[Music] welcome to category 5 technology tv it's so great to have you with us you know jeff some christmases some holidays we go all out and do all kinds of fancy things we've done a musical yes you have we've done all kinds of fun christmasy things this year 2020 we decided to take a different approach as we wrap up the year here on category 5 tv it's about just taking a break sitting down just together as kind of our cat 5 family and hanging out and just having a nice time together and and kind of reminiscing a little bit and i was saying before the show here i've got my phone i'm not being anti-social i promise you i'm being very social because i'm watching our discord i'm watching our irc chat server and encouraging our viewers to get in there while we're live while we're recording the show uh it's an opportunity for you to to say hello to tell us a little bit about uh maybe reminisce with us tell us some of the things that you've enjoyed with category five this year and uh and and hey interact with us we don't get to interact with the viewers as much as we used to it is true and i miss that i really do um and that's part of the evolution of a program such as ours is that we don't always get to sit down and just have a one-on-one with our discord and our our viewers it's true we've done zoom meetings and we have the community coffee break which happens every sunday and bp9 has been great to take that over for them yes um yeah and so that continues and it's a great opportunity for you to sit down with uh with our community um now the whole studio is shutting down for the for the rest of the year like the end of december makes sense and coming back in january and so it's it's a really really neat time uh for us we've never ever done that before i know i mean we've been through a heck of a year it really has been a year i mean like i think about when this year started and a new studio was not on the mindset like covid was not on the mindset it was just like hey we're really excited about you know the season and the things that are coming and then march hit and it just kind of went and uh here we are we're i mean we're in studio e i love the studio i love all the changes the things that are happening really excited about 2021 and what it's going to bring for cat5 and uh yeah it's going to be good to just kind of wrap up on a positive note i know it's been a tough year for a ton of people but we've tried to you know keep cat5 as consistent as possible and as fun and you know social as possible and so yeah if you are watching live get in the discord not only have we tried to keep it going and and keep the show um consistent as you say but also to try to find our new selves right because our show has gone through such a time of transition yeah so as jeff mentioned at the start of this year 2020 we were gearing up for all the features that we had planned we were getting everything set um we had just finally purchased a server rack yep for our old studio d because uh you remember jeff um we had that big uh 3u dell r510 server massive sitting on a desk yep we didn't have a rack for that so we just got a server rack we just got a new isolated audio console it's a tascam 24 channel console which is a big upgrade for us and we were finally ready to do that and then um we lost our studio yeah because the landlord decided that he was hoping to re-use the space for something else yep but just after giving us that news so we were just humming and han and trying to figure out okay well where does this leave us as a show that's when the pandemic started yes so we moved and we lost sasha and we lost sasha i mean she's she's still with us she's still part of our community and part of our our crew so for those of you who wonder you know what what has happened with sasha um she is still very much a part of this family and and our staff but life has completely shifted for her as well so she's had to move across the country yep she does have a dream and we support that dream uh of uh renovating um her attic space into a pseudo kind of remote studio which would be so cool and it would be really cool so that she'd be able to remote in and come on and be a part of our show once again in some fashion it's not going to be like it was back in studio d when she was there in person but but we're still looking at ways to have her here and some people have said well why haven't you had her here why hasn't she been on on a wednesday night when you guys are live and you could have brought her on by zoom or something like that and as i say life has happened for her too so having moved across the country she got a job and she is working like mad and much so she works wednesday nights yes and also the time change so and the time changes much later try to get sasha to explain to us what time it is and and what time she's going to be here it's just not happening that was a great episode but yeah i mean i like when sasha would he was here for studio d like the show would end she's like i'm going home i got to go to bed because she always had the word more in the morning yeah and so i mean to then ask her to do cat five when she's in a later time zone and it's gonna you know be an even later night for i mean she'd be going to like what 11 o'clock at night 12 o'clock maybe and it's like oh my goodness so yeah uh nomen5 wants to know if this is our opportunity to see robbie dance and it's not yet that's a funny story too because now i don't know the story okay well we we were approaching we were at 24 000 subscribers on our youtube channel linux tech show that's right yeah yeah okay and i kind of uh off the cuff jokingly said hey if we hit 25 000 i'll i'll i'll do a dance for you and then all of a sudden we hit 25 000. oh and i got called out on it and it's like you need to dance now so i had i i got a choreographer to put together a dance for us yeah and then the the city went to lockdown right yes and so that is still happening apparently that is something that i'm planning to do but like so many things with lockdown kind of you know we're locked down okay now we're not locked down we've even been even i guess sunday was it that i messaged you and said i don't know if we're going to be able to sit down in the studio because monday monday our city was moved to red zone they call it so we weren't even sure if we were going to be in lockdown by wednesday but here we are we're not in lockdown yet again but it keeps kind of going that ebb and flow and we do need to keep everyone safe that's very very important so is the dance happening yes well the other thing that's got to happen yeah is the simulated labor that's happening too so i had somebody ask me about that this saturday like hey what do you do with that labor thing i know how do you know about that to like people talk man yeah so your wife is spreading the word yeah so that with that so and and a lot of the kickstarter perks as well um these are all things that are that have because of the pandemic had to just be put on pause that's right they're not canceled they're not put on indefinite hold or anything they're we're just in this pause motion where so for your labor and i don't even know how much you know about the coordination that's gone into this i don't know i just know to talk about this yeah you get to prepare you do not prepare i want this to be completely legit i told you if you're not allowed to do any sit-ups you're not allowed to to work those ab muscles at all so been faithfully staying at it that's fantastic so with regards to the to the labor so i started working with a company at the start of this thing okay um for the electronic component so they sent me um what they created which is an eight electrode device that goes on your stomach okay um and that device is connected to an electronic piece all right that electronic piece i'm working with omslo so elaine from omslo those of you who follow my nems linux project you're familiar with them they create raspberry pi accessories p hats um connections electronics for raspberry pi's that can be controlled so elaine is well was i mean again everything is just on pause all right so know that all these things are being coordinated and and just had to be like okay well we can't proceed so what elaine yeah what elaine is working on is a raspberry pi gpio circuit connected to a raspberry pi zero with the with the wi-fi and uh the gpio okay that is connected to these eight electrodes and there's a web interface for this oh come on and with that web interface our viewers when this happens and it is happening are going to be able to push the buttons are you serious yes in real time live so that's all happening however i don't think that was part of the kickstarter that's not happening well we got to go all out we got to make this happen now the other thing that we need to make sure with this jeff is that you're safe of course that's sort of important to us like i'm the resident guinea pig we want to hurt him but that's as far as we want it to go we want to safely hurt him yes and with that i actually have a volunteer organization called st john ambulance who we were coordinating with them they have nurses and they were going to send two nurses that were going to oversee this entire thing there we have a defibrillator we have all of these you laugh but it's all for safety's sake so all of these things are in line all of these things are in the works and happening and then we went into lockdown so st john ambulance comes back to me and says okay well get back to us once this once we're through this pandemic because right now we cannot send the nurses right our volunteers cannot enter your building right okay so that's where that's at so everything is happening but paused all right all the perks are happening but paused we've got we've got people who are going to have one-on-one zoom calls with myself with sasha and it's happening but it's paused because like with sasha's schedule she's i was talking to her this week as well she's just not sure she can't commit because she's on call yeah that's right so that makes it tough it's and if that's part she's a psw so she takes care of uh folks in a in a home and with that she needs to be available all the time and uh doesn't know when she's going to get called in so she can't really commit to uh you know a full day of being a part of category five so so know that so yes the dance is happening yes we're going to shock jeff really really badly to the point where it is indeed uh necessary to just have a defibrillator on hand we also have to do the paintball thing the paintball thing is happening and jeff you suggested well why don't you do something with that where sasha can remotely control that right because the deal was with the paintball thing that uh whoever donated the most it was what 10 cents a ball whatever it is exceeded ten dollars a ball whatever it was to a max of 500 paintballs and sasha would get to shoot me yeah so this was the kickstarter and uh that was just for anybody who donated and then because we had that five thousand dollar donation come in sasha gets to shoot me with 500 balls in the name of the donor but then sasha moved away so i said to robbie there's got to be a way where sasha can do this remotely i have a 3d printer now yes you do and you're using it so well yes so what are you doing with that so that sasha can shoot me from across the country well we talked about and the decision was made internally that we cannot do that yes and and that's an unfortunate thing so that we're still going to shoot him but we're figuring it out and here is the solution first of all the reason we cannot do it is because everything that we do is to be open sourced so when we create this circuit for the the uh the false labor that's going to be available on our github and people are going to be able to access that and see how it works and that's cool we do not want to be um a part of distributing a system a system that can connect to a weapon that can be controlled remotely that's fair right so because we don't want to give sasha remote access to a paintball gun we're going to get sasha to come in to and she is going to actually shoot you with a paintball gun she will be here for that so is that happening tomorrow no we're in red zone but it's happening and it's just on pause 500 paintballs five so many welts oh my goodness are we gonna do that the same day as the labor no no you'll definitely need to use the defibrillator if that's the case i know oh my goodness oh that's nuts some good has come out of um the whole situation the pandemic if you will not the pandemic itself but right with having um the need to move into a new studio space we're in a better studio we're in a better space and we're in a better place as far as the company goes uh to grow and expand and move forward as a show and and get better and better and i think you've been finding too that the content has been getting um i guess i don't know if more thorough is the word i would say more robust i i wanted to take category 5 to the next level in that when we do an unboxing i wanted to get out of the old style of unboxing where we open a box take it out of the box connect it maybe fire it up if we have time right but with a one hour show you don't have a lot of time for that kind of stuff that's true so one of the things that we introduced this year is production week and production week is a time when we take the week off of the live broadcast so that we can instead work behind the scenes on doing some of those extra videos so that is like filming and unboxing that we can then speed up in post so that it only takes three minutes five minutes out of the video and then we can actually demonstrate the hardware right so you know that's a really really neat way for us to be able to do a better show for you and it changes kind of the paradigm of how we shoot things and and that has uh has worked fairly well that's something that we're still evolving and come january you're going to see that our schedule is changing again production week is going to actually be every two weeks so that is uh going to be something that we're experimenting with and maybe if it works great then that's what we're going to do if it doesn't then we're going to adjust things and we're still figuring out what it looks like to produce the new category 5 tv right it is a lot of work it's a huge amount of work how much work jeff two hours do you see the bags under my eyes so production week sometimes viewers may think and maybe we fall into thinking oh well they're not on the air this week so they're taking a break no i am he's not so when that happens i'm usually here till about midnight oh doing video production and in fact last night i was still here um producing last week's episode right and worked until one o'clock in the morning getting the videos up just the the one video mind you um of the interview that happened last week yes so you know all these things there's a lot of thank you and yeah i was really excited about that and and thinking of that interview that's something that we started working on in the old studio i don't know if folks realize like this is something that we have been working on for over a year yep that's true you know that yep because we had that server sitting there and you know that i was working on migrating and getting everything switched over and and filming everything the whole process but then we had to move so then we had to kind of start over and get everything redone and re-shot and everything else so pretty amazing yeah so but we've we've had some good come out of this with sasha having to leave um that left a vacancy in the newsroom and we had an interesting situation we were um trying to hire somebody we did some interviews you you know this yeah he's nodding yeah i was there so we did some interviews uh for for somebody to help out um on on air and uh we had some great prospects lined up and then the pandemic happened it was like the week after i was like oh yeah so so we had i mean we had to put all that on hold yeah and we couldn't have any new staff start with us because of the pandemic and lockdown but my wife becca who you know as our news anchor now um said that she would be willing to to do it as a you know temporary stop gap we don't want to cancel the news we want to continue on with that so she decided that she would take a go at it and temporary stop gap she's phenomenal she's been doing a great job and i think she's really found her own and figured out that hey this is this is a lot of fun yeah but she's doing so well that i want to encourage her as well that hey like uh do you want the job so but it's been amazing um and you need to realize too that having becca as part of the news has been um has been what helped us to be able to carry on with that feature that's right because you guys are in the same home so you don't have to worry about the social distancing exactly yep so she came in and we would shoot every week so we start shooting the news at four o'clock in the afternoon and we're live at seven so uh and that's how it works but because social distancing was not an issue with me and becca it made things a lot easier a lot safer and uh and legal as well so that's always a plus now let's just tell the truth you just want to spend more time with your wife i always want to spend more time with my wife and and it's funny too because i do all the editing right now right um we don't have another person to do editing at this point so i'm spending more time with my wife than she's spending with me because if i'm doing post-production like she's on my screen and i'm doing all the editing for many hours um and so that's been kind of a neat experience too yeah because i kind of feel like i'm spending more time with my wife which has been cool yeah that's right so yeah so today i mean just kind of go back to the beginning of the episode if you're just tuning in now today we're kind of just chilling out reminiscing about the last year as we look towards uh you know kind of that holiday break so if you are in our discord irc like drop us a message wish somebody merry christmas or uh you know give us your favorite memory something about cat5 from this year you know let's keep it uh you know happy and positive and forget about that covid thing and uh you know just what's some good stuff that happened this year speaking great content on category 5 tv that has worked out throughout this situation and yeah it's all here i know where you're going with this one uh robert koenig yes with the crypto corner phenomenal has been doing an exceptional job and he produces this himself yeah and sends it up to us and robert i i see you in our in our discord and you know on behalf of category five like we appreciate you so much absolutely and you know you you folks at home who enjoy robert's feature i encourage you like hey get on to linuxtxshow.com give them the views give them the thumbs up post your comments really show some love to this guy because he's been there faithfully every single week with that content and keeping us surprised so that we know when to buy when to sell that's right much content too absolutely i've learned so much and i'm still learning so much like i got to tap into this guy's knowledge for sure yeah i totally agree so that's really worked out well but please yes give him the thumbs up we're we have this interesting situation where we're we're trying to figure out our youtube as well yes and if you subscribe to us on youtube you see that like we're constantly evolving the content and trying to figure out uh what's the best way to release this content and and by doing that we're trying to figure out you know it's tough because robert's a part of linux tech show right but then all of a sudden we're doing a review of a raspberry pi so i think from a viewer's perspective it's like well is this is this channel about cryptocurrency or is it about single board computers or but we're all a team working together just trying to bring you exceptional um tech centric content and and robert's a big part of that so so get on there and don't just pay attention to the the raspberry pi stuff give him a thumbs up as well uh okay bp9 says you guys moved into a smaller studio how is the new space working out for you i guess let's let's ask jeff that question first because my perspective is going to be very very different as kind of the manager of the whole thing right i i think uh the two studios can't be compared they're not apples to apples because they're different like this is the first studio we've had a fireplace well yeah fireplace but this is the first studio where we've had dual rooms like all the other stretchier rooms well that's true yeah there's three rooms so our other studio was all one room it was a big open area this studio is totally different like the fact that we're in an isolated room that's just for filming you know you've got the the lighting rigs the boom mic or the boom camera all the kind of stuff and it's separate from the server it changes the dynamic because the uh the the that background white noise of the server running is different you can have your production studio so on that end absolutely love it i do feel like it's a little bit more work for you going back and forth yeah like with studio d you could sit right there yes and oh let's do a mic check let's do an audio check oh something's wrong okay and you could do it while almost still being on camera here it's like okay hold on i gotta walk around there so it's a little bit different it's a little bit more steps for you which i think works because you know you can't your steps the closest thing i get to a workout that's right um but personally i i love this studio i think there's so much potential in it that will make cat5 a much better more well-rounded product it is smaller i do wish that there was more space just because we've got so much stuff packed into here yeah because gear yeah not just junk like between like gear well yeah like lots of cameras lots of lights goes into making a show like this it's not just a single dslr and a computer like there's a ton of work that goes into this i mean even move day like we had to rent a pretty decent sized truck just to move the studio yeah so i mean i love the studio i'm excited about it i love the cool little things you're doing that the other studios you couldn't do like you know you walk in you've got your 3d printer yeah and you've got that rig set up where it's filming it and all that we've the cables run through the wall that ameri droid hooked us up with that wall the easy portal yeah yeah the easy portal like all these little things that we would never have done in an open-air studio where it's like hey how can we evolve this and make it better it's just it's it's so cool because we've had to change the dynamics of what we do and how we do it and it just takes it to that different level i love it yeah and this is the first time we've pulled down the green screen but it seems to be working really well and so we actually have like a proper system where we can pull down different colored drapes and things like that that's pretty neat the space for me is brilliant and you mentioned the sound in here like if we're quiet what do you hear jeff nothing it is absolutely silent because we actually have a policy here that there are no moving parts allowed in the studio so that means no fans no um computers that have moving parts so these are the only things that move everything is solid state so it's absolutely silent in here if there's anything that has a moving part like the 3d printer it's in a different room right so and that isolates all the sounds so sound is uh completely different here than it was at the old place very different um and i love the space i love having um the production room separate from the tv studio yes here because i'm when i'm on the air for tech tv um it's a little different because i am also the producer yes so there's nobody in the producers room right now right and when jeff says i'm getting my steps it's because i have to actually walk in there push a couple buttons and then come back if we need to change yeah to to a different shot or something like that we do use a stream deck in order to change camera shots but i mean like when we're switching between the news and things we want to be able to hear it so i go in there and turn on the speakers but when uh when the pandemic was at its peak here in barrie uh before the churches were allowed to open my church actually used this space in order to do their their church broadcast and your church used it a couple times as well yes yeah that's right so from that perspective in that environment they were in here doing their thing i was not even in the room i was in the other room running the the board making sure the audio was good making sure the stream was live and completely separate so socialize social isolation if you will was brilliant it was really really a lot easier for us uh in this space and it's a wonderful space oh totally absolutely i also the one other thing that i love is because you have your own separate production studio you can have all those monitors you couldn't at studio d because you'd be blocking they're just at the edge of the camera so yeah like you i think you just had two monitors and now you've got like six it's amazing i i walk into the production studio every time and i get just a little bit jealous not gonna lie bp-9's question going back to that asking about having a smaller space i should just say the space appears smaller because it is three rooms right so it's it's almost the same amount of space that we used to have in one big open room okay uh but it's split into three rooms right so it the studio space is smaller than our old studio space because there's also a production space so do keep that in mind but the space itself our floor space is only i think 10 square feet smaller it's really minimal as far as that goes but the interesting here and this sort of segues into noman five's question as well which we'll touch on um the neat thing here is that we're in a mall yes and in a mall if the company grows and if we say okay we have outgrown this small studio space we can actually there's another unit right on the other side of this wall we can rent that unit we can take out one of the walls put in a door and expand because it's that's what they do they sell square footage that's right when we signed up for this place they put up everything and painted got it set up for us like this is set up for us that's right so we can we can expand we can grow we can do that and nomen5 asks well i hope that you don't lose your heat or your air conditioner like you did at studio d so studio d our previous space was an industrial unit who they worked there during the day and then we would come in the evening and do our show we had our own separate space with locked doors and it was completely separate from the business but there was nobody else in the building yeah so if we tripped a breaker which i've done once here i uh i turned on the vacuum i plugged it into the wrong outlet and tripped a breaker if we did that at the old studio space we would have no power that's right and we would have to wait till the next morning when someone came in in order to get power back we did have problems with heat and we did have problems with ac because again it's a unit within a giant building and if somebody was cold that day and cranked the heat in their unit they didn't realize that now our unit was a sauna yeah and they would go home and the heat the the big blowers in the ceiling were just pumping out heat all night long yeah they were loud there was that too but this was the problem right we didn't have our own thermostat there was nothing like that and we don't hear either but there it's climate controlled yep i mentioned i tripped the breaker when i tripped the breaker i walked to the mall office and i said hi i tripped a breaker and they said oh no problem we'll be right there they came they went into the electrical room uh which is not in our unit and flipped the breaker back for us which is awesome done problem solved if the heat ever stopped working if the ac ever stopped working here it's a big professionally managed building and i am fully confident that they will not allow it to be like if the climate control was down it's down for everyone so it just wouldn't happen here it can't happen it's true yeah exactly professionally managed space what a difference that makes yeah that's nice this is category 5 tv we're wrapping up the year 2020. we're saying farewell to the old and in with the new i'm looking forward to the new yes hello to our discord uh hello to our irc please jump in say hello if you've got questions for jeff or i uh or jeff or me i should say i always go back to when eric was a co-host he always corrected me on that one now now i get it right most times eric was the worst for that it's always correct it's so and so and i in school that's how i learned it it was always and i but no it's not always that way when do you use me um it depends on the context and and how you would say it if it was just you so really yeah huh so if i would say i am sitting here then it's jeff and i versus like hand that to me so hand that to jeff and me yes exactly good example yeah yeah well you learn something new every christmas episode wow no tech here today folks well speaking of tech we do have our phones out we're not being anti-social uh we're actually watching talking to all of our wonderful fans and viewers and the community so if you are not part of our discord you need to get involved so go to cap absolutely all the information's there uh the great thing about discord i mean i love the irc but the irc is one channel with discord what i love is that there are so many channels like i look down there's got to be 30 channels within this discord server that's always hopping there's always something new popping up you've got the general chat that just never seems to end because we've got viewers from all over the globe but if you've got a tech issue you can post questions all week long if you if you've got recipes we've got food channels in there if you want to post pictures of bacon that's right there's a channel there's a channel dedicated to that i love bacon and for the vegans there is a channel for you too that's right yeah i may or may not throw meat pictures in there just because oh jeff you didn't i i think i did once oh jeff i i banned i love my meat what can i say there's a reason i like the bacon channel oh dear but yeah even behind the scenes stuff like we've got i mean when the show's not happening there's so much going on so you can get in there yeah we post pictures all the time yeah but uh yeah so if you're in the discord by all means say hi throw out a christmas greeting let us know kind of what your highlights have been for 2020 so uh is there any sneak peeks or sneak like uh teasers on what's coming in 2021 what is coming in 2021 now yes the i mean you want teasers i want teasers well i mentioned that part of the idea behind production week is to be able to do proper unboxings proper testing um and and sometimes that means weeks of testing sometimes that means having a product here set up and we've been using it like the 3d printer is a perfect example yes well how did we review that well the unboxing took a long time because it had to be assembled so we put that all together for you and then i learned how to use the 3d printer at least at a rudimentary rudimentary yeah no now i just it's a constant production run yeah it's amazing um so with the 3d printer like so production week makes it so that we can do much bigger features so we're doing things like we have uh an open source nas unit that's single board computer powered and i've wanted to do this for some time you remember i actually started a series where i was going to make one from an odroid xu4 and that's still coming as well but that's a perfect example of a feature that we really wanted to do but because we were limited to just one hour per show and we were shooting everything live no b-roll no like pre-production or anything like that it made it impossible for us to get through those types of series so now we've already shot the unboxing and assembly of this open source nas unit we've done some testing i have a couple more weeks that i'm going to be testing it and setting it up and installing software and putting it through all the paces and then we're going to be demonstrating here on the show which is going to be amazing because you're going to get all of the benefit of many many weeks even so much as probably about a month and a half worth of testing all compiled into one single feature so that's exciting looking at the 3d printer one of the things that folks have been really intrigued by are some of these what i call a hyper lapse it's not quite a time lapse a time lapse i picture like stick figures moving back and forth but most most people call it a time lapse but it's a hyper lapse which is um where you see the thing growing out of the 3d printer and it just grows you showed that two weeks ago i think on the show we use it all the time ever since i got the 3d printer and created it was when you showed the uh christmas ornament that you put things in bo's christmas ornament at yeah if you haven't seen that linuxtechshow.com click onto the the uh uh there's a playlist for 3d printing hyperlapses that was cool but also uh even in the interview with uh with mark last week that's right i 3d printed some parts for the server in order to allow those drives to connect directly to the backplane and you saw the the pieces just kind of growing out of the build plate and so we're going to be demonstrating how i do that which is so amazing and again going back to i i don't want to just show you i want you to be able to do it yourself so we're releasing all of the source code the designs we're creating videos to show you how to do it yourself because what i did is i 3d printed and soldered a switch that connects to my 3d and then wrote a perl no pardon me a python application that in injects code into my g-code that tells the extruder that in between each layer as soon as you finish printing a layer i want you to go push that button and so this is all programmatic and and so this whole thing is open source and available to our viewers and uh and that's something that i'm looking forward to doing as well so we're gonna be demonstrating how to actually do those hyperlapse videos which is just a lot of fun that's exciting it's a lot of fun and i can't wait to see what our viewers come up with as well so cool i love the evolution of the show in the fact that you know you go back to the beginning of cat 5 uh what 14 years ago and like you had um fundraising software that you made express the sharathon express you know and it's like that was the big thing yeah and and then uh when i came what five six years ago like 3d printing was still coming around but at that time it was all about drones yep and like as the show evolves and as tech changes it also kind of drives the dynamics of the show and then we had this push of cryptocurrency and and now we're like maker projects and i love that i love how the show keeps evolving with tech as it evolves and it's like five years from now when this is like a full-blown thing and like we're we're filming 180 hours a day what is the tech that we're going to be covering are we going to be covering yeah you know nano oh yes everything everything jeff it's going to be that is you know it's the fun thing about working at a place like category 5 is that there is always a an assortment of content available it's really just what do we have time to produce yes and that's as the company grows that's where we want to be we want to be able to produce more and more ex excellent content and so you know your support of category 5 throughout this year and moving forward through patreon is just a way that um you're helping us to grow helping us to stay strong and helping us to get better and better uh nolman5 is looking at our discussion about 3d printing and saying he's actually 3d printing a bunch of stuff for stocking stuffers right now it's a great idea i've been doing the same thing yep and it's it is really cool i'm at the point now where i'm designing my own stocking stuffers yeah you've seen some of it unfortunately i can't show you yet this is one of the things i can't show you because my kids might see it that's right but there is some really cool stuff coming off the printer um and i've been saving money on things that i would normally have to buy yep but uh and some things you can't even buy because they don't exist that's which is even cooler it's funny i every week i say to jen i'm like i want a 3d printer i have no legitimate use for it but i and every week i come home and i'm like robbie did this robbie made that i'm like this is so cool she's like robbie has a use for that i'm like but i could yeah but some of these some of these stocking stuffers and and i do save money too like i'll just say um one of the things that i 3d printed for one of my children uh was 40 on amazon right and it cost me 60 cents to make myself well look at the the rack for the servers uh or for the hardware example yeah like i mean that last week you saved yourself half the price of the 3d printer oh only yeah like that's funny and i needed them i needed them and now it's like if someone else wants them i know hey i can print you some of those yep yep so ten dollars each the fact that you know like why not exactly but the fact that luke uh our middle child is getting into soldering and all that and he wants to get into maker projects it's like i could totally pair soldering with a with a 3d printer and he could do some really cool stuff so yeah yeah absolutely i'm making cases for my single board computers yep and starting to do some really cool designs nems linux is a tool that i've written monitors your network and gives you the state information so if a if a hard drive is failing it will warn you um so the case is actually kind of neat it has rgb leds in it okay and the case will light up based on the state of your network so if something is wrong the light will turn red very cool and that's all part of the case that i designed that's it um ameridroid wants to remind you that you can let your wife know that the 3d printer is not for you it's for the it's the education of the children you know what ameri droid you are absolutely correct yes my kids love it and even so much as just printing a dalek oh yeah you know just to have that figurine and it's as good as something that you get in the store yep and it costs 10 cents to print well like okay so going back to luca because he's he's our creative kid yeah every time we buy a game like it could be clue it could be monopoly it could be settlers of catan whatever he like we're done and he's like oh i'm kind of bored with that game i'm like oh okay he's like can i make a game with like what do you mean make a game and he'll literally take an existing game come up with a whole new set of rules and and develop his own game using the board and the pieces and i've said to jen imagine if he could 3d print his own pieces that's what i've said again many times i'm like what if luke could make his own game like yeah he makes his own comment this kid's 12 11 12. somewhere around there uh but like he he makes he's asking he makes his own comic books he solders he wants to get into programming 3d printing he comes up with games i'm like you know what you just keep coming up with stuff because later in life when i'm retired at 50 because you're paying for everything because you're a genius then it'll all pay off that's it too is you want to encourage creativity yeah and i'm always looking for i guess you'd say i'm looking for ways to encourage that creativity in my kids and you know i've done the the raspberry pi's and they assemble it and then they don't know what to do with it right and then i try to find projects it's like okay well now you can program stuff and it's like well but i can program on the computer and it's faster and so it's like okay well i tried with that so but the 3d printer is something that yeah i'm finding that the kids really do enjoy it they're they're coming up with some neat ideas it's here at the studio so they you know they have to now come in to the studio in order to 3d print something right but you can get one at home or someone in the garage or whatever else yeah yeah that's cool i'm trying to watch the discord here as well folks hey if you got a memory or something some question for us uh anything about category 5 tv over the past year we'd love to hear from you absolutely so what's on your christmas list my christmas list actually consists of a lot of accessories for the 3d printer because i have to keep myself creative too absolutely and so i i find that it's it's a hobby for me that it's it's become a hobby for me to be able to tinker and play around and i'm at that point now where i am doing my own designs and so it's like i'd really like a nice metallic filament and you know these kinds of things i'd like to be able to do more with the 3d printer i like that you're getting into the dual color printing i am programming that is so neat to watch well the the ender 3v2 has only a single extruder so that means that you can only have one color filament coming out of the at any one time but you can change the filament mid print so i tried that that was my first step so i printed an ornament just a plain red ornament and then i printed on top of that so i in in cura i then took text and turned it into a 3d print and i elevated it five layers which was the height of the ornament and actually printed directly onto the ornament with white text right so i've got a red ornament with white text on it and it worked perfectly yeah it looked great yeah so then i took it one step further and i took my text and i turned it into a hole they call it so basically it's an inverse of something that you would print it it is anti-print right so i took the thing that i was printing and i pushed the text down into it okay so that it would create a hole in the first print so then when i printed the red thing there's a hole and then i switched the filament and i put it inside of the hole so i put my 3d printer inside the hole so then i printed the white into the hole and so it's perfectly flush that's how you did it yeah very cool but but it looks like a multi-color print yeah it does really i'm just changing the filament and programming the g-code in such a way that it that it actually prints in the right spot that's so cool make sure you line things up just perfectly kids i love that so good uh so bp9 wants to know about learning uh lua on mind test for for luke uh might be fun lua is a programming language oh okay and mine test is a minecraft like yes yeah um mango fox used to do some mind test stuff yep yep yeah so i do remember that we had a program uh here on category five the pixel shadow yes which she did when she was younger yeah and uh mind test is a really really great version like a open source version of what you would say is like a clone of minecraft it's not really a clone of minecraft they come from the same base but um but they're very very similar yeah but with lua you could be programming your own modules for it creating very very customized um worlds right okay yeah that's cool i'll have to take a look at that i know luke plays mind test sometimes oh yeah we should do like a mind test lan party oh my gosh parties we need to do oh yes yeah so are you in all right folks well it has been having you here jeff what is what is on the horizon for you as far as like what do you look forward to with category five so we're coming up on 2021 where we know that it's going to be better than 2020. what's on the right honestly for me i want to expand my knowledge base to the point where it's not on all on your shoulders that's my i like the way this is going yeah uh like i watch you do the features and i mean i i love being here i love being co-host i love just being a mouthpiece that can add banter but i don't have a lot of time in my life to learn these things because my job doesn't go into the realm of tech that often i mean it's starting to now but i want to be able to know some things where it's like hey robbie i can do the feature this week and we're like hey this is great i'm going to sit in the production studio and produce things that's what i'm hoping to do uh it's just it's a matter of time that's cool so yeah henry bailey brown really hit on that yes when he brought in his feature which was um when he 3d scans using his drone so he shot all that and brought it into the studio ready to go and then we sat down and and kind of added the bumpers on either end and talked about what it was we were seeing right but that was all something that he brought in and that that's really really cool so yeah that's why i'm working on uh the circuit boards with luke yeah so that we you know we can go down that road get you some b-roll and then we could just build this circuit board it's uh you know so it's things like that where yeah that's what i would like i'd love to see that stuff too and and i looked up when you were talking about creating your own pcbs and you mentioned using a laser printer and so i'm like what are you talking about so i actually looked into this and it's a way to like use the ink from a laser printer to actually like dissolve parts of the pcb yeah so that it actually creates yeah the circuit it's so neat how does that even work i don't know and but magic well yeah and that's the thing like i didn't what seems like magic i didn't want to look into the chemistry of it because i'm like i just don't want to like this is cool enough but advanced enough as it is yeah but when you print the design on the paper and then and it has to be laser it can't be color and then when you put it on the board and then there's the chemicals that you use that are just the chemicals you can get at the store interacts with the ink yeah and then it creates the actual so conduit that the electrical signal passes on and then it's just a matter of drilling the holes and then you put your various components in and solder them and so so neat it's a way to make circuit boards at home without having the professional circuit board printers because you can just design it on i think what i think it's kcad is the program i've got okay um where you can design your circuit board and you know each of the you know the little modules and components that go in it that you solder it's like okay well this resistor's here and this is going to be there yeah and then you just print it off on paper and do it and so it's it's pretty pretty neat it's impressive and blew my mind when i came across it i think the search term in in your search engine is going to be pcb laser printer method yeah and if you do a search for your mind might be blown too has anyone in our community ever done that before i'd be interested to know and i think jeff would probably be interested too yeah as well we'd love to see pictures yeah so yeah that's for me that's what i would love to do for cat5 it's just a matter of the time to do it so but i'm slowly learning cool you know community joining us in our discord on irc um real quick and and you don't have much time is there something that you're looking forward to with 2021 and how category 5 is a part your life during that time i think for me it's it's going to be really cool to see how the show evolves post pandemic yeah because right now we've been working so hard to pull everything off amidst the constant threat of lockdown the occasional lockdown right now red zone and not being able to have people into our studio including um the lighting installers you know the people that we're supposed to be installing our new led lighting panels have had to cancel so you know i'm looking forward to seeing what the show can do in 2021 when these types of things are not a consideration or at least not uh not holding us back yeah in a way so that's that's something i'm really i love the way that you know the community is going and the way everybody supports us it's so great to have uh you know you guys are a part of this yep soul boo saying he would love to see sasha do something on the show even if it's a little bit pre-recorded and i mean that's totally the plan i mean as robbie mentioned earlier it's just a matter of her schedule and getting her available and finding times at work and i mean i pre-recorded probably would make it easier but uh you know with her being in the iceberg capital of canada it's uh it's a matter of with poor internet well yeah it's a matter of internet it's going to be tough so we're going to figure it out but uh it's uh it's good it's going to be good norman 5 would like to actually come and visit us post pandemic and be in the studio and i think that would be really great too we've never obviously we've not been able to have any guests here physically in the studio yet that's right and that's going to be really this space i mean um boleknowski and and bill marshall have been to our studio space some of our community have been to our studio space in studio d to to be a part of the show we've had others as well and um that place was you know we made the most of it we made a great space for what it was but those who were there know that it was just a big open room with horrible floors and an industrial bathroom yes it was some heat that you couldn't turn off yeah but now it's like okay i'm going to be proud to have you come and join us here so i hope that those who have already been up to join us yeah bo from ameridroid wants to come and see us as well i'd love to he's got to bring up the ameribus can you imagine the gas i don't care i want to see the mirror bus yeah um we'd love to we'd love to have you come to the studio and join us um i'm thinking in my head uh one of the things i do want to do in the new year when it's possible is to host um uh tours oh that's just fun a tour to have people in right now i've considered like do we do it during this time and everybody just wears a mask and we allow two people in at a time and have to redundantly explain everything over and over and over again for a day i thought maybe that would work but i think maybe if we just wait things out and then come in and and have like an open house which is what we had originally planned when we first started thinking about moving we we had october something was our open house that had to get cancelled yeah um so that would be uh that would be really cool and then i thought about shooting a 360 video for those of you who can't travel to canada oh that'd be fun um so that you could have a virtual tour as well so if that's something that you would like a 360 video that will cost us some money um so become a patron yeah it's been a long time since we've done a 360. yes the last one was uh oh man episode four uh yeah i don't know that's when we had all the past co-hosts and yeah it was that was fun yeah but a huge amount of production oh my goodness yeah so much so you know we really need to have we'd need to step up our equipment a little bit as far as the 360 video goes yep yep is there okay so i know we've got to shut it down because we're kind at the point but is there anything we haven't done with the show that's always been on your dream list that you'd love to do with cat5 that's a big question to spring on me jeff i don't think so i'm sure there are as soon as we sign off the air i'll think of something and i'll post it in our behind the scenes or something there's one thing i've always wanted to do with cat five and i don't know if we'll be able to do it just because we're not levitating using ions i would love for us to be able to get on on studio behind the scenes yes for star trek discovery that would be neat it's filmed an hour away from us yeah that's what i want so if any of y'all watching or oh the orville that would be fun do it oh yeah let's go down to california bo you want to put us up for a week yeah let's do that see that would be neat yeah like i would love to see cat5 go and and hang out behind studios with that kind of stuff could we ever do that so you ask it's totally doable well it's not what because and you say like do you dream robbie yeah i dream but category 5 is a part-time gig for me yes part-time i work my butt off that's a lot of work but to do something like traveling and things like that that means like this would have to be a full-time job you know i will travel on your behalf oh thanks jeff you know you know what i would really like to have this as a full-time job this is a great place to work yeah so can we just like work toward that and maybe robbie be able to do some traveling oh yeah yeah but i've always wanted to see cat5 do that because then that would be neat yeah that's just the closest we ever came was to send uh henry bailey brown down to um he went to i think it was in toronto for the vrto yeah that's right virtual reality toronto yeah that's right so uh he went down there and again shot b-roll put it all together for us that was pretty cool that would be soft yeah yeah so i'll hook you up with tickets to the next one if things like that happen anymore no not right now like we were looking at ces well yeah what are we gonna do with ces this year exactly yeah we can go virtually there yeah yeah all right oh well sky is the limit yeah that's good all right folks well it's been great having you here and and i'm not just saying that to the chat but those of you who are watching as well thank you for a wonderful year it's been a roller coaster ride for all of us here at the studio it's there have been good weeks and bad weeks and it's been a real roller coaster of like not really knowing what is going on sometimes but we're here we're faithfully putting together shows and we're going to continue doing so really excited about what's to come in january so watch our website category5.tv scroll down on the homepage you'll see a google calendar embedded there that's going to give you the up-to-date calendar as far as what our production schedule looks like so we are going to be off for christmas break over the next couple of weeks so jeff's got time off i actually will have time off so it's not production week there will family time and and actually taking a break um i didn't really get the vacation that i normally would take this year yeah um because what do you do for vacation so i but i was looking at my vacation days that are left over it's we're here at the end of the year all my vacation days have stored up because i didn't use them so so i'm going to take some time off at christmas and just take a break with you deserve it with my immediate family because we're in red zone that's right we can't visit our parents or anything yeah so it's you know there's there's good and bad but um so we will be back in january second week of january and uh really looking forward to having you here first week of january is production week that's right so we'll be here as well but it just won't be on the air if you're a kickstarter supporter or a patron just know that over the next couple of weeks even though we will be off the air you will be receiving content this is something i should really quickly touch because i want our kickstarter supporters and patrons to know that even though the vlog has fallen i'm going to explain that a little bit there are some vlogs coming over the next couple of weeks awesome with the way the production has been going we have one production rig right and so there have been two attempts to produce a vlog first one was the led lighting install which they didn't show up and canceled so you know i produced the first part of the vlog and then it's like oh it's it's not happening so and the second one um got everything together and the production rig is in use producing the um the um interview that you saw last week yeah so so with having one production rig it's it's posing a problem where i can't do additional content because that rig is constantly putting out video or editing video any moment that i have i'm not looking for extra things to do right and so i'm having that little bit of difficulty where i and i don't have another editor who can put these together for me it has to be me right now so there's just not enough time in the week so um so during this downtime it gives me an opportunity to vlog i'm going to be coming on and talking with you having some nice conversations about what's been going on i'm going to show you some of the things that you haven't seen yet but you have to be a kickstarter supporter or a patron in order to to see those bits of content so looking forward to sharing those with you over the next few weeks all right folks well have a wonderful christmas a happy new year 2021 is going to be better than 2020 i promise absolutely and uh hopefully it doesn't take long before things shift in the right direction and we have you know see some light at the end of this thing so but thank you for supporting us and being a part of this community throughout the course of 2020 it's been up and down but you've always seen us through so thank you yeah take care everybody take care jeff you too see you christmas bye