this week jeff and i get into it about how the internet is bound to change in the coming years and will break down two-factor authentication for you in an easy to understand way becca's here to share some of the tech stories we're following this week including a hyperloop in canada adobe deleting user files with their latest update and wsl-2 back-ported to windows 10 1903-1909 plus robert's here to help beginners learn to research cryptocurrencies stick around it's time for the tech [Music] our live recordings are trusted only to solid state drives by kingston technology revive your computer with improved performance and reliability over traditional hard drives with kingston ssds category 5 tv streams live with telestream wirecast and nimble streamer tune in every week on roku cody and other hls video players for local showtimes visit welcome to the show everybody great to see you nice to have you here jeff good to see you good to be here having a good week i had a great week oh good yeah what about you i'm doing pretty well yeah it's been quite a couple of weeks yes yeah we had to skip last week yes that's true and for those who are wondering about that we were battling with uh internet service provider and so that caused some issues that uh i had to make the call last week to forego the show which is a really really hard call to make but as you know we we do try to do the show live and you know such a way that we're able to broadcast to you at home uh that that unfortunately put a kink in our plans does make it hard to go on the internet without internet yeah this whole internet without internet thing is is really really tough first world problem yeah i don't know how it works now it isn't i mean maybe they're probably not related but it's funny the last week my internet at home has been dropping probably every hour it's been it's been weird here like we've had some weird issues and and even um so much as the local isps had uh dns outages really dns it's all it's it's dns wow yeah so you know we're trying to get online and and accessing websites and and everything else and and there's no dns responsiveness from the isp so but but only at certain points so only if you're trying to access certain areas of the web you say well but you use pi hole so that should be able to bypass that because i've got my own internal dns server but the problem is is that the routing still has to go through the isp that's right yeah so if their internal dns is not responding then all of a sudden it breaks down somewhere in toronto and uh and and here we here we are yes and i understand there's been some issues with uh aws amazon web services in the uk as well um so if that's affected you that's really tough and and it's a it's an interesting thing like we're we're so cloud-based now and you say you know what is the cloud well really it's just a grouping of very very powerful servers aws being one of the world's largest because amazon is huge and aws is their cloud platform for host like hosts um so you know my websites are largely you know our back end is powered by amazon web services so uh fortunately here in canada uh we weren't affected but those who are hosting on aws i believe it was in the uk that i think that's correct it was down so their servers are completely down so you've got infrastructure that is built upon this platform that you expect is always going to be up and it's not that's right necessarily google had it happen where a lightning strike actually took down some of their cloud that's right a couple years ago yeah but it resulted in like a 0.0001 percent i don't know if that's the actual number but data loss at their data center and so that's it yes but when you consider the scale of google yeah fair enough okay it can be huge right that's true so and the advantages i guess with cloud hosting is that well partly you've got a little bit of an out if something goes down yeah as a as a provider as a service provider you're able to okay well you know there's a pretty large amount of sites that are affected by an outage at amazon web services for sure yeah if you self-host and your server goes down there's no excuses it all falls on you but there's a certain level of i guess like community understanding that hey oh well if aws is down in the uk and i can't access your uk-based website that's hosted there then uh it's amazon's fault it'll be back up tomorrow yeah exactly it's tough but that's that's the infrastructure of this internet do you ever sit there some days and i i realize i'm like going off on a tangent out and just wondering already we're not even a minute but you ever wonder what's going to be like the next iteration of the internet the next iteration of the internet yeah i think the next iteration as we see the technology progressing as far as bandwidth capacity goes okay and we're going to be learning a little bit about some of the advancements there with the newsroom today because there's such a high demand for bandwidth right now yeah people who are working from home understand that your your you know your dropouts may be the result of all of a sudden the isp is handling a lot more traffic because people are now working from home you think about an office so let's say we've got an office with 50 people working that's one internet connection that everybody's sharing and so if there's problems it affects that one office right if however you've got now all of those 50 people working from home we now have 50 internet connections and those internet connections are doing what any guesses when i work from home what do i do stream netflix i do that game but i tend to remote in yes that's right so that one internet connection now at my office that used to have 50 people sitting there has now got potentially up to 50 people remoting in from home accessing that same internet connect connection to be able to work from home and remotely access their files and their computers and things like that so you've got this whole kind of like bottleneck happening on the internet so what's next for the internet as as things get faster as things get like richer as far as the available bandwidth goes are we going to see improved well improved performance automatically turns more impressive services yes when high-speed internet came along changed the world yes but netflix that you used to be able to order a dvd and they would mail it to you and you could you would rent movies from netflix this is how they got their start so it was it was like a website that you would order a dvd and they would send you that dvd you would watch it just like you rented it from blockbuster and then you would return it that's right then it's all online then high speed internet came along and you know what netflix is now yeah so what is going to progress how are things going to change how are things going to improve like what is next it's all you know who knows what's going to improve what's going to change i keep thinking it's going to go completely wireless if you can remove that physical cable are we there yet are we already there to some degree i mean i use the wi-fi yeah the tech is there but i think from an infrastructure standpoint we're not there there's a whole lot that would have to come in place to make that more reliable but at the same time you've got um is it a tesla working on their satellite network it's going to hit the globe not tesla but spacex yes spacex sorry yeah same same ceo yeah that's right same same twitter same shenanigans that's right but yeah i think it's going to be wireless and i think it's going to allow bandwidth to go so much faster it'll be interesting to see how it progresses over the years and what changes what's uh what's really kind of catching my my eye is this covid app that we've got in ontario actually i think it's across canada for that randomly connects with bluetooth so that if you've walked near somebody that has tested positive for covid you get an alert that goes hey you don't don't interact with that person well no you get an alert that says you recently interact with somebody who's been tested positive oh wow so this is happening all in the back end on your device and and so i was thinking about that going this is just with bluetooth is there a way to have almost like hot spotting as you go with mobile phones that would allow this constant wireless network to be like so interesting i mean a couple of things come to mind jeff would you first first of all when you start talking about wireless i start thinking about man that would be so expensive but the interesting thing is that with the progression of technology and the the betterment of the underlying infrastructure the cost to the end consumers goes down yeah so we're going to see that price go down so maybe my my smartphone and the ability to connect to five 6g internet is going to drop and when that happens now all of a sudden autonomous vehicles become much more autonomous that's right because they're internet connected all the time with a high-speed internet connection yeah and and then we've got all these new new technologies that can just open up that's right and things like these apps that that communicate but then the second thing that comes to mind is now you've got everybody calling big brother oh of course you're there to help yes yes but where is the line where we say okay well we want big brother to some extent i want google to be able to tell me if an earthquake is going to hit in california absolutely if i live in california that's smart and and so there comes a point where you say okay well i'm gonna i'm going to allow google to have access to my telemetry yeah but then how much trust are you putting in this company so so there's there's yeah there's there are all these considerations i think in general the human race uh as a broad brushstroke so not everybody but as a broad brushstroke i think we're always going to go with the times of advancement i mean you look at when as a whole as a whole yeah i mean you look at when facebook came out and it changed the way that we do online permissions it used to be you had to give permission to access your information yeah and with facebook they said no no you need to give us you need to tell us what you don't want us to share and now and we're gonna and we're gonna change that every six months exactly and you're gonna have to be on top of that because otherwise you've basically opted in because you're using our free platform that's right and it's changed the internet now everybody does that where it's like you tell us what you don't want us to share you tell us what you don't want us to have access to and i think in general most people again general broad brushstroke most people are like you know what it's the convenience of it i'll deal with it and they just they they seem to want to ignore it that's my sense of thing so i think if we get to that point where it's like all of that information is just kind of bouncing between phones i don't know if too many people are gonna care it's gonna be interesting so i i've often been of the mindset where it's like i don't do anything that i would be a afraid for somebody to know about right but there's also like identity theft and and tracking and and the ability for you know the big to see you know the trends of my lifestyle where i go where i buy my coffee at what time which then boils down to okay well now you know where i'm going to be right now all the data would say wow that guy sits on the couch a lot oh yeah i practically get up and stop at starbucks and and sit at my desk for 10 hours ever since my day and then i'm at the studio working work and work yeah yeah yeah anyway didn't want to take us on a tangent what are your thoughts i mean it's it's an interesting discussion i mean because this is it's a transition that is happening and is going to happen and i think the pandemic has also kind of pushed us to need change in regulations in the infrastructure and in the technologies that are there and so you know how is that going to impact us as a society as as people as individuals and and you know what are what are your thoughts comment below it's a good discussion to have with the community oh for sure absolutely it is anything new as far as tech goes jeff for the first time in like 12 years i bought a laptop you did i finally bought a laptop he's bought a laptop phone i know when everybody else is like ah we don't want pcs anymore and finally jeff is like okay i'm gonna buy a laptop i i know it sounds stupid that like i just bought a laptop but i've the the laptop that i bought last was 2007 and i have kept that thing on life support for as long as i possibly could i'll say because i it's like it you know windows got too clunky so i put linux on it then it started to not be able to handle the linux so i put a downgraded like lite version of linux and and i just but now it's at the point where it just doesn't want to start up it's dead but i i for some reason i have this weird mentality where it's like i want to get as much as i can out of my tech as possible sure and you know why just put more e-waste out there and i know that there's ways to recycle and whatnot but it's like if i can which has become progressively more difficult now as well i i've got e-waste in my house from six months ago i can't get rid of because of coved yeah it's like i don't have covid but i want to get rid of it top so really really tough yeah it is so yeah that's i bought a laptop very cool yeah and thinking about laptops and and also the progression of internet connectivity and the ability to remote in on things the way that my paradigm has shifted is that i've taken a different approach i imagine you've probably bought a reasonably powerful laptop yeah that's a middle of the road it's an i7 okay uh 12 gigs of ram i think middle of the road middle of the road oh yeah yeah yeah it's an i7 with hyper threading and eight cores and 12 gigs of ram and okay i wanted to get like you know it's got to last you exactly i wanted something like if i buy a laptop every 13 years sure lucky 13. so how is the paradigm shifted for me well for me jeff it's a two hundred dollar pine book i see and i find a problem to go that way super sleek right like look at that if i if i hold that just right it disappears yeah pretty much you can't see it um and what i do with this is i tap into that new style of infrastructure so i have a very very powerful desktop pc that's right yeah and i access it from this laptop so anywhere that i am i'm able to bring up davinci resolve video editing yeah and working with the power of an i9 9900k with 64 gigs of ram from a pine book pro yeah so on the screen it feels like i'm working on an i9 but meanwhile it's this lightweight 200 linux kit that's powered by an arm processor and i wanted to go that route simply because i've been drooling over those since they came out but for what i need to use it for it's just not powerful enough um and this is it like so that's why i use it to remotely connect into my more powerful devices i don't have a more powerful device so so it's just a change in the paradigm it's just shifting the paradigm and realizing that and and then using single board computers so i've got raspberry pi's and odroid xu4s i've got lots of those because those are probably my favorite board as far as like the universal debian server goes yeah with usb 3 and and everything else um and and then accessing them from there and and i've got access to as many systems as i have i'll tell you what i'll trade in my laptop and i'll get a pine book if you let me access your own name yeah and i yeah perfect it's a win-win but see when my internet goes down now i've lost everything yeah i am i'm a fish out of water i don't know like what do i do when i have no internet connectivity because now from my pine book i can't do anything that's when you go darn it jeff's so much better than me jeff can i borrow your laptop good times for me i've been i've been teaching myself how to use a 3d printer and also it's arrived well no well this is the thing is is my my experiment is i want to know if i were to get a 3d printer is it going to be so onerous for me to learn how to use that it becomes another one of those technologies that i purchase and then never use right because we fall into that that's right a cool tech comes out and you want and you buy it and then it's too hard to learn and you don't have time and it just sits on a shelf somewhere and then it becomes obsolete yes so i've taken a different approach and said okay i'm going to learn how to 3d print first okay and then i'm going to make that decision so yes working with design very cool so i use a tool at which is made by the autodesk folks and it allows me to use my web browser to do 3d designs cool so what ideas have you come up with so my original ideas are very very basic jeff as you can imagine i mean i'm just learning the ropes but so so and i mentioned this two weeks ago when you were here that i was going to do this and i've done it is that uh in my laundry room i wanted a place to hang face masks because we have we've got three kids at home yes and we all have five or more of these i think i've got like 10 of them myself because i'm working in the field and the kids each have five yeah face masks but we bought the washable ones and you don't want to put them through the dryer so right i want to make a rack for them so i've designed i haven't printed because i don't have a 3d printer but this was the experiment can i design the the idea that comes to mind which is a half inch piece of pvc pipe hanging in the unfinished laundry room so i've got access to the rafters i can just screw right into them and so i designed the um the mech well the mechanism the plates to put the half inch pvc up on the ceiling okay hanging and the hooks that are going to hook onto that to allow us to hang as many masks as we want very cool so it is kind of cool so it feels like something that i hey i'm i'm actually designing i'm actually creating based on a need based on something that i probably couldn't just walk into a hardware store and buy and probably doing it a lot cheaper there's the cost of a 3d printer but as bp9 mentioned in on on the discord earlier today the the fact is is that even though there's an investment in the 3d printer which is pretty cheap these days you can go to our website click on shop you'll see an ender 3 v2 there and they're not very expensive so the the initial hurdle of like the investment is there but fairly quickly as you design and print things you're going to make that back of course that's the idea yeah and that makes sense i'm really seeing that as i l as i look at things in online shopping and think could i this is the challenge that i've given myself could i create that myself with a 3d printer and then i start looking at okay well that thing would cost me 20 and i could print it for 20 cents right so how quickly could i make that back it's an interesting experiment but but i've proven to myself that one i can design things i can take my ideas very very basic right now folks you can see the designs that i've done at ball nerd you can see my designs but you'll see the hooks that i made and the the mounting apparatus for it and then i've also taken it one step further and i've taken other people's designs because you can get onto you can find things that are close to what you want then load them into your software in my case tinkercad for now and uh and yeah tweak modify it change it make it so that it suits your purpose very cool it is kind of cool so i'm at that point i think where it's like yeah i can i can do this so now when i do make that investment when i get the 3d printer and i and i set that up and and i'm ready to print i'm ready to print i have designs i've proven that i can design and uh and i'm good to go i like that interesting right so tinker is the software that i'm using for now it's probably rudimentary in so many ways but it's really really easy for me to get my feet wet when it comes to 3d printing you got to start somewhere and then i talk with boleknowski from ameridroid and he's telling me about how he programs 3d designs he uses software that is so much more sophisticated than what i'm i'm doing through my web browser right and is able to actually tweak things by adjusting numbers in the in the program and it that is but that's why he's able to now he's able to do things that i can only i can imagine but i i'm not capable of yet right right that was a cool guy yeah oh yeah baldnerd check out my designs we've got to take a really quick break uh when we come back jeff and i are going to have a discussion about two-factor multi-factor authentication for those of you who are wondering hey what is this thing that my service provider keeps telling me i should activate on my login we're going to have a quick chat about about why you might actually want to consider setting up two-factor authentication stick around welcome back everybody just to note if you are a participant in the category 5 tv coffee break it's a community time to get together and have a chat and we try to do it every sunday and and we do that faithfully now this coming sunday uh unfortunately it is um it's cancelled so there will not be a category 5 community coffee break this coming sunday but watch the website we'll be updating the calendar there the schedule so that you know exactly when the next one is which will be a week from this coming sunday so just keep that in mind if you're planning to be there this coming sunday there will not be a coffee break you can still make coffee though oh that's okay please do yeah pour me a coffee folks that's right in this quick in this quick discussion uh we we want to help you to understand two-factor authentication what it is and why it's critical critical and uh why it's not actually as complicated as it sounds right so we all know this is robbie hi uh so robbie what's your password my password jeff should i really tell you yeah you have to winston 2075 really really easy for me to remember because winston is the name of my beloved cat who left us a year ago i remember winston he was a good cat uh but i don't get the 2075. 2075 well that clearly jeff is the uh the year of the linux desktop oh clear clearly oh clearly oh burn [Laughter] well i guess that makes perfect sense uh okay so now that uh you know our viewers of the show you and i we all know each other um if we kind of walked uh down the street we see each other i would say hey uh i'm robbie what yeah yeah yeah that's am the bald nerd and uh you'd say um i don't think so and i'd say but really i am my password is winston 2075. uh which obviously is correct right yeah um but know this but you still don't believe that i'm robbie so uh there's one thing that i didn't think of and that's the fact that you know what robbie looks like and you know that clearly i'm not him i couldn't grow a beard like that if i tried when you sign into your online account you've got typically a username and a password right so that's basically so that the server can tell that it is you that is logging in right your username is often something that is publicly accessible so that could be your email address or in my case like it could be baldnerd right so that username is not something that is a security factor whatsoever of course anyone can get that so um anyone who knows your password can say okay well my username is baldnerd and my password is winston2075 right so now they can access your account because those are the only factors that you have basically just the password right the plot thickens if you've got the same password on other services as well which so many people do don't do that yeah and that's why we say do not have the same password on other services because if you get compromised on one you're now compromised on other but on others but the other thing is that let's say they're able to get into your email yes something like that right so now all of a sudden uh they can go on to other sites your online banking and things like that and they can click on forgot password and they're going to be able to reset your password and gain access to those services as well so with the username and password combination the server itself so the connecting server whether it's like your online banking or twitter or facebook or whatever it is you're logging into it has no way of actually verifying that the person who's logging in is in fact you right they know the username and password and so they're given access right so two-factor sometimes called multi-factor authentication uh it can be intimidating it can sound kind of complicated but really it's just a way for the online server to recognize that when uh when someone is logging in as you that it is in fact you you right um so the server is able to say yeah that's the right password but i know robbie and you're not him right okay so then how do we do that and really it comes down to that the easiest way is something like this something you already own your smartphone right how many of us have a smartphone sitting in our pocket right now exactly you might be watching the show on your smartphone you've got it on you all the time that's right that is probably my wife's biggest complaint about me is that it's literally on me all the time but that's convenient when it comes to this absolutely it is because even though somebody might be able to obtain your and your email because that's not really impossible it's a lot harder and less likely that they're going to have physical access to your phone so with two-factor authentication enabled once you enter your password uh and your login for the account you'll be uh prompted to obtain and enter a code from your phone it could come in through text or you know maybe through an app whatever but you know your phone becomes that second factor in the authentication process which makes it two-factor authentication so it's not really as complicated as it sounds online services um such as google drive gmail is is part of that we we talk about amazon and aws that's right twitter facebook your online banking they all support multi-factor authentication so you want to look online and check your settings and see if you can set that up and if you're having trouble finding the way to set up multi-factor authentication just reach out to the service provider and they'll be able to give you help yes it's a really like it's not the end-all be-all solution but it's an excellent way for you to better secure your account so that as somebody else tries to access your account with your username and password if they ever get it from a phishing scam or by a man in the middle attack or something along those lines well they're not going to be able to access your account because they don't have your phone yeah that's right it's a really really smart thing to have and one of the things uh because i've run into the two-factor authentication with my kids yeah um when we upgrade our phones we'll hand our old phones to them it's their gaming device their whatever but because there's no longer a phone number attached to it sometimes with some of their services every once in a while it's going to want a phone number and so for the longest time i was giving them my cell phone so i'll be at work and all sudden i get a blue and it's you're trying to log in here's your code and it was like i got to call one of them right now obviously you know you have to look for the services that you're going to enable this road that i'm about to mention but i found a service like an application that gives you a a digital phone number where it will then come through to your phone even though you don't actually have cell phone service so you don't i might like my kids don't have a physical phone number but they have a service on their phones sms yeah so they can get text messages to a phone number so now they can put in their own two-factor authentication right now if you're gonna go down that road because maybe you don't have a phone but you've just got a tablet or something if you go down that road make sure that what you're using is a trusted source because otherwise an untrusted source is going to have that number yeah they might be able to do a man in the middle on your side that's right and you don't want to do that so you want to pay attention to the sources you use and in our case uh it was magicjack okay because you can get a magicjack phone number for free yeah a u.s number so that's what we used oh neat yeah magicjack is trustworthy we've been using them for gosh 15 years now wow so cool you know now my kids have the magicjack app and they put a phone number in and interesting okay so i've taken a different approach and i use the google authenticator app okay which one the app wrote yeah and so with that app it uses what's called otp or one-time password so when i log into any of my two-factor authentication enabled it then prompts me for my multi-factor authentication code my otp so then i bring up the app and it shows me a one-time password that i now need to enter into that service in order to access it which has the same effect of okay well i don't need to have them texting me right i don't have to worry about that man in the middle attack there's so many different ways to set up two-factor it really is but really what it boils down to is just the fact that you know somebody is not going to have access to the sms messages going to your child somebody's not going to have access to my phone with that authenticator app so it's just finding one that works for you and setting it up so that you've got uh that multi-factor authentication so that you're protected because really i mean these days wow it's incredible how many phishing scams are out there yeah i get emails just to put it into perspective i get emails that appear to be from my boss okay from my employer with links to click here and and enter my info and these are called spear phishing scams so these are some hacker or somebody is trying to gain access to my account and so they've researched me and they've learned about me and they've learned who my employer is to the point where they can now send me an email masking and pretending to be my employer and saying hey click here so when you put that into the perspective of an auto shop and the service technician gets an email from the boss and maybe is not as um security conscious well security conscious but also just like i am i know what to look for yeah that's fair you know so i i know okay this is definitely not coming from my boss and i'll look at the email headers and things like that because i understand them yeah but what if that and just using the shop technician as an example okay what if they fell for it what if the accountant opened that fake invoice that gave them access to the username and password for their email again they can use that the hacker can use that to then gain access to other accounts because they can do forgot password that's right or they can send email as that user and and take it even further and this is how ransomware happens and things like that that's true so spear phishing is where they learn enough about you or your company to be able to make it look completely legitimate and that happens a lot so what happens if that shop technician falls for it and gives out their username and password well if they have two-factor authentication enabled on their accounts yes the spear phishing attack has now got your username and password however when they try to access it it's going to prompt for that two-factor authentication so in the sms example the shop technician is now going to receive a text yes and they're going to say well i didn't request a login that's right that's weird um or in my case it's never even going to i'm never going to know about it because they're just going to be notified that they need to enter their one-time password that's right and they're not going to have it because they don't have my phone that's right so some food for thought when you're thinking about two-factor authentication multi-factor authentication just set it up it is absolutely required these days you got to stay safe and really there's no excuse not to really isn't we all have a phone in our pocket jeff that's true and if you don't for some crazy reason there's that there's an app for that there are ways you'll find it out and that's why i say talk to your service provider because they will tell you um the various ways that you can set up multi-factor authentication yeah it's true very good all right we've got to head over to the newsroom here is becca here's what's coming up in the category 5 dot tv newsroom an update to adobe's lightroom app for ios has wiped user photos with no chance to recover wsl-2 is now available for windows 10 1903 and 1909 users the world's fastest internet can download the entire netflix library in less than a second hands-free driving could be made legal on uk roads by spring and a hyperloop may be coming to alberta stick around the full details and this week's crypto corner are coming up this is the category 5 dot tv newsroom covering the week's top tech stories with a slight linux bias from the newsroom i'm becca ferguson the latest update from adobe's lightroom app for ios inadvertently wiped users photos and presets that were not already synced to the cloud and adobe has confirmed that there is no way to get them back the issue first cropped up on the photoshop feedback forums last week when the lightroom app on ios was updated to version 5.4 a user posted asking why all of his photos presets and watermark data had been removed after updating to the most recent version through the ios app store this was followed by replies from other users saying that the same thing happened to them whether or not they were subscription based or free one user posted to reddit's r slash lightroom subrevit reddit saying that they had lost two plus years of edits after the update having spent more than four hours speaking with adobe customer service they report that adobe finally said the issue has no fix and that these lost photos are unrecoverable adobe provided nothing more than an apology confirming the user's claims adobe officially confirmed the issue on wednesday explaining that customers who updated to lightroom 5.4 on iphone and ipad may be missing photos and presets that those photos and presets are not recoverable and that they sincerely apologize to users who have been affected by the issue version 5.4.1 has already been released fixing the issue but it can do nothing about the lost data this serves as a strong reminder for photographers to always have a backup of your images in multiple places so you're never subject to a single point of failure mistakes like this happen even at some of the world's largest companies microsoft is easing the requirement for windows subsystem for linux 2. instead of only working on windows 10 2004 or higher wsl is also now available for windows 10 1903 and 1909 users windows 10 users who wanted to work with the new windows subsystem for linux version 2 needed to have the latest feature update for windows the windows 10 may 2020 aka windows 10 20 2004 but on august 20th microsoft made a surprise announcement wsl-2 has been backported to windows 10 1903 and 1909 as well as it turns out microsoft has been working on bringing sl2 sorry wsl-2 to 1903 and 1909 for the last few months they said in a blog post that the goal is for the back port to make wsl2 available to more windows users the back port will be for x64 systems only those using arm 64 still need to use windows 10 2004 to get wsl2 wsl-2 is a much reworked version of the original wsl it changes how linux distributions interact with windows as officials noted in today's post each linux linux distribution running on windows 10 can run as wsl1 or wsl2 and can be switched at any time according to microsoft wsl2 provides a full linux kernel built into wsl2 improved system call support for all linux apps including docker fuse rsync and more and improved file system performance to get wsl 2 for 1903 and 1909 users simply need to check for updates via windows update a team of university college london engineers have set a new world record speed and you won't believe how fast it is they've been able to achieve internet transmission speed a fifth faster than the previous record the research team led by dr lydia galdino achieved a data transmission rate of 178 terabits a second that's 178 million megabits a second compare that to the 50 megabits you're getting at home at 178 terabits per second it would be possible to download the entire netflix library in less than a second the record which is double the capacity of any system currently in use worldwide was achieved by transmitting data through a much wider range of colors of light or wavelengths than is typically used in optical fiber current infrastructure uses a limited spectrum bandwidth of 4.5 terahertz with 9 terahertz commercial bandwidth systems entering the market whereas the researchers used a bandwidth of 16.8 terahertz to do this researchers combine different amplifier technologies needed to boost the signal power over the wider bandwidth and maximize speed by developing new patterns of signal combinations that make best use of the phase brightness and polarization properties of the light in this way they were able to manipulate the properties of each individual wavelength a huge benefit of the technique is that it can be deployed on already existing infrastructure by simply upgrading the amplifiers that are located on optical fiber routes at 40 to 100 kilometer intervals it would be shockingly cheap to perform such an upgrade upgrading an amplifier would cost around 21 000 or about 420 dollars per kilometer if we upgrade it every 50 kilometers compare that to installing new optical fibers which can in urban areas cost up to three-fourths of a million dollars per kilometer lead author dr galdiner dino a lecturer at ucl and a royal academy of engineering research fellow said while current state-of-the-art cloud data center interconnections are capable of transporting up to 35 terabits a second we are working with new technologies that utilize more efficiently the existing infrastructure making better use of optical fiber bandwidth and enabling a world record transmission rate of 178 terabits a second the speed achieved is close to the theoretical limit of data transmission set out by american mathematician claude shannon in 1949. i want that right install that at my studio you know it was it's it's interesting i mean there's two things that kind of jumped out at me about this story the first one uh what becca was kind of getting to about um 24 000 i think for 50 kilometers or per kilometer whatever it was um to to do the math was there yeah it was there we've butchered it so far but that's right but significantly cheaper significant make this upgrade than to lay new fiber well yeah and so interestingly enough uh this summer or i guess this spring when when covid kind of brought the world to its knees uh at our my church we were looking to stream uh once we started getting back into the building we had really slow internet like half meg upload ouch yeah right so we reached out to different isps and we said okay what would it take to run you know first we looked into fiverr then we looked into dsl then we looked into cable the one kilometer actually i think it's 0.8 kilometers from the junction box at the corner to where our property line was and every quote we got was six figures or more yeah and i'm like we're talking a kilometer and then i'm hearing this and i'm like this is amazing but at the same time the fact that it's utilizing light and i mean here we are in a studio with light bulbs all around us now they're all led so that's not quite the same thing but how neat would it be if this technology could be advanced to the point where we're getting our internet off a light bulb if it's if it's through like how neat would that be like it's gotta be a little more refined than that i mean fiber optics are i i agree but you look at where the internet was 25 years ago yeah like imagine 15 years from now you flick on a light and boom like oh jeff your predicament that you have at your church or that you had i presumably you've found a solution at least to get your body oh okay so you're wireless so you're getting about 20 megs per second uh 20 up 45 down yeah okay so that's not bad that's pretty good no we could stream that's good expensive yeah wouldn't it be cheaper this is just a crazy thought but buy the property on the corner that's near the junction box buy the property and have them run a six foot length from the junction box to a little tiny tower and put a ubiquity antenna on that that is pointed at your church that has like air fiber you know which is like gigabit a second you know what's funny we have we actually have our sign there that we rent from the person who owns the property so put a little ubiquity antenna on top of your sign connect it to the fiber and you'd have to have like some kind of a box that powers everything and keeps it secure from it's got a powered light anyway well there you go so now put it free so then beam that beam that to your church you can get gigabit per second internet for the cost of a six foot length of fiber run i actually think the box is like a foot from the pole well there you go that's your answer where were you six months ago i don't know nobody asked me i mean this is what came to me just now but hey lots of more exciting stuff coming up hands-free driving could actually be made legal in the uk i mean like legit wow hands-free driving uh also speaking of transportation a hyperloop could be coming to canada what in alberta oh becca's got these stories coming up plus robert's here with the crypto corner don't go anywhere welcome to the world of cryptos and welcome to the crypto corner now as you probably know that there is not one boring week in kryptos but let's take a look at it where are we standing today so if we look at our favorite website which is uh coin gecko and we see that the market is going down a little bit since yesterday two and a half percent uh we're 373 billion uh us dollar uh bitcoin went down uh since last week by six point four percent it resolved by seven days we've got the usual picture a lot of coins going up over i mean in this case 145.2 in a week and on the downside well this time it'll be a little bit more than uh last week but nevertheless i mean i know that everybody of us goes and he listens to so-called influencers people that pretend they know what they're doing and and well and recommend you this coin or that coin and you see that suddenly that coin went through the roof and you say hey why am i not in this year well it's very simple these people are all are good guessers they do some research but there's not really one expert that can tell you where the market is going or what's happening you are reliant you have to be relying on yourself so you have to do your the research yourself it's good as i mentioned to you last time to listen to other people and see what their thoughts are but at the end it's you you have to do the research and i promise you today i would show you how to do research so the first thing and i've got i prepared it's a small uh uh image here the first thing you have to do is you go on this is dot and because they're the best they have got the most information and their information is fairly reliable so this is where i would start and then you select the coin that you heard somebody shilling recommending whatever and let's take here for example algorand you heard that that coin is a very good one so you get a lot of information already on this page here like uh on the on the right hand side you get market information price that is very valuable when was the all-time high the all-time low on the left hand side you've got the usual chart of what's happening the market volume but here you go you see some goodies so you see the website so first thing i would do is i would go on to the website and see what the website is telling you you don't have to understand the technical details most people don't understand it but just see whether that makes sense whether you would like to put money into somebody that is promising you something that you're interested in so that's the first thing i would do just browse around the website they're all the same there's they're all very flat you don't see many different things in here that might go into some technical things but you can ignore that at the beginning next one is the community so that's where other people are voicing their opinion so you go into reddit um and see what's happening there so here we see that something was posted 23 hours ago um this one here okay this is an ad one day ago one day ago so it seems fairly populated so things are happening here next one is twitter twitter is the central point of communication in the crypto industry so twitter is a must you have to go in here and just check what the official algorithm team in this case are grant is doing so they published something 18 hours ago then here 23 hours ago then august 22nd so that's uh now three days ago so they're pretty uh active in the market here's an interview just listen to what that interview uh has to what was discussed in that so that's a good indicator next one is telegram telegram is where people like you and i are uh talking and um so just open the download the telegram telegram app and um and just look into what other people are saying i mean you see a lot of people in there with some stupid opinions i mean you see in this case there are 9200 members in 1281 are online that's a good indicator and just just browse to that uh telegram and this card is similar to telegram and a little bit more complicated a little more complex last but not least click on github because that's where you see the programmers uh working doing their job and you see here somebody updated a file one hour ago 10 hours ago so you see they are very active also in what they're doing now this will give you the basis of the on um on how you can take a decision whether that's a coin that you would like to invest money in similar things you do with cars similar thing you with a house you don't buy a house if i tell you you have to go in 43rd road you don't go there and just buy a house you do your research the same way and so do the same thing here it's very simple it's much easier than in the traditional stock market as you can see there are only few areas where you can go and really do something so yeah that's it for me to this week so i hope you liked it i hope you learned something i wish you another fantastic week and hope to see you next week again thank you bye thanks robert just a reminder that we're not providing any financial advice here just sharing what's happening in the cryptocurrency market always remember that the cryptocurrency market is always changing it's always volatile so only invest what you can afford to lose now back to becca thank you robbie the uk government has said hands-free driving could be legal by spring of next year the department for transport has issued a call for evidence into automated lane keeping systems such technology controls a car's movements and can keep it in lane for extended periods although drivers need to be ready to take back control the society of motor manufacturers and traders claims it could reduce the number of accidents the technology for a car to steer itself and stay in lane even around curves already exists in some modern cars but the law says that drivers must remain alert and ready to take over instantly tesla's so-called autopilot is one well-known example it is considered level two on the five defined levels of self-driving cars the next step level three would not need the driver's attention at all times and in theory the driver could do other things such as check email or even watch a movie until the car prompts them to take over again introducing those systems would require changes to current legal framework something the dft says it is now considering while the technology has been approved by the united nations economic commission for europe it is limited to traffic jams at speeds of up to 37 miles per hour the change could give the go-ahead for speeds of up to 70 miles per hour in the potentially making long stretches of tedious motorway driving a thing of the past the uk government wants to hear from people within the motoring industry to decide how to safely implement the technology the consultation closes on october 27th the government in alberta canada is backing the development of a high-speed hyperloop between edmonton and calgary albertans could be among the first canadians to travel by high-speed pods between cities after the government of alberta signed an agreement with canadian transportation tech company transpod to develop and test a high-speed hyperloop between edmonton and calgary though no financial commitments have been made by the government alberta will support toronto-based transport by sharing data identifying land and participating in discussions with potential investors according to the news release the project involves a short-term feasibility study ending in 2022 research and development ending in 2024 test track construction in use between 2024 and 2027 and the construction of a line between downtown edmonton and downtown calgary to begin in 2025. there are a handful of companies developing this technology which allows pods to travel at high speeds in a low pressure tube with various projects in the early stages around the world this would be the first such project in canada the vehicles would travel up to a thousand kilometers per hour with an average speed of between 400 and 600 kilometers per hour alberta's hyperloop line would stop at the edmonton and calgary airports as well as red deer he said and the total moving time of the full line would be a half hour the system would be powered by a mix of solar panels and electricity and would mainly transport passengers in time-sensitive goods like mail or e-commerce products the 6 billion to 10 billion project would create jobs in a province where many oil and gas workers have lost their jobs in recent years and position alberta as a potential hub for technology big thanks to roy w nash and our community of viewers for submitting stories to us this week thanks for watching the category 5 tv newsroom don't forget to like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight linux bias and if you appreciate what we do become a patron at patreon.comcategory5 from the category 5 dot tv newsroom i'm becca ferguson well thanks for being here with us again this week everybody just a reminder there is no category 5 community coffee break this sunday as previously scheduled and uh it's been great having you all here yeah nice having you here again jeff you know what i feel like i should probably just start coming back yeah yeah and we're figuring out how can work yeah through this current time jeff and i are kind of physically uh distant from one another we've got about six feet between um between our heads and if you see him leaning in you see me leaning back and we do our best and and try to remain socially distant here at the studio and wear our masks when uh when we can't be yeah um and and figuring out kind of the technology and how everything is going to work and i think you're going to find that this week things are looking better than ever certainly they're sounding better than ever and that is largely to do with ameridroid's easy portal having been installed in the studio now we're able to get the cables between the studio and the bridge and so our audio receivers for our microphones are now here in the studio with us rather than going through a steel studded wall which was causing some interference and some dropouts here and there occasionally throughout the show so that's why things are sounding a lot better as far as looking a lot better we're doing uh well our lighting is now almost set up so we're about fifty percent there um so what we are seeing now is a lot different than what you've seen in the past those of you who support us on patreon or on kickstarter you already know kind of how things are looking here in the studio but beyond the camera we're seeing lights mount well you can see all the shadows yeah notice how many shadows there are of my arm so there are lights everywhere and we do have some some soft boxes mounted on the ceiling and and so lighting in here is significantly better five six seven seven lights and then that weird u-shaped thing the weird u-shape oh with that thing and it's actually got an led uh point down on it that's actually reflecting to us so that's what's giving us that there was a natural light and we've been able to turn off the fluorescent lighting here yes which is that's a big difference here so when you think about um lighting uh a production studio um having like sunlight balanced white clean light is very very important yes um so when we first moved in here of course we're using the the built-in lighting which is like 3500 kelvin so it's like really really poor lighting for video yeah um and now we're starting to starting to be a little bit better so so where are we at with that um really i mean jeff is looking around and saying oh well why haven't you turned on that light why haven't you turned on that and that's because the ones that are mounted um that are going to be dmx controlled haven't yet been wired in and that's because we're still waiting on hardware they're still um mount um electrical hardware that has to come in right because things take a while to arrive it's true i love the boom like you can't see it but there's a boom for the overhead camera for product reviews yeah we've got a jib crane that has an overhead camera that we can move around it's pretty cool so that's going to give us that overhead when we're doing unboxings and product demonstrations and things so you can see from above and that's going to be quite a bit better than anything we've ever had so that's going to be cool so speaking you mentioned kickstarters where's the tens machine i've had three people say this week i'm sourcing one that goes up to 11. yeah i three people have approached me this week they're like when when are you doing that labor thing oh yes yeah so i i think i think my wife is starting to like poke people and be like hey you need to ask jeff all right because i'm trying to make everybody forget about it i'm going to talk to to your wife no you know what she's busy don't worry about it but i need to talk to her about it and you know why is because we have to be socially distant it's such a weird time so where we we could just put this off it's okay do you really think i'm gonna give him the controller and say okay jeff shock yourself i i can make it with a really long cable i can make it look really good on camera i'm going to connect it to a raspberry pi gpio and give you access to be able to control it bp9 is going to be like yes crank that up to 11. oh i can't wait we're going to have a lot of fun folks we've got a lot planned everything in our world has been kind of put on hold but throughout this process we've been doing our level best to make sure that we we're still bringing you a show when we can as best as we can still trying to um to bring you good content every single week and and really when when it comes down to it when when things all come together and they're coming together it's gonna be like a sigh of relief and let's broadcast let's do the show the way the show is meant to be from studio e it's going to be incredible and i can't wait and i'm thinking hey with season 14 coming it's going to be a really cool clean slate to say okay season 14 let's hit it yes hit the ground running it's gonna be a lot of fun you know we need to do we need to stream like an unreal tournament party i'm really looking forward to that and and maybe we'll do that with the tens machine maybe that'll be something that any time any time you you anytime you get a head shot on me i'm pushing the button i'm just gonna camp in the corner he's not there he's not there whenever i see the redeemer flying around with jeff's name above it i'm just gonna push the button that takes that's gonna be brilliant can't wait good show been great having you here and i look forward to seeing you again next week take care everybody see ya