[Music] our live recordings are trusted only to solid-state drives by Kingston technology revive your computer with improved performance and reliability over traditional hard drives with Kingston SSDs category 5 TV streams live on Telestream wire cast and nimble streamer tune in every week on roku cody and other HLS video players for local show times visit category-five dot TV welcome to the show it's great to have you joining me I'm Ravi Ferguson the host of the show the founder of the show the producer of the show and the only guy here cuz hey this is where we're all just doing our best aren't we throughout this wild time in the history of our planet and our race and Here I am at category 5 technology TVs studio e going it alone once again this week however my wife Becca is here again this week pre-recorded for our news room segment and I'm looking forward to having her join us in a little bit a little bit of time as we as the show goes on I just want to say that this broadcast would not be possible our studio would not be possible without the support of our Kickstarter backers our patrons and the donors who have simply decided to throw a little something in the tip jar in particular I want to say thank you to Scott Burke as Scott Barkley pardon me Scott I apologize Scott Barkley ronbo thank you guys so very much Jerry Kowalski thank you for your support Jonathan Garvey as well thank you sir we appreciate you and I appreciate your Jen's Nissen thank you Jen's and I appreciate you supporting category-five technology TV bollock now ski thank you sir you know I appreciate you so very much and Bill Marshall same goes for you my man thank you for your support of category 5 technology TV it's folks like this like these people who I've mentioned who just have decided to back up category 5 technology TV and see us through what could have been a very very difficult time none of us saw the pandemic coming I mean we all knew that there was stuff going on but to this extent to the fact that hey we moved in the midst of this and then suddenly we're basically on lockdown and I'm here doing my level best to set things up and get a show operational for you and it's taking time and it will take time to get back to our normal self of course the team can't be here with me and and I'm really I'm really digging the idea of having Jeff and Henry come back to to our live broadcast and being here in our new space I mean this is going to be all very novel for them they're gonna be here at our new studio for the very first time other than you know Jeff was here on move day but I mean that was just boxes but now things are actually starting to come together so but thank you to those of you who have supported this project and this show after you know 12 13 years of broadcasting almost every single week with very few exceptions it's really cool to know that you back us up and that you want to see this show go on and it's going on even if it's not exactly the way it's gonna be 3-4 months from now but I'm doing that I'm doing everything to bring you a great show every single week so thank you so very much for being here Before we jump into the show today I want to remind you to subscribe to us on YouTube you can click that Bell as well that's going to make sure that you get the notifications every time we are live or any time that we post new videos which is pretty regularly now now that we're back so you want to get the notifications for that I'm sitting here in my production room we call this the bridge and in this production studio there's a lot of ambient noise and it really now that we're in our new space and I have a separate studio space for the show to broadcast from it's amazing how much noise you hear when you're in this room because you don't hear it in the other room and I say that because in our previous studio studio D all these things were in the same room as the cameras and the microphones and everything else so that ambient noise that you're hearing right now we used to have to deal with that every single week there's going to be a time coming when we no longer have to deal with that and part of that is doing my best to reduce the noise now the main studio area there's no noise there's I'm not allowing any moving parts in that room there are no moving parts that is fantastic think about that for a second from a broadcast perspective from a studio perspective I don't allow any motors or fans or anything else in that room everything's got to be either passive or SSD that kind of stuff so with that in mind I do sometimes have to work in here and I do have to as you're seeing this week and last sometimes I have to broadcast from this space too and it'll be cool when we have everything set up the way it's going to be and and this can be a bit of a studio as well that I can broadcast maybe some tech tips and show you how broadcasting works and I know one of the features that we're gonna be doing is demonstrating and showing you how I produce a show every single weekend DaVinci Resolve combined with Telestream Wirecast our task cam over here and everything you're going to get to know how everything works so this room will be a big part of that but there's a lot of room noise room noise is the enemy of video broadcasters podcasters radio room noise is the worst we always have to deal with you know in the next studio I don't have the ambient noise of motors and fans and things but I do have echo right now that I have to deal with so we'll deal with that with some some sound soundproofing and and some foam that that will help with that putting up drapes and things will also assist with that and inevitably getting some furniture and that's not just solid wood will be helpful as well because there's a lot of echo but in this room you can hear there's a lot of ambient noise from the server rack that's behind me it's really important that runs the show it keeps everything going it runs a lot of our services and our internal infrastructure however it is generating a lot of noise and a fair bit of heat this is the warmest room in the house I'll tell you that but it's pretty noisy and so what I've done this week look is I have set down a h4n this is a zoom h4n which I've got on a tripod or a mic stand here this is recording with a mic sensitivity of 40 so the the volume level if you have an h4 n I've got this set to 40 so it's picking up the ambient noise right now it's not broadcasting to you I'm going to switch to this microphone in just a second but it's picking up that ambient noise so that we can see those levels I've turned off the auto mic levels on the h4 n so what you're gonna get to hear and see visually in goldwave are the wave tables directly from this with no resampling and no changes to the levels so that's exactly the same from point A to point B I mean they're it's not going to change the levels of the microphone that's gonna help us to be able to see tonight what kind of a difference we can make by changing a simple fan can attend all our part reduce the noise in such a way that it's actually worth our while so this is our backup drive it's an a raid 3500 dash GP these things are fantastic it's a mirroring unit so we've got a master Drive and a secondary Drive and I can pull this secondary drive it's a 10 terabyte hard drive I pull that out pop in a different one and a tree images and I have an exact mirror at all times of my backup then the server is down here and this is actually the storage and the Samba shares and everything else and that's generating a lot of noise too so right now let's just check out the levels of everything running the way it normally would I'm going to shut up for a second and let you hear that and see that visually okay so that's the ambient noise just coming off of everything the server the backup everything running I'm gonna halt the server which I've just done let's listen waiting for it to shut down and it's still powered on so I'm going to now power that off here we go okay so with the server off there is a notable difference but there's still a lot of noise coming off just the backup unit all right so I'm going to power that off and we'll see how the room sounds what a difference a okay so let's get this out of the way and I'm gonna actually remove this backup drive and so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna throw a little nine dollar fan in here to replace the stock fan and the intention today it's not a sophisticated tutorial or anything like that it's not overly geeky however something that we don't often think about is that there are very simple and very affordable solutions that we can put into place that can help with this ambient noise it doesn't just apply for me here at the studio it applies for you at home if you've got computers that maybe you're generating a lot more noise then they need to be maybe a solution is to look at those fans and see if you can cut that down look at the hard drives and say hey I've got a lot of spinning hard drives in there right now let's instead replace those with some Kingston SSDs which are they have no moving parts and they make absolutely no noise they also incidentally generate less heat which is a nice bonus as well so this backup unit is generating in my opinion way more noise than I should be having from a backup unit I mean it's it's my backup it's incredibly important however it is just my backup it's just two hard drives spinning away generating that much heat but it has to be running a fan at full capacity speed all the time so the fan that I got is a pretty popular one it's an Arctic f8 silent so do keep in mind it is the silent model and it says on the Box extra quiet fan and you can see on the back of this unit it does have a fan to keep it everything cool so that's what we're gonna be replacing I feel like maybe the stock fan is louder than it has to be you guys could hear that you could see that visually how much ambient noise this thing was generating it's really really easy to do this kind of it's not even a repair it would be a repair if the original fan wasn't wasn't working in this case I'm replacing a working fan but it's just a noisy fan alright so what do we have here we've got some we've got a tie wrap here that I'm gonna have to cut I don't even have the correct tools yet like scissors or wire snips do not do this at home I'm gonna be really careful you say that and then I'm gonna cut my finger real bad I'm not I'm not don't worry don't do this don't ever do this I just I'm gonna get in so much trouble for doing that I know give me a hard time YouTube alright so there is the fan and this is the molex connector for that fan ideally if I could take this outside and blow it out with with a camless air something like that that would be ideal because there's a lot of dust in there too Wow alright so let's get into here so simple folks but the ultimate test is going to be I want to know when we've got that recorder recording so that we can compare the actual ambient noise this is generating when you get a fan you can look at the fan and it will show you because you wonder which which ways the fan gonna be blowing and I would have thought the fan was blowing out this way but if you look really really closely see if you can get a fix on that you guys see that there's actually an arrow which points the way that the fan is going to be blowing so that's important to note it's exactly the opposite of what I would have thought so easy install and what I did is I just I measured first and this is an eighty millimeter so it was easy enough to find online and as I say it was nine bucks to get a hold of this fan so let's get that in there just can use the same screws it came with screws too but doesn't matter they're the same so I'm hoping this is gonna make enough of a difference here in this room that my nine dollars is well-spent the a raid 3500 is a great backup drive check it out I'll put links below this one was gifted to me which was a real blessing by one of our long-term longtime friends of the show who unfortunately went out of business and they said hey would you like that backup drive and so they gifted it to us and I've used it ever since and it's wonderful these are great devices okay so you notice I had a molex on the old fan but I've got a three pin on this fan so I've also grabbed myself a molex to three pin adapter so just pop your fan in there and that's just for the a raid because I knew that the a raid was using molex and here we go come on these adapters can be a beast they're not really just gonna line them up right okay so let's put this on I'm not gonna screw it all together just now just for the sake of good TV because that's not really all that exciting but even without the screws we're gonna have exactly the same ambient noise as with the screws I don't think that's gonna affect the accuracy whatsoever of our test so I'm going to just put this back on my server rack plug in the SATA cable eSATA which just goes in the back here if I can find it wasn't even in the right place there we are and it's a full size power cable it's like a computer cable and if we're ready now this is still recording and place it right at the exact same spot and fire up what a difference oh my goodness I have to actually make sure that this is working and it is sure enough she's blowing air beautiful all right I am gonna fire back up the server because the server generated a lot of noise too and there's not a lot I can do about that it's an hour 5:10 they're pretty noisy servers but let's fire it up just so that I can compare the ambient noise difference you can hear that the backup Drive alone huge difference now let's fire back up the server this can get loud for a second because they fire up loud still notably quieter but let's wait for it because these servers will those fans are gonna calm down in a moment they blow out the dust and everything before as they're just first booting up once the drives start flashing that means it's booting it's still pretty loud but it's nowhere near and here you can hear whining them I can't at least and there she goes starting the boot up process so once it's finished booting we'll have a pretty good impression as to the difference that this is made for nine bucks I can also be doing the same thing you remember that my laptop computer had a really noisy fan my ThinkPad and so I've also ordered a replacement fan for that which has arrived I haven't gotten into that but while we're waiting for that to boot so like this is a really simple fix that you can just do for a lot of your devices I mean who would have thought your backup drive even let's get into this box though let's see what they've sent me yeah there we are there it is so that's the cooling system for my laptop and that's gonna make that same amount of difference for for my laptop computer so you can get these kind of replacement parts and you don't have to replace a whole laptop or a whole backup drive to reduce the ambient noise so now I'm gonna switch back to this microphone so that we can hear with the server running the backup drive running how does this compare to when I first started this segment and still booting it's doing a lot of reading so it might be a little bit inaccurate let's there you can hear that it's slowing down let's give it just another split second here you can see the drives are going crazy so that means it's still in the boot process what a difference there I'm gonna in post-production I'm gonna just go back over so this is the array Drive by itself just the backup servers off all by itself before I replace the fan and here it is after I replace the fan and here they are side by side those wave tables just so you can see the the difference in the ambient noise alright so that server still booting still going through its thing but let's let's get a look at how the ambient noise altogether now so the server and the backup driver back up and running just like they were before how is that affected so the verdict for 9 bucks for 9 bucks we brought down the ambient noise quite noticeably here in the production studio it's something I mean we all have computers sitting next to us and sometimes they're louder than they need to be and sometimes we don't even realize it but listen to your computer and just see hey could this be a little bit quieter and maybe replacing the CPU fan or as I say switching out from a spinning hard drive to an SSD from Kingston technology something like that would make a huge difference to the ambient noise in the room and it just makes things so much better for broadcast it's gonna be a lot better now that's a noticeable difference it's not perfect they're still you can still hear the server but the backup drive is no longer creating the unbelievable amounts of noise that it that it was well there you have it you can look up your products online I mean get on to B&H Photo Video is a great place to get stuff also a marriage riod has a lot of great fans I've got some fans for my server case that I'm gonna put in from a marriage would just check what they've got you can find them like pretty much any online store has got this stuff so really really cheap really really easy to replace and we did it here we're ready to head over to the newsroom so Becca over to you here's what's coming up in the category 5 TV newsroom Colonel security updates fix several issues in ubuntu libre office six point three point six is the final update to six point three which is going Yoel so close firewall falls victim to the in the wild SQL injection attack revolutionary new tech means you can touch things in VR and google has released the AI code four Tattvas as open source software stick around the full details in this week's crypto corner are coming up this is the category 5 dot TV newsroom covering the week stop texting with a slight linux bias from the newsroom I'm Becca Ferguson canonical has published new Ubuntu Linux kernel security updates for all of its supported releases to patch several vulnerabilities discovered lately by various security researchers affecting Linux four point one five four point four and five point three kernels and several versions of Ubuntu Linux the new security patch fixes an issue found in the Intel Wi-Fi driver a race condition discovered in Linux kernels virtual terminal implementation a flaw discovered in the floppy driver and a race condition in the block IO tracing implementation all these issues could allow a local attacker to either crash the system or expose sensitive information the new kernel update also patches a stack buffer overflow discovered in the v host net driver this could allow a local attacker with the ability to perform ioctl calls on dev v host net to cause a denial of service crashing the system that's just to name a few of the critical security issues that have been patched canonical urges all users to update their installations and install the new kernel versions as soon as possible new kernel versions are also available for raspberry pi devices cloud environments om processors Snapdragon processors as well as Amazon Web Services Microsoft Azure cloud Oracle cloud Google cloud platform and Google container engine systems keep in mind when updating a production system that a system reboot is required for the security issues to be corrected so it's best to schedule a short downtime to perform this update the document foundation has announced the release of Libre Office six point three point six as the sixth and final update of the six point three Series which will reach end-of-life at the end of this month coming more than two months after Libre office six point three point five the libre office six point three point six update is here to provide users of the libre office six point three series with one last set of bug and regression fixes it also aims to improve document compatibility the libre office six point three series is target Enterprise deployments and production environments when Labour office 6.4 is already available 6.3 is the only only version currently recommended by the document foundation for organizations that said libre office 6.3 is set to reach end-of-life on May 29th 2020 and this is the last update if you're running Libre Office 6.3 in your organization it would be best to update to version six point three point six as soon as possible and start considering upgrading your six point three installations to the six point four series in the coming weeks the current release of labor office is six point four point three which will be considered ready for enterprise deployment by the next point release which should be out by the end of the month until then you can get either version from net or you can get either version now from the official Libre Office website binaries are provided for Deb and rpm based distros or you can install the latest release from the stable software repositories of your Linux distribution welcome back to the critical part of your well today we'll only have two headlines the first one will be having and the second one will be decent now the having occurs every two hundred ten thousand blocks or roughly every four years and reduces the block subsidy so the money that the miners are getting by around fifty percent currently that is twelve and a half percent every ten minutes and it will be reduced to six point two five after around the 12th of May as you can see behind me there is a clock in the upper time is based on the current block time so it takes around eight point eight minutes not 10 minutes to mine a block and the reason is that everybody that has got an a6 minor switched it machine on to take advantage of the current still too often our Bitcoin that the system emits every around 10 minutes or currently every eight and a half minutes so you have to watch the upper time because that is the one that counts there is no time within the Bitcoin blockchain it's just block and every look I said it takes around 10 minutes to be mined and so there's this time difference coming from now how do you say it correctly is it having or happening I was asked well you can use both in the in the blockchain itself in the code it says having it's hardwired in there hard-coded in there and if you want to take a look into that also the 210,000 blocks is hard-coded in there you go in to github.com then into the blockchain github and there into the said directory scr and there you search for a file called validate dot cpp in there just to control f to find to search for having and you'll find it there and you'll find also the formula and there and the other one with the 210,000 blocks you'll find in in a file called chain perms dot CPP and the other question is okay what happens after the let's hey that's to 12th of May 11th of May whenever that having happens will the Bitcoin system crash no it won't because it's not the first time it's not the third time that this happens and and the miners that have got old machines are not operating economically anymore we'll just switch off their machines or we'll move to another network the plenty of other networks that accept all that that can work with ASIC machines so only the best machines will continue working on the Bitcoin blockchain that has always been like that just to remind you back in 2013 when somebody came up with the ASIC for the first time all those GPS miners GPU - sorry the GPO - were obsolete and could be switched off because none of them were really mining any bitcoins anymore so life will continue and also if let's say a substantial amount of Bitcoin or switch of the machines then as it's currently happening with the time the time will be inverted so it will take longer than 10 minutes to mine a Bitcoin and to mine a block and and after 2016 blocks the difficulty will be just it anyway and it will be back to the user of 10 minutes so there's nothing to worry about this is a natural effect that tabs on the blockchain on the Bitcoin blockchain and it's not the first time it's the third time that this happening now but just just take a look I mean it's an interesting it's an interesting thing that's happening because it will reduce the subsidy how of the inflation rate from the Bitcoin blockchain to around only one point seven nine percent now the second one will be effect will be really is a really interesting one it's called t7 and it's translated into digital currency electronic payment and that is the rim in beer of China on a blockchain so that happened now as we had category-five announced it back in December last year they have done it now they're rolling it out and would have I'm pretty sure global implications so they're gradually replacing the paper money with the blockchain money and as you probably know from China if you go to a small market and you want to buy something very cheap you don't buy it with cash anymore you pay there with your cell phone a little bit like Apple pay they have got their systems and everybody has got that over there then sometimes they don't even accept credit cards anymore and in future it will be only this famous D SEP and you'll see two charts in a second behind me when it's a picture of that cell phone application and the other one is just a comparison to cash and and other valuables now they're rolling it out very carefully it's only in few cities where they're rolling it out and testing it they will be involving huge vendors like McDonald's Starbucks that we'll be testing in these cities the the D SEP at the stage every merchant must accept the D SEP because it's the official currency of of China it is a blockchain based on many things that we know from our blockchain industry will be incorporated in there with the only one with big difference it's centralized and what does that mean so if the government in China or the Central Bank of China decides to do something then everybody will have to follow that and that means that for example if they give you some money or you have got some money in your in your wallet and they can tell you where to spend it you can't do anything against that because it's not paper anymore you cannot just go somewhere and pay with cash you have to pay with Adi SEP and they can tell you where to buy it and the question I will be asked well what happens with us here it's the symbol it's going to be similar just wait a few years I mean not to the extreme that they will tell us what we're what to do and not with the money because that will be a little revolution in the Western world but if the government gives you $1,200 they can decide where to spend where you they want you to spend it and that can be regulated and done through as a digital currency so watch out we'll keep you informed on this here and that's it from me here at the crypto corner I wish you a fantastic week and that things may turn out the way you want to to be panned out so hope to see you next week thank you for watching thanks Robert just a reminder we're not giving you financial advice here on the show rather we're simply giving you the facts and leaving it up to you and now back to Becca Thank You Robby users of a widely used firewall from Sophos have been under a zero-day attack that was designed to steal usernames cryptographically protected passwords and other sensitive data the well researched and develop attack exploited an SQL injection flow flaw in fully patched versions of the Sophos XG firewall with that toehold in systems that downloaded and installed a series of scripts that ultimately executed code intended to make off with users real names usernames the cryptographically hashed form of the passwords and assaulted sha-256 hash with the administrator accounts password Sophos has delivered a hotfix that might against the vulnerability other data targeted by the attack included in IP address allocation permissions for firewall users system information such as running OS inversion uptime and network configuration as well as the ARP tables used to map IP addresses to device MAC addresses so foes research researchers wrote in Sunday's disclosure this malware's primary task appeared to be data theft which it could perform by retrieving the contents of various database tables stored in the firewall as well as by running some operating system command the exploits also downloaded the malware from domains that appeared in the loop to be legitimate to evade detection some of the malware deleted lying files that executed it and ran solely in memory the malicious code uses a creative and roundabout method to ensure it's executed it's executed each time firewalls are started those characteristics strongly suggests that the threat actors spent weeks or months laying the groundwork for the attacks the date of the malware was designed to exfiltrate suggest the attack was designed to give attackers the means to further penetrate the organizations that use the firewall through phishing attacks and unauthorized access to user accounts the zero-day vulnerability that made the attacks possible was a pre authentication SQL injection flaw found in the custom operating system that runs the firewall so folks provided no additional details about the vulnerability users of vulnerable firewalls should ensure the hotfix is installed as soon as possible and then examine their systems for signs of compromised published on the Sophos news site as the fix is part of the automatic update ecosystem ensure your firewall has these enabled to receive the fix a new lightweight virtual reality device has been created that would allow users to touch objects add shops and museums without ever having to go there in the flesh the limits of virtual reality have been stretched in the last five years the technology has become the medium of choice for game developers artists and actors alike seeing a real boom in projects that bring us alternate realities during enforced social isolation through immersive audio and visual landscapes the ability to visit mind-blowing locations real or not is on the brink of becoming an affordable option for many nowadays what you see and hear in virtual reality is not so dissimilar from actually visiting these places however up until now the experience did not give us the ability to physically interact with surrounding environments Chris Harrison assistant professor at Carnegie Mellon's University human-computer interaction Institute says elements such as walls furniture and virtual characters are key to building immersive immersive virtual worlds and yet contemporary VR systems do little more than vibrate hand controllers a team at the Pennsylvania University has created a new device that uses haptic feedback a technology which stimulates the sensation of touch to make the virtual experience seem more real where other devices might use a series of expensive power-hungry motors to give the sensation of touch their design uses a simpler mechanical solution from a shoulder-mounted system a string is attached to each finger giving resistance based on what the user should be feeling a spring-loaded mechanism is combined with an electric latch but stops the hand from moving further as it makes contact with heavy objects in the virtual world Kathy Fang co-author of the study says I think the experience creates surprises such as when you interact with a railing and can wrap your fingers around it Fang said the system would be suitable for VR games and experiences that involve interacting the physical obstacles and objects such as a maze it might also be used for visits to virtual museums and at a time when physically visiting retail stores is not always possible she says you might also use it to shop in a furniture store while there research shows that this method provides a much more realistic sense of touch the team says that a mass-produced version when when ready could be available to the public for less than $50 google has released the code for their internally developed artificial intelligence tapas it can take a natural language questions such as what's the name of the latest iPhone and fetch the answer from a relational database or spreadsheet and it's now open source the search giant's researchers detailed the AI on Thursday tapas is based on Bert a natural language processing technique that Google uses in its search engine a sizable portion of the world's information is relational that is to say organized into rows and columns navigating from these rows and columns historically required either manually shift lifting through a spreadsheet or writing SQL queries natural language processing makes the task considerably easier for users which is why the technology has been extensively adopted by Google and other players in the analytics market the search giant says that the toughest beats or matches the three open-source algorithms for parsing relational data they train the AI on 6.2 million tables from the English version of Wikipedia and then set it to work on a trio of academic datasets benchmark tests that showed that the neural network provides accurate comparable answers as the rival algorithms across all three data sets the type of language processing Google has implemented into tapas allows the AI to consider not only the question posed by users in the data they wish to query but also the structure of the relational tables in which the data is stored tapas can go beyond just fetching data and also perform basic calculations for example if a business user evaluating sales data asks for the average revenue across their company's three most popular products the AI would reply with the calculated answer not just the data set Taphouse is available now on the Google research github repository big thanks to Roy W and Nash in our community of viewers for submitting stories to us this week thanks for watching the category-five TV newsroom don't forget to Like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight Linux bias and if you appreciate what we do become a patron at patreon.com slash category 5 from the category 5 TV newsroom i'm becca ferguson we've got to take a quick break when we come back i'm going to be showing you a way that you can travel the world vicariously through radio stations don't go anywhere welcome back I said I was gonna move into the studio I'm glad I mean okay so Becca broadcasted the news from the main studio and that worked flawlessly with the new devices the HDMI repeaters I decided I'm gonna actually stick around in here cuz it's so quiet now it just sounds great and speaking of sound I thought I would show you something that just is mind-bending how technology can evolve something that we thought could never get any better and that's radio well when I was growing up I used shoutcast like crazy I still do show cast calm it's a great service click on the directory and you got radio stations from all over the place however here's the thing terrestrial radio stations also these days broadcast on the Internet most of them if not all of them do and if that's the case what would happen if somebody were to aggregate all of the radio stations they can find in the entire world I'm talking thousands of radio stations and put them together in a way that has never been done before that is radio garden check out radio dot garden let's head there now what is super unique about radio garden is that when you start alright you ready let's start it's going to find your geo location on the planet Earth that's where we are and it's going to take you to your city and start playing a radio station in your city now I've turned off my speakers because I just don't want the infringement copyright notice and everything else however I don't need to give you a tutorial on radio garden it's so intuitive you're gonna figure it out you're gonna find this is just amazing hey there's the radio station Jeff and I used to work at Life 100.3 in Barry so this is an actual globe that you can interact with so every Green Dot is in fact a radio station like an FM or AM radio station we're not talking like while there are internet radio radio stations I should shouldn't say that but so what you do is you zoom out and in with your mouse wheel and then move around the globe so if I wanted to here in you know various areas of the States or if I wanted to actually go overseas right and let's say you know in let's go a little south in the UK here let's head over to hips which let's zoom in and there's funkier radio I don't know if I said it right Woodbridge unique sessions radio so these are radio stations broadcasting hey I don't need to give you the tutorial check it out is radio dot garden every single green dot is another radio station if they're clustered too close together hey you've got a list over here and you can click and it will load and it's so incredibly fast you can also create a favorites list you can search check it out I mean it's intuitive it's incredible and and it loads the radio stations faster than anything I've ever seen before they've done a fantastic job now this site this service is being aggregated by a company in Amsterdam the the Netherlands and there is some information there about them but they really like it's free for all and there's nothing to it do check it out no fuss no software to install just enjoy radio from all around the world that's radio dot garden it's all the time that I have for this week folks but it's been so great having you here thank you for joining me on category-five technology TV I'm looking forward to seeing you again next week don't forget we are on twitter at category-five TV I personally am on Twitter if you'd like to follow me at Robbie ferguson i'm incredibly witty I like to think so but I hope you'll follow me and I follow back we are also on Facebook you can just go to facebook.com do a quick search for cat5 TV or just go facebook.com slash user slash cat 5 TV category 5 technology TV I mean we're on all the platforms but Facebook we post every week Twitter I'm very active on so that's kind of where you want to go and of course here on category 5 technology TVs website category 5 TV that is the place to be where we're constantly posting brand-new shiny videos and we've got some great features there you can download videos as well we've got bit torrent files that you can download past seasons in bulk to your computer webs right from our website so check it out category 5 TV looking forward to seeing you again next week everybody take care see ya