would like to focus more on development so if you don't know anything about programming don't worry about it this this is your moment here and so what you'll see behind me is a step-by-step idea on how you can get into this market how you can find a job in this industry and so the first step if you don't know anything about a programming language is learning a programming language now it's not difficult within a day you know the basics it's really easy to do that it's all about logic if you can't think in a logical way then learning a programming language is something very easy and I would start with JavaScript and they're all by the way very similar so there's no big differences between one language and the other I would start with JavaScript because you can develop something that is easily visible on a screen or so and then if you know JavaScript I would go over into Python because that's what a lot of crypto companies or platforms are using there is lot there is a lot of help free help on YouTube for example just Google JavaScript courses and you'll find multitude of them and you'll see why the reviews of there are serious ones are not there's also professional organizations like Coursera or EDX that offer from universities like Harvard or similar courses on programming just run through a few of them learn as much as you can I said and the basics you know them within one day once you've got that knowledge I would focus on blockchain so let's take a theorem which is the one that most people are certain you are using and searching for learn about the theorem how easy theorem working look under the hood they learn how they are currently doing the proof of work what is this smart contract all those things so that that you can have a decent discussion with somebody and you know more or less what a theorem how the theorem platform works once that's done and then of course you have to dive deep into a theorem programming so solidity and so on or in future it will be VIPRE and that is something that can also be learned very fast there are also specialist courses that offer this here like and and bit degree they offer courses you also see the the the reviews of people what they think of those courses you can just I mean they're not free but they're cheap 20 bucks for you 50 bucks it's not a big deal but my favorite one is Ivan on tank because he's been like the technical guru in this industry on a lower level and his courses are really fantastic because he's office he offers everything from the start so if you've got don't have much knowledge just take his courses and you'll get very fast to a level where you do know what it is about after about two months in this programming environment I can guarantee you know 99 percent more than most of the people yeah so it's a lot of superficial talk that you hear about this crypto industry but because it's a very young industry there is not much knowledge out there and and you don't want to become a Bitcoin developer anyway which is tough you want to just find a job then two months work should do the job now of course I put also up a list of where to find a job so there are several websites then that that offer already now a job search I would visit them and just I mean they've got the usual ones and every country works different the list that I have got here is of course more America u.s. focused but every country has got their own list of developers that they're using so that's for me today so it's very positive in a sense that if you know if you want to go into the blockchain industry if you know about cryptocurrencies the the future's bright I mean it's literally like that I wish you good luck if you've got any questions then just contact us and we will see on how we can help you anyway that's for me so back to the studio thanks bye thanks Robert just a reminder we're not giving away financial advice here on the category-five TV newsroom but instead just trying to give you some information and leaving it up to you to make the decision Henry next story github announced last week that all of its core features are now available for free to all users that means unlimited private repositories with unlimited collaborations for all including teams that use a service for commercial projects as well as up to 2,000 minutes per month a free access to github actions the company's automation and CI CD platform teams that want more advanced features like code owners or enterprise features like saml support will still have to upgrade to a pay plan at this time but the pricing for those plans has been slashed in half the company has always taking a freemium approach to its pricing model but since its acquisition by Microsoft it started to expand a number of features in its free accounts github CEO NAT Friedman stressed that this move had been long on the roadmap and it isn't a limited promotion motivated by the current covin 19 crisis he says this is something we plan to do and have wanted to do for a long time since we essentially did the acquisition and now getting to this point to do it took until now until it became a high priority thanks Henry Jeff what is going on with SETI at home astronomers say they have all the data they need in the search for extraterrestrial life distributed computer network SETI at home has ceased scouring radio telescope data for signs of extraterrestrials after 20 years much like folding at home which is currently acting as the world's most powerful supercomputer in the fight against the new coronavirus SETI at home utilized a vast user donated network of computers to analyze data but is now heading into hibernation SETI at home has been in operation since 1999 during that time it has processed heaps of radio telescope data collected from the deepest depths of space and listened in to narrowband radio signals in order to track down anything out of the ordinary to do so it relied upon the contributions of computers from across the globe graphics cards and powerful CPUs in tow all working together in order to learn of life beyond Earth but don't you worry it's not shutting down due to lack of interest in fact the researchers based out of USC Berkeley are inundated with the data but with no need for further data the team of astronomers will instead focus their efforts on back-end analysis for later publication in a scientific journal the project's message boards will remain operational but there's no longer any need to task your gaming rig with the search for extraterrestrials SETI at home may one day return researchers are eyeing up potentially eyeing up potential use cases and will distribute tasks in cosmology and pulsar research research sometime in the future nothing is set in stone however so it's better to put your gaming PC to good use researching elsewhere than leaving it idling the SETI T at home team recommends lending your help to folding at home it's a critical task of simulating the Cova 19 virus that project is currently operating at 1.5 EXA flops of computing power kindly donated from across the globe that's a whole frontier supercomputers worth for scale that sounds like a great use for our GPU hey big thanks to BP 9 this week as well as our community of viewers for submitting stories thank you for watching the category-five TV newsroom and don't forget to Like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight Linux bias and if you appreciate what we do well you can become a patron at slash newsroom from the category-five dot TV newsroom I'm Robby Ferguson well there you have it Studio E is up and running category five technology TV is on the air it's been great having you here hey thank you so much for your support of category five technology TV I couldn't done this without you it's great to be back and I'm looking forward to everything that's gonna come out of this space here at category fives new studio hey don't forget to check out our website category five dot TV if you're looking for something to binge well this show has been on the air for 13 years and incidentally every single episode is available for you absolutely free check it out category five dot TV I'm already looking forward to next week I'll be here again on well the same time right here that category five technology TV if you can't wait that long of course get on our website and join us for a category five community coffee break at this time it happens every single day so I will see you as soon as tomorrow take care everybody thank you so much for being here and stay safe I'll see you next week