hi and welcome to category five technology TV so you went to pine sixty-four org you found the pine book pro you click the buttons you hummed and hawed for all of about a microsecond and you pressed Add to Cart you ordered it and you waited for it to ship finally you got that shipping notification so you waited some more you waited and waited and waited some would say patiently you and I both know that's not the case but finally did not came on the door your pine Book Pro has arrived you ripped into the packaging you didn't even stop to think hey maybe I should do an unboxing video no there's no time for that you need to get into this device your pine Book Pro is beautiful how did they do this for 200 bucks you power it on for the first time and it doesn't work that is the scenario for too many people right now as there have been some problems with the latest run of pine book pros I've got some good news for you though they're easy problems for you to resolve I'm going to show you how I'm going to tell you kind of what happened I'm going to tell you two of the most common issues with this run of pine book pros and I'm going to show you how to fix it stick around [Music] our live recordings are trusted only to solid-state drives by Kingston technology revive your computer with improved performance and reliability over traditional hard drives with Kingston SSDs category 5 TV streams live with Telestream Wirecast and nimble streamer tune in every week on roku cody and other HLS video players for local show times visit category 5 dot TV it's so great to have you here my name is Robby and I am your host once again this week because nobody else is allowed in our studio space due to the current situation but hey I'm here and it is so great to have you joining me as well whether you're here live or if you're watching after the fact on demand it's great to see you this show would not be possible if it wasn't for the support of its community and in particular I want to say a big thanks to BP 9 today Scott Barclay Ron Morissette Jerry Kowalski Jonathan Garvey Jen's Neeson bollock now ski and Bill Marshall Plus everyone else who has supported us through patreon through our Kickstarter campaign to get us moved into this space I appreciate your support so very much and you know that we wouldn't be able to do this show especially mid pandemic and and with the whole having to move into our new studio space but we're here we're safe and the show goes on week to week things start to feel a little more structured and a little more technically sound each week there's there are new challenges this week it's been preprocessing things and getting everything up and going and getting things working previous weeks I haven't had enough hdmi ports that have been run you know through the walls into the the main studio space and and so we're working things working on things and getting everything set up and week-to-week we get stronger we get better and it does get better and better every single week doesn't it so thank you for being here thank you all for your support if you'd like to support us and you haven't done so yet or maybe you've done so in the past and you'd like to do it on an ongoing basis probably the easiest way and kind of a cool way to get involved in the show is to go to patreon.com/scishow because it has some perks and it makes it really really cool because when you subscribe you choose what perks you would like and then we honor those and you get things like behind-the-scenes access or perhaps you want to be able to watch the live show but on-demand maybe you can't make it during the live broadcast but you like that behind-the-scenes look and you like to be able to see the bloopers and those kinds of things that get edited out for the the on-demand version of the show so those are some of the perks and and you can go to patreon.com/scishow this week I want to remind you please subscribe to us on YouTube and click that bell and that's going to ensure that you get the notifications every time we post a new video like this one and all of the videos that we post over on Linux tech show as well so make sure you subscribe that would be fantastic we're trying to achieve 25,000 subscribers yeah within the next let's say then let's try to do this in June I joked last week that I'm only going to give you until the end of May but realistically hey we're just trying to hit that 25,000 land a kind of milestone and I think we can do it we're very very close I think we're within about 400 subscribers so if you haven't subscribed on YouTube yet head over to Linux tech show comm and that's a really great way to be able to receive notifications when there are new episodes and also a great way to interact with us because you can like those videos you can comment on them and and they're edited down as well so you don't have to sit through the full hour you can just watch a little two or five-minute video sometimes a little more than that but you don't have to watch the full hour and you know all this rambling that I that I do yes all right so our show this week I've decided to transition as you saw there in the intro I've transitioned the show this week because of the latest shipment of the pine Book Pro so in a little bit a little later in the show I'm going to be going through those those issues that I mentioned at the top of the show to be able to help you if you have experienced those problems with your pine Book Pro I want to be able to help you to be able to correct them so and that is in particular the Wi-Fi or the inability to boot so you want to stick around for that but we are moving back our mikrotik series by one week in lieu of that but I still want to show some love to the mikrotik community as well so let's jump over let's jump over to comments questions concerns regarding our mikrotik series you can find out more about this micro tech series at cat5 dot TV slash mikrotik a real quick rundown for you this series is designed to help you get from never using a micro tech device to being able to do some really cool advanced stuff with your mikrotik router mikrotik routers the reason that we are featuring them is because they are affordable Zoomer priced routers but the feature set that they include is more like that of an Enter prai's router so you're getting way more than you pay for and we're able to do basically anything with a mikrotik router that you can with those enterprise you know the devices that are ten times the price and you can have one at home they are perfect for small medium-sized businesses because they are so affordable and yet so secure and so capable so looking at the micro tech devices through the course of the series a cat5 dot TV slash mikrotik you're going to be able to learn from the get-go how to use them how to program them how to set up your networking and that series is available for you how much money Robby absolutely free zero dollars so cat five TV slash mikrotik is where you can enjoy that series which is ongoing and so it's a great opportunity for you to be able to learn more about these devices so jumping over to our youtube channel at linux tech show com first of all dr. reality one wants to say this is a great tutorial many thanks and dr. reality one in reference to one of those mikrotik tutorials I appreciate that very very much as you can imagine a lot of work goes into the show a lot of work goes into the series and I am passionate about these devices and the technology that we demonstrate here and I'm so glad that you're that you're enjoying that TCC says I'm glad to see someone giving mikrotik some love yes how can you not I think the only people TCC who would not give love to mikrotik as you say are those who have never used micro tech or maybe never even heard of micro tech I mean you you go to a super center back in the days when we had those and could walk into a retail store and just buy things off the shelf those were interesting times but back then I mean what did what did you see neck year Ling success right mikrotik no I don't know that I've ever seen it in a super center so I think that maybe it maybe it's that it's not that people wouldn't love it if they knew about it so maybe that's why I'm showing some love to mikrotik because I want our viewers to know that hey there's something that's better there's something that is affordable and something that is fantastic and secure Rockaway CCW says my mikrotik came in the mail yesterday yes I tried to name my Wi-Fi this is not the Wi-Fi you're looking for but it wouldn't let me see I said mikrotik can do anything but you have to have a valid SSID that I guess is I just assumed that you knew that maybe there's a character limit or maybe it I'm reading a game or maybe it doesn't like spaces or punctuation not sure so instead I named the 5 gigahertz not yours and the 2 gigahertz DEA surveillance van all right so you got two networks the five gigahertz for your own usage and this DEA surveillance ban can I suggest if you want to play this fun game that you look at on a cat5 TV slash mikrotik rockaway CCW i did a tutorial on how to set up a true guest Wi-Fi and you could use that virtual WLAN and then that way you're not using your you know your two gigahertz because you might want to use that for something for real right but you could set up a virtual wireless LAN and it could be named with a silly SSID like that if you like so Rockaway CCW goes on this is a long comment folks in fact it was sent in two parts says I'd like to have the two gigahertz Wi-Fi DEA surveillance van activate and deactivate at random times to mimic a van cruising around the area to freak out my crackhead neighbors oh boy is there a way to do that Rockaway CCW asks you never know the motivation of these questions but hey okay so I said you can do anything with mikrotik and truly truly you can so I'll just jump over to my pine Book Pro here which has web fig up and running and Rockaway CCW yes there it would be possible to do that okay so first of all I want to remind you that DEA underscore surveillance van that is your SSID that's not your your interface name so what we want to obtain is your interface name so over here you may remember if you've been following the series go up to wireless and click wireless and you see okay so find your 2.4 gigahertz - so there it is - gigahertz it's the one in the middle it is w LAN one on my mikrotik it may be different on yours but find out which one it is you need to know the name of that so in my case it's all lowercase W LAN 1 now what I want to do is go into system and scheduler and in the course of this series I have mentioned that the mikrotik is programmable so that's essentially what we're going to do we're going to program it using the scheduler because you mentioned that you want this to happen you said at random times it's not actually going to be random in our case we'll do it on a schedule and it will recur so it will turn on and then off and on and off so add new and we're going to call this one name it turn off 2.4 gigahertz and my start date it's setting it automatically to tomorrow's date I want to set it to today just so that you see it happening right away and to set it to 12 o'clock on the button with an interval now you would probably if you want it to be every minute right you could do something like that if you want it to be every 10 minutes something like that for the case of the for the sake of the demonstration I'm gonna do every 10 seconds keeping in mind we're going to be turning it on and off on and off so it's actually gonna be every 5 seconds I'm going to set the intervals as such so but that will just make it so that we can see it right away so the on event is where we're actually going to program it so we're gonna say interphase Wireless disable what was the name of it W LAN 1 okay as soon as I hit OK I'm gonna lose my W LAN 1 so if I head over to cos C its it's already scheduled it and it's gonna say run count and that's going to start increasing see that one so now my Wireless is off so if I go to wireless now you can see W LAN 1 has been disabled so go back to your scheduler because we need to now the van is driven away presumably right so we want to make it so that the van has returned let's put this into a scenario that maybe makes a little more sense because I understand rockaway CCW is being a little bit silly here but I'm still happy to oblige let's think about a parent who wants to be able to turn so set your guest Wi-Fi use that tutorial to create a Wi-Fi for your kids to use then have it turn it off automatically at curfew okay so let's use that as the there's a really good scenario I like that so there you go ok so here we are now creating remember where I am here I'm under system scheduler and I'm creating a new one so add new I don't have anything to turn it back on so re-enable 2.4 gigahertz Wi-Fi and this could be any interface right it doesn't have to be Wi-Fi in our case where that's the demonstration but so interface wireless and able W LAN is what that one is called so now it's to look at the schedule so remember I set the other one to 12 o clock right on the button so I'm setting this the same just to make it easy for you to see on the third which is when I'm filming this live and we're setting this to 10 seconds so right now it's it's set to happen at exactly the same time as our other schedule which turns it off so basically these are going to cancel each other out so what I'm going to do is I'm going to offset this one by 5 seconds so every 5 seconds we're gonna have the Wi-Fi turn off and then five seconds later it's going to turn back on even though each task is happening every 10 seconds so if all goes well I'm gonna hit ok and we should see that that one is going to run and see the schedule there they're off by 5 seconds re-enable has run ok let's jump back over to wireless and watch my WLAN just watch it I'm not gonna touch a thing here my hands are off it's on watch wn1 and it's off that is going to continue happening indefinitely it's gonna keep going on and off and on and off now use the scenario that I gave you for those of you who are not trying to simulate a van and maybe use this to schedule that the internet turns off for the particular Wi-Fi that your kids are using at 9 o'clock p.m. and it turns back on at 7 o'clock in the morning or maybe you even though that you're having a home school right now right the scheduler can be set to only Saturdays and it can turn on at 7 but maybe because you're homeschooling now you want it to start at 10 a.m. because you want the kids to get their schoolwork done first or something like that that is a cool idea one final note for you Rockaway CCW you could actually use TX - power as part of your command so just to put this out there I'm not going to show you how to do this because this is getting into a little bit more sophistication you'll probably need to create a script and then initiate that script with your scheduler but you could have it start at like full power and turn down the power every second so that it seems as though the van is actually getting closer and then getting further away because the signal strength keeps going up gets really strong sits there at full strength for about 10 minutes and then tapers off and comes down you could actually do that using TX - power when you're programming that oh man putting ideas in your head all right so the question that I want to pose this week is through the course of this mikrotik series a cat5 dot TV slash mikrotik would you like me to be continuing to use my web browser web fig or would you prefer that I use wind box which is the installable client from mikrotik the advantage to like just a really really quick advantage to wind box is that it has multitasking built in and it is a tabbed layout instead of scrolling down the advantage to using the web browser is of course it's not at all reliant on what program I'm using I can just be using Firefox Chrome I'm using brave some folks argue that perhaps the client is more secure others argue that the browser is more secure and sometimes it's a moot point because the browser access I have not opened up to the world it is only accessible within my land so it's not a security risk whatsoever as far as that goes so needless to say tell me which one do you want web fig the browser interface or wind box the application that allows you to connect your mikrotik and manage it that way and you have to tell me in your comment below why don't just say wind box I want to know why why are you suggesting I use wind box what makes you prefer it why are you suggesting I use web fig and why you prefer it that's my question that I'm posing to you this week and I'll be back again with more at cat5 dot TV slash micro tech guys take a quick break folks I'll be right back we're all struggling during these trying times and pine sixty-four presses on and has been working hard to fulfill orders in spite of the state of our world right now with the latest run of pine book pros going out amidst the cove at nineteen pandemic things haven't gone as smoothly as we'd all hope and a couple of problems have cropped up so far with the latest shipment I'm gonna cover two such issues with the May June 2020 run of pine book pros Wi-Fi not working and an inability to boot stick around I'll show you how to fix both of these problems the issue pine sixty-four can't provide their own quality assurance or quality control during the pandemic they don't have access to the factory and they may not even be able to enter the factories until September it's not ideal and no doubt the team at pine sixty-four are feeling frustrated or even potentially upset that some of these issues have cropped up but like everyone else they're doing the absolute best they possibly can during these difficult times so what's the best that we can do as their community I think it's to support one another and spread information to help each other to be able to get up and running quickly should we encounter these problems hopefully this information reaches you ahead of your pine Book Pro shipment and that way you're gonna know what to do so let's get our maker on first problem a beautiful yet sadly unbootable pine Book Pro if you're newly arrived pine book pro simply won't boot first thing you want to do is try to boot from an SD card and if it boots from the SD it's possible the emmc storage is disabled with a hardware switch and you may need to flip the emmc disabled switch unfortunately it seems that while some of the current run of pine book pros had that switch enabled out of the factory which means there emmc storage is physically disabled and when I say emmc think of that in terms of hard drive the storage medium within the the pine book pro so let's open up our pine Book Pro to correct this first off I've already removed the ten screws just to expedite this procedure for the air this is the hinge at the back and I'm just gonna carefully pry upward but not all the way because the speakers are affixed with a double-sided adhesive so I want to just kind of carefully reach in here and peel those off so one over here and one here and the reason I've done that is because I don't want to pull on these very very fine wires that are connecting those there we are okay so now I'm gonna and I should mention I have cut myself on these edges before this is a very very thin metal and it is very sharp so as you're doing this be very mindful of that be careful as I say I have cut myself even live on the air on this so I want to warn you about that okay I'm going to turn this around so you've got a little bit of a better view and I want to show you this is the emmc chip right here you can see I've got a 64 gig storage medium here emmc and that's just a chip that you can you can remove and replace if you want but that's included with your pine Book Pro however as we can see here the switch is set toward the front this is the switch that enables and disables the emmc so what I need to do is take that switch and very carefully flip it toward the hinge mechanism alright so I've just flipped that over and now it's as simple as that let's put this case back on being mindful of the sharp edges always put the case back on before you flip it over otherwise you may lose some of the internal plastic components that kind of elevate things flip that over and let's give it a test so I'm going to carefully open up my pine Book Pro and let's see if she boots I've got a power light now which is promising it's turned green and we've got the Manjaro logo and we're booting up fantastic and there you go we're greeted with the KDE plasma login screen on Manjaro Linux so I'm just gonna quickly log in here and we should be good to go right no holdup remember I said there were two problems we're in but Wi-Fi isn't working it's in fact not working at all the way I can determine that and you may go through this is if you jump down to the wireless configuration wireless network down near the clock click that and it's as if there is no wireless we'll see the reason why your pine Book Pro Wi-Fi isn't working is because the factory left the privacy switches on during testing see there's a Wi-Fi privacy switch on your pine Book Pro that's great right well you press the pine 64 logo while at the same time pressing f11 and then your Wi-Fi chip will be enabled or disabled now the catch-22 though is that the Wi-Fi chip is not hot swappable however the privacy switch being that it's an actual physical Hardware switch is cutting power to the chip so upon turning it back on it's not going to work so even if you turn it off and on again unfortunately that fix is not going to work in this case when you press and hold the pine logo and press f11 you're gonna see a series of flashes on your num lock three flashes means that it's disabled Pine button and f11 two flashes means it's enabled remember three flashes one two three my Wi-Fi chip is now powered off press it again one two the Wi-Fi chip is now powered on however I still don't have wireless so what I need to do now is I do in fact need to reboot my mana or Linux let's do it back at the login and if all went well we've solved both of those issues today let's find out and almost to my desktop oh I saw a Wi-Fi connection there click and there we go Wireless is now enabled one last tip when you're connecting to your wireless if you have access to five gigahertz Wi-Fi please connect to that you're gonna get a better signal and because we have shared frequencies between Bluetooth and the wireless adapter if you go on a 2.4 gigahertz you're going to possibly potentially encounter other issues with your Bluetooth devices so use 5 gigahertz if you can for your Wi-Fi connectivity now no doubt this whole procedure is going to be improved in time and it really only came to light because of the fact that the wireless privacy switch was enabled out of the factory I believe that they're going to fix this with software in the future so please watch for some updates and for more help with your pine Book Pro check out their comprehensive wiki page on pine 64 org and if you can't find what you're looking for they also provide a community forum and they are active on Twitter reddit IRC telegram discord among others and you'll find each at pine 64 dot org we have to take a quick break stick around this is category five technology TV so great to have you here hey have you checked out our website lately category five dot TV when you're there you'll notice that we've got a lot of great features right there on our home page not only do we have the community coffee break which happens every single week incidentally there's one coming up this Sunday so make sure you're there I believe that's June 7th and you'll find out more details on our website category 5 TV scrolling up aways from that there is the crypto corner with Robert Koenig we're gonna be hearing from him today as well and that's right there on our website if you want to learn about crypto currency where things are at with the market and Robert incidentally is going to be doing some teaching series with us as well to share a little bit more of the intricate details of how crypto currency as well as the blockchain technology itself works which I'm really looking forward to learning myself and beyond that our website brings together all the features that we do here on the show so when you hear me talking about various technologies we have it laid out so that you can find information about those things so what I mean by that is when I talk about the pine book Pro you can go to our website category 5 TV click on pine book pro and you'll get a list of all the videos and all the times that I talked about that so there may be more videos that are of interest to you that have to do with that particular topic so I'd encourage you to check it out it's category 5 dot TV at this point we need to head over to the newsroom here's Becca here's what's coming up in the category 5 TV newsroom Walmart employees are speaking up about the inaccuracy of their anti-theft AI sony has delayed hosting a showcase event for its next games console a brand new release from Raspberry Pi now has 8 gigabytes of RAM on a for Microsoft themselves are warning users to think twice before installing the Windows 10 2004 update and researchers in Australia claim they have recorded the fastest ever internet data speed stick around the full details and this week's crypto horner are coming up this is the category 5 dot TV newsroom covering your week stop texting with a slight linux bias from the newsroom I'm Becca Ferguson Walmart users uses AI technology to detect shoplifters at self checkout and a group of store associates are concerned that it's putting their health at risk a group of Walmart employees say they were past their breaking point with ever seen a small artificial intelligence firm based in Ireland whose technology Walmart began using in 2017 walmart uses ever seen in thousands of stores to prevent shoplifting at registers and self checkout kiosks but the workers claimed misidentified innocuous behavior as theft and often failed to stop actual instances of stealing the group of employees has chosen to stay anonymous since they are not authorized to speak to the press they told the press that they are dismayed that their employer one of the largest retailers in the world is relying on AI they believed to be flawed one worker said that the technology was sometimes even referred to internally as never seen because of its frequent mistakes the worker said they had been upset about Walmart's use have ever seen for years and claimed colleagues had raised concerns about the technology to managers but were rebuked they decided to speak to the press they said after a June 2019 Business Insider article reported Walmart's partnership with ever seen publicly for the first time the story described how ever seen uses AI to analyze footage from surveillance cameras installed in the ceiling and can detect issues in real times such as when a customer places an item in their bag without scanning it when the system spots something it automatically alerts store associates the concerned associates produced a video to prove their concerns were valid it begins with a person using self checkout to buy to jumble packages packages of Reese's white peanut butter cups because the packages are stacked on top of each other only one is scanned but both are successfully placed in the bagging area without issue the same person then grabs two gallons of milk by their handles and moves them across the scanner with one hand only one is rung up but both are put in the bagging area they then put their own cell phone on top of the machine and an alert pops up saying they need to wait for assistance of false-positive the filmmaker repeats the same process at two more stores where they failed to scan a heart-shaped Valentine's Day chocolate box with a puppy on the front and a Philips Sonicare electric toothbrush the video concludes that ever seen failed to stop more than 100 dollars of would-be theft the employees believe that the tech frequently misinterprets innocent behavior is potential shoplifting which frustrates customers and store associates and leads to longer lines one worker described it as a noisy tech a fake AI that just pretends to safeguard the corona virus pandemic has given their concerns more urgency one associate said they worried false positives could be causing Walmart workers to break social distancing guidelines unnecessarily we never seen Flags an issue a store associate C needs to intervene and determine whether shoplifting or another problem is taking place a corporate Walmart manager even expressed strong concern that workers were being put at risk by additional contact necessitated by false positives and asked whether they'd ever seen systems should be turned off to protect customers and workers this of course comes at a time when self checkout may become even more important for stores as customers look for low-risk ways to shop Sony has delayed hosting a showcase event for his next games console Sony did not directly mention the civil unrest in the US but alluded to it say we do not feel that right now is a time for celebration adding it wanted more important voices to be heard the firm had been set to unveil some of the games and development for its forthcoming PlayStation 5 on Thursday hours later Activision delayed the release of new call of duty content the firm said now is not the time to launch new seasons for modern warfare warzone or Call of Duty mobile it had been expected that both free-to-play products would launch this week presenting the firm a fresh opportunity to sell character outfits and other in-game items other technology firms have also canceled planned launch events games publisher Electronic it's postponed its reveal event for its latest sports title Madden NFL 21 and Google had earlier delayed an online event for the next version of Android Sony's move avoids the risks inherent in trying to promote games likely to involve violent combat at a time when standoffs and clashes are occurring across the u.s. other game companies that are planning launches over the coming days may now come under pressure to reconsider their plans as well single board computer fans especially those who love the Raspberry Pi are a static at the surprise release of the new Raspberry Pi 4 with a whopping 8 gigabytes ram yes 8 gigabytes that's double the max memory they had until now been available the Raspberry Pi for launch just under a year ago and is a very powerful little SBC but two things about it were really lacking no emmc storage capabilities in a maximum of 4 gigabytes RAM though 4 gigabytes is still quite impressive for a little SBC well emmc is still not available on the Raspberry Pi it boasts double the previous maximum amount of memory that said go on are the days of the Raspberry Pi being the $25 SBC the price is now $75 u.s. and up here in Canada it cost us a hundred and ten to order one plus shipping this makes it the most expensive Raspberry Pi ever released so why the surprise when the Raspberry Pi 4 was released an 8 gigabytes ddr4 package wasn't available but micron stepped things up earlier this year providing the necessary component for the upgrade unlike its predecessors whose SOC can support no more than 4 gigabytes RAM the processor used in the Raspberry Pi 4 can technically support up to 16 gigabytes of memory in total so while eight gigabytes is incredible in this space it's not the absolute max we've got to take a quick break the crypto corner and more of this week's top tech stories are coming right up anyway you welcome back to the Crypt opponent it's been an exciting week the market cap is around 270 billion US dollars but there have been some interesting developments when we're looking at the price in total ten coins went up in this last week by over 25 percent the leader being carried on oh that went up almost 50 percent in the last seven days a reason is that they announced now that they're getting serious was the upgrade and so it looks like we're going to have shall be soon on the live Network but others like cells whose vest change Zuleika maker they all went up over 25% and only one coin went down by only 15% so overall it has been a very good week from the investment point of view but also if we look into what happened in regards to the currencies let's take a look at Bitcoin the last three weeks after the having the men pool is almost empty again the transactions are confirming in a very fast way there has been no death spiral for the miners even though we lost nearly 50 percent of the hash rate and but not all bounced back nicely and the next difficulty adjustment will be just 10% down so beacon really works like a clockwork at the moment here in 2.0 as the next subject has been a delay of course we're accustomed to that they are now saying not July August they're saying now this year but the interesting thing is with phase zero which is the implementation of proof of Stakes or the staking and the minimum you need to have is 32 aetherium to be a become a validator of the network and so somebody is analyzing how many wallets are there was at least 32 ether in them and that has been increasing over the last 12 months so people are getting a series in becoming a validator next is Gemini and Samsung are starting a partnership whereby Gemini will be supporting the efforts in the North American market so Canada and USA if you're interested in buying kryptos through three years samsung telephone cell phone Gemini is one of the series and good exchanges so it's a trustworthy exchange and that partnership will mean a lot because it will bring kryptos to the masses the same time a an interesting wallet has been developed one that doesn't need any connectivity to the internet so unlike the treasure and ledger this one and gray if it doesn't it's currently being developed but it has got already the highest certifications it will be launched this year and and it will be completely disconnected from the internet so there's another level of security that you can have on on wallets the last subject is there has been no movement in regards to the investors so Gregg scale investments which is a huge investment company they are currently buying the equivalent of one hundred fifty percent of all new bitcoins said that are being mined that's equivalent of 3.2 billion u.s. dollars and that they purchased recently in bitcoins that's a significant investment I would say on the other hand and then you've got Paula Tudor one of the hedge fund gurus in the US or even globally that is committing to Bitcoin - on the other hand you've got Goldman Sachs shooting against Bitcoin although the arguments that they're bringing are not really valid it's like somebody just being wanting to be negative and bringing arguments in that regard so I'm I'm I'm positive if I look into the market anyway that's from me today I wish you a fantastic week looking forward to see you all next week again and back to the studio thank you very much for watching bye thank you Robert always so insightful now just a reminder for those of you who are viewing that we're not providing financial advice here on the show but rather we're sharing what's happening in the cryptocurrency market and leaving it up to you always remember if you're going to trade cryptocurrency markets are ever-changing and they're always volatile so you should only spend what you can afford to lose now back to Becca in the newsroom Thank You Robbie Microsoft has finally released Windows 10 version 2004 also known as the Windows 10 May 2020 update and promptly warmed users not to install it the update adds new security features and fixes for previous cumulative updates to Windows 10 but it also includes a plethora of bugs and issues this time around even Microsoft has warned users not to install the update as it's causing severe problems like the blue screen of death or your system might also fail to restart after installing the update after installing the update windows 10 devices may be unable to connect to more than one Bluetooth device another bug causes Mouse input to stop functioning and another makes it so variable refresh rate no longer works in most games especially those using direct x9 always-on devices such as your network adapter might cause the computer to restart randomly and other issues may result in a blue screen of death needless to say this is a bad situation for Microsoft and could be catastrophic for those who are stuck working from home right now without access to an IT department to fix a botched update Microsoft has already started working on the problems and we expect a new update to the update by mid-june in order to safeguard your PC you should avoid installing this update however if you already installed it you can honest to uninstall it to enjoy a more stable version of Windows 10 if you're sick of a nonsense head on over to linux mint comm for a free permanent fix speed a team from Menashe Swinburne at RMIT University's logged a data speed of forty four point two terabytes per second at that speed you could download more than 1,000 high-definition movies or all thirteen seasons of category five technology TV in under one second and we'd upgrade our live stream to 16 K just because we can the average UK broadband speed is currently around 64 megabits per second so this would be roughly 700,000 times faster than what most people in the UK experience day to day Australia lies in the middle of global rankings for internet speeds and show connections are a regular source of complaints from users researchers said they achieved the new record speed by using a device that replaces around 80 lasers found in some existing telecom hardware with a single piece of equipment known as a micro comb the micro comb was planted into and tested outside the laboratory using existing infrastructure similar to what - that used by Australia's national broadcast network the result was the highest amount of data ever produced by a single optical chip which are used in modern fiber-optic broadband systems around the world the Australian team hoped their findings offer a glimpse into how internet connections could look in the future while the data speed for outstrips far outstrips any reasonable consumer need in today's world bill kokorin lecturer in electrical and computer systems at Monash University said it could ultimately help transform a wide variety of industries as modern life continues to put increasing pressure on bandwidth infrastructure mr. Krekorian says what our research demonstrates is the ability for fibres that we already have in the ground to be the backbone of communications networks now and in the future he goes on to say it's not just Netflix we're talking about here this data can be used for self-driving cars and future transportation and it can help the medicine education finance and e-commerce industries as well as enable us to read with our grandchildren from kilometers away big thanks to Roy W Nash and our community of viewers for submitting stories to us this week thanks for watching the category-five TV newsroom don't forget to Like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight linux' bias and if you appreciate what we do become a patron at patreon.com slash category 5 from the category 5 TV newsroom i'm becca ferguson fantastic Thank You Becca this is category 5 technology TV it's always a pleasure having you here we've got just a couple of moments left before I wrap up the show so just a quick little feature for you something that is always on my mind is nostalgia you know me I love retro gaming I love things that remind me of days gone by and Technology gone by and that's where overtype comes in this is a website service that you can try out absolutely free at unique code comm slash typewriter let's get started I'm just going to hit start here and check out what we can do ready to start typing oh I didn't quite get there so just like an old typewriter because I jammed up the keys I'm gonna have to get over here and let's see if I can fix that perfect oh you guys remember when it was like this it actually functions like a typewriter got a type slowly you can save your work you can print it whatever you want to do it really has that genuine look to it and you can mess with settings and it will actually change the way that it functions I've got the link for that below for you it's just a little bit of fun but hey it's also a lot of it's a great way to be able to create very realistic looking typewriter images because you can screenshot that now or you can go file print and use your your browser's ability to export to a file and then you can create cool things for like blog headers or images for the featured image maybe you want to post something on Twitter and use an image to make it stand out it gives you that really kind of nostalgic look and it's it's incidentally it kind of it scratches that itch for nostalgia for me as well again link is below check it out it's called overtype and the address is a little bit on the unique side so i've got that link for you right down there don't forget category five technology TV is on twitter at category five TV I personally am also on Twitter so at robbie ferguson i will follow you back so you can increase your fall account by one as i incidentally increase mine as well don't forget also as you can imagine category 5 is on youtube you'll find us category 5 technology TV is our main show and then we've got linux tech show you hear me talking about it but that is an easy to digest quick little way to consume category 5 TV and it makes it a really great to share as well because you can just take those individual snippets and share those with your friends anything that and on your social media as you find things that that you really so check out check out Linux tech show on YouTube our website of course brings all of our features together at category five dot TV have a wonderful week everyone again it's a pleasure having you here thank you for your support not only financially but also just in being here and and tuning in it is so greatly appreciated I appreciate your subscribes on YouTube I appreciate you following us on our various social media channels all of that stuff helps and we love having you as a part of our community take care everyone we'll see you again next week