at category 5 tv we trust our files to solid-state drives by kingston technology whether for your server laptop or desktop computer you'll experience improved performance and reliability kingston is with you get ready it's time for the tech welcome to category 5 technology tv everybody henry bigley brown everyone thank you so much so much for having me he says it's good to be back this is your first time here what you talking about i was here what's what is this madness oh yeah it's my first can you believe this is your first time in studio e welcome you know what yeah i know you guys you guys had to beam me up from earth but when i was like from the teleporter room i was able to walk on over here it's all futuristic the technology here is over the top i know i was i was able to walk by the jacuzzi and then like we were walking by the other rooms and it was it's great i i love it it's henry approved oh fantastic you know it's good now it's good to see you man how you been this whole madness we haven't gotten to have you join us on the show yeah it's been unfortunate i've missed everyone here um it feels really good to be back um but yeah like um my industry aviation is kind of weird right now yeah he's a pilot so i my arms are tired but i get arrested what do you do when they ground all the planes i gotta fly drones i i stop my drone company so that's doing well but at the same time it feels good to be actually seeing real people again and not just my drones i can actually talk to he considers me a real person this is so nice this is great it's great to see all of you wonderful faces i mean like it's it's it's great to be back i've missed you all and it's nice to see this amazing place so you've been flying your drone yes what are you doing in 2020 that's a little bit fresh a little bit well robbie let me tell you about the future here oh the future i'm not just taking photos anymore oh i'm not even take taking videos not even just just videos anymore yeah i know there's the future is now robbie wow let me tell you something wow you guys heard it here the future is photogrammetry photography and i'm not taking photos or graphs that's that's not what it's like you're taking photos of your grandma i am taking photos and turning turning those photos into something called a 3d object a 3d file a 3d environment made from just photos oh henry i wish there was some way i wish there was some way you could show us this i know i wish there was some way i recorded a feature and send it to you and brought it with me yeah with them on an sd card so it's tonight and we're going to be checking it out now this is a really cool tech it is absolutely fantastic and the really amazing part about this is how available and accessible it is to everyone and that's what i really love about cat5 is that we're showing a lot of open source stuff we're showing a lot of really accessible things for viewers well all the programs that i use in this feature the free trials are out there so if you want you have a drone you're safe to fly you can do it at home which i absolutely love even 3d printing aspect but we'll get there when we get there but know that you too can make your house a 3d model and print that 3d that is cool so we're going to actually be checking that out in a couple of moments before we get into the feature though folks i want to remind you hey if you love the kind of content that we produce here at category 5 tv please make sure you click that subscribe give us a thumbs up and click the bell that's going to make sure that you get the notifications every time we post new shiny videos to our youtube channel and if you haven't found us on youtube yet hey head on over to and that's going to actually reroute you to our youtube channel and that's a great way to find us so hey thanks to everybody who has been subscribing we you know a couple months ago i was like hey we can hit 25 000. we can do it and now we're like 27.5 thousand it just like smashed it yeah keep it coming folks keep it coming one of these days i'm so far off from a plaque henry i'm so far off that's what they all say and then you're going to wake up and then it's suddenly it's going to be this is the feature this is the one henry come on get us 1000 subscribers tonight we're going to have it right here it's going to be nicely centered and we'll just remember tonight this is where it began this is this is it folks this is it so hey make sure you click that subscribe that's very very important all right henry let's jump onto that sd card and see what it is he got for us let's do it today we're going to talk about a really new exciting segment on photogrametry what is photogrammetry glad you asked basically we can take our drones now and we can produce 3d images so we can make 3d models of real world objects so whether that's a building a field your house your business whatever you can take your drone take photos of your property and make that into a 3d image or in this case 3d model with that being said we're going to take it one step further and we're going to take that 3d model and 3d print it so then you have your house in the palm of your hand what use is this i'm glad you asked an example of what this can be used for is if you're a real estate agent and you're trying to sell a house but somebody has a hard time seeing they could be blind etc what you can do is that you can 3d scan the property 3d print that property and then they can actually feel the house with their very own hands how cool is that now stay tuned for this exciting segment as we go over how to 3d print as well as 3d capture using let's take a look [Applause] [Music] so now that our drone's safely back on the ground what we can do is head back to the studio upload these images to the cloud to the software that will then stitch it all together into our 3d model so that's pretty cool let's go take a look at that let's go all right now we're back in the studio here um i know this is a different building than we used before but this one's a really nice example so we're going to use this uh provided example here so let's pretend we're we've finished flying we did our little grid pattern or whatever we flew now we upload our photos to your provider in this case it's drone deploy but it could be pix4d or dji um and then after it processes you get something cool looking like this so again we have our ortho mosaic so it's like a giant 2d map so kind of imagine this as a more high definition google maps or satellite image right so this image here that you can see on this overlaid map this is made of hundreds of images stitched together to make make it look like it's a satellite image which is really really cool it's a really cool program but of course with this since there's gps data within the files so again we have our geolocation data we can do cool things such as measure distances we can do different spot heights we can do different locations you can pin things but this isn't just everything i'm going to show you right now no what we really want is this and that is the 3d model of the environment all right this is what we're looking for this is the cool looking 3d map the 3d model that we have been able to create using our images that we've uploaded to our program so pretty much again we take our photos the program stitches everything together and it's able to create this cool 3d file this 3d model photogrammetry really is the future and again it's not perfect like again going closer into things we do have like a few little weird nubs and a few little uh errors but again you can correct those in blender or if you pretty much the more advanced drone you have also known as the better camera if you have fleur or lidar or anything that makes a much better high resolution image a more accurate image but again today we're just using uh standard off the uh off-the-shelf drone so hey that that that's still a pretty nice those are some really sharp looking lines so now what we can do is that we can actually download this map depending what program you're using and we can export this as an obj file or another readable 3d file format and we can actually import this into a 3d printer so let's take a look at some images that robbie gave us of him converting one of my files i did into a 3d model all right so before we turn into a 3d model i just wanted to show what model i gave robbie so this is a house we shot a few years ago you can take a look at this on under air support aerial photography that's my company um but as you can see it's a really nice looking home you know the resolution is actually not that bad this was shot with a phantom 3 professional um again there are a few errors like this section right here so this is there was a tree right here so we weren't able to get proper photos that's why the program kind of freaked out in this corner here but everything else is pretty uh it did a really nice job and again the uh algorithms have become a lot more accurate uh these past few years so chances are if we did this again it would be a lot more accurate even if we still use the phantom 3 camera and of course you can add other details in like right here just in blender or other programs so let's see how robbie's program takes this dot obj file and turns it into a 3d printer readable file let's take a look thanks henry we're going to dig into the software that's used to convert henry's aerial photogrammetry into a 3d printable object and we're going to send it to our 3d printer right after this done the software that henry is referring to is called ultimaker cura it's a free program it's available for windows mac and linux and you can follow the links at slash 3d printing in order to grab that what i'm going to do is i'm going to open the file that henry was showing us there now keep in mind henry was looking at a textured file so it had like the the brick overlay and everything all the coloring and all that stuff what we're about to see is just the obj so the object just the actual 3d printing file and bring that into cura and let's see what we find now we got this little itty bitty like what is this a house for ants all right so it's put it up on its end you can see how that is so what i want to do is i want to rotate that so i'm just going to click on it click on the rotate tool and bring it down 90 degrees there we are that's going to put it flat on the surface but it's still this itty-bitty house for ants so let's increase the size of that as well and boop there we are so that's awfully big like 200 millimeters let's bring it down just a little bit okay so the first thing that i notice here is that we've got a lot of ground see the earth around the around the building we've got some boulders here some shrubs and this guy here looks kind of messy what i'm going to do is i'm just going to lower the position of the house a little bit so that we can push that ground into the build plate on my printer i don't want to go too far because we don't want to like submerge the house we just want to pull back some of that that landscaping there so that we're not actually 3d printing the dirt and that looks pretty good we've still got some anomalies like over here you can see this little uh triangle here which is probably a rock or some kind of something on the on the landscaping we're going to have these little see this little guy right here that's just going to print but it's you know not going to be it's something that we keep it's just going to be a discard you could clean this up like if henry wanted to he'd be able to take this into like tinkercad or whatever cad program he's using clean it up first fix up the texturing of the windows because these are going to come out you know looking pretty pretty odd um and there's that area where i think that's is that where the no yeah that's where the tree where henry was showing us the tree is and it looks like a cave so that's going to be rather interesting but how cool that this is done i mean the actual like design you can tell it's you know what it is that this is done with a with a quadcopter taken a whole bunch of pictures and generally speaking that looks pretty cool so um other than that a couple of quick mentions is you know typically when you're 3d printing you're going to need supports if anything overhangs because otherwise it's just going to droop and and you're going to get this stringing coming down so i'm looking for anything here that's going to overhang and i don't really see much there is this overhang here and kira is showing me some red to to tell me that this might be a problem but i think because it's such a small uh overhang i think we're probably going to be okay to do it without supports we don't need supports you might think well we need to support the roof because you know the roof is like this and if it's a hollow thing then it's uh it's going to you know completely cave in but the way kira looks at this when it's slicing it is it treats this as a solid object so rather than supports for the interior of the object that's actually called infill so there's a couple of things that we're going to set here so if we did need supports we're going to click on generate supports i don't think we're going to if i preview that so i've just clicked on generate supports and then slice and i'm previewing i just want to see where it's going to stick supports just to see how badly kira thinks that we need it yeah see the whole outside has now been basically covered in supports so that would be a lot of stuff to trim away wow i think we're going to have a real problem with this area where the tree was see how it's completely filled in that that area that could be a problem i think because of the jaggedness of it this particular object is not going to print well with supports i mean you're going to how would you ever remove so many supports and i think that's because of the fact that being that it's a 3d scan using just a standard camera the edges are not quite perfect as you've as you've seen there so that's something that henry might might want to clean up before trying to 3d print let's turn off the supports and i've got an infill density of 20 and we're looking at about 14 hours to print with supports my fear is just that that's a lot of supports to remove it might be very difficult now it's not but it might be worth it uh it's a hard thing to call uh this is what it looks like without supports but what i'm looking for is the infill density to make sure that this the roof is going to be supported so i'm going to pull down my preview here so that i can see inside what's being printed so you can see that with a 20 percent infill density that is placing these kind of their supports to hold up that roof as it prints but without using you know 100 infill and wasting a whole lot of filament that's going to take about 10 hours and 67 grams of filament so if you're wondering well how much is that going to cost to print at that scale just go into your calculator and i know that i paid forty dollars for the one kilogram uh of filament so it's four cents per gram and we know that this is going to be 67 grams so that's 68 2.68 to print at this scale and that's pretty big considering my under three bed is 220 by 220 millimeters so what you're looking at there is uh you know it is let's see 143 millimeters by 112 millimeters so it's pretty big so do we print it with or without supports that's the question i think we're gonna get a better print if we give it supports especially in that kind of janky area where the where the tree was and i think that's going to make it worth it i know it is it's just the additional four hours and the amount of work to remove all those supports it needs a lot of them let's see what happens if i change to just build plate see if that changes anything and change the overhang angle to um i don't know 60 and see how that changes things so it's not going to give me as much support in here so that's going to save a fair bit of filament and three hours um yeah that looks a little better so there are there's still going to be a lot of support to remove and i feel like with the way this is um with the way the scan is that you're probably going to have some trouble figuring out what's a support and what's actually part of the scan so i think that's what we're going to be up against so for that reason and for the sake of the the demonstration i'm going to try scaling it down a bit so that the overhangs are not as big as they would be if it was 143 millimeters wide so i'm going to make this about 50 millimeters width and see how that slices up with no supports so it's going to be a lot smaller but it's going to probably do a lot better without supports because we don't have such a pronounced overhang and let's give that a go i'm going to send that over to my printer and we'll see how she comes out there it is this is my tiny house oh it's so cute i have always wanted to live in a tiny house everyone who knows me knows i'm a tiny house kind of guy and this just proves it right here in all seriousness though henry the the reason that i printed it so small as i mentioned was i wanted to see if it would print without support and it did and it printed quite nicely and it looks pretty good but it's very very tiny it is so i did decide to take it to the next level for you and throw something on the printer and i sent another file and here you go what what do you think okay that's so cool check that out folks yeah and i'll hand it to you i just want to kind of show the b camera here just so that you can kind of see i know that is pretty robust i printed it in white filament for you because i thought hey maybe you'd want to prime it and paint it um but then i realized as i was running it that the cameras kind of don't like white filament because they white balance yourselves and overexpose themselves yeah it's like what are you doing to me here yeah that's tough that's tough our poor camera guy is just like ah i don't get it seriously like that amount of detail that you managed to get out of that 3d model that's pretty amazing eh well you took your drone up and just kind of it software took it around and flew overhead yeah so like literally from the future what you're able to see is that literally we just did our kind of grid patterns we were able to take those photos mash them all together in a blender and out comes this now how hard was it now when you sent me this it was an obj file it was already a 3d ready yeah pretty much ready to print as you saw yeah pretty much how hard was that to put together oh no no not at all from photos yeah literally because the program that you're able to see through the feature even if you use another one i use drone deploy i've also used pix4d there's so many awesome programs out there but literally just download as and save it as obj i believe there's a few other file types you can do but obj is the more widely written it's pretty universal yeah you can even open it up in blender things like that right so it's it's great so um so hold up yeah if you can open it in blender that means you could take this house that you scanned yeah and put it in a 3d movie that you create you can you can even you could have a real engine you could put yourself in it you could so you put it you could put it in a game yeah so i've actually had this exact same model in unreal for running so like i could have like little fires around it not that i'm planning on anything or you could have like a sky box so there's so many applications for this cool i mean like again besides the 3d environment so like video photo film things like that yeah um i think i mentioned this before to you that if i'm a real estate agent and i'm trying to sell a house to someone right and maybe they're blind how do you sell a house to someone blind and describe the exterior yeah you mentioned that that it's like okay well you can actually feel it exactly now you can literally 3d print or the house or whatever and you can feel what it looks like feel and is that legit like do people like it maybe if some of our our folks that have uh vision problems would that be a benefit to you would that be a selling feature for even just education things like that right like being able to do like historic monuments or things like that i think see from my perspective henry yeah this does a couple of things um in that it captures buildings or whatever it might be maybe landscapes or whatever in such a way that it will last forever as you say you can throw it in an unreal engine with the textures exactly it will even if the building disintegrates it's forever captured well that's the thing is that there's a there's a lot of famous stories about people going in the middle east and as you know there's a lot of conflicts over there but before a lot of these buildings and stuff were destroyed yeah um people actually went in with uh photogrammetry kits and they were actually able to capture all these older monuments all these older uh beautiful places so they were destroyed so yeah they're they're they're going to live on forever now in 3d format where future generations can go and say yeah this is like this place at the very least they can see it in like virtual reality yeah exactly and it's literally i'm really excited this is just the start of this technology it's it's fantastic wonderful well thank you so much for sharing that with us henry that's really really cool stuff thank you for printing it it's it looks a lot more realistic in real life than it does on a computer and when you brought it up when you brought it up with the textures and everything it was it was very very real-looking that was really fun and that was with an older version of that program that that the model that we used for this was around three or four years old okay so the methods that the programs use now their algorithms are actually so much more accurate and i'm using an older drone right so phantom 3 pro my friend uses a maverick they have a matrix as well so like a 10 000 drone wow imagine how that looks having like a full dslr camera unreal is this the same tech like when i see on google earth yeah it is it actually is so um a lot of people think that um you can even use lidar or like floor things you which you can and it makes more accurate with using lidar and fleur but yeah so google maps bing maps those guys um they literally just use photogrammetry so they have multiple pictures from satellites yeah up in the grape view blue yonder and they have similar programs are able to stitch that together they're using satellite imagery to do what you're doing with a drone it's pretty much this but on steroids yeah so instead of using a drone they're using satellites and using uh amazing data putting things together and yeah so how do you see your house on google earth and of course there are some ai um like some ais are fixing a few errors here and there but when it comes down to it yeah that's the basics of how a lot of these companies are doing things now cool stuff so yeah i'm really keen to see how this brings real world objects into same here things like video games like i really think with virtual reality to be able to well we actually already see this um a famous one that just came out is the new microsoft light sim right that the entire 3d world is just big maps but it's just in a 3d environment and for years we've always had flights in google earth where you just use your arrow keys but that's not a flight sim but it's it's amazing to see where we're going with this technology very cool so yeah very cool uh where can now i understand this model is proprietary so this is something that you shot professionally and this is owned by the people who own the house yeah so just just for privacy and copyright reasons i'm not going to be releasing this variant of the model yeah however i do have um another one i'll get to that in a second you can look on free websites uh one of them that i'm featuring personally is all right um it's a 3d file sharing site you can get free files you can buy files on there you can do a lot of different licensing opportunities as well but there's there's a lot of very unique projects on there um i might make one of mine uh free to download soon as well i did a local school um public property you know during the summer but uh it's it's a great ability to have just download play around with it even if it's not my file but somebody else's file like just play around with it if you have a 3d printer if you have a 3d program just take things apart stitch things copy paste have fun with it that's what this technology is for but that's cool it's exciting you can tell i'm excited sketch fab dot com they're awesome so free resources there it's like a photogrammetry version of thingiverse in a way not not even but like even if you're just into designing 3d files and you want to freely distribute or if you want to sell them your own there as well unreal um cool but not on real engine what um but we keep name dropping yeah i know right it's hard with technology now because we have so many different uh pieces of [Laughter] well hey thanks man that is really really cool thanks for having me comment below hey folks what do you think of aerial that's a new word for me did i say it right it's cool yesterday you're teaching me new words here so yeah hey here you go comment below all right thanks henry uh we're gonna head over to the newsroom becca's standing by with our news for us this week here's what's coming up in the category 5 tv newsroom a major release of the is on its way and you can preview it now work is beginning on what is thought to be the world's first major plan to store energy in the form of liquid air hyperloop has carried its first set of passengers microsoft teams users are under active attack and tim berners-lee hopes to improve the privacy of the internet with his new company stick around the full details and this week's crypto corner are coming up this is the category 5 dot tv newsroom covering the week's top tech stories with a slight linux bias from the newsroom i'm becca ferguson a new development version of the gnu image manipulation program is available for testing and get ready it's a game changer 2.99.2 may be considered unstable but it's a huge step towards the long-anticipated 3.0 release which promises to be the most significant release of the free image editing tool to date 3.0 will be based on the gtk 3 ui toolkit which will bring many improvements over the current gtk 2 that currently uses 3.0 and the 2.99.2 preview for that matter include multi-layer selection and support for applying changes to multiple layers at a time it also promises to deliver a faster more responsive user experience leveraging render caching within the interface 2.99.2 is an unstable release that means it's intended for developers bug hunters and enthusiasts only and is not recommended for production use some of the features on the roadmap are a work in progress so there are bound to be many bugs throughout that said you can download 2.99 too now if you'd like to take it for a spin windows users can get it on the developer download page and linux users can grab it through a flat pack on flat hub's better channel there's also a continuous build app image on the official github repository sorry mac users it's not ready for testing on mac os just yet there isn't a firm release date for 3.0 but the devs hope to have it ready for release sometime in 2021 be the world's first major plant to store energy in the form of liquid air it will use surplus electricity from wind farms at night to compress air so hard that it becomes a liquid at -196 celsius then when there is a peak in demand in a day or a month the liquid air will be warmed so it expands the resulting rush of air will drive a turbine to make electricity which can be sold back to the grid the system was devised by peter dearman a self-taught backyard inventor from herbertshire and it has been taken to commercials to commercial scale with a 10 million pound grant from the uk government dr dearman said his inv or mr dearman said his invention was 60 to 70 efficient depending on how it is used that is less efficient than batteries but he said the advantage of liquid air is the low cost of the storage tanks so it can be easily scaled up also unlike batteries liquid air storage does not create a demand for minerals which may become increasingly scarce as the world moves towards power systems based on variable renewable electricity batteries are really great for short-term storage mr dearman said but they are too expensive to do long-term energy storage that's where liquid air comes in mr dearman had been developing a car run on similar principles with liquid hydrogen when he saw the potential for applying the technology to electricity storage he is now a passive shareholder in high view one of the firms building the 50 megawatt plant the 50 megawatt facility near manchester will store enough energy to power around 50 000 homes for up to five hours that is really amazing just to think that a few thousand years ago we were taking buckets of water up a hill to store them and then use that water as energy we were i remember oh yeah i know just back in the day right it's just getting like coffees and everything no but it's it's remarkable in the sense that we're able to use this natural thing that we breathe every day yeah and use that to store energy i think that's absolutely fantastic talking about a green energy source what a clever idea but like how much pressure is this thing under more than me whenever i had work but still oh boy um no but it's it's a remarkable idea and i really like how they really focused on the idea of green energy because again unlike batteries where you have to have all these minerals everything else dug up you're able to use this it's just air it's it's under compression and it's able to store energy yes and thinking of batteries not only do you have to obtain the resources but when those are depleted when they're no longer able to hold exactly the waste everything else yeah yeah that's exactly right one less thing to worry about and it's just amazing these technologies and i'm curious to see what they think of next i i love the idea of an energy source that is able to kind of recycle itself yes and that's kind of what this reminds me of i've thought about and i know it's not practical and i know that it's probably not even possible but um putting like uh you know you know in a water source something that can pump the water because and and generate electricity at the same time there's so many neat ideas out there this is something that's actually coming to pass well that this is the number one thing because with in respect to green technology the big the largest thing that's been lagging behind is definitely being able to store that energy because again we do have these advances in solar power wind power but the issue is where do you store all that where do you put it yeah so this can definitely be one of those solutions that can help us help turn our economy our world into a more greener place down the road so this this is really really cool here can't wait to see what comes of it yeah or hears of it or smells of it i'm trying to think of air puns but it's not working so we tried virgin hyperloop has trialled its first ever journey with passengers in the desert of nevada the futuristic transport concept involves pods inside vacuum tubes carrying passengers at high speeds in the trial two passengers both company staff traveled the length of a 500 meter test track in 15 seconds reaching 172 kilometers an hour you may recall from our past coverage as far as 2018 that the top speed for the hyperloop is said to be a thousand kilometers an hour and while this is only a fraction of that ambition it's a big step toward hyperloop transportation becoming a reality virgin hyperloop is not the only firm developing the concept but nobody has carried passengers before sarah lucian director of customer experience was one of the two on board and described the experience as exhilarating both psychologically and physically she and chief technology officer josh geigel wore normal clothing rather than flight suits for the event which took place on sunday afternoon outside of las vegas miss lucian said the journey was smooth and not at all like a roller coaster although the acceleration was zippier than it would be with a longer track neither of them felt sick she added she said that their speed was hampered by the length of the track and acceleration required the concept which has spent years in development builds on a proposal by tesla founder elon musk some critics have described it as science fiction it is based on the world's fastest magnetic levitation trains then made faster by placing the train inside vacuum tubes the world record speed for a maglev train was set in 2015 when a japanese train reached 374 miles per hour in a test run near mount fuji the hyperloop has already exceeded that speed but never with passengers critics have pointed out that hyperloop travel systems would involve the considerable undertaking of both getting planning permission and then constructing vast networks of tubes for every travel path miss lucian acknowledges the potential difficulties saying of course there's a lot of infrastructure to be built but i think we've mitigated a lot of risk that people didn't think was possible in speaking about the infrastructure challenges she pointed out that while governments can continue building up yesterday's transport systems people are looking for new solutions the transportation of the future attack and tim berners-lee hopes to improve the privacy of the internet at large with his new company becca has these stories coming up plus robert is here with the crypto corner so don't go anywhere welcome back to the world of cryptos and welcome back to the crypto corner today we're going to spend some time in ethereum 2.0 i'm going to explain to you in a very simple way what ethereum 2.0 is all about and to start we're going to look at the fees so the fees that you pay when you do a transaction on the ethereum blockchain and this year is 2018. in 2018 the fees were fairly low and then suddenly a project was started called cryptokitties everybody complained about it because the fees went absolutely through the roof now that was 2018 how does that same picture look today if i expand this here to today then here this is the little blip with cryptokittles the fees that we had to pay because of d5 not so long ago were significantly higher and if you consider that we are how many people are we using the ethereum blockchain let's say 100 000 200 000 it won't be much more than that so if 200 000 can already bring the blockchain uh in regards to fees to a halt how would that look like if we have got certainly 20 million people using this chain it will not be feasible any longer and that's why um including also some other reasons a long time ago the idea of ethereum 2.0 was started and it taking it's it's taking its time and why because coding and programming is not simple yeah if you have got a company like apple or google where everything is under one roof everything is coordinated in a different way you can have a different type of transparency and and also objectives but if you have got a team of 400 people that are coordinated through something like github yeah so this github is where everything happens in regards to ethereum then it looks very it's very complex and so everything has to be done very meticulously because we're talking about money here in this case money transfer so big mistakes will cost a lot of money as we've seen in d5 and we've got over in the ethereum current blockchain we've got over 244 repositories over 500 people uh programming uh so you can imagine how complex this whole thing is yeah there are many hundred thousand lines of code that need to be coordinated that's why this thing takes so long now looking at the roadmap this is the roadmap of the of eth 2.0 so this is the current chain here so this is 1.0 that's the ethereum you and i know and soon we will have the beacon chain which is the start of ethereum 2.0 and this here is like the current chain without proof of work so proof of stake and you will not have any smart contracts in this uh phase zero from there we will start with the fa with this smart contracts but we'll have shards and charts i like just imagine in a very simple way like sub blockchain so you'll have a chain for let's say uh d5 you'll have a chain that's that needs to be secured in a special way then you've got a new chain for uh gamers so when something happens like with cryptokitties where suddenly the chain was blocked it will be only that chain that will be blocked at that and the fees will not go through the roof so there are lots of little improvements coming also along uh with this er 2.0 and the roadmap in detail just the ones that we hear today and we will start soon uh phase zero uh phase zero means um moving away from proof of work to proof of stake and that's done by having a deposit contract because you need to secure the network not through miners so people that are mining you need to secure it through value and um that for that the deposit contract was now created and the time is running now until the 7th of december where then the beacon chain will be started from there we will then go over to phase 0 and then much later phase two and phase three and at this stage you there will be also no more proof of work so the current blockchain that you know is point zero will be more or less switched off that's not possible i know but it it will not continue everything will happen in the new uh ethereum 2.0 and um for the transition from the current stages to ethernet phase zero they created a very good website where when you want to become a validator you can get started here and they'll run you through some questions and so on and they explain to you what that really means um you will get some money so for everything that you stake so in other words you put up with security you'll get some money as a reward at the beginning it will be of course higher because we're starting but and over the time it will go down here this is the status of how far people have committed already to this new chain where at 10 i guess that around the first of december this thing should be filled more or less because all the big whales will be coming in um into uh staking because they get the rewards are not bad at the beginning so this is um ethereum 1.0 explained uh 2.0 sorry played in a very simple way and i hope you liked it and i hope you enjoyed it and i thank you very much for watching and i'm looking forward to see you next week again so thank you very much bye bye thank you robert just a reminder that we're not providing financial advice but only sharing what's happening in the cryptocurrency market always remember that the cryptocurrency market is always changing and always volatile so only invest what you can afford to lose and now here's becca thank you robbie in a fake updates malware campaign attackers are using ads for fake microsoft teams updates to deploy backdoors which use cobalt strike to infect companies networks with malware microsoft is warning the customers about the so-called fake updates campaigns in a non-public security advisory revealed by bleeping computer the campaign is targeting various types of companies with recent targets in the k-12 education sector where organizations are currently dependent on using apps like teams for video conferencing due to covet 19 restrictions cobalt strike is a commodity attack simulation tool that's used by attackers to spread malware particularly ransomware recently threat actors were seen using cobalt strike in attacks exploiting zero logon a privileged elevation flaw that allows attackers to access a domain controller and completely compromise all active directory identitive identity services in the advisory microsoft said it's seen attackers in the latest fake updates campaign using search engine ads to push top results for team software to a domain controlled by the attackers and used for nefarious activity if victims click on the link it downloads a payload that executes a power shell script which loads malicious content cobalt strike beacons are among the payloads also being distributed by the campaign which give threat actors the capability to move laterally across a network beyond the initial system of infection the link also installs a valid copy of microsoft teams on the system to appear legitimate and avoid alerting victims to this to the attack malware being distributed by the campaign include predator the thief infostealer which pilfers sensitive data such as credentials browser and payment data microsoft also has seen a backdoor and zed loader stealer being distributed by the latest campaigns microsoft is recommending that people use web browsers that can filter and block malicious websites and ensure that local admin passwords are strong and can't easily be guessed admin privileges also should be limited to essential users and avoid domain wine service domain-wide service accounts that have the same permissions as an administrator according to the report they advise organizations to limit their attack surface to keep attackers at bay by blocking executable files that do not meet specific criteria or blocking javascript and vbscript code from downloading executable content well microsoft teams it takes a team to be hacked yeah it's uh you can get independently hacked very easily yeah well no it's it's a scary thing really because without being seen so much not just organizations but if you're an educator if you're a teacher student etc um and it isn't well you're talking about teachers and stuff i'm thinking about how these folks have been thrown into having to use microsoft teams with no experience this is something totally new and then all of a sudden you get a little little window that says hey you need to update it's okay right and you think well this this is what i'm using for my classroom so i better get that update oh no it's like children make sure you install this update well like we're just talking before the show it really is a form of social engineering absolutely because it's it's so easy to fall into the trap this is where phishing scams have like we think oh well i would never fall for a phishing scam because you know i don't use that service or this service or whatever but it's a it's a like a if i throw enough phishing scams out there that pretend to be the royal bank of canada yeah i will inevitably land in the inbox of some people who bank at the royal bank of canada so if i buy ads that are pretending to be updates for microsoft teams even though i personally robbie ferguson don't use teams somebody out there you might yeah somebody else might and and social engineering they they trick those folks into installing this malware and we're talking ransomware so ransomware is the one that encrypts your files and goes out on the network that you're connected to and encrypts all the files that it can gain access to and as we know from zero logon that is every file on the entire network if you're like like a school network you think oh well we're locked down it's safe no zero login zero logon allows them to have administrator credentials just like just like your it admin so like these are serious exploits and social engineering they're using that to get into these systems that could be a back door into the network well exactly i'm also scared for small businesses right yeah so again everyone's working from home now so again if you have employees who aren't aztec literate or but henry who would target me i'm just uh i'm just a work from home you know person who no nobody would always target me see yeah false insecure security right yeah we've become complacent absolutely the fact is is that these are non-targeted attacks these tools are built to find susceptible systems yeah and attack them yeah just a wide net that's all it takes like you said one email spam it out yeah maybe a pie hole which is an ad blocking dns server suddenly becomes not just something to block your advertising but also something to like your ad blocker becomes something that's going to prevent malware yeah they bought ads on google i mean like come on i've seen it happen on facebook i've been on facebook yeah a java i think it was a flash virus at the time tried to install through an ad well they have like a hundred dollar free like ad credit thing if you sign up for google ads now so they got a real good deal i'm not just kidding that's not sponsored so be really careful when you click on folks be very very careful and almost to the point of skeptical all right it really does show how the world is developing away from ads though like i know this is going to be kind of a little bit off topic now but it just add ads being so intrusive hence why you have other platforms like patreon and stuff that you can support sure yes and things like that right because whenever i'm on youtube i'm like yeah i have an ad locker i i rely on ad revenue in order to survive as a as a broadcaster on youtube exactly but it's just like it's a balance now right because it's like is this ad gonna try to sell me or try to affect me try to trick you into getting an infection of ransomware yeah so just like i want to support small businesses and channels and stuff but how do i balance that with safety now it's it's such a hard thing to talk about it's a very good question i don't know that there's an answer immediately sitting there ready to be given so it's really just down to be very cautious be skeptical when you're clicking on stuff online and know that even in somewhere like google maybe the ads contain malware so watch out and be careful inventor of the world wide web tim berners-lee is having another crack at fixing the internet's biggest problems with the launch of a new enterprise server the inrupt enterprise solid server is the first product from a company the inventor started two years ago in response to the problem of personal data online where tech giants like facebook and google build vast databases on users profiles and sell them to advertisers to make massive profits inrupt has worked on a series of new standards that allow individuals to store their personal information in pods whose access they control the decentralized approach allows for the free and fast sharing of data but with control in the hands of its owners the project is called solid and after two years of work at mit the team behind it has released an enterprise service the goal being to move the whole idea from concept to reality the enterprise server will allow organizations to build applications using others data pods that can do useful things like draw comparisons across users or build greater context around user data while keeping the user in control of their data for many businesses it will be a chicken and a conundrum where it won't be worth investing in the solid system until there is sufficient data and users of the system and users won't bother providing their data until there are sufficient companies and applications with new regulations like gdpr and california's privacy law a system like solid would make it significantly easier easier for companies to gather and use data without having the weight of administering it at all and being responsible for constantly updated permissions in a blog post monday berners-lee announced the numbers of big name partners that will run pilots including the bbc nat west bank the national health service and flanders government the pilots are small and the intent is to spark greater awareness of the technology and grow adoption big thanks to roy w nash and our community of viewers for submitting stories to us this week thanks for watching the category 5 dot tv newsroom don't forget to like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight linux bias and if you appreciate what we do become a patron at category 5. from the category 5 tv newsroom i'm becca ferguson all right welcome back from our commercial break and today was an excellent show thank you so much robbie thank you so much everyone for having me back henry it was great having like that feature it was so cool to see you in the field like these days we can't send a roaming reporter out to do stuff and yeah it's it's great to see an actual person again thank you for seeing me even if we're socially distanced it's great to be out of the basement but no it was really fun hopefully some of you out there can play around with those models and play around with the programs that we've used tonight yeah for sure but no thanks for having me back yeah thanks for being here man i've been having a lot of fun with a 3d printer and that was a great opportunity for me to do something fun uh don't forget our series at cat five dot tv slash 3d printing so your video will be there and uh all the videos of anything that we do on the 3d printer are going to be there as well there's going to be it's going to become a really great repository of information just just a knowledge base of just everything i admit that i'm a new 3d printer like i'm new to this you know what we all need to do hobby during uh these days you know so why not get into it now so let's learn together let's enjoy the process and uh and follow along and i'll i'll be taking you along for the ride i want to say thank you so much to our patreon supporters you can follow us and become part of our fleet at patreon.comcategory5 we greatly appreciate your support it's how we're able to do the show that we do and we couldn't do it without you and thank you everybody for subscribing on youtube and for being a part of our community we've got our discord server where you can chat with other people in the community we've got a ton of ways to interact and make sure you go over to our website and you'll be able to follow along figure out uh all the different ways to interact with us at category 5 dot tv oh and i should mention there's 14 years worth of video what i can binge watch all 14 years now you probably could enjoy that especially season one it was dreadful uh hey you take care have a wonderful week henry you guys great seeing you man high five you