i'm about to show you how i take a shot like this and instantly correct the white balance in davinci resolve i'll also use the incredible motion tracking features to do facial touch-ups with just a few [Music] clicks now while color grading sounds a little bit technical it's really just color correction it's enhancing your video so that it looks a little bit nicer coming off the camera so let's jump right into it let's jump to the past hey past robbie hey future me how's this look you know it looks pretty good but i'm noticing that you're pretty blue like we're definitely seeing uh some blue clipping going on there well i tell you what it's a good thing i brought this white balance card with me then right here pause the video now and sample that in davinci resolve okay so i'm going to grab the tool to be able to dopple that wow any better yeah it looks fantastic actually with just two mouse clicks but you're holding up a pretty fancy looking white balance card what if somebody doesn't have such a thing on hand you know what that's no problem at all i encounter this all the time when i'm doing zoom interviews all you have to do is get the person to hold up a white piece of printer paper next to their face it's flimsy but it'll do in a bind go ahead and undo that last action robbie and sample this okay fair not bad eh no that looks fantastic actually and all you're using is just a standard piece of printer paper wow all right well let's dig in just a little deeper into color correction in davinci resolve so that doppler on a white piece of paper has cleaned that up really really well so you can see the blue is no longer clipping it's a little bit higher than the red which is inevitable because i'm wearing a blue shirt and i've got a blue background so keep that in mind you don't want this to be level across the board because yeah there is more blue in that picture but what i want to do now is i want to correct the lighting ever so slightly it's looking pretty pretty good right out of the box but i can bring up the gain and what i want to watch is that i'm not going to clip any of these okay so by clipping i mean it's going to go off of the scopes here so if i actually bring that up too high it's going to be see what happens to the blue channel there and it's it's like it's over saturated so i want to keep these spectrum analysis analyses uh within this scope here i don't want it to clip outside of that but i want to bring it up so that the lighting is a little more see if it's too dark it's going to look like that you can see how that affects those graphs so i can visually see over there that bringing up so watch the blue there how i'm just letting it touch the edge of the scope i'm not going to go any further than that because i don't want to clip it so now if i wanted to i can see that there is very little green compared to blue and i can experiment with okay if i want to just grab the green a little bit and just bring that up but i can see that's skewing the color but i want to you know see what that does so see how the the green and i'm looking over here at the spectrum analysis so how that affects that so i can line things up so that everything is just right there we go so that's looking pretty good my offset is going to bring those down a little bit into the darker end of the spectrum so that i can expand them a little bit further if i need to but you don't want to over kill it because you don't want it to look like it's been overly enhanced or digitized but i can correct certain aspects of lighting now lighting is pretty good in our studio but you know i get a lot of glare off my forehead and stuff like that so i can correct that here okay so next step is actually to correct some of the details in my flesh so and this could be not only my actual skin like if i have blemishes for example pimples or something like that um you can see there's a little bit of a red spot on my forehead here um so i can correct that as well but it can also be to compensate for some of the graininess of your camera you can see that the actual camera itself is a little bit pixelated so what i'm gonna do observe that spot on my forehead uh in particular some of the some of my goatee here you can see a a red spot there on my chin which looks like a blemish on my face there's another one right on this side here so let's let's see what we can do to correct that and and we're not getting into this is not a de facto um how to color correct in davinci resolve there are tons of those on youtube so consider this more how we at category 5 technology tv because that's what this series is how does category 5 whip out episode after episode and how do we make it look as good as we do and sound as good as we do that's what this series is covering so consider this as how robbie color corrects and enhances the video for category five it's not the de facto this is how you use davinci resolve so consider that okay so first of all i want to have a parallel node which is going to be alt p and this is going to allow me to now modify things on this node without affecting the actual the main video node so what i want to do is i'm going to add a circle window here and so i'm going to drag this up over my face i'm going to add some feathering on the edge see how that works and then i'm going to bring it in to my face there we are now i have a really good advantage here at category 5 technology tv in that i am usually very stationary see that i'm just barely leaving the frame so what i do need to do though is i do i do leave the frame and i move over there so i am going to have to do some tracking so let's bring up our tracking tool and i'm going to hit play from the beginning and that's actually going to track my face there we go so it's following my face now i'm not happy with the way that it's the way that it's tracking there you see what it's what it actually did is it kind of went askew so i'm going to change so that it it does not rotate it does not enter 3d space and it does not zoom because the camera is stationary all i want it to do is uh and let's turn off tilt let's just go with pan and let's try that so i've undone now i'm going to hit trace and see now it's just moving left and right did you see that so ignore the fact that it changes to the computer shot so now that my tracking is done and i'm just moving back and forth here and you can see that it's following my face so when i go far to the side there that tracks my so uh now that the tracking is done so if i go back to my circle tool here and i want to just make sure that it is my face that is selected so if i bring down the gain you can see yes it is only impacting my face because we don't want to make any changes to the background right now because what i'm actually doing is just improving blemishes and only on my face so again observe that red spot on my forehead and if i just bring down if you look here mid slash detail i'm just going to bring that down a little bit and watch what happens to my head look at that it's just like a nice subtle air brushing you don't want to go too far and yet i have let's bring that up just a little bit and you can see that the detail is just a little bit softened but it looks natural so now with that tracking happening if i press play it's actually going to do that feathering um and it's going to follow my face i can still see the forehead thing that's not not too bad of a thing if i wanted to because that's a red spot and this is going to be different for every single video that i produce but here yeah i do have a red spot on my head for some reason so i could actually create another parallel node and i could create another circle and i could place that circle on that red spot keep the feather and just place it like right there and let's actually track that red spot so let's put it right there and follow okay so now i've tracked that red spot so it's following it and let's see if we can very gently bring down the red just a little bit so i'm going to grab here and pull down the red so if i pull down too far watch what happens see that so it's so now if i play that see it's following and it's turning it green so you don't want to go down that far but if you can do it just subtly enough and yet strong enough that it makes an impact it's not going to be perfect i'm not going all out here and spending hours and hours retouching a video no i'm doing really simple touch-ups really really quickly so now if we look at that video and let's select our main node that's a little bit too pronounced i don't like that so i'm going to bring up the red just a bit let's see if i can find kind of a happy medium that looks pretty clean so now if i press play you can see it's actually following the the spot and it's following my face that whole track is looking a heck of a lot better right out the gate so again if i so let's turn off both of those so this is the original video and i've only spent a couple of seconds here so now turn back on both of these and look at the difference fantastic okay so next up here's something that we're going to do for the sake of today's demonstration but i want you to hold off on this if you want to do multicam shots from a single camera that's a feature that we're going to be doing next time so hold on the vignettes if you're going to be doing that because i've got a trick for you but because this is a single camera shot i'm actually going to create a serial node which is alt s and that serial node is going to now have a vignette so i'm going to click into my window mode and click on a circle once again we love circles i got a big round melon of the head so it works really really well so pretend this is a camera lens so see i'm doing this proportionally and i want to bring it out like that and feather the edge and by grabbing the corner it's going to be proportional so remember the camera lens being perfectly circular we want to do that without skewing it too much so now if i bring down the gain quite a bit look at what it does it turns down the brightness but now invert that circle and now we've got this nice vignette around the edge so if i turn that off that's what it looks like without and that's what it looks like with and that vignette is now applied as a serial node so it's going to stay there through the whole video so now if i press play it now looks like that so that is very basic color grading it gives you a couple of tips as far as how to use things like the windows the um the doppler in order to get the white balance i always start with white balance so have a white balance card handy have something that is pure white handy that you can dopple from and then you can kind of take it one step further you saw the red spot on my head so i was able to touch that up because that was something that i wanted to do you might have a pimple that you want to remove and you can just kind of brush that up nice and clean as well so that's really really easy you can apply as many parallel nodes as you want so if you wanted to kind of feather the face a little bit to remove blemishes in general and then if you had one very pronounced spot you could create another serial node uh a parallel node pardon me and remove that spot so by increasing the feathering on that it's all very very simple it's just a nice little trick to make our youtube videos look better than they would if they were just coming right off of your editor you