this week i'll compile debian bullseye on my pine book pro with the desktop environment chosen by viewers i've also got my hands on the new eagle moss die cast model of the orville and i'll crack into the box and get a first look at our favorite union vessel becca's here with the top news stories we're following including nvidia's acquisition of arm microsoft's underwater data center and an ai that'll kick your butt in gran turismo sport crypto correspondent robert koenig is here to help us understand what impermanent loss means as we learn more about investing in the cryptocurrency market don't miss a moment it's time for the tech [Music] our live recordings are trusted only to solid-state drives by kingston technology revive your computer with improved performance and reliability over traditional hard drives with kingston ssds category 5 tv streams live with telestream wirecast and nimble streamer tune in every week on roku cody and other hls video players for local showtimes visit well welcome to the show it's so nice to have you here my name is robbie ferguson and i'm the host of category 5 technology tv have done for oh let's figure carry the 1 13 years 13 years this my friends is the end of season 13. can you believe that lucky number 13 which has been filled with no problems has been just a perfect year all around that has finally come to an end our next broadcast will be season 14. so do get involved in our community make sure you subscribe to us on on youtube in particular make sure you click that bell so you get the notifications anytime we post anything but also get involved in our community so that means getting onto our discord server getting into irc if you're more into that kind of thing or getting onto our book face i mean facebook or twitter so you know on facebook we are cat5 tv on twitter we are category 5 tv uh so if you follow these or get onto our discord which is available on our website if you click on interact and you go to as our main website so these are all different ways that you can kind of follow along with the show what's going on because the next few weeks are going to be weird they're going to be really really weird i have consistently been about consistency i am very keen on making sure that we do a show every week but what i've realized through the course of season 13 lucky 13 2020 we'll call it dun dun well i've realized that you know i'm just one guy and i do a show for you through the interwebs and uh sometimes i need a little bit more time to get everything together so what's happening is that as we transition into season 14 there is going to be a short break and that short break is going to allow me my my staff my team the opportunity to get everything set up the way that we want to be for season 14 and that means putting all 2020 behind us even though it'll still be 20 20. don't you worry i'm not talking next year i'm talking next month so we're going to put it all behind us and we're going to say look we are strong we are stronger than ever and thanks to our community who have carried us through this time we're going to make it through and we have so now it's just putting our you know the elbow grease in and getting the final touches done up so when i come in every wednesday to do category 5 technology tv live it's a mad dash to get everything wired up everything's set up and everything ready we record the news we put together crypto corner with robert koenig and i get all those files prepared and we're ready to go out the gate and then you know a microphone doesn't work or some crazy thing like that so all of these things need to be worked through before we kick off season 14. so again get involved in our community get involved in the various chat areas like the irc or discord following us on twitter or facebook is a great way to be kept up to date as to what's going on and when we will be live or just go to our website and i will endeavor to keep the calendar up to date which if you scroll down on that main main page you're going to see a google calendar embed and that's going to show you what is coming up so i want to say hey hey to our discord i see you all i see bp9 and soul boo and marshman and ubu and hj thanks good sound tonight they say that is fantastic what a difference a week can make you know what i'm saying uh it is so nice to see everybody myordix is joining us as well nice to see you noman5 and our discord is a great way to interact not just with our staff but also the community themselves and they'll probably be up to date on what's going on um speaking of community also there is some transitioning going on with the community coffee break as that kind of winds down its original intention it is becoming its own kind of separate community uh event that we're going to be holding hopefully every week as we have done in the past so keep an eye on our website everything is so up in the air during the time of transition folks i'm going to call it that the time of transition and uh we're we're kind of evolving into what everything is going to be come mid october-ish so keep an eye on our website you're going to be kept up to date but i do believe uh there will be a category 5 community coffee break this coming sunday at noon if all goes well from a technical standpoint it should be there i will be posting links on our home page and making sure that you're ready to go all right i have my pine book pro this my friends i'm gonna i'm gonna move this out of the way we're gonna save this for later i know you want to see what's in the box i'm going to just set that right there i have my pine book pro this sleek little machine is absolutely stunning look at the like do you get the sense for how lightweight this is for how sleek and slimline it is one of the other things is there are no moving parts that means no fans no active cooling there is therefore no noise none have you ever held a laptop on your lap that generates absolutely zero noise that's the pine book pro the only reason i have it plugged in right now is so that i can bring up its screen for you that's the only reason otherwise it's completely wireless i get about six hours battery life on this thing on a single charge and there are some hacky little things that you learn about your pine book pro as you go so i'm going to tell you one of those i lost my power adapter i lost my little barrel plug to be able to charge it and i was like what am i going to do and then i got into the forum and there were people in the chat speaking about the ability to charge it with usb c so i thought what wait a minute so um so i started looking through the thread and wukash who has been on our show was uh talking about the fact that yes with a standard phone charger you can plug usb-c into the pine book pro and charge it so that that's crazy i'm using usbc for hdmi output but you're saying i can plug in an hd a usbc power adapter and that's going to charge my pine book pro so i took the risk the risk i mean mukash arkinsky was in the forum saying uh you know he's from pine64 and given the thumbs up and saying yeah you can use your usbc phone charger so i did it and it charged quickly very very impressed so that's one little hacky thing that i didn't realize out of the box i could do with my pine pinebook pro i thought i had to have that adapter i'm sure i'll find it somewhere and i'll be like what is this for i don't need this anymore but one of the other things that you can hack on a pine book pro is the operating system now understand this little guy as sleek as it is as beautiful as this is as a laptop it is i'll call it a developer system so where something that is this sleek and this powerful would you know maybe you would expect to pay six eight hundred bucks um ten thousand if it's an apple product with this it's only 200 bucks so what do you get for 200 bucks i mean that's the temptation is oh wow a 200 linux laptop it's so sleek and it's so great and it is but i want to be clear that the pine book pro is not for your average everyday user it's for the tinkerer it's for the people who like me want to be able to find hacky little things and build my own operating system figure out how to make things work and it's a it's really a development platform laptop it's amazing for programmers i mean i program in bosch all the time i'm also a php developer who uses nano as my ide so you know like i i love this kind of form factor in this lightweight long battery life but it's not for my kids because they can't you know it's not a gaming system it's not meant for that and it's they're they're gonna it's gonna lead to disappointment so if you're looking at the pine book pro we need to look at it with that kind of just going into it you need to understand that it's not the same as the three thousand dollar laptop or the two thousand dollar laptop or the one thousand dollar laptop this basically the power of a really good high-end chromebook but with genuine linux on it but it is open source and it's continually growing so um right now you may install an operating system and find it's a little buggy or you've got problems with this or that but then it'll get better and better or you try a different distro and because it's open source you will find you know maybe you'll find one that you'll love but i want to you know i hope that that's clear because i don't ever want you to go out and buy something like a pine book pro and then be disappointed am very impressed by contrast but the average joe user somebody who's not a computer guru or you know you don't have to be a guru don't get me wrong but you've got to want to tinker you have to have that desire to mess around and and play with it if you don't have that desire then maybe the pine book pro isn't for you um and so i want to give that to you up front because i don't want you to be disappointed with that purchase if you love to tinker if you're like me you love to hack and and program and get into the linux terminal and compile things yourself this is probably for you it's got a 1080p screen it's again super super sleek great battery life it's got 802 eleven uh five gigahertz so it'd be like a c n g b i don't know it's got it's got five 2.4 gigahertz bluetooth everything else but again like it's it is what it is it is fantastic for what it is so as i seek to kind of customize my pine book pro it came with manjaro linux and i love what the manjaro team are doing with the pine book pro again it's open source right so so this team is creating a distro that pine64 has said okay well this is probably the most rock solid right now so let's put that on as our default and so that's what they're doing um but i'm not an arc fan and that's what it's based on and and i am very much a debian fan so debian can be any derivative of debian so that can be ubuntu on my desktop computer my production computer i'm actually using linux mint which as i understand it is based on ubuntu and ubuntu is based on debian so it all comes down to for me loving the debian distro so my servers run debian pure and i wanted to i wanted to seek out being able to install debian on my pine book pro like legit debian and then lo and behold community member daniel thompson got in there and uploaded a script that allows you to compile upstream debian 11 on your pine book pro so that means that it is debian as if it was debian downloaded from essentially there's a couple of tweaks there with the kernel and things like that and daniel's done a really really great job of making it really really easy to do and really really easy to get through but uh it is bullseye at its heart so you're ending up with a true debian operating system on your pine book pro well why would you want that other than just the bragging rights to say hey i compiled my own operating system so i'm talking like you're not taking an image and flashing it to the emmc no we're actually creating the image ourselves why would you do that other than the bragging rights there is that but when you download an operating system manjaro or any other distro you're basically taking what the distro developers have said this is what we like or this is what we want our distro to look like and feel like and act like these are the the included pieces of software that we want in our distro and that's what's included so when you install a true base raw debian upstream distro you are getting basically just a bare shell that you can now decide how do i want it to look how do i want it to function what office suite do i want what browser do i want i get to choose all of those things so how easy can it be well all you need is now i'm running from my micro sd on my pine book pro so i need an sd card because if i'm running from pardon me i'm running from the emmc so if i'm running from the emmc i can create my image on an sd card a microsd if i'm running my operating system from the microsd i can similarly create the image on my on my emmc internally so i don't actually have to take that chip out that's pretty cool so all you need to do is just insert your micro sd card into the side of your pine book pro and just give it a little push and now the first thing that happens is these windows will pop up for the partitions just make sure you eject those all right so we want to basically unmount those so they're not actually mounted on our uh on our operating system and then i'm going to go into applications internet and firefox on my system whatever browser you're using that's fine chrome whatever and i've made a little shortcut for you cat 5 dot tv slash pbp deb and that's going to take you to this page by daniel thompson that has a link to well it's got some great information about any bugs that are outstanding things that you can come to expect from this build but it's got the link to the github repository so let's copy that by right clicking and copy the link location and then we're going to jump into our terminal so on my system here it's system tools mate terminal and git clone is going to clone that repositories and and then paste that link but i haven't installed git yet so sudo apt install git and just enter your password that's going to install the get program to be able to synchronize our get repositories and download this uh installer script so now just run that again git clone and then the paste and now go into the folder pine book pro debian installer and sudo dot slash install dash debian is all we need to run so hit enter so now it's actually going through and get cloning all kinds of stuff directly from the repositories that uh that uh that daniel has set up so let's just let that go and for the most part i'm gonna do this in real time i'm gonna speed it up a little bit for you just because hey this is tv and i don't want it to be you know 45 minutes of just watching a compiler on an arm processor let's see here so this is now creating the file system on my drive that's the sd card now you see unable to resolve host robbie dash pvp do not worry about that that is my distro i'm missing the host entry for uh one nine uh sorry to be uh should resolve to robbie-pbp but i haven't added that entry to my host file yet so just keep that in mind that is not an error that is just a host entry that is missing from my host file so this goes through you can see there's really no questions here it's just going through doing its thing it's installing all the components for debian and getting our base installed there you go i see bash i see calendar i see ncal and busybox look at that all right so now we need to enter a host name so i'm going to call this pine book pro you can call it whatever you want and then create your user i'm going to use robbie and enter a password to create that user so this is what i'm going to to log into my computer enter your name if you want and this is just the typical user creation process on linux say that's correct and let her go so that's now installed and ready to go so now i've got to go through like the keyboard setup this is all pretty straightforward you've seen this before i'm selecting the us keyboard layout and the default i don't want to mess with that and no compose key is fine now this is very important make sure you select your locale this does not include any locales out of the box so i'm going to scroll down to en us utf 8 and hit space to include that and then tab and okay if you don't include a locale you're going to have some missing language support and make sure you set it as the default as well okay that is very very important all right wait for it here it goes all right we generated our locale now it's asking us for our time zone standard debian installer right so i'm going america and we'll go down to toronto hit t there we go toronto america and this is very important now this is pretty cool you can select what desktop environment you want now first of all i want to say i jumped on twitter and i let you decide so i said let's pretend i'm going to install debian on a pine 64 pine book pro tonight on live tv which desktop environment do you want to see me install from 311 votes 11 said lxde lxde is a very lightweight desktop environment so if you want incredible performance it's probably going to work really really well it has a similar kind of interface to like windows 98 but a little bit streamlined not quite as many features as mate but it runs really really fast and doesn't take a lot of system resources 18 of folks said they want to see me install mate i love mate that's what i'm actually running normally on my pine book pro that's what i run on my uh on my linux mint system i use the mate version and anytime i install ubuntu guess which version i install zubuntu no i'm just kidding it's ubuntu mate uh 32 percent speaking of jubuntu uh 32 percent of our twitter uh poll uh respondents voted for xfce maybe even more lightweight than lxde but a lot a little less like the paradigm of that kind of windows operating system i'm going to use that as like my example for the paradigm but you know like the start menu the applications menu of lxde and mate xfce is a little bit different you kind of right click on things and bring up pop-up dialogues by doing it that way and 39 for the win said they want to see me install gnome gnome it's like a klingon word it needs an apostrophe after the g so gnome is quite the contrast to lxde it's heavy it's it's it's pretty heavy i'm gonna put that on a 200 pine book pro are you sure is this to challenge robbie and see if this will work well let's go through so i'm going to select debian desktop environment followed by what gnome you can install multiple if you want and then you can select it at your profile selection and i'm going to select laptop that's just going to install some tools like my battery manager and things like that and hit ok and here we go thank you to everyone who responded to my twitter poll 311 people voted and 39 of those voted for gnome so we're gonna see how that performs on a pine book pro this is going to take a little bit of time there's really no more interaction required at this point it's just going to go and it's just going to install remember i'm installing to my micro sd card right now i could then from the micro sd card turn around and install by doing the same process to my emmc and now i've done it without having to open up the pine book pro so when we come back from this short break this whole process will be complete the installer will be finished i'm going to fire up my pine book pro in the shiny new gnome desktop environment using debian 11 upstart stick around welcome back this is category 5 technology tv and today we're looking at gnome on the pine book pro 200 pine 64 linux laptop and it worked i can't believe that here we are in gnome and it's running at least now first quick question from our chat is bp9 wants to see me open a terminal and drag it around on the screen just to see what the performance is like oh i just maximized it unmaximized all right let's see uh my mouse seems odd there we go all right so there i am moving it around apparently i'm in like left-handed mode on the mouse though that's strange so let's see if there's a quick way to fix that it's a little bit slow too so i might want to accelerate the mouse so let's see if i can just like turn it up a bit there we go i'm using the touch pad so it seems a little janky out the box so you can kind of see what i'm talking about how hey maybe you got to kind of play around with things a little bit and i'm doing this on the fly oh that feels a lot better okay is there a way real quick does anyone know to reverse okay there we are primary button left yes does that fix it that's just maybe no maybe i'm not used to gnome do you right click to move but there you go hey performance is all right of that okay click we've got firefox what else have we got let's check out the apps performance looks like graphic performance you gotta admit that's pretty sleek for gnome on a pine book pro holy cow got to get used to the mouse though i'm going to want to tweak that and right out of the box here i am and thinking you know there are some things that i would want to tweak for sure i don't have wi-fi so i can't bring up the internet to show you uh the internet just now but obviously we've got firefox hey play with this this is just a really quick demonstration to see hey can we compile debian linux upstream on a pine book pro and does it perform this is performing really well yeah i know look at that so we've got libreoffice writer libreoffice suite already pre-installed out the box and you can bring up synaptic package manager i presume is included yes synaptic package manager is a place oh it's not in installed i can so it actually took me to the installer to install it that works for me so hey with synaptic package manager i can install things but it looks like it's got its own crazy package installer too i admit not a gnome baby i'm a mate baby so i'm old school so those of you who know are like that's this and that and yeah so but hey it works out the box very cool so why do i want to do that because i want control over my environment over my pine book pro i want to be able to control it am i going to run gnome on it myself no am i going to run mate yeah that's my choice but it goes to show how if 39 of our community who responded said i want gnome that's not my choice but it goes to show that hey you can customize this make it the way you want your pine book pro to be and it gives you that opportunity to really play around and make it your own and then you can copy it dd it to the sd card or onto the you know make a backup and then you've got your own distro that you can flash on to it reinstall if you need to if you break something and all that kind of stuff so is a fun project don't forget i set up that quick link for you at cat5 dot tv slash pbp deb and that will take you right to daniel thompson's repository the information about the script that he's created big shout out and kudos to daniel for submitting that to the community that is a big thumbs up from category 5. thank you everybody i hope you enjoy your pine book pro and we've got to jump over to the newsroom so here is becca here's what's coming up in the category 5 tv newsroom uk based computer chip designer arm holdings is being sold to the american graphics chip specialist nvidia microsoft's underwater data center has resurfaced after two years a deep learning model has achieved superhuman performance at gran turismo sport microsoft has submitted linux kernel patches for a complete virtualization stack with linux and hyper-v and google says it has wiped out its entire carbon footprint past and present stick around the full details and this week's crypto corner are coming up this is the category 5 dot tv newsroom covering the week's top tech stories with a slight linux bias from the newsroom i'm becca ferguson uk-based computer chip designer arm holdings is being sold to the american graphics chip specialist nvidia the deal values arm at 40 billion dollars four years after it was bought by japanese conglomerate softbank for 32 billion arm creates computer chip designs that others then customize to their own ends it also develops instruction sets which define how software controls processors arms technology is at the heart of most smartphones among many other devices including a majority of single board computers such as the raspberry pi odroid xu4 or roc pro 64 which also makes it the heart of pine 64's pine book bro pro arm will also power apple's new macbook lineup nvidia has promised to keep the business based in the uk to hire more staff and to retain arm's brand it added that the deal would create the premier computing company for the age of artificial intelligence california headquartered nvidia overtook intel to become the world's most valuable chip maker in july until now it is specialized in high-end graphics processing units these are commonly used by gamers to deliver more detailed visuals as well as by professionals for tasks including scientific research machine learning and cryptocurrency mining in our case we render all our video in real time using nvidia's cuda platform nvidia is also one of arm's clients using its designs to create its lineup of tegra central processing units under the terms of the deal nvidia will pay softbank 21.5 billion dollars in its own stock and 12 billion dollars in cash it will follow up to a further 5 billion dollars in cash or stock if certain targets are met nvidia will also issue 1.5 billion dollars in equity to arms employees two years ago microsoft sank a data center off the coast of orkney in a wild experiment that data center has now been retrieved from the ocean floor and microsoft researchers are assessing how it has performed and what they can learn from it about energy efficiency their first conclusion is that the cylinder packed with servers had a lower failure rate than a conventional data center when the container was hauled off the seabed around half a mile offshore after being placed there in may 2018 just 8 out of the 855 servers on board had failed that compares very well with a ben cutler who has led microsoft's project natick says our failure rate in the water is 1 8 of what we see on land the team is speculating that the greater reliability may be connected to the fact that there were no humans on board and that nitrogen rather than oxygen was pumped into the capsule mr cutler says the nitrogen atmosphere reduces corrosion and is cool plus the absence of humans aboard with the absence of humans aboard it means there's no movement or things being banged around orkney was chosen for the trial by microsoft partly because it was a center for renewable energy research in a place where the climate was temperate perhaps even chilly the idea was that the cost of cooling computers would be lower if they were underwater the white cylinder emerged from the cold waters with a coating of algae and barnacles after a day-long operation but inside the data center was still functioning well and is now being closely examined so that the research team can learn more project natick was was partly about working out whether clusters of small underwater data centers for short-term use might be a commercial proposition but also an attempt to learn broader lessons about energy efficiency in cloud computing the overarching goal of project natick is to evaluate the feasibility of underwater data centers phase one was just to be able to figure out can we get computers into a container and can we deploy them in the water without it leaking and do the computers survive and how well do they last phase two was to show that we can make it in a manufacturable uh production scale component so the container behind me it fits on a it fits on a trailer it fits on a cargo ship and it allows us to actually build up this data center to any size that we want orkney is a great place for this partnership because they've got renewable energy for 100 and more of their grid power computers are not designed to work in the environment that we humans operate so things like oxygen moisture in the air that is really bad for computers it causes corrosion on the components you also get temperature fluctuations so the heat from night to day and summer to winter can cause those components to fail and so we have this theory that if we're in a really stable environment we're in this cylinder we've taken all the oxygen out we've controlled the humidity no one's walking around there's no nobody bumping things or causing any additional failures that we'd see better reliability this project gives us the ability to feel like we're working not just on computers not just on data centers but on sort of moving forward environmental responsibility as a company and as individuals i mean everybody uses the cloud everybody needs data centers this this need isn't going to go away we're going to continue to build larger data centers and use more electricity because the demand is there and the demand keeps growing how can we do it that's better for the environment and that's just better for us as a people the experiment on orkney is over but the hope is that the result will be more environmentally friendly data storage both on land and underwater microsoft is cautious about saying when an underwater data center might be a commercial product but is confident that it has proved the idea has value over the past few decades research teams worldwide have developed machine learning and deep learning techniques that can achieve human comparable performance on a variety of tasks in order to further assess their capabilities and performances some of these models were also trained to play renowned board or video games such as the ancient chinese game go or atari arcade games researchers at university of zurich and sony ai zurich have recently tested the performance of a deep reinforcement learning based approach that was trained to play the car racing video game gran turismo sport their findings further highlight the potential of deep learning techniques for controlling cars in simulated environments yon longsong one of the researchers who carried out the study says autonomous driving at high speed is a challenging task that requires generating fast and precise actions even when the vehicle is approaching its physical limits autonomous car racing where the goal is to complete a given course in minimal time features some of these difficulties of controlling a car close to its physical limitations to address these challenges and advance the frontier we consider the task of autonomous car racing in the top selling car racing game gran turismo sport which is known for its detailed physics simulation of various cars and tracks the key objective of the study is to develop an artificial neural network based controller that can autonomously navigate a race car within a simulated track without requiring any prior knowledge of the car's dynamics to perform well at gran turismo sport the controller should be trying to minimize the amount of time in which it can complete a given track the researchers first defined a reward function that formulated the racing problem as a minimum time problem as well as outlining a neural network policy that directly mapped input observations to car control commands subsequently they trained their neural network's parameters using reinforcement learning maximizing the reward that their model would receive when when performing well the researchers trained the neural network on four playstation 4s and a desktop pc remarkably after less than 73 hours of training their model had already achieved superhuman performance outperforming the best known human lap times in all three reference settings including two different cars on two different tracks the results highlight the incredible level of precision that the model can achieve and its ability to consistently execute optimal actions even in scenarios where these actions are risky and might lead a human player to push their car off track so what exactly would you reward an ai with chips what i really love about this story that becca is sharing with us is that when i think about ai technology up until this point when it comes to that machine learning it's very like step based so you think about chess for example so when an ai plays chess it's planning out the next move and then it makes that move and then it plans out the next move and then it makes that move what's happening here in gran turismo sport is that the ai the machine learning algorithm the the brains of the operation has to continually be planning ahead and figuring out how to make those moves and and it does it so very well so it makes me think okay first of all this could be a really really great way to improve the computer players in online games or in offline games imagine being able like to play a race car game with opponents that match your level of skill and maybe even surpass it but by using those computer games as simulations they're training the ai even further to learn what works in a simulated environment where human lives are never at risk so would they then be able to take that learned methodology that learned intelligence if you will and move it over to true autonomous vehicles that are going to operate on the road and are able to basically think for themselves and plan how are they going to pass a car without actually hitting that car and those kinds of things that right now we're just not quite there yet with autonomous vehicles but could this be kind of a precursor to the next step of artificial intelligence-based uh autonomous vehicles and then that leads to everything else i think about space flight and and everything that is to come it's really an exciting time hey we've got to take a really quick break though microsoft has actually submitted linux kernel patches for a complete virtualization stack with linux and hyper-v and google says that it has wiped out its entire carbon footprint both past and present becca has these stories coming up plus robert is here with the crypto corner so don't go anywhere welcome back to the world of cryptos and welcome back to the crypto corner i hope you had a fantastic week and as you know there's always something exciting happening in crypto so let's take a look into it the market has recovered a little bit it's not at the 400 billion us dollar we had almost two weeks ago before the correction but it's recovering nicely and as you can see we see a lot of green in in the market cap but if we start after our seven days we see the usual picture d5 d5 d5 d5 and so on and so on and if we sorted by the negative it's similar also d5 d5 d5 and so we get a lot of questions in regards to d5 as one can imagine and i'd like to dive a little bit into how to be safe when investing in this famous yield farming market so let's take a look into that you probably saw this tool here from me last time we spoke about this here which lists not all of them but some of those yield farming opportunities that are out there and i explained in the last video why an apr of 889 is possible and if you click on this uh option here then you see that the smart contract risk level is high and the impermanent loss level is high and so i explained to you that smart contract that's something that you can check by going into that will explain to you which protocol is safe and which one isn't so if it's something in red i would definitely not touch that if it's green then yes it has been audited and it's probably safe the other thing is the impermanent loss and to explain how that one works because everybody has got a question what is impermanent loss just those two words are really weird anyway so if we look at the traditional market yeah like here i pulled up binance uh with exam and bdc then you see here that you've got the order book people want to sell and people that want to buy and in the middle somewhere they find the mutual prices acceptable but you've got people that have got different price views and they're just willing to wait or not wait and that's not the case in protocols like uniswap as you probably saw in uni swap you don't have an order book and the way that that's set up is explained through this chart here so at the beginning when you build up a pool in uniswap you decide how many ethereum in this case how many die you're putting into the pool and that's the ratio that's fixed and so of course the prices are changing and if the prices are changing a little bit it's no problem but if the prices are changing a lot it is a problem and that's called impermanent loss and what i've done here for you is um i set up a calculation as an excel spreadsheet so you can see here for example when we have got a protocol ethereum and sushi i also a pool we provide liquidity for pool ethereum and sushi the price when we opened that pool is 386 and the sushi price is 504 and today the price went down a little bit in ethereum it's now 375.65 and sushi are left here at 504 so the impairment loss is about zero percent in other words you have not lost any of your money but if this price changes significantly then at the moment it's are it's around three dollars then there is an impermanent loss of 2.9 so you lost 2.9 of your assets in this in this case if we make that difference bigger so let's say say that this is not three this is 0.4 then you see you lost 47.2 percent it's not that you lost the sushi part of your portfolio because remember there's always this balance you lost 47 of your whole pool so the good money that in this case is theorem that stayed stable you lost 47 of that one too and that's the risk that you're carrying here and that's a problem with all these d5 protocols like here moon which is another similar to sushi you have got an apy of three thousand percent sounds fantastic but have you checked the the moon price now so let's do that we if we go into here and say moon then you'll see the risk that you're carrying by just investing in this pool yeah so let's go 14 days so at one stage it was 12 and now it's around 2.90 so you will have lost significantly amount whether it's go up or down doesn't matter it's always the relationship the relation that is important so you will have lost a lot of money by investing in this pool and that's exactly the risk that you're carrying which is called impermanent loss yeah so that's where you have to be really careful you have to check if you invest in one of those crazy pools you have to be really on top of that and check it every hour even during the night that the price doesn't change because you know in cryptos those prices can change in a second so i hope you understood what um impermanent loss is and how risky that is if you invest in these coins and they all are risky so there is not one where you can say um that this is a safe bet and you'll get your 199 percent just do the calculation this formula that i had here in this spreadsheet is is available and if not just send us an email and we'll send the spreadsheet to you but anyway so that's it from me this week again i hope you enjoyed it i hope you learned something this is the solution to the impermanent loss or the answer to the question what's impermanent loss and yeah i wish you a fantastic week and thank you very much for watching and i'm looking forward to see you next week again thank you bye bye now i can't pretend to know cryptocurrency in the marketplace as well as robert koenig but if you're like me you're probably craving sitting down on the moon with some sushi right about now that is crypto correspondent robert koenig robert thank you so much just a reminder that we're not providing financial advice but only sharing what's in the cryptocurrency marketplace always remember that the cryptocurrency markets are ever-changing and they're always volatile they never close you should only spend what you can afford to lose now back to becca in the newsroom thank you robbie microsoft has submitted a series of patches to the linux kernel with its aim to create a complete virtualization stack with linux and microsoft hypervisor the patches are designated rfc requests for comments and are a minimal implementation presented for discussion the key change is that with the patched kernel linux will run as the hyper-v root partition in the architecture the root partition has direct access to hardware and creates child partitions for the virtual machines it hosts microsoft principal software engineer wei liu says just think of it like zen's dom0 hyper-v's architecture is more similar to zen than it is to kvm or to esxi and leo acknowledged that they in fact draw inspiration from the zen code in linux until now the hyper-v root partition had to run windows microsoft has also ported intel's open source cloud hypervisor a virtual machine monitor that normally runs on kvm which is built into the linux kernel with these changes microsoft likely has its azure cloud infrastructure in mind azure runs more linux than windows as acknowledged back in july 2019 by microsoft engineer sasha levin who said the linux usage on our cloud has surpassed windows linux already runs well on hyper-v with a windows root partition but making this a complete linux stack may improve performance microsoft is also working hard to improve linux support in windows 10 with sls or sorry wsl2 and they even ship a linux kernel with windows gui support has been promised wsl-2 also uses hyper-v and windows 10 is on a path to becoming a hybrid windows linux system though as of now this is mainly of interest to developers microsoft's ignite virtual conference is taking place next week and we can expect the company to say more about its linux plans then google says it has wiped out its entire carbon footprint by investing in high quality carbon offsets it became carbon neutral in 2007 and says it now has compensated for all of the carbon it has ever created chief executive sundar pakai has also announced that they intend to run all of their data centers and offices on carbon free energy by 2030 they'll do things like pair wind and solar power sources together and increase the use of battery storage and bakai says they're working on ways to apply artificial intelligence to further optimize their electricity demand and forecasting while carbon neutrality demands a certain level of scrutiny the fact remains it is becoming fashionable for large companies to work towards sustainability reducing their own impact on the microsoft for example revealed plans to become carbon negative by 2030 back in january and both apple and amazon have plans to become carbon neutral in the next 10 to 20 years google's endeavor will also create around 12 000 jobs over the next five years big thanks to roy w nash and our community of viewers for submitting stories to us this week thanks for watching the category 5 dot tv newsroom don't forget to like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight linux bias and if you appreciate what appreciate what we do become a pre patron at category 5. in the category 5 tv newsroom i'm becca ferguson technology tv but we're not doing tech because sometimes what we feature here on the show isn't necessarily tech sometimes the things that we feature are just things that we think are cool here in our studio i mean we've got to decorate right and on the bridge i wanted an orville model and sure enough we got one eagle moss uh is selling these right now you can go to cat5 dot tv slash orville model and that's not an affiliate link or anything it's so that it's really easy for you to get to the website where they're selling it there are two different versions of this there's a 10 point some odd inch version and then a 5 point somewhat inch so basically half size and then the full size the xl which is what i'm about to unbox so i had to here in canada call up a local comic book store because they wouldn't ship it from the website to us here in canada so i want to tell you if you're unable to order it direct give a call to your local comic book store i called big b comics here in barrie ontario canada and they were incredibly helpful they told me that it would probably ship around october 31st and here i am it's september 16th and i already have it so it's way ahead of schedule and i don't know if they did that on purpose just to impress me but i'm impressed and very very happy so just an encouragement that if you can't get your hands on one of these and you want to make sure you give a call to your local comic book store because they're able to pull it off of their order list again i've got that hotlink for you for eaglemoss at orville model but let's get in here first of all the box says ecv197 orville the uss orville was designed to explore great distances and map uncharted space while the ship is an example of the superior technology of the year 2418 its ragtag crew are a little less advanced nice little summary there of the orville let's get into the box so this is a die cast model from eagle moss the official ships collection with the orville here we are okay so it starts out with a 16-page color booklet it's got the design specs ship profile right up about the ship exploratory class vessel uss orville investigates the mysteries of the alpha quadrant it's got some great pictures from the show nicely printed nice little keepsake there that's a little bonus cool all right so let's get into the box and see what do we have here oh before i get right in here remember back on episode number 628 tom costantino and brooke nazca showed us a 400 000 model of the orville ship there you go oh my goodness so this is the actual model folks that was that that was used to shoot those 400 000 worth of fun kids wow well this one is a little bit less expensive and will fit on your desk it's only 75 bucks for the xl about 30 for the small one and there we are wow i am such a geek i have this shirt i mean come on and i didn't even have to buy this special you know okay so here we've got a base it's just a black base i have seen some pictures on twitter uh with a glass base and i really really love that idea but i haven't been able to find it so i think that that might have been like a custom base that was like for maybe for tom or something like that so that just kind of snaps together presumably and into the box it's cold the metal because it's a die-cast model the metal is actually you can feel that it is a metal model that's cool it's got metal parts now i can feel these are plastic i want to call them the cells we're going to call them engine loops the lower two are plastic and the top one is metal part of the die cast so this is the cast model here and then the attachments are the lower two engine loops and there you are ecv197 from cat5 dot tv slash orville model again that's just to get you there really really quickly and there you have it that's going to go on our bridge as a little ornament and a little bit of a homage to tom and brooke and everyone else who put the show together and uh that will represent on our on our bridge there you have it beautiful very nice well folks it's been really nice having you here thank you for joining me for season 13 which has been an absolute nightmare but we made it through and you know what is stronger than ever it really is but we have these growing pains here as we are in a new studio space and working our way toward basically being ready for season 14 so i'm very much looking forward to season 14. i've got a lot of stuff planned out just a reminder if you are a supporter from our kickstarter campaign or if you are a supporter currently on patreon you will receive some vlogs over the course of the next few weeks as we'll be showing you what is actually happening behind the scenes leading up to season 14. if you're not currently a part of our patreon page you can join that at any time and you're not missing out because if you join today you're able to actually watch the previous 114 vlogs the most recent vlog is here at studio e me setting things up getting the acoustic tiles in steaming drapes and talking about all the things that are to come putting some leds behind a tv to make it look cool and that's a full half hour of behind the scenes video hosted by me right here at the studio so if you're a fan of the show please support us on patreon category5 and you're going to have access not only to those past vlogs but also everything that's going to be coming in the coming weeks to show you our supporters what's going on behind the scenes thank you so much for carrying category 5 through this difficult time i know it's been a challenging time for all of us but it could have gone all sorts of ways for category 5 and i know that in season 14 we're going to be strong possibly stronger than ever we've got a great space we've got a great backing and we've got a great team and i'm really looking forward to bringing you the show in october keep up to date folks i will see you soon check in on the discord i'll be there take it easy good night you