at category 5 tv we trust our files to solid-state drives by kingston technology whether for your server laptop or desktop computer you'll experience improved performance and reliability kingston is with you get ready it's time for the tech welcome to the show everybody nice to see you great to have you here jeff hey be back how are you i'm good good it's been a while it feels like it's been forever it really really does it was christmas episode we did and yeah here we are he's already used the cliche behind the scenes tonight that oh i haven't seen you since last year it's true yeah yeah uh ontario canada where we broadcast from is going into a state of emergency as of tonight at midnight so second state of emergency yeah so um that means the show is um going to be a little bit odd over the next few weeks if we're able to broadcast at all so just know that we're going to be here as best we can within the within the rules that are put forth by our government and and we're doing everything that we can to be safe i was saying to our viewers before the show that even though jeff and i are not wearing masks right now we're being very very careful we are socially distant as best we can be um and uh and we're wearing masks every other time behind the scenes uh and as of tonight i guess it's that's that's it it's like masks are mandated and required by law so um any shows between now and i guess mid-february uh we're gonna be massed up yep so that's true and because of uh like businesses have to be closed by eight o'clock all the time that's tough yeah that's gonna make it even tough for the show because we start broadcasting at seven o'clock eastern yep and usually we run an hour and a half yep so even that or if it's a night like this a little bit later yeah yeah i want to say hi to uh our discord our irc i do see noman 5 myortix ameridroid is joining us hey the foo is here sad sac 963 uh who else have we got i saw marshman a little bit earlier saying hi in the chat albuquerque turkey's in there hey albuquerque turkey uh we've got we've got and we've got a couple of folks that haven't yet set up a name we've got some guests in our irc that automatically pump into our discord um note that um if you want to participate in the show's broadcast so while we're broadcasting recording live all you have to do is go to our website click on interact and follow the invite to our discord server that's a great way to participate or if you're old school and you prefer irc you can join us on freenode as well we're category five on freenode could you imagine if we went really old school and had an icq chat yeah icq still exists what are you serious yeah it's amazing yeah man um becca and i uh so becca our news anchor uh we met on uh irc really yes and then she married me so well then it worked out that's exciting so irc has a very special place in my heart wow look at that but you know speaking of discord and our social it's not just for live shows like discord is happening all the time like our channels just happen we have got my goodness there's got to be what 25 000. yeah 20 25 different channels within the cat5 discord uh and it's not just tech like we've got recipes and food in there it's like oh we sure do your entire life every time i barbecue i'm posting pictures i know that's great there's so much good stuff in there so even if you're you can't catch the show live it's a great spot to be throughout the week especially for tech questions and things that are happening on the fly so you want to get connected i like it all right thanks to our patrons for supporting us uh over the the past several months um just want to say hey you know that's a really cool way to support category 5 tv head on over to category5 we can really uh we could really use a boost in our patronage um so if you have the means to be able to support us at this time uh you know we're we're we're never the kind of show who's like hey no we're a free show and we want to be able to do this for free for all time that's right and in order to do this for free we do require the support of our viewers so when you have the means and you're able to do that we'd ask you to go over to patreon.comcategory5. there's a couple of things with the pandemic and the lockdown here in ontario that have come to light that would be really really helpful for us to be able to purchase that would make things easier for us to broadcast in a socially distant and safe way and those things cost a lot of money um when you're upgrading studio equipment and things like that so uh so you can help us to be able to do those things and just to stay strong on the air and be able to offer this show free of charge yeah to everybody to the world and and i mean that you think well they're asking they want money but so that's not free anymore but really like this is season 14 episode eight and you can go and you can download all 14 seasons on our bittorrent server that's right and uh and and watch all the old videos some of the tech is obsolete but hey it's a lot of fun to see how we've grown and how we've evolved the show over the past 14 years and we couldn't do that without the support of our viewers that's true well jeff back on what was it uh episode 33 of last season so season 13 episode number 33 you and i had a discussion about minecraft yes do you remember that discussion yeah on my raspberry pi 3 yeah my kids had been asking for my minecraft server so we had some uh subscription-based services online some paid and then i'm like well you know what it's just it's just a couple of us i really don't want to pay for this monthly so then we found a free one i was like i gotta log in gotta turn it right off like what if i could just make my own server on a raspberry pi 3. so i tried it wasn't great it didn't perform well like it took forever to load in very laggy you know creeper comes along blows you up and it takes like 30 seconds for you to realize you've been killed um oh my yeah it was not good so then i tried the odroid xu4 yeah and it was better okay but not great yeah the xu4 is a fantastic board but it still only has two gigs of ram right and i think that's the big problem that is like the bare absolute minimum for a minecraft server and when you realize that hey if you are just meeting the minimum you're not going to see the performance that you could have and it probably would have been okay for a single user like if i was playing a single yeah sure yeah uh but you want something for the kids to play like i've got three kids at home and they're like oh dad let's do this and so i'm like okay but of course for them they want to do really cool stuff yeah that's you know lots of red yeah so that takes a lot of processing power and you need a lot of you know ram for that so it wasn't great so you know we debated on the raspberry pi 4 but i don't have one okay i do yeah you do and i think one of the things that appeals to me most about hosting my own minecraft server versus your original approach which was to use online services is that i hold the files yes so when when you talk about a free minecraft server those those fly by night like they they they work one day and then all of a sudden your world is gone that's right and that means i mean us dads no that means crying kids absolutely but on top of that the free ones are built off ads that's how they that's how they do revenue so every time my kids want to play like i've gotta load up i gotta win and it's just that inundation with ads and i'm like i'm i'm not like a deep state guy where it's like oh it's watching us but i like to avoid the ads as much as possible sure yeah um so okay yeah fair enough um and and you know i talk about the the kids cry and it's not about not having the minecraft server it's about they put a lot of work and a lot of heart and excitement and and fun into building up the world yes building their builds and uh and it's it's really heartbreaking if they lose access to that so using a raspberry pi 4 the question becomes well is it powerful enough right you talked about the pi 3 which is definitely not one gig of ram no way odroid xu4 you're approaching a reasonably usable minecraft server but you're still limited by that two gigs of ram yeah throw a raspberry pi 4 in the mix with four gigs or eight gigs of ram which one do you have four gigs you have the four okay yeah i'm looking at buying the eight gig well let's take a look at my raspberry pi 4 and what we're going to do is we're going to actually see if a raspberry pi 4 is capable of doing this for us running a minecraft server and i don't mean just running one but is it going to be good enough yes all right so step one is that we're going to find out how to set this up step two we're gonna actually play with it yeah see how it works so let's head on over to here and uh i'm gonna see how we can get this thing up and going okay it's a common question we receive and we've even discussed it internally can a raspberry pi microcomputer power a well today we're going to answer that question and provide you with all the tools that you need to get up and running the links are in the description below but please follow along with us throughout this video then you're going to learn how to set it up and see how it performs here's what you're going to need a raspberry pi 4 with either 4 or 8 gigabytes of ram a very good power supply and active cooling since we're going to be overclocking your raspberry pi to help get things started quickly we'll use a micro sd card but i want to be able to trust this storage so that's why i'm going to go with the kingston endurance card which is built specifically for write intensive applications this feature is brought to you by get your raspberry pi 4 or other single board computer to power your minecraft server at american-based electronic sales shipping and support visit now first up you're going to need to install a debian-based headless distro so that means no desktop environment and no extra apps running for the raspberry pi 4 the 64-bit of the raspberry pi os light isn't available yet so for now we're going to have to stick with the 32-bit and this means that we're limited to only 4 gigabytes of ram for java so buying the 8 gigabyte pi 4 right away is fine for future readiness and the installer will accommodate this just fine and allow you to later upgrade to use more ram once the 64-bit os is released but for now there's really no advantage of the 8 gigabyte model over the 4 gigabyte because i needed a fancy name for the project and because this installer is built to work on any adequate sbc such as the pine 64 rock pro 64 i'm calling the project pinecraft it's simply not limited to the raspberry pi so just make sure whatever system you intend to run it on is going to be dedicated and has at least four gigabytes of ram let's get started turning our raspberry pi 4 into a dedicated minecraft server i've connected to my raspberry pi os with ssh and the first thing that we need to do is install git so that's sudo apt install git say yes that's going to download git and install it for us and now get is going to be a command on our system so i can go get clone https colon slash slash github.comcat5tv slash and then the name of this project which is pinecraft like minecraft but it's going to work on pine64 boards as well so hit enter now we've got a folder keep in mind i was in my home folder when i ran that command so where i am now is slash home slash pi pinecraft now notice i'm using the pi user because i'm using a default install so please for goodness sake as the pi user type password it's like password but spelt kind of weird and then hit enter enter your current password which is raspberry and enter a new password please for goodness sake do that because that is just common sense never use the default password that's one of the first things we're going to do so i digress look at the folder here that we've git cloned and you see a file called install i'm not going to show you everything and explain everything here but if you have any questions get onto our discord go to click on interact but what i've done here is i've basically scripted the entire process of setting up this minecraft server using spigot so that you don't have to go through each of these steps manually and so this video is in three hours long so this is basically the automated process of how i was able to get minecraft up and running on a raspberry pi as well as possible so it overclocks it automatically does a whole bunch of stuff detects how much ram you have what kind of operating system you're running and so on and so forth i'd encourage you anytime you're going to run any kind of installer script hey look at the code find out what it's actually doing and and see this also gives you a chance to trust what i'm doing here but also it just is really good information and shows you exactly what i'm doing but this is basically just the installer the script that's going to do it it is well commented so i think you won't have any trouble figuring out what it is that i'm doing there however if you have any questions let us know all right so let's run it i'm going to go sudo because i need to be the root user in order to run this dot slash install because it's in the current folder and it is executable and then i need to specify my linux user so this is going to be who is going to be running the minecraft server because we don't want that to be root right so if i type robbie for example you'll see that robbie does not exist i haven't created that user the only user on my raspberry pi is the pi user which is default because it's just like a vanilla raspberry pi os so i'm going to instead type sudo dot slash install pi and hit enter and there we go it's running so first thing we need to do is accept mo yang's eula the end user license agreement so i've included the link there for you you have to accept that in order to now this is warning me this is very important now while my raspberry pi server that we're going to be looking at uh with the gameplay in just a few moments time is a raspberry pi with four gigs of ram i'm right now running this on one with eight gigs of ram for the demonstration so it's detected up here that i'm running the 32-bit os so i'm not actually going to be able to get all eight gigs of ram i'm only going to be able to use four which is capping it off at 2.5 gigabytes of ram being used by the game so that's fine it's still going to run great but do keep in mind if you've gone and bought the 8 gig version of the raspberry pi 4 you have to use the 64-bit os but why am i using the 32-bit os then it's because they haven't released the 64-bit light os yet so that is the desktop is currently in beta and we will inevitably see the light version of of the 64 bit so keep that in mind keep watch for it you can install this on your pi right now then back it up and then reinstall with the 64 bit once it's released and you'll be able to take advantage of all that ram in the meantime it's going to overclock to 1.9 gigahertz the default is 1.5 so that's pretty good but conservative because i don't want to void your warranty and i don't want to cause any trouble with stability or anything like that so it's just warning me that i'm going to overwrite the config.txt file which inevitably uh when it does that it also backs it up so keep that in mind you will find a new copy that has a date stamp in your slash boot on that drive so if you get stuck you're good to go it's going to install the server now it's going to go through anything that it needs to do first of all it's downloading the installer for spigot and it's going to go through this process this is going to take some time so i'm just going to warp through time [Music] and there we have it all the steps have been automated with the pinecraft install script and we're ready to start playing it's really important for you to know and remember that you can't shut down or reboot a minecraft server in the traditional linux way if you do you're going to lose all the blocks that are in memory possibly a day or more of gameplay so pinecraft includes a couple handy scripts including one called reboot and one called stop minecraft is all set and ready to go at load as soon as you reboot but of course we need to reboot so we need to do that safely using the command sudo tilda slash minecraft slash reboot it's going to store all the blocks to disk and reboot the pi that's the command you're going to use from now on similarly the stop command will safely store your blocks and stop the minecraft's the minecraft server but leave it running so that you can either then halt the system or run a backup or something like that so both of these commands can take several minutes just keep that in mind because they're going to be storing several days possibly worth of blocks that are in your ram to disk so now that the new raspberry pi minecraft server is rebooted it's time it's like the moment of truth let's try to connect absolutely flawless fantastic well when we come back after the break we're gonna give it a real world test connecting several players to a raspberry pi 4 minecraft server stick around all right it's time to check out the gameplay performance notice that we've got the cpu and ram stats at the bottom of your screen and that'll remain for the whole demonstration all right so i'm here at jeff's place and just going to kind of quickly run around to show you the you know that this is performing very very well so this is a raspberry pi 4 is the server and i've overclocked it to 1.95 gigahertz it's got four gigs of ram and a kingston uh endurance micro sd card all right so i wanted to show the performance with just me uh everything looks pretty good and and here at jeff's place jeff i guess things should be performing it poorly here if anywhere right because you've got all these animals and stuff and that's correct yeah i tried to to to build a base that was busy enough with lots of elements and so there's lots of animals making noise in the background i want to try and tax the surfer out yeah okay so let's uh let's see what happens as we start to add players because i think that was one of the questions that came up when you and i were first discussing this project was you know what how many players are going to be able to come on here all right and uh i think i'm last to join there's mangled fox 70 yeah oh yeah jeff maybe it'd be nice if you could join me there he is that's a random one right hey the one so check this out so we've got one two three four five six seven eight people online at once on a raspberry pi 4 server and a chicken and a whole bunch of uh animals in the background and there's i'm not seeing a single glitch at all no glitches it's hard to see right now because it is late late late at night and in order to wow you're good uh in order to speed through the night we all have to have a bet and jeff only has the one bed at his place so yes all right all right so we can follow the one oh okay you've got a shield i do not but i will i'm gonna be like your videographer done oh creepers let's avoid that yeah these guys these are the guys that if you get too close they explode when you're followed by a spider too and a bunch of creepers oh that was okay that was effective and i see an enderman the shadow of an enderman oh somebody's oh oh oh no oh no chaos ensues yummy oh no okay nice i used the bed at your place so oh and there's zombies everywhere and i have no weapons dude okay we may have to just wait out the night yeah you may have to oh my gosh there's an enderman yes i got an iron sword finally congratulations do you guys see my stuff did you have uh iron sword pants and shoes yeah exactly but then i died out in front of my house i think hinger may have collected your stuff um ball beard i just killed a um zombie and they had my no i did not pick up all that i have is oh i got it here's my stuff oh that was that was from the zombie that was from the zombie i think so bald nerd did you have this armor here that uh hingers wearing [Laughter] no that was the armor that i dropped yeah the zombie picked it up i did not know zombies could pick up you um our viewers can see that the performance is like this is probably better than uh more timer you would know because you've played on a lot of online servers how's the performance of our minecraft server on a raspberry pi uh compared to some of those online servers better actually this is better yeah i would agree i i have that's what i've been told there's way less players though but i mean there i have a free server that uh i've used with my kids and we get lag issues when it's just the four of us on so the fact that this is a raspberry pi and there's what nine of us it's sorry my my my internet just dropped out so i lost you for a second there you were talking jeff well i was just saying that i have a um a free server that i use with my kids oh okay like online like a cloud server online okay yeah and it is um it can be quite laggy sometimes when it's just the four of us so this performs exceptionally better than that and i've i've also paid for servers where it's you know 60 a year and this is better performance you don't have much in the way of armor but uh are you interested in following me into the nether just for a quick tour uh sure because that should be a performance hit right that's loading another world yeah and then we're gonna have multiple people in that world and multiple people in this one yeah let's do it all right so instantaneous load just be careful where you walk because uh you don't want to fall into the lava yeah i'll say all right oh man so look at the world jet now why is it that's not snow that's like from stranger things yeah it's the weird stuff that's just kind of floating yeah okay i'm just astounded where did you die were you were you here with us i am so impressed with how well this world jens there's zero issues i was expecting now i've i have no experience with minecraft but i've seen the lag that causes the world gen to kind of stutter on other servers so i was expecting that because this is just a single board computer that's right but it's running great it's running very very well apparently this is the place to stand i'm like safe from the rain right here oh it's all around me you fell yeah i put a cactus on top and it collapsed what yeah i would avoid against touching cactus no i no it's not the cactus that killed me i had cactus in my inventory and then i dropped them on the ground and like i placed it on the ground on top of the sand that i was standing on and then the sand collapsed and then i fell into this um yeah you know what i'm hearing here jeff what like i mean where the dads that are you know the performance is really really great on a single board computer but the kids are having fun well exactly i've got my three kids sitting beside me and they're they're having a blast so this is good awesome i think it's a mission success my friend hooray so the next step for my raspberry in order to boost the performance even further is i want to get an nvme to usb 3 uasp adapter so that's going to give me a solid state drive that i can run the minecraft world off of right so that when it does that flush the the storage in this case the sd card doesn't get choked right because an sd card especially on a raspberry pi which does not have a really great uh micro sd card uh reader writer it's pretty slow by by contrast to nvme for sure right um it should get rid of that bottleneck absolutely so that's going to be the an interesting test and i mean this was done on a raspberry pi 4 with 4 giga ram yeah i i can only imagine how much better it would be on an ak ram because possible yeah i mean we i don't we didn't tax out the ram at any point no and i was watching that buffer i was watching h top there and and and just kind of keeping an eye on things cpu got pretty hot at some points and because i only overclocked i was a little conservative in in my case overclocking to 1.95 gigahertz um you could go higher than that but then you risk stability issues and things like that or the the single board computer crashing uh but the other opportunity that we have is is with the uh 400 which does have a stock 1.8 gigahertz processor which we could then bump up to maybe 2 or 2.2 gigahertz that might make a difference so that might be cool too so i mean you can do this on on the same method can be translated to any single board computer it's just making sure that you've got enough power and enough ram but the fact is it worked it worked and it really wow really well and i mean having com i mean we didn't do the comparison on the show but having done it on a pi 3 and android xu4 i was expecting it to not go well and you mentioned that it or more timer mentioned that it it's even working better than the online services yes yeah and i i would agree with that like especially i mean at the top of the show we were talking about uh or i was saying how i'd use some free services and the free services performed worse than the pie and so you mean the pie performed better than the free services yeah and even some i like to put a positive even the paid services uh you know like five bucks a month stuff like that like you know the bottom end uh i would say that they were comparable maybe like the pie kept up fantastic did well and yeah uh you know that was there was what nine of us eight of us on there something like that isn't that unreal folks like and we did not tax it out like there's room for more so hey let's let's do it let's land party i'm game check out the links below head on over to to get your single board computer raspberry pi 4 with 4 gigs of ram is what we tested on tonight and anything as jeff is saying get the 8 gig if you want and you're gonna probably even see better performance than we saw which is pretty astonishing and there are other single board computers and other products there as well and the links below also contain my script to set it up more information as well so if you're not seeing that if you're watching this on cable tv or anything like that head on over to our website and just do a quick search for minecraft and you'll find the video with those links and the instructions and the script to install it and everything else oh yeah fantastic stuff all right we've gotta head over to the newsroom here's becca here's what's coming up in the category five dot tv news room the first ever super nintendo world theme park is set to open in february microsoft has fixed a bizarre windows 10 error mozilla's privacy vpn service is now available on mac os and linux and intel's newly announced 12th gen chip hybrid is set to compete with both arm and apple silicon stick around the full details and this week's crypto corner are coming up this is the category 5 tv newsroom covering the week's top tech stories with a slight linux bias if you enjoy your weekly tech news with a slight linux bias become part of our fleet choose your rank at patreon.comcategory5 from the newsroom i'm becca ferguson while a mario themed switch has been announced we all hope for the release of a new 4k nintendo switch pro this year mario themed news keeps flowing out of nintendo as they continue celebrating the 35th anniversary of super mario bros which took place in september we've seen the revisited nintendo game and watch and now nintendo has announced the new game super mario 3d world and bowser's fury which they promise is a bigger and better version of the game originally released for the wii u but our focus this week is on something a little different and a whole lot bigger we talked about it way back on episode 604 in april 2019 but now it's ready the first ever super nintendo world theme park is opening at universal studios japan on february 4th of this year a newly released sneak peek video tour by shigeru mayamoto creator of mario donkey kong and the legend of zelda walks you right into the atrium of princess peach's castle through a portal-like shimmering green pipe from there mayamoto shows you how to use decorated smart wristbands to collect coins all throughout a colorful life-size version of the legendary world just as in the classic super mario bros punching up on each question mark block encountered along the way will release the coin straight into your wristband replete with a satisfying coin collecting ding this wearable wristband technology is linked to your smartphone and unlocks the interactive gameplay experience of the park combined with the augmented reality experience of themed rides this promises to be a magical experience for visitors of all ages one such adventure bowser's castle is sure to delight with its heavy stone walls looming staircases burning wall sconces dungeon-like doors and an enormous statue of bowser in its depths which as rumor has it just might be animated here you'll find the entrance doors to an augmented reality mario kart ride called koopas challenge where participants will be able to toss shells and steer about the mushroom kingdom thomas garatti senior director innovation and global executive producer for mario kart explains guests will put on their headset which takes them through the mario kart universe to experience never-ending excitement and thrills chock-full of the iconic landscapes pipes castles and the beloved creatures and characters of the super mario world this 580 million dollar project is part of an effort by the kyoto-based games company to increase falling revenue by expanding its franchises the park was initially scheduled to open back before the 2020 summer olympics in tokyo but both were delayed due to the covet 19 pandemic while they are doing augmented reality what i found really intriguing about this video is that it appears like the park is all physical recreations of the gameplay which is totally awesome and i was expecting a nintendo theme park to be like filled with screens and you know nintendo gameplay and everything else but it's literally taken the uh like the mario theme and turned it into a real life park that you can walk through to the point where one of my favorite parts that were shown in this in this preview was that um at one point you shrink like mario shrinks do you do yeah because the the all the surroundings become huge that's right yeah triple in size and it's like oh my goodness the effect is so cool like you want to bring your smartphone and start taking some now i wonder if there'll be some sort of like you know hey you can't film this for i don't know i doubt it no something like this it's meant for kids well that's meant for it's meant for you these kids it's meant for 80s kids boomers will say yeah to take their zoomers with them and uh and and show them what you know it's pretty magical i i mean i'm not a huge theme park person i mean like i remember going to disney as a kid and yeah and i was like okay it's just another place for attractions and rides sure but this is probably the first theme based park that's legit theme based yeah um that i would probably go to and simply because it is mario and and the idea behind it is mind-blowing like so the fact that you can take a video game and turn it into a place and then they hit those elements it's so cool and and i like that they've got um that interactive component yeah with hitting the coins and and all that kind of stuff because it's not just about going and and experiencing it it's about experiencing it which takes it to another level we went to lego world years ago yeah and and that was fun you can go onto our website and do a search for for lego and category 5 tv if you want to see it but we took our kids there and it was a lot of fun and it kind of reminded me of that where you're you're walking into a world that is just lego that's right and you're walking into a world that is just you are basically transported into these video games that you and i grew up with yeah and it's so magical now what i can't wait to find out is who's the first person that's going to slip on a banana peel and do they get away with saying oh part of the experience don't sue us the interesting thing about opening a at the beginning of 2021 of course uh you know like uh japan you know last last i saw where like friday they were at about 8 000 cases yeah and and so you know how are they going to do this two years ago when they first announced this theme park there there was no pandemic in sight right but i mean at this point the capital has been put in to build it and maybe that's it like it's ready yeah and when everything is behind us then okay we can all go but will people go regardless probably not like not travelers but locals well i mean we just sure would we just got stats as long as there's social distancing and safety sure is put into place which there will be but look at the christmas holidays here in canada stats just came out that from was it canada or ontario alone 4 000 people went to hawaii over the christmas holidays okay and that's in the midst of a global pandemic so i can imagine people people will people are gonna go oh no okay so stay safe i'm i'm absolutely certain that uh nintendo will um and universal studios in general will have um safety precautions in place and be following the rules and everything else but uh something definitely to look forward to taking the kids to uh when things are a little bit safer for sure absolutely all right becca future plans include the opening of super nintendo world parks at universal studios in orlando florida hollywood california and singapore microsoft has fixed windows 10s 60 60-second self-destruct after upgrading to windows 10 20 h2 with the october 2020 update some windows 10 users experienced a bizarre windows 10 error without warning a prompt would appear on their screen to alert them that they had only 60 seconds to save their work before their system would automatically shut down and restart there was no option to cancel or dismiss the restart and if a user happened to have stepped away from their computer at the time of the alert they risk losing important unsaved data by not being quick enough to do anything about it microsoft confirmed this back in november explaining that some windows 10 updates caused critical issues for certain configurations with the local security authority subsystem service this was reportedly a filing conflict in the system triggered by changing your local username especially the main admin account name if your particular device was affected this mysterious prompt might have appeared and rebooted your system these type of issues cropping up following a windows update can be very frustrating have you ever had a windows update cause you to lose data or functionality tell us about it in the comments below robbie have you ever encountered such a thing oh becca i tell you what uh jeff do you remember our season 10 pilot episode uh where we shot four years ago yes but you'll remember because it's the it's the episode where we shot the entire thing in 360 vr video oh yes absolutely you remember that yeah um shooting and producing vr video is very taxing on your computer yeah oh yeah you had a ton of work to do a ton of work the rendering process of that episode was more than 24 straight hours just to render out a one-hour video i remember that and windows 10 rebooted mid stream i forgot about that it did and you know i'm not i don't work full time at the studio and especially then it's like you're there once a week and you expect that okay everything's going to be ready and no it was sitting at the login prompt and i had lost everything yeah because you can't just continue halfway through the round no oh no no you had to start over so needless to say yes becca i have been through similar situations um and i used to use like things like notepad i'd have like notes and everything up on my screen about the show as i was editing and things like that um and then i'd head home for the night and i had that lost a few times as well and and finally i realized okay this is not a this is not for me so i saved save my work always and yeah hopefully never have a render interrupted like that oh man wow well at least this mysterious 60-second self-destruct issue was finally resolved on january 7 2021 the fix was pushed out automatically so you don't need to do anything as long as your windows 10 device gets its windows updates however if you are working with custom media or have updates paused make sure you update your os 60 seconds that's not enough time i mean i would be furious thankfully thankfully my system did not have this issue yeah but for a while probably a year my system wouldn't even do updates oh really it would try and do it and then it would crash every time oh wow and then like a month and a half ago it started working so i didn't have to go through this the worst thing is when that update comes up on the screen and you can't get out of it it's like full screen and it blocks everything so you're in the you might be in the middle of something and suddenly yeah you're locked out now this is a case once again where microsoft has updated windows 10 and introduced a problem that previously didn't exist yeah and that i mean i don't have to say that bugs me i think that that bugs all of us that that kind of thing still happens yeah but we we've uh you know we've been it seems like it's a recurring theme that microsoft keeps doing this where they're breaking systems and unless they're consistent you know what you're getting bugs you know what you're getting this is where that slight linux bias comes in and we say hey check out linux mint check out ubuntu check out ubuntu mate yeah what else can we say debian definitely debian just about anything just not centos yeah it's i don't know why this stuff doesn't get caught first by windows like i i gotta hand it to them i mean as software developing as software developers it's it's virtually impossible to think of every sure every case of every scenario um sometimes it has to do with the particular graphics drivers you have like they just can't test everything but you know in it one of the one of the practices that we have is okay we're going to make a big change to the network we have 1200 computers we're going to push this out to five isolated systems first we're gonna see how it goes and then we wait it out we see how everything goes right great okay a couple of days of have passed let's push that out to 30 systems and let's see if any complaints or problems come in and as we work through those things then we feel confident and we can push it out to the 1200 systems right but you've got windows is on probably billions of computers right so why do they not have a test well why don't they run their update on all of their systems one percent of those ten systems yeah let's release this update to one percent let's see what happens but could you i'd hate to be the one percent yeah but at least then they could fix it before pushing it out to billions of people yeah and i mean i'm sure that this kind of i can exaggerate you know like it was isolated cases i mean i say that sure loosely it wasn't every system yeah but imagine if like a government defense computer was running windows and they were middle of something important that's like you've got 60 seconds it's like yeah what uh-huh like enter the disarm codes now you have 120 seconds to disarm you have 60 seconds before i reboot oh boy yeah it's unfortunate but at least they got it fixed quickly i will give you know microsoft that as they fixed it quick so hopefully some other other issues hopefully you didn't lose anything yeah mozilla's privacy vpn service is now available on both mac os and apple silicon becca has these stories coming up also robert is here with the crypto corner so don't go anywhere welcome back to the world of cryptos and welcome back to the crypto corner today i'd like to focus on something that a lot of people are asking us i'd like to get involved in cryptos but i have no clue how to do that so um let me focus on that today let me show you some ideas on how to get involved and so there are a few components that you have to think of the first one is an exchange in other words you've got your cash and you would like to convert it into cryptos and uh for that you need an exchange and the one that we recommend is uh kraken so this is the kraken exchange k-a-k-r-a-k-e-n dot com they're by far the best um they also accept u.s residents and they'll have got all the cheapest rates um or fees and also they have got the best service so this is the exchange that i recommend the others like uh bittrex um coinbase and so on but kraken is from my point of view the best one so you can wire transfer money over from your bank account into kraken and then you just have to select the cryptocurrency you want to buy there are a few categories of cryptocurrencies basically three the first one is bitcoin which is the old the grand ad that's the most stable one um that's the one that just went well above all-time high and you cannot make big mistakes there so the fluctuations of course will exist there and as you can see currently we've got a dip of 25 which is absolutely normal in this market but you will not have those 10x or 100x that you might have heard of the next level is ethereum and um then the rest falls in into the third category so i as a beginner never get involved in the third category because you have to learn first how this market works it's a little bit like horse racing yeah so if you go to a horse race and you start betting on a horse then of course you will lose your money if you have got no clue which host horse performs which way you can bet on any horse and the hope that that horse will win but the likelihood is very small and for that you have to do some research and the research is also very simple much simpler than with traditional uh in the traditional market with stocks and and so on and so if you go into coinmark which is our favorite um directory where you find all the the big um cryptocurrencies and then you select one that you like let's say you've heard of um let's take your celsius network and that they've got a good potential and so on and so you've got two options here you first you can listen to all those experts that are not real experts yeah i mean you've got a few people that have got insider knowledge um but you'll hear also opposite of opinion from other people and there's nobody in this market that can predict how the the values are going to behave in the near future so you need to rely on your own research and that's really really simple so first part what you have to do is you go on to you click on the favorite currency that you're interested in and in here you've got all the information that you need yeah so if you scroll a little bit down you see of course the trading view and then you've got here the all-time high so all-time high on celsius was 6.82 on the third of january uh 2000 was eight days ago and the all-time low is beginning of to the end of 2018 so about two years ago that was the all-time low which is interesting to know that so you know if there is a big potential uh in regards to the price then here a little bit further up you've got the markets and the markets just tell you where you can buy those and this is also important so for example you've got uniswap here you can go of course directly to unit swap and buy it there you run risk that you fall into a hoax because not everybody uh i mean you can launch a celsius network token on uh on unit swap so the best way is to get to coingecko you click on this field here that will redirect you to uniswap and there you can then exchange your ethereum for example against celsius tokens so that's one way the is where you find the liquidity next one in regards to your research is you go onto their website and just check on how this looks i mean is this something you would like to get involved is this something that appeals to you personally do some research what are the people that are involved are the developers all those things next is you go into twitter or telegram both not so much facebook not so much write it but twitter is definitely important and telegram is important telegram is people like you and i that telegram is a group where they we meet and we discuss things you know so if you've got a question around the celsius network regardless of what question that might be you go into telegram you ask that question you'll get for sure a very swift answer so that's telegram twitter is more of i mean you know twitter so i don't have to tell you anything about that so that's basically the research so the revolves around um the product yeah does the product appeal to you then the users how many users are there is this a coin that only few users are interested in then i would be careful because you know that if there are not many people involved then it's unlikely that this thing will 10x 100x or whatever and then the utility of the coin yeah so you can what can you do with it is there already an example the sample so this is different to the traditional market because the traditional market is always around the valuation of the company management and also key figures of the company yeah and you buy a share in the company that's completely different in this market here this market is built on hype uh we're currently in a bubble uh yes it is a bubble and it will burst at one day like they always do in the crypto market and so you only work towards this bubble yeah once this bubble burst the equation is a different one you have to change your mind shift uh at stage when will that be nobody knows but until then this is what we recommend to you so get an account on kraken buy with your fiat uh the currency that you like do a research beforehand if you're complete newbie uh focus only on bitcoin and ethereum don't touch the others um because you might make big mistakes like with horse races yeah so you can make big mistakes there too if you bet on a horse that nobody ever heard of so that's um that's basically it uh from my point of view just showing you a little bit on how to get involved in this i didn't touch anything in regards to wallets or other things that will come at another stage so focus on the exchange get your tokens currencies purchased on that exchange but do your research beforehand so that's it for me it's an exciting market as you can see we've been saying that all along the time so i hope i hope you get involved not financial advice of course anyway so thank you very much for watching please leave us a like and subscribe and come back soon next week thank you bye thanks robert just a reminder that we're not providing financial advice as he mentioned uh but we're just sharing what's happening in the horse racing i mean crypto current cryptocurrency markets uh always remember that the cryptocurrency market is always changing it's always volatile so only invest where you can afford to lose yes here's becca thank you ravi mozilla's privacy vpn service is now available on mac os and linux mozilla vpm launched in july but only for windows 10 or android or ios devices the new availability on linux not only opens mozilla vpm up for linux desktop users but is our hope that this will also mean the service will be available in the budding linux based smartphone market with devices such as librium 5 and pine phone gaining in popularity for now though the system requirements seem to hint to linux compatibility exclusive on ubuntu we'd love to know what the appeal of a vpn is for you is privacy of ultimate interest or are you hoping to gain access to services that aren't available in your area or maybe a little of both comment below and let us know mozilla vpm users uses wireguard to encrypt your network activity and hide your ip address with no bandwidth restrictions they also boast that unlike some vpn services they do not log your internet usage mozilla vpm cost just five dollars per month and allows you to use it across up to five devices the service is available in the us the uk canada new zealand singapore and malaysia with more regions coming soon it's amazing what you can get for a fiver these days that's true no that wasn't quite a plug but yeah it kind of is um yeah five bucks that's pretty competitive so and mozilla is obviously an a household name that yeah that we can all know and trust so that's pretty great but i think the key thing here jeff and becca touched on it but the real sense that i get from mozilla vpn is they are aiming to be truly private yes if you will in that they are not collecting the data of what you're using the vpn for correct you know that that has all kinds of you know that can be good and that could be bad however from a privacy perspective because vpns are meant to be private it's important to realize that a lot of the affordable or free that's even better air quotes free uh vpn services that are out there a lot of them track you and monitor what you're doing and log it and sell the data and and so when you're using a service that's meant to give you anonymity and they're logging it that kind of defeats the purpose if yes yeah so and that's something that mozilla has really uh stepped up to to say hey for five bucks a month we're going to give this to you and we're not going to monitor you we're not going to lose what it is that you're vpns can be very very helpful we talked about proxies on the show before and it's sort of a similar idea but a vpn allows you to basically place your ip elsewhere in the world so that means even though i'm here in barrie ontario canada i can go on the internet and any website or service that i use will think that i'm in sunny california yes and so that can be good from an like a privacy perspective because they can't tell that i'm from berry ontario canada but also it can allow me to access services that i can't normally access yeah up here in canada for example um we have different services than in america yes so and sometimes it is crippled services and so that that can kind of stink and and you know maybe there's a gray area there and i don't want to get too far into that because it is a little bit of a legal gray area but we understand what it means and um but where it can be helpful as well is if by um an incident that is not malicious you get blocked on a service yes then you can change your location to that service using a vpn or a proxy but uh using a vpn in order to be able to continue using that service and a good example of that would be um even so much as where i myself from home have been working on category 5 tv and accidentally put in the wrong password yeah my firewall says oh somebody's trying to hack in block that ips address so then i'll use the vpn service in order to to actually do my work so that's a good example of where i don't want them to be tracking how i'm accessing my back end yeah i want to be able to log in even though i'm locked out because i'm going to have to go into the studio and unlock my my ip from the firewall because i just lost access or i can use the vpn to get in unlock my access see and that's there's a lot of good use cases i i've i mean with my work i view a lot of training videos and whatnot and and there's a couple times i've tried to view different training videos on different services yeah and sometimes it goes sorry this is blocked you can't view it in your country sure and i'm like why it's a training video it's not like it's a so i've had to use vpn for that um but as well interestingly enough at our church uh we bought uh our internet services and lte um but the modem that we got is uh or sorry not the modem the um router uh no the sim card that's in our modem uh because we can take the model wherever we want is a us-based sim card oh so even though it's it's operating in canada it registers as an american device oh wow and so we need to use a vpn to access some of our services and canada wow even though that makes it even slower jeff it really does that's another thing about mozilla's vpn is they do boast it's fast yes i mean i have there was a vpn service you know you're talking about free services i purchased one a couple of years ago that it was a i you know paid some money for it but it was a multi-device vpn so i could use it on my phone i could use it on my android box all that kind of stuff and uh great why would you want don't answer this why would you want to put it on your android box anyway carry on um yeah not for that yeah um but uh we're strictly above board well for me it's about i just don't like to be followed you raised a really interesting comment about business and i'm thinking immediately international business yeah how some services that may be in use by a uk partner i can't access from here in canada correct so there's another legitimate i'm not being blocked from it because i'm a bad person or a bad guy no i'm being blocked from it because it's it's like region specific that's and so with an international business that can cause problems absolutely yeah interesting yeah let's check it out it's really interesting to see uh i wouldn't have thought of mozilla for this kind of thing though yeah well they're kind of expanding the line you know stay competitive stay competitive that's right check out the link below if you want to check it out here's becca intel's newly announced 12th gen chip hybrid is set to compete with both arm and apple silicon intel announced at ces just this week that its 12th generation chipset hybrid alder lake will integrate big little placing it in its closest yet competition with arm and apple's m1 with big little technology processors are multi-core some cores being high performance while others are high efficiency this enables the device or desktop to efficiently utilize performance cores versus power saving cores depending on each specific function while intel's forerunning lake field ships also use technology similar to big little they were only for mobile devices what's so significant here is that the alder lake chipset will take the next major leap by becoming the foundation for intel powered desktops and laptops as well this is definitely an exciting step for intel but it has a bit of a feeling of being a follower rather than an innovator how is your faith in intel these days are you considering amd or arm or will you hang tight for the coming alder lake performance numbers post your thoughts in the comments below just like intel's 11th gen tiger lake chips the 12th gen alder lake chips will feature an enhanced version of the 10 nanometer superfin designs which will include new high power cores called golden lake and gracefont while some of the some people see this move strictly as a competitive one by intel others speculate that the move is to appease stockholders who might be losing faith in a company that seems to lag more and more behind with each passing year though delays and long waits are anticipated alder lake chipsets may possibly be available as soon as the second half of this year now before we comment on this story i have to give kudos to becca for making it through because our cottage is on eagle lake okay and eagle in german is adler oh okay so with a little bit of dyslexia you're gonna take that l and move it before the d and now it's alder right alder lake oh my goodness she hit it every time didn't once say adler lake so well done big.little in an intel processor i mean that means so we're talking multi-core processors becca really broke it down and you know i'm i'm impressed that big.little is is really revolutionary in when i'm doing really intensive tasks i want my system to be performing at its best i don't care in that moment about energy con consumption or um uh reduction in energy uh however when my computer's idle or i'm just surfing the web or whatever i don't need all that power i don't need the heat that it generates i don't so big dot little means rather than throttling your processor which is the old traditional intel way which is you know take a three gigahertz processor and when you're using it at its max it's going to be 3.2 gigahertz but then when you idle it's going to go down to one gigahertz and and so you know that's the old way throttling this is multiple cores and some of the cores the little ones are simply more energy efficient so it will choose based on the task which cores are being utilized for that task it's quite interesting and that's something that that you know arm has been doing for a long time we see it on single board computers we're talking about the rock pro 64. the rock pro 64 has six cores it's a single board computer with two big cores and four little cores yeah and so it's able to really perform well when it needs to but then when it needs to be energy efficient or just being used as a you know an idle server it's going to utilize it's going to use a very small little trickle of power right but that you know that alludes to what beck asks uh you know in the news there but are they just kind of following suit or they're being innovative yeah and i felt it that way for a while with intel like for mac as well well yeah exactly but for the longest time intel was like the one to watch it was like if something new was coming out it was intel and i feel like that's shifted lately and they are playing ketchup but isn't it interesting who it's shifted to right do you know arm yeah so the new m1 chips from apple arm-based arm-based yeah intel's new chips are utilizing a similar technology to what arm is already doing and we covered this like a month or so ago like is because we see this coming arm is already huge but they are taking over they are and i can't wait to have armed servers and this really we have the discussion about armed servers in the server room yeah i it never even crossed my mind about big.little no and so now i'm thinking oh my goodness for my debian web server running on these extremely efficient cores and then suddenly there's a burst of traffic and mysql goes crazy and so it needs to use the big cores that's a fantastic scenario absolutely i'm loving where that's going but is you know where where is intel going to fall into all this it's an interesting thing and then amd is doing their own thing and they're doing really really well at it yes so it's a very competitive market we're going to see a lot of change in the coming years what do you think hey becca mentioned it but do comment below we'd love to hear from you thanks for watching the category 5 tv newsroom don't forget to like and subscribe for all your tech news with a slight linux bias and if you appreciate what we do become a patron at category5 from the category 5 tv newsroom i'm becca ferguson we're on twitter at category 5 tv and once again just a reminder to check out our patreon page category5 great way to support what we do here and help us to keep category 5 free for all time yeah and for all people it costs a lot of money to do this and we couldn't do it without you so thank you to our patrons we appreciate you very very much it's all the time that we have jeff and rachel we don't really know what the coming weeks are going to hold no follow us on social media get onto our discord you're going to be able to communicate with us and chat with us and find out hey what's going on with category 5. we're here not necessarily physically but the show will go on it's just that ontario canada is about to enter an emergency state of lockdown and so we're not sure what that means for us just yet but we look forward to seeing you next time whenever that is that's right so take care everybody stay safe stay healthy we'll see you soon you