1 00:00:00,320 --> 00:00:03,270 at category 5 tv we trust our files to 2 00:00:03,270 --> 00:00:03,280 at category 5 tv we trust our files to 3 00:00:03,280 --> 00:00:05,030 at category 5 tv we trust our files to solid-state drives by kingston 4 00:00:05,030 --> 00:00:05,040 solid-state drives by kingston 5 00:00:05,040 --> 00:00:05,910 solid-state drives by kingston technology 6 00:00:05,910 --> 00:00:05,920 technology 7 00:00:05,920 --> 00:00:07,829 technology whether for your server laptop or 8 00:00:07,829 --> 00:00:07,839 whether for your server laptop or 9 00:00:07,839 --> 00:00:08,950 whether for your server laptop or desktop computer 10 00:00:08,950 --> 00:00:08,960 desktop computer 11 00:00:08,960 --> 00:00:10,870 desktop computer you'll experience improved performance 12 00:00:10,870 --> 00:00:10,880 you'll experience improved performance 13 00:00:10,880 --> 00:00:12,470 you'll experience improved performance and reliability with kingston 14 00:00:12,470 --> 00:00:12,480 and reliability with kingston 15 00:00:12,480 --> 00:00:22,310 and reliability with kingston ssds get ready it's time for the tech 16 00:00:22,310 --> 00:00:22,320 17 00:00:22,320 --> 00:00:23,429 welcome to the show everybody it's 18 00:00:23,429 --> 00:00:23,439 welcome to the show everybody it's 19 00:00:23,439 --> 00:00:25,509 welcome to the show everybody it's episode 2 of season 14 20 00:00:25,509 --> 00:00:25,519 episode 2 of season 14 21 00:00:25,519 --> 00:00:28,150 episode 2 of season 14 i'm robbie ferguson and i'm jeff weston 22 00:00:28,150 --> 00:00:28,160 i'm robbie ferguson and i'm jeff weston 23 00:00:28,160 --> 00:00:29,589 i'm robbie ferguson and i'm jeff weston it's great to have you here 24 00:00:29,589 --> 00:00:29,599 it's great to have you here 25 00:00:29,599 --> 00:00:31,589 it's great to have you here and uh i hope you've had a wonderful 26 00:00:31,589 --> 00:00:31,599 and uh i hope you've had a wonderful 27 00:00:31,599 --> 00:00:32,790 and uh i hope you've had a wonderful week in spite of 28 00:00:32,790 --> 00:00:32,800 week in spite of 29 00:00:32,800 --> 00:00:35,510 week in spite of everything but here we are and looking 30 00:00:35,510 --> 00:00:35,520 everything but here we are and looking 31 00:00:35,520 --> 00:00:37,750 everything but here we are and looking forward to a great show ahead 32 00:00:37,750 --> 00:00:37,760 forward to a great show ahead 33 00:00:37,760 --> 00:00:39,270 forward to a great show ahead tonight we're going to be learning how 34 00:00:39,270 --> 00:00:39,280 tonight we're going to be learning how 35 00:00:39,280 --> 00:00:40,950 tonight we're going to be learning how to create our very own 36 00:00:40,950 --> 00:00:40,960 to create our very own 37 00:00:40,960 --> 00:00:44,389 to create our very own proxy server okay um so i don't want to 38 00:00:44,389 --> 00:00:44,399 proxy server okay um so i don't want to 39 00:00:44,399 --> 00:00:45,830 proxy server okay um so i don't want to talk too much about it off the top of 40 00:00:45,830 --> 00:00:45,840 talk too much about it off the top of 41 00:00:45,840 --> 00:00:47,430 talk too much about it off the top of the show but i know that it's you know 42 00:00:47,430 --> 00:00:47,440 the show but i know that it's you know 43 00:00:47,440 --> 00:00:49,190 the show but i know that it's you know sometimes hard to find a good 44 00:00:49,190 --> 00:00:49,200 sometimes hard to find a good 45 00:00:49,200 --> 00:00:51,189 sometimes hard to find a good free proxy service so we're going to 46 00:00:51,189 --> 00:00:51,199 free proxy service so we're going to 47 00:00:51,199 --> 00:00:52,630 free proxy service so we're going to create our own 48 00:00:52,630 --> 00:00:52,640 create our own 49 00:00:52,640 --> 00:00:53,670 create our own and i'm going to show you how to place 50 00:00:53,670 --> 00:00:53,680 and i'm going to show you how to place 51 00:00:53,680 --> 00:00:55,830 and i'm going to show you how to place it anywhere pretty much in the world 52 00:00:55,830 --> 00:00:55,840 it anywhere pretty much in the world 53 00:00:55,840 --> 00:00:59,349 it anywhere pretty much in the world using aws cloud services so it is 54 00:00:59,349 --> 00:00:59,359 using aws cloud services so it is 55 00:00:59,359 --> 00:01:01,590 using aws cloud services so it is pretty exciting and one of the things 56 00:01:01,590 --> 00:01:01,600 pretty exciting and one of the things 57 00:01:01,600 --> 00:01:03,430 pretty exciting and one of the things with that too 58 00:01:03,430 --> 00:01:03,440 with that too 59 00:01:03,440 --> 00:01:05,670 with that too as we learn a little bit about how 60 00:01:05,670 --> 00:01:05,680 as we learn a little bit about how 61 00:01:05,680 --> 00:01:07,590 as we learn a little bit about how amazon web services ec2 62 00:01:07,590 --> 00:01:07,600 amazon web services ec2 63 00:01:07,600 --> 00:01:09,510 amazon web services ec2 and cloud services and the ability to 64 00:01:09,510 --> 00:01:09,520 and cloud services and the ability to 65 00:01:09,520 --> 00:01:11,270 and cloud services and the ability to deploy debian servers 66 00:01:11,270 --> 00:01:11,280 deploy debian servers 67 00:01:11,280 --> 00:01:13,750 deploy debian servers in the cloud infrastructure as we learn 68 00:01:13,750 --> 00:01:13,760 in the cloud infrastructure as we learn 69 00:01:13,760 --> 00:01:15,109 in the cloud infrastructure as we learn how to do that 70 00:01:15,109 --> 00:01:15,119 how to do that 71 00:01:15,119 --> 00:01:18,789 how to do that and how that works just know that one of 72 00:01:18,789 --> 00:01:18,799 and how that works just know that one of 73 00:01:18,799 --> 00:01:19,910 and how that works just know that one of the things that we're going to be doing 74 00:01:19,910 --> 00:01:19,920 the things that we're going to be doing 75 00:01:19,920 --> 00:01:20,149 the things that we're going to be doing is 76 00:01:20,149 --> 00:01:20,159 is 77 00:01:20,159 --> 00:01:22,390 is migrating some of our data into that 78 00:01:22,390 --> 00:01:22,400 migrating some of our data into that 79 00:01:22,400 --> 00:01:23,990 migrating some of our data into that infrastructure as well so i say that 80 00:01:23,990 --> 00:01:24,000 infrastructure as well so i say that 81 00:01:24,000 --> 00:01:24,789 infrastructure as well so i say that because 82 00:01:24,789 --> 00:01:24,799 because 83 00:01:24,799 --> 00:01:26,950 because some of our live stream viewers have 84 00:01:26,950 --> 00:01:26,960 some of our live stream viewers have 85 00:01:26,960 --> 00:01:28,550 some of our live stream viewers have experienced trouble with buffering and 86 00:01:28,550 --> 00:01:28,560 experienced trouble with buffering and 87 00:01:28,560 --> 00:01:29,590 experienced trouble with buffering and things like that 88 00:01:29,590 --> 00:01:29,600 things like that 89 00:01:29,600 --> 00:01:31,429 things like that and it's because we have a little single 90 00:01:31,429 --> 00:01:31,439 and it's because we have a little single 91 00:01:31,439 --> 00:01:32,789 and it's because we have a little single board computer 92 00:01:32,789 --> 00:01:32,799 board computer 93 00:01:32,799 --> 00:01:34,950 board computer of all things that is that we're 94 00:01:34,950 --> 00:01:34,960 of all things that is that we're 95 00:01:34,960 --> 00:01:36,870 of all things that is that we're streaming to and then it rebroadcasts to 96 00:01:36,870 --> 00:01:36,880 streaming to and then it rebroadcasts to 97 00:01:36,880 --> 00:01:38,950 streaming to and then it rebroadcasts to anyone who's watching on roku or 98 00:01:38,950 --> 00:01:38,960 anyone who's watching on roku or 99 00:01:38,960 --> 00:01:40,789 anyone who's watching on roku or other hls players and things like that 100 00:01:40,789 --> 00:01:40,799 other hls players and things like that 101 00:01:40,799 --> 00:01:42,710 other hls players and things like that it has nimble streamer running on the 102 00:01:42,710 --> 00:01:42,720 it has nimble streamer running on the 103 00:01:42,720 --> 00:01:44,389 it has nimble streamer running on the single board computer really it's 104 00:01:44,389 --> 00:01:44,399 single board computer really it's 105 00:01:44,399 --> 00:01:45,910 single board computer really it's amazing wow 106 00:01:45,910 --> 00:01:45,920 amazing wow 107 00:01:45,920 --> 00:01:47,749 amazing wow however what i did monitor through my 108 00:01:47,749 --> 00:01:47,759 however what i did monitor through my 109 00:01:47,759 --> 00:01:48,950 however what i did monitor through my testing is that 110 00:01:48,950 --> 00:01:48,960 testing is that 111 00:01:48,960 --> 00:01:50,950 testing is that it runs up a pretty high cpu when people 112 00:01:50,950 --> 00:01:50,960 it runs up a pretty high cpu when people 113 00:01:50,960 --> 00:01:52,550 it runs up a pretty high cpu when people are watching right so 114 00:01:52,550 --> 00:01:52,560 are watching right so 115 00:01:52,560 --> 00:01:55,429 are watching right so that i believe may be what causes some 116 00:01:55,429 --> 00:01:55,439 that i believe may be what causes some 117 00:01:55,439 --> 00:01:57,350 that i believe may be what causes some buffering issues with our stream 118 00:01:57,350 --> 00:01:57,360 buffering issues with our stream 119 00:01:57,360 --> 00:01:58,630 buffering issues with our stream um so there's a lot of stuff that goes 120 00:01:58,630 --> 00:01:58,640 um so there's a lot of stuff that goes 121 00:01:58,640 --> 00:02:00,709 um so there's a lot of stuff that goes on behind the scenes here to try to 122 00:02:00,709 --> 00:02:00,719 on behind the scenes here to try to 123 00:02:00,719 --> 00:02:03,510 on behind the scenes here to try to get it to you get the show to you uh in 124 00:02:03,510 --> 00:02:03,520 get it to you get the show to you uh in 125 00:02:03,520 --> 00:02:05,670 get it to you get the show to you uh in a very accessible and easy to access 126 00:02:05,670 --> 00:02:05,680 a very accessible and easy to access 127 00:02:05,680 --> 00:02:07,830 a very accessible and easy to access format and and so that you're not 128 00:02:07,830 --> 00:02:07,840 format and and so that you're not 129 00:02:07,840 --> 00:02:09,270 format and and so that you're not experiencing things like the spinning 130 00:02:09,270 --> 00:02:09,280 experiencing things like the spinning 131 00:02:09,280 --> 00:02:10,150 experiencing things like the spinning wheel 132 00:02:10,150 --> 00:02:10,160 wheel 133 00:02:10,160 --> 00:02:13,110 wheel and those kinds of things but uh so as 134 00:02:13,110 --> 00:02:13,120 and those kinds of things but uh so as 135 00:02:13,120 --> 00:02:14,550 and those kinds of things but uh so as we're watching tonight 136 00:02:14,550 --> 00:02:14,560 we're watching tonight 137 00:02:14,560 --> 00:02:16,470 we're watching tonight uh and learning how to deploy these 138 00:02:16,470 --> 00:02:16,480 uh and learning how to deploy these 139 00:02:16,480 --> 00:02:18,550 uh and learning how to deploy these debian servers in the cloud 140 00:02:18,550 --> 00:02:18,560 debian servers in the cloud 141 00:02:18,560 --> 00:02:19,589 debian servers in the cloud know that that's something that we're 142 00:02:19,589 --> 00:02:19,599 know that that's something that we're 143 00:02:19,599 --> 00:02:20,869 know that that's something that we're going to be doing behind the scenes here 144 00:02:20,869 --> 00:02:20,879 going to be doing behind the scenes here 145 00:02:20,879 --> 00:02:23,030 going to be doing behind the scenes here as well and migrating those services 146 00:02:23,030 --> 00:02:23,040 as well and migrating those services 147 00:02:23,040 --> 00:02:23,750 as well and migrating those services over 148 00:02:23,750 --> 00:02:23,760 over 149 00:02:23,760 --> 00:02:26,390 over to uh to one of those instances in order 150 00:02:26,390 --> 00:02:26,400 to uh to one of those instances in order 151 00:02:26,400 --> 00:02:27,110 to uh to one of those instances in order to 152 00:02:27,110 --> 00:02:27,120 to 153 00:02:27,120 --> 00:02:29,270 to try to improve our performance here at 154 00:02:29,270 --> 00:02:29,280 try to improve our performance here at 155 00:02:29,280 --> 00:02:30,470 try to improve our performance here at the studio so 156 00:02:30,470 --> 00:02:30,480 the studio so 157 00:02:30,480 --> 00:02:32,150 the studio so loads of exciting stuff going on behind 158 00:02:32,150 --> 00:02:32,160 loads of exciting stuff going on behind 159 00:02:32,160 --> 00:02:34,390 loads of exciting stuff going on behind us how you been 160 00:02:34,390 --> 00:02:34,400 us how you been 161 00:02:34,400 --> 00:02:36,150 us how you been i've been good we're gonna be talking to 162 00:02:36,150 --> 00:02:36,160 i've been good we're gonna be talking to 163 00:02:36,160 --> 00:02:37,990 i've been good we're gonna be talking to you a little bit later tonight about 164 00:02:37,990 --> 00:02:38,000 you a little bit later tonight about 165 00:02:38,000 --> 00:02:40,309 you a little bit later tonight about uh some of your exploits with soldering 166 00:02:40,309 --> 00:02:40,319 uh some of your exploits with soldering 167 00:02:40,319 --> 00:02:42,070 uh some of your exploits with soldering yes yeah you want to tell us a little 168 00:02:42,070 --> 00:02:42,080 yes yeah you want to tell us a little 169 00:02:42,080 --> 00:02:42,869 yes yeah you want to tell us a little bit just a 170 00:02:42,869 --> 00:02:42,879 bit just a 171 00:02:42,879 --> 00:02:44,710 bit just a quick tease as to what we're gonna be 172 00:02:44,710 --> 00:02:44,720 quick tease as to what we're gonna be 173 00:02:44,720 --> 00:02:45,990 quick tease as to what we're gonna be discussing uh 174 00:02:45,990 --> 00:02:46,000 discussing uh 175 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:48,949 discussing uh my son wanted to get into soldering for 176 00:02:48,949 --> 00:02:48,959 my son wanted to get into soldering for 177 00:02:48,959 --> 00:02:49,430 my son wanted to get into soldering for his 178 00:02:49,430 --> 00:02:49,440 his 179 00:02:49,440 --> 00:02:53,110 his birthday uh so we went down that road 180 00:02:53,110 --> 00:02:53,120 birthday uh so we went down that road 181 00:02:53,120 --> 00:02:55,030 birthday uh so we went down that road starting last month uh we've been 182 00:02:55,030 --> 00:02:55,040 starting last month uh we've been 183 00:02:55,040 --> 00:02:56,470 starting last month uh we've been playing around a little bit and it's got 184 00:02:56,470 --> 00:02:56,480 playing around a little bit and it's got 185 00:02:56,480 --> 00:02:57,670 playing around a little bit and it's got me thinking 186 00:02:57,670 --> 00:02:57,680 me thinking 187 00:02:57,680 --> 00:03:01,190 me thinking how can i make my own stuff at home 188 00:03:01,190 --> 00:03:01,200 how can i make my own stuff at home 189 00:03:01,200 --> 00:03:03,430 how can i make my own stuff at home when i don't have a big production area 190 00:03:03,430 --> 00:03:03,440 when i don't have a big production area 191 00:03:03,440 --> 00:03:04,550 when i don't have a big production area to make my own 192 00:03:04,550 --> 00:03:04,560 to make my own 193 00:03:04,560 --> 00:03:07,670 to make my own pcb yeah so yeah that's where we talked 194 00:03:07,670 --> 00:03:07,680 pcb yeah so yeah that's where we talked 195 00:03:07,680 --> 00:03:09,589 pcb yeah so yeah that's where we talked about that so if you're interested in 196 00:03:09,589 --> 00:03:09,599 about that so if you're interested in 197 00:03:09,599 --> 00:03:11,430 about that so if you're interested in diy electronics we're gonna be 198 00:03:11,430 --> 00:03:11,440 diy electronics we're gonna be 199 00:03:11,440 --> 00:03:15,030 diy electronics we're gonna be talking about that and uh wow we've got 200 00:03:15,030 --> 00:03:15,040 talking about that and uh wow we've got 201 00:03:15,040 --> 00:03:16,869 talking about that and uh wow we've got some exciting things that we're 202 00:03:16,869 --> 00:03:16,879 some exciting things that we're 203 00:03:16,879 --> 00:03:19,830 some exciting things that we're gearing up for as well next week's show 204 00:03:19,830 --> 00:03:19,840 gearing up for as well next week's show 205 00:03:19,840 --> 00:03:20,710 gearing up for as well next week's show is already 206 00:03:20,710 --> 00:03:20,720 is already 207 00:03:20,720 --> 00:03:23,030 is already ready to go and we're excited to be 208 00:03:23,030 --> 00:03:23,040 ready to go and we're excited to be 209 00:03:23,040 --> 00:03:25,430 ready to go and we're excited to be introducing 3d printing to our viewers 210 00:03:25,430 --> 00:03:25,440 introducing 3d printing to our viewers 211 00:03:25,440 --> 00:03:26,630 introducing 3d printing to our viewers as well 212 00:03:26,630 --> 00:03:26,640 as well 213 00:03:26,640 --> 00:03:28,229 as well so that's something that we're going to 214 00:03:28,229 --> 00:03:28,239 so that's something that we're going to 215 00:03:28,239 --> 00:03:29,670 so that's something that we're going to be learning over the course of the 216 00:03:29,670 --> 00:03:29,680 be learning over the course of the 217 00:03:29,680 --> 00:03:32,229 be learning over the course of the coming weeks here at category 5 tv 218 00:03:32,229 --> 00:03:32,239 coming weeks here at category 5 tv 219 00:03:32,239 --> 00:03:36,070 coming weeks here at category 5 tv we've got a lot going on yeah 220 00:03:36,070 --> 00:03:36,080 we've got a lot going on yeah 221 00:03:36,080 --> 00:03:38,229 we've got a lot going on yeah please make sure you subscribe to us on 222 00:03:38,229 --> 00:03:38,239 please make sure you subscribe to us on 223 00:03:38,239 --> 00:03:39,190 please make sure you subscribe to us on youtube 224 00:03:39,190 --> 00:03:39,200 youtube 225 00:03:39,200 --> 00:03:40,470 youtube and click the bell so that you get the 226 00:03:40,470 --> 00:03:40,480 and click the bell so that you get the 227 00:03:40,480 --> 00:03:42,149 and click the bell so that you get the notification every time we post a new 228 00:03:42,149 --> 00:03:42,159 notification every time we post a new 229 00:03:42,159 --> 00:03:43,990 notification every time we post a new video anytime we're live 230 00:03:43,990 --> 00:03:44,000 video anytime we're live 231 00:03:44,000 --> 00:03:46,550 video anytime we're live and also if you want to get involved in 232 00:03:46,550 --> 00:03:46,560 and also if you want to get involved in 233 00:03:46,560 --> 00:03:48,149 and also if you want to get involved in the community i think that's a really 234 00:03:48,149 --> 00:03:48,159 the community i think that's a really 235 00:03:48,159 --> 00:03:49,270 the community i think that's a really cool way 236 00:03:49,270 --> 00:03:49,280 cool way 237 00:03:49,280 --> 00:03:52,550 cool way to be part of category 5 tv 238 00:03:52,550 --> 00:03:52,560 to be part of category 5 tv 239 00:03:52,560 --> 00:03:53,990 to be part of category 5 tv some people still say to me well what's 240 00:03:53,990 --> 00:03:54,000 some people still say to me well what's 241 00:03:54,000 --> 00:03:56,229 some people still say to me well what's discord and it's 242 00:03:56,229 --> 00:03:56,239 discord and it's 243 00:03:56,239 --> 00:03:58,390 discord and it's wow you aren't part of our discord 244 00:03:58,390 --> 00:03:58,400 wow you aren't part of our discord 245 00:03:58,400 --> 00:03:59,990 wow you aren't part of our discord server because if you join 246 00:03:59,990 --> 00:04:00,000 server because if you join 247 00:04:00,000 --> 00:04:01,910 server because if you join our discord which you'll find if you go 248 00:04:01,910 --> 00:04:01,920 our discord which you'll find if you go 249 00:04:01,920 --> 00:04:04,229 our discord which you'll find if you go to category5.tv click on 250 00:04:04,229 --> 00:04:04,239 to category5.tv click on 251 00:04:04,239 --> 00:04:06,550 to category5.tv click on interact you'll see join the discord 252 00:04:06,550 --> 00:04:06,560 interact you'll see join the discord 253 00:04:06,560 --> 00:04:07,670 interact you'll see join the discord server 254 00:04:07,670 --> 00:04:07,680 server 255 00:04:07,680 --> 00:04:10,710 server it's a free browser-based or app-based 256 00:04:10,710 --> 00:04:10,720 it's a free browser-based or app-based 257 00:04:10,720 --> 00:04:11,750 it's a free browser-based or app-based service that 258 00:04:11,750 --> 00:04:11,760 service that 259 00:04:11,760 --> 00:04:14,710 service that you can put on your device and or access 260 00:04:14,710 --> 00:04:14,720 you can put on your device and or access 261 00:04:14,720 --> 00:04:16,469 you can put on your device and or access through your browser on anything 262 00:04:16,469 --> 00:04:16,479 through your browser on anything 263 00:04:16,479 --> 00:04:18,150 through your browser on anything and you can basically chat with the 264 00:04:18,150 --> 00:04:18,160 and you can basically chat with the 265 00:04:18,160 --> 00:04:19,830 and you can basically chat with the community but it's really neat 266 00:04:19,830 --> 00:04:19,840 community but it's really neat 267 00:04:19,840 --> 00:04:22,069 community but it's really neat in that it's more than just a chat room 268 00:04:22,069 --> 00:04:22,079 in that it's more than just a chat room 269 00:04:22,079 --> 00:04:22,950 in that it's more than just a chat room it's also 270 00:04:22,950 --> 00:04:22,960 it's also 271 00:04:22,960 --> 00:04:26,150 it's also got different rooms allocated for 272 00:04:26,150 --> 00:04:26,160 got different rooms allocated for 273 00:04:26,160 --> 00:04:26,710 got different rooms allocated for different 274 00:04:26,710 --> 00:04:26,720 different 275 00:04:26,720 --> 00:04:28,150 different things so things that we're talking 276 00:04:28,150 --> 00:04:28,160 things so things that we're talking 277 00:04:28,160 --> 00:04:30,310 things so things that we're talking about or for example we've got behind 278 00:04:30,310 --> 00:04:30,320 about or for example we've got behind 279 00:04:30,320 --> 00:04:31,270 about or for example we've got behind the scenes 280 00:04:31,270 --> 00:04:31,280 the scenes 281 00:04:31,280 --> 00:04:33,670 the scenes so behind the scenes is just chock full 282 00:04:33,670 --> 00:04:33,680 so behind the scenes is just chock full 283 00:04:33,680 --> 00:04:35,670 so behind the scenes is just chock full of backstage 284 00:04:35,670 --> 00:04:35,680 of backstage 285 00:04:35,680 --> 00:04:39,510 of backstage photos that you wouldn't see otherwise 286 00:04:39,510 --> 00:04:39,520 photos that you wouldn't see otherwise 287 00:04:39,520 --> 00:04:42,310 photos that you wouldn't see otherwise and and there's so much there yes on our 288 00:04:42,310 --> 00:04:42,320 and and there's so much there yes on our 289 00:04:42,320 --> 00:04:44,070 and and there's so much there yes on our discord server so really you got to go 290 00:04:44,070 --> 00:04:44,080 discord server so really you got to go 291 00:04:44,080 --> 00:04:44,390 discord server so really you got to go there 292 00:04:44,390 --> 00:04:44,400 there 293 00:04:44,400 --> 00:04:46,150 there know that it's a like it's a chat 294 00:04:46,150 --> 00:04:46,160 know that it's a like it's a chat 295 00:04:46,160 --> 00:04:47,909 know that it's a like it's a chat platform but it it has a 296 00:04:47,909 --> 00:04:47,919 platform but it it has a 297 00:04:47,919 --> 00:04:50,550 platform but it it has a so much more than just the chat 298 00:04:50,550 --> 00:04:50,560 so much more than just the chat 299 00:04:50,560 --> 00:04:51,350 so much more than just the chat interaction 300 00:04:51,350 --> 00:04:51,360 interaction 301 00:04:51,360 --> 00:04:53,430 interaction that's right and it's not just active 302 00:04:53,430 --> 00:04:53,440 that's right and it's not just active 303 00:04:53,440 --> 00:04:54,870 that's right and it's not just active during the show 304 00:04:54,870 --> 00:04:54,880 during the show 305 00:04:54,880 --> 00:04:57,030 during the show it's it's on all the time and i mean if 306 00:04:57,030 --> 00:04:57,040 it's it's on all the time and i mean if 307 00:04:57,040 --> 00:04:58,230 it's it's on all the time and i mean if you have tech stuff 308 00:04:58,230 --> 00:04:58,240 you have tech stuff 309 00:04:58,240 --> 00:04:59,590 you have tech stuff middle of the week you're like oh i 310 00:04:59,590 --> 00:04:59,600 middle of the week you're like oh i 311 00:04:59,600 --> 00:05:01,350 middle of the week you're like oh i don't know how to resolve this issue you 312 00:05:01,350 --> 00:05:01,360 don't know how to resolve this issue you 313 00:05:01,360 --> 00:05:02,310 don't know how to resolve this issue you could pop in there and 314 00:05:02,310 --> 00:05:02,320 could pop in there and 315 00:05:02,320 --> 00:05:04,070 could pop in there and the community is awesome about giving 316 00:05:04,070 --> 00:05:04,080 the community is awesome about giving 317 00:05:04,080 --> 00:05:06,230 the community is awesome about giving advice and that's pretty spot-on too 318 00:05:06,230 --> 00:05:06,240 advice and that's pretty spot-on too 319 00:05:06,240 --> 00:05:07,670 advice and that's pretty spot-on too yeah that's true 320 00:05:07,670 --> 00:05:07,680 yeah that's true 321 00:05:07,680 --> 00:05:08,950 yeah that's true all right so we do have to take a really 322 00:05:08,950 --> 00:05:08,960 all right so we do have to take a really 323 00:05:08,960 --> 00:05:10,710 all right so we do have to take a really quick break and then we're jumping right 324 00:05:10,710 --> 00:05:10,720 quick break and then we're jumping right 325 00:05:10,720 --> 00:05:13,670 quick break and then we're jumping right into it after this short breakaway we're 326 00:05:13,670 --> 00:05:13,680 into it after this short breakaway we're 327 00:05:13,680 --> 00:05:14,790 into it after this short breakaway we're going to be looking at 328 00:05:14,790 --> 00:05:14,800 going to be looking at 329 00:05:14,800 --> 00:05:19,029 going to be looking at how to set up an aws ec2 instance 330 00:05:19,029 --> 00:05:19,039 how to set up an aws ec2 instance 331 00:05:19,039 --> 00:05:20,790 how to set up an aws ec2 instance that's that sounds like technobabble to 332 00:05:20,790 --> 00:05:20,800 that's that sounds like technobabble to 333 00:05:20,800 --> 00:05:22,310 that's that sounds like technobabble to me it does 334 00:05:22,310 --> 00:05:22,320 me it does 335 00:05:22,320 --> 00:05:24,070 me it does real fast yeah how about this we're 336 00:05:24,070 --> 00:05:24,080 real fast yeah how about this we're 337 00:05:24,080 --> 00:05:26,230 real fast yeah how about this we're gonna we're gonna create our own 338 00:05:26,230 --> 00:05:26,240 gonna we're gonna create our own 339 00:05:26,240 --> 00:05:29,749 gonna we're gonna create our own free proxy service that's easier to say 340 00:05:29,749 --> 00:05:29,759 free proxy service that's easier to say 341 00:05:29,759 --> 00:05:33,590 free proxy service that's easier to say i'm in control i've got access 342 00:05:33,590 --> 00:05:33,600 i'm in control i've got access 343 00:05:33,600 --> 00:05:36,230 i'm in control i've got access we have the control stick around we'll 344 00:05:36,230 --> 00:05:36,240 we have the control stick around we'll 345 00:05:36,240 --> 00:05:38,840 we have the control stick around we'll be right back 346 00:05:38,840 --> 00:05:38,850 be right back 347 00:05:38,850 --> 00:05:58,550 be right back [Music] 348 00:05:58,550 --> 00:05:58,560 349 00:05:58,560 --> 00:06:00,150 whether you're hoping to give yourself a 350 00:06:00,150 --> 00:06:00,160 whether you're hoping to give yourself a 351 00:06:00,160 --> 00:06:01,909 whether you're hoping to give yourself a little extra privacy while you surf the 352 00:06:01,909 --> 00:06:01,919 little extra privacy while you surf the 353 00:06:01,919 --> 00:06:02,469 little extra privacy while you surf the internet 354 00:06:02,469 --> 00:06:02,479 internet 355 00:06:02,479 --> 00:06:04,710 internet or you want to access services that 356 00:06:04,710 --> 00:06:04,720 or you want to access services that 357 00:06:04,720 --> 00:06:06,870 or you want to access services that perhaps aren't available 358 00:06:06,870 --> 00:06:06,880 perhaps aren't available 359 00:06:06,880 --> 00:06:10,150 perhaps aren't available typically in your area or maybe it's a 360 00:06:10,150 --> 00:06:10,160 typically in your area or maybe it's a 361 00:06:10,160 --> 00:06:10,710 typically in your area or maybe it's a case of 362 00:06:10,710 --> 00:06:10,720 case of 363 00:06:10,720 --> 00:06:13,670 case of actually having had your ip address 364 00:06:13,670 --> 00:06:13,680 actually having had your ip address 365 00:06:13,680 --> 00:06:14,790 actually having had your ip address blocked 366 00:06:14,790 --> 00:06:14,800 blocked 367 00:06:14,800 --> 00:06:17,590 blocked by a service provider it may not be a 368 00:06:17,590 --> 00:06:17,600 by a service provider it may not be a 369 00:06:17,600 --> 00:06:18,710 by a service provider it may not be a malicious thing 370 00:06:18,710 --> 00:06:18,720 malicious thing 371 00:06:18,720 --> 00:06:20,950 malicious thing i've had my ip address blocked by 372 00:06:20,950 --> 00:06:20,960 i've had my ip address blocked by 373 00:06:20,960 --> 00:06:22,070 i've had my ip address blocked by youtube before 374 00:06:22,070 --> 00:06:22,080 youtube before 375 00:06:22,080 --> 00:06:24,629 youtube before because i upload so many videos and 376 00:06:24,629 --> 00:06:24,639 because i upload so many videos and 377 00:06:24,639 --> 00:06:25,830 because i upload so many videos and download 378 00:06:25,830 --> 00:06:25,840 download 379 00:06:25,840 --> 00:06:29,110 download the closed captions for those so that 380 00:06:29,110 --> 00:06:29,120 the closed captions for those so that 381 00:06:29,120 --> 00:06:30,230 the closed captions for those so that has led to me 382 00:06:30,230 --> 00:06:30,240 has led to me 383 00:06:30,240 --> 00:06:33,749 has led to me exceeding my usage in the youtube api 384 00:06:33,749 --> 00:06:33,759 exceeding my usage in the youtube api 385 00:06:33,759 --> 00:06:36,950 exceeding my usage in the youtube api so then my ip address gets blocked so 386 00:06:36,950 --> 00:06:36,960 so then my ip address gets blocked so 387 00:06:36,960 --> 00:06:38,790 so then my ip address gets blocked so it doesn't have to be a malicious thing 388 00:06:38,790 --> 00:06:38,800 it doesn't have to be a malicious thing 389 00:06:38,800 --> 00:06:40,710 it doesn't have to be a malicious thing i don't want to give that impression 390 00:06:40,710 --> 00:06:40,720 i don't want to give that impression 391 00:06:40,720 --> 00:06:44,309 i don't want to give that impression but there are very legitimate reasons 392 00:06:44,309 --> 00:06:44,319 but there are very legitimate reasons 393 00:06:44,319 --> 00:06:47,110 but there are very legitimate reasons to need to get around those types of 394 00:06:47,110 --> 00:06:47,120 to need to get around those types of 395 00:06:47,120 --> 00:06:49,749 to need to get around those types of things and the nerds go to 396 00:06:49,749 --> 00:06:49,759 things and the nerds go to 397 00:06:49,759 --> 00:06:53,350 things and the nerds go to is a proxy the problem is proxies 398 00:06:53,350 --> 00:06:53,360 is a proxy the problem is proxies 399 00:06:53,360 --> 00:06:55,990 is a proxy the problem is proxies can be very expensive to use and the 400 00:06:55,990 --> 00:06:56,000 can be very expensive to use and the 401 00:06:56,000 --> 00:06:56,870 can be very expensive to use and the free ones 402 00:06:56,870 --> 00:06:56,880 free ones 403 00:06:56,880 --> 00:07:00,150 free ones while readily available are very often 404 00:07:00,150 --> 00:07:00,160 while readily available are very often 405 00:07:00,160 --> 00:07:02,950 while readily available are very often either not very reliable they're up one 406 00:07:02,950 --> 00:07:02,960 either not very reliable they're up one 407 00:07:02,960 --> 00:07:04,790 either not very reliable they're up one day they're down the next and you lose 408 00:07:04,790 --> 00:07:04,800 day they're down the next and you lose 409 00:07:04,800 --> 00:07:06,550 day they're down the next and you lose access to your services and 410 00:07:06,550 --> 00:07:06,560 access to your services and 411 00:07:06,560 --> 00:07:10,230 access to your services and everything else or even worse 412 00:07:10,230 --> 00:07:10,240 everything else or even worse 413 00:07:10,240 --> 00:07:13,110 everything else or even worse they're dangerous you don't know what 414 00:07:13,110 --> 00:07:13,120 they're dangerous you don't know what 415 00:07:13,120 --> 00:07:14,950 they're dangerous you don't know what those proxies are tracking 416 00:07:14,950 --> 00:07:14,960 those proxies are tracking 417 00:07:14,960 --> 00:07:19,270 those proxies are tracking logging and even like intercepting 418 00:07:19,270 --> 00:07:19,280 logging and even like intercepting 419 00:07:19,280 --> 00:07:21,110 logging and even like intercepting as you're going through you're sending 420 00:07:21,110 --> 00:07:21,120 as you're going through you're sending 421 00:07:21,120 --> 00:07:23,350 as you're going through you're sending all of your internet traffic 422 00:07:23,350 --> 00:07:23,360 all of your internet traffic 423 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:26,710 all of your internet traffic through that service provider 424 00:07:26,710 --> 00:07:26,720 through that service provider 425 00:07:26,720 --> 00:07:30,870 through that service provider so there's one person who i really trust 426 00:07:30,870 --> 00:07:30,880 so there's one person who i really trust 427 00:07:30,880 --> 00:07:35,189 so there's one person who i really trust to proxy all of my data 428 00:07:35,189 --> 00:07:35,199 to proxy all of my data 429 00:07:35,199 --> 00:07:38,870 to proxy all of my data and that's me i'm not the same person 430 00:07:38,870 --> 00:07:38,880 and that's me i'm not the same person 431 00:07:38,880 --> 00:07:41,029 and that's me i'm not the same person that you would say that you trust 432 00:07:41,029 --> 00:07:41,039 that you would say that you trust 433 00:07:41,039 --> 00:07:44,070 that you would say that you trust the person that you trust is you so i'm 434 00:07:44,070 --> 00:07:44,080 the person that you trust is you so i'm 435 00:07:44,080 --> 00:07:45,189 the person that you trust is you so i'm going to show you how 436 00:07:45,189 --> 00:07:45,199 going to show you how 437 00:07:45,199 --> 00:07:49,110 going to show you how i might set up a free proxy service 438 00:07:49,110 --> 00:07:49,120 i might set up a free proxy service 439 00:07:49,120 --> 00:07:53,270 i might set up a free proxy service of my own and you can replicate that and 440 00:07:53,270 --> 00:07:53,280 of my own and you can replicate that and 441 00:07:53,280 --> 00:07:54,790 of my own and you can replicate that and create your own as well 442 00:07:54,790 --> 00:07:54,800 create your own as well 443 00:07:54,800 --> 00:07:56,309 create your own as well we're going to do this in the cloud we 444 00:07:56,309 --> 00:07:56,319 we're going to do this in the cloud we 445 00:07:56,319 --> 00:07:57,510 we're going to do this in the cloud we are going to be using a third-party 446 00:07:57,510 --> 00:07:57,520 are going to be using a third-party 447 00:07:57,520 --> 00:07:58,790 are going to be using a third-party service provider 448 00:07:58,790 --> 00:07:58,800 service provider 449 00:07:58,800 --> 00:08:01,110 service provider and that's amazon so you say oh well 450 00:08:01,110 --> 00:08:01,120 and that's amazon so you say oh well 451 00:08:01,120 --> 00:08:02,390 and that's amazon so you say oh well amazon what about 452 00:08:02,390 --> 00:08:02,400 amazon what about 453 00:08:02,400 --> 00:08:04,150 amazon what about you know are we able to trust our data 454 00:08:04,150 --> 00:08:04,160 you know are we able to trust our data 455 00:08:04,160 --> 00:08:05,909 you know are we able to trust our data to them well what we're using is their 456 00:08:05,909 --> 00:08:05,919 to them well what we're using is their 457 00:08:05,919 --> 00:08:07,350 to them well what we're using is their cloud services it's called 458 00:08:07,350 --> 00:08:07,360 cloud services it's called 459 00:08:07,360 --> 00:08:10,629 cloud services it's called amazon web services so it's 460 00:08:10,629 --> 00:08:10,639 amazon web services so it's 461 00:08:10,639 --> 00:08:12,230 amazon web services so it's all of their it's their cloud 462 00:08:12,230 --> 00:08:12,240 all of their it's their cloud 463 00:08:12,240 --> 00:08:14,309 all of their it's their cloud infrastructure that they have 464 00:08:14,309 --> 00:08:14,319 infrastructure that they have 465 00:08:14,319 --> 00:08:17,189 infrastructure that they have for customers to basically rent access 466 00:08:17,189 --> 00:08:17,199 for customers to basically rent access 467 00:08:17,199 --> 00:08:18,550 for customers to basically rent access to their servers and their 468 00:08:18,550 --> 00:08:18,560 to their servers and their 469 00:08:18,560 --> 00:08:21,270 to their servers and their their space and and the the virtual 470 00:08:21,270 --> 00:08:21,280 their space and and the the virtual 471 00:08:21,280 --> 00:08:23,350 their space and and the the virtual servers and everything else that whole 472 00:08:23,350 --> 00:08:23,360 servers and everything else that whole 473 00:08:23,360 --> 00:08:26,390 servers and everything else that whole infrastructure is available to you 474 00:08:26,390 --> 00:08:26,400 infrastructure is available to you 475 00:08:26,400 --> 00:08:29,670 infrastructure is available to you but the deployment itself is 476 00:08:29,670 --> 00:08:29,680 but the deployment itself is 477 00:08:29,680 --> 00:08:32,149 but the deployment itself is yours i'm going to show you how this is 478 00:08:32,149 --> 00:08:32,159 yours i'm going to show you how this is 479 00:08:32,159 --> 00:08:34,550 yours i'm going to show you how this is done we're going to jump on to aws 480 00:08:34,550 --> 00:08:34,560 done we're going to jump on to aws 481 00:08:34,560 --> 00:08:37,670 done we're going to jump on to aws and in particular ec2 so of course 482 00:08:37,670 --> 00:08:37,680 and in particular ec2 so of course 483 00:08:37,680 --> 00:08:40,709 and in particular ec2 so of course you if you're not familiar with aws just 484 00:08:40,709 --> 00:08:40,719 you if you're not familiar with aws just 485 00:08:40,719 --> 00:08:43,509 you if you're not familiar with aws just go to aws.amazon.com sign in with your 486 00:08:43,509 --> 00:08:43,519 go to aws.amazon.com sign in with your 487 00:08:43,519 --> 00:08:44,710 go to aws.amazon.com sign in with your amazon account 488 00:08:44,710 --> 00:08:44,720 amazon account 489 00:08:44,720 --> 00:08:48,150 amazon account and then do a quick search for ec2 490 00:08:48,150 --> 00:08:48,160 and then do a quick search for ec2 491 00:08:48,160 --> 00:08:50,630 and then do a quick search for ec2 and that will take you into basically 492 00:08:50,630 --> 00:08:50,640 and that will take you into basically 493 00:08:50,640 --> 00:08:52,630 and that will take you into basically their virtualization platform think of 494 00:08:52,630 --> 00:08:52,640 their virtualization platform think of 495 00:08:52,640 --> 00:08:53,670 their virtualization platform think of ec2 as 496 00:08:53,670 --> 00:08:53,680 ec2 as 497 00:08:53,680 --> 00:08:56,630 ec2 as just that so the first thing i note when 498 00:08:56,630 --> 00:08:56,640 just that so the first thing i note when 499 00:08:56,640 --> 00:08:57,509 just that so the first thing i note when i'm here 500 00:08:57,509 --> 00:08:57,519 i'm here 501 00:08:57,519 --> 00:09:00,949 i'm here in ec2 is my region and this is 502 00:09:00,949 --> 00:09:00,959 in ec2 is my region and this is 503 00:09:00,959 --> 00:09:03,190 in ec2 is my region and this is important because this is where my proxy 504 00:09:03,190 --> 00:09:03,200 important because this is where my proxy 505 00:09:03,200 --> 00:09:05,190 important because this is where my proxy server is going to reside 506 00:09:05,190 --> 00:09:05,200 server is going to reside 507 00:09:05,200 --> 00:09:08,070 server is going to reside should i set it there why is that 508 00:09:08,070 --> 00:09:08,080 should i set it there why is that 509 00:09:08,080 --> 00:09:09,509 should i set it there why is that important well think about this 510 00:09:09,509 --> 00:09:09,519 important well think about this 511 00:09:09,519 --> 00:09:11,509 important well think about this let's say i'm using a video streaming 512 00:09:11,509 --> 00:09:11,519 let's say i'm using a video streaming 513 00:09:11,519 --> 00:09:12,710 let's say i'm using a video streaming service that 514 00:09:12,710 --> 00:09:12,720 service that 515 00:09:12,720 --> 00:09:15,670 service that restricts canadian access to their video 516 00:09:15,670 --> 00:09:15,680 restricts canadian access to their video 517 00:09:15,680 --> 00:09:17,190 restricts canadian access to their video streaming service so 518 00:09:17,190 --> 00:09:17,200 streaming service so 519 00:09:17,200 --> 00:09:19,430 streaming service so by placing my proxy server down in north 520 00:09:19,430 --> 00:09:19,440 by placing my proxy server down in north 521 00:09:19,440 --> 00:09:20,790 by placing my proxy server down in north california 522 00:09:20,790 --> 00:09:20,800 california 523 00:09:20,800 --> 00:09:23,350 california now all of a sudden they are basically 524 00:09:23,350 --> 00:09:23,360 now all of a sudden they are basically 525 00:09:23,360 --> 00:09:25,110 now all of a sudden they are basically by ip address going to think that i'm 526 00:09:25,110 --> 00:09:25,120 by ip address going to think that i'm 527 00:09:25,120 --> 00:09:26,310 by ip address going to think that i'm connecting from 528 00:09:26,310 --> 00:09:26,320 connecting from 529 00:09:26,320 --> 00:09:28,790 connecting from california so i'm able to work around 530 00:09:28,790 --> 00:09:28,800 california so i'm able to work around 531 00:09:28,800 --> 00:09:29,350 california so i'm able to work around that 532 00:09:29,350 --> 00:09:29,360 that 533 00:09:29,360 --> 00:09:31,269 that similarly you may want to change your 534 00:09:31,269 --> 00:09:31,279 similarly you may want to change your 535 00:09:31,279 --> 00:09:32,710 similarly you may want to change your region based on 536 00:09:32,710 --> 00:09:32,720 region based on 537 00:09:32,720 --> 00:09:34,949 region based on what it is you're trying to achieve you 538 00:09:34,949 --> 00:09:34,959 what it is you're trying to achieve you 539 00:09:34,959 --> 00:09:37,190 what it is you're trying to achieve you can even put a server in africa 540 00:09:37,190 --> 00:09:37,200 can even put a server in africa 541 00:09:37,200 --> 00:09:38,870 can even put a server in africa or asia look at that you can put one 542 00:09:38,870 --> 00:09:38,880 or asia look at that you can put one 543 00:09:38,880 --> 00:09:40,470 or asia look at that you can put one right in hong kong 544 00:09:40,470 --> 00:09:40,480 right in hong kong 545 00:09:40,480 --> 00:09:43,590 right in hong kong you can put one in canada a uh in europe 546 00:09:43,590 --> 00:09:43,600 you can put one in canada a uh in europe 547 00:09:43,600 --> 00:09:44,150 you can put one in canada a uh in europe you've got 548 00:09:44,150 --> 00:09:44,160 you've got 549 00:09:44,160 --> 00:09:47,190 you've got all over the place and then we've got 550 00:09:47,190 --> 00:09:47,200 all over the place and then we've got 551 00:09:47,200 --> 00:09:49,670 all over the place and then we've got middle east and south america right now 552 00:09:49,670 --> 00:09:49,680 middle east and south america right now 553 00:09:49,680 --> 00:09:50,389 middle east and south america right now so 554 00:09:50,389 --> 00:09:50,399 so 555 00:09:50,399 --> 00:09:52,790 so it's a pretty big list of where they 556 00:09:52,790 --> 00:09:52,800 it's a pretty big list of where they 557 00:09:52,800 --> 00:09:54,389 it's a pretty big list of where they have this infrastructure set up for 558 00:09:54,389 --> 00:09:54,399 have this infrastructure set up for 559 00:09:54,399 --> 00:09:57,350 have this infrastructure set up for amazon web services the ec2 service 560 00:09:57,350 --> 00:09:57,360 amazon web services the ec2 service 561 00:09:57,360 --> 00:09:59,829 amazon web services the ec2 service so pick the one that is where you want 562 00:09:59,829 --> 00:09:59,839 so pick the one that is where you want 563 00:09:59,839 --> 00:10:01,910 so pick the one that is where you want your proxy server to be 564 00:10:01,910 --> 00:10:01,920 your proxy server to be 565 00:10:01,920 --> 00:10:03,590 your proxy server to be i'm going to set mine i'm just going to 566 00:10:03,590 --> 00:10:03,600 i'm going to set mine i'm just going to 567 00:10:03,600 --> 00:10:05,590 i'm going to set mine i'm just going to leave it as north california which is 568 00:10:05,590 --> 00:10:05,600 leave it as north california which is 569 00:10:05,600 --> 00:10:06,069 leave it as north california which is u.s 570 00:10:06,069 --> 00:10:06,079 u.s 571 00:10:06,079 --> 00:10:09,269 u.s west one and that is where 572 00:10:09,269 --> 00:10:09,279 west one and that is where 573 00:10:09,279 --> 00:10:11,110 west one and that is where my proxy server is going to reside 574 00:10:11,110 --> 00:10:11,120 my proxy server is going to reside 575 00:10:11,120 --> 00:10:13,750 my proxy server is going to reside that's going to allow me to connect 576 00:10:13,750 --> 00:10:13,760 that's going to allow me to connect 577 00:10:13,760 --> 00:10:16,069 that's going to allow me to connect as if i was actually sitting in 578 00:10:16,069 --> 00:10:16,079 as if i was actually sitting in 579 00:10:16,079 --> 00:10:17,670 as if i was actually sitting in california 580 00:10:17,670 --> 00:10:17,680 california 581 00:10:17,680 --> 00:10:18,870 california all right so i'm going to click on 582 00:10:18,870 --> 00:10:18,880 all right so i'm going to click on 583 00:10:18,880 --> 00:10:20,870 all right so i'm going to click on launch instance 584 00:10:20,870 --> 00:10:20,880 launch instance 585 00:10:20,880 --> 00:10:22,389 launch instance and then launch instance again because 586 00:10:22,389 --> 00:10:22,399 and then launch instance again because 587 00:10:22,399 --> 00:10:24,870 and then launch instance again because it does a drop down and this gives me 588 00:10:24,870 --> 00:10:24,880 it does a drop down and this gives me 589 00:10:24,880 --> 00:10:28,710 it does a drop down and this gives me a list of operating systems that i can 590 00:10:28,710 --> 00:10:28,720 a list of operating systems that i can 591 00:10:28,720 --> 00:10:29,430 a list of operating systems that i can deploy 592 00:10:29,430 --> 00:10:29,440 deploy 593 00:10:29,440 --> 00:10:32,069 deploy on my ec2 instance so i'm using some 594 00:10:32,069 --> 00:10:32,079 on my ec2 instance so i'm using some 595 00:10:32,079 --> 00:10:33,750 on my ec2 instance so i'm using some terms here you may not be familiar with 596 00:10:33,750 --> 00:10:33,760 terms here you may not be familiar with 597 00:10:33,760 --> 00:10:36,230 terms here you may not be familiar with aws is amazon web services that's 598 00:10:36,230 --> 00:10:36,240 aws is amazon web services that's 599 00:10:36,240 --> 00:10:38,230 aws is amazon web services that's basically amazon's 600 00:10:38,230 --> 00:10:38,240 basically amazon's 601 00:10:38,240 --> 00:10:41,269 basically amazon's full gamut of services that they offer 602 00:10:41,269 --> 00:10:41,279 full gamut of services that they offer 603 00:10:41,279 --> 00:10:44,550 full gamut of services that they offer for cloud users ec2 is their 604 00:10:44,550 --> 00:10:44,560 for cloud users ec2 is their 605 00:10:44,560 --> 00:10:46,710 for cloud users ec2 is their virtualization platform for virtual 606 00:10:46,710 --> 00:10:46,720 virtualization platform for virtual 607 00:10:46,720 --> 00:10:48,150 virtualization platform for virtual machines 608 00:10:48,150 --> 00:10:48,160 machines 609 00:10:48,160 --> 00:10:50,550 machines when i said instance i'm talking about a 610 00:10:50,550 --> 00:10:50,560 when i said instance i'm talking about a 611 00:10:50,560 --> 00:10:52,230 when i said instance i'm talking about a virtual machine 612 00:10:52,230 --> 00:10:52,240 virtual machine 613 00:10:52,240 --> 00:10:54,870 virtual machine so that is literally a virtual machine 614 00:10:54,870 --> 00:10:54,880 so that is literally a virtual machine 615 00:10:54,880 --> 00:10:56,150 so that is literally a virtual machine so i'm going to deploy one of these 616 00:10:56,150 --> 00:10:56,160 so i'm going to deploy one of these 617 00:10:56,160 --> 00:10:58,630 so i'm going to deploy one of these operating systems to an instance of ec2 618 00:10:58,630 --> 00:10:58,640 operating systems to an instance of ec2 619 00:10:58,640 --> 00:10:59,350 operating systems to an instance of ec2 which is 620 00:10:59,350 --> 00:10:59,360 which is 621 00:10:59,360 --> 00:11:01,350 which is a virtual machine so what do i want it 622 00:11:01,350 --> 00:11:01,360 a virtual machine so what do i want it 623 00:11:01,360 --> 00:11:02,870 a virtual machine so what do i want it to be 624 00:11:02,870 --> 00:11:02,880 to be 625 00:11:02,880 --> 00:11:05,670 to be so and i was saying hey comment below if 626 00:11:05,670 --> 00:11:05,680 so and i was saying hey comment below if 627 00:11:05,680 --> 00:11:07,030 so and i was saying hey comment below if i use a term that you're not familiar 628 00:11:07,030 --> 00:11:07,040 i use a term that you're not familiar 629 00:11:07,040 --> 00:11:07,430 i use a term that you're not familiar with 630 00:11:07,430 --> 00:11:07,440 with 631 00:11:07,440 --> 00:11:08,389 with i'm going to do a quick search i've 632 00:11:08,389 --> 00:11:08,399 i'm going to do a quick search i've 633 00:11:08,399 --> 00:11:09,990 i'm going to do a quick search i've already done it before because i deploy 634 00:11:09,990 --> 00:11:10,000 already done it before because i deploy 635 00:11:10,000 --> 00:11:11,110 already done it before because i deploy a ton of servers 636 00:11:11,110 --> 00:11:11,120 a ton of servers 637 00:11:11,120 --> 00:11:12,829 a ton of servers in the cloud i'm going to click on 638 00:11:12,829 --> 00:11:12,839 in the cloud i'm going to click on 639 00:11:12,839 --> 00:11:15,269 in the cloud i'm going to click on debian just type in debian into the 640 00:11:15,269 --> 00:11:15,279 debian just type in debian into the 641 00:11:15,279 --> 00:11:16,069 debian just type in debian into the search here 642 00:11:16,069 --> 00:11:16,079 search here 643 00:11:16,079 --> 00:11:19,269 search here so then i'm going to go to aws 644 00:11:19,269 --> 00:11:19,279 so then i'm going to go to aws 645 00:11:19,279 --> 00:11:22,310 so then i'm going to go to aws marketplace results there are also 646 00:11:22,310 --> 00:11:22,320 marketplace results there are also 647 00:11:22,320 --> 00:11:24,630 marketplace results there are also ones that i've created and ones in the 648 00:11:24,630 --> 00:11:24,640 ones that i've created and ones in the 649 00:11:24,640 --> 00:11:25,670 ones that i've created and ones in the community 650 00:11:25,670 --> 00:11:25,680 community 651 00:11:25,680 --> 00:11:27,110 community you would think oh well i want to use 652 00:11:27,110 --> 00:11:27,120 you would think oh well i want to use 653 00:11:27,120 --> 00:11:28,790 you would think oh well i want to use community ones well no you don't because 654 00:11:28,790 --> 00:11:28,800 community ones well no you don't because 655 00:11:28,800 --> 00:11:30,790 community ones well no you don't because those ones are going to cost you money 656 00:11:30,790 --> 00:11:30,800 those ones are going to cost you money 657 00:11:30,800 --> 00:11:32,630 those ones are going to cost you money and you say well but community is free 658 00:11:32,630 --> 00:11:32,640 and you say well but community is free 659 00:11:32,640 --> 00:11:34,310 and you say well but community is free it's open source and yes 660 00:11:34,310 --> 00:11:34,320 it's open source and yes 661 00:11:34,320 --> 00:11:37,509 it's open source and yes however it's not a part of the aws 662 00:11:37,509 --> 00:11:37,519 however it's not a part of the aws 663 00:11:37,519 --> 00:11:38,949 however it's not a part of the aws marketplace and so you're going to have 664 00:11:38,949 --> 00:11:38,959 marketplace and so you're going to have 665 00:11:38,959 --> 00:11:40,710 marketplace and so you're going to have to pay for the usage 666 00:11:40,710 --> 00:11:40,720 to pay for the usage 667 00:11:40,720 --> 00:11:42,310 to pay for the usage to have that virtual machine that 668 00:11:42,310 --> 00:11:42,320 to have that virtual machine that 669 00:11:42,320 --> 00:11:44,310 to have that virtual machine that instance running 670 00:11:44,310 --> 00:11:44,320 instance running 671 00:11:44,320 --> 00:11:46,150 instance running in the cloud so instead we're going to 672 00:11:46,150 --> 00:11:46,160 in the cloud so instead we're going to 673 00:11:46,160 --> 00:11:47,350 in the cloud so instead we're going to use one of the official ones from the 674 00:11:47,350 --> 00:11:47,360 use one of the official ones from the 675 00:11:47,360 --> 00:11:49,430 use one of the official ones from the aws marketplace let's see what results 676 00:11:49,430 --> 00:11:49,440 aws marketplace let's see what results 677 00:11:49,440 --> 00:11:51,509 aws marketplace let's see what results we get they're sorted pretty well 678 00:11:51,509 --> 00:11:51,519 we get they're sorted pretty well 679 00:11:51,519 --> 00:11:53,350 we get they're sorted pretty well debian comes up the first result is 680 00:11:53,350 --> 00:11:53,360 debian comes up the first result is 681 00:11:53,360 --> 00:11:55,110 debian comes up the first result is debian 10 buster 682 00:11:55,110 --> 00:11:55,120 debian 10 buster 683 00:11:55,120 --> 00:11:57,829 debian 10 buster a free tier compatible or free tier 684 00:11:57,829 --> 00:11:57,839 a free tier compatible or free tier 685 00:11:57,839 --> 00:11:59,269 a free tier compatible or free tier eligible 686 00:11:59,269 --> 00:11:59,279 eligible 687 00:11:59,279 --> 00:12:00,550 eligible version of debian that we're going to be 688 00:12:00,550 --> 00:12:00,560 version of debian that we're going to be 689 00:12:00,560 --> 00:12:03,750 version of debian that we're going to be deploying so select that 690 00:12:03,750 --> 00:12:03,760 deploying so select that 691 00:12:03,760 --> 00:12:05,990 deploying so select that free tier eligible so we can ignore the 692 00:12:05,990 --> 00:12:06,000 free tier eligible so we can ignore the 693 00:12:06,000 --> 00:12:07,430 free tier eligible so we can ignore the pricing because we are going to use a 694 00:12:07,430 --> 00:12:07,440 pricing because we are going to use a 695 00:12:07,440 --> 00:12:09,350 pricing because we are going to use a free tier hit continue 696 00:12:09,350 --> 00:12:09,360 free tier hit continue 697 00:12:09,360 --> 00:12:11,269 free tier hit continue and this is where we select that so well 698 00:12:11,269 --> 00:12:11,279 and this is where we select that so well 699 00:12:11,279 --> 00:12:13,030 and this is where we select that so well if we want the free tier we've got to go 700 00:12:13,030 --> 00:12:13,040 if we want the free tier we've got to go 701 00:12:13,040 --> 00:12:14,470 if we want the free tier we've got to go with a t2 micro 702 00:12:14,470 --> 00:12:14,480 with a t2 micro 703 00:12:14,480 --> 00:12:15,829 with a t2 micro so i'm going to select that but what 704 00:12:15,829 --> 00:12:15,839 so i'm going to select that but what 705 00:12:15,839 --> 00:12:18,870 so i'm going to select that but what does it give us it gives us one cpu 706 00:12:18,870 --> 00:12:18,880 does it give us it gives us one cpu 707 00:12:18,880 --> 00:12:22,389 does it give us it gives us one cpu one gigabyte of memory um 708 00:12:22,389 --> 00:12:22,399 one gigabyte of memory um 709 00:12:22,399 --> 00:12:24,310 one gigabyte of memory um and then we've got storage to deal with 710 00:12:24,310 --> 00:12:24,320 and then we've got storage to deal with 711 00:12:24,320 --> 00:12:25,590 and then we've got storage to deal with we don't need a lot of storage because 712 00:12:25,590 --> 00:12:25,600 we don't need a lot of storage because 713 00:12:25,600 --> 00:12:27,910 we don't need a lot of storage because we're just setting up a basic proxy 714 00:12:27,910 --> 00:12:27,920 we're just setting up a basic proxy 715 00:12:27,920 --> 00:12:29,910 we're just setting up a basic proxy and that's about it so i'm going to 716 00:12:29,910 --> 00:12:29,920 and that's about it so i'm going to 717 00:12:29,920 --> 00:12:31,350 and that's about it so i'm going to deploy just as 718 00:12:31,350 --> 00:12:31,360 deploy just as 719 00:12:31,360 --> 00:12:34,069 deploy just as that so t2 micro is the one that's free 720 00:12:34,069 --> 00:12:34,079 that so t2 micro is the one that's free 721 00:12:34,079 --> 00:12:34,790 that so t2 micro is the one that's free tier 722 00:12:34,790 --> 00:12:34,800 tier 723 00:12:34,800 --> 00:12:37,110 tier eligible don't select one of the bigger 724 00:12:37,110 --> 00:12:37,120 eligible don't select one of the bigger 725 00:12:37,120 --> 00:12:38,150 eligible don't select one of the bigger ones because you're going to be paying 726 00:12:38,150 --> 00:12:38,160 ones because you're going to be paying 727 00:12:38,160 --> 00:12:38,710 ones because you're going to be paying for it 728 00:12:38,710 --> 00:12:38,720 for it 729 00:12:38,720 --> 00:12:40,710 for it right away i'm going to review and 730 00:12:40,710 --> 00:12:40,720 right away i'm going to review and 731 00:12:40,720 --> 00:12:42,069 right away i'm going to review and launch we're going to come back to 732 00:12:42,069 --> 00:12:42,079 launch we're going to come back to 733 00:12:42,079 --> 00:12:44,790 launch we're going to come back to do settings like our security groups and 734 00:12:44,790 --> 00:12:44,800 do settings like our security groups and 735 00:12:44,800 --> 00:12:45,829 do settings like our security groups and things like that i'm just going to leave 736 00:12:45,829 --> 00:12:45,839 things like that i'm just going to leave 737 00:12:45,839 --> 00:12:46,470 things like that i'm just going to leave everything 738 00:12:46,470 --> 00:12:46,480 everything 739 00:12:46,480 --> 00:12:48,470 everything by default for now and we're going to 740 00:12:48,470 --> 00:12:48,480 by default for now and we're going to 741 00:12:48,480 --> 00:12:49,590 by default for now and we're going to launch that so 742 00:12:49,590 --> 00:12:49,600 launch that so 743 00:12:49,600 --> 00:12:51,990 launch that so first of all i need to create a new key 744 00:12:51,990 --> 00:12:52,000 first of all i need to create a new key 745 00:12:52,000 --> 00:12:53,269 first of all i need to create a new key pair so this is 746 00:12:53,269 --> 00:12:53,279 pair so this is 747 00:12:53,279 --> 00:12:55,350 pair so this is the ssh key that i'm going to use in 748 00:12:55,350 --> 00:12:55,360 the ssh key that i'm going to use in 749 00:12:55,360 --> 00:12:57,430 the ssh key that i'm going to use in order to ssh into 750 00:12:57,430 --> 00:12:57,440 order to ssh into 751 00:12:57,440 --> 00:12:59,670 order to ssh into this server so i'm going to call this 752 00:12:59,670 --> 00:12:59,680 this server so i'm going to call this 753 00:12:59,680 --> 00:13:01,509 this server so i'm going to call this one proxy 754 00:13:01,509 --> 00:13:01,519 one proxy 755 00:13:01,519 --> 00:13:04,150 one proxy server and then download my key pair 756 00:13:04,150 --> 00:13:04,160 server and then download my key pair 757 00:13:04,160 --> 00:13:05,829 server and then download my key pair make sure you save that somewhere safe 758 00:13:05,829 --> 00:13:05,839 make sure you save that somewhere safe 759 00:13:05,839 --> 00:13:06,310 make sure you save that somewhere safe i'm going to 760 00:13:06,310 --> 00:13:06,320 i'm going to 761 00:13:06,320 --> 00:13:09,670 i'm going to throw that onto my server and drop that 762 00:13:09,670 --> 00:13:09,680 throw that onto my server and drop that 763 00:13:09,680 --> 00:13:10,790 throw that onto my server and drop that there 764 00:13:10,790 --> 00:13:10,800 there 765 00:13:10,800 --> 00:13:13,910 there and now launch instance means power 766 00:13:13,910 --> 00:13:13,920 and now launch instance means power 767 00:13:13,920 --> 00:13:16,230 and now launch instance means power on your virtual machine so i'm going to 768 00:13:16,230 --> 00:13:16,240 on your virtual machine so i'm going to 769 00:13:16,240 --> 00:13:18,389 on your virtual machine so i'm going to push that 770 00:13:18,389 --> 00:13:18,399 push that 771 00:13:18,399 --> 00:13:19,990 push that and there we go so it's basically 772 00:13:19,990 --> 00:13:20,000 and there we go so it's basically 773 00:13:20,000 --> 00:13:22,470 and there we go so it's basically creating it is creating a virtual 774 00:13:22,470 --> 00:13:22,480 creating it is creating a virtual 775 00:13:22,480 --> 00:13:23,110 creating it is creating a virtual machine 776 00:13:23,110 --> 00:13:23,120 machine 777 00:13:23,120 --> 00:13:26,310 machine uh an ec2 instance in the cloud for us 778 00:13:26,310 --> 00:13:26,320 uh an ec2 instance in the cloud for us 779 00:13:26,320 --> 00:13:29,350 uh an ec2 instance in the cloud for us in uh in northern california so there we 780 00:13:29,350 --> 00:13:29,360 in uh in northern california so there we 781 00:13:29,360 --> 00:13:29,670 in uh in northern california so there we go 782 00:13:29,670 --> 00:13:29,680 go 783 00:13:29,680 --> 00:13:33,269 go so i'm going to view instances down here 784 00:13:33,269 --> 00:13:33,279 so i'm going to view instances down here 785 00:13:33,279 --> 00:13:35,110 so i'm going to view instances down here and now i can see i now have one 786 00:13:35,110 --> 00:13:35,120 and now i can see i now have one 787 00:13:35,120 --> 00:13:37,190 and now i can see i now have one instance running a t2 micro 788 00:13:37,190 --> 00:13:37,200 instance running a t2 micro 789 00:13:37,200 --> 00:13:39,829 instance running a t2 micro and it is just no name so i'm going to 790 00:13:39,829 --> 00:13:39,839 and it is just no name so i'm going to 791 00:13:39,839 --> 00:13:41,189 and it is just no name so i'm going to click on edit and i'm going to call this 792 00:13:41,189 --> 00:13:41,199 click on edit and i'm going to call this 793 00:13:41,199 --> 00:13:42,790 click on edit and i'm going to call this my proxy server 794 00:13:42,790 --> 00:13:42,800 my proxy server 795 00:13:42,800 --> 00:13:45,829 my proxy server server try that there we go okay so it's 796 00:13:45,829 --> 00:13:45,839 server try that there we go okay so it's 797 00:13:45,839 --> 00:13:47,430 server try that there we go okay so it's already up and running 798 00:13:47,430 --> 00:13:47,440 already up and running 799 00:13:47,440 --> 00:13:49,509 already up and running so if i click on that i can see the ip 800 00:13:49,509 --> 00:13:49,519 so if i click on that i can see the ip 801 00:13:49,519 --> 00:13:51,670 so if i click on that i can see the ip address of that server it is i've called 802 00:13:51,670 --> 00:13:51,680 address of that server it is i've called 803 00:13:51,680 --> 00:13:53,350 address of that server it is i've called it proxy server but right now 804 00:13:53,350 --> 00:13:53,360 it proxy server but right now 805 00:13:53,360 --> 00:13:55,110 it proxy server but right now remember it's just debian 10. there's 806 00:13:55,110 --> 00:13:55,120 remember it's just debian 10. there's 807 00:13:55,120 --> 00:13:56,710 remember it's just debian 10. there's nothing else installed on it 808 00:13:56,710 --> 00:13:56,720 nothing else installed on it 809 00:13:56,720 --> 00:13:59,829 nothing else installed on it so i need to copy that ip address 810 00:13:59,829 --> 00:13:59,839 so i need to copy that ip address 811 00:13:59,839 --> 00:14:02,470 so i need to copy that ip address and then i'm going to jump into my 812 00:14:02,470 --> 00:14:02,480 and then i'm going to jump into my 813 00:14:02,480 --> 00:14:03,030 and then i'm going to jump into my command 814 00:14:03,030 --> 00:14:03,040 command 815 00:14:03,040 --> 00:14:05,829 command prompt because i downloaded the key to 816 00:14:05,829 --> 00:14:05,839 prompt because i downloaded the key to 817 00:14:05,839 --> 00:14:08,230 prompt because i downloaded the key to my server i'm personally going to 818 00:14:08,230 --> 00:14:08,240 my server i'm personally going to 819 00:14:08,240 --> 00:14:18,389 my server i'm personally going to ssh to my in-house server 820 00:14:18,389 --> 00:14:18,399 821 00:14:18,399 --> 00:14:20,550 all right so now i'm there so now the 822 00:14:20,550 --> 00:14:20,560 all right so now i'm there so now the 823 00:14:20,560 --> 00:14:22,069 all right so now i'm there so now the command that i'm going to use 824 00:14:22,069 --> 00:14:22,079 command that i'm going to use 825 00:14:22,079 --> 00:14:25,350 command that i'm going to use is ssh and then dash 826 00:14:25,350 --> 00:14:25,360 is ssh and then dash 827 00:14:25,360 --> 00:14:28,069 is ssh and then dash i for the key that i'm going to be using 828 00:14:28,069 --> 00:14:28,079 i for the key that i'm going to be using 829 00:14:28,079 --> 00:14:29,750 i for the key that i'm going to be using so the incoming file that i'm going to 830 00:14:29,750 --> 00:14:29,760 so the incoming file that i'm going to 831 00:14:29,760 --> 00:14:31,030 so the incoming file that i'm going to be using for the key 832 00:14:31,030 --> 00:14:31,040 be using for the key 833 00:14:31,040 --> 00:14:34,629 be using for the key and that one is called proxy server.pem 834 00:14:34,629 --> 00:14:34,639 and that one is called proxy server.pem 835 00:14:34,639 --> 00:14:35,750 and that one is called proxy server.pem is what i downloaded 836 00:14:35,750 --> 00:14:35,760 is what i downloaded 837 00:14:35,760 --> 00:14:37,430 is what i downloaded then i'm going to go admin because 838 00:14:37,430 --> 00:14:37,440 then i'm going to go admin because 839 00:14:37,440 --> 00:14:39,910 then i'm going to go admin because that's the default login for the debian 840 00:14:39,910 --> 00:14:39,920 that's the default login for the debian 841 00:14:39,920 --> 00:14:40,550 that's the default login for the debian ami 842 00:14:40,550 --> 00:14:40,560 ami 843 00:14:40,560 --> 00:14:43,590 ami or amazon machine image admin at 844 00:14:43,590 --> 00:14:43,600 or amazon machine image admin at 845 00:14:43,600 --> 00:14:45,030 or amazon machine image admin at and then the ip address that i've 846 00:14:45,030 --> 00:14:45,040 and then the ip address that i've 847 00:14:45,040 --> 00:14:46,629 and then the ip address that i've already copied to my clipboard and if i 848 00:14:46,629 --> 00:14:46,639 already copied to my clipboard and if i 849 00:14:46,639 --> 00:14:47,350 already copied to my clipboard and if i hit enter 850 00:14:47,350 --> 00:14:47,360 hit enter 851 00:14:47,360 --> 00:14:48,949 hit enter it's going to ask me to accept that key 852 00:14:48,949 --> 00:14:48,959 it's going to ask me to accept that key 853 00:14:48,959 --> 00:14:50,790 it's going to ask me to accept that key and i say yes and 854 00:14:50,790 --> 00:14:50,800 and i say yes and 855 00:14:50,800 --> 00:14:53,990 and i say yes and i am denied 856 00:14:53,990 --> 00:14:54,000 i am denied 857 00:14:54,000 --> 00:14:56,389 i am denied permissions on that file ended up being 858 00:14:56,389 --> 00:14:56,399 permissions on that file ended up being 859 00:14:56,399 --> 00:14:57,269 permissions on that file ended up being note that 860 00:14:57,269 --> 00:14:57,279 note that 861 00:14:57,279 --> 00:14:59,670 note that 766 so everyone has access to those 862 00:14:59,670 --> 00:14:59,680 766 so everyone has access to those 863 00:14:59,680 --> 00:15:01,189 766 so everyone has access to those files so that's interesting 864 00:15:01,189 --> 00:15:01,199 files so that's interesting 865 00:15:01,199 --> 00:15:03,110 files so that's interesting ssh itself is protecting me from 866 00:15:03,110 --> 00:15:03,120 ssh itself is protecting me from 867 00:15:03,120 --> 00:15:05,509 ssh itself is protecting me from somebody being able to compromise my key 868 00:15:05,509 --> 00:15:05,519 somebody being able to compromise my key 869 00:15:05,519 --> 00:15:09,829 somebody being able to compromise my key so chmod 700 870 00:15:09,829 --> 00:15:09,839 so chmod 700 871 00:15:09,839 --> 00:15:13,110 so chmod 700 proxy server pam let's try that and now 872 00:15:13,110 --> 00:15:13,120 proxy server pam let's try that and now 873 00:15:13,120 --> 00:15:14,310 proxy server pam let's try that and now try again 874 00:15:14,310 --> 00:15:14,320 try again 875 00:15:14,320 --> 00:15:15,990 try again so what i've done is oh and now i'm 876 00:15:15,990 --> 00:15:16,000 so what i've done is oh and now i'm 877 00:15:16,000 --> 00:15:17,750 so what i've done is oh and now i'm connected it just worked 878 00:15:17,750 --> 00:15:17,760 connected it just worked 879 00:15:17,760 --> 00:15:20,790 connected it just worked 700 means i the owner of that key 880 00:15:20,790 --> 00:15:20,800 700 means i the owner of that key 881 00:15:20,800 --> 00:15:23,829 700 means i the owner of that key i'm allowed to do anything with it 882 00:15:23,829 --> 00:15:23,839 i'm allowed to do anything with it 883 00:15:23,839 --> 00:15:27,269 i'm allowed to do anything with it read write execute zero zero means 884 00:15:27,269 --> 00:15:27,279 read write execute zero zero means 885 00:15:27,279 --> 00:15:29,910 read write execute zero zero means nobody in the group nobody that is not a 886 00:15:29,910 --> 00:15:29,920 nobody in the group nobody that is not a 887 00:15:29,920 --> 00:15:30,790 nobody in the group nobody that is not a part of the group 888 00:15:30,790 --> 00:15:30,800 part of the group 889 00:15:30,800 --> 00:15:33,829 part of the group is allowed to access that at all so it's 890 00:15:33,829 --> 00:15:33,839 is allowed to access that at all so it's 891 00:15:33,839 --> 00:15:35,590 is allowed to access that at all so it's basically a dumb file that they can't 892 00:15:35,590 --> 00:15:35,600 basically a dumb file that they can't 893 00:15:35,600 --> 00:15:37,110 basically a dumb file that they can't even open 894 00:15:37,110 --> 00:15:37,120 even open 895 00:15:37,120 --> 00:15:39,509 even open but i can alright so now that i'm 896 00:15:39,509 --> 00:15:39,519 but i can alright so now that i'm 897 00:15:39,519 --> 00:15:41,590 but i can alright so now that i'm connected i'm going to go sudo sue 898 00:15:41,590 --> 00:15:41,600 connected i'm going to go sudo sue 899 00:15:41,600 --> 00:15:44,230 connected i'm going to go sudo sue because that's what the command is to 900 00:15:44,230 --> 00:15:44,240 because that's what the command is to 901 00:15:44,240 --> 00:15:44,710 because that's what the command is to become 902 00:15:44,710 --> 00:15:44,720 become 903 00:15:44,720 --> 00:15:47,430 become root so now i am root so app update 904 00:15:47,430 --> 00:15:47,440 root so now i am root so app update 905 00:15:47,440 --> 00:15:47,829 root so now i am root so app update whoop 906 00:15:47,829 --> 00:15:47,839 whoop 907 00:15:47,839 --> 00:15:50,389 whoop app update is going to grab my 908 00:15:50,389 --> 00:15:50,399 app update is going to grab my 909 00:15:50,399 --> 00:15:52,230 app update is going to grab my repositories you see this is a 910 00:15:52,230 --> 00:15:52,240 repositories you see this is a 911 00:15:52,240 --> 00:15:55,670 repositories you see this is a an actual debian computer if you will 912 00:15:55,670 --> 00:15:55,680 an actual debian computer if you will 913 00:15:55,680 --> 00:15:58,949 an actual debian computer if you will in the cloud it's that easy i'm already 914 00:15:58,949 --> 00:15:58,959 in the cloud it's that easy i'm already 915 00:15:58,959 --> 00:16:01,670 in the cloud it's that easy i'm already upgrade i'm already running a debian 916 00:16:01,670 --> 00:16:01,680 upgrade i'm already running a debian 917 00:16:01,680 --> 00:16:03,350 upgrade i'm already running a debian computer in the cloud 918 00:16:03,350 --> 00:16:03,360 computer in the cloud 919 00:16:03,360 --> 00:16:05,110 computer in the cloud so in that amount of time and i'm blah 920 00:16:05,110 --> 00:16:05,120 so in that amount of time and i'm blah 921 00:16:05,120 --> 00:16:07,509 so in that amount of time and i'm blah blah blah at the same time 922 00:16:07,509 --> 00:16:07,519 blah blah at the same time 923 00:16:07,519 --> 00:16:11,350 blah blah at the same time um we've got a cloud-based debian server 924 00:16:11,350 --> 00:16:11,360 um we've got a cloud-based debian server 925 00:16:11,360 --> 00:16:14,230 um we've got a cloud-based debian server did you did you realize it was that easy 926 00:16:14,230 --> 00:16:14,240 did you did you realize it was that easy 927 00:16:14,240 --> 00:16:15,509 did you did you realize it was that easy and it's free 928 00:16:15,509 --> 00:16:15,519 and it's free 929 00:16:15,519 --> 00:16:17,350 and it's free okay so we can do other things with this 930 00:16:17,350 --> 00:16:17,360 okay so we can do other things with this 931 00:16:17,360 --> 00:16:18,710 okay so we can do other things with this too we could set up a lamp stack we 932 00:16:18,710 --> 00:16:18,720 too we could set up a lamp stack we 933 00:16:18,720 --> 00:16:22,150 too we could set up a lamp stack we could use it for mysql mariadb 934 00:16:22,150 --> 00:16:22,160 could use it for mysql mariadb 935 00:16:22,160 --> 00:16:23,590 could use it for mysql mariadb anything you can come up with it's a 936 00:16:23,590 --> 00:16:23,600 anything you can come up with it's a 937 00:16:23,600 --> 00:16:25,189 anything you can come up with it's a debian server 938 00:16:25,189 --> 00:16:25,199 debian server 939 00:16:25,199 --> 00:16:26,710 debian server so we're going to be using this as our 940 00:16:26,710 --> 00:16:26,720 so we're going to be using this as our 941 00:16:26,720 --> 00:16:29,269 so we're going to be using this as our proxy so now what i'm going to do 942 00:16:29,269 --> 00:16:29,279 proxy so now what i'm going to do 943 00:16:29,279 --> 00:16:31,749 proxy so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to install a tool called 944 00:16:31,749 --> 00:16:31,759 is i'm going to install a tool called 945 00:16:31,759 --> 00:16:34,870 is i'm going to install a tool called tinyproxy nice and simple to install 946 00:16:34,870 --> 00:16:34,880 tinyproxy nice and simple to install 947 00:16:34,880 --> 00:16:38,629 tinyproxy nice and simple to install apt install tiny proxy 948 00:16:38,629 --> 00:16:38,639 apt install tiny proxy 949 00:16:38,639 --> 00:16:43,030 apt install tiny proxy really simple to configure say yes 950 00:16:43,030 --> 00:16:43,040 really simple to configure say yes 951 00:16:43,040 --> 00:16:47,110 really simple to configure say yes here we go 952 00:16:47,110 --> 00:16:47,120 953 00:16:47,120 --> 00:16:49,590 and it's done now that we've installed 954 00:16:49,590 --> 00:16:49,600 and it's done now that we've installed 955 00:16:49,600 --> 00:16:51,189 and it's done now that we've installed tiny proxy we just need to edit 956 00:16:51,189 --> 00:16:51,199 tiny proxy we just need to edit 957 00:16:51,199 --> 00:16:55,430 tiny proxy we just need to edit the config file so slash etc 958 00:16:55,430 --> 00:16:55,440 the config file so slash etc 959 00:16:55,440 --> 00:16:59,430 the config file so slash etc tiny tiny proxy change dir into that 960 00:16:59,430 --> 00:16:59,440 tiny tiny proxy change dir into that 961 00:16:59,440 --> 00:17:03,189 tiny tiny proxy change dir into that and then i'm using nano tinyproxy.com 962 00:17:03,189 --> 00:17:03,199 and then i'm using nano tinyproxy.com 963 00:17:03,199 --> 00:17:05,750 and then i'm using nano tinyproxy.com and edit that so control w in nano 964 00:17:05,750 --> 00:17:05,760 and edit that so control w in nano 965 00:17:05,760 --> 00:17:06,630 and edit that so control w in nano allows me to search 966 00:17:06,630 --> 00:17:06,640 allows me to search 967 00:17:06,640 --> 00:17:08,789 allows me to search oh but before i do search note that the 968 00:17:08,789 --> 00:17:08,799 oh but before i do search note that the 969 00:17:08,799 --> 00:17:10,710 oh but before i do search note that the port by default is using 970 00:17:10,710 --> 00:17:10,720 port by default is using 971 00:17:10,720 --> 00:17:12,710 port by default is using 888 we're going to need to know that 972 00:17:12,710 --> 00:17:12,720 888 we're going to need to know that 973 00:17:12,720 --> 00:17:14,069 888 we're going to need to know that information because that 974 00:17:14,069 --> 00:17:14,079 information because that 975 00:17:14,079 --> 00:17:15,669 information because that is what we're going to connect to for 976 00:17:15,669 --> 00:17:15,679 is what we're going to connect to for 977 00:17:15,679 --> 00:17:21,429 is what we're going to connect to for our proxy do a quick search for allow 978 00:17:21,429 --> 00:17:21,439 979 00:17:21,439 --> 00:17:23,750 alt w allows you to search again wow the 980 00:17:23,750 --> 00:17:23,760 alt w allows you to search again wow the 981 00:17:23,760 --> 00:17:25,669 alt w allows you to search again wow the word allow is probably not the best 982 00:17:25,669 --> 00:17:25,679 word allow is probably not the best 983 00:17:25,679 --> 00:17:28,950 word allow is probably not the best search query maybe search for 984 00:17:28,950 --> 00:17:28,960 search query maybe search for 985 00:17:28,960 --> 00:17:30,630 search query maybe search for and just below that one i'm going to 986 00:17:30,630 --> 00:17:30,640 and just below that one i'm going to 987 00:17:30,640 --> 00:17:32,150 and just below that one i'm going to allow and then i need to add 988 00:17:32,150 --> 00:17:32,160 allow and then i need to add 989 00:17:32,160 --> 00:17:34,710 allow and then i need to add my ip address so that i can connect to 990 00:17:34,710 --> 00:17:34,720 my ip address so that i can connect to 991 00:17:34,720 --> 00:17:36,549 my ip address so that i can connect to this proxy server because right now it's 992 00:17:36,549 --> 00:17:36,559 this proxy server because right now it's 993 00:17:36,559 --> 00:17:37,430 this proxy server because right now it's closed down 994 00:17:37,430 --> 00:17:37,440 closed down 995 00:17:37,440 --> 00:17:39,350 closed down only localhost can access it that's 996 00:17:39,350 --> 00:17:39,360 only localhost can access it that's 997 00:17:39,360 --> 00:17:40,630 only localhost can access it that's important to note 998 00:17:40,630 --> 00:17:40,640 important to note 999 00:17:40,640 --> 00:17:43,110 important to note that this is while this is a public free 1000 00:17:43,110 --> 00:17:43,120 that this is while this is a public free 1001 00:17:43,120 --> 00:17:44,710 that this is while this is a public free proxy server i'm the only one who's 1002 00:17:44,710 --> 00:17:44,720 proxy server i'm the only one who's 1003 00:17:44,720 --> 00:17:46,230 proxy server i'm the only one who's going to be allowed to access it that's 1004 00:17:46,230 --> 00:17:46,240 going to be allowed to access it that's 1005 00:17:46,240 --> 00:17:47,270 going to be allowed to access it that's going to be allowed to 1006 00:17:47,270 --> 00:17:47,280 going to be allowed to 1007 00:17:47,280 --> 00:17:49,750 going to be allowed to proxy my content my connection through 1008 00:17:49,750 --> 00:17:49,760 proxy my content my connection through 1009 00:17:49,760 --> 00:17:52,390 proxy my content my connection through it so it is private in that regard 1010 00:17:52,390 --> 00:17:52,400 it so it is private in that regard 1011 00:17:52,400 --> 00:17:54,549 it so it is private in that regard i need to know my ip address so i'm 1012 00:17:54,549 --> 00:17:54,559 i need to know my ip address so i'm 1013 00:17:54,559 --> 00:17:55,909 i need to know my ip address so i'm going to jump over to 1014 00:17:55,909 --> 00:17:55,919 going to jump over to 1015 00:17:55,919 --> 00:18:00,789 going to jump over to current ip.xyz and copy that 1016 00:18:00,789 --> 00:18:00,799 current ip.xyz and copy that 1017 00:18:00,799 --> 00:18:03,350 current ip.xyz and copy that ip address to my clipboard and then jump 1018 00:18:03,350 --> 00:18:03,360 ip address to my clipboard and then jump 1019 00:18:03,360 --> 00:18:05,990 ip address to my clipboard and then jump back there and paste it into my config 1020 00:18:05,990 --> 00:18:06,000 back there and paste it into my config 1021 00:18:06,000 --> 00:18:09,830 back there and paste it into my config control o enter control x control o is 1022 00:18:09,830 --> 00:18:09,840 control o enter control x control o is 1023 00:18:09,840 --> 00:18:10,549 control o enter control x control o is to write out 1024 00:18:10,549 --> 00:18:10,559 to write out 1025 00:18:10,559 --> 00:18:14,310 to write out save the file now systemctl 1026 00:18:14,310 --> 00:18:14,320 save the file now systemctl 1027 00:18:14,320 --> 00:18:17,510 save the file now systemctl restart tiny proxy 1028 00:18:17,510 --> 00:18:17,520 restart tiny proxy 1029 00:18:17,520 --> 00:18:21,029 restart tiny proxy almost done the final thing that we need 1030 00:18:21,029 --> 00:18:21,039 almost done the final thing that we need 1031 00:18:21,039 --> 00:18:22,789 almost done the final thing that we need to do is we just need to tell aws 1032 00:18:22,789 --> 00:18:22,799 to do is we just need to tell aws 1033 00:18:22,799 --> 00:18:25,990 to do is we just need to tell aws the ec2 security that 1034 00:18:25,990 --> 00:18:26,000 the ec2 security that 1035 00:18:26,000 --> 00:18:27,350 the ec2 security that we're going to set up a policy that says 1036 00:18:27,350 --> 00:18:27,360 we're going to set up a policy that says 1037 00:18:27,360 --> 00:18:29,830 we're going to set up a policy that says hey only i am allowed to connect to that 1038 00:18:29,830 --> 00:18:29,840 hey only i am allowed to connect to that 1039 00:18:29,840 --> 00:18:30,630 hey only i am allowed to connect to that server 1040 00:18:30,630 --> 00:18:30,640 server 1041 00:18:30,640 --> 00:18:32,789 server so nobody else can connect to it 1042 00:18:32,789 --> 00:18:32,799 so nobody else can connect to it 1043 00:18:32,799 --> 00:18:33,669 so nobody else can connect to it whatsoever 1044 00:18:33,669 --> 00:18:33,679 whatsoever 1045 00:18:33,679 --> 00:18:34,870 whatsoever so that's what we're going to do right 1046 00:18:34,870 --> 00:18:34,880 so that's what we're going to do right 1047 00:18:34,880 --> 00:18:36,310 so that's what we're going to do right now so i'm going to jump back here and 1048 00:18:36,310 --> 00:18:36,320 now so i'm going to jump back here and 1049 00:18:36,320 --> 00:18:38,789 now so i'm going to jump back here and you see this server up on the screen 1050 00:18:38,789 --> 00:18:38,799 you see this server up on the screen 1051 00:18:38,799 --> 00:18:41,990 you see this server up on the screen well if i click on security i can then 1052 00:18:41,990 --> 00:18:42,000 well if i click on security i can then 1053 00:18:42,000 --> 00:18:43,830 well if i click on security i can then click on the security group that it is 1054 00:18:43,830 --> 00:18:43,840 click on the security group that it is 1055 00:18:43,840 --> 00:18:45,669 click on the security group that it is assigned automatically so just click 1056 00:18:45,669 --> 00:18:45,679 assigned automatically so just click 1057 00:18:45,679 --> 00:18:46,230 assigned automatically so just click that 1058 00:18:46,230 --> 00:18:46,240 that 1059 00:18:46,240 --> 00:18:48,390 that and now it has left me over to ec2 1060 00:18:48,390 --> 00:18:48,400 and now it has left me over to ec2 1061 00:18:48,400 --> 00:18:50,470 and now it has left me over to ec2 security groups and the correct security 1062 00:18:50,470 --> 00:18:50,480 security groups and the correct security 1063 00:18:50,480 --> 00:18:50,950 security groups and the correct security group 1064 00:18:50,950 --> 00:18:50,960 group 1065 00:18:50,960 --> 00:18:52,310 group you'll notice that it's already set up 1066 00:18:52,310 --> 00:18:52,320 you'll notice that it's already set up 1067 00:18:52,320 --> 00:18:54,150 you'll notice that it's already set up one for ssh because 1068 00:18:54,150 --> 00:18:54,160 one for ssh because 1069 00:18:54,160 --> 00:18:56,950 one for ssh because it's by default enabled i can set that 1070 00:18:56,950 --> 00:18:56,960 it's by default enabled i can set that 1071 00:18:56,960 --> 00:18:58,549 it's by default enabled i can set that to only allow me as well which is 1072 00:18:58,549 --> 00:18:58,559 to only allow me as well which is 1073 00:18:58,559 --> 00:18:59,430 to only allow me as well which is important so 1074 00:18:59,430 --> 00:18:59,440 important so 1075 00:18:59,440 --> 00:19:01,430 important so let's do that just to be in good 1076 00:19:01,430 --> 00:19:01,440 let's do that just to be in good 1077 00:19:01,440 --> 00:19:02,710 let's do that just to be in good security practices so 1078 00:19:02,710 --> 00:19:02,720 security practices so 1079 00:19:02,720 --> 00:19:04,750 security practices so ssh i'm going to change it from 1080 00:19:04,750 --> 00:19:04,760 ssh i'm going to change it from 1081 00:19:04,760 --> 00:19:06,150 ssh i'm going to change it from custom000 1082 00:19:06,150 --> 00:19:06,160 custom000 1083 00:19:06,160 --> 00:19:08,150 custom000 i'm going to close x that and then 1084 00:19:08,150 --> 00:19:08,160 i'm going to close x that and then 1085 00:19:08,160 --> 00:19:10,070 i'm going to close x that and then change it to my ip 1086 00:19:10,070 --> 00:19:10,080 change it to my ip 1087 00:19:10,080 --> 00:19:13,029 change it to my ip then i'm going to add a new rule you saw 1088 00:19:13,029 --> 00:19:13,039 then i'm going to add a new rule you saw 1089 00:19:13,039 --> 00:19:14,470 then i'm going to add a new rule you saw how i got here right i know i'm moving 1090 00:19:14,470 --> 00:19:14,480 how i got here right i know i'm moving 1091 00:19:14,480 --> 00:19:15,590 how i got here right i know i'm moving really really fast 1092 00:19:15,590 --> 00:19:15,600 really really fast 1093 00:19:15,600 --> 00:19:18,070 really really fast i've just clicked on edit inbound rules 1094 00:19:18,070 --> 00:19:18,080 i've just clicked on edit inbound rules 1095 00:19:18,080 --> 00:19:18,789 i've just clicked on edit inbound rules over here 1096 00:19:18,789 --> 00:19:18,799 over here 1097 00:19:18,799 --> 00:19:22,950 over here okay so add a new rule custom tcp is the 1098 00:19:22,950 --> 00:19:22,960 okay so add a new rule custom tcp is the 1099 00:19:22,960 --> 00:19:23,669 okay so add a new rule custom tcp is the default 1100 00:19:23,669 --> 00:19:23,679 default 1101 00:19:23,679 --> 00:19:27,110 default port number do you remember 888 and only 1102 00:19:27,110 --> 00:19:27,120 port number do you remember 888 and only 1103 00:19:27,120 --> 00:19:28,549 port number do you remember 888 and only allow my ip 1104 00:19:28,549 --> 00:19:28,559 allow my ip 1105 00:19:28,559 --> 00:19:31,909 allow my ip i can call it something if i want proxy 1106 00:19:31,909 --> 00:19:31,919 i can call it something if i want proxy 1107 00:19:31,919 --> 00:19:35,029 i can call it something if i want proxy and then save my rules 1108 00:19:35,029 --> 00:19:35,039 and then save my rules 1109 00:19:35,039 --> 00:19:37,909 and then save my rules there we go so now you see ssh and 1110 00:19:37,909 --> 00:19:37,919 there we go so now you see ssh and 1111 00:19:37,919 --> 00:19:39,430 there we go so now you see ssh and custom tcp 1112 00:19:39,430 --> 00:19:39,440 custom tcp 1113 00:19:39,440 --> 00:19:44,150 custom tcp one called proxy on port 888. 1114 00:19:44,150 --> 00:19:44,160 one called proxy on port 888. 1115 00:19:44,160 --> 00:19:45,830 one called proxy on port 888. so how do we test this okay so our 1116 00:19:45,830 --> 00:19:45,840 so how do we test this okay so our 1117 00:19:45,840 --> 00:19:49,590 so how do we test this okay so our current ip address is 99.233 1118 00:19:49,590 --> 00:19:49,600 current ip address is 99.233 1119 00:19:49,600 --> 00:19:52,070 current ip address is 99.233 and so i'm going to connect to the proxy 1120 00:19:52,070 --> 00:19:52,080 and so i'm going to connect to the proxy 1121 00:19:52,080 --> 00:19:52,630 and so i'm going to connect to the proxy this is 1122 00:19:52,630 --> 00:19:52,640 this is 1123 00:19:52,640 --> 00:19:56,310 this is not a tutorial on how to use a proxy 1124 00:19:56,310 --> 00:19:56,320 not a tutorial on how to use a proxy 1125 00:19:56,320 --> 00:19:57,350 not a tutorial on how to use a proxy this is not a 1126 00:19:57,350 --> 00:19:57,360 this is not a 1127 00:19:57,360 --> 00:19:59,190 this is not a tutorial on what to use it for 1128 00:19:59,190 --> 00:19:59,200 tutorial on what to use it for 1129 00:19:59,200 --> 00:20:01,110 tutorial on what to use it for necessarily this is 1130 00:20:01,110 --> 00:20:01,120 necessarily this is 1131 00:20:01,120 --> 00:20:02,870 necessarily this is this i'm making assumptions here that 1132 00:20:02,870 --> 00:20:02,880 this i'm making assumptions here that 1133 00:20:02,880 --> 00:20:04,710 this i'm making assumptions here that you can either google it yourself 1134 00:20:04,710 --> 00:20:04,720 you can either google it yourself 1135 00:20:04,720 --> 00:20:06,630 you can either google it yourself because it's going to be different based 1136 00:20:06,630 --> 00:20:06,640 because it's going to be different based 1137 00:20:06,640 --> 00:20:08,230 because it's going to be different based on your use case whether you want to 1138 00:20:08,230 --> 00:20:08,240 on your use case whether you want to 1139 00:20:08,240 --> 00:20:09,909 on your use case whether you want to just proxy your browser or proxy a 1140 00:20:09,909 --> 00:20:09,919 just proxy your browser or proxy a 1141 00:20:09,919 --> 00:20:11,590 just proxy your browser or proxy a particular application or your entire 1142 00:20:11,590 --> 00:20:11,600 particular application or your entire 1143 00:20:11,600 --> 00:20:13,190 particular application or your entire network 1144 00:20:13,190 --> 00:20:13,200 network 1145 00:20:13,200 --> 00:20:15,430 network that's going to be up to your individual 1146 00:20:15,430 --> 00:20:15,440 that's going to be up to your individual 1147 00:20:15,440 --> 00:20:16,549 that's going to be up to your individual use case this is 1148 00:20:16,549 --> 00:20:16,559 use case this is 1149 00:20:16,559 --> 00:20:20,149 use case this is strictly a tutorial on how to build this 1150 00:20:20,149 --> 00:20:20,159 strictly a tutorial on how to build this 1151 00:20:20,159 --> 00:20:23,110 strictly a tutorial on how to build this ec2 instance really really quickly for 1152 00:20:23,110 --> 00:20:23,120 ec2 instance really really quickly for 1153 00:20:23,120 --> 00:20:23,669 ec2 instance really really quickly for free 1154 00:20:23,669 --> 00:20:23,679 free 1155 00:20:23,679 --> 00:20:26,470 free that has a proxy ready for us to use in 1156 00:20:26,470 --> 00:20:26,480 that has a proxy ready for us to use in 1157 00:20:26,480 --> 00:20:28,390 that has a proxy ready for us to use in california or wherever 1158 00:20:28,390 --> 00:20:28,400 california or wherever 1159 00:20:28,400 --> 00:20:31,350 california or wherever and uh that's that's it so in my 1160 00:20:31,350 --> 00:20:31,360 and uh that's that's it so in my 1161 00:20:31,360 --> 00:20:32,950 and uh that's that's it so in my particular case right now 1162 00:20:32,950 --> 00:20:32,960 particular case right now 1163 00:20:32,960 --> 00:20:35,430 particular case right now so this moment is not necessarily what 1164 00:20:35,430 --> 00:20:35,440 so this moment is not necessarily what 1165 00:20:35,440 --> 00:20:36,470 so this moment is not necessarily what you want to do next 1166 00:20:36,470 --> 00:20:36,480 you want to do next 1167 00:20:36,480 --> 00:20:38,390 you want to do next this is just how i am going to test the 1168 00:20:38,390 --> 00:20:38,400 this is just how i am going to test the 1169 00:20:38,400 --> 00:20:41,110 this is just how i am going to test the proxy i happen to be on windows 10 here 1170 00:20:41,110 --> 00:20:41,120 proxy i happen to be on windows 10 here 1171 00:20:41,120 --> 00:20:44,710 proxy i happen to be on windows 10 here so i'm going to simply type in proxy 1172 00:20:44,710 --> 00:20:44,720 so i'm going to simply type in proxy 1173 00:20:44,720 --> 00:20:47,270 so i'm going to simply type in proxy and go into proxy settings again this is 1174 00:20:47,270 --> 00:20:47,280 and go into proxy settings again this is 1175 00:20:47,280 --> 00:20:48,950 and go into proxy settings again this is probably not how you want to do it 1176 00:20:48,950 --> 00:20:48,960 probably not how you want to do it 1177 00:20:48,960 --> 00:20:50,870 probably not how you want to do it i just want to test so i'm going to turn 1178 00:20:50,870 --> 00:20:50,880 i just want to test so i'm going to turn 1179 00:20:50,880 --> 00:20:51,990 i just want to test so i'm going to turn on proxy 1180 00:20:51,990 --> 00:20:52,000 on proxy 1181 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:53,669 on proxy i can see that there's an old proxy 1182 00:20:53,669 --> 00:20:53,679 i can see that there's an old proxy 1183 00:20:53,679 --> 00:20:55,270 i can see that there's an old proxy settings there so make sure you're 1184 00:20:55,270 --> 00:20:55,280 settings there so make sure you're 1185 00:20:55,280 --> 00:20:56,870 settings there so make sure you're mindful of that 1186 00:20:56,870 --> 00:20:56,880 mindful of that 1187 00:20:56,880 --> 00:20:58,549 mindful of that if there are old proxy settings you need 1188 00:20:58,549 --> 00:20:58,559 if there are old proxy settings you need 1189 00:20:58,559 --> 00:21:00,230 if there are old proxy settings you need to change it go to 1190 00:21:00,230 --> 00:21:00,240 to change it go to 1191 00:21:00,240 --> 00:21:03,190 to change it go to instances on ec2 click on your instance 1192 00:21:03,190 --> 00:21:03,200 instances on ec2 click on your instance 1193 00:21:03,200 --> 00:21:03,669 instances on ec2 click on your instance id 1194 00:21:03,669 --> 00:21:03,679 id 1195 00:21:03,679 --> 00:21:06,870 id and grab that ip address and then paste 1196 00:21:06,870 --> 00:21:06,880 and grab that ip address and then paste 1197 00:21:06,880 --> 00:21:07,430 and grab that ip address and then paste that in 1198 00:21:07,430 --> 00:21:07,440 that in 1199 00:21:07,440 --> 00:21:10,230 that in as the address for your proxy server 1200 00:21:10,230 --> 00:21:10,240 as the address for your proxy server 1201 00:21:10,240 --> 00:21:11,830 as the address for your proxy server port 8888 1202 00:21:11,830 --> 00:21:11,840 port 8888 1203 00:21:11,840 --> 00:21:15,510 port 8888 and save so now i'm connected to the 1204 00:21:15,510 --> 00:21:15,520 and save so now i'm connected to the 1205 00:21:15,520 --> 00:21:17,110 and save so now i'm connected to the proxy instantly 1206 00:21:17,110 --> 00:21:17,120 proxy instantly 1207 00:21:17,120 --> 00:21:19,350 proxy instantly not connected to now windows is saying 1208 00:21:19,350 --> 00:21:19,360 not connected to now windows is saying 1209 00:21:19,360 --> 00:21:20,549 not connected to now windows is saying i'm going to route all your traffic 1210 00:21:20,549 --> 00:21:20,559 i'm going to route all your traffic 1211 00:21:20,559 --> 00:21:21,909 i'm going to route all your traffic through the proxy i should correct 1212 00:21:21,909 --> 00:21:21,919 through the proxy i should correct 1213 00:21:21,919 --> 00:21:22,870 through the proxy i should correct myself there 1214 00:21:22,870 --> 00:21:22,880 myself there 1215 00:21:22,880 --> 00:21:26,909 myself there so if i go back to currentip.xyz 1216 00:21:26,909 --> 00:21:26,919 so if i go back to currentip.xyz 1217 00:21:26,919 --> 00:21:29,510 so if i go back to currentip.xyz 99.233 is my current ip i'm going to hit 1218 00:21:29,510 --> 00:21:29,520 99.233 is my current ip i'm going to hit 1219 00:21:29,520 --> 00:21:30,950 99.233 is my current ip i'm going to hit f5 to refresh 1220 00:21:30,950 --> 00:21:30,960 f5 to refresh 1221 00:21:30,960 --> 00:21:38,149 f5 to refresh and if all went well well 1222 00:21:38,149 --> 00:21:38,159 and if all went well well 1223 00:21:38,159 --> 00:21:39,350 and if all went well well what is that 1224 00:21:39,350 --> 00:21:39,360 what is that 1225 00:21:39,360 --> 00:21:44,710 what is that that's my server so i am actually now 1226 00:21:44,710 --> 00:21:44,720 that's my server so i am actually now 1227 00:21:44,720 --> 00:21:49,750 that's my server so i am actually now where am i let's find out maxmind.com 1228 00:21:49,750 --> 00:21:49,760 where am i let's find out maxmind.com 1229 00:21:49,760 --> 00:21:51,669 where am i let's find out maxmind.com let's do a search for the ip address 1230 00:21:51,669 --> 00:21:51,679 let's do a search for the ip address 1231 00:21:51,679 --> 00:21:54,549 let's do a search for the ip address that i'm currently on 1232 00:21:54,549 --> 00:21:54,559 that i'm currently on 1233 00:21:54,559 --> 00:21:59,110 that i'm currently on where am i san jose california 1234 00:21:59,110 --> 00:21:59,120 where am i san jose california 1235 00:21:59,120 --> 00:22:01,510 where am i san jose california that's where max mine determines me to 1236 00:22:01,510 --> 00:22:01,520 that's where max mine determines me to 1237 00:22:01,520 --> 00:22:02,549 that's where max mine determines me to be 1238 00:22:02,549 --> 00:22:02,559 be 1239 00:22:02,559 --> 00:22:04,870 be so that's all there is to it folks we 1240 00:22:04,870 --> 00:22:04,880 so that's all there is to it folks we 1241 00:22:04,880 --> 00:22:05,590 so that's all there is to it folks we have 1242 00:22:05,590 --> 00:22:05,600 have 1243 00:22:05,600 --> 00:22:09,110 have created configured deployed a free proxy 1244 00:22:09,110 --> 00:22:09,120 created configured deployed a free proxy 1245 00:22:09,120 --> 00:22:10,630 created configured deployed a free proxy service that we 1246 00:22:10,630 --> 00:22:10,640 service that we 1247 00:22:10,640 --> 00:22:12,549 service that we own and operate we're the only ones who 1248 00:22:12,549 --> 00:22:12,559 own and operate we're the only ones who 1249 00:22:12,559 --> 00:22:14,549 own and operate we're the only ones who has that who have that 1250 00:22:14,549 --> 00:22:14,559 has that who have that 1251 00:22:14,559 --> 00:22:17,669 has that who have that uh ssh key so if you want to connect in 1252 00:22:17,669 --> 00:22:17,679 uh ssh key so if you want to connect in 1253 00:22:17,679 --> 00:22:19,190 uh ssh key so if you want to connect in make changes use it 1254 00:22:19,190 --> 00:22:19,200 make changes use it 1255 00:22:19,200 --> 00:22:20,789 make changes use it as a multi-purpose server you can do 1256 00:22:20,789 --> 00:22:20,799 as a multi-purpose server you can do 1257 00:22:20,799 --> 00:22:23,830 as a multi-purpose server you can do that but just keep an eye on your 1258 00:22:23,830 --> 00:22:23,840 that but just keep an eye on your 1259 00:22:23,840 --> 00:22:25,430 that but just keep an eye on your your billing stuff just make sure that 1260 00:22:25,430 --> 00:22:25,440 your billing stuff just make sure that 1261 00:22:25,440 --> 00:22:27,110 your billing stuff just make sure that you haven't exceeded thresholds and 1262 00:22:27,110 --> 00:22:27,120 you haven't exceeded thresholds and 1263 00:22:27,120 --> 00:22:27,830 you haven't exceeded thresholds and things like that 1264 00:22:27,830 --> 00:22:27,840 things like that 1265 00:22:27,840 --> 00:22:29,430 things like that if you're just using it as a proxy it's 1266 00:22:29,430 --> 00:22:29,440 if you're just using it as a proxy it's 1267 00:22:29,440 --> 00:22:31,029 if you're just using it as a proxy it's very unlikely you're gonna do that 1268 00:22:31,029 --> 00:22:31,039 very unlikely you're gonna do that 1269 00:22:31,039 --> 00:22:32,149 very unlikely you're gonna do that it's just something that you're piping 1270 00:22:32,149 --> 00:22:32,159 it's just something that you're piping 1271 00:22:32,159 --> 00:22:35,390 it's just something that you're piping data through so check that out it's 1272 00:22:35,390 --> 00:22:35,400 data through so check that out it's 1273 00:22:35,400 --> 00:22:37,510 data through so check that out it's aws.amazon.com to get yourself started 1274 00:22:37,510 --> 00:22:37,520 aws.amazon.com to get yourself started 1275 00:22:37,520 --> 00:22:39,029 aws.amazon.com to get yourself started if you have questions post them to our 1276 00:22:39,029 --> 00:22:39,039 if you have questions post them to our 1277 00:22:39,039 --> 00:22:41,430 if you have questions post them to our community head on over to 1278 00:22:41,430 --> 00:22:41,440 community head on over to 1279 00:22:41,440 --> 00:22:43,590 community head on over to our discord you'll find the link at 1280 00:22:43,590 --> 00:22:43,600 our discord you'll find the link at 1281 00:22:43,600 --> 00:22:44,470 our discord you'll find the link at category 5 1282 00:22:44,470 --> 00:22:44,480 category 5 1283 00:22:44,480 --> 00:22:46,870 category 5 tv on the interact menu in the meantime 1284 00:22:46,870 --> 00:22:46,880 tv on the interact menu in the meantime 1285 00:22:46,880 --> 00:22:48,710 tv on the interact menu in the meantime if you enjoyed this if you've used it or 1286 00:22:48,710 --> 00:22:48,720 if you enjoyed this if you've used it or 1287 00:22:48,720 --> 00:22:50,710 if you enjoyed this if you've used it or found it useful give me a big thumbs up 1288 00:22:50,710 --> 00:22:50,720 found it useful give me a big thumbs up 1289 00:22:50,720 --> 00:22:53,029 found it useful give me a big thumbs up please subscribe and we'll see you right 1290 00:22:53,029 --> 00:22:53,039 please subscribe and we'll see you right 1291 00:22:53,039 --> 00:22:54,290 please subscribe and we'll see you right after the break 1292 00:22:54,290 --> 00:22:54,300 after the break 1293 00:22:54,300 --> 00:23:15,510 after the break [Music] 1294 00:23:15,510 --> 00:23:15,520 1295 00:23:15,520 --> 00:23:16,950 welcome back this is category 5 1296 00:23:16,950 --> 00:23:16,960 welcome back this is category 5 1297 00:23:16,960 --> 00:23:18,549 welcome back this is category 5 technology tv 1298 00:23:18,549 --> 00:23:18,559 technology tv 1299 00:23:18,559 --> 00:23:21,590 technology tv and i want to talk about what i'm doing 1300 00:23:21,590 --> 00:23:21,600 and i want to talk about what i'm doing 1301 00:23:21,600 --> 00:23:22,230 and i want to talk about what i'm doing at home 1302 00:23:22,230 --> 00:23:22,240 at home 1303 00:23:22,240 --> 00:23:24,149 at home or rather what i'm planning to do 1304 00:23:24,149 --> 00:23:24,159 or rather what i'm planning to do 1305 00:23:24,159 --> 00:23:26,630 or rather what i'm planning to do sitting around watching netflix 1306 00:23:26,630 --> 00:23:26,640 sitting around watching netflix 1307 00:23:26,640 --> 00:23:27,990 sitting around watching netflix i don't have time to sit around and 1308 00:23:27,990 --> 00:23:28,000 i don't have time to sit around and 1309 00:23:28,000 --> 00:23:30,470 i don't have time to sit around and watch netflix i wish i did but 1310 00:23:30,470 --> 00:23:30,480 watch netflix i wish i did but 1311 00:23:30,480 --> 00:23:33,029 watch netflix i wish i did but uh no my family always hogs netflix and 1312 00:23:33,029 --> 00:23:33,039 uh no my family always hogs netflix and 1313 00:23:33,039 --> 00:23:34,950 uh no my family always hogs netflix and i i'm like i'll just go on the computer 1314 00:23:34,950 --> 00:23:34,960 i i'm like i'll just go on the computer 1315 00:23:34,960 --> 00:23:36,950 i i'm like i'll just go on the computer which is great because it's forced me to 1316 00:23:36,950 --> 00:23:36,960 which is great because it's forced me to 1317 00:23:36,960 --> 00:23:38,710 which is great because it's forced me to start there's netflix on the computer 1318 00:23:38,710 --> 00:23:38,720 start there's netflix on the computer 1319 00:23:38,720 --> 00:23:40,950 start there's netflix on the computer now jeff 1320 00:23:40,950 --> 00:23:40,960 now jeff 1321 00:23:40,960 --> 00:23:43,990 now jeff you're distracting me uh no but it's 1322 00:23:43,990 --> 00:23:44,000 you're distracting me uh no but it's 1323 00:23:44,000 --> 00:23:45,750 you're distracting me uh no but it's great because it's forced me to start 1324 00:23:45,750 --> 00:23:45,760 great because it's forced me to start 1325 00:23:45,760 --> 00:23:46,950 great because it's forced me to start looking at some of the things we do 1326 00:23:46,950 --> 00:23:46,960 looking at some of the things we do 1327 00:23:46,960 --> 00:23:48,630 looking at some of the things we do around the house and go 1328 00:23:48,630 --> 00:23:48,640 around the house and go 1329 00:23:48,640 --> 00:23:51,750 around the house and go how can i make this my own and so 1330 00:23:51,750 --> 00:23:51,760 how can i make this my own and so 1331 00:23:51,760 --> 00:23:53,029 how can i make this my own and so you know i mentioned at the top of the 1332 00:23:53,029 --> 00:23:53,039 you know i mentioned at the top of the 1333 00:23:53,039 --> 00:23:55,110 you know i mentioned at the top of the show that our son has 1334 00:23:55,110 --> 00:23:55,120 show that our son has 1335 00:23:55,120 --> 00:23:58,230 show that our son has gotten into soldering and he's done very 1336 00:23:58,230 --> 00:23:58,240 gotten into soldering and he's done very 1337 00:23:58,240 --> 00:24:00,230 gotten into soldering and he's done very well at it and remind us how old is he 1338 00:24:00,230 --> 00:24:00,240 well at it and remind us how old is he 1339 00:24:00,240 --> 00:24:01,909 well at it and remind us how old is he just turning 12. just turned 12. all 1340 00:24:01,909 --> 00:24:01,919 just turning 12. just turned 12. all 1341 00:24:01,919 --> 00:24:05,190 just turning 12. just turned 12. all right um but uh yeah he's done 1342 00:24:05,190 --> 00:24:05,200 right um but uh yeah he's done 1343 00:24:05,200 --> 00:24:08,230 right um but uh yeah he's done very well with it and uh he's soldered 1344 00:24:08,230 --> 00:24:08,240 very well with it and uh he's soldered 1345 00:24:08,240 --> 00:24:09,750 very well with it and uh he's soldered two calculators so far 1346 00:24:09,750 --> 00:24:09,760 two calculators so far 1347 00:24:09,760 --> 00:24:11,990 two calculators so far um and one of them he's taken to school 1348 00:24:11,990 --> 00:24:12,000 um and one of them he's taken to school 1349 00:24:12,000 --> 00:24:13,909 um and one of them he's taken to school which his teacher was completely blown 1350 00:24:13,909 --> 00:24:13,919 which his teacher was completely blown 1351 00:24:13,919 --> 00:24:14,549 which his teacher was completely blown away by 1352 00:24:14,549 --> 00:24:14,559 away by 1353 00:24:14,559 --> 00:24:15,990 away by yeah i'm thinking 12 years old and he's 1354 00:24:15,990 --> 00:24:16,000 yeah i'm thinking 12 years old and he's 1355 00:24:16,000 --> 00:24:17,830 yeah i'm thinking 12 years old and he's already making a calculator yeah yeah he 1356 00:24:17,830 --> 00:24:17,840 already making a calculator yeah yeah he 1357 00:24:17,840 --> 00:24:20,310 already making a calculator yeah yeah he made a calculator we got a diy kit from 1358 00:24:20,310 --> 00:24:20,320 made a calculator we got a diy kit from 1359 00:24:20,320 --> 00:24:22,950 made a calculator we got a diy kit from amazon and he built it and it maybe two 1360 00:24:22,950 --> 00:24:22,960 amazon and he built it and it maybe two 1361 00:24:22,960 --> 00:24:23,350 amazon and he built it and it maybe two hours 1362 00:24:23,350 --> 00:24:23,360 hours 1363 00:24:23,360 --> 00:24:25,510 hours of work it was really phenomenal unreal 1364 00:24:25,510 --> 00:24:25,520 of work it was really phenomenal unreal 1365 00:24:25,520 --> 00:24:27,029 of work it was really phenomenal unreal and his soldering job is 1366 00:24:27,029 --> 00:24:27,039 and his soldering job is 1367 00:24:27,039 --> 00:24:29,669 and his soldering job is really really clean excellent like looks 1368 00:24:29,669 --> 00:24:29,679 really really clean excellent like looks 1369 00:24:29,679 --> 00:24:30,870 really really clean excellent like looks pro 1370 00:24:30,870 --> 00:24:30,880 pro 1371 00:24:30,880 --> 00:24:32,870 pro but anyway he's been asking how to do 1372 00:24:32,870 --> 00:24:32,880 but anyway he's been asking how to do 1373 00:24:32,880 --> 00:24:34,549 but anyway he's been asking how to do other stuff and as we're soldering he's 1374 00:24:34,549 --> 00:24:34,559 other stuff and as we're soldering he's 1375 00:24:34,559 --> 00:24:35,590 other stuff and as we're soldering he's like well what's this 1376 00:24:35,590 --> 00:24:35,600 like well what's this 1377 00:24:35,600 --> 00:24:37,190 like well what's this and what's this and how's that work and 1378 00:24:37,190 --> 00:24:37,200 and what's this and how's that work and 1379 00:24:37,200 --> 00:24:39,590 and what's this and how's that work and i'm going i want to be able to teach him 1380 00:24:39,590 --> 00:24:39,600 i'm going i want to be able to teach him 1381 00:24:39,600 --> 00:24:40,470 i'm going i want to be able to teach him these things 1382 00:24:40,470 --> 00:24:40,480 these things 1383 00:24:40,480 --> 00:24:43,590 these things i want to be able to explain to him how 1384 00:24:43,590 --> 00:24:43,600 i want to be able to explain to him how 1385 00:24:43,600 --> 00:24:46,470 i want to be able to explain to him how a circuit board actually works not just 1386 00:24:46,470 --> 00:24:46,480 a circuit board actually works not just 1387 00:24:46,480 --> 00:24:47,990 a circuit board actually works not just soldering it but understanding the 1388 00:24:47,990 --> 00:24:48,000 soldering it but understanding the 1389 00:24:48,000 --> 00:24:49,350 soldering it but understanding the components and the routing and all that 1390 00:24:49,350 --> 00:24:49,360 components and the routing and all that 1391 00:24:49,360 --> 00:24:50,230 components and the routing and all that kind of stuff 1392 00:24:50,230 --> 00:24:50,240 kind of stuff 1393 00:24:50,240 --> 00:24:53,269 kind of stuff and i mean i know you can buy um 1394 00:24:53,269 --> 00:24:53,279 and i mean i know you can buy um 1395 00:24:53,279 --> 00:24:56,789 and i mean i know you can buy um just plain boards that are just 1396 00:24:56,789 --> 00:24:56,799 just plain boards that are just 1397 00:24:56,799 --> 00:25:00,390 just plain boards that are just rows of of of little connection points 1398 00:25:00,390 --> 00:25:00,400 rows of of of little connection points 1399 00:25:00,400 --> 00:25:01,750 rows of of of little connection points but i want to be able to make our own 1400 00:25:01,750 --> 00:25:01,760 but i want to be able to make our own 1401 00:25:01,760 --> 00:25:03,830 but i want to be able to make our own board yeah and so he's asked 1402 00:25:03,830 --> 00:25:03,840 board yeah and so he's asked 1403 00:25:03,840 --> 00:25:06,630 board yeah and so he's asked specifically if we can find a diy kit 1404 00:25:06,630 --> 00:25:06,640 specifically if we can find a diy kit 1405 00:25:06,640 --> 00:25:07,269 specifically if we can find a diy kit for 1406 00:25:07,269 --> 00:25:07,279 for 1407 00:25:07,279 --> 00:25:08,950 for a useless box you know that's the box 1408 00:25:08,950 --> 00:25:08,960 a useless box you know that's the box 1409 00:25:08,960 --> 00:25:10,310 a useless box you know that's the box where you push the button yeah and the 1410 00:25:10,310 --> 00:25:10,320 where you push the button yeah and the 1411 00:25:10,320 --> 00:25:11,590 where you push the button yeah and the little thing comes out and pops it 1412 00:25:11,590 --> 00:25:11,600 little thing comes out and pops it 1413 00:25:11,600 --> 00:25:17,590 little thing comes out and pops it yeah give it a try 1414 00:25:17,590 --> 00:25:17,600 1415 00:25:17,600 --> 00:25:25,029 what'd you do are you serious 1416 00:25:25,029 --> 00:25:25,039 1417 00:25:25,039 --> 00:25:32,710 oh my gosh that is hilarious 1418 00:25:32,710 --> 00:25:32,720 1419 00:25:32,720 --> 00:25:36,470 hello it's like having a kitten in there 1420 00:25:36,470 --> 00:25:36,480 hello it's like having a kitten in there 1421 00:25:36,480 --> 00:25:40,230 hello it's like having a kitten in there it's like my cat 1422 00:25:40,230 --> 00:25:40,240 1423 00:25:40,240 --> 00:25:43,269 hey hey now so i've been looking for one 1424 00:25:43,269 --> 00:25:43,279 hey hey now so i've been looking for one 1425 00:25:43,279 --> 00:25:44,789 hey hey now so i've been looking for one haven't found one but i found a bunch of 1426 00:25:44,789 --> 00:25:44,799 haven't found one but i found a bunch of 1427 00:25:44,799 --> 00:25:46,230 haven't found one but i found a bunch of people like oh you can make one using an 1428 00:25:46,230 --> 00:25:46,240 people like oh you can make one using an 1429 00:25:46,240 --> 00:25:48,070 people like oh you can make one using an arduino you can make one using this 1430 00:25:48,070 --> 00:25:48,080 arduino you can make one using this 1431 00:25:48,080 --> 00:25:52,310 arduino you can make one using this and i was like if i'm gonna do a diy 1432 00:25:52,310 --> 00:25:52,320 and i was like if i'm gonna do a diy 1433 00:25:52,320 --> 00:25:55,510 and i was like if i'm gonna do a diy box useless box i want to build it from 1434 00:25:55,510 --> 00:25:55,520 box useless box i want to build it from 1435 00:25:55,520 --> 00:25:56,390 box useless box i want to build it from the ground 1436 00:25:56,390 --> 00:25:56,400 the ground 1437 00:25:56,400 --> 00:25:58,549 the ground up so i've been researching how to make 1438 00:25:58,549 --> 00:25:58,559 up so i've been researching how to make 1439 00:25:58,559 --> 00:26:00,149 up so i've been researching how to make my own pcbs at home 1440 00:26:00,149 --> 00:26:00,159 my own pcbs at home 1441 00:26:00,159 --> 00:26:03,669 my own pcbs at home okay it's actually not that difficult 1442 00:26:03,669 --> 00:26:03,679 okay it's actually not that difficult 1443 00:26:03,679 --> 00:26:06,310 okay it's actually not that difficult and i was blown away that all i need is 1444 00:26:06,310 --> 00:26:06,320 and i was blown away that all i need is 1445 00:26:06,320 --> 00:26:08,950 and i was blown away that all i need is a laser printer to set my routing 1446 00:26:08,950 --> 00:26:08,960 a laser printer to set my routing 1447 00:26:08,960 --> 00:26:11,590 a laser printer to set my routing like where the paths go so you're going 1448 00:26:11,590 --> 00:26:11,600 like where the paths go so you're going 1449 00:26:11,600 --> 00:26:12,870 like where the paths go so you're going to actually etch it 1450 00:26:12,870 --> 00:26:12,880 to actually etch it 1451 00:26:12,880 --> 00:26:15,269 to actually etch it i'm going to actually etch it at home oh 1452 00:26:15,269 --> 00:26:15,279 i'm going to actually etch it at home oh 1453 00:26:15,279 --> 00:26:15,909 i'm going to actually etch it at home oh man 1454 00:26:15,909 --> 00:26:15,919 man 1455 00:26:15,919 --> 00:26:18,390 man that's way beyond me jeff it's really 1456 00:26:18,390 --> 00:26:18,400 that's way beyond me jeff it's really 1457 00:26:18,400 --> 00:26:20,149 that's way beyond me jeff it's really that involves chemicals 1458 00:26:20,149 --> 00:26:20,159 that involves chemicals 1459 00:26:20,159 --> 00:26:22,870 that involves chemicals it does but but a really simple process 1460 00:26:22,870 --> 00:26:22,880 it does but but a really simple process 1461 00:26:22,880 --> 00:26:23,669 it does but but a really simple process so i've found 1462 00:26:23,669 --> 00:26:23,679 so i've found 1463 00:26:23,679 --> 00:26:25,029 so i've found i've done a bunch of research into it 1464 00:26:25,029 --> 00:26:25,039 i've done a bunch of research into it 1465 00:26:25,039 --> 00:26:26,870 i've done a bunch of research into it and so i found a a 1466 00:26:26,870 --> 00:26:26,880 and so i found a a 1467 00:26:26,880 --> 00:26:28,710 and so i found a a really simple easy way to make my own 1468 00:26:28,710 --> 00:26:28,720 really simple easy way to make my own 1469 00:26:28,720 --> 00:26:29,909 really simple easy way to make my own pcb 1470 00:26:29,909 --> 00:26:29,919 pcb 1471 00:26:29,919 --> 00:26:31,190 pcb and that's what we're going to be doing 1472 00:26:31,190 --> 00:26:31,200 and that's what we're going to be doing 1473 00:26:31,200 --> 00:26:32,789 and that's what we're going to be doing so my project for the next probably a 1474 00:26:32,789 --> 00:26:32,799 so my project for the next probably a 1475 00:26:32,799 --> 00:26:33,909 so my project for the next probably a couple of months 1476 00:26:33,909 --> 00:26:33,919 couple of months 1477 00:26:33,919 --> 00:26:35,590 couple of months because i have to learn how this stuff 1478 00:26:35,590 --> 00:26:35,600 because i have to learn how this stuff 1479 00:26:35,600 --> 00:26:37,029 because i have to learn how this stuff works is to 1480 00:26:37,029 --> 00:26:37,039 works is to 1481 00:26:37,039 --> 00:26:39,510 works is to design a circuit board um which i've 1482 00:26:39,510 --> 00:26:39,520 design a circuit board um which i've 1483 00:26:39,520 --> 00:26:40,630 design a circuit board um which i've never done before 1484 00:26:40,630 --> 00:26:40,640 never done before 1485 00:26:40,640 --> 00:26:43,110 never done before make the circuit board and then my son's 1486 00:26:43,110 --> 00:26:43,120 make the circuit board and then my son's 1487 00:26:43,120 --> 00:26:44,310 make the circuit board and then my son's going to solder it together and we're 1488 00:26:44,310 --> 00:26:44,320 going to solder it together and we're 1489 00:26:44,320 --> 00:26:45,909 going to solder it together and we're going to make our own 1490 00:26:45,909 --> 00:26:45,919 going to make our own 1491 00:26:45,919 --> 00:26:49,190 going to make our own useless box that i'm hoping to also 3d 1492 00:26:49,190 --> 00:26:49,200 useless box that i'm hoping to also 3d 1493 00:26:49,200 --> 00:26:50,950 useless box that i'm hoping to also 3d print the box as well oh that's cool 1494 00:26:50,950 --> 00:26:50,960 print the box as well oh that's cool 1495 00:26:50,960 --> 00:26:53,510 print the box as well oh that's cool yeah you're just diving right in i when 1496 00:26:53,510 --> 00:26:53,520 yeah you're just diving right in i when 1497 00:26:53,520 --> 00:26:56,470 yeah you're just diving right in i when i do something i don't go small 1498 00:26:56,470 --> 00:26:56,480 i do something i don't go small 1499 00:26:56,480 --> 00:26:57,909 i do something i don't go small and you know my approach is a little bit 1500 00:26:57,909 --> 00:26:57,919 and you know my approach is a little bit 1501 00:26:57,919 --> 00:27:00,310 and you know my approach is a little bit different because i am very much 1502 00:27:00,310 --> 00:27:00,320 different because i am very much 1503 00:27:00,320 --> 00:27:02,549 different because i am very much into like i like to learn something 1504 00:27:02,549 --> 00:27:02,559 into like i like to learn something 1505 00:27:02,559 --> 00:27:03,510 into like i like to learn something first 1506 00:27:03,510 --> 00:27:03,520 first 1507 00:27:03,520 --> 00:27:06,789 first and then increase my investment in 1508 00:27:06,789 --> 00:27:06,799 and then increase my investment in 1509 00:27:06,799 --> 00:27:09,190 and then increase my investment in that process and and you're like talking 1510 00:27:09,190 --> 00:27:09,200 that process and and you're like talking 1511 00:27:09,200 --> 00:27:11,029 that process and and you're like talking about jumping right to pcb 1512 00:27:11,029 --> 00:27:11,039 about jumping right to pcb 1513 00:27:11,039 --> 00:27:13,669 about jumping right to pcb creation so i would back up so you know 1514 00:27:13,669 --> 00:27:13,679 creation so i would back up so you know 1515 00:27:13,679 --> 00:27:15,269 creation so i would back up so you know if this is you thinking hey maybe i'd 1516 00:27:15,269 --> 00:27:15,279 if this is you thinking hey maybe i'd 1517 00:27:15,279 --> 00:27:16,789 if this is you thinking hey maybe i'd like to be able to make my own circuits 1518 00:27:16,789 --> 00:27:16,799 like to be able to make my own circuits 1519 00:27:16,799 --> 00:27:18,070 like to be able to make my own circuits and things like that 1520 00:27:18,070 --> 00:27:18,080 and things like that 1521 00:27:18,080 --> 00:27:20,389 and things like that my starting point is a breadboard yes 1522 00:27:20,389 --> 00:27:20,399 my starting point is a breadboard yes 1523 00:27:20,399 --> 00:27:22,870 my starting point is a breadboard yes and the breadboard allows you to lay out 1524 00:27:22,870 --> 00:27:22,880 and the breadboard allows you to lay out 1525 00:27:22,880 --> 00:27:25,430 and the breadboard allows you to lay out your circuit that you've designed or 1526 00:27:25,430 --> 00:27:25,440 your circuit that you've designed or 1527 00:27:25,440 --> 00:27:25,990 your circuit that you've designed or that you've 1528 00:27:25,990 --> 00:27:26,000 that you've 1529 00:27:26,000 --> 00:27:28,549 that you've downloaded like a circuit blueprint um 1530 00:27:28,549 --> 00:27:28,559 downloaded like a circuit blueprint um 1531 00:27:28,559 --> 00:27:29,909 downloaded like a circuit blueprint um from the internet or however 1532 00:27:29,909 --> 00:27:29,919 from the internet or however 1533 00:27:29,919 --> 00:27:32,389 from the internet or however however you've got that lets you lay it 1534 00:27:32,389 --> 00:27:32,399 however you've got that lets you lay it 1535 00:27:32,399 --> 00:27:32,950 however you've got that lets you lay it out on a 1536 00:27:32,950 --> 00:27:32,960 out on a 1537 00:27:32,960 --> 00:27:36,789 out on a on a basically a mock pcb 1538 00:27:36,789 --> 00:27:36,799 on a basically a mock pcb 1539 00:27:36,799 --> 00:27:39,350 on a basically a mock pcb that will function like a pcb but then 1540 00:27:39,350 --> 00:27:39,360 that will function like a pcb but then 1541 00:27:39,360 --> 00:27:41,029 that will function like a pcb but then you can just take it all apart and 1542 00:27:41,029 --> 00:27:41,039 you can just take it all apart and 1543 00:27:41,039 --> 00:27:44,710 you can just take it all apart and put the parts away right and it's cheap 1544 00:27:44,710 --> 00:27:44,720 put the parts away right and it's cheap 1545 00:27:44,720 --> 00:27:46,389 put the parts away right and it's cheap very cheap and it just gets you started 1546 00:27:46,389 --> 00:27:46,399 very cheap and it just gets you started 1547 00:27:46,399 --> 00:27:48,389 very cheap and it just gets you started and then the next step for me is what's 1548 00:27:48,389 --> 00:27:48,399 and then the next step for me is what's 1549 00:27:48,399 --> 00:27:50,070 and then the next step for me is what's called a prototyping board so you get 1550 00:27:50,070 --> 00:27:50,080 called a prototyping board so you get 1551 00:27:50,080 --> 00:27:51,510 called a prototyping board so you get pcb boards that 1552 00:27:51,510 --> 00:27:51,520 pcb boards that 1553 00:27:51,520 --> 00:27:53,269 pcb boards that have all the holes that's right and 1554 00:27:53,269 --> 00:27:53,279 have all the holes that's right and 1555 00:27:53,279 --> 00:27:54,549 have all the holes that's right and they've got solder 1556 00:27:54,549 --> 00:27:54,559 they've got solder 1557 00:27:54,559 --> 00:27:57,830 they've got solder um like points but there's no 1558 00:27:57,830 --> 00:27:57,840 um like points but there's no 1559 00:27:57,840 --> 00:27:59,750 um like points but there's no interconnection between them so you 1560 00:27:59,750 --> 00:27:59,760 interconnection between them so you 1561 00:27:59,760 --> 00:28:02,070 interconnection between them so you actually run wires or you 1562 00:28:02,070 --> 00:28:02,080 actually run wires or you 1563 00:28:02,080 --> 00:28:03,909 actually run wires or you run a little bit of solder between two 1564 00:28:03,909 --> 00:28:03,919 run a little bit of solder between two 1565 00:28:03,919 --> 00:28:05,750 run a little bit of solder between two different joints for example 1566 00:28:05,750 --> 00:28:05,760 different joints for example 1567 00:28:05,760 --> 00:28:07,430 different joints for example and you do it that way so that's my 1568 00:28:07,430 --> 00:28:07,440 and you do it that way so that's my 1569 00:28:07,440 --> 00:28:10,070 and you do it that way so that's my second step yes then i would look at 1570 00:28:10,070 --> 00:28:10,080 second step yes then i would look at 1571 00:28:10,080 --> 00:28:12,789 second step yes then i would look at maybe going the route of actually 1572 00:28:12,789 --> 00:28:12,799 maybe going the route of actually 1573 00:28:12,799 --> 00:28:14,710 maybe going the route of actually etching your own 1574 00:28:14,710 --> 00:28:14,720 etching your own 1575 00:28:14,720 --> 00:28:17,510 etching your own pcbs because then you're getting into 1576 00:28:17,510 --> 00:28:17,520 pcbs because then you're getting into 1577 00:28:17,520 --> 00:28:19,190 pcbs because then you're getting into like the chemical processes 1578 00:28:19,190 --> 00:28:19,200 like the chemical processes 1579 00:28:19,200 --> 00:28:22,230 like the chemical processes the and i'm i haven't researched it but 1580 00:28:22,230 --> 00:28:22,240 the and i'm i haven't researched it but 1581 00:28:22,240 --> 00:28:24,950 the and i'm i haven't researched it but um it's a much more intricate process so 1582 00:28:24,950 --> 00:28:24,960 um it's a much more intricate process so 1583 00:28:24,960 --> 00:28:25,909 um it's a much more intricate process so i like to start 1584 00:28:25,909 --> 00:28:25,919 i like to start 1585 00:28:25,919 --> 00:28:27,909 i like to start a little bit simpler my first pcb i 1586 00:28:27,909 --> 00:28:27,919 a little bit simpler my first pcb i 1587 00:28:27,919 --> 00:28:29,510 a little bit simpler my first pcb i built on a breadboard 1588 00:28:29,510 --> 00:28:29,520 built on a breadboard 1589 00:28:29,520 --> 00:28:32,070 built on a breadboard very very basic but i designed it right 1590 00:28:32,070 --> 00:28:32,080 very very basic but i designed it right 1591 00:28:32,080 --> 00:28:32,789 very very basic but i designed it right okay 1592 00:28:32,789 --> 00:28:32,799 okay 1593 00:28:32,799 --> 00:28:35,110 okay and all it is is it takes a five volt 1594 00:28:35,110 --> 00:28:35,120 and all it is is it takes a five volt 1595 00:28:35,120 --> 00:28:35,830 and all it is is it takes a five volt signal 1596 00:28:35,830 --> 00:28:35,840 signal 1597 00:28:35,840 --> 00:28:38,870 signal and when it has five volts the 1598 00:28:38,870 --> 00:28:38,880 and when it has five volts the 1599 00:28:38,880 --> 00:28:41,269 and when it has five volts the relay is closed so it has a relay right 1600 00:28:41,269 --> 00:28:41,279 relay is closed so it has a relay right 1601 00:28:41,279 --> 00:28:43,430 relay is closed so it has a relay right okay when it does not have five volts 1602 00:28:43,430 --> 00:28:43,440 okay when it does not have five volts 1603 00:28:43,440 --> 00:28:43,990 okay when it does not have five volts the relay 1604 00:28:43,990 --> 00:28:44,000 the relay 1605 00:28:44,000 --> 00:28:47,510 the relay opens so it disconnects so 1606 00:28:47,510 --> 00:28:47,520 opens so it disconnects so 1607 00:28:47,520 --> 00:28:49,350 opens so it disconnects so the reason that i created that it's a 1608 00:28:49,350 --> 00:28:49,360 the reason that i created that it's a 1609 00:28:49,360 --> 00:28:51,430 the reason that i created that it's a purpose-built application so i built it 1610 00:28:51,430 --> 00:28:51,440 purpose-built application so i built it 1611 00:28:51,440 --> 00:28:52,549 purpose-built application so i built it on a breadboard 1612 00:28:52,549 --> 00:28:52,559 on a breadboard 1613 00:28:52,559 --> 00:28:55,990 on a breadboard and feeding at five volts is coming from 1614 00:28:55,990 --> 00:28:56,000 and feeding at five volts is coming from 1615 00:28:56,000 --> 00:29:00,230 and feeding at five volts is coming from any guesses any guesses spc nope 1616 00:29:00,230 --> 00:29:00,240 any guesses any guesses spc nope 1617 00:29:00,240 --> 00:29:03,430 any guesses any guesses spc nope it's another three letter acronym usb 1618 00:29:03,430 --> 00:29:03,440 it's another three letter acronym usb 1619 00:29:03,440 --> 00:29:06,230 it's another three letter acronym usb usb usb pulling a five volt signal off 1620 00:29:06,230 --> 00:29:06,240 usb usb pulling a five volt signal off 1621 00:29:06,240 --> 00:29:07,350 usb usb pulling a five volt signal off of a micro tick 1622 00:29:07,350 --> 00:29:07,360 of a micro tick 1623 00:29:07,360 --> 00:29:10,470 of a micro tick router okay and so then in the micro 1624 00:29:10,470 --> 00:29:10,480 router okay and so then in the micro 1625 00:29:10,480 --> 00:29:12,389 router okay and so then in the micro tick i programmed code that said 1626 00:29:12,389 --> 00:29:12,399 tick i programmed code that said 1627 00:29:12,399 --> 00:29:14,950 tick i programmed code that said that basically to dumb it down if the 1628 00:29:14,950 --> 00:29:14,960 that basically to dumb it down if the 1629 00:29:14,960 --> 00:29:17,029 that basically to dumb it down if the internet goes down 1630 00:29:17,029 --> 00:29:17,039 internet goes down 1631 00:29:17,039 --> 00:29:19,909 internet goes down kill the power on the usb oh and so then 1632 00:29:19,909 --> 00:29:19,919 kill the power on the usb oh and so then 1633 00:29:19,919 --> 00:29:20,549 kill the power on the usb oh and so then that 1634 00:29:20,549 --> 00:29:20,559 that 1635 00:29:20,559 --> 00:29:22,789 that opens up the relay and what is the relay 1636 00:29:22,789 --> 00:29:22,799 opens up the relay and what is the relay 1637 00:29:22,799 --> 00:29:25,510 opens up the relay and what is the relay control but the power to my modem 1638 00:29:25,510 --> 00:29:25,520 control but the power to my modem 1639 00:29:25,520 --> 00:29:28,389 control but the power to my modem so my modem if the internet goes down 1640 00:29:28,389 --> 00:29:28,399 so my modem if the internet goes down 1641 00:29:28,399 --> 00:29:29,909 so my modem if the internet goes down will automatically turn 1642 00:29:29,909 --> 00:29:29,919 will automatically turn 1643 00:29:29,919 --> 00:29:32,470 will automatically turn the power of itself off because of my 1644 00:29:32,470 --> 00:29:32,480 the power of itself off because of my 1645 00:29:32,480 --> 00:29:33,110 the power of itself off because of my relay 1646 00:29:33,110 --> 00:29:33,120 relay 1647 00:29:33,120 --> 00:29:35,430 relay right and wait five seconds and then 1648 00:29:35,430 --> 00:29:35,440 right and wait five seconds and then 1649 00:29:35,440 --> 00:29:37,029 right and wait five seconds and then power back on so it's essentially a 1650 00:29:37,029 --> 00:29:37,039 power back on so it's essentially a 1651 00:29:37,039 --> 00:29:38,630 power back on so it's essentially a virtual version of 1652 00:29:38,630 --> 00:29:38,640 virtual version of 1653 00:29:38,640 --> 00:29:41,190 virtual version of did you turn it off and on again because 1654 00:29:41,190 --> 00:29:41,200 did you turn it off and on again because 1655 00:29:41,200 --> 00:29:42,310 did you turn it off and on again because what do you do when you're in an 1656 00:29:42,310 --> 00:29:42,320 what do you do when you're in an 1657 00:29:42,320 --> 00:29:43,669 what do you do when you're in an internet goes down you pull the plug 1658 00:29:43,669 --> 00:29:43,679 internet goes down you pull the plug 1659 00:29:43,679 --> 00:29:45,350 internet goes down you pull the plug from the momentum you wait five seconds 1660 00:29:45,350 --> 00:29:45,360 from the momentum you wait five seconds 1661 00:29:45,360 --> 00:29:46,789 from the momentum you wait five seconds and you plug it back in and 1662 00:29:46,789 --> 00:29:46,799 and you plug it back in and 1663 00:29:46,799 --> 00:29:48,470 and you plug it back in and you know eight times out of ten it's 1664 00:29:48,470 --> 00:29:48,480 you know eight times out of ten it's 1665 00:29:48,480 --> 00:29:50,230 you know eight times out of ten it's going to come back up and be working 1666 00:29:50,230 --> 00:29:50,240 going to come back up and be working 1667 00:29:50,240 --> 00:29:52,389 going to come back up and be working right so that was the circuit i built so 1668 00:29:52,389 --> 00:29:52,399 right so that was the circuit i built so 1669 00:29:52,399 --> 00:29:54,549 right so that was the circuit i built so i built that on a prototyping board once 1670 00:29:54,549 --> 00:29:54,559 i built that on a prototyping board once 1671 00:29:54,559 --> 00:29:56,630 i built that on a prototyping board once i had it working and i just soldered it 1672 00:29:56,630 --> 00:29:56,640 i had it working and i just soldered it 1673 00:29:56,640 --> 00:29:58,230 i had it working and i just soldered it together and it's a very very simple 1674 00:29:58,230 --> 00:29:58,240 together and it's a very very simple 1675 00:29:58,240 --> 00:29:58,710 together and it's a very very simple circuit 1676 00:29:58,710 --> 00:29:58,720 circuit 1677 00:29:58,720 --> 00:30:00,789 circuit very cool and it worked great i like 1678 00:30:00,789 --> 00:30:00,799 very cool and it worked great i like 1679 00:30:00,799 --> 00:30:01,990 very cool and it worked great i like that 1680 00:30:01,990 --> 00:30:02,000 that 1681 00:30:02,000 --> 00:30:04,710 that very cool so tools what have you got so 1682 00:30:04,710 --> 00:30:04,720 very cool so tools what have you got so 1683 00:30:04,720 --> 00:30:05,830 very cool so tools what have you got so far where are you at 1684 00:30:05,830 --> 00:30:05,840 far where are you at 1685 00:30:05,840 --> 00:30:08,070 far where are you at uh well like i said i've just been doing 1686 00:30:08,070 --> 00:30:08,080 uh well like i said i've just been doing 1687 00:30:08,080 --> 00:30:10,149 uh well like i said i've just been doing the research this past week oh so 1688 00:30:10,149 --> 00:30:10,159 the research this past week oh so 1689 00:30:10,159 --> 00:30:13,750 the research this past week oh so i'm um i'm at the buying stage 1690 00:30:13,750 --> 00:30:13,760 i'm um i'm at the buying stage 1691 00:30:13,760 --> 00:30:16,149 i'm um i'm at the buying stage uh so we've got all the soldering stuff 1692 00:30:16,149 --> 00:30:16,159 uh so we've got all the soldering stuff 1693 00:30:16,159 --> 00:30:17,669 uh so we've got all the soldering stuff i'm going to be buying the board buying 1694 00:30:17,669 --> 00:30:17,679 i'm going to be buying the board buying 1695 00:30:17,679 --> 00:30:18,710 i'm going to be buying the board buying the chemicals 1696 00:30:18,710 --> 00:30:18,720 the chemicals 1697 00:30:18,720 --> 00:30:21,909 the chemicals i've already downloaded the um software 1698 00:30:21,909 --> 00:30:21,919 i've already downloaded the um software 1699 00:30:21,919 --> 00:30:22,549 i've already downloaded the um software for 1700 00:30:22,549 --> 00:30:22,559 for 1701 00:30:22,559 --> 00:30:25,590 for designing the pcb wow um 1702 00:30:25,590 --> 00:30:25,600 designing the pcb wow um 1703 00:30:25,600 --> 00:30:27,909 designing the pcb wow um and i've got a component kit that's on 1704 00:30:27,909 --> 00:30:27,919 and i've got a component kit that's on 1705 00:30:27,919 --> 00:30:29,350 and i've got a component kit that's on the way with all the 1706 00:30:29,350 --> 00:30:29,360 the way with all the 1707 00:30:29,360 --> 00:30:31,430 the way with all the resistors and capacitors right yeah all 1708 00:30:31,430 --> 00:30:31,440 resistors and capacitors right yeah all 1709 00:30:31,440 --> 00:30:33,029 resistors and capacitors right yeah all that kind of stuff that's a neat thing 1710 00:30:33,029 --> 00:30:33,039 that kind of stuff that's a neat thing 1711 00:30:33,039 --> 00:30:34,070 that kind of stuff that's a neat thing too is that these 1712 00:30:34,070 --> 00:30:34,080 too is that these 1713 00:30:34,080 --> 00:30:36,549 too is that these these days i mean you can't really walk 1714 00:30:36,549 --> 00:30:36,559 these days i mean you can't really walk 1715 00:30:36,559 --> 00:30:37,990 these days i mean you can't really walk into a radio shack like we used to be 1716 00:30:37,990 --> 00:30:38,000 into a radio shack like we used to be 1717 00:30:38,000 --> 00:30:39,029 into a radio shack like we used to be able to there no 1718 00:30:39,029 --> 00:30:39,039 able to there no 1719 00:30:39,039 --> 00:30:41,350 able to there no there are still stores like here in 1720 00:30:41,350 --> 00:30:41,360 there are still stores like here in 1721 00:30:41,360 --> 00:30:43,669 there are still stores like here in barrie we have one called seaal 1722 00:30:43,669 --> 00:30:43,679 barrie we have one called seaal 1723 00:30:43,679 --> 00:30:45,590 barrie we have one called seaal which is a brilliant store that's kind 1724 00:30:45,590 --> 00:30:45,600 which is a brilliant store that's kind 1725 00:30:45,600 --> 00:30:47,029 which is a brilliant store that's kind of like that old radio shack where you 1726 00:30:47,029 --> 00:30:47,039 of like that old radio shack where you 1727 00:30:47,039 --> 00:30:47,590 of like that old radio shack where you go in and 1728 00:30:47,590 --> 00:30:47,600 go in and 1729 00:30:47,600 --> 00:30:50,389 go in and it's like i just need one capacitor yeah 1730 00:30:50,389 --> 00:30:50,399 it's like i just need one capacitor yeah 1731 00:30:50,399 --> 00:30:51,029 it's like i just need one capacitor yeah and it's like 1732 00:30:51,029 --> 00:30:51,039 and it's like 1733 00:30:51,039 --> 00:30:52,870 and it's like here you go you know it's like drawers 1734 00:30:52,870 --> 00:30:52,880 here you go you know it's like drawers 1735 00:30:52,880 --> 00:30:54,870 here you go you know it's like drawers and drawers of capacitors and resistors 1736 00:30:54,870 --> 00:30:54,880 and drawers of capacitors and resistors 1737 00:30:54,880 --> 00:30:57,269 and drawers of capacitors and resistors and everything else diodes and whatever 1738 00:30:57,269 --> 00:30:57,279 and everything else diodes and whatever 1739 00:30:57,279 --> 00:31:00,630 and everything else diodes and whatever but just to get a kit for 20 bucks that 1740 00:31:00,630 --> 00:31:00,640 but just to get a kit for 20 bucks that 1741 00:31:00,640 --> 00:31:01,509 but just to get a kit for 20 bucks that has 1742 00:31:01,509 --> 00:31:01,519 has 1743 00:31:01,519 --> 00:31:03,830 has all the kind of like the common stuff 1744 00:31:03,830 --> 00:31:03,840 all the kind of like the common stuff 1745 00:31:03,840 --> 00:31:04,950 all the kind of like the common stuff and it's a kit that comes with a 1746 00:31:04,950 --> 00:31:04,960 and it's a kit that comes with a 1747 00:31:04,960 --> 00:31:05,830 and it's a kit that comes with a breadboard 1748 00:31:05,830 --> 00:31:05,840 breadboard 1749 00:31:05,840 --> 00:31:07,430 breadboard and it comes with a breadboard and that 1750 00:31:07,430 --> 00:31:07,440 and it comes with a breadboard and that 1751 00:31:07,440 --> 00:31:09,669 and it comes with a breadboard and that was one of the things is is i wanna like 1752 00:31:09,669 --> 00:31:09,679 was one of the things is is i wanna like 1753 00:31:09,679 --> 00:31:11,269 was one of the things is is i wanna like yes i'm gonna be designing it but part 1754 00:31:11,269 --> 00:31:11,279 yes i'm gonna be designing it but part 1755 00:31:11,279 --> 00:31:13,190 yes i'm gonna be designing it but part of the planning process is just like you 1756 00:31:13,190 --> 00:31:13,200 of the planning process is just like you 1757 00:31:13,200 --> 00:31:14,630 of the planning process is just like you said using the breadboard to figure out 1758 00:31:14,630 --> 00:31:14,640 said using the breadboard to figure out 1759 00:31:14,640 --> 00:31:16,230 said using the breadboard to figure out how the circuitry is gonna go 1760 00:31:16,230 --> 00:31:16,240 how the circuitry is gonna go 1761 00:31:16,240 --> 00:31:17,509 how the circuitry is gonna go and that's gonna be a great learning 1762 00:31:17,509 --> 00:31:17,519 and that's gonna be a great learning 1763 00:31:17,519 --> 00:31:18,789 and that's gonna be a great learning experience for luke because they'll be 1764 00:31:18,789 --> 00:31:18,799 experience for luke because they'll be 1765 00:31:18,799 --> 00:31:19,830 experience for luke because they'll be like hey this is 1766 00:31:19,830 --> 00:31:19,840 like hey this is 1767 00:31:19,840 --> 00:31:21,269 like hey this is how does this work and let's try this 1768 00:31:21,269 --> 00:31:21,279 how does this work and let's try this 1769 00:31:21,279 --> 00:31:23,190 how does this work and let's try this and let's do that and then 1770 00:31:23,190 --> 00:31:23,200 and let's do that and then 1771 00:31:23,200 --> 00:31:24,549 and let's do that and then you know we'll be able to try on there 1772 00:31:24,549 --> 00:31:24,559 you know we'll be able to try on there 1773 00:31:24,559 --> 00:31:26,070 you know we'll be able to try on there without actually making our own pieces 1774 00:31:26,070 --> 00:31:26,080 without actually making our own pieces 1775 00:31:26,080 --> 00:31:27,509 without actually making our own pieces that's really neat you mentioned also 1776 00:31:27,509 --> 00:31:27,519 that's really neat you mentioned also 1777 00:31:27,519 --> 00:31:30,870 that's really neat you mentioned also arduino and arduino is kind of 1778 00:31:30,870 --> 00:31:30,880 arduino and arduino is kind of 1779 00:31:30,880 --> 00:31:33,430 arduino and arduino is kind of like it's a controller so yeah you know 1780 00:31:33,430 --> 00:31:33,440 like it's a controller so yeah you know 1781 00:31:33,440 --> 00:31:34,149 like it's a controller so yeah you know whereas 1782 00:31:34,149 --> 00:31:34,159 whereas 1783 00:31:34,159 --> 00:31:35,909 whereas a raspberry pi or other single board 1784 00:31:35,909 --> 00:31:35,919 a raspberry pi or other single board 1785 00:31:35,919 --> 00:31:37,190 a raspberry pi or other single board computer is a true 1786 00:31:37,190 --> 00:31:37,200 computer is a true 1787 00:31:37,200 --> 00:31:38,950 computer is a true real computer with an operating system 1788 00:31:38,950 --> 00:31:38,960 real computer with an operating system 1789 00:31:38,960 --> 00:31:41,190 real computer with an operating system and everything an arduino is like you 1790 00:31:41,190 --> 00:31:41,200 and everything an arduino is like you 1791 00:31:41,200 --> 00:31:42,630 and everything an arduino is like you just program it to do 1792 00:31:42,630 --> 00:31:42,640 just program it to do 1793 00:31:42,640 --> 00:31:45,509 just program it to do a very specific task it's a solid state 1794 00:31:45,509 --> 00:31:45,519 a very specific task it's a solid state 1795 00:31:45,519 --> 00:31:45,990 a very specific task it's a solid state and 1796 00:31:45,990 --> 00:31:46,000 and 1797 00:31:46,000 --> 00:31:48,950 and it will respond to and i think this is 1798 00:31:48,950 --> 00:31:48,960 it will respond to and i think this is 1799 00:31:48,960 --> 00:31:51,029 it will respond to and i think this is why it would work really well an arduino 1800 00:31:51,029 --> 00:31:51,039 why it would work really well an arduino 1801 00:31:51,039 --> 00:31:51,830 why it would work really well an arduino for 1802 00:31:51,830 --> 00:31:51,840 for 1803 00:31:51,840 --> 00:31:55,269 for uh for a useless box is because it's 1804 00:31:55,269 --> 00:31:55,279 uh for a useless box is because it's 1805 00:31:55,279 --> 00:31:55,669 uh for a useless box is because it's like 1806 00:31:55,669 --> 00:31:55,679 like 1807 00:31:55,679 --> 00:31:57,350 like it's either on or off that's right and 1808 00:31:57,350 --> 00:31:57,360 it's either on or off that's right and 1809 00:31:57,360 --> 00:31:59,190 it's either on or off that's right and if it's on do this 1810 00:31:59,190 --> 00:31:59,200 if it's on do this 1811 00:31:59,200 --> 00:32:01,430 if it's on do this and then it will turn off that's right 1812 00:32:01,430 --> 00:32:01,440 and then it will turn off that's right 1813 00:32:01,440 --> 00:32:03,190 and then it will turn off that's right so very very basic programming 1814 00:32:03,190 --> 00:32:03,200 so very very basic programming 1815 00:32:03,200 --> 00:32:06,870 so very very basic programming digital write four 1816 00:32:06,870 --> 00:32:06,880 digital write four 1817 00:32:06,880 --> 00:32:09,909 digital write four comma hi hi semicolon and then we're 1818 00:32:09,909 --> 00:32:09,919 comma hi hi semicolon and then we're 1819 00:32:09,919 --> 00:32:11,590 comma hi hi semicolon and then we're gonna delay for one second which is one 1820 00:32:11,590 --> 00:32:11,600 gonna delay for one second which is one 1821 00:32:11,600 --> 00:32:13,509 gonna delay for one second which is one thousand milliseconds 1822 00:32:13,509 --> 00:32:13,519 thousand milliseconds 1823 00:32:13,519 --> 00:32:16,310 thousand milliseconds and then we're going to copy that line 1824 00:32:16,310 --> 00:32:16,320 and then we're going to copy that line 1825 00:32:16,320 --> 00:32:17,029 and then we're going to copy that line now 1826 00:32:17,029 --> 00:32:17,039 now 1827 00:32:17,039 --> 00:32:19,590 now what do you think high means versus low 1828 00:32:19,590 --> 00:32:19,600 what do you think high means versus low 1829 00:32:19,600 --> 00:32:20,950 what do you think high means versus low which is what i'm going to put here 1830 00:32:20,950 --> 00:32:20,960 which is what i'm going to put here 1831 00:32:20,960 --> 00:32:24,630 which is what i'm going to put here just a guess on or off yes 1832 00:32:24,630 --> 00:32:24,640 just a guess on or off yes 1833 00:32:24,640 --> 00:32:27,430 just a guess on or off yes so that's what my circuit now looks like 1834 00:32:27,430 --> 00:32:27,440 so that's what my circuit now looks like 1835 00:32:27,440 --> 00:32:29,190 so that's what my circuit now looks like and i'm going to simply plug this in 1836 00:32:29,190 --> 00:32:29,200 and i'm going to simply plug this in 1837 00:32:29,200 --> 00:32:32,389 and i'm going to simply plug this in to usb power so i'm not plugging it into 1838 00:32:32,389 --> 00:32:32,399 to usb power so i'm not plugging it into 1839 00:32:32,399 --> 00:32:33,350 to usb power so i'm not plugging it into the computer i want to 1840 00:32:33,350 --> 00:32:33,360 the computer i want to 1841 00:32:33,360 --> 00:32:36,230 the computer i want to actually power this device and see if it 1842 00:32:36,230 --> 00:32:36,240 actually power this device and see if it 1843 00:32:36,240 --> 00:32:37,669 actually power this device and see if it runs my program 1844 00:32:37,669 --> 00:32:37,679 runs my program 1845 00:32:37,679 --> 00:32:40,830 runs my program and if it does we should see this light 1846 00:32:40,830 --> 00:32:40,840 and if it does we should see this light 1847 00:32:40,840 --> 00:32:42,950 and if it does we should see this light flash there we go 1848 00:32:42,950 --> 00:32:42,960 flash there we go 1849 00:32:42,960 --> 00:32:45,269 flash there we go that is neat every one second so we 1850 00:32:45,269 --> 00:32:45,279 that is neat every one second so we 1851 00:32:45,279 --> 00:32:47,110 that is neat every one second so we actually created the circuit 1852 00:32:47,110 --> 00:32:47,120 actually created the circuit 1853 00:32:47,120 --> 00:32:49,590 actually created the circuit fairly quickly uh and created the 1854 00:32:49,590 --> 00:32:49,600 fairly quickly uh and created the 1855 00:32:49,600 --> 00:32:51,909 fairly quickly uh and created the program to now tell this light 1856 00:32:51,909 --> 00:32:51,919 program to now tell this light 1857 00:32:51,919 --> 00:32:53,909 program to now tell this light what to do and we told it just very 1858 00:32:53,909 --> 00:32:53,919 what to do and we told it just very 1859 00:32:53,919 --> 00:32:55,269 what to do and we told it just very simply 1860 00:32:55,269 --> 00:32:55,279 simply 1861 00:32:55,279 --> 00:32:57,750 simply turn on and off again but if you're 1862 00:32:57,750 --> 00:32:57,760 turn on and off again but if you're 1863 00:32:57,760 --> 00:32:59,190 turn on and off again but if you're making your own circuit you've got to 1864 00:32:59,190 --> 00:32:59,200 making your own circuit you've got to 1865 00:32:59,200 --> 00:32:59,669 making your own circuit you've got to like do 1866 00:32:59,669 --> 00:32:59,679 like do 1867 00:32:59,679 --> 00:33:02,470 like do ics you've got to program it yourself 1868 00:33:02,470 --> 00:33:02,480 ics you've got to program it yourself 1869 00:33:02,480 --> 00:33:04,149 ics you've got to program it yourself yup you've got to figure out how 1870 00:33:04,149 --> 00:33:04,159 yup you've got to figure out how 1871 00:33:04,159 --> 00:33:06,789 yup you've got to figure out how wow i want to see this project as a work 1872 00:33:06,789 --> 00:33:06,799 wow i want to see this project as a work 1873 00:33:06,799 --> 00:33:07,909 wow i want to see this project as a work in progress 1874 00:33:07,909 --> 00:33:07,919 in progress 1875 00:33:07,919 --> 00:33:10,149 in progress okay and then see how uh how it comes 1876 00:33:10,149 --> 00:33:10,159 okay and then see how uh how it comes 1877 00:33:10,159 --> 00:33:11,830 okay and then see how uh how it comes together yeah sounds good 1878 00:33:11,830 --> 00:33:11,840 together yeah sounds good 1879 00:33:11,840 --> 00:33:14,230 together yeah sounds good we mentioned the community here on our 1880 00:33:14,230 --> 00:33:14,240 we mentioned the community here on our 1881 00:33:14,240 --> 00:33:16,549 we mentioned the community here on our show and uh our discord server in 1882 00:33:16,549 --> 00:33:16,559 show and uh our discord server in 1883 00:33:16,559 --> 00:33:18,070 show and uh our discord server in particular 1884 00:33:18,070 --> 00:33:18,080 particular 1885 00:33:18,080 --> 00:33:20,310 particular i've tapped into our community jeff to 1886 00:33:20,310 --> 00:33:20,320 i've tapped into our community jeff to 1887 00:33:20,320 --> 00:33:21,190 i've tapped into our community jeff to go in and 1888 00:33:21,190 --> 00:33:21,200 go in and 1889 00:33:21,200 --> 00:33:23,750 go in and and share my ideas for circuits and yep 1890 00:33:23,750 --> 00:33:23,760 and share my ideas for circuits and yep 1891 00:33:23,760 --> 00:33:25,190 and share my ideas for circuits and yep things like that and there are some 1892 00:33:25,190 --> 00:33:25,200 things like that and there are some 1893 00:33:25,200 --> 00:33:27,509 things like that and there are some folks in our community who are just 1894 00:33:27,509 --> 00:33:27,519 folks in our community who are just 1895 00:33:27,519 --> 00:33:30,470 folks in our community who are just like way up here as far as their 1896 00:33:30,470 --> 00:33:30,480 like way up here as far as their 1897 00:33:30,480 --> 00:33:32,549 like way up here as far as their capabilities and understanding of those 1898 00:33:32,549 --> 00:33:32,559 capabilities and understanding of those 1899 00:33:32,559 --> 00:33:33,830 capabilities and understanding of those types of things 1900 00:33:33,830 --> 00:33:33,840 types of things 1901 00:33:33,840 --> 00:33:36,310 types of things so it's been really helpful for me as i 1902 00:33:36,310 --> 00:33:36,320 so it's been really helpful for me as i 1903 00:33:36,320 --> 00:33:37,029 so it's been really helpful for me as i learned so 1904 00:33:37,029 --> 00:33:37,039 learned so 1905 00:33:37,039 --> 00:33:38,870 learned so oh i even i fully plan to use the 1906 00:33:38,870 --> 00:33:38,880 oh i even i fully plan to use the 1907 00:33:38,880 --> 00:33:40,870 oh i even i fully plan to use the community utilize work me through bugs 1908 00:33:40,870 --> 00:33:40,880 community utilize work me through bugs 1909 00:33:40,880 --> 00:33:42,630 community utilize work me through bugs yeah and if you're one of those folks in 1910 00:33:42,630 --> 00:33:42,640 yeah and if you're one of those folks in 1911 00:33:42,640 --> 00:33:44,149 yeah and if you're one of those folks in the community right now just hey 1912 00:33:44,149 --> 00:33:44,159 the community right now just hey 1913 00:33:44,159 --> 00:33:46,149 the community right now just hey raise your hand and say yeah i 1914 00:33:46,149 --> 00:33:46,159 raise your hand and say yeah i 1915 00:33:46,159 --> 00:33:47,590 raise your hand and say yeah i understand how all that works i'd love 1916 00:33:47,590 --> 00:33:47,600 understand how all that works i'd love 1917 00:33:47,600 --> 00:33:48,470 understand how all that works i'd love to help 1918 00:33:48,470 --> 00:33:48,480 to help 1919 00:33:48,480 --> 00:33:50,630 to help and uh and that's something that i think 1920 00:33:50,630 --> 00:33:50,640 and uh and that's something that i think 1921 00:33:50,640 --> 00:33:52,630 and uh and that's something that i think that i think that'll make a really neat 1922 00:33:52,630 --> 00:33:52,640 that i think that'll make a really neat 1923 00:33:52,640 --> 00:33:53,990 that i think that'll make a really neat feature for the show as well as you 1924 00:33:53,990 --> 00:33:54,000 feature for the show as well as you 1925 00:33:54,000 --> 00:33:54,310 feature for the show as well as you learn 1926 00:33:54,310 --> 00:33:54,320 learn 1927 00:33:54,320 --> 00:33:55,750 learn yeah for sure keep us posted on that 1928 00:33:55,750 --> 00:33:55,760 yeah for sure keep us posted on that 1929 00:33:55,760 --> 00:33:57,190 yeah for sure keep us posted on that jeff definitely i'd really be interested 1930 00:33:57,190 --> 00:33:57,200 jeff definitely i'd really be interested 1931 00:33:57,200 --> 00:33:58,470 jeff definitely i'd really be interested to know how things go 1932 00:33:58,470 --> 00:33:58,480 to know how things go 1933 00:33:58,480 --> 00:34:00,149 to know how things go yeah i'll be posting things behind the 1934 00:34:00,149 --> 00:34:00,159 yeah i'll be posting things behind the 1935 00:34:00,159 --> 00:34:02,230 yeah i'll be posting things behind the scenes a useless box any other 1936 00:34:02,230 --> 00:34:02,240 scenes a useless box any other 1937 00:34:02,240 --> 00:34:06,310 scenes a useless box any other do you have any ideas yet i get excited 1938 00:34:06,310 --> 00:34:06,320 do you have any ideas yet i get excited 1939 00:34:06,320 --> 00:34:07,029 do you have any ideas yet i get excited when i 1940 00:34:07,029 --> 00:34:07,039 when i 1941 00:34:07,039 --> 00:34:09,510 when i invent like when i think of something 1942 00:34:09,510 --> 00:34:09,520 invent like when i think of something 1943 00:34:09,520 --> 00:34:10,790 invent like when i think of something have you had any of those 1944 00:34:10,790 --> 00:34:10,800 have you had any of those 1945 00:34:10,800 --> 00:34:13,190 have you had any of those moments where i'm like i really wish i 1946 00:34:13,190 --> 00:34:13,200 moments where i'm like i really wish i 1947 00:34:13,200 --> 00:34:14,869 moments where i'm like i really wish i had something that would do this but it 1948 00:34:14,869 --> 00:34:14,879 had something that would do this but it 1949 00:34:14,879 --> 00:34:16,230 had something that would do this but it doesn't exist 1950 00:34:16,230 --> 00:34:16,240 doesn't exist 1951 00:34:16,240 --> 00:34:17,990 doesn't exist this is where 3d printing is interesting 1952 00:34:17,990 --> 00:34:18,000 this is where 3d printing is interesting 1953 00:34:18,000 --> 00:34:20,069 this is where 3d printing is interesting to me because i'm creating things that 1954 00:34:20,069 --> 00:34:20,079 to me because i'm creating things that 1955 00:34:20,079 --> 00:34:22,869 to me because i'm creating things that don't exist yet i i haven't really 1956 00:34:22,869 --> 00:34:22,879 don't exist yet i i haven't really 1957 00:34:22,879 --> 00:34:23,510 don't exist yet i i haven't really thought 1958 00:34:23,510 --> 00:34:23,520 thought 1959 00:34:23,520 --> 00:34:26,149 thought that far as to what exists and doesn't 1960 00:34:26,149 --> 00:34:26,159 that far as to what exists and doesn't 1961 00:34:26,159 --> 00:34:27,510 that far as to what exists and doesn't exist 1962 00:34:27,510 --> 00:34:27,520 exist 1963 00:34:27,520 --> 00:34:30,950 exist um 1964 00:34:30,950 --> 00:34:30,960 1965 00:34:30,960 --> 00:34:32,790 no i haven't really thought that far 1966 00:34:32,790 --> 00:34:32,800 no i haven't really thought that far 1967 00:34:32,800 --> 00:34:33,990 no i haven't really thought that far come up with some ideas 1968 00:34:33,990 --> 00:34:34,000 come up with some ideas 1969 00:34:34,000 --> 00:34:35,990 come up with some ideas yeah and share those there's a ton of 1970 00:34:35,990 --> 00:34:36,000 yeah and share those there's a ton of 1971 00:34:36,000 --> 00:34:37,030 yeah and share those there's a ton of things for sure 1972 00:34:37,030 --> 00:34:37,040 things for sure 1973 00:34:37,040 --> 00:34:40,310 things for sure yeah like i've always wanted to do um 1974 00:34:40,310 --> 00:34:40,320 yeah like i've always wanted to do um 1975 00:34:40,320 --> 00:34:43,669 yeah like i've always wanted to do um us um a housewide sound system 1976 00:34:43,669 --> 00:34:43,679 us um a housewide sound system 1977 00:34:43,679 --> 00:34:46,869 us um a housewide sound system that links up to um you know 1978 00:34:46,869 --> 00:34:46,879 that links up to um you know 1979 00:34:46,879 --> 00:34:48,869 that links up to um you know our our amazon device and stuff like 1980 00:34:48,869 --> 00:34:48,879 our our amazon device and stuff like 1981 00:34:48,879 --> 00:34:51,030 our our amazon device and stuff like that but i would like to have sensors 1982 00:34:51,030 --> 00:34:51,040 that but i would like to have sensors 1983 00:34:51,040 --> 00:34:52,069 that but i would like to have sensors where 1984 00:34:52,069 --> 00:34:52,079 where 1985 00:34:52,079 --> 00:34:54,710 where when i walk from one room to another the 1986 00:34:54,710 --> 00:34:54,720 when i walk from one room to another the 1987 00:34:54,720 --> 00:34:56,310 when i walk from one room to another the motion sensor kicks in and it will shut 1988 00:34:56,310 --> 00:34:56,320 motion sensor kicks in and it will shut 1989 00:34:56,320 --> 00:34:57,750 motion sensor kicks in and it will shut off the one room speakers 1990 00:34:57,750 --> 00:34:57,760 off the one room speakers 1991 00:34:57,760 --> 00:34:59,750 off the one room speakers and add it to where i've just gone 1992 00:34:59,750 --> 00:34:59,760 and add it to where i've just gone 1993 00:34:59,760 --> 00:35:01,750 and add it to where i've just gone that's way more advanced but that's 1994 00:35:01,750 --> 00:35:01,760 that's way more advanced but that's 1995 00:35:01,760 --> 00:35:01,990 that's way more advanced but that's probably 1996 00:35:01,990 --> 00:35:02,000 probably 1997 00:35:02,000 --> 00:35:03,349 probably the only thing i can think of where i'm 1998 00:35:03,349 --> 00:35:03,359 the only thing i can think of where i'm 1999 00:35:03,359 --> 00:35:05,109 the only thing i can think of where i'm like i want to do this but see you talk 2000 00:35:05,109 --> 00:35:05,119 like i want to do this but see you talk 2001 00:35:05,119 --> 00:35:06,950 like i want to do this but see you talk about that and then i think okay well 2002 00:35:06,950 --> 00:35:06,960 about that and then i think okay well 2003 00:35:06,960 --> 00:35:08,950 about that and then i think okay well you could use a passive infrared sensor 2004 00:35:08,950 --> 00:35:08,960 you could use a passive infrared sensor 2005 00:35:08,960 --> 00:35:11,349 you could use a passive infrared sensor yep which is used in motion sensors 2006 00:35:11,349 --> 00:35:11,359 yep which is used in motion sensors 2007 00:35:11,359 --> 00:35:14,630 yep which is used in motion sensors you could use a laser sensor but 2008 00:35:14,630 --> 00:35:14,640 you could use a laser sensor but 2009 00:35:14,640 --> 00:35:17,829 you could use a laser sensor but pir is very very cheap yes yeah and it's 2010 00:35:17,829 --> 00:35:17,839 pir is very very cheap yes yeah and it's 2011 00:35:17,839 --> 00:35:19,190 pir is very very cheap yes yeah and it's just a little sensor that it's like 2012 00:35:19,190 --> 00:35:19,200 just a little sensor that it's like 2013 00:35:19,200 --> 00:35:21,270 just a little sensor that it's like okay there was motion do something yeah 2014 00:35:21,270 --> 00:35:21,280 okay there was motion do something yeah 2015 00:35:21,280 --> 00:35:22,870 okay there was motion do something yeah so you could create something 2016 00:35:22,870 --> 00:35:22,880 so you could create something 2017 00:35:22,880 --> 00:35:25,990 so you could create something again with a relay that controls just 2018 00:35:25,990 --> 00:35:26,000 again with a relay that controls just 2019 00:35:26,000 --> 00:35:27,510 again with a relay that controls just whether the speaker has 2020 00:35:27,510 --> 00:35:27,520 whether the speaker has 2021 00:35:27,520 --> 00:35:29,990 whether the speaker has a completed circuit or not yeah so if it 2022 00:35:29,990 --> 00:35:30,000 a completed circuit or not yeah so if it 2023 00:35:30,000 --> 00:35:31,589 a completed circuit or not yeah so if it was just a 2024 00:35:31,589 --> 00:35:31,599 was just a 2025 00:35:31,599 --> 00:35:33,190 was just a bunch of speakers connected through an 2026 00:35:33,190 --> 00:35:33,200 bunch of speakers connected through an 2027 00:35:33,200 --> 00:35:36,150 bunch of speakers connected through an amplifier you could have relays set up 2028 00:35:36,150 --> 00:35:36,160 amplifier you could have relays set up 2029 00:35:36,160 --> 00:35:38,150 amplifier you could have relays set up with pir sensors that you'd be able to 2030 00:35:38,150 --> 00:35:38,160 with pir sensors that you'd be able to 2031 00:35:38,160 --> 00:35:39,990 with pir sensors that you'd be able to control by motion 2032 00:35:39,990 --> 00:35:40,000 control by motion 2033 00:35:40,000 --> 00:35:42,550 control by motion yeah good and if there's no motion for 2034 00:35:42,550 --> 00:35:42,560 yeah good and if there's no motion for 2035 00:35:42,560 --> 00:35:44,150 yeah good and if there's no motion for 10 minutes turn off the speaker 2036 00:35:44,150 --> 00:35:44,160 10 minutes turn off the speaker 2037 00:35:44,160 --> 00:35:45,349 10 minutes turn off the speaker automatically or something like that 2038 00:35:45,349 --> 00:35:45,359 automatically or something like that 2039 00:35:45,359 --> 00:35:45,750 automatically or something like that yeah 2040 00:35:45,750 --> 00:35:45,760 yeah 2041 00:35:45,760 --> 00:35:47,750 yeah exactly so like these kinds of ideas 2042 00:35:47,750 --> 00:35:47,760 exactly so like these kinds of ideas 2043 00:35:47,760 --> 00:35:49,190 exactly so like these kinds of ideas like there's so much stuff that you can 2044 00:35:49,190 --> 00:35:49,200 like there's so much stuff that you can 2045 00:35:49,200 --> 00:35:49,990 like there's so much stuff that you can do 2046 00:35:49,990 --> 00:35:50,000 do 2047 00:35:50,000 --> 00:35:51,349 do when you start to understand and then 2048 00:35:51,349 --> 00:35:51,359 when you start to understand and then 2049 00:35:51,359 --> 00:35:53,270 when you start to understand and then there's the whole flip side of it where 2050 00:35:53,270 --> 00:35:53,280 there's the whole flip side of it where 2051 00:35:53,280 --> 00:35:55,829 there's the whole flip side of it where something breaks and you can fix it yes 2052 00:35:55,829 --> 00:35:55,839 something breaks and you can fix it yes 2053 00:35:55,839 --> 00:35:57,430 something breaks and you can fix it yes that's a good feeling 2054 00:35:57,430 --> 00:35:57,440 that's a good feeling 2055 00:35:57,440 --> 00:35:59,190 that's a good feeling and that's done we've done that already 2056 00:35:59,190 --> 00:35:59,200 and that's done we've done that already 2057 00:35:59,200 --> 00:36:00,870 and that's done we've done that already yeah nice so 2058 00:36:00,870 --> 00:36:00,880 yeah nice so 2059 00:36:00,880 --> 00:36:01,990 yeah nice so you know you get those little battery 2060 00:36:01,990 --> 00:36:02,000 you know you get those little battery 2061 00:36:02,000 --> 00:36:04,950 you know you get those little battery testers uh like to check the charge 2062 00:36:04,950 --> 00:36:04,960 testers uh like to check the charge 2063 00:36:04,960 --> 00:36:07,270 testers uh like to check the charge yeah so we had one of those and it's 2064 00:36:07,270 --> 00:36:07,280 yeah so we had one of those and it's 2065 00:36:07,280 --> 00:36:08,470 yeah so we had one of those and it's funny when my son was building his 2066 00:36:08,470 --> 00:36:08,480 funny when my son was building his 2067 00:36:08,480 --> 00:36:09,190 funny when my son was building his calculator 2068 00:36:09,190 --> 00:36:09,200 calculator 2069 00:36:09,200 --> 00:36:10,310 calculator we weren't sure if the batteries were 2070 00:36:10,310 --> 00:36:10,320 we weren't sure if the batteries were 2071 00:36:10,320 --> 00:36:12,550 we weren't sure if the batteries were working and we weren't getting anything 2072 00:36:12,550 --> 00:36:12,560 working and we weren't getting anything 2073 00:36:12,560 --> 00:36:13,910 working and we weren't getting anything i'm like this is odd that we're not 2074 00:36:13,910 --> 00:36:13,920 i'm like this is odd that we're not 2075 00:36:13,920 --> 00:36:15,750 i'm like this is odd that we're not getting usually even if it's dead it 2076 00:36:15,750 --> 00:36:15,760 getting usually even if it's dead it 2077 00:36:15,760 --> 00:36:16,630 getting usually even if it's dead it pops into the red 2078 00:36:16,630 --> 00:36:16,640 pops into the red 2079 00:36:16,640 --> 00:36:18,630 pops into the red but there was nothing so we opened it up 2080 00:36:18,630 --> 00:36:18,640 but there was nothing so we opened it up 2081 00:36:18,640 --> 00:36:20,470 but there was nothing so we opened it up turns out the 2082 00:36:20,470 --> 00:36:20,480 turns out the 2083 00:36:20,480 --> 00:36:22,950 turns out the actual connection had broken apart oh 2084 00:36:22,950 --> 00:36:22,960 actual connection had broken apart oh 2085 00:36:22,960 --> 00:36:24,310 actual connection had broken apart oh now i have no clue yeah 2086 00:36:24,310 --> 00:36:24,320 now i have no clue yeah 2087 00:36:24,320 --> 00:36:27,349 now i have no clue yeah and my son's like oh i can fix that and 2088 00:36:27,349 --> 00:36:27,359 and my son's like oh i can fix that and 2089 00:36:27,359 --> 00:36:28,790 and my son's like oh i can fix that and he fixed it we put it back together and 2090 00:36:28,790 --> 00:36:28,800 he fixed it we put it back together and 2091 00:36:28,800 --> 00:36:30,230 he fixed it we put it back together and then we and it works and it's like oh 2092 00:36:30,230 --> 00:36:30,240 then we and it works and it's like oh 2093 00:36:30,240 --> 00:36:31,829 then we and it works and it's like oh yeah that's a dead battery 2094 00:36:31,829 --> 00:36:31,839 yeah that's a dead battery 2095 00:36:31,839 --> 00:36:33,990 yeah that's a dead battery yeah i can relate to that too i use a 2096 00:36:33,990 --> 00:36:34,000 yeah i can relate to that too i use a 2097 00:36:34,000 --> 00:36:35,589 yeah i can relate to that too i use a pillow speaker for podcasts 2098 00:36:35,589 --> 00:36:35,599 pillow speaker for podcasts 2099 00:36:35,599 --> 00:36:38,150 pillow speaker for podcasts okay and uh because it's you know 2100 00:36:38,150 --> 00:36:38,160 okay and uh because it's you know 2101 00:36:38,160 --> 00:36:40,310 okay and uh because it's you know connected by a wire to my phone it gets 2102 00:36:40,310 --> 00:36:40,320 connected by a wire to my phone it gets 2103 00:36:40,320 --> 00:36:40,870 connected by a wire to my phone it gets pulled 2104 00:36:40,870 --> 00:36:40,880 pulled 2105 00:36:40,880 --> 00:36:43,430 pulled yep and it got pulled right out so it's 2106 00:36:43,430 --> 00:36:43,440 yep and it got pulled right out so it's 2107 00:36:43,440 --> 00:36:45,109 yep and it got pulled right out so it's such a simple thing but i totally what 2108 00:36:45,109 --> 00:36:45,119 such a simple thing but i totally what 2109 00:36:45,119 --> 00:36:45,670 such a simple thing but i totally what did i do 2110 00:36:45,670 --> 00:36:45,680 did i do 2111 00:36:45,680 --> 00:36:48,710 did i do didn't buy another one no no no i took 2112 00:36:48,710 --> 00:36:48,720 didn't buy another one no no no i took 2113 00:36:48,720 --> 00:36:49,510 didn't buy another one no no no i took it apart 2114 00:36:49,510 --> 00:36:49,520 it apart 2115 00:36:49,520 --> 00:36:52,470 it apart and i re-soldered it and reinforced it 2116 00:36:52,470 --> 00:36:52,480 and i re-soldered it and reinforced it 2117 00:36:52,480 --> 00:36:54,069 and i re-soldered it and reinforced it so it wouldn't happen again oh beautiful 2118 00:36:54,069 --> 00:36:54,079 so it wouldn't happen again oh beautiful 2119 00:36:54,079 --> 00:36:56,150 so it wouldn't happen again oh beautiful made it better than it was he's he's 2120 00:36:56,150 --> 00:36:56,160 made it better than it was he's he's 2121 00:36:56,160 --> 00:36:58,069 made it better than it was he's he's turned his mind towards things like 2122 00:36:58,069 --> 00:36:58,079 turned his mind towards things like 2123 00:36:58,079 --> 00:37:00,230 turned his mind towards things like e-waste yes and he's like if somebody's 2124 00:37:00,230 --> 00:37:00,240 e-waste yes and he's like if somebody's 2125 00:37:00,240 --> 00:37:01,670 e-waste yes and he's like if somebody's going to get rid of their 2126 00:37:01,670 --> 00:37:01,680 going to get rid of their 2127 00:37:01,680 --> 00:37:04,950 going to get rid of their tv or computer monitor chances are 2128 00:37:04,950 --> 00:37:04,960 tv or computer monitor chances are 2129 00:37:04,960 --> 00:37:06,870 tv or computer monitor chances are it's still working dad it's just 2130 00:37:06,870 --> 00:37:06,880 it's still working dad it's just 2131 00:37:06,880 --> 00:37:08,230 it's still working dad it's just something inside broke 2132 00:37:08,230 --> 00:37:08,240 something inside broke 2133 00:37:08,240 --> 00:37:10,550 something inside broke he's like i can fix it i'm like yeah you 2134 00:37:10,550 --> 00:37:10,560 he's like i can fix it i'm like yeah you 2135 00:37:10,560 --> 00:37:12,390 he's like i can fix it i'm like yeah you think about that and so his wheels are 2136 00:37:12,390 --> 00:37:12,400 think about that and so his wheels are 2137 00:37:12,400 --> 00:37:13,670 think about that and so his wheels are turning last and he's like 2138 00:37:13,670 --> 00:37:13,680 turning last and he's like 2139 00:37:13,680 --> 00:37:15,589 turning last and he's like could i do these things and then sell 2140 00:37:15,589 --> 00:37:15,599 could i do these things and then sell 2141 00:37:15,599 --> 00:37:16,950 could i do these things and then sell them 2142 00:37:16,950 --> 00:37:16,960 them 2143 00:37:16,960 --> 00:37:20,150 them 12 years old that's a career 2144 00:37:20,150 --> 00:37:20,160 12 years old that's a career 2145 00:37:20,160 --> 00:37:23,589 12 years old that's a career in a number of 2146 00:37:23,589 --> 00:37:23,599 2147 00:37:23,599 --> 00:37:25,829 uh like it's really valuable to have 2148 00:37:25,829 --> 00:37:25,839 uh like it's really valuable to have 2149 00:37:25,839 --> 00:37:27,349 uh like it's really valuable to have those capabilities 2150 00:37:27,349 --> 00:37:27,359 those capabilities 2151 00:37:27,359 --> 00:37:28,950 those capabilities so i'm gonna train him up for the next 2152 00:37:28,950 --> 00:37:28,960 so i'm gonna train him up for the next 2153 00:37:28,960 --> 00:37:30,950 so i'm gonna train him up for the next uh well he's 12. so in 2154 00:37:30,950 --> 00:37:30,960 uh well he's 12. so in 2155 00:37:30,960 --> 00:37:36,150 uh well he's 12. so in eight six years i'm retiring 2156 00:37:36,150 --> 00:37:36,160 eight six years i'm retiring 2157 00:37:36,160 --> 00:37:38,550 eight six years i'm retiring i had a monitor come in i don't know 2158 00:37:38,550 --> 00:37:38,560 i had a monitor come in i don't know 2159 00:37:38,560 --> 00:37:40,069 i had a monitor come in i don't know maybe a 23 inch or 2160 00:37:40,069 --> 00:37:40,079 maybe a 23 inch or 2161 00:37:40,079 --> 00:37:42,950 maybe a 23 inch or 24 inch wide screen beautiful monitor 2162 00:37:42,950 --> 00:37:42,960 24 inch wide screen beautiful monitor 2163 00:37:42,960 --> 00:37:43,670 24 inch wide screen beautiful monitor came in 2164 00:37:43,670 --> 00:37:43,680 came in 2165 00:37:43,680 --> 00:37:47,349 came in as e-waste and so i'm like 2166 00:37:47,349 --> 00:37:47,359 as e-waste and so i'm like 2167 00:37:47,359 --> 00:37:49,430 as e-waste and so i'm like i'll take a look and so my daughter and 2168 00:37:49,430 --> 00:37:49,440 i'll take a look and so my daughter and 2169 00:37:49,440 --> 00:37:50,710 i'll take a look and so my daughter and i looked at it 2170 00:37:50,710 --> 00:37:50,720 i looked at it 2171 00:37:50,720 --> 00:37:54,390 i looked at it and there was a single capacitor 2172 00:37:54,390 --> 00:37:54,400 and there was a single capacitor 2173 00:37:54,400 --> 00:37:57,270 and there was a single capacitor that was burnt out so i went online and 2174 00:37:57,270 --> 00:37:57,280 that was burnt out so i went online and 2175 00:37:57,280 --> 00:37:58,950 that was burnt out so i went online and i bought one of those capacitors they 2176 00:37:58,950 --> 00:37:58,960 i bought one of those capacitors they 2177 00:37:58,960 --> 00:37:59,910 i bought one of those capacitors they sell them in packs of 2178 00:37:59,910 --> 00:37:59,920 sell them in packs of 2179 00:37:59,920 --> 00:38:03,030 sell them in packs of three and it was twelve dollars so for 2180 00:38:03,030 --> 00:38:03,040 three and it was twelve dollars so for 2181 00:38:03,040 --> 00:38:03,589 three and it was twelve dollars so for 12 2182 00:38:03,589 --> 00:38:03,599 12 2183 00:38:03,599 --> 00:38:05,910 12 we got a pack of three we replaced one 2184 00:38:05,910 --> 00:38:05,920 we got a pack of three we replaced one 2185 00:38:05,920 --> 00:38:07,750 we got a pack of three we replaced one of those capacitors and that monitor is 2186 00:38:07,750 --> 00:38:07,760 of those capacitors and that monitor is 2187 00:38:07,760 --> 00:38:09,349 of those capacitors and that monitor is now sitting on my daughter's desk 2188 00:38:09,349 --> 00:38:09,359 now sitting on my daughter's desk 2189 00:38:09,359 --> 00:38:13,510 now sitting on my daughter's desk oh my gosh that's amazing it's wonderful 2190 00:38:13,510 --> 00:38:13,520 oh my gosh that's amazing it's wonderful 2191 00:38:13,520 --> 00:38:15,430 oh my gosh that's amazing it's wonderful and he's absolutely right but not only 2192 00:38:15,430 --> 00:38:15,440 and he's absolutely right but not only 2193 00:38:15,440 --> 00:38:16,710 and he's absolutely right but not only can you fix stuff jeff 2194 00:38:16,710 --> 00:38:16,720 can you fix stuff jeff 2195 00:38:16,720 --> 00:38:18,470 can you fix stuff jeff let's say something comes into e-waste 2196 00:38:18,470 --> 00:38:18,480 let's say something comes into e-waste 2197 00:38:18,480 --> 00:38:19,910 let's say something comes into e-waste or you you know you find something at 2198 00:38:19,910 --> 00:38:19,920 or you you know you find something at 2199 00:38:19,920 --> 00:38:20,950 or you you know you find something at the side of the road that someone's just 2200 00:38:20,950 --> 00:38:20,960 the side of the road that someone's just 2201 00:38:20,960 --> 00:38:22,310 the side of the road that someone's just discarded because they can't they don't 2202 00:38:22,310 --> 00:38:22,320 discarded because they can't they don't 2203 00:38:22,320 --> 00:38:23,589 discarded because they can't they don't know how to fix it 2204 00:38:23,589 --> 00:38:23,599 know how to fix it 2205 00:38:23,599 --> 00:38:26,470 know how to fix it um and maybe if fixing it is more 2206 00:38:26,470 --> 00:38:26,480 um and maybe if fixing it is more 2207 00:38:26,480 --> 00:38:28,150 um and maybe if fixing it is more expensive than buying a new one in a lot 2208 00:38:28,150 --> 00:38:28,160 expensive than buying a new one in a lot 2209 00:38:28,160 --> 00:38:30,069 expensive than buying a new one in a lot of cases too 2210 00:38:30,069 --> 00:38:30,079 of cases too 2211 00:38:30,079 --> 00:38:33,270 of cases too um you can even if you can't fix it 2212 00:38:33,270 --> 00:38:33,280 um you can even if you can't fix it 2213 00:38:33,280 --> 00:38:35,109 um you can even if you can't fix it you can do what's called desoldering 2214 00:38:35,109 --> 00:38:35,119 you can do what's called desoldering 2215 00:38:35,119 --> 00:38:36,710 you can do what's called desoldering that's right so you can remove 2216 00:38:36,710 --> 00:38:36,720 that's right so you can remove 2217 00:38:36,720 --> 00:38:39,430 that's right so you can remove all the good components from that and 2218 00:38:39,430 --> 00:38:39,440 all the good components from that and 2219 00:38:39,440 --> 00:38:41,349 all the good components from that and put them in a drawer organizer yes 2220 00:38:41,349 --> 00:38:41,359 put them in a drawer organizer yes 2221 00:38:41,359 --> 00:38:43,109 put them in a drawer organizer yes so that you can then have your own radio 2222 00:38:43,109 --> 00:38:43,119 so that you can then have your own radio 2223 00:38:43,119 --> 00:38:44,390 so that you can then have your own radio shack at home where you've got the 2224 00:38:44,390 --> 00:38:44,400 shack at home where you've got the 2225 00:38:44,400 --> 00:38:46,870 shack at home where you've got the drawers of all these different parts 2226 00:38:46,870 --> 00:38:46,880 drawers of all these different parts 2227 00:38:46,880 --> 00:38:48,870 drawers of all these different parts and then when something breaks you don't 2228 00:38:48,870 --> 00:38:48,880 and then when something breaks you don't 2229 00:38:48,880 --> 00:38:50,069 and then when something breaks you don't have to spend 12 2230 00:38:50,069 --> 00:38:50,079 have to spend 12 2231 00:38:50,079 --> 00:38:52,069 have to spend 12 online to buy them i wish i hadn't known 2232 00:38:52,069 --> 00:38:52,079 online to buy them i wish i hadn't known 2233 00:38:52,079 --> 00:38:53,270 online to buy them i wish i hadn't known he was gonna get into this 2234 00:38:53,270 --> 00:38:53,280 he was gonna get into this 2235 00:38:53,280 --> 00:38:55,990 he was gonna get into this because in the summer i had about four 2236 00:38:55,990 --> 00:38:56,000 because in the summer i had about four 2237 00:38:56,000 --> 00:38:57,030 because in the summer i had about four computers 2238 00:38:57,030 --> 00:38:57,040 computers 2239 00:38:57,040 --> 00:38:59,109 computers a couple projectors we took them all the 2240 00:38:59,109 --> 00:38:59,119 a couple projectors we took them all the 2241 00:38:59,119 --> 00:39:00,310 a couple projectors we took them all the e-waste 2242 00:39:00,310 --> 00:39:00,320 e-waste 2243 00:39:00,320 --> 00:39:01,990 e-waste so it's like oh i could have dismantled 2244 00:39:01,990 --> 00:39:02,000 so it's like oh i could have dismantled 2245 00:39:02,000 --> 00:39:03,750 so it's like oh i could have dismantled that oh sure yeah got them 2246 00:39:03,750 --> 00:39:03,760 that oh sure yeah got them 2247 00:39:03,760 --> 00:39:05,750 that oh sure yeah got them oh well the parts out we live and learn 2248 00:39:05,750 --> 00:39:05,760 oh well the parts out we live and learn 2249 00:39:05,760 --> 00:39:07,109 oh well the parts out we live and learn yeah exactly 2250 00:39:07,109 --> 00:39:07,119 yeah exactly 2251 00:39:07,119 --> 00:39:09,030 yeah exactly very cool well keep us posted on that 2252 00:39:09,030 --> 00:39:09,040 very cool well keep us posted on that 2253 00:39:09,040 --> 00:39:10,950 very cool well keep us posted on that definitely and hey comment below tell us 2254 00:39:10,950 --> 00:39:10,960 definitely and hey comment below tell us 2255 00:39:10,960 --> 00:39:12,710 definitely and hey comment below tell us about some of the exploits that you've 2256 00:39:12,710 --> 00:39:12,720 about some of the exploits that you've 2257 00:39:12,720 --> 00:39:13,349 about some of the exploits that you've had 2258 00:39:13,349 --> 00:39:13,359 had 2259 00:39:13,359 --> 00:39:16,470 had uh with regards to to these kinds of 2260 00:39:16,470 --> 00:39:16,480 uh with regards to to these kinds of 2261 00:39:16,480 --> 00:39:18,550 uh with regards to to these kinds of topics and and if they're if it's 2262 00:39:18,550 --> 00:39:18,560 topics and and if they're if it's 2263 00:39:18,560 --> 00:39:19,750 topics and and if they're if it's something that interests you that you've 2264 00:39:19,750 --> 00:39:19,760 something that interests you that you've 2265 00:39:19,760 --> 00:39:20,870 something that interests you that you've never gotten into 2266 00:39:20,870 --> 00:39:20,880 never gotten into 2267 00:39:20,880 --> 00:39:22,470 never gotten into hey comment below as well we'd love to 2268 00:39:22,470 --> 00:39:22,480 hey comment below as well we'd love to 2269 00:39:22,480 --> 00:39:24,710 hey comment below as well we'd love to hear from you and we'd love to have you 2270 00:39:24,710 --> 00:39:24,720 hear from you and we'd love to have you 2271 00:39:24,720 --> 00:39:26,630 hear from you and we'd love to have you as a part of that process as jeff is 2272 00:39:26,630 --> 00:39:26,640 as a part of that process as jeff is 2273 00:39:26,640 --> 00:39:27,910 as a part of that process as jeff is learning 2274 00:39:27,910 --> 00:39:27,920 learning 2275 00:39:27,920 --> 00:39:30,390 learning as i'm also learning and getting more 2276 00:39:30,390 --> 00:39:30,400 as i'm also learning and getting more 2277 00:39:30,400 --> 00:39:32,069 as i'm also learning and getting more and more into those types of 2278 00:39:32,069 --> 00:39:32,079 and more into those types of 2279 00:39:32,079 --> 00:39:35,190 and more into those types of like component repairs and and circuit 2280 00:39:35,190 --> 00:39:35,200 like component repairs and and circuit 2281 00:39:35,200 --> 00:39:36,790 like component repairs and and circuit boards and everything else 2282 00:39:36,790 --> 00:39:36,800 boards and everything else 2283 00:39:36,800 --> 00:39:38,870 boards and everything else it's a lot of fun yeah it's a great 2284 00:39:38,870 --> 00:39:38,880 it's a lot of fun yeah it's a great 2285 00:39:38,880 --> 00:39:41,349 it's a lot of fun yeah it's a great hobby and a wonderful career if you 2286 00:39:41,349 --> 00:39:41,359 hobby and a wonderful career if you 2287 00:39:41,359 --> 00:39:43,349 hobby and a wonderful career if you really want to do it as well so it's 2288 00:39:43,349 --> 00:39:43,359 really want to do it as well so it's 2289 00:39:43,359 --> 00:39:45,190 really want to do it as well so it's true good for your son i'd like to hear 2290 00:39:45,190 --> 00:39:45,200 true good for your son i'd like to hear 2291 00:39:45,200 --> 00:39:45,910 true good for your son i'd like to hear how he 2292 00:39:45,910 --> 00:39:45,920 how he 2293 00:39:45,920 --> 00:39:49,670 how he enjoys it so when he's um i guess 2294 00:39:49,670 --> 00:39:49,680 enjoys it so when he's um i guess 2295 00:39:49,680 --> 00:39:52,390 enjoys it so when he's um i guess 13 plus so next year you can bring him 2296 00:39:52,390 --> 00:39:52,400 13 plus so next year you can bring him 2297 00:39:52,400 --> 00:39:53,349 13 plus so next year you can bring him into the studio 2298 00:39:53,349 --> 00:39:53,359 into the studio 2299 00:39:53,359 --> 00:39:55,670 into the studio and he can show us how he's how he's 2300 00:39:55,670 --> 00:39:55,680 and he can show us how he's how he's 2301 00:39:55,680 --> 00:39:56,550 and he can show us how he's how he's making out 2302 00:39:56,550 --> 00:39:56,560 making out 2303 00:39:56,560 --> 00:39:59,109 making out sounds good very cool make it happen 2304 00:39:59,109 --> 00:39:59,119 sounds good very cool make it happen 2305 00:39:59,119 --> 00:40:00,470 sounds good very cool make it happen we've gotta head over to the newsroom 2306 00:40:00,470 --> 00:40:00,480 we've gotta head over to the newsroom 2307 00:40:00,480 --> 00:40:02,150 we've gotta head over to the newsroom becca's there with our top news stories 2308 00:40:02,150 --> 00:40:02,160 becca's there with our top news stories 2309 00:40:02,160 --> 00:40:02,950 becca's there with our top news stories for the week 2310 00:40:02,950 --> 00:40:02,960 for the week 2311 00:40:02,960 --> 00:40:05,510 for the week here she is here's what's coming up in 2312 00:40:05,510 --> 00:40:05,520 here she is here's what's coming up in 2313 00:40:05,520 --> 00:40:08,790 here she is here's what's coming up in the category 5 dot tv news room 2314 00:40:08,790 --> 00:40:08,800 the category 5 dot tv news room 2315 00:40:08,800 --> 00:40:11,109 the category 5 dot tv news room hackers are using a severe windows bug 2316 00:40:11,109 --> 00:40:11,119 hackers are using a severe windows bug 2317 00:40:11,119 --> 00:40:11,990 hackers are using a severe windows bug to compromise 2318 00:40:11,990 --> 00:40:12,000 to compromise 2319 00:40:12,000 --> 00:40:14,950 to compromise unpatched servers three javascript 2320 00:40:14,950 --> 00:40:14,960 unpatched servers three javascript 2321 00:40:14,960 --> 00:40:17,270 unpatched servers three javascript packages have been removed from the npm 2322 00:40:17,270 --> 00:40:17,280 packages have been removed from the npm 2323 00:40:17,280 --> 00:40:20,309 packages have been removed from the npm portal for containing malicious code 2324 00:40:20,309 --> 00:40:20,319 portal for containing malicious code 2325 00:40:20,319 --> 00:40:22,550 portal for containing malicious code nokia has been tasked with building a 2326 00:40:22,550 --> 00:40:22,560 nokia has been tasked with building a 2327 00:40:22,560 --> 00:40:23,510 nokia has been tasked with building a new 4g 2328 00:40:23,510 --> 00:40:23,520 new 4g 2329 00:40:23,520 --> 00:40:27,030 new 4g cellular network on the moon a new 80 2330 00:40:27,030 --> 00:40:27,040 cellular network on the moon a new 80 2331 00:40:27,040 --> 00:40:28,870 cellular network on the moon a new 80 watt wireless charging tech from 2332 00:40:28,870 --> 00:40:28,880 watt wireless charging tech from 2333 00:40:28,880 --> 00:40:32,230 watt wireless charging tech from xiaomi is blowing our minds and the 2334 00:40:32,230 --> 00:40:32,240 xiaomi is blowing our minds and the 2335 00:40:32,240 --> 00:40:33,109 xiaomi is blowing our minds and the raspberry pi 2336 00:40:33,109 --> 00:40:33,119 raspberry pi 2337 00:40:33,119 --> 00:40:36,230 raspberry pi compute module 4 has been released we'll 2338 00:40:36,230 --> 00:40:36,240 compute module 4 has been released we'll 2339 00:40:36,240 --> 00:40:37,829 compute module 4 has been released we'll let you know the specs and how this 2340 00:40:37,829 --> 00:40:37,839 let you know the specs and how this 2341 00:40:37,839 --> 00:40:40,710 let you know the specs and how this changes things for industrial iot 2342 00:40:40,710 --> 00:40:40,720 changes things for industrial iot 2343 00:40:40,720 --> 00:40:42,790 changes things for industrial iot stick around the full details and this 2344 00:40:42,790 --> 00:40:42,800 stick around the full details and this 2345 00:40:42,800 --> 00:40:43,990 stick around the full details and this week's crypto corner 2346 00:40:43,990 --> 00:40:44,000 week's crypto corner 2347 00:40:44,000 --> 00:40:47,190 week's crypto corner are coming up this is the category 5 dot 2348 00:40:47,190 --> 00:40:47,200 are coming up this is the category 5 dot 2349 00:40:47,200 --> 00:40:48,630 are coming up this is the category 5 dot tv newsroom 2350 00:40:48,630 --> 00:40:48,640 tv newsroom 2351 00:40:48,640 --> 00:40:50,630 tv newsroom covering the week's top tech stories 2352 00:40:50,630 --> 00:40:50,640 covering the week's top tech stories 2353 00:40:50,640 --> 00:40:52,069 covering the week's top tech stories with a slight linux 2354 00:40:52,069 --> 00:40:52,079 with a slight linux 2355 00:40:52,079 --> 00:40:56,230 with a slight linux bias 2356 00:40:56,230 --> 00:40:56,240 2357 00:40:56,240 --> 00:41:00,710 from the newsroom i'm becca ferguson 2358 00:41:00,710 --> 00:41:00,720 2359 00:41:00,720 --> 00:41:03,030 hackers are using a severe windows bug 2360 00:41:03,030 --> 00:41:03,040 hackers are using a severe windows bug 2361 00:41:03,040 --> 00:41:03,910 hackers are using a severe windows bug to compromise 2362 00:41:03,910 --> 00:41:03,920 to compromise 2363 00:41:03,920 --> 00:41:06,150 to compromise unpatched servers one of the most 2364 00:41:06,150 --> 00:41:06,160 unpatched servers one of the most 2365 00:41:06,160 --> 00:41:07,910 unpatched servers one of the most critical windows vulnerabilities 2366 00:41:07,910 --> 00:41:07,920 critical windows vulnerabilities 2367 00:41:07,920 --> 00:41:09,750 critical windows vulnerabilities disclosed this year is under active 2368 00:41:09,750 --> 00:41:09,760 disclosed this year is under active 2369 00:41:09,760 --> 00:41:10,390 disclosed this year is under active attack 2370 00:41:10,390 --> 00:41:10,400 attack 2371 00:41:10,400 --> 00:41:12,390 attack by hackers who are trying to backdoor 2372 00:41:12,390 --> 00:41:12,400 by hackers who are trying to backdoor 2373 00:41:12,400 --> 00:41:14,470 by hackers who are trying to backdoor servers that store credentials for every 2374 00:41:14,470 --> 00:41:14,480 servers that store credentials for every 2375 00:41:14,480 --> 00:41:15,349 servers that store credentials for every user 2376 00:41:15,349 --> 00:41:15,359 user 2377 00:41:15,359 --> 00:41:18,470 user and administrative account on a network 2378 00:41:18,470 --> 00:41:18,480 and administrative account on a network 2379 00:41:18,480 --> 00:41:20,390 and administrative account on a network researchers gave the vulnerability the 2380 00:41:20,390 --> 00:41:20,400 researchers gave the vulnerability the 2381 00:41:20,400 --> 00:41:23,109 researchers gave the vulnerability the name xerologon because attacks work by 2382 00:41:23,109 --> 00:41:23,119 name xerologon because attacks work by 2383 00:41:23,119 --> 00:41:24,790 name xerologon because attacks work by sending a string of zeros 2384 00:41:24,790 --> 00:41:24,800 sending a string of zeros 2385 00:41:24,800 --> 00:41:27,190 sending a string of zeros in a series of messages that use the net 2386 00:41:27,190 --> 00:41:27,200 in a series of messages that use the net 2387 00:41:27,200 --> 00:41:28,710 in a series of messages that use the net logon protocol 2388 00:41:28,710 --> 00:41:28,720 logon protocol 2389 00:41:28,720 --> 00:41:30,710 logon protocol which windows servers rely on for a 2390 00:41:30,710 --> 00:41:30,720 which windows servers rely on for a 2391 00:41:30,720 --> 00:41:32,150 which windows servers rely on for a variety of tasks 2392 00:41:32,150 --> 00:41:32,160 variety of tasks 2393 00:41:32,160 --> 00:41:34,550 variety of tasks including allowing end users to log in 2394 00:41:34,550 --> 00:41:34,560 including allowing end users to log in 2395 00:41:34,560 --> 00:41:36,230 including allowing end users to log in to a network 2396 00:41:36,230 --> 00:41:36,240 to a network 2397 00:41:36,240 --> 00:41:38,550 to a network xero logon as the vulnerability has been 2398 00:41:38,550 --> 00:41:38,560 xero logon as the vulnerability has been 2399 00:41:38,560 --> 00:41:39,349 xero logon as the vulnerability has been dubbed 2400 00:41:39,349 --> 00:41:39,359 dubbed 2401 00:41:39,359 --> 00:41:41,270 dubbed gained widespread attention last month 2402 00:41:41,270 --> 00:41:41,280 gained widespread attention last month 2403 00:41:41,280 --> 00:41:42,950 gained widespread attention last month when the firm that discovered it said it 2404 00:41:42,950 --> 00:41:42,960 when the firm that discovered it said it 2405 00:41:42,960 --> 00:41:43,990 when the firm that discovered it said it could give attackers 2406 00:41:43,990 --> 00:41:44,000 could give attackers 2407 00:41:44,000 --> 00:41:46,390 could give attackers instant access to active directories 2408 00:41:46,390 --> 00:41:46,400 instant access to active directories 2409 00:41:46,400 --> 00:41:48,069 instant access to active directories which admins use to create 2410 00:41:48,069 --> 00:41:48,079 which admins use to create 2411 00:41:48,079 --> 00:41:50,710 which admins use to create delete and manage network accounts 2412 00:41:50,710 --> 00:41:50,720 delete and manage network accounts 2413 00:41:50,720 --> 00:41:52,470 delete and manage network accounts active directories and the domain 2414 00:41:52,470 --> 00:41:52,480 active directories and the domain 2415 00:41:52,480 --> 00:41:54,230 active directories and the domain controllers they run on are among the 2416 00:41:54,230 --> 00:41:54,240 controllers they run on are among the 2417 00:41:54,240 --> 00:41:55,589 controllers they run on are among the most coveted prizes 2418 00:41:55,589 --> 00:41:55,599 most coveted prizes 2419 00:41:55,599 --> 00:41:58,550 most coveted prizes in hacking because once hijacked they 2420 00:41:58,550 --> 00:41:58,560 in hacking because once hijacked they 2421 00:41:58,560 --> 00:42:00,470 in hacking because once hijacked they allow attackers to execute code and 2422 00:42:00,470 --> 00:42:00,480 allow attackers to execute code and 2423 00:42:00,480 --> 00:42:01,109 allow attackers to execute code and munition 2424 00:42:01,109 --> 00:42:01,119 munition 2425 00:42:01,119 --> 00:42:03,829 munition on all connected machines microsoft 2426 00:42:03,829 --> 00:42:03,839 on all connected machines microsoft 2427 00:42:03,839 --> 00:42:05,270 on all connected machines microsoft patched the security flaw 2428 00:42:05,270 --> 00:42:05,280 patched the security flaw 2429 00:42:05,280 --> 00:42:09,270 patched the security flaw in august on friday kevin beaumont 2430 00:42:09,270 --> 00:42:09,280 in august on friday kevin beaumont 2431 00:42:09,280 --> 00:42:10,870 in august on friday kevin beaumont working in his capacity as an 2432 00:42:10,870 --> 00:42:10,880 working in his capacity as an 2433 00:42:10,880 --> 00:42:12,470 working in his capacity as an independent researcher 2434 00:42:12,470 --> 00:42:12,480 independent researcher 2435 00:42:12,480 --> 00:42:14,470 independent researcher said in a blog post that he had detected 2436 00:42:14,470 --> 00:42:14,480 said in a blog post that he had detected 2437 00:42:14,480 --> 00:42:16,470 said in a blog post that he had detected attacks on the honeypot he uses to keep 2438 00:42:16,470 --> 00:42:16,480 attacks on the honeypot he uses to keep 2439 00:42:16,480 --> 00:42:17,910 attacks on the honeypot he uses to keep abreast of attack 2440 00:42:17,910 --> 00:42:17,920 abreast of attack 2441 00:42:17,920 --> 00:42:19,670 abreast of attack attacks that hackers are using in the 2442 00:42:19,670 --> 00:42:19,680 attacks that hackers are using in the 2443 00:42:19,680 --> 00:42:22,790 attacks that hackers are using in the wild when his lure server was unpatched 2444 00:42:22,790 --> 00:42:22,800 wild when his lure server was unpatched 2445 00:42:22,800 --> 00:42:24,150 wild when his lure server was unpatched the attackers were able to use a 2446 00:42:24,150 --> 00:42:24,160 the attackers were able to use a 2447 00:42:24,160 --> 00:42:25,349 the attackers were able to use a powershell script 2448 00:42:25,349 --> 00:42:25,359 powershell script 2449 00:42:25,359 --> 00:42:27,670 powershell script to successfully change an admin password 2450 00:42:27,670 --> 00:42:27,680 to successfully change an admin password 2451 00:42:27,680 --> 00:42:30,069 to successfully change an admin password and backdoor the server 2452 00:42:30,069 --> 00:42:30,079 and backdoor the server 2453 00:42:30,079 --> 00:42:31,910 and backdoor the server beaumont said that the attack appeared 2454 00:42:31,910 --> 00:42:31,920 beaumont said that the attack appeared 2455 00:42:31,920 --> 00:42:33,670 beaumont said that the attack appeared to be entirely scripted with all 2456 00:42:33,670 --> 00:42:33,680 to be entirely scripted with all 2457 00:42:33,680 --> 00:42:36,470 to be entirely scripted with all commands being completed within seconds 2458 00:42:36,470 --> 00:42:36,480 commands being completed within seconds 2459 00:42:36,480 --> 00:42:38,630 commands being completed within seconds with that the attackers installed a back 2460 00:42:38,630 --> 00:42:38,640 with that the attackers installed a back 2461 00:42:38,640 --> 00:42:40,150 with that the attackers installed a back door allowing remote 2462 00:42:40,150 --> 00:42:40,160 door allowing remote 2463 00:42:40,160 --> 00:42:42,550 door allowing remote administrative access to devices inside 2464 00:42:42,550 --> 00:42:42,560 administrative access to devices inside 2465 00:42:42,560 --> 00:42:44,069 administrative access to devices inside his mock network 2466 00:42:44,069 --> 00:42:44,079 his mock network 2467 00:42:44,079 --> 00:42:45,910 his mock network the attackers also enabled remote 2468 00:42:45,910 --> 00:42:45,920 the attackers also enabled remote 2469 00:42:45,920 --> 00:42:48,390 the attackers also enabled remote desktop as a result they would continue 2470 00:42:48,390 --> 00:42:48,400 desktop as a result they would continue 2471 00:42:48,400 --> 00:42:50,630 desktop as a result they would continue to have remote access even if the admin 2472 00:42:50,630 --> 00:42:50,640 to have remote access even if the admin 2473 00:42:50,640 --> 00:42:53,190 to have remote access even if the admin later patches the server 2474 00:42:53,190 --> 00:42:53,200 later patches the server 2475 00:42:53,200 --> 00:42:55,750 later patches the server people with no authentic authentication 2476 00:42:55,750 --> 00:42:55,760 people with no authentic authentication 2477 00:42:55,760 --> 00:42:57,510 people with no authentic authentication can use the exploit to gain domain 2478 00:42:57,510 --> 00:42:57,520 can use the exploit to gain domain 2479 00:42:57,520 --> 00:42:59,349 can use the exploit to gain domain administrative credentials as long as 2480 00:42:59,349 --> 00:42:59,359 administrative credentials as long as 2481 00:42:59,359 --> 00:43:00,790 administrative credentials as long as the attackers have the ability to 2482 00:43:00,790 --> 00:43:00,800 the attackers have the ability to 2483 00:43:00,800 --> 00:43:02,950 the attackers have the ability to establish tcp connections 2484 00:43:02,950 --> 00:43:02,960 establish tcp connections 2485 00:43:02,960 --> 00:43:05,829 establish tcp connections with a vulnerable domain controller in 2486 00:43:05,829 --> 00:43:05,839 with a vulnerable domain controller in 2487 00:43:05,839 --> 00:43:08,069 with a vulnerable domain controller in some cases attackers may use a separate 2488 00:43:08,069 --> 00:43:08,079 some cases attackers may use a separate 2489 00:43:08,079 --> 00:43:10,150 some cases attackers may use a separate vulnerability to gain a foothold inside 2490 00:43:10,150 --> 00:43:10,160 vulnerability to gain a foothold inside 2491 00:43:10,160 --> 00:43:11,109 vulnerability to gain a foothold inside a network 2492 00:43:11,109 --> 00:43:11,119 a network 2493 00:43:11,119 --> 00:43:13,349 a network and then exploit zero logon to take over 2494 00:43:13,349 --> 00:43:13,359 and then exploit zero logon to take over 2495 00:43:13,359 --> 00:43:14,630 and then exploit zero logon to take over the domain controller 2496 00:43:14,630 --> 00:43:14,640 the domain controller 2497 00:43:14,640 --> 00:43:17,589 the domain controller i think a good example of a way for 2498 00:43:17,589 --> 00:43:17,599 i think a good example of a way for 2499 00:43:17,599 --> 00:43:19,670 i think a good example of a way for these types of scripts to get into 2500 00:43:19,670 --> 00:43:19,680 these types of scripts to get into 2501 00:43:19,680 --> 00:43:20,309 these types of scripts to get into networks 2502 00:43:20,309 --> 00:43:20,319 networks 2503 00:43:20,319 --> 00:43:24,790 networks are out of date computers on the network 2504 00:43:24,790 --> 00:43:24,800 are out of date computers on the network 2505 00:43:24,800 --> 00:43:27,829 are out of date computers on the network and also social engineering scams we 2506 00:43:27,829 --> 00:43:27,839 and also social engineering scams we 2507 00:43:27,839 --> 00:43:29,109 and also social engineering scams we hear a lot about 2508 00:43:29,109 --> 00:43:29,119 hear a lot about 2509 00:43:29,119 --> 00:43:31,030 hear a lot about like you probably receive these emails 2510 00:43:31,030 --> 00:43:31,040 like you probably receive these emails 2511 00:43:31,040 --> 00:43:32,630 like you probably receive these emails that try to trick you into 2512 00:43:32,630 --> 00:43:32,640 that try to trick you into 2513 00:43:32,640 --> 00:43:34,790 that try to trick you into following through with a process of 2514 00:43:34,790 --> 00:43:34,800 following through with a process of 2515 00:43:34,800 --> 00:43:36,550 following through with a process of entering a credential or something like 2516 00:43:36,550 --> 00:43:36,560 entering a credential or something like 2517 00:43:36,560 --> 00:43:38,309 entering a credential or something like that 2518 00:43:38,309 --> 00:43:38,319 that 2519 00:43:38,319 --> 00:43:41,670 that the the risk that we run and the sad 2520 00:43:41,670 --> 00:43:41,680 the the risk that we run and the sad 2521 00:43:41,680 --> 00:43:44,710 the the risk that we run and the sad case that i see as 2522 00:43:44,710 --> 00:43:44,720 case that i see as 2523 00:43:44,720 --> 00:43:48,230 case that i see as in i.t is that sometimes people think 2524 00:43:48,230 --> 00:43:48,240 in i.t is that sometimes people think 2525 00:43:48,240 --> 00:43:48,870 in i.t is that sometimes people think well 2526 00:43:48,870 --> 00:43:48,880 well 2527 00:43:48,880 --> 00:43:50,550 well i don't need to update that computer 2528 00:43:50,550 --> 00:43:50,560 i don't need to update that computer 2529 00:43:50,560 --> 00:43:52,309 i don't need to update that computer because it's in the back room nobody 2530 00:43:52,309 --> 00:43:52,319 because it's in the back room nobody 2531 00:43:52,319 --> 00:43:53,510 because it's in the back room nobody really uses it 2532 00:43:53,510 --> 00:43:53,520 really uses it 2533 00:43:53,520 --> 00:43:55,670 really uses it yeah or oh well we need this one to 2534 00:43:55,670 --> 00:43:55,680 yeah or oh well we need this one to 2535 00:43:55,680 --> 00:43:56,870 yeah or oh well we need this one to still have windows xp 2536 00:43:56,870 --> 00:43:56,880 still have windows xp 2537 00:43:56,880 --> 00:43:58,790 still have windows xp because we have problems with one of our 2538 00:43:58,790 --> 00:43:58,800 because we have problems with one of our 2539 00:43:58,800 --> 00:44:00,870 because we have problems with one of our printers if we don't 2540 00:44:00,870 --> 00:44:00,880 printers if we don't 2541 00:44:00,880 --> 00:44:02,870 printers if we don't we're still seeing a lot of windows 7 2542 00:44:02,870 --> 00:44:02,880 we're still seeing a lot of windows 7 2543 00:44:02,880 --> 00:44:03,910 we're still seeing a lot of windows 7 systems 2544 00:44:03,910 --> 00:44:03,920 systems 2545 00:44:03,920 --> 00:44:06,950 systems and that is a tragedy if you have a 2546 00:44:06,950 --> 00:44:06,960 and that is a tragedy if you have a 2547 00:44:06,960 --> 00:44:07,990 and that is a tragedy if you have a windows 7 or windows 2548 00:44:07,990 --> 00:44:08,000 windows 7 or windows 2549 00:44:08,000 --> 00:44:10,950 windows 7 or windows xp system on your network just turn it 2550 00:44:10,950 --> 00:44:10,960 xp system on your network just turn it 2551 00:44:10,960 --> 00:44:11,349 xp system on your network just turn it off 2552 00:44:11,349 --> 00:44:11,359 off 2553 00:44:11,359 --> 00:44:13,829 off get rid of it yeah see the the thing is 2554 00:44:13,829 --> 00:44:13,839 get rid of it yeah see the the thing is 2555 00:44:13,839 --> 00:44:16,790 get rid of it yeah see the the thing is is with those systems so microsoft has 2556 00:44:16,790 --> 00:44:16,800 is with those systems so microsoft has 2557 00:44:16,800 --> 00:44:20,470 is with those systems so microsoft has what we call eol or end of life uh 2558 00:44:20,470 --> 00:44:20,480 what we call eol or end of life uh 2559 00:44:20,480 --> 00:44:22,470 what we call eol or end of life uh has has ended the life of these 2560 00:44:22,470 --> 00:44:22,480 has has ended the life of these 2561 00:44:22,480 --> 00:44:24,230 has has ended the life of these operating systems 2562 00:44:24,230 --> 00:44:24,240 operating systems 2563 00:44:24,240 --> 00:44:26,150 operating systems so they've said you've got to upgrade to 2564 00:44:26,150 --> 00:44:26,160 so they've said you've got to upgrade to 2565 00:44:26,160 --> 00:44:27,829 so they've said you've got to upgrade to windows 10. well i don't want to upgrade 2566 00:44:27,829 --> 00:44:27,839 windows 10. well i don't want to upgrade 2567 00:44:27,839 --> 00:44:29,670 windows 10. well i don't want to upgrade to windows 10 i like my windows 7. 2568 00:44:29,670 --> 00:44:29,680 to windows 10 i like my windows 7. 2569 00:44:29,680 --> 00:44:31,990 to windows 10 i like my windows 7. i understand that and i respect that 2570 00:44:31,990 --> 00:44:32,000 i understand that and i respect that 2571 00:44:32,000 --> 00:44:33,430 i understand that and i respect that however 2572 00:44:33,430 --> 00:44:33,440 however 2573 00:44:33,440 --> 00:44:37,109 however here's the problem hackers 2574 00:44:37,109 --> 00:44:37,119 here's the problem hackers 2575 00:44:37,119 --> 00:44:40,069 here's the problem hackers now are able to exploit these operating 2576 00:44:40,069 --> 00:44:40,079 now are able to exploit these operating 2577 00:44:40,079 --> 00:44:41,589 now are able to exploit these operating systems 2578 00:44:41,589 --> 00:44:41,599 systems 2579 00:44:41,599 --> 00:44:44,550 systems and as they do that as they find 2580 00:44:44,550 --> 00:44:44,560 and as they do that as they find 2581 00:44:44,560 --> 00:44:45,829 and as they do that as they find exploits 2582 00:44:45,829 --> 00:44:45,839 exploits 2583 00:44:45,839 --> 00:44:47,510 exploits there's a couple of things that happen 2584 00:44:47,510 --> 00:44:47,520 there's a couple of things that happen 2585 00:44:47,520 --> 00:44:48,950 there's a couple of things that happen one they 2586 00:44:48,950 --> 00:44:48,960 one they 2587 00:44:48,960 --> 00:44:52,470 one they either give away or sell those exploits 2588 00:44:52,470 --> 00:44:52,480 either give away or sell those exploits 2589 00:44:52,480 --> 00:44:55,510 either give away or sell those exploits or two they're just they're released 2590 00:44:55,510 --> 00:44:55,520 or two they're just they're released 2591 00:44:55,520 --> 00:44:58,950 or two they're just they're released to the public through whether it's 2592 00:44:58,950 --> 00:44:58,960 to the public through whether it's 2593 00:44:58,960 --> 00:45:01,510 to the public through whether it's through the dark web or even on github 2594 00:45:01,510 --> 00:45:01,520 through the dark web or even on github 2595 00:45:01,520 --> 00:45:05,349 through the dark web or even on github as as security research and so now 2596 00:45:05,349 --> 00:45:05,359 as as security research and so now 2597 00:45:05,359 --> 00:45:07,829 as as security research and so now these hackers if you will we're going to 2598 00:45:07,829 --> 00:45:07,839 these hackers if you will we're going to 2599 00:45:07,839 --> 00:45:09,990 these hackers if you will we're going to call them that but realistically 2600 00:45:09,990 --> 00:45:10,000 call them that but realistically 2601 00:45:10,000 --> 00:45:11,589 call them that but realistically in a lot of cases they're what we call 2602 00:45:11,589 --> 00:45:11,599 in a lot of cases they're what we call 2603 00:45:11,599 --> 00:45:13,349 in a lot of cases they're what we call script kitties 2604 00:45:13,349 --> 00:45:13,359 script kitties 2605 00:45:13,359 --> 00:45:16,790 script kitties and these are um 2606 00:45:16,790 --> 00:45:16,800 and these are um 2607 00:45:16,800 --> 00:45:19,829 and these are um not even like hackers yes but they don't 2608 00:45:19,829 --> 00:45:19,839 not even like hackers yes but they don't 2609 00:45:19,839 --> 00:45:21,670 not even like hackers yes but they don't have to have a lot of knowledge because 2610 00:45:21,670 --> 00:45:21,680 have to have a lot of knowledge because 2611 00:45:21,680 --> 00:45:25,190 have to have a lot of knowledge because the the exploit is publicly 2612 00:45:25,190 --> 00:45:25,200 the the exploit is publicly 2613 00:45:25,200 --> 00:45:28,150 the the exploit is publicly that's right known and understood so if 2614 00:45:28,150 --> 00:45:28,160 that's right known and understood so if 2615 00:45:28,160 --> 00:45:30,150 that's right known and understood so if there are exploits that are available 2616 00:45:30,150 --> 00:45:30,160 there are exploits that are available 2617 00:45:30,160 --> 00:45:32,309 there are exploits that are available for an operating system 2618 00:45:32,309 --> 00:45:32,319 for an operating system 2619 00:45:32,319 --> 00:45:34,630 for an operating system what do we expect to happen we expect 2620 00:45:34,630 --> 00:45:34,640 what do we expect to happen we expect 2621 00:45:34,640 --> 00:45:36,870 what do we expect to happen we expect the operating system vendor microsoft in 2622 00:45:36,870 --> 00:45:36,880 the operating system vendor microsoft in 2623 00:45:36,880 --> 00:45:37,829 the operating system vendor microsoft in this case 2624 00:45:37,829 --> 00:45:37,839 this case 2625 00:45:37,839 --> 00:45:41,190 this case to patch that exploit to fix it 2626 00:45:41,190 --> 00:45:41,200 to patch that exploit to fix it 2627 00:45:41,200 --> 00:45:43,829 to patch that exploit to fix it and that's the case with windows 10. 2628 00:45:43,829 --> 00:45:43,839 and that's the case with windows 10. 2629 00:45:43,839 --> 00:45:44,550 and that's the case with windows 10. sadly though 2630 00:45:44,550 --> 00:45:44,560 sadly though 2631 00:45:44,560 --> 00:45:46,950 sadly though those that are eol it's not the case 2632 00:45:46,950 --> 00:45:46,960 those that are eol it's not the case 2633 00:45:46,960 --> 00:45:49,030 those that are eol it's not the case with an eol operating system sometimes 2634 00:45:49,030 --> 00:45:49,040 with an eol operating system sometimes 2635 00:45:49,040 --> 00:45:52,230 with an eol operating system sometimes we hear oh well i don't need support 2636 00:45:52,230 --> 00:45:52,240 we hear oh well i don't need support 2637 00:45:52,240 --> 00:45:54,069 we hear oh well i don't need support well microsoft has ended support that's 2638 00:45:54,069 --> 00:45:54,079 well microsoft has ended support that's 2639 00:45:54,079 --> 00:45:55,829 well microsoft has ended support that's what we've heard yeah they've ended 2640 00:45:55,829 --> 00:45:55,839 what we've heard yeah they've ended 2641 00:45:55,839 --> 00:45:57,430 what we've heard yeah they've ended support for windows 7. they've ended 2642 00:45:57,430 --> 00:45:57,440 support for windows 7. they've ended 2643 00:45:57,440 --> 00:45:59,430 support for windows 7. they've ended support for windows xp 2644 00:45:59,430 --> 00:45:59,440 support for windows xp 2645 00:45:59,440 --> 00:46:01,910 support for windows xp oh but i i've never had to call support 2646 00:46:01,910 --> 00:46:01,920 oh but i i've never had to call support 2647 00:46:01,920 --> 00:46:02,630 oh but i i've never had to call support i can 2648 00:46:02,630 --> 00:46:02,640 i can 2649 00:46:02,640 --> 00:46:04,630 i can handle it that's not what they're 2650 00:46:04,630 --> 00:46:04,640 handle it that's not what they're 2651 00:46:04,640 --> 00:46:06,230 handle it that's not what they're talking about at all what they're saying 2652 00:46:06,230 --> 00:46:06,240 talking about at all what they're saying 2653 00:46:06,240 --> 00:46:06,630 talking about at all what they're saying is 2654 00:46:06,630 --> 00:46:06,640 is 2655 00:46:06,640 --> 00:46:10,230 is they will not fix the patches 2656 00:46:10,230 --> 00:46:10,240 they will not fix the patches 2657 00:46:10,240 --> 00:46:12,630 they will not fix the patches it does the the exploits doesn't matter 2658 00:46:12,630 --> 00:46:12,640 it does the the exploits doesn't matter 2659 00:46:12,640 --> 00:46:14,630 it does the the exploits doesn't matter how severe they are 2660 00:46:14,630 --> 00:46:14,640 how severe they are 2661 00:46:14,640 --> 00:46:16,150 how severe they are it doesn't matter how easy they are to 2662 00:46:16,150 --> 00:46:16,160 it doesn't matter how easy they are to 2663 00:46:16,160 --> 00:46:19,030 it doesn't matter how easy they are to exploit so you have a windows 7 machine 2664 00:46:19,030 --> 00:46:19,040 exploit so you have a windows 7 machine 2665 00:46:19,040 --> 00:46:20,069 exploit so you have a windows 7 machine on your network well 2666 00:46:20,069 --> 00:46:20,079 on your network well 2667 00:46:20,079 --> 00:46:23,670 on your network well you are giving entry to 2668 00:46:23,670 --> 00:46:23,680 you are giving entry to 2669 00:46:23,680 --> 00:46:26,309 you are giving entry to one of these hackers who don't even have 2670 00:46:26,309 --> 00:46:26,319 one of these hackers who don't even have 2671 00:46:26,319 --> 00:46:27,990 one of these hackers who don't even have to be very good at hacking 2672 00:46:27,990 --> 00:46:28,000 to be very good at hacking 2673 00:46:28,000 --> 00:46:31,030 to be very good at hacking because the exploits are publicly known 2674 00:46:31,030 --> 00:46:31,040 because the exploits are publicly known 2675 00:46:31,040 --> 00:46:34,309 because the exploits are publicly known yep sometimes they're part of tools 2676 00:46:34,309 --> 00:46:34,319 yep sometimes they're part of tools 2677 00:46:34,319 --> 00:46:36,230 yep sometimes they're part of tools sometimes they can just download a free 2678 00:46:36,230 --> 00:46:36,240 sometimes they can just download a free 2679 00:46:36,240 --> 00:46:38,069 sometimes they can just download a free tool and they can say i want to 2680 00:46:38,069 --> 00:46:38,079 tool and they can say i want to 2681 00:46:38,079 --> 00:46:41,430 tool and they can say i want to with one check exploit windows 7 2682 00:46:41,430 --> 00:46:41,440 with one check exploit windows 7 2683 00:46:41,440 --> 00:46:44,309 with one check exploit windows 7 and so they get into a windows 7 box or 2684 00:46:44,309 --> 00:46:44,319 and so they get into a windows 7 box or 2685 00:46:44,319 --> 00:46:46,390 and so they get into a windows 7 box or they've tricked one of your employees 2686 00:46:46,390 --> 00:46:46,400 they've tricked one of your employees 2687 00:46:46,400 --> 00:46:47,910 they've tricked one of your employees even if they're just somebody in the 2688 00:46:47,910 --> 00:46:47,920 even if they're just somebody in the 2689 00:46:47,920 --> 00:46:50,870 even if they're just somebody in the back working in the warehouse 2690 00:46:50,870 --> 00:46:50,880 back working in the warehouse 2691 00:46:50,880 --> 00:46:52,710 back working in the warehouse they've tricked somebody into opening a 2692 00:46:52,710 --> 00:46:52,720 they've tricked somebody into opening a 2693 00:46:52,720 --> 00:46:55,109 they've tricked somebody into opening a file that now gives them access to the 2694 00:46:55,109 --> 00:46:55,119 file that now gives them access to the 2695 00:46:55,119 --> 00:46:56,950 file that now gives them access to the windows 7 machine the windows xp 2696 00:46:56,950 --> 00:46:56,960 windows 7 machine the windows xp 2697 00:46:56,960 --> 00:46:59,349 windows 7 machine the windows xp machine or the machine in the back room 2698 00:46:59,349 --> 00:46:59,359 machine or the machine in the back room 2699 00:46:59,359 --> 00:47:00,470 machine or the machine in the back room doesn't matter 2700 00:47:00,470 --> 00:47:00,480 doesn't matter 2701 00:47:00,480 --> 00:47:03,349 doesn't matter and here we're learning that microsoft 2702 00:47:03,349 --> 00:47:03,359 and here we're learning that microsoft 2703 00:47:03,359 --> 00:47:04,790 and here we're learning that microsoft servers 2704 00:47:04,790 --> 00:47:04,800 servers 2705 00:47:04,800 --> 00:47:08,390 servers now have an exploit that as long as 2706 00:47:08,390 --> 00:47:08,400 now have an exploit that as long as 2707 00:47:08,400 --> 00:47:11,589 now have an exploit that as long as a malicious party can gain access to any 2708 00:47:11,589 --> 00:47:11,599 a malicious party can gain access to any 2709 00:47:11,599 --> 00:47:13,589 a malicious party can gain access to any computer on the network 2710 00:47:13,589 --> 00:47:13,599 computer on the network 2711 00:47:13,599 --> 00:47:17,430 computer on the network they can now get domain administrator 2712 00:47:17,430 --> 00:47:17,440 they can now get domain administrator 2713 00:47:17,440 --> 00:47:20,470 they can now get domain administrator access to the entire network 2714 00:47:20,470 --> 00:47:20,480 access to the entire network 2715 00:47:20,480 --> 00:47:23,510 access to the entire network now scary now 2716 00:47:23,510 --> 00:47:23,520 now scary now 2717 00:47:23,520 --> 00:47:25,349 now scary now your windows 10 machines are no longer 2718 00:47:25,349 --> 00:47:25,359 your windows 10 machines are no longer 2719 00:47:25,359 --> 00:47:27,670 your windows 10 machines are no longer safe that's right because you've given 2720 00:47:27,670 --> 00:47:27,680 safe that's right because you've given 2721 00:47:27,680 --> 00:47:31,430 safe that's right because you've given them entry to your network as if 2722 00:47:31,430 --> 00:47:31,440 them entry to your network as if 2723 00:47:31,440 --> 00:47:34,549 them entry to your network as if they're a domain administrator 2724 00:47:34,549 --> 00:47:34,559 they're a domain administrator 2725 00:47:34,559 --> 00:47:39,190 they're a domain administrator oh see that's just bad news right there 2726 00:47:39,190 --> 00:47:39,200 oh see that's just bad news right there 2727 00:47:39,200 --> 00:47:41,510 oh see that's just bad news right there well it's bad news why is ransomware a 2728 00:47:41,510 --> 00:47:41,520 well it's bad news why is ransomware a 2729 00:47:41,520 --> 00:47:42,309 well it's bad news why is ransomware a thing 2730 00:47:42,309 --> 00:47:42,319 thing 2731 00:47:42,319 --> 00:47:44,150 thing because what do they do they now okay 2732 00:47:44,150 --> 00:47:44,160 because what do they do they now okay 2733 00:47:44,160 --> 00:47:46,390 because what do they do they now okay i've gained access to this network 2734 00:47:46,390 --> 00:47:46,400 i've gained access to this network 2735 00:47:46,400 --> 00:47:48,390 i've gained access to this network i'm going to sell on the dark web access 2736 00:47:48,390 --> 00:47:48,400 i'm going to sell on the dark web access 2737 00:47:48,400 --> 00:47:49,589 i'm going to sell on the dark web access to this network 2738 00:47:49,589 --> 00:47:49,599 to this network 2739 00:47:49,599 --> 00:47:53,030 to this network you see this with um with townships 2740 00:47:53,030 --> 00:47:53,040 you see this with um with townships 2741 00:47:53,040 --> 00:47:56,630 you see this with um with townships and yeah with cities that 2742 00:47:56,630 --> 00:47:56,640 and yeah with cities that 2743 00:47:56,640 --> 00:47:58,390 and yeah with cities that was it the original script kitty who did 2744 00:47:58,390 --> 00:47:58,400 was it the original script kitty who did 2745 00:47:58,400 --> 00:47:59,990 was it the original script kitty who did it no what 2746 00:47:59,990 --> 00:48:00,000 it no what 2747 00:48:00,000 --> 00:48:03,270 it no what he just they just want they want to get 2748 00:48:03,270 --> 00:48:03,280 he just they just want they want to get 2749 00:48:03,280 --> 00:48:03,670 he just they just want they want to get in 2750 00:48:03,670 --> 00:48:03,680 in 2751 00:48:03,680 --> 00:48:05,510 in install their software and get out and 2752 00:48:05,510 --> 00:48:05,520 install their software and get out and 2753 00:48:05,520 --> 00:48:07,109 install their software and get out and then sell access 2754 00:48:07,109 --> 00:48:07,119 then sell access 2755 00:48:07,119 --> 00:48:08,790 then sell access that's right because that's quick money 2756 00:48:08,790 --> 00:48:08,800 that's right because that's quick money 2757 00:48:08,800 --> 00:48:11,030 that's right because that's quick money so why do people do it for money 2758 00:48:11,030 --> 00:48:11,040 so why do people do it for money 2759 00:48:11,040 --> 00:48:14,150 so why do people do it for money and that's how they do it so um yeah you 2760 00:48:14,150 --> 00:48:14,160 and that's how they do it so um yeah you 2761 00:48:14,160 --> 00:48:15,109 and that's how they do it so um yeah you gotta 2762 00:48:15,109 --> 00:48:15,119 gotta 2763 00:48:15,119 --> 00:48:16,710 gotta kind of keep things up to date so you 2764 00:48:16,710 --> 00:48:16,720 kind of keep things up to date so you 2765 00:48:16,720 --> 00:48:18,309 kind of keep things up to date so you know it's just a quick thought 2766 00:48:18,309 --> 00:48:18,319 know it's just a quick thought 2767 00:48:18,319 --> 00:48:20,710 know it's just a quick thought to ponder hey if you've got any obsolete 2768 00:48:20,710 --> 00:48:20,720 to ponder hey if you've got any obsolete 2769 00:48:20,720 --> 00:48:22,069 to ponder hey if you've got any obsolete machines on your network you've got to 2770 00:48:22,069 --> 00:48:22,079 machines on your network you've got to 2771 00:48:22,079 --> 00:48:22,870 machines on your network you've got to get them off 2772 00:48:22,870 --> 00:48:22,880 get them off 2773 00:48:22,880 --> 00:48:25,589 get them off and get your staff trained on cyber 2774 00:48:25,589 --> 00:48:25,599 and get your staff trained on cyber 2775 00:48:25,599 --> 00:48:26,950 and get your staff trained on cyber security practices 2776 00:48:26,950 --> 00:48:26,960 security practices 2777 00:48:26,960 --> 00:48:29,109 security practices understand what phishing scams are 2778 00:48:29,109 --> 00:48:29,119 understand what phishing scams are 2779 00:48:29,119 --> 00:48:30,870 understand what phishing scams are because you know oh well 2780 00:48:30,870 --> 00:48:30,880 because you know oh well 2781 00:48:30,880 --> 00:48:32,710 because you know oh well somebody clicked on a link and now their 2782 00:48:32,710 --> 00:48:32,720 somebody clicked on a link and now their 2783 00:48:32,720 --> 00:48:33,990 somebody clicked on a link and now their computer computers infected but their 2784 00:48:33,990 --> 00:48:34,000 computer computers infected but their 2785 00:48:34,000 --> 00:48:34,870 computer computers infected but their computer is 2786 00:48:34,870 --> 00:48:34,880 computer is 2787 00:48:34,880 --> 00:48:37,990 computer is on your network but i was gonna get 2788 00:48:37,990 --> 00:48:38,000 on your network but i was gonna get 2789 00:48:38,000 --> 00:48:41,829 on your network but i was gonna get half of that prince's money 2790 00:48:41,829 --> 00:48:41,839 half of that prince's money 2791 00:48:41,839 --> 00:48:44,150 half of that prince's money that's a whole other worms right there 2792 00:48:44,150 --> 00:48:44,160 that's a whole other worms right there 2793 00:48:44,160 --> 00:48:45,349 that's a whole other worms right there jeff 2794 00:48:45,349 --> 00:48:45,359 jeff 2795 00:48:45,359 --> 00:48:48,230 jeff but i mean i when it comes to these kind 2796 00:48:48,230 --> 00:48:48,240 but i mean i when it comes to these kind 2797 00:48:48,240 --> 00:48:49,990 but i mean i when it comes to these kind of things to look at your system and say 2798 00:48:49,990 --> 00:48:50,000 of things to look at your system and say 2799 00:48:50,000 --> 00:48:50,630 of things to look at your system and say oh 2800 00:48:50,630 --> 00:48:50,640 oh 2801 00:48:50,640 --> 00:48:52,549 oh i don't want to spend seven eight 2802 00:48:52,549 --> 00:48:52,559 i don't want to spend seven eight 2803 00:48:52,559 --> 00:48:53,829 i don't want to spend seven eight hundred bucks for a new computer i 2804 00:48:53,829 --> 00:48:53,839 hundred bucks for a new computer i 2805 00:48:53,839 --> 00:48:55,589 hundred bucks for a new computer i wouldn't worry about updating this one 2806 00:48:55,589 --> 00:48:55,599 wouldn't worry about updating this one 2807 00:48:55,599 --> 00:48:57,109 wouldn't worry about updating this one you'll end up spending more in the long 2808 00:48:57,109 --> 00:48:57,119 you'll end up spending more in the long 2809 00:48:57,119 --> 00:48:59,990 you'll end up spending more in the long run uh or in in the short term 2810 00:48:59,990 --> 00:49:00,000 run uh or in in the short term 2811 00:49:00,000 --> 00:49:03,349 run uh or in in the short term um no in the long run if you don't 2812 00:49:03,349 --> 00:49:03,359 um no in the long run if you don't 2813 00:49:03,359 --> 00:49:05,030 um no in the long run if you don't have your system patched because once 2814 00:49:05,030 --> 00:49:05,040 have your system patched because once 2815 00:49:05,040 --> 00:49:06,710 have your system patched because once they get access to everything 2816 00:49:06,710 --> 00:49:06,720 they get access to everything 2817 00:49:06,720 --> 00:49:09,190 they get access to everything you could be down and out but and i 2818 00:49:09,190 --> 00:49:09,200 you could be down and out but and i 2819 00:49:09,200 --> 00:49:10,230 you could be down and out but and i think 2820 00:49:10,230 --> 00:49:10,240 think 2821 00:49:10,240 --> 00:49:11,750 think when they have access to everything i 2822 00:49:11,750 --> 00:49:11,760 when they have access to everything i 2823 00:49:11,760 --> 00:49:13,270 when they have access to everything i think it's just important to realize 2824 00:49:13,270 --> 00:49:13,280 think it's just important to realize 2825 00:49:13,280 --> 00:49:13,750 think it's just important to realize that 2826 00:49:13,750 --> 00:49:13,760 that 2827 00:49:13,760 --> 00:49:17,349 that that one entry point becomes access to 2828 00:49:17,349 --> 00:49:17,359 that one entry point becomes access to 2829 00:49:17,359 --> 00:49:20,390 that one entry point becomes access to everything so spend a couple hundred 2830 00:49:20,390 --> 00:49:20,400 everything so spend a couple hundred 2831 00:49:20,400 --> 00:49:22,710 everything so spend a couple hundred bucks get the new computer 2832 00:49:22,710 --> 00:49:22,720 bucks get the new computer 2833 00:49:22,720 --> 00:49:24,150 bucks get the new computer save yourself i don't know what it takes 2834 00:49:24,150 --> 00:49:24,160 save yourself i don't know what it takes 2835 00:49:24,160 --> 00:49:25,430 save yourself i don't know what it takes i mean it's different it's different for 2836 00:49:25,430 --> 00:49:25,440 i mean it's different it's different for 2837 00:49:25,440 --> 00:49:27,589 i mean it's different it's different for every case right yeah i had one person 2838 00:49:27,589 --> 00:49:27,599 every case right yeah i had one person 2839 00:49:27,599 --> 00:49:29,190 every case right yeah i had one person today who called and said i have a 2840 00:49:29,190 --> 00:49:29,200 today who called and said i have a 2841 00:49:29,200 --> 00:49:30,790 today who called and said i have a single windows 7 computer 2842 00:49:30,790 --> 00:49:30,800 single windows 7 computer 2843 00:49:30,800 --> 00:49:32,150 single windows 7 computer i don't want to upgrade it because it 2844 00:49:32,150 --> 00:49:32,160 i don't want to upgrade it because it 2845 00:49:32,160 --> 00:49:33,910 i don't want to upgrade it because it just works oh 2846 00:49:33,910 --> 00:49:33,920 just works oh 2847 00:49:33,920 --> 00:49:36,549 just works oh so here's here's an explanation and here 2848 00:49:36,549 --> 00:49:36,559 so here's here's an explanation and here 2849 00:49:36,559 --> 00:49:38,390 so here's here's an explanation and here becca has shared with us a story 2850 00:49:38,390 --> 00:49:38,400 becca has shared with us a story 2851 00:49:38,400 --> 00:49:40,470 becca has shared with us a story that simply tells us that all they need 2852 00:49:40,470 --> 00:49:40,480 that simply tells us that all they need 2853 00:49:40,480 --> 00:49:43,190 that simply tells us that all they need is access to that one computer 2854 00:49:43,190 --> 00:49:43,200 is access to that one computer 2855 00:49:43,200 --> 00:49:45,510 is access to that one computer and now they've got access to all 2856 00:49:45,510 --> 00:49:45,520 and now they've got access to all 2857 00:49:45,520 --> 00:49:47,589 and now they've got access to all computers of your computers and not 2858 00:49:47,589 --> 00:49:47,599 computers of your computers and not 2859 00:49:47,599 --> 00:49:50,309 computers of your computers and not in just like a samba way not in a way 2860 00:49:50,309 --> 00:49:50,319 in just like a samba way not in a way 2861 00:49:50,319 --> 00:49:52,230 in just like a samba way not in a way that's like friendly and hopefully they 2862 00:49:52,230 --> 00:49:52,240 that's like friendly and hopefully they 2863 00:49:52,240 --> 00:49:52,870 that's like friendly and hopefully they don't find 2864 00:49:52,870 --> 00:49:52,880 don't find 2865 00:49:52,880 --> 00:49:55,510 don't find any ways into the back doors on those 2866 00:49:55,510 --> 00:49:55,520 any ways into the back doors on those 2867 00:49:55,520 --> 00:49:56,630 any ways into the back doors on those computers no 2868 00:49:56,630 --> 00:49:56,640 computers no 2869 00:49:56,640 --> 00:49:59,190 computers no they have administrator credentials on 2870 00:49:59,190 --> 00:49:59,200 they have administrator credentials on 2871 00:49:59,200 --> 00:49:59,670 they have administrator credentials on your 2872 00:49:59,670 --> 00:49:59,680 your 2873 00:49:59,680 --> 00:50:03,109 your network so they can do anything 2874 00:50:03,109 --> 00:50:03,119 network so they can do anything 2875 00:50:03,119 --> 00:50:06,150 network so they can do anything that's right anything they want when i 2876 00:50:06,150 --> 00:50:06,160 that's right anything they want when i 2877 00:50:06,160 --> 00:50:07,270 that's right anything they want when i think about my house 2878 00:50:07,270 --> 00:50:07,280 think about my house 2879 00:50:07,280 --> 00:50:10,069 think about my house i think i've got you're done i think i 2880 00:50:10,069 --> 00:50:10,079 i think i've got you're done i think i 2881 00:50:10,079 --> 00:50:10,870 i think i've got you're done i think i have seven 2882 00:50:10,870 --> 00:50:10,880 have seven 2883 00:50:10,880 --> 00:50:14,230 have seven devices not including phones and tablets 2884 00:50:14,230 --> 00:50:14,240 devices not including phones and tablets 2885 00:50:14,240 --> 00:50:15,510 devices not including phones and tablets and stuff like that that are connected 2886 00:50:15,510 --> 00:50:15,520 and stuff like that that are connected 2887 00:50:15,520 --> 00:50:16,950 and stuff like that that are connected to the network 2888 00:50:16,950 --> 00:50:16,960 to the network 2889 00:50:16,960 --> 00:50:18,950 to the network i don't want them to have access to that 2890 00:50:18,950 --> 00:50:18,960 i don't want them to have access to that 2891 00:50:18,960 --> 00:50:20,790 i don't want them to have access to that yeah i just can't stress enough though 2892 00:50:20,790 --> 00:50:20,800 yeah i just can't stress enough though 2893 00:50:20,800 --> 00:50:21,190 yeah i just can't stress enough though jeff 2894 00:50:21,190 --> 00:50:21,200 jeff 2895 00:50:21,200 --> 00:50:22,390 jeff i mean i think in the terms of 2896 00:50:22,390 --> 00:50:22,400 i mean i think in the terms of 2897 00:50:22,400 --> 00:50:26,150 i mean i think in the terms of businesses more so the home user but 2898 00:50:26,150 --> 00:50:26,160 businesses more so the home user but 2899 00:50:26,160 --> 00:50:29,990 businesses more so the home user but once they're in they're in you can't 2900 00:50:29,990 --> 00:50:30,000 once they're in they're in you can't 2901 00:50:30,000 --> 00:50:33,109 once they're in they're in you can't that you're done because you can't now 2902 00:50:33,109 --> 00:50:33,119 that you're done because you can't now 2903 00:50:33,119 --> 00:50:34,549 that you're done because you can't now shut down that windows machine that 2904 00:50:34,549 --> 00:50:34,559 shut down that windows machine that 2905 00:50:34,559 --> 00:50:36,230 shut down that windows machine that windows 7 machine no they're already 2906 00:50:36,230 --> 00:50:36,240 windows 7 machine no they're already 2907 00:50:36,240 --> 00:50:38,069 windows 7 machine no they're already into everything 2908 00:50:38,069 --> 00:50:38,079 into everything 2909 00:50:38,079 --> 00:50:40,309 into everything so what do you do replace everything 2910 00:50:40,309 --> 00:50:40,319 so what do you do replace everything 2911 00:50:40,319 --> 00:50:42,390 so what do you do replace everything have every single computer wiped 2912 00:50:42,390 --> 00:50:42,400 have every single computer wiped 2913 00:50:42,400 --> 00:50:44,230 have every single computer wiped because you don't know what tools 2914 00:50:44,230 --> 00:50:44,240 because you don't know what tools 2915 00:50:44,240 --> 00:50:46,710 because you don't know what tools they've installed that's expensive 2916 00:50:46,710 --> 00:50:46,720 they've installed that's expensive 2917 00:50:46,720 --> 00:50:50,069 they've installed that's expensive yeah so don't fall into that 2918 00:50:50,069 --> 00:50:50,079 yeah so don't fall into that 2919 00:50:50,079 --> 00:50:51,829 yeah so don't fall into that anyways that's a bad exploit that's 2920 00:50:51,829 --> 00:50:51,839 anyways that's a bad exploit that's 2921 00:50:51,839 --> 00:50:53,270 anyways that's a bad exploit that's really serious folks i hope 2922 00:50:53,270 --> 00:50:53,280 really serious folks i hope 2923 00:50:53,280 --> 00:50:54,470 really serious folks i hope we've stressed that enough that you 2924 00:50:54,470 --> 00:50:54,480 we've stressed that enough that you 2925 00:50:54,480 --> 00:50:56,710 we've stressed that enough that you understand that this is a bad one 2926 00:50:56,710 --> 00:50:56,720 understand that this is a bad one 2927 00:50:56,720 --> 00:50:59,829 understand that this is a bad one so make sure your network administrators 2928 00:50:59,829 --> 00:50:59,839 so make sure your network administrators 2929 00:50:59,839 --> 00:51:02,710 so make sure your network administrators are up and up and they understand these 2930 00:51:02,710 --> 00:51:02,720 are up and up and they understand these 2931 00:51:02,720 --> 00:51:03,190 are up and up and they understand these things 2932 00:51:03,190 --> 00:51:03,200 things 2933 00:51:03,200 --> 00:51:05,510 things and that you are protected and safe 2934 00:51:05,510 --> 00:51:05,520 and that you are protected and safe 2935 00:51:05,520 --> 00:51:07,990 and that you are protected and safe against these kinds of threats all right 2936 00:51:07,990 --> 00:51:08,000 against these kinds of threats all right 2937 00:51:08,000 --> 00:51:09,910 against these kinds of threats all right we're going to head back to becca 2938 00:51:09,910 --> 00:51:09,920 we're going to head back to becca 2939 00:51:09,920 --> 00:51:11,990 we're going to head back to becca three javascript packages have been 2940 00:51:11,990 --> 00:51:12,000 three javascript packages have been 2941 00:51:12,000 --> 00:51:13,910 three javascript packages have been removed from the npm portal for 2942 00:51:13,910 --> 00:51:13,920 removed from the npm portal for 2943 00:51:13,920 --> 00:51:15,990 removed from the npm portal for containing malicious code 2944 00:51:15,990 --> 00:51:16,000 containing malicious code 2945 00:51:16,000 --> 00:51:17,990 containing malicious code according to advisories from the mpm 2946 00:51:17,990 --> 00:51:18,000 according to advisories from the mpm 2947 00:51:18,000 --> 00:51:19,109 according to advisories from the mpm security team 2948 00:51:19,109 --> 00:51:19,119 security team 2949 00:51:19,119 --> 00:51:21,430 security team the three javascript libraries open 2950 00:51:21,430 --> 00:51:21,440 the three javascript libraries open 2951 00:51:21,440 --> 00:51:23,109 the three javascript libraries open shells on the computers of developers 2952 00:51:23,109 --> 00:51:23,119 shells on the computers of developers 2953 00:51:23,119 --> 00:51:24,470 shells on the computers of developers who imported the packages 2954 00:51:24,470 --> 00:51:24,480 who imported the packages 2955 00:51:24,480 --> 00:51:27,190 who imported the packages into their projects the shells allow 2956 00:51:27,190 --> 00:51:27,200 into their projects the shells allow 2957 00:51:27,200 --> 00:51:29,190 into their projects the shells allow threat actors to connect remotely to the 2958 00:51:29,190 --> 00:51:29,200 threat actors to connect remotely to the 2959 00:51:29,200 --> 00:51:30,470 threat actors to connect remotely to the infected computer 2960 00:51:30,470 --> 00:51:30,480 infected computer 2961 00:51:30,480 --> 00:51:33,510 infected computer and execute malicious operations the npm 2962 00:51:33,510 --> 00:51:33,520 and execute malicious operations the npm 2963 00:51:33,520 --> 00:51:35,430 and execute malicious operations the npm security team said that the shells don't 2964 00:51:35,430 --> 00:51:35,440 security team said that the shells don't 2965 00:51:35,440 --> 00:51:37,910 security team said that the shells don't depend on a particular operating system 2966 00:51:37,910 --> 00:51:37,920 depend on a particular operating system 2967 00:51:37,920 --> 00:51:40,069 depend on a particular operating system and could be used to compromise windows 2968 00:51:40,069 --> 00:51:40,079 and could be used to compromise windows 2969 00:51:40,079 --> 00:51:41,750 and could be used to compromise windows linux freebsd 2970 00:51:41,750 --> 00:51:41,760 linux freebsd 2971 00:51:41,760 --> 00:51:44,950 linux freebsd openbsd and other systems 2972 00:51:44,950 --> 00:51:44,960 openbsd and other systems 2973 00:51:44,960 --> 00:51:46,950 openbsd and other systems all three packages were uploaded to the 2974 00:51:46,950 --> 00:51:46,960 all three packages were uploaded to the 2975 00:51:46,960 --> 00:51:48,150 all three packages were uploaded to the npm 2976 00:51:48,150 --> 00:51:48,160 npm 2977 00:51:48,160 --> 00:51:50,870 npm portal in 2018 and each had hundreds of 2978 00:51:50,870 --> 00:51:50,880 portal in 2018 and each had hundreds of 2979 00:51:50,880 --> 00:51:52,710 portal in 2018 and each had hundreds of downloads since then 2980 00:51:52,710 --> 00:51:52,720 downloads since then 2981 00:51:52,720 --> 00:51:55,829 downloads since then the package's names are plutovs dash 2982 00:51:55,829 --> 00:51:55,839 the package's names are plutovs dash 2983 00:51:55,839 --> 00:51:58,030 the package's names are plutovs dash slack dash client 2984 00:51:58,030 --> 00:51:58,040 slack dash client 2985 00:51:58,040 --> 00:52:01,910 slack dash client nodetest199 and nodetest1010 2986 00:52:01,910 --> 00:52:01,920 nodetest199 and nodetest1010 2987 00:52:01,920 --> 00:52:05,190 nodetest199 and nodetest1010 the npm security team said 2988 00:52:05,190 --> 00:52:05,200 the npm security team said 2989 00:52:05,200 --> 00:52:07,109 the npm security team said any computer that is that has this 2990 00:52:07,109 --> 00:52:07,119 any computer that is that has this 2991 00:52:07,119 --> 00:52:08,790 any computer that is that has this package installed or running should be 2992 00:52:08,790 --> 00:52:08,800 package installed or running should be 2993 00:52:08,800 --> 00:52:10,790 package installed or running should be considered fully compromised 2994 00:52:10,790 --> 00:52:10,800 considered fully compromised 2995 00:52:10,800 --> 00:52:12,630 considered fully compromised all secrets and keys stored on that 2996 00:52:12,630 --> 00:52:12,640 all secrets and keys stored on that 2997 00:52:12,640 --> 00:52:15,270 all secrets and keys stored on that computer should be rotated immediately 2998 00:52:15,270 --> 00:52:15,280 computer should be rotated immediately 2999 00:52:15,280 --> 00:52:18,390 computer should be rotated immediately from a different computer they warn 3000 00:52:18,390 --> 00:52:18,400 from a different computer they warn 3001 00:52:18,400 --> 00:52:20,549 from a different computer they warn the package should be removed but as 3002 00:52:20,549 --> 00:52:20,559 the package should be removed but as 3003 00:52:20,559 --> 00:52:22,150 the package should be removed but as full control of the computer may have 3004 00:52:22,150 --> 00:52:22,160 full control of the computer may have 3005 00:52:22,160 --> 00:52:24,150 full control of the computer may have been given to an outside entity 3006 00:52:24,150 --> 00:52:24,160 been given to an outside entity 3007 00:52:24,160 --> 00:52:25,990 been given to an outside entity there is no guarantee that removing the 3008 00:52:25,990 --> 00:52:26,000 there is no guarantee that removing the 3009 00:52:26,000 --> 00:52:27,750 there is no guarantee that removing the package will remove all malicious 3010 00:52:27,750 --> 00:52:27,760 package will remove all malicious 3011 00:52:27,760 --> 00:52:28,630 package will remove all malicious software 3012 00:52:28,630 --> 00:52:28,640 software 3013 00:52:28,640 --> 00:52:32,069 software resulting from installing it mpm 3014 00:52:32,069 --> 00:52:32,079 resulting from installing it mpm 3015 00:52:32,079 --> 00:52:34,069 resulting from installing it mpm security staff regularly scans its 3016 00:52:34,069 --> 00:52:34,079 security staff regularly scans its 3017 00:52:34,079 --> 00:52:36,069 security staff regularly scans its collection of javascript libraries 3018 00:52:36,069 --> 00:52:36,079 collection of javascript libraries 3019 00:52:36,079 --> 00:52:37,430 collection of javascript libraries considered the largest package 3020 00:52:37,430 --> 00:52:37,440 considered the largest package 3021 00:52:37,440 --> 00:52:41,829 considered the largest package repository for any programming language 3022 00:52:41,829 --> 00:52:41,839 repository for any programming language 3023 00:52:41,839 --> 00:52:43,589 repository for any programming language while i can't even get good cell 3024 00:52:43,589 --> 00:52:43,599 while i can't even get good cell 3025 00:52:43,599 --> 00:52:46,069 while i can't even get good cell coverage coverage at my cottage 3026 00:52:46,069 --> 00:52:46,079 coverage coverage at my cottage 3027 00:52:46,079 --> 00:52:49,109 coverage coverage at my cottage nokia is working with nasa to bring 4g 3028 00:52:49,109 --> 00:52:49,119 nokia is working with nasa to bring 4g 3029 00:52:49,119 --> 00:52:52,230 nokia is working with nasa to bring 4g to the moon nasa's artemis mission aims 3030 00:52:52,230 --> 00:52:52,240 to the moon nasa's artemis mission aims 3031 00:52:52,240 --> 00:52:53,990 to the moon nasa's artemis mission aims to establish a long-term 3032 00:52:53,990 --> 00:52:54,000 to establish a long-term 3033 00:52:54,000 --> 00:52:56,549 to establish a long-term human presence on the moon as a stepping 3034 00:52:56,549 --> 00:52:56,559 human presence on the moon as a stepping 3035 00:52:56,559 --> 00:52:58,950 human presence on the moon as a stepping stone toward mars colonization 3036 00:52:58,950 --> 00:52:58,960 stone toward mars colonization 3037 00:52:58,960 --> 00:53:01,030 stone toward mars colonization and to get things started nasa is 3038 00:53:01,030 --> 00:53:01,040 and to get things started nasa is 3039 00:53:01,040 --> 00:53:04,470 and to get things started nasa is extending 370 million dollars to 14 3040 00:53:04,470 --> 00:53:04,480 extending 370 million dollars to 14 3041 00:53:04,480 --> 00:53:05,270 extending 370 million dollars to 14 companies 3042 00:53:05,270 --> 00:53:05,280 companies 3043 00:53:05,280 --> 00:53:07,109 companies to provide the technology for the 3044 00:53:07,109 --> 00:53:07,119 to provide the technology for the 3045 00:53:07,119 --> 00:53:08,390 to provide the technology for the program 3046 00:53:08,390 --> 00:53:08,400 program 3047 00:53:08,400 --> 00:53:10,549 program from robotics to power generation and 3048 00:53:10,549 --> 00:53:10,559 from robotics to power generation and 3049 00:53:10,559 --> 00:53:12,390 from robotics to power generation and even cryogenics 3050 00:53:12,390 --> 00:53:12,400 even cryogenics 3051 00:53:12,400 --> 00:53:14,309 even cryogenics but it makes sense that these teams will 3052 00:53:14,309 --> 00:53:14,319 but it makes sense that these teams will 3053 00:53:14,319 --> 00:53:16,230 but it makes sense that these teams will need to be able to communicate with the 3054 00:53:16,230 --> 00:53:16,240 need to be able to communicate with the 3055 00:53:16,240 --> 00:53:18,390 need to be able to communicate with the mother planet 3056 00:53:18,390 --> 00:53:18,400 mother planet 3057 00:53:18,400 --> 00:53:20,069 mother planet the new network will be designed 3058 00:53:20,069 --> 00:53:20,079 the new network will be designed 3059 00:53:20,079 --> 00:53:21,990 the new network will be designed specifically for lunar conditions 3060 00:53:21,990 --> 00:53:22,000 specifically for lunar conditions 3061 00:53:22,000 --> 00:53:23,750 specifically for lunar conditions able to withstand the extreme 3062 00:53:23,750 --> 00:53:23,760 able to withstand the extreme 3063 00:53:23,760 --> 00:53:26,309 able to withstand the extreme temperature shifts and radiation 3064 00:53:26,309 --> 00:53:26,319 temperature shifts and radiation 3065 00:53:26,319 --> 00:53:28,549 temperature shifts and radiation the tech will also utilize small cell 3066 00:53:28,549 --> 00:53:28,559 the tech will also utilize small cell 3067 00:53:28,559 --> 00:53:30,790 the tech will also utilize small cell tech which as the name suggests 3068 00:53:30,790 --> 00:53:30,800 tech which as the name suggests 3069 00:53:30,800 --> 00:53:32,790 tech which as the name suggests is significantly smaller than the tall 3070 00:53:32,790 --> 00:53:32,800 is significantly smaller than the tall 3071 00:53:32,800 --> 00:53:34,790 is significantly smaller than the tall cell towers they're used to seeing 3072 00:53:34,790 --> 00:53:34,800 cell towers they're used to seeing 3073 00:53:34,800 --> 00:53:37,589 cell towers they're used to seeing here on earth they also use a lot less 3074 00:53:37,589 --> 00:53:37,599 here on earth they also use a lot less 3075 00:53:37,599 --> 00:53:38,950 here on earth they also use a lot less power 3076 00:53:38,950 --> 00:53:38,960 power 3077 00:53:38,960 --> 00:53:41,190 power the plan is for a lunar lander to carry 3078 00:53:41,190 --> 00:53:41,200 the plan is for a lunar lander to carry 3079 00:53:41,200 --> 00:53:43,750 the plan is for a lunar lander to carry the 4g communication system to the lunar 3080 00:53:43,750 --> 00:53:43,760 the 4g communication system to the lunar 3081 00:53:43,760 --> 00:53:44,470 the 4g communication system to the lunar surface 3082 00:53:44,470 --> 00:53:44,480 surface 3083 00:53:44,480 --> 00:53:47,750 surface in 2022 nokia's bell labs has been 3084 00:53:47,750 --> 00:53:47,760 in 2022 nokia's bell labs has been 3085 00:53:47,760 --> 00:53:50,390 in 2022 nokia's bell labs has been granted 14.1 million dollars 3086 00:53:50,390 --> 00:53:50,400 granted 14.1 million dollars 3087 00:53:50,400 --> 00:53:53,750 granted 14.1 million dollars for their part a new 80 watt wireless 3088 00:53:53,750 --> 00:53:53,760 for their part a new 80 watt wireless 3089 00:53:53,760 --> 00:53:55,109 for their part a new 80 watt wireless charging tech from 3090 00:53:55,109 --> 00:53:55,119 charging tech from 3091 00:53:55,119 --> 00:53:57,910 charging tech from xiaomi is blowing our minds and the 3092 00:53:57,910 --> 00:53:57,920 xiaomi is blowing our minds and the 3093 00:53:57,920 --> 00:53:58,870 xiaomi is blowing our minds and the raspberry pi 3094 00:53:58,870 --> 00:53:58,880 raspberry pi 3095 00:53:58,880 --> 00:54:02,069 raspberry pi compute module 4 has been released 3096 00:54:02,069 --> 00:54:02,079 compute module 4 has been released 3097 00:54:02,079 --> 00:54:03,829 compute module 4 has been released we'll let you know the specs and how 3098 00:54:03,829 --> 00:54:03,839 we'll let you know the specs and how 3099 00:54:03,839 --> 00:54:06,470 we'll let you know the specs and how this changes things for industrial iot 3100 00:54:06,470 --> 00:54:06,480 this changes things for industrial iot 3101 00:54:06,480 --> 00:54:08,470 this changes things for industrial iot becca has these stories coming up plus 3102 00:54:08,470 --> 00:54:08,480 becca has these stories coming up plus 3103 00:54:08,480 --> 00:54:11,030 becca has these stories coming up plus robert is here with the crypto corner 3104 00:54:11,030 --> 00:54:11,040 robert is here with the crypto corner 3105 00:54:11,040 --> 00:54:28,069 robert is here with the crypto corner don't go anywhere 3106 00:54:28,069 --> 00:54:28,079 3107 00:54:28,079 --> 00:54:29,910 welcome back to the world of cryptos and 3108 00:54:29,910 --> 00:54:29,920 welcome back to the world of cryptos and 3109 00:54:29,920 --> 00:54:32,069 welcome back to the world of cryptos and welcome back to the crypto corner 3110 00:54:32,069 --> 00:54:32,079 welcome back to the crypto corner 3111 00:54:32,079 --> 00:54:34,390 welcome back to the crypto corner last week we spoke about banks in a few 3112 00:54:34,390 --> 00:54:34,400 last week we spoke about banks in a few 3113 00:54:34,400 --> 00:54:35,910 last week we spoke about banks in a few years time you will not recognize them 3114 00:54:35,910 --> 00:54:35,920 years time you will not recognize them 3115 00:54:35,920 --> 00:54:36,950 years time you will not recognize them anymore 3116 00:54:36,950 --> 00:54:36,960 anymore 3117 00:54:36,960 --> 00:54:39,829 anymore and i also mentioned to you not so long 3118 00:54:39,829 --> 00:54:39,839 and i also mentioned to you not so long 3119 00:54:39,839 --> 00:54:40,390 and i also mentioned to you not so long ago 3120 00:54:40,390 --> 00:54:40,400 ago 3121 00:54:40,400 --> 00:54:43,109 ago the chinese digital currency that will 3122 00:54:43,109 --> 00:54:43,119 the chinese digital currency that will 3123 00:54:43,119 --> 00:54:44,309 the chinese digital currency that will replace the riemann bee 3124 00:54:44,309 --> 00:54:44,319 replace the riemann bee 3125 00:54:44,319 --> 00:54:46,710 replace the riemann bee and that they already implemented it and 3126 00:54:46,710 --> 00:54:46,720 and that they already implemented it and 3127 00:54:46,720 --> 00:54:47,750 and that they already implemented it and they are running 3128 00:54:47,750 --> 00:54:47,760 they are running 3129 00:54:47,760 --> 00:54:50,390 they are running some trials in shenzhen now this week 3130 00:54:50,390 --> 00:54:50,400 some trials in shenzhen now this week 3131 00:54:50,400 --> 00:54:52,150 some trials in shenzhen now this week there has been some development and i 3132 00:54:52,150 --> 00:54:52,160 there has been some development and i 3133 00:54:52,160 --> 00:54:54,390 there has been some development and i would like to talk about that because it 3134 00:54:54,390 --> 00:54:54,400 would like to talk about that because it 3135 00:54:54,400 --> 00:54:56,630 would like to talk about that because it will have a direct impact on your life 3136 00:54:56,630 --> 00:54:56,640 will have a direct impact on your life 3137 00:54:56,640 --> 00:54:58,309 will have a direct impact on your life and my life 3138 00:54:58,309 --> 00:54:58,319 and my life 3139 00:54:58,319 --> 00:55:01,829 and my life so let's dive into this here 3140 00:55:01,829 --> 00:55:01,839 so let's dive into this here 3141 00:55:01,839 --> 00:55:03,750 so let's dive into this here the international monetary fund the head 3142 00:55:03,750 --> 00:55:03,760 the international monetary fund the head 3143 00:55:03,760 --> 00:55:05,670 the international monetary fund the head of that international organization 3144 00:55:05,670 --> 00:55:05,680 of that international organization 3145 00:55:05,680 --> 00:55:08,390 of that international organization is a lady called cristalina jojeva and 3146 00:55:08,390 --> 00:55:08,400 is a lady called cristalina jojeva and 3147 00:55:08,400 --> 00:55:09,589 is a lady called cristalina jojeva and she delivered a speech 3148 00:55:09,589 --> 00:55:09,599 she delivered a speech 3149 00:55:09,599 --> 00:55:11,349 she delivered a speech in regards to the new bretton woods 3150 00:55:11,349 --> 00:55:11,359 in regards to the new bretton woods 3151 00:55:11,359 --> 00:55:13,109 in regards to the new bretton woods moment now what is a bretton woods 3152 00:55:13,109 --> 00:55:13,119 moment now what is a bretton woods 3153 00:55:13,119 --> 00:55:14,230 moment now what is a bretton woods britain was 3154 00:55:14,230 --> 00:55:14,240 britain was 3155 00:55:14,240 --> 00:55:16,630 britain was system is monetary management 3156 00:55:16,630 --> 00:55:16,640 system is monetary management 3157 00:55:16,640 --> 00:55:17,430 system is monetary management established 3158 00:55:17,430 --> 00:55:17,440 established 3159 00:55:17,440 --> 00:55:19,190 established the rules of commercial financial 3160 00:55:19,190 --> 00:55:19,200 the rules of commercial financial 3161 00:55:19,200 --> 00:55:21,750 the rules of commercial financial relations between 3162 00:55:21,750 --> 00:55:21,760 relations between 3163 00:55:21,760 --> 00:55:24,150 relations between countries like u.s canada western europe 3164 00:55:24,150 --> 00:55:24,160 countries like u.s canada western europe 3165 00:55:24,160 --> 00:55:25,910 countries like u.s canada western europe australia and japan 3166 00:55:25,910 --> 00:55:25,920 australia and japan 3167 00:55:25,920 --> 00:55:28,950 australia and japan and so it's the system was first 3168 00:55:28,950 --> 00:55:28,960 and so it's the system was first 3169 00:55:28,960 --> 00:55:31,510 and so it's the system was first example of a fully negotiated order 3170 00:55:31,510 --> 00:55:31,520 example of a fully negotiated order 3171 00:55:31,520 --> 00:55:34,230 example of a fully negotiated order intended to govern monetary relations 3172 00:55:34,230 --> 00:55:34,240 intended to govern monetary relations 3173 00:55:34,240 --> 00:55:36,630 intended to govern monetary relations between independent states so that was 3174 00:55:36,630 --> 00:55:36,640 between independent states so that was 3175 00:55:36,640 --> 00:55:37,589 between independent states so that was bretton woods 3176 00:55:37,589 --> 00:55:37,599 bretton woods 3177 00:55:37,599 --> 00:55:40,069 bretton woods and she's speaking about the change of 3178 00:55:40,069 --> 00:55:40,079 and she's speaking about the change of 3179 00:55:40,079 --> 00:55:41,670 and she's speaking about the change of that system into something 3180 00:55:41,670 --> 00:55:41,680 that system into something 3181 00:55:41,680 --> 00:55:45,750 that system into something more modern now interesting enough 3182 00:55:45,750 --> 00:55:45,760 more modern now interesting enough 3183 00:55:45,760 --> 00:55:49,030 more modern now interesting enough on monday there was a meeting with a few 3184 00:55:49,030 --> 00:55:49,040 on monday there was a meeting with a few 3185 00:55:49,040 --> 00:55:51,190 on monday there was a meeting with a few central bankers talking about so-called 3186 00:55:51,190 --> 00:55:51,200 central bankers talking about so-called 3187 00:55:51,200 --> 00:55:53,349 central bankers talking about so-called cross-border payments 3188 00:55:53,349 --> 00:55:53,359 cross-border payments 3189 00:55:53,359 --> 00:55:56,309 cross-border payments but if you think about it look what type 3190 00:55:56,309 --> 00:55:56,319 but if you think about it look what type 3191 00:55:56,319 --> 00:55:57,510 but if you think about it look what type of people they were 3192 00:55:57,510 --> 00:55:57,520 of people they were 3193 00:55:57,520 --> 00:55:59,510 of people they were present so you've got the head of the 3194 00:55:59,510 --> 00:55:59,520 present so you've got the head of the 3195 00:55:59,520 --> 00:56:00,950 present so you've got the head of the saudi central bank 3196 00:56:00,950 --> 00:56:00,960 saudi central bank 3197 00:56:00,960 --> 00:56:03,030 saudi central bank you have got the head of all the central 3198 00:56:03,030 --> 00:56:03,040 you have got the head of all the central 3199 00:56:03,040 --> 00:56:03,990 you have got the head of all the central banks 3200 00:56:03,990 --> 00:56:04,000 banks 3201 00:56:04,000 --> 00:56:06,470 banks the head of the imf the head of the u.s 3202 00:56:06,470 --> 00:56:06,480 the head of the imf the head of the u.s 3203 00:56:06,480 --> 00:56:07,670 the head of the imf the head of the u.s central bank and the head 3204 00:56:07,670 --> 00:56:07,680 central bank and the head 3205 00:56:07,680 --> 00:56:10,309 central bank and the head of the malaysian central bank missing is 3206 00:56:10,309 --> 00:56:10,319 of the malaysian central bank missing is 3207 00:56:10,319 --> 00:56:11,750 of the malaysian central bank missing is europe which is interesting but there 3208 00:56:11,750 --> 00:56:11,760 europe which is interesting but there 3209 00:56:11,760 --> 00:56:13,190 europe which is interesting but there will be a reason i guess 3210 00:56:13,190 --> 00:56:13,200 will be a reason i guess 3211 00:56:13,200 --> 00:56:15,270 will be a reason i guess so they met together to talk about gross 3212 00:56:15,270 --> 00:56:15,280 so they met together to talk about gross 3213 00:56:15,280 --> 00:56:16,870 so they met together to talk about gross water payments 3214 00:56:16,870 --> 00:56:16,880 water payments 3215 00:56:16,880 --> 00:56:20,390 water payments now i don't believe that that's a real 3216 00:56:20,390 --> 00:56:20,400 now i don't believe that that's a real 3217 00:56:20,400 --> 00:56:21,910 now i don't believe that that's a real story the real story 3218 00:56:21,910 --> 00:56:21,920 story the real story 3219 00:56:21,920 --> 00:56:24,069 story the real story uh was also published by a gentleman 3220 00:56:24,069 --> 00:56:24,079 uh was also published by a gentleman 3221 00:56:24,079 --> 00:56:26,069 uh was also published by a gentleman called raul paul 3222 00:56:26,069 --> 00:56:26,079 called raul paul 3223 00:56:26,079 --> 00:56:28,549 called raul paul which i totally concur with so his 3224 00:56:28,549 --> 00:56:28,559 which i totally concur with so his 3225 00:56:28,559 --> 00:56:31,109 which i totally concur with so his thoughts is exactly how i'm thinking 3226 00:56:31,109 --> 00:56:31,119 thoughts is exactly how i'm thinking 3227 00:56:31,119 --> 00:56:32,950 thoughts is exactly how i'm thinking and what he's talking about is exactly 3228 00:56:32,950 --> 00:56:32,960 and what he's talking about is exactly 3229 00:56:32,960 --> 00:56:35,510 and what he's talking about is exactly this meeting that happened on monday 3230 00:56:35,510 --> 00:56:35,520 this meeting that happened on monday 3231 00:56:35,520 --> 00:56:37,750 this meeting that happened on monday that will replace the old bretton woods 3232 00:56:37,750 --> 00:56:37,760 that will replace the old bretton woods 3233 00:56:37,760 --> 00:56:39,109 that will replace the old bretton woods uh relationship 3234 00:56:39,109 --> 00:56:39,119 uh relationship 3235 00:56:39,119 --> 00:56:43,270 uh relationship between countries so what will happen 3236 00:56:43,270 --> 00:56:43,280 between countries so what will happen 3237 00:56:43,280 --> 00:56:46,309 between countries so what will happen it looks like that the central banks 3238 00:56:46,309 --> 00:56:46,319 it looks like that the central banks 3239 00:56:46,319 --> 00:56:47,030 it looks like that the central banks will 3240 00:56:47,030 --> 00:56:47,040 will 3241 00:56:47,040 --> 00:56:50,710 will collude and come up with a system 3242 00:56:50,710 --> 00:56:50,720 collude and come up with a system 3243 00:56:50,720 --> 00:56:52,390 collude and come up with a system a central bank system between all of 3244 00:56:52,390 --> 00:56:52,400 a central bank system between all of 3245 00:56:52,400 --> 00:56:53,990 a central bank system between all of them so there will not be not a u.s 3246 00:56:53,990 --> 00:56:54,000 them so there will not be not a u.s 3247 00:56:54,000 --> 00:56:54,470 them so there will not be not a u.s dollar 3248 00:56:54,470 --> 00:56:54,480 dollar 3249 00:56:54,480 --> 00:56:56,630 dollar central bank system there will be one 3250 00:56:56,630 --> 00:56:56,640 central bank system there will be one 3251 00:56:56,640 --> 00:56:57,510 central bank system there will be one for each 3252 00:56:57,510 --> 00:56:57,520 for each 3253 00:56:57,520 --> 00:56:59,670 for each for all organizations and then from 3254 00:56:59,670 --> 00:56:59,680 for all organizations and then from 3255 00:56:59,680 --> 00:57:01,589 for all organizations and then from there it will be 3256 00:57:01,589 --> 00:57:01,599 there it will be 3257 00:57:01,599 --> 00:57:04,150 there it will be diversified and what can you do with 3258 00:57:04,150 --> 00:57:04,160 diversified and what can you do with 3259 00:57:04,160 --> 00:57:05,670 diversified and what can you do with such a system that's the interesting 3260 00:57:05,670 --> 00:57:05,680 such a system that's the interesting 3261 00:57:05,680 --> 00:57:06,309 such a system that's the interesting part and 3262 00:57:06,309 --> 00:57:06,319 part and 3263 00:57:06,319 --> 00:57:10,150 part and i love that is so it will change 3264 00:57:10,150 --> 00:57:10,160 i love that is so it will change 3265 00:57:10,160 --> 00:57:13,510 i love that is so it will change the circumvent the banking and finance 3266 00:57:13,510 --> 00:57:13,520 the circumvent the banking and finance 3267 00:57:13,520 --> 00:57:16,549 the circumvent the banking and finance fiscal system because you're directly 3268 00:57:16,549 --> 00:57:16,559 fiscal system because you're directly 3269 00:57:16,559 --> 00:57:17,910 fiscal system because you're directly interacting with people 3270 00:57:17,910 --> 00:57:17,920 interacting with people 3271 00:57:17,920 --> 00:57:20,150 interacting with people yeah so it's not like at the moment 3272 00:57:20,150 --> 00:57:20,160 yeah so it's not like at the moment 3273 00:57:20,160 --> 00:57:22,150 yeah so it's not like at the moment where the central bank in the u.s or 3274 00:57:22,150 --> 00:57:22,160 where the central bank in the u.s or 3275 00:57:22,160 --> 00:57:24,230 where the central bank in the u.s or canada doesn't matter 3276 00:57:24,230 --> 00:57:24,240 canada doesn't matter 3277 00:57:24,240 --> 00:57:26,710 canada doesn't matter comes up with some policy and then it 3278 00:57:26,710 --> 00:57:26,720 comes up with some policy and then it 3279 00:57:26,720 --> 00:57:28,470 comes up with some policy and then it goes it trickles down 3280 00:57:28,470 --> 00:57:28,480 goes it trickles down 3281 00:57:28,480 --> 00:57:32,390 goes it trickles down um the chain and you as the individual 3282 00:57:32,390 --> 00:57:32,400 um the chain and you as the individual 3283 00:57:32,400 --> 00:57:33,190 um the chain and you as the individual user 3284 00:57:33,190 --> 00:57:33,200 user 3285 00:57:33,200 --> 00:57:35,430 user you probably see the least amount of 3286 00:57:35,430 --> 00:57:35,440 you probably see the least amount of 3287 00:57:35,440 --> 00:57:36,230 you probably see the least amount of money and 3288 00:57:36,230 --> 00:57:36,240 money and 3289 00:57:36,240 --> 00:57:37,670 money and probably at the highest interest rate 3290 00:57:37,670 --> 00:57:37,680 probably at the highest interest rate 3291 00:57:37,680 --> 00:57:39,670 probably at the highest interest rate that you can think of other people 3292 00:57:39,670 --> 00:57:39,680 that you can think of other people 3293 00:57:39,680 --> 00:57:42,549 that you can think of other people will benefit much stronger with digital 3294 00:57:42,549 --> 00:57:42,559 will benefit much stronger with digital 3295 00:57:42,559 --> 00:57:44,150 will benefit much stronger with digital money 3296 00:57:44,150 --> 00:57:44,160 money 3297 00:57:44,160 --> 00:57:46,789 money plus cryptocurrencies or programmable 3298 00:57:46,789 --> 00:57:46,799 plus cryptocurrencies or programmable 3299 00:57:46,799 --> 00:57:47,750 plus cryptocurrencies or programmable money 3300 00:57:47,750 --> 00:57:47,760 money 3301 00:57:47,760 --> 00:57:50,390 money you're able to do much more because now 3302 00:57:50,390 --> 00:57:50,400 you're able to do much more because now 3303 00:57:50,400 --> 00:57:53,430 you're able to do much more because now the central bank can directly influence 3304 00:57:53,430 --> 00:57:53,440 the central bank can directly influence 3305 00:57:53,440 --> 00:57:55,829 the central bank can directly influence the behavior of people and how do they 3306 00:57:55,829 --> 00:57:55,839 the behavior of people and how do they 3307 00:57:55,839 --> 00:57:57,670 the behavior of people and how do they do that yes they can say well 3308 00:57:57,670 --> 00:57:57,680 do that yes they can say well 3309 00:57:57,680 --> 00:58:00,390 do that yes they can say well if you're a restaurant owner you can you 3310 00:58:00,390 --> 00:58:00,400 if you're a restaurant owner you can you 3311 00:58:00,400 --> 00:58:01,589 if you're a restaurant owner you can you get the money directly 3312 00:58:01,589 --> 00:58:01,599 get the money directly 3313 00:58:01,599 --> 00:58:03,829 get the money directly into your pocket from us yeah so no more 3314 00:58:03,829 --> 00:58:03,839 into your pocket from us yeah so no more 3315 00:58:03,839 --> 00:58:05,990 into your pocket from us yeah so no more banks involved we'll do it directly 3316 00:58:05,990 --> 00:58:06,000 banks involved we'll do it directly 3317 00:58:06,000 --> 00:58:08,069 banks involved we'll do it directly it's possible it's central bank money 3318 00:58:08,069 --> 00:58:08,079 it's possible it's central bank money 3319 00:58:08,079 --> 00:58:09,750 it's possible it's central bank money they can change interest rates so 3320 00:58:09,750 --> 00:58:09,760 they can change interest rates so 3321 00:58:09,760 --> 00:58:12,230 they can change interest rates so in one uh instance or one industry they 3322 00:58:12,230 --> 00:58:12,240 in one uh instance or one industry they 3323 00:58:12,240 --> 00:58:13,270 in one uh instance or one industry they can have high interest 3324 00:58:13,270 --> 00:58:13,280 can have high interest 3325 00:58:13,280 --> 00:58:16,470 can have high interest rate than another um what will happen 3326 00:58:16,470 --> 00:58:16,480 rate than another um what will happen 3327 00:58:16,480 --> 00:58:17,510 rate than another um what will happen with taxes 3328 00:58:17,510 --> 00:58:17,520 with taxes 3329 00:58:17,520 --> 00:58:19,829 with taxes yeah what will happen with the irs 3330 00:58:19,829 --> 00:58:19,839 yeah what will happen with the irs 3331 00:58:19,839 --> 00:58:21,430 yeah what will happen with the irs because they can deal with these things 3332 00:58:21,430 --> 00:58:21,440 because they can deal with these things 3333 00:58:21,440 --> 00:58:22,069 because they can deal with these things directly 3334 00:58:22,069 --> 00:58:22,079 directly 3335 00:58:22,079 --> 00:58:23,990 directly through programmable money it will take 3336 00:58:23,990 --> 00:58:24,000 through programmable money it will take 3337 00:58:24,000 --> 00:58:25,190 through programmable money it will take time 3338 00:58:25,190 --> 00:58:25,200 time 3339 00:58:25,200 --> 00:58:27,349 time to get it to that ultimate extent but it 3340 00:58:27,349 --> 00:58:27,359 to get it to that ultimate extent but it 3341 00:58:27,359 --> 00:58:28,789 to get it to that ultimate extent but it will happen 3342 00:58:28,789 --> 00:58:28,799 will happen 3343 00:58:28,799 --> 00:58:31,750 will happen as you as you can see so direct payments 3344 00:58:31,750 --> 00:58:31,760 as you as you can see so direct payments 3345 00:58:31,760 --> 00:58:34,789 as you as you can see so direct payments will be possible 3346 00:58:34,789 --> 00:58:34,799 3347 00:58:34,799 --> 00:58:37,829 they're also talking here about um 3348 00:58:37,829 --> 00:58:37,839 they're also talking here about um 3349 00:58:37,839 --> 00:58:41,109 they're also talking here about um yeah behavioral economics uh so 3350 00:58:41,109 --> 00:58:41,119 yeah behavioral economics uh so 3351 00:58:41,119 --> 00:58:44,390 yeah behavioral economics uh so not through some economists that are 3352 00:58:44,390 --> 00:58:44,400 not through some economists that are 3353 00:58:44,400 --> 00:58:45,349 not through some economists that are telling 3354 00:58:45,349 --> 00:58:45,359 telling 3355 00:58:45,359 --> 00:58:47,510 telling the government what to do and what not 3356 00:58:47,510 --> 00:58:47,520 the government what to do and what not 3357 00:58:47,520 --> 00:58:49,190 the government what to do and what not to do because that has failed in the 3358 00:58:49,190 --> 00:58:49,200 to do because that has failed in the 3359 00:58:49,200 --> 00:58:49,990 to do because that has failed in the past 3360 00:58:49,990 --> 00:58:50,000 past 3361 00:58:50,000 --> 00:58:52,150 past everybody's saying so what they're going 3362 00:58:52,150 --> 00:58:52,160 everybody's saying so what they're going 3363 00:58:52,160 --> 00:58:54,069 everybody's saying so what they're going to do is like a facebook 3364 00:58:54,069 --> 00:58:54,079 to do is like a facebook 3365 00:58:54,079 --> 00:58:56,390 to do is like a facebook type of idea or tick tock idea or 3366 00:58:56,390 --> 00:58:56,400 type of idea or tick tock idea or 3367 00:58:56,400 --> 00:58:57,510 type of idea or tick tock idea or youtube idea 3368 00:58:57,510 --> 00:58:57,520 youtube idea 3369 00:58:57,520 --> 00:58:59,510 youtube idea where you're interested in people 3370 00:58:59,510 --> 00:58:59,520 where you're interested in people 3371 00:58:59,520 --> 00:59:00,710 where you're interested in people befriending you 3372 00:59:00,710 --> 00:59:00,720 befriending you 3373 00:59:00,720 --> 00:59:03,270 befriending you or where people are you're interested in 3374 00:59:03,270 --> 00:59:03,280 or where people are you're interested in 3375 00:59:03,280 --> 00:59:04,870 or where people are you're interested in getting more likes 3376 00:59:04,870 --> 00:59:04,880 getting more likes 3377 00:59:04,880 --> 00:59:06,789 getting more likes and so you change your behavior in 3378 00:59:06,789 --> 00:59:06,799 and so you change your behavior in 3379 00:59:06,799 --> 00:59:07,990 and so you change your behavior in regards to 3380 00:59:07,990 --> 00:59:08,000 regards to 3381 00:59:08,000 --> 00:59:10,069 regards to getting more likes and the same thing 3382 00:59:10,069 --> 00:59:10,079 getting more likes and the same thing 3383 00:59:10,079 --> 00:59:11,670 getting more likes and the same thing will happen with the money 3384 00:59:11,670 --> 00:59:11,680 will happen with the money 3385 00:59:11,680 --> 00:59:13,829 will happen with the money so and that will be all regulated 3386 00:59:13,829 --> 00:59:13,839 so and that will be all regulated 3387 00:59:13,839 --> 00:59:15,270 so and that will be all regulated through central bank 3388 00:59:15,270 --> 00:59:15,280 through central bank 3389 00:59:15,280 --> 00:59:17,670 through central bank without anybody from the outside world 3390 00:59:17,670 --> 00:59:17,680 without anybody from the outside world 3391 00:59:17,680 --> 00:59:19,190 without anybody from the outside world having a chance to 3392 00:59:19,190 --> 00:59:19,200 having a chance to 3393 00:59:19,200 --> 00:59:21,990 having a chance to have a significant influence so how that 3394 00:59:21,990 --> 00:59:22,000 have a significant influence so how that 3395 00:59:22,000 --> 00:59:23,430 have a significant influence so how that will look like at the end 3396 00:59:23,430 --> 00:59:23,440 will look like at the end 3397 00:59:23,440 --> 00:59:26,069 will look like at the end nobody knows of course but that these 3398 00:59:26,069 --> 00:59:26,079 nobody knows of course but that these 3399 00:59:26,079 --> 00:59:29,030 nobody knows of course but that these people are meeting together to discuss 3400 00:59:29,030 --> 00:59:29,040 people are meeting together to discuss 3401 00:59:29,040 --> 00:59:31,190 people are meeting together to discuss cross-order payments is something that i 3402 00:59:31,190 --> 00:59:31,200 cross-order payments is something that i 3403 00:59:31,200 --> 00:59:33,750 cross-order payments is something that i find uh highly interesting 3404 00:59:33,750 --> 00:59:33,760 find uh highly interesting 3405 00:59:33,760 --> 00:59:36,069 find uh highly interesting and uh that is of course fantastic news 3406 00:59:36,069 --> 00:59:36,079 and uh that is of course fantastic news 3407 00:59:36,079 --> 00:59:37,430 and uh that is of course fantastic news for uh bitcoin 3408 00:59:37,430 --> 00:59:37,440 for uh bitcoin 3409 00:59:37,440 --> 00:59:39,030 for uh bitcoin because bitcoin is outside of that 3410 00:59:39,030 --> 00:59:39,040 because bitcoin is outside of that 3411 00:59:39,040 --> 00:59:40,870 because bitcoin is outside of that system there's nobody 3412 00:59:40,870 --> 00:59:40,880 system there's nobody 3413 00:59:40,880 --> 00:59:44,829 system there's nobody that can regulate uh bitcoin it's 3414 00:59:44,829 --> 00:59:44,839 that can regulate uh bitcoin it's 3415 00:59:44,839 --> 00:59:46,230 that can regulate uh bitcoin it's decentralized um 3416 00:59:46,230 --> 00:59:46,240 decentralized um 3417 00:59:46,240 --> 00:59:48,390 decentralized um it's immutable well you know all the 3418 00:59:48,390 --> 00:59:48,400 it's immutable well you know all the 3419 00:59:48,400 --> 00:59:50,630 it's immutable well you know all the features of of uh bitcoin 3420 00:59:50,630 --> 00:59:50,640 features of of uh bitcoin 3421 00:59:50,640 --> 00:59:54,069 features of of uh bitcoin so um bitcoin is a fantastic alternative 3422 00:59:54,069 --> 00:59:54,079 so um bitcoin is a fantastic alternative 3423 00:59:54,079 --> 00:59:56,309 so um bitcoin is a fantastic alternative all the other cryptocurrencies the major 3424 00:59:56,309 --> 00:59:56,319 all the other cryptocurrencies the major 3425 00:59:56,319 --> 00:59:57,829 all the other cryptocurrencies the major ones are definitely a good alternative 3426 00:59:57,829 --> 00:59:57,839 ones are definitely a good alternative 3427 00:59:57,839 --> 01:00:00,150 ones are definitely a good alternative let's see what libra will bring up but 3428 01:00:00,150 --> 01:00:00,160 let's see what libra will bring up but 3429 01:00:00,160 --> 01:00:01,990 let's see what libra will bring up but there's will be some good alternatives 3430 01:00:01,990 --> 01:00:02,000 there's will be some good alternatives 3431 01:00:02,000 --> 01:00:02,470 there's will be some good alternatives to 3432 01:00:02,470 --> 01:00:02,480 to 3433 01:00:02,480 --> 01:00:06,470 to um to the central uh centrally 3434 01:00:06,470 --> 01:00:06,480 um to the central uh centrally 3435 01:00:06,480 --> 01:00:09,589 um to the central uh centrally driven money through central banks 3436 01:00:09,589 --> 01:00:09,599 driven money through central banks 3437 01:00:09,599 --> 01:00:11,349 driven money through central banks so i hope you found that interesting and 3438 01:00:11,349 --> 01:00:11,359 so i hope you found that interesting and 3439 01:00:11,359 --> 01:00:13,349 so i hope you found that interesting and i hope you liked it and i hope i get a 3440 01:00:13,349 --> 01:00:13,359 i hope you liked it and i hope i get a 3441 01:00:13,359 --> 01:00:14,549 i hope you liked it and i hope i get a lack from you 3442 01:00:14,549 --> 01:00:14,559 lack from you 3443 01:00:14,559 --> 01:00:17,190 lack from you and i wish you a fantastic week so thank 3444 01:00:17,190 --> 01:00:17,200 and i wish you a fantastic week so thank 3445 01:00:17,200 --> 01:00:18,789 and i wish you a fantastic week so thank you very much for watching 3446 01:00:18,789 --> 01:00:18,799 you very much for watching 3447 01:00:18,799 --> 01:00:21,270 you very much for watching bye bye thank you robert just a reminder 3448 01:00:21,270 --> 01:00:21,280 bye bye thank you robert just a reminder 3449 01:00:21,280 --> 01:00:23,190 bye bye thank you robert just a reminder we're not providing financial advice 3450 01:00:23,190 --> 01:00:23,200 we're not providing financial advice 3451 01:00:23,200 --> 01:00:24,710 we're not providing financial advice but only sharing what's happening in the 3452 01:00:24,710 --> 01:00:24,720 but only sharing what's happening in the 3453 01:00:24,720 --> 01:00:26,390 but only sharing what's happening in the cryptocurrency market 3454 01:00:26,390 --> 01:00:26,400 cryptocurrency market 3455 01:00:26,400 --> 01:00:27,990 cryptocurrency market always remember that the cryptocurrency 3456 01:00:27,990 --> 01:00:28,000 always remember that the cryptocurrency 3457 01:00:28,000 --> 01:00:29,589 always remember that the cryptocurrency markets are ever-changing and 3458 01:00:29,589 --> 01:00:29,599 markets are ever-changing and 3459 01:00:29,599 --> 01:00:31,990 markets are ever-changing and always volatile so you should only spend 3460 01:00:31,990 --> 01:00:32,000 always volatile so you should only spend 3461 01:00:32,000 --> 01:00:33,910 always volatile so you should only spend what you can afford to lose 3462 01:00:33,910 --> 01:00:33,920 what you can afford to lose 3463 01:00:33,920 --> 01:00:36,630 what you can afford to lose now back to becca in the newsroom thank 3464 01:00:36,630 --> 01:00:36,640 now back to becca in the newsroom thank 3465 01:00:36,640 --> 01:00:38,710 now back to becca in the newsroom thank you robbie 3466 01:00:38,710 --> 01:00:38,720 you robbie 3467 01:00:38,720 --> 01:00:40,870 you robbie xiaomi has announced a new charging 3468 01:00:40,870 --> 01:00:40,880 xiaomi has announced a new charging 3469 01:00:40,880 --> 01:00:42,789 xiaomi has announced a new charging check that can fully charge a depleted 3470 01:00:42,789 --> 01:00:42,799 check that can fully charge a depleted 3471 01:00:42,799 --> 01:00:45,190 check that can fully charge a depleted smartphone in less than 20 minutes 3472 01:00:45,190 --> 01:00:45,200 smartphone in less than 20 minutes 3473 01:00:45,200 --> 01:00:48,470 smartphone in less than 20 minutes but it does it without any wires fast 3474 01:00:48,470 --> 01:00:48,480 but it does it without any wires fast 3475 01:00:48,480 --> 01:00:50,390 but it does it without any wires fast charging has become a key feature of 3476 01:00:50,390 --> 01:00:50,400 charging has become a key feature of 3477 01:00:50,400 --> 01:00:52,470 charging has become a key feature of many smartphones in recent years and for 3478 01:00:52,470 --> 01:00:52,480 many smartphones in recent years and for 3479 01:00:52,480 --> 01:00:53,829 many smartphones in recent years and for convenience sake 3480 01:00:53,829 --> 01:00:53,839 convenience sake 3481 01:00:53,839 --> 01:00:56,150 convenience sake wireless charging can be really great 3482 01:00:56,150 --> 01:00:56,160 wireless charging can be really great 3483 01:00:56,160 --> 01:00:57,750 wireless charging can be really great but of course wireless charging 3484 01:00:57,750 --> 01:00:57,760 but of course wireless charging 3485 01:00:57,760 --> 01:00:59,910 but of course wireless charging typically charges a phone with between 3486 01:00:59,910 --> 01:00:59,920 typically charges a phone with between 3487 01:00:59,920 --> 01:01:03,190 typically charges a phone with between 10 to 15 watts of power some 3488 01:01:03,190 --> 01:01:03,200 10 to 15 watts of power some 3489 01:01:03,200 --> 01:01:05,349 10 to 15 watts of power some phones like the oneplus 8 pro have 3490 01:01:05,349 --> 01:01:05,359 phones like the oneplus 8 pro have 3491 01:01:05,359 --> 01:01:07,670 phones like the oneplus 8 pro have wireless charging up to 40 watts 3492 01:01:07,670 --> 01:01:07,680 wireless charging up to 40 watts 3493 01:01:07,680 --> 01:01:10,150 wireless charging up to 40 watts but xiaomi's new charging tech promises 3494 01:01:10,150 --> 01:01:10,160 but xiaomi's new charging tech promises 3495 01:01:10,160 --> 01:01:11,030 but xiaomi's new charging tech promises a whopping 3496 01:01:11,030 --> 01:01:11,040 a whopping 3497 01:01:11,040 --> 01:01:14,230 a whopping 80 watts of wireless juice 3498 01:01:14,230 --> 01:01:14,240 80 watts of wireless juice 3499 01:01:14,240 --> 01:01:16,710 80 watts of wireless juice what does that mean in practical terms 3500 01:01:16,710 --> 01:01:16,720 what does that mean in practical terms 3501 01:01:16,720 --> 01:01:18,309 what does that mean in practical terms well according to the announcement 3502 01:01:18,309 --> 01:01:18,319 well according to the announcement 3503 01:01:18,319 --> 01:01:20,390 well according to the announcement unveiling the 80 watt me wireless 3504 01:01:20,390 --> 01:01:20,400 unveiling the 80 watt me wireless 3505 01:01:20,400 --> 01:01:22,150 unveiling the 80 watt me wireless charging technology 3506 01:01:22,150 --> 01:01:22,160 charging technology 3507 01:01:22,160 --> 01:01:24,230 charging technology a smartphone with zero percent charge of 3508 01:01:24,230 --> 01:01:24,240 a smartphone with zero percent charge of 3509 01:01:24,240 --> 01:01:26,710 a smartphone with zero percent charge of a four thousand milliamp hours battery 3510 01:01:26,710 --> 01:01:26,720 a four thousand milliamp hours battery 3511 01:01:26,720 --> 01:01:28,549 a four thousand milliamp hours battery will charge ten percent in just one 3512 01:01:28,549 --> 01:01:28,559 will charge ten percent in just one 3513 01:01:28,559 --> 01:01:30,150 will charge ten percent in just one minute fifty percent 3514 01:01:30,150 --> 01:01:30,160 minute fifty percent 3515 01:01:30,160 --> 01:01:32,630 minute fifty percent in eight minutes and be fully charged 3516 01:01:32,630 --> 01:01:32,640 in eight minutes and be fully charged 3517 01:01:32,640 --> 01:01:34,150 in eight minutes and be fully charged after 19 minutes 3518 01:01:34,150 --> 01:01:34,160 after 19 minutes 3519 01:01:34,160 --> 01:01:37,030 after 19 minutes finally a charger that will charge my 3520 01:01:37,030 --> 01:01:37,040 finally a charger that will charge my 3521 01:01:37,040 --> 01:01:37,589 finally a charger that will charge my phone 3522 01:01:37,589 --> 01:01:37,599 phone 3523 01:01:37,599 --> 01:01:40,630 phone from zero to a hundred percent right in 3524 01:01:40,630 --> 01:01:40,640 from zero to a hundred percent right in 3525 01:01:40,640 --> 01:01:43,349 from zero to a hundred percent right in like my lunch break see that's nice 3526 01:01:43,349 --> 01:01:43,359 like my lunch break see that's nice 3527 01:01:43,359 --> 01:01:46,150 like my lunch break see that's nice that's a game changer can you imagine 3528 01:01:46,150 --> 01:01:46,160 that's a game changer can you imagine 3529 01:01:46,160 --> 01:01:48,069 that's a game changer can you imagine i think about my kids and how we have 3530 01:01:48,069 --> 01:01:48,079 i think about my kids and how we have 3531 01:01:48,079 --> 01:01:49,829 i think about my kids and how we have like phones everywhere 3532 01:01:49,829 --> 01:01:49,839 like phones everywhere 3533 01:01:49,839 --> 01:01:51,430 like phones everywhere obviously i mean this is to take like 3534 01:01:51,430 --> 01:01:51,440 obviously i mean this is to take like 3535 01:01:51,440 --> 01:01:53,670 obviously i mean this is to take like the latest and greatest tech but 3536 01:01:53,670 --> 01:01:53,680 the latest and greatest tech but 3537 01:01:53,680 --> 01:01:56,309 the latest and greatest tech but um it's always a case of oh i forgot to 3538 01:01:56,309 --> 01:01:56,319 um it's always a case of oh i forgot to 3539 01:01:56,319 --> 01:01:57,670 um it's always a case of oh i forgot to put my phone on the charger or it 3540 01:01:57,670 --> 01:01:57,680 put my phone on the charger or it 3541 01:01:57,680 --> 01:01:59,510 put my phone on the charger or it doesn't last long enough for the entire 3542 01:01:59,510 --> 01:01:59,520 doesn't last long enough for the entire 3543 01:01:59,520 --> 01:02:00,710 doesn't last long enough for the entire day and now that 3544 01:02:00,710 --> 01:02:00,720 day and now that 3545 01:02:00,720 --> 01:02:02,710 day and now that you know with the pandemic of course my 3546 01:02:02,710 --> 01:02:02,720 you know with the pandemic of course my 3547 01:02:02,720 --> 01:02:04,950 you know with the pandemic of course my kids are being homeschooled now 3548 01:02:04,950 --> 01:02:04,960 kids are being homeschooled now 3549 01:02:04,960 --> 01:02:07,589 kids are being homeschooled now kind of by force and everybody's on 3550 01:02:07,589 --> 01:02:07,599 kind of by force and everybody's on 3551 01:02:07,599 --> 01:02:09,589 kind of by force and everybody's on their devices the whole time so we've 3552 01:02:09,589 --> 01:02:09,599 their devices the whole time so we've 3553 01:02:09,599 --> 01:02:11,829 their devices the whole time so we've got zoom meetings happening on phones 3554 01:02:11,829 --> 01:02:11,839 got zoom meetings happening on phones 3555 01:02:11,839 --> 01:02:12,470 got zoom meetings happening on phones and 3556 01:02:12,470 --> 01:02:12,480 and 3557 01:02:12,480 --> 01:02:15,589 and and it runs it depletes the battery yes 3558 01:02:15,589 --> 01:02:15,599 and it runs it depletes the battery yes 3559 01:02:15,599 --> 01:02:18,630 and it runs it depletes the battery yes but what i like is that it's wireless 3560 01:02:18,630 --> 01:02:18,640 but what i like is that it's wireless 3561 01:02:18,640 --> 01:02:21,430 but what i like is that it's wireless it's not just wired that's amazing yeah 3562 01:02:21,430 --> 01:02:21,440 it's not just wired that's amazing yeah 3563 01:02:21,440 --> 01:02:21,750 it's not just wired that's amazing yeah it's 3564 01:02:21,750 --> 01:02:21,760 it's 3565 01:02:21,760 --> 01:02:24,470 it's wireless that's huge like the idea that 3566 01:02:24,470 --> 01:02:24,480 wireless that's huge like the idea that 3567 01:02:24,480 --> 01:02:25,750 wireless that's huge like the idea that i could take my phone 3568 01:02:25,750 --> 01:02:25,760 i could take my phone 3569 01:02:25,760 --> 01:02:27,190 i could take my phone not have to worry about chargers and 3570 01:02:27,190 --> 01:02:27,200 not have to worry about chargers and 3571 01:02:27,200 --> 01:02:29,510 not have to worry about chargers and just go just set it down set it down 20 3572 01:02:29,510 --> 01:02:29,520 just go just set it down set it down 20 3573 01:02:29,520 --> 01:02:30,950 just go just set it down set it down 20 minutes later i'm good to go 3574 01:02:30,950 --> 01:02:30,960 minutes later i'm good to go 3575 01:02:30,960 --> 01:02:33,190 minutes later i'm good to go that i love the other thing that i love 3576 01:02:33,190 --> 01:02:33,200 that i love the other thing that i love 3577 01:02:33,200 --> 01:02:33,990 that i love the other thing that i love about it 3578 01:02:33,990 --> 01:02:34,000 about it 3579 01:02:34,000 --> 01:02:37,589 about it the the concept is that um 3580 01:02:37,589 --> 01:02:37,599 the the concept is that um 3581 01:02:37,599 --> 01:02:40,470 the the concept is that um i think about as you just did if i could 3582 01:02:40,470 --> 01:02:40,480 i think about as you just did if i could 3583 01:02:40,480 --> 01:02:42,069 i think about as you just did if i could set it down on a table 3584 01:02:42,069 --> 01:02:42,079 set it down on a table 3585 01:02:42,079 --> 01:02:43,349 set it down on a table what if you could set it down on a 3586 01:02:43,349 --> 01:02:43,359 what if you could set it down on a 3587 01:02:43,359 --> 01:02:45,510 what if you could set it down on a restaurant table yes because a lot of 3588 01:02:45,510 --> 01:02:45,520 restaurant table yes because a lot of 3589 01:02:45,520 --> 01:02:47,670 restaurant table yes because a lot of restaurants have gone the route and i'm 3590 01:02:47,670 --> 01:02:47,680 restaurants have gone the route and i'm 3591 01:02:47,680 --> 01:02:49,109 restaurants have gone the route and i'm using restaurants as the example but a 3592 01:02:49,109 --> 01:02:49,119 using restaurants as the example but a 3593 01:02:49,119 --> 01:02:50,789 using restaurants as the example but a lot of places have gone the route of 3594 01:02:50,789 --> 01:02:50,799 lot of places have gone the route of 3595 01:02:50,799 --> 01:02:53,430 lot of places have gone the route of embedding usb yes so that you can plug 3596 01:02:53,430 --> 01:02:53,440 embedding usb yes so that you can plug 3597 01:02:53,440 --> 01:02:54,470 embedding usb yes so that you can plug in your usb 3598 01:02:54,470 --> 01:02:54,480 in your usb 3599 01:02:54,480 --> 01:02:57,270 in your usb cable to charge your phone but then all 3600 01:02:57,270 --> 01:02:57,280 cable to charge your phone but then all 3601 01:02:57,280 --> 01:02:58,630 cable to charge your phone but then all of a sudden people got 3602 01:02:58,630 --> 01:02:58,640 of a sudden people got 3603 01:02:58,640 --> 01:03:01,829 of a sudden people got wise to the fact that oh those usb ports 3604 01:03:01,829 --> 01:03:01,839 wise to the fact that oh those usb ports 3605 01:03:01,839 --> 01:03:03,190 wise to the fact that oh those usb ports could be malicious 3606 01:03:03,190 --> 01:03:03,200 could be malicious 3607 01:03:03,200 --> 01:03:05,990 could be malicious because usb also carries data or that's 3608 01:03:05,990 --> 01:03:06,000 because usb also carries data or that's 3609 01:03:06,000 --> 01:03:06,309 because usb also carries data or that's right 3610 01:03:06,309 --> 01:03:06,319 right 3611 01:03:06,319 --> 01:03:08,549 right who knows if it's too many volts and 3612 01:03:08,549 --> 01:03:08,559 who knows if it's too many volts and 3613 01:03:08,559 --> 01:03:09,990 who knows if it's too many volts and that you know maybe it's 3614 01:03:09,990 --> 01:03:10,000 that you know maybe it's 3615 01:03:10,000 --> 01:03:11,750 that you know maybe it's got a short or something like that and 3616 01:03:11,750 --> 01:03:11,760 got a short or something like that and 3617 01:03:11,760 --> 01:03:13,270 got a short or something like that and could fry my phone 3618 01:03:13,270 --> 01:03:13,280 could fry my phone 3619 01:03:13,280 --> 01:03:14,950 could fry my phone so then all of a sudden we're afraid to 3620 01:03:14,950 --> 01:03:14,960 so then all of a sudden we're afraid to 3621 01:03:14,960 --> 01:03:17,029 so then all of a sudden we're afraid to plug into the usb port because hey 3622 01:03:17,029 --> 01:03:17,039 plug into the usb port because hey 3623 01:03:17,039 --> 01:03:19,829 plug into the usb port because hey it could be something bad that's right 3624 01:03:19,829 --> 01:03:19,839 it could be something bad that's right 3625 01:03:19,839 --> 01:03:20,390 it could be something bad that's right well 3626 01:03:20,390 --> 01:03:20,400 well 3627 01:03:20,400 --> 01:03:23,430 well wireless charging you set it down it 3628 01:03:23,430 --> 01:03:23,440 wireless charging you set it down it 3629 01:03:23,440 --> 01:03:24,950 wireless charging you set it down it charges and you pick it up and you're 3630 01:03:24,950 --> 01:03:24,960 charges and you pick it up and you're 3631 01:03:24,960 --> 01:03:25,430 charges and you pick it up and you're done 3632 01:03:25,430 --> 01:03:25,440 done 3633 01:03:25,440 --> 01:03:28,230 done yeah but you can set it down for like 3634 01:03:28,230 --> 01:03:28,240 yeah but you can set it down for like 3635 01:03:28,240 --> 01:03:29,670 yeah but you can set it down for like three minutes and it's given you enough 3636 01:03:29,670 --> 01:03:29,680 three minutes and it's given you enough 3637 01:03:29,680 --> 01:03:31,109 three minutes and it's given you enough of a charge to get through most of the 3638 01:03:31,109 --> 01:03:31,119 of a charge to get through most of the 3639 01:03:31,119 --> 01:03:31,750 of a charge to get through most of the afternoon 3640 01:03:31,750 --> 01:03:31,760 afternoon 3641 01:03:31,760 --> 01:03:35,670 afternoon which is incredible awesome i i think 3642 01:03:35,670 --> 01:03:35,680 which is incredible awesome i i think 3643 01:03:35,680 --> 01:03:38,630 which is incredible awesome i i think just as a i mean you look around now and 3644 01:03:38,630 --> 01:03:38,640 just as a i mean you look around now and 3645 01:03:38,640 --> 01:03:40,549 just as a i mean you look around now and you've got all these charge stations for 3646 01:03:40,549 --> 01:03:40,559 you've got all these charge stations for 3647 01:03:40,559 --> 01:03:43,109 you've got all these charge stations for electric vehicles it would be great to 3648 01:03:43,109 --> 01:03:43,119 electric vehicles it would be great to 3649 01:03:43,119 --> 01:03:44,069 electric vehicles it would be great to start seeing little 3650 01:03:44,069 --> 01:03:44,079 start seeing little 3651 01:03:44,079 --> 01:03:47,589 start seeing little pop-ups in public places with this kind 3652 01:03:47,589 --> 01:03:47,599 pop-ups in public places with this kind 3653 01:03:47,599 --> 01:03:48,630 pop-ups in public places with this kind of stuff where you can literally put 3654 01:03:48,630 --> 01:03:48,640 of stuff where you can literally put 3655 01:03:48,640 --> 01:03:50,230 of stuff where you can literally put your phone down for five minutes 3656 01:03:50,230 --> 01:03:50,240 your phone down for five minutes 3657 01:03:50,240 --> 01:03:52,870 your phone down for five minutes and have enough to have a phone call to 3658 01:03:52,870 --> 01:03:52,880 and have enough to have a phone call to 3659 01:03:52,880 --> 01:03:54,230 and have enough to have a phone call to get help or whatever 3660 01:03:54,230 --> 01:03:54,240 get help or whatever 3661 01:03:54,240 --> 01:03:56,309 get help or whatever and it's all wirelessly i just pictured 3662 01:03:56,309 --> 01:03:56,319 and it's all wirelessly i just pictured 3663 01:03:56,319 --> 01:03:59,190 and it's all wirelessly i just pictured like a stretch of road 3664 01:03:59,190 --> 01:03:59,200 like a stretch of road 3665 01:03:59,200 --> 01:04:01,750 like a stretch of road and embed the receiver in the car and it 3666 01:04:01,750 --> 01:04:01,760 and embed the receiver in the car and it 3667 01:04:01,760 --> 01:04:02,950 and embed the receiver in the car and it recharges the 3668 01:04:02,950 --> 01:04:02,960 recharges the 3669 01:04:02,960 --> 01:04:05,589 recharges the autonomous car as it drives over this 3670 01:04:05,589 --> 01:04:05,599 autonomous car as it drives over this 3671 01:04:05,599 --> 01:04:07,510 autonomous car as it drives over this thing whoa we're getting into the tech 3672 01:04:07,510 --> 01:04:07,520 thing whoa we're getting into the tech 3673 01:04:07,520 --> 01:04:08,220 thing whoa we're getting into the tech now folks 3674 01:04:08,220 --> 01:04:08,230 now folks 3675 01:04:08,230 --> 01:04:09,910 now folks [Laughter] 3676 01:04:09,910 --> 01:04:09,920 [Laughter] 3677 01:04:09,920 --> 01:04:11,510 [Laughter] still i like it i'm excited about it the 3678 01:04:11,510 --> 01:04:11,520 still i like it i'm excited about it the 3679 01:04:11,520 --> 01:04:13,109 still i like it i'm excited about it the crazy thing is just 3680 01:04:13,109 --> 01:04:13,119 crazy thing is just 3681 01:04:13,119 --> 01:04:15,829 crazy thing is just in conclusion is that while what i just 3682 01:04:15,829 --> 01:04:15,839 in conclusion is that while what i just 3683 01:04:15,839 --> 01:04:16,230 in conclusion is that while what i just said 3684 01:04:16,230 --> 01:04:16,240 said 3685 01:04:16,240 --> 01:04:18,309 said is very sci-fi like when we were growing 3686 01:04:18,309 --> 01:04:18,319 is very sci-fi like when we were growing 3687 01:04:18,319 --> 01:04:19,270 is very sci-fi like when we were growing up that was like 3688 01:04:19,270 --> 01:04:19,280 up that was like 3689 01:04:19,280 --> 01:04:21,589 up that was like the future it's totally doable it's 3690 01:04:21,589 --> 01:04:21,599 the future it's totally doable it's 3691 01:04:21,599 --> 01:04:22,870 the future it's totally doable it's possible now yep 3692 01:04:22,870 --> 01:04:22,880 possible now yep 3693 01:04:22,880 --> 01:04:25,910 possible now yep that's ridiculous the raspberry pi 3694 01:04:25,910 --> 01:04:25,920 that's ridiculous the raspberry pi 3695 01:04:25,920 --> 01:04:28,069 that's ridiculous the raspberry pi foundation has launched a compute module 3696 01:04:28,069 --> 01:04:28,079 foundation has launched a compute module 3697 01:04:28,079 --> 01:04:31,190 foundation has launched a compute module with the specs of a raspberry pi 4. 3698 01:04:31,190 --> 01:04:31,200 with the specs of a raspberry pi 4. 3699 01:04:31,200 --> 01:04:33,349 with the specs of a raspberry pi 4. the raspberry pi foundation launched a 3700 01:04:33,349 --> 01:04:33,359 the raspberry pi foundation launched a 3701 01:04:33,359 --> 01:04:35,109 the raspberry pi foundation launched a new product monday the comp 3702 01:04:35,109 --> 01:04:35,119 new product monday the comp 3703 01:04:35,119 --> 01:04:37,990 new product monday the comp the compute module 4. it's hard to 3704 01:04:37,990 --> 01:04:38,000 the compute module 4. it's hard to 3705 01:04:38,000 --> 01:04:39,430 the compute module 4. it's hard to believe it's been so long but the 3706 01:04:39,430 --> 01:04:39,440 believe it's been so long but the 3707 01:04:39,440 --> 01:04:39,990 believe it's been so long but the raspberry 3708 01:04:39,990 --> 01:04:40,000 raspberry 3709 01:04:40,000 --> 01:04:43,349 raspberry pi 4 was released in june 2019 3710 01:04:43,349 --> 01:04:43,359 pi 4 was released in june 2019 3711 01:04:43,359 --> 01:04:45,829 pi 4 was released in june 2019 the compute module 4 brings the pi 4 to 3712 01:04:45,829 --> 01:04:45,839 the compute module 4 brings the pi 4 to 3713 01:04:45,839 --> 01:04:48,069 the compute module 4 brings the pi 4 to the industrial iot space 3714 01:04:48,069 --> 01:04:48,079 the industrial iot space 3715 01:04:48,079 --> 01:04:50,630 the industrial iot space featuring the same processor packed in a 3716 01:04:50,630 --> 01:04:50,640 featuring the same processor packed in a 3717 01:04:50,640 --> 01:04:52,230 featuring the same processor packed in a compute module 3718 01:04:52,230 --> 01:04:52,240 compute module 3719 01:04:52,240 --> 01:04:54,309 compute module just begging to be integrated into 3720 01:04:54,309 --> 01:04:54,319 just begging to be integrated into 3721 01:04:54,319 --> 01:04:57,190 just begging to be integrated into powerful iot appliances 3722 01:04:57,190 --> 01:04:57,200 powerful iot appliances 3723 01:04:57,200 --> 01:04:58,789 powerful iot appliances if you're unfamiliar with compute 3724 01:04:58,789 --> 01:04:58,799 if you're unfamiliar with compute 3725 01:04:58,799 --> 01:05:00,870 if you're unfamiliar with compute modules you can think of them as 3726 01:05:00,870 --> 01:05:00,880 modules you can think of them as 3727 01:05:00,880 --> 01:05:02,630 modules you can think of them as single board computers without all the 3728 01:05:02,630 --> 01:05:02,640 single board computers without all the 3729 01:05:02,640 --> 01:05:05,270 single board computers without all the ports and gpio pins 3730 01:05:05,270 --> 01:05:05,280 ports and gpio pins 3731 01:05:05,280 --> 01:05:07,190 ports and gpio pins they allow the computer components the 3732 01:05:07,190 --> 01:05:07,200 they allow the computer components the 3733 01:05:07,200 --> 01:05:09,430 they allow the computer components the brains of a raspberry pi to be 3734 01:05:09,430 --> 01:05:09,440 brains of a raspberry pi to be 3735 01:05:09,440 --> 01:05:11,029 brains of a raspberry pi to be integrated into robotics 3736 01:05:11,029 --> 01:05:11,039 integrated into robotics 3737 01:05:11,039 --> 01:05:13,910 integrated into robotics smart devices maker tech clusters or 3738 01:05:13,910 --> 01:05:13,920 smart devices maker tech clusters or 3739 01:05:13,920 --> 01:05:15,349 smart devices maker tech clusters or anything you can come up with that 3740 01:05:15,349 --> 01:05:15,359 anything you can come up with that 3741 01:05:15,359 --> 01:05:16,390 anything you can come up with that requires a tiny 3742 01:05:16,390 --> 01:05:16,400 requires a tiny 3743 01:05:16,400 --> 01:05:20,309 requires a tiny low-powered linux computer at its heart 3744 01:05:20,309 --> 01:05:20,319 low-powered linux computer at its heart 3745 01:05:20,319 --> 01:05:22,230 low-powered linux computer at its heart since the compute module 4 shares its 3746 01:05:22,230 --> 01:05:22,240 since the compute module 4 shares its 3747 01:05:22,240 --> 01:05:24,230 since the compute module 4 shares its spec with the raspberry pi 4 3748 01:05:24,230 --> 01:05:24,240 spec with the raspberry pi 4 3749 01:05:24,240 --> 01:05:26,390 spec with the raspberry pi 4 developers can do all their prototyping 3750 01:05:26,390 --> 01:05:26,400 developers can do all their prototyping 3751 01:05:26,400 --> 01:05:28,150 developers can do all their prototyping on the pi 4 sbc 3752 01:05:28,150 --> 01:05:28,160 on the pi 4 sbc 3753 01:05:28,160 --> 01:05:30,309 on the pi 4 sbc but then order a bunch of compute module 3754 01:05:30,309 --> 01:05:30,319 but then order a bunch of compute module 3755 01:05:30,319 --> 01:05:32,309 but then order a bunch of compute module 4s to integrate into their commercial 3756 01:05:32,309 --> 01:05:32,319 4s to integrate into their commercial 3757 01:05:32,319 --> 01:05:33,510 4s to integrate into their commercial product 3758 01:05:33,510 --> 01:05:33,520 product 3759 01:05:33,520 --> 01:05:35,750 product just like the raspberry pi 4 the compute 3760 01:05:35,750 --> 01:05:35,760 just like the raspberry pi 4 the compute 3761 01:05:35,760 --> 01:05:38,549 just like the raspberry pi 4 the compute module 4 features a 64-bit arm based 3762 01:05:38,549 --> 01:05:38,559 module 4 features a 64-bit arm based 3763 01:05:38,559 --> 01:05:39,589 module 4 features a 64-bit arm based processor 3764 01:05:39,589 --> 01:05:39,599 processor 3765 01:05:39,599 --> 01:05:42,390 processor with video core vi graphics this is 3766 01:05:42,390 --> 01:05:42,400 with video core vi graphics this is 3767 01:05:42,400 --> 01:05:43,430 with video core vi graphics this is going to represent 3768 01:05:43,430 --> 01:05:43,440 going to represent 3769 01:05:43,440 --> 01:05:45,510 going to represent a huge upgrade for previous compute 3770 01:05:45,510 --> 01:05:45,520 a huge upgrade for previous compute 3771 01:05:45,520 --> 01:05:46,870 a huge upgrade for previous compute module customers 3772 01:05:46,870 --> 01:05:46,880 module customers 3773 01:05:46,880 --> 01:05:49,829 module customers and with 4k video output output at up to 3774 01:05:49,829 --> 01:05:49,839 and with 4k video output output at up to 3775 01:05:49,839 --> 01:05:51,589 and with 4k video output output at up to 60 frames per second 3776 01:05:51,589 --> 01:05:51,599 60 frames per second 3777 01:05:51,599 --> 01:05:55,029 60 frames per second plus the ability to decode h.265 video 3778 01:05:55,029 --> 01:05:55,039 plus the ability to decode h.265 video 3779 01:05:55,039 --> 01:05:57,349 plus the ability to decode h.265 video the compute module for the compute 3780 01:05:57,349 --> 01:05:57,359 the compute module for the compute 3781 01:05:57,359 --> 01:05:58,470 the compute module for the compute module 4 3782 01:05:58,470 --> 01:05:58,480 module 4 3783 01:05:58,480 --> 01:06:00,549 module 4 could be a game changer for multimedia 3784 01:06:00,549 --> 01:06:00,559 could be a game changer for multimedia 3785 01:06:00,559 --> 01:06:03,029 could be a game changer for multimedia driven devices such as smart tvs or 3786 01:06:03,029 --> 01:06:03,039 driven devices such as smart tvs or 3787 01:06:03,039 --> 01:06:04,789 driven devices such as smart tvs or set-top boxes 3788 01:06:04,789 --> 01:06:04,799 set-top boxes 3789 01:06:04,799 --> 01:06:06,950 set-top boxes the compute module 4 is available with 3790 01:06:06,950 --> 01:06:06,960 the compute module 4 is available with 3791 01:06:06,960 --> 01:06:08,309 the compute module 4 is available with your choice of 1 2 3792 01:06:08,309 --> 01:06:08,319 your choice of 1 2 3793 01:06:08,319 --> 01:06:11,589 your choice of 1 2 4 or 8 gigabytes ram and 8 16 3794 01:06:11,589 --> 01:06:11,599 4 or 8 gigabytes ram and 8 16 3795 01:06:11,599 --> 01:06:14,950 4 or 8 gigabytes ram and 8 16 or 32 gigabytes on board emmc 3796 01:06:14,950 --> 01:06:14,960 or 32 gigabytes on board emmc 3797 01:06:14,960 --> 01:06:17,990 or 32 gigabytes on board emmc flash storage wi-fi and bluetooth 3798 01:06:17,990 --> 01:06:18,000 flash storage wi-fi and bluetooth 3799 01:06:18,000 --> 01:06:20,309 flash storage wi-fi and bluetooth are also optional the price ranges from 3800 01:06:20,309 --> 01:06:20,319 are also optional the price ranges from 3801 01:06:20,319 --> 01:06:21,430 are also optional the price ranges from just 25 3802 01:06:21,430 --> 01:06:21,440 just 25 3803 01:06:21,440 --> 01:06:24,470 just 25 to 90 usd now imagine that jeff 3804 01:06:24,470 --> 01:06:24,480 to 90 usd now imagine that jeff 3805 01:06:24,480 --> 01:06:27,589 to 90 usd now imagine that jeff the raspberry pi compute module 4 3806 01:06:27,589 --> 01:06:27,599 the raspberry pi compute module 4 3807 01:06:27,599 --> 01:06:29,910 the raspberry pi compute module 4 yeah in one of your sbc projects or 3808 01:06:29,910 --> 01:06:29,920 yeah in one of your sbc projects or 3809 01:06:29,920 --> 01:06:31,349 yeah in one of your sbc projects or something like that powering it like the 3810 01:06:31,349 --> 01:06:31,359 something like that powering it like the 3811 01:06:31,359 --> 01:06:32,230 something like that powering it like the brains 3812 01:06:32,230 --> 01:06:32,240 brains 3813 01:06:32,240 --> 01:06:33,910 brains this is a pretty exciting as soon as 3814 01:06:33,910 --> 01:06:33,920 this is a pretty exciting as soon as 3815 01:06:33,920 --> 01:06:37,190 this is a pretty exciting as soon as becca said h.265 3816 01:06:37,190 --> 01:06:37,200 becca said h.265 3817 01:06:37,200 --> 01:06:39,430 becca said h.265 decoding so that's like video that is 3818 01:06:39,430 --> 01:06:39,440 decoding so that's like video that is 3819 01:06:39,440 --> 01:06:41,029 decoding so that's like video that is very cpu intensive 3820 01:06:41,029 --> 01:06:41,039 very cpu intensive 3821 01:06:41,039 --> 01:06:43,750 very cpu intensive yeah that's awesome like it says a lot 3822 01:06:43,750 --> 01:06:43,760 yeah that's awesome like it says a lot 3823 01:06:43,760 --> 01:06:46,069 yeah that's awesome like it says a lot that's more power than my plex server 3824 01:06:46,069 --> 01:06:46,079 that's more power than my plex server 3825 01:06:46,079 --> 01:06:49,990 that's more power than my plex server yes which like who knows where that's 3826 01:06:49,990 --> 01:06:50,000 yes which like who knows where that's 3827 01:06:50,000 --> 01:06:50,870 yes which like who knows where that's going to take things 3828 01:06:50,870 --> 01:06:50,880 going to take things 3829 01:06:50,880 --> 01:06:54,710 going to take things i like the idea of cluster computing 3830 01:06:54,710 --> 01:06:54,720 i like the idea of cluster computing 3831 01:06:54,720 --> 01:06:57,349 i like the idea of cluster computing and that's where you take several 3832 01:06:57,349 --> 01:06:57,359 and that's where you take several 3833 01:06:57,359 --> 01:06:58,470 and that's where you take several computers 3834 01:06:58,470 --> 01:06:58,480 computers 3835 01:06:58,480 --> 01:07:00,470 computers connect them together through networking 3836 01:07:00,470 --> 01:07:00,480 connect them together through networking 3837 01:07:00,480 --> 01:07:01,510 connect them together through networking and 3838 01:07:01,510 --> 01:07:01,520 and 3839 01:07:01,520 --> 01:07:04,549 and basically install software 3840 01:07:04,549 --> 01:07:04,559 basically install software 3841 01:07:04,559 --> 01:07:06,549 basically install software beowulf or something like that that 3842 01:07:06,549 --> 01:07:06,559 beowulf or something like that that 3843 01:07:06,559 --> 01:07:08,710 beowulf or something like that that clusters them to make them be able to 3844 01:07:08,710 --> 01:07:08,720 clusters them to make them be able to 3845 01:07:08,720 --> 01:07:09,349 clusters them to make them be able to perform 3846 01:07:09,349 --> 01:07:09,359 perform 3847 01:07:09,359 --> 01:07:12,390 perform tasks together in such a way that it 3848 01:07:12,390 --> 01:07:12,400 tasks together in such a way that it 3849 01:07:12,400 --> 01:07:14,390 tasks together in such a way that it basically makes a super computer 3850 01:07:14,390 --> 01:07:14,400 basically makes a super computer 3851 01:07:14,400 --> 01:07:17,029 basically makes a super computer right out of several computers so you 3852 01:07:17,029 --> 01:07:17,039 right out of several computers so you 3853 01:07:17,039 --> 01:07:19,190 right out of several computers so you think about these raspberry pi 3854 01:07:19,190 --> 01:07:19,200 think about these raspberry pi 3855 01:07:19,200 --> 01:07:22,630 think about these raspberry pi cl uh cluster or the modules 3856 01:07:22,630 --> 01:07:22,640 cl uh cluster or the modules 3857 01:07:22,640 --> 01:07:25,829 cl uh cluster or the modules and and put like 10 of those together 3858 01:07:25,829 --> 01:07:25,839 and and put like 10 of those together 3859 01:07:25,839 --> 01:07:29,270 and and put like 10 of those together in a a cluster and you'd have like this 3860 01:07:29,270 --> 01:07:29,280 in a a cluster and you'd have like this 3861 01:07:29,280 --> 01:07:30,390 in a a cluster and you'd have like this compute module 3862 01:07:30,390 --> 01:07:30,400 compute module 3863 01:07:30,400 --> 01:07:32,870 compute module cluster that'd be nice computer with 3864 01:07:32,870 --> 01:07:32,880 cluster that'd be nice computer with 3865 01:07:32,880 --> 01:07:34,549 cluster that'd be nice computer with that much power 3866 01:07:34,549 --> 01:07:34,559 that much power 3867 01:07:34,559 --> 01:07:37,029 that much power when you can have eight gigs of ram on 3868 01:07:37,029 --> 01:07:37,039 when you can have eight gigs of ram on 3869 01:07:37,039 --> 01:07:38,069 when you can have eight gigs of ram on each 3870 01:07:38,069 --> 01:07:38,079 each 3871 01:07:38,079 --> 01:07:42,230 each board times that by 10. a lot can do a 3872 01:07:42,230 --> 01:07:42,240 board times that by 10. a lot can do a 3873 01:07:42,240 --> 01:07:43,349 board times that by 10. a lot can do a lot 3874 01:07:43,349 --> 01:07:43,359 lot 3875 01:07:43,359 --> 01:07:45,430 lot it's changing things folks the world is 3876 01:07:45,430 --> 01:07:45,440 it's changing things folks the world is 3877 01:07:45,440 --> 01:07:47,270 it's changing things folks the world is changing that's for sure 3878 01:07:47,270 --> 01:07:47,280 changing that's for sure 3879 01:07:47,280 --> 01:07:52,150 changing that's for sure what would you do with all that power 3880 01:07:52,150 --> 01:07:52,160 3881 01:07:52,160 --> 01:07:54,390 and silence he's waiting for you to 3882 01:07:54,390 --> 01:07:54,400 and silence he's waiting for you to 3883 01:07:54,400 --> 01:07:55,270 and silence he's waiting for you to answer i 3884 01:07:55,270 --> 01:07:55,280 answer i 3885 01:07:55,280 --> 01:07:56,710 answer i i'm thinking i'm like what would i do 3886 01:07:56,710 --> 01:07:56,720 i'm thinking i'm like what would i do 3887 01:07:56,720 --> 01:07:58,470 i'm thinking i'm like what would i do with that how many people 3888 01:07:58,470 --> 01:07:58,480 with that how many people 3889 01:07:58,480 --> 01:08:02,390 with that how many people just went bitcoin mining 3890 01:08:02,390 --> 01:08:02,400 just went bitcoin mining 3891 01:08:02,400 --> 01:08:05,109 just went bitcoin mining sorry guys it's you know what's sad my 3892 01:08:05,109 --> 01:08:05,119 sorry guys it's you know what's sad my 3893 01:08:05,119 --> 01:08:06,549 sorry guys it's you know what's sad my first thought was 3894 01:08:06,549 --> 01:08:06,559 first thought was 3895 01:08:06,559 --> 01:08:10,870 first thought was could i automate like some of the 3896 01:08:10,870 --> 01:08:10,880 could i automate like some of the 3897 01:08:10,880 --> 01:08:12,390 could i automate like some of the utilities that i have in the kitchen to 3898 01:08:12,390 --> 01:08:12,400 utilities that i have in the kitchen to 3899 01:08:12,400 --> 01:08:13,990 utilities that i have in the kitchen to make food for me 3900 01:08:13,990 --> 01:08:14,000 make food for me 3901 01:08:14,000 --> 01:08:16,390 make food for me that was my first thought with a with a 3902 01:08:16,390 --> 01:08:16,400 that was my first thought with a with a 3903 01:08:16,400 --> 01:08:17,590 that was my first thought with a with a compute module four 3904 01:08:17,590 --> 01:08:17,600 compute module four 3905 01:08:17,600 --> 01:08:20,070 compute module four yeah takes more than that but i know it 3906 01:08:20,070 --> 01:08:20,080 yeah takes more than that but i know it 3907 01:08:20,080 --> 01:08:22,309 yeah takes more than that but i know it could be the brains of such an operation 3908 01:08:22,309 --> 01:08:22,319 could be the brains of such an operation 3909 01:08:22,319 --> 01:08:24,010 could be the brains of such an operation clearly i'm hungry though 3910 01:08:24,010 --> 01:08:24,020 clearly i'm hungry though 3911 01:08:24,020 --> 01:08:27,749 clearly i'm hungry though [Laughter] 3912 01:08:27,749 --> 01:08:27,759 [Laughter] 3913 01:08:27,759 --> 01:08:29,510 [Laughter] your thoughts comment below we'd love to 3914 01:08:29,510 --> 01:08:29,520 your thoughts comment below we'd love to 3915 01:08:29,520 --> 01:08:31,349 your thoughts comment below we'd love to hear what what you would do with a 3916 01:08:31,349 --> 01:08:31,359 hear what what you would do with a 3917 01:08:31,359 --> 01:08:32,709 hear what what you would do with a compute module for 3918 01:08:32,709 --> 01:08:32,719 compute module for 3919 01:08:32,719 --> 01:08:34,709 compute module for thanks for watching the category 5 dot 3920 01:08:34,709 --> 01:08:34,719 thanks for watching the category 5 dot 3921 01:08:34,719 --> 01:08:36,070 thanks for watching the category 5 dot tv newsroom 3922 01:08:36,070 --> 01:08:36,080 tv newsroom 3923 01:08:36,080 --> 01:08:37,990 tv newsroom don't forget to like and subscribe for 3924 01:08:37,990 --> 01:08:38,000 don't forget to like and subscribe for 3925 01:08:38,000 --> 01:08:39,829 don't forget to like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight linux 3926 01:08:39,829 --> 01:08:39,839 all your tech news with a slight linux 3927 01:08:39,839 --> 01:08:40,630 all your tech news with a slight linux bias 3928 01:08:40,630 --> 01:08:40,640 bias 3929 01:08:40,640 --> 01:08:42,630 bias and if you appreciate what we do become 3930 01:08:42,630 --> 01:08:42,640 and if you appreciate what we do become 3931 01:08:42,640 --> 01:08:45,990 and if you appreciate what we do become a patron at patreon.com 3932 01:08:45,990 --> 01:08:46,000 a patron at patreon.com 3933 01:08:46,000 --> 01:08:48,950 a patron at patreon.com category 5. from the category 5 dot tv 3934 01:08:48,950 --> 01:08:48,960 category 5. from the category 5 dot tv 3935 01:08:48,960 --> 01:08:55,860 category 5. from the category 5 dot tv news room i'm becca ferguson 3936 01:08:55,860 --> 01:08:55,870 3937 01:08:55,870 --> 01:09:12,390 [Music] 3938 01:09:12,390 --> 01:09:12,400 3939 01:09:12,400 --> 01:09:14,309 well that is well pretty much all the 3940 01:09:14,309 --> 01:09:14,319 well that is well pretty much all the 3941 01:09:14,319 --> 01:09:16,149 well that is well pretty much all the time that we have this week jeff 3942 01:09:16,149 --> 01:09:16,159 time that we have this week jeff 3943 01:09:16,159 --> 01:09:19,349 time that we have this week jeff last week we went through and 3944 01:09:19,349 --> 01:09:19,359 last week we went through and 3945 01:09:19,359 --> 01:09:21,590 last week we went through and and i did the whole process with fiverr 3946 01:09:21,590 --> 01:09:21,600 and i did the whole process with fiverr 3947 01:09:21,600 --> 01:09:23,110 and i did the whole process with fiverr hired some folks to 3948 01:09:23,110 --> 01:09:23,120 hired some folks to 3949 01:09:23,120 --> 01:09:25,349 hired some folks to can we do our remix yeah here's a funny 3950 01:09:25,349 --> 01:09:25,359 can we do our remix yeah here's a funny 3951 01:09:25,359 --> 01:09:26,950 can we do our remix yeah here's a funny story okay 3952 01:09:26,950 --> 01:09:26,960 story okay 3953 01:09:26,960 --> 01:09:29,030 story okay literally tell me when to laugh you'll 3954 01:09:29,030 --> 01:09:29,040 literally tell me when to laugh you'll 3955 01:09:29,040 --> 01:09:30,390 literally tell me when to laugh you'll know 3956 01:09:30,390 --> 01:09:30,400 know 3957 01:09:30,400 --> 01:09:34,950 know lip he already did he already laughed 3958 01:09:34,950 --> 01:09:34,960 lip he already did he already laughed 3959 01:09:34,960 --> 01:09:37,829 lip he already did he already laughed litter-ray squirrel was one of our guys 3960 01:09:37,829 --> 01:09:37,839 litter-ray squirrel was one of our guys 3961 01:09:37,839 --> 01:09:38,390 litter-ray squirrel was one of our guys yes yeah 3962 01:09:38,390 --> 01:09:38,400 yes yeah 3963 01:09:38,400 --> 01:09:41,030 yes yeah one of our remixers and literary 3964 01:09:41,030 --> 01:09:41,040 one of our remixers and literary 3965 01:09:41,040 --> 01:09:42,550 one of our remixers and literary squirrel 3966 01:09:42,550 --> 01:09:42,560 squirrel 3967 01:09:42,560 --> 01:09:46,149 squirrel said i kept wondering 3968 01:09:46,149 --> 01:09:46,159 said i kept wondering 3969 01:09:46,159 --> 01:09:48,309 said i kept wondering this is as he was watching the feature 3970 01:09:48,309 --> 01:09:48,319 this is as he was watching the feature 3971 01:09:48,319 --> 01:09:49,510 this is as he was watching the feature afterwards 3972 01:09:49,510 --> 01:09:49,520 afterwards 3973 01:09:49,520 --> 01:09:51,189 afterwards i kept wondering why you were 3974 01:09:51,189 --> 01:09:51,199 i kept wondering why you were 3975 01:09:51,199 --> 01:09:54,390 i kept wondering why you were mispronouncing my name 3976 01:09:54,390 --> 01:09:54,400 mispronouncing my name 3977 01:09:54,400 --> 01:09:58,149 mispronouncing my name oh litter a squirrel so i checked my 3978 01:09:58,149 --> 01:09:58,159 oh litter a squirrel so i checked my 3979 01:09:58,159 --> 01:09:59,270 oh litter a squirrel so i checked my profile 3980 01:09:59,270 --> 01:09:59,280 profile 3981 01:09:59,280 --> 01:10:02,950 profile and found that i misspelled it oh no 3982 01:10:02,950 --> 01:10:02,960 and found that i misspelled it oh no 3983 01:10:02,960 --> 01:10:06,149 and found that i misspelled it oh no and never noticed and it was that way 3984 01:10:06,149 --> 01:10:06,159 and never noticed and it was that way 3985 01:10:06,159 --> 01:10:09,910 and never noticed and it was that way for three years are you serious 3986 01:10:09,910 --> 01:10:09,920 for three years are you serious 3987 01:10:09,920 --> 01:10:13,669 for three years are you serious he says my name my band name is 3988 01:10:13,669 --> 01:10:13,679 he says my name my band name is 3989 01:10:13,679 --> 01:10:17,590 he says my name my band name is literary squirrel oh my god he left off 3990 01:10:17,590 --> 01:10:17,600 literary squirrel oh my god he left off 3991 01:10:17,600 --> 01:10:18,229 literary squirrel oh my god he left off in our 3992 01:10:18,229 --> 01:10:18,239 in our 3993 01:10:18,239 --> 01:10:21,030 in our that's funny so i tell you this story 3994 01:10:21,030 --> 01:10:21,040 that's funny so i tell you this story 3995 01:10:21,040 --> 01:10:21,830 that's funny so i tell you this story see it's funny 3996 01:10:21,830 --> 01:10:21,840 see it's funny 3997 01:10:21,840 --> 01:10:25,990 see it's funny see i told you it was funny it was like 3998 01:10:25,990 --> 01:10:26,000 3999 01:10:26,000 --> 01:10:27,430 i tell you this story because then i 4000 01:10:27,430 --> 01:10:27,440 i tell you this story because then i 4001 01:10:27,440 --> 01:10:29,669 i tell you this story because then i said to myself well 4002 01:10:29,669 --> 01:10:29,679 said to myself well 4003 01:10:29,679 --> 01:10:33,350 said to myself well i see words and i and i 4004 01:10:33,350 --> 01:10:33,360 i see words and i and i 4005 01:10:33,360 --> 01:10:35,110 i see words and i and i i think for the most part i pronounce 4006 01:10:35,110 --> 01:10:35,120 i think for the most part i pronounce 4007 01:10:35,120 --> 01:10:37,350 i think for the most part i pronounce them fairly meticulously so when i see 4008 01:10:37,350 --> 01:10:37,360 them fairly meticulously so when i see 4009 01:10:37,360 --> 01:10:40,310 them fairly meticulously so when i see literary even though that's not a word i 4010 01:10:40,310 --> 01:10:40,320 literary even though that's not a word i 4011 01:10:40,320 --> 01:10:41,990 literary even though that's not a word i set it the way it reads 4012 01:10:41,990 --> 01:10:42,000 set it the way it reads 4013 01:10:42,000 --> 01:10:44,790 set it the way it reads right so i thought i'd probably be a 4014 01:10:44,790 --> 01:10:44,800 right so i thought i'd probably be a 4015 01:10:44,800 --> 01:10:46,229 right so i thought i'd probably be a pretty good proofreader 4016 01:10:46,229 --> 01:10:46,239 pretty good proofreader 4017 01:10:46,239 --> 01:10:47,669 pretty good proofreader so i said what the heck i'll give it a 4018 01:10:47,669 --> 01:10:47,679 so i said what the heck i'll give it a 4019 01:10:47,679 --> 01:10:50,149 so i said what the heck i'll give it a go so i put up an ad that said i will 4020 01:10:50,149 --> 01:10:50,159 go so i put up an ad that said i will 4021 01:10:50,159 --> 01:10:50,950 go so i put up an ad that said i will proofread 4022 01:10:50,950 --> 01:10:50,960 proofread 4023 01:10:50,960 --> 01:10:53,510 proofread your text 500 words or less for five 4024 01:10:53,510 --> 01:10:53,520 your text 500 words or less for five 4025 01:10:53,520 --> 01:10:54,470 your text 500 words or less for five bucks 4026 01:10:54,470 --> 01:10:54,480 bucks 4027 01:10:54,480 --> 01:10:56,870 bucks okay and i was like ah nobody will ever 4028 01:10:56,870 --> 01:10:56,880 okay and i was like ah nobody will ever 4029 01:10:56,880 --> 01:10:57,510 okay and i was like ah nobody will ever go for it 4030 01:10:57,510 --> 01:10:57,520 go for it 4031 01:10:57,520 --> 01:10:59,030 go for it it's fun anyways i thought i'd give it a 4032 01:10:59,030 --> 01:10:59,040 it's fun anyways i thought i'd give it a 4033 01:10:59,040 --> 01:11:01,830 it's fun anyways i thought i'd give it a try and the next morning i had an email 4034 01:11:01,830 --> 01:11:01,840 try and the next morning i had an email 4035 01:11:01,840 --> 01:11:05,189 try and the next morning i had an email from a a person in spain 4036 01:11:05,189 --> 01:11:05,199 from a a person in spain 4037 01:11:05,199 --> 01:11:08,229 from a a person in spain who was um is 4038 01:11:08,229 --> 01:11:08,239 who was um is 4039 01:11:08,239 --> 01:11:10,790 who was um is an insurance broker okay and has a 4040 01:11:10,790 --> 01:11:10,800 an insurance broker okay and has a 4041 01:11:10,800 --> 01:11:13,110 an insurance broker okay and has a customer who is english speaking 4042 01:11:13,110 --> 01:11:13,120 customer who is english speaking 4043 01:11:13,120 --> 01:11:15,590 customer who is english speaking natively and wanted to make sure that he 4044 01:11:15,590 --> 01:11:15,600 natively and wanted to make sure that he 4045 01:11:15,600 --> 01:11:17,590 natively and wanted to make sure that he was saying the right things in response 4046 01:11:17,590 --> 01:11:17,600 was saying the right things in response 4047 01:11:17,600 --> 01:11:18,470 was saying the right things in response to an email 4048 01:11:18,470 --> 01:11:18,480 to an email 4049 01:11:18,480 --> 01:11:21,830 to an email so he removed all the confidential stuff 4050 01:11:21,830 --> 01:11:21,840 so he removed all the confidential stuff 4051 01:11:21,840 --> 01:11:24,550 so he removed all the confidential stuff yep and sent me his response and said 4052 01:11:24,550 --> 01:11:24,560 yep and sent me his response and said 4053 01:11:24,560 --> 01:11:26,390 yep and sent me his response and said can you just go over this for me and i 4054 01:11:26,390 --> 01:11:26,400 can you just go over this for me and i 4055 01:11:26,400 --> 01:11:26,790 can you just go over this for me and i did 4056 01:11:26,790 --> 01:11:26,800 did 4057 01:11:26,800 --> 01:11:28,390 did and i went through and i corrected some 4058 01:11:28,390 --> 01:11:28,400 and i went through and i corrected some 4059 01:11:28,400 --> 01:11:29,990 and i went through and i corrected some things and he had some words that 4060 01:11:29,990 --> 01:11:30,000 things and he had some words that 4061 01:11:30,000 --> 01:11:31,830 things and he had some words that didn't really make sense in translation 4062 01:11:31,830 --> 01:11:31,840 didn't really make sense in translation 4063 01:11:31,840 --> 01:11:33,910 didn't really make sense in translation and so i fixed it and i corrected the 4064 01:11:33,910 --> 01:11:33,920 and so i fixed it and i corrected the 4065 01:11:33,920 --> 01:11:35,750 and so i fixed it and i corrected the grammar and the context and a little bit 4066 01:11:35,750 --> 01:11:35,760 grammar and the context and a little bit 4067 01:11:35,760 --> 01:11:36,709 grammar and the context and a little bit of spelling 4068 01:11:36,709 --> 01:11:36,719 of spelling 4069 01:11:36,719 --> 01:11:39,750 of spelling and he was like he loved it five bucks 4070 01:11:39,750 --> 01:11:39,760 and he was like he loved it five bucks 4071 01:11:39,760 --> 01:11:40,070 and he was like he loved it five bucks really 4072 01:11:40,070 --> 01:11:40,080 really 4073 01:11:40,080 --> 01:11:41,990 really took me 10 minutes and it was just 4074 01:11:41,990 --> 01:11:42,000 took me 10 minutes and it was just 4075 01:11:42,000 --> 01:11:43,350 took me 10 minutes and it was just something i did with a cup of coffee 4076 01:11:43,350 --> 01:11:43,360 something i did with a cup of coffee 4077 01:11:43,360 --> 01:11:44,470 something i did with a cup of coffee first thing in the morning 4078 01:11:44,470 --> 01:11:44,480 first thing in the morning 4079 01:11:44,480 --> 01:11:48,790 first thing in the morning yeah and he gave me a 5 out of 5 review 4080 01:11:48,790 --> 01:11:48,800 yeah and he gave me a 5 out of 5 review 4081 01:11:48,800 --> 01:11:50,950 yeah and he gave me a 5 out of 5 review that's awesome like that's fiverr from 4082 01:11:50,950 --> 01:11:50,960 that's awesome like that's fiverr from 4083 01:11:50,960 --> 01:11:52,950 that's awesome like that's fiverr from the flip perspective so i'm like this 4084 01:11:52,950 --> 01:11:52,960 the flip perspective so i'm like this 4085 01:11:52,960 --> 01:11:54,470 the flip perspective so i'm like this is pretty neat so then i start talking 4086 01:11:54,470 --> 01:11:54,480 is pretty neat so then i start talking 4087 01:11:54,480 --> 01:11:56,550 is pretty neat so then i start talking to my kids and i'm like we should find 4088 01:11:56,550 --> 01:11:56,560 to my kids and i'm like we should find 4089 01:11:56,560 --> 01:11:58,390 to my kids and i'm like we should find out if like you guys could do stuff on 4090 01:11:58,390 --> 01:11:58,400 out if like you guys could do stuff on 4091 01:11:58,400 --> 01:11:59,189 out if like you guys could do stuff on there and 4092 01:11:59,189 --> 01:11:59,199 there and 4093 01:11:59,199 --> 01:12:01,189 there and you know do my daughter's an artist and 4094 01:12:01,189 --> 01:12:01,199 you know do my daughter's an artist and 4095 01:12:01,199 --> 01:12:02,790 you know do my daughter's an artist and she could do drawings for people 4096 01:12:02,790 --> 01:12:02,800 she could do drawings for people 4097 01:12:02,800 --> 01:12:05,270 she could do drawings for people start making money it's kind of a neat 4098 01:12:05,270 --> 01:12:05,280 start making money it's kind of a neat 4099 01:12:05,280 --> 01:12:06,870 start making money it's kind of a neat idea a neat platform 4100 01:12:06,870 --> 01:12:06,880 idea a neat platform 4101 01:12:06,880 --> 01:12:08,149 idea a neat platform i don't know what the rules are about 4102 01:12:08,149 --> 01:12:08,159 i don't know what the rules are about 4103 01:12:08,159 --> 01:12:09,669 i don't know what the rules are about like minimum age and things like that 4104 01:12:09,669 --> 01:12:09,679 like minimum age and things like that 4105 01:12:09,679 --> 01:12:11,110 like minimum age and things like that but we can look into those kinds of 4106 01:12:11,110 --> 01:12:11,120 but we can look into those kinds of 4107 01:12:11,120 --> 01:12:11,750 but we can look into those kinds of things 4108 01:12:11,750 --> 01:12:11,760 things 4109 01:12:11,760 --> 01:12:13,350 things but that's my story for this week is 4110 01:12:13,350 --> 01:12:13,360 but that's my story for this week is 4111 01:12:13,360 --> 01:12:15,830 but that's my story for this week is that hey i went on the flip side too 4112 01:12:15,830 --> 01:12:15,840 that hey i went on the flip side too 4113 01:12:15,840 --> 01:12:18,709 that hey i went on the flip side too and i sold my own service i gave 4114 01:12:18,709 --> 01:12:18,719 and i sold my own service i gave 4115 01:12:18,719 --> 01:12:19,750 and i sold my own service i gave literary squirrel 4116 01:12:19,750 --> 01:12:19,760 literary squirrel 4117 01:12:19,760 --> 01:12:23,110 literary squirrel a free a freebie um but uh 4118 01:12:23,110 --> 01:12:23,120 a free a freebie um but uh 4119 01:12:23,120 --> 01:12:26,390 a free a freebie um but uh now i'm i'm i'm available for sale i i 4120 01:12:26,390 --> 01:12:26,400 now i'm i'm i'm available for sale i i 4121 01:12:26,400 --> 01:12:29,990 now i'm i'm i'm available for sale i i i feel like it would be fun to just 4122 01:12:29,990 --> 01:12:30,000 i feel like it would be fun to just 4123 01:12:30,000 --> 01:12:31,910 i feel like it would be fun to just give you the five bucks and i'll send 4124 01:12:31,910 --> 01:12:31,920 give you the five bucks and i'll send 4125 01:12:31,920 --> 01:12:33,990 give you the five bucks and i'll send you a 500 word document 4126 01:12:33,990 --> 01:12:34,000 you a 500 word document 4127 01:12:34,000 --> 01:12:35,669 you a 500 word document all lorem ipsum and just tell me if it 4128 01:12:35,669 --> 01:12:35,679 all lorem ipsum and just tell me if it 4129 01:12:35,679 --> 01:12:38,630 all lorem ipsum and just tell me if it makes sense i'll do my best 4130 01:12:38,630 --> 01:12:38,640 makes sense i'll do my best 4131 01:12:38,640 --> 01:12:41,910 makes sense i'll do my best have you correct that yeah 4132 01:12:41,910 --> 01:12:41,920 have you correct that yeah 4133 01:12:41,920 --> 01:12:43,990 have you correct that yeah all right well that's that's it jeff 4134 01:12:43,990 --> 01:12:44,000 all right well that's that's it jeff 4135 01:12:44,000 --> 01:12:44,950 all right well that's that's it jeff that's all the time 4136 01:12:44,950 --> 01:12:44,960 that's all the time 4137 01:12:44,960 --> 01:12:46,790 that's all the time okay but it's been a lot of fun i've 4138 01:12:46,790 --> 01:12:46,800 okay but it's been a lot of fun i've 4139 01:12:46,800 --> 01:12:48,310 okay but it's been a lot of fun i've enjoyed being here with you again this 4140 01:12:48,310 --> 01:12:48,320 enjoyed being here with you again this 4141 01:12:48,320 --> 01:12:50,070 enjoyed being here with you again this week next week we are getting into 3d 4142 01:12:50,070 --> 01:12:50,080 week next week we are getting into 3d 4143 01:12:50,080 --> 01:12:50,950 week next week we are getting into 3d printing so 4144 01:12:50,950 --> 01:12:50,960 printing so 4145 01:12:50,960 --> 01:12:52,550 printing so we're going to be assembling an ender 4146 01:12:52,550 --> 01:12:52,560 we're going to be assembling an ender 4147 01:12:52,560 --> 01:12:54,870 we're going to be assembling an ender 3v2 so we're going to actually put it 4148 01:12:54,870 --> 01:12:54,880 3v2 so we're going to actually put it 4149 01:12:54,880 --> 01:12:55,430 3v2 so we're going to actually put it together 4150 01:12:55,430 --> 01:12:55,440 together 4151 01:12:55,440 --> 01:12:56,790 together and then we're going to have a chat 4152 01:12:56,790 --> 01:12:56,800 and then we're going to have a chat 4153 01:12:56,800 --> 01:12:58,630 and then we're going to have a chat about you know what the process has been 4154 01:12:58,630 --> 01:12:58,640 about you know what the process has been 4155 01:12:58,640 --> 01:12:59,910 about you know what the process has been like for me 4156 01:12:59,910 --> 01:12:59,920 like for me 4157 01:12:59,920 --> 01:13:03,750 like for me as a noob in the 3d printing realm so 4158 01:13:03,750 --> 01:13:03,760 as a noob in the 3d printing realm so 4159 01:13:03,760 --> 01:13:05,030 as a noob in the 3d printing realm so what kind of challenges have i 4160 01:13:05,030 --> 01:13:05,040 what kind of challenges have i 4161 01:13:05,040 --> 01:13:05,750 what kind of challenges have i encountered 4162 01:13:05,750 --> 01:13:05,760 encountered 4163 01:13:05,760 --> 01:13:08,070 encountered and can you possibly encounter as you 4164 01:13:08,070 --> 01:13:08,080 and can you possibly encounter as you 4165 01:13:08,080 --> 01:13:09,030 and can you possibly encounter as you get started 4166 01:13:09,030 --> 01:13:09,040 get started 4167 01:13:09,040 --> 01:13:11,910 get started in 3d printing plus i'll show you not 4168 01:13:11,910 --> 01:13:11,920 in 3d printing plus i'll show you not 4169 01:13:11,920 --> 01:13:13,750 in 3d printing plus i'll show you not only my first print 4170 01:13:13,750 --> 01:13:13,760 only my first print 4171 01:13:13,760 --> 01:13:17,750 only my first print but my first designs in print 4172 01:13:17,750 --> 01:13:17,760 but my first designs in print 4173 01:13:17,760 --> 01:13:19,430 but my first designs in print you don't want to miss out next week 4174 01:13:19,430 --> 01:13:19,440 you don't want to miss out next week 4175 01:13:19,440 --> 01:13:20,709 you don't want to miss out next week have a great week everybody we'll see 4176 01:13:20,709 --> 01:13:20,719 have a great week everybody we'll see 4177 01:13:20,719 --> 01:13:24,090 have a great week everybody we'll see you 4178 01:13:24,090 --> 01:13:24,100 4179 01:13:24,100 --> 01:13:26,920 [Music] 4180 01:13:26,920 --> 01:13:26,930 [Music] 4181 01:13:26,930 --> 01:13:30,830 [Music] [Applause] 4182 01:13:30,830 --> 01:13:30,840 4183 01:13:30,840 --> 01:13:33,460 bye 4184 01:13:33,460 --> 01:13:33,470 bye 4185 01:13:33,470 --> 01:13:48,280 bye [Music] 4186 01:13:48,280 --> 01:13:48,290 4187 01:13:48,290 --> 01:14:01,750 [Music] 4188 01:14:01,750 --> 01:14:01,760 4189 01:14:01,760 --> 01:14:03,840 you