var CustomStatusMarkers = (() => { 'use strict'; const SAVE_MARKER_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkersSaveMarker'; const SET_MARKER_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkersSetMarker'; const SET_MARKER_COUNT_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkersSetCountForMarker'; const SET_MARKER_TINT_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkersSetTintForMarker'; const DEL_MARKER_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkersDelMarker'; const CONFIRM_DEL_MARKER_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkers_delMarkerConfirm'; const CLEAR_STATE_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkersClearCustomStatusMarkersState'; const CLEAR_TOKEN_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkersClearMarkersTokenState'; const MENU_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkersShowMenu'; const CHANGE_SIZE_CMD = '!CustomStatusMarkersOptionsChangeSize'; const PIXELS_PER_SQUARE = 70; const MARKER_RADIUS = PIXELS_PER_SQUARE/6; /** * A persisted template for a custom status marker. * @typedef {object} StatusMarkerTemplate * @property {string} src * The URL of the marker's image. * @property {PathMath.BoundingBox} bbox * The marker image's original bounding box. */ /** * A rendered custom status marker with an optional number badge. * @typedef {object} StatusMarker * @property {string} name * The name of the status. * @property {uuid} iconId * The _id of the marker's Graphic. * @property {uuid} [textId] * The _id of the Text object for the marker's number badge. * If omitted, then the marker has no badge. * @property {uuid} tokenId * The _id of the token the marker is assigned to. * @property {int} [count] * The displayed count for the badge. * @property {string} [tint] * A tint color to apply to the status marker. */ const statusListeners = { 'add': [], 'change': [], 'remove': [] }; const COLORS = { black: '#000000', blue: '#0000FF', cyan: '#00FFFF', gray: '#888888', green: '#00FF00', grey: '#888888', pink: '#FF00FF', red: '#FF0000', white: '#FFFFFF', yellow: '#FFFF00' }; class Commands { /** * Process an API command to clear the Custom Status Markers state. * If a token selected, then only the CSM state for that token will be cleared. * If the 'tokens' option is specified, then only the CSM's tokens state * will be cleared and its saved templates will be left intact. * If 'tokens' isn't specified and no token is selected, then this will * clear all the CSM state! * @param {ChatMessage} msg */ static clearState(msg) { let args = msg.content.split(' '); let confirm = args[1]; if(confirm === 'no') return; delete state.CustomStatusMarkers;; } /** * Processes an API command to clear the CSM state for the selected tokens. */ static clearToken(msg) { let tokens = Commands._getGraphicsFromMsg(msg); _.each(tokens, t => { clearTokenState(t); }); } /** * Deletes a template for a status marker. */ static delTemplate(msg) { let args = msg.content.split(' '); let statusName = args[1]; let confirm = args[2]; if(confirm === 'no') return; Templates.delete(statusName); _whisper(msg.playerid, 'Deleted status ' + statusName);; } /** * Extracts the selected graphics from a chat message. * @param {ChatMessage} msg * @return {Graphic[]} */ static _getGraphicsFromMsg(msg) { var result = []; var selected = msg.selected; if(selected) { _.each(selected, s => { let graphic = getObj('graphic', s._id); if(graphic) result.push(graphic); }); } return result; } /** * Processes an API command to display the list of saved custom status markers. */ static menu(msg) {; } /** * Processes an API command to create a custom status from a selected path. * @param {ChatMessage} msg */ static saveTemplate(msg) { let args = msg.content.split(' '); let statusName = args[1]; if(!statusName) return; let graphic = Commands._getGraphicsFromMsg(msg)[0];, graphic); _whisper(msg.playerid, 'Created status ' + statusName);; } /** * Processes an API command to change the icon size. * @param {ChatMessage} msg */ static setIconSize(msg) { let args = msg.content.split(' '); let size = parseInt(args[1]); if(!isNaN(size)) setIconSize(size);; } /** * Process an API command to set a custom status to the selected tokens. * @param {ChatMessage} msg */ static setMarker(msg) { let args = msg.content.split(' '); let statusName = args[1]; let selectedTokens = Commands._getGraphicsFromMsg(msg); _.each(selectedTokens, token => { toggleStatusMarker(token, statusName); }); } /** * Sets the count badge for a status marker on the selected tokens. * @param {ChatMessage} msg */ static setMarkerCount(msg) { let args = msg.content.split(' '); let statusName = args[1]; let count = args[2]; let selectedTokens = Commands._getGraphicsFromMsg(msg); _.each(selectedTokens, token => { setStatusMarkerCount(token, statusName, count); }); } /** * Sets the tint for a status marker on the selected tokens. * @param {ChatMessage} msg */ static setMarkerTint(msg) { let args = msg.content.split(' '); let statusName = args[1]; let tint = args[2]; let selectedTokens = Commands._getGraphicsFromMsg(msg); _.each(selectedTokens, token => { setStatusMarkerTint(token, statusName, tint); }); } } /** * Functions for handling Custom Status Markers events. */ class Events { /** * Fires an 'add' custom status markers event. * @param {string} event * @param {Graphic} token * @param {StatusMarker} marker */ static fireAddEvent(token, marker) { let handlers = statusListeners['add']; _.each(handlers, handler => { handler(token, _.clone(marker)); }); } /** * Fires a 'change' custom status markers event. * @param {string} event * @param {Graphic} token * @param {StatusMarker} marker */ static fireChangeEvent(token, marker) { let handlers = statusListeners['change']; _.each(handlers, handler => { handler(token, _.clone(marker)); }); } /** * Fires a 'remove' custom status markers event. * @param {string} event * @param {Graphic} token * @param {StatusMarker} marker */ static fireRemoveEvent(token, marker) { let handlers = statusListeners['remove']; _.each(handlers, handler => { handler(token, _.clone(marker)); }); } /** * Registers a Custom Status Markers event handler. * Each handler takes a token and a StatusMarker as parameters. * The following events are supported: 'add', 'change', 'remove' * @param {string} event * @param {function} handler */ static on(event, handler) { if(statusListeners[event]) statusListeners[event].push(handler); } /** * Removes a custom status marker event handler. * @param {string} event * @param {function} handler */ static un(event, handler) { let handlers = statusListeners[event]; if(handlers) { let index = handlers.indexOf(handler); if(index !== -1) handlers.splice(index, 1); } } } /** * functions dealing with the chat menu interface. */ class Menu { /** * Shows the menu for Custom Status Markers in the chat. This includes * a listing of the saved status markers */ static show(playerId) { let csmState = getState(); let markerNames = _.keys(csmState.templates); markerNames.sort(); // List of saved markers let html = ''; let listHtml = ''; if(markerNames.length > 0) { listHtml = ''; _.each(markerNames, name => { listHtml += ''; listHtml += ''; listHtml += ''; listHtml += ''; listHtml += ''; if(playerIsGM(playerId)) listHtml += ''; listHtml += ''; }); listHtml += '
' let tpl = csmState.templates[name]; let src = _getCleanImgsrc(tpl.src); listHtml += ' '; listHtml += '' + name + ''; listHtml += '[Toggle](' + SET_MARKER_CMD + ' ' + name + ')[Count](' + SET_MARKER_COUNT_CMD + ' ' + name + ' ?{Count})[🎨](' + SET_MARKER_TINT_CMD + ' ' + name + ' ?{Color})[❌](' + DEL_MARKER_CMD + ' ' + name + ' ?{Delete marker: Are you sure?|yes|no})
'; } else listHtml = 'No custom status markers have been created yet.'; html += Menu.showPanel('Custom Status Markers', listHtml); // Script settings menu (GMs only!) if(playerIsGM(playerId)) { // Options menu var optionsHtml = ''; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += ''; optionsHtml += '
[Icon Size](' + CHANGE_SIZE_CMD + ' ?{Size in pixels})' + getIconSize() + '
'; html += Menu.showPanel('Options', optionsHtml); // Menu option - Save var actionsHtml = '
[New status marker](' + SAVE_MARKER_CMD + ' ?{Save marker: Name})
'; actionsHtml += '
[Remove token markers](' + CLEAR_TOKEN_CMD + ')
' actionsHtml += '
[Clear State](' + CLEAR_STATE_CMD + ' ?{Are you sure? This will erase all your custom status markers.|yes|no})
'; html += Menu.showPanel('Menu Actions', actionsHtml); } _whisper(playerId, html); } /** * Displays HTML content in a bordered panel. */ static showPanel(header, content) { let html = '
'; html += '
' + header + '
'; html += '
' + content + '
'; html += '
'; return html; } } /** * Static methods for persisting custom status marker templates. */ class Templates { /** * Deletes a custom status marker template. * @param {string} statusName */ static delete(statusName) { let csmState = getState(); delete csmState.templates[statusName]; } /** * Loads a StatusMarkerTemplate from the module state. * @param {String} statusName */ static get(statusName) { let csmState = getState(); return csmState.templates[statusName]; } /** * Persists a custom status marker. * @param {String} statusName * @param {Graphic} icon */ static save(statusName, icon) { let csmState = getState(); let bbox = _getGraphicBoundingBox(icon); let src = _getCleanImgsrc(icon.get('imgsrc')); csmState.templates[statusName] = { bbox, src }; } } /** * Adds a custom status marker to a token, with an optional count badge. * @param {Graphic} token * @param {String} statusName * @param {boolean} [silent=false] * @fires add */ function addStatusMarker(token, statusName, silent) { // Don't continue if the token is a status marker. if(token.get('name').startsWith('CUSTOM_STATUS_MARKER')) return; if(_getStatusMarker(token, statusName)) removeStatusMarker(token, statusName, silent); let icon = _createStatusMarkerIcon(token, statusName); let iconId = icon.get('_id'); let tokenId = token.get('_id'); let statusMarker = { statusName, iconId, tokenId } let tokenState = _getTokenState(token); tokenState.customStatuses[statusName] = statusMarker; // Alert event listeners. if(!silent) Events.fireAddEvent(token, statusMarker); repositionStatusMarkers(token); return statusMarker; } /** * Calculates the left property for a status marker to be placed on a token. * @private * @param {Graphic} token * @param {int} index * @return {number} */ function _calcStatusMarkerLeft(token, index) { let leftOffset = _calcStatusMarkerOffset(token, index); let right = token.get('left') + token.get('width')/2; let iconSize = getIconSize(); return right - iconSize/2 - leftOffset; } /** * Calculates the left-offset for a StatusMarker on a token. * @private * @param {Graphic} token * @param {int} index */ function _calcStatusMarkerOffset(token, index) { let statusMarkers = token.get('statusmarkers'); if(statusMarkers) statusMarkers = statusMarkers.split(','); else statusMarkers = []; let iconSize = getIconSize(); //return (statusMarkers.length + index) * iconSize; return index*iconSize; } /** * Calculates the top property of a status marker to be placed on a token. * @private * @param {Graphic} token * @return {number} */ function _calcStatusMarkerTop(token) { let top = token.get('top') - token.get('height')/2; //return top + MARKER_RADIUS - (getIconSize()-MARKER_RADIUS); return top - getIconSize()/2; } /** * Clears the Custom Status Markers state for a particular token. * @param {Graphic} token */ function clearTokenState(token) { removeStatusMarkers(token); let csmState = getState(); let tokenId = token.get('_id'); delete csmState.tokens[tokenId]; } /** * Creates an instance of a status marker and assign it to a token. * @private * @param {Graphic} token * @param {String} name */ function _createStatusMarkerIcon(token, name) { let template = Templates.get(name); let pageId = token.get('_pageid'); let tokenId = token.get('_id'); // Create the icon. let width = template.bbox.width; let height = template.bbox.height; let scale = _getStatusMarkerIconScale(width, height); let icon = createObj('graphic', { _pageid: pageId, name: 'CUSTOM_STATUS_MARKER', imgsrc: template.src, layer: 'objects', left: -9999, top: -9999, width: width*scale, height: height*scale }); toFront(icon); return icon; } /** * Creates or updates the badge for a status marker. * @private * @param {Graphic} token * @param {String} name * @param {int} count */ function _createStatusMarkerBadge(token, name, count) { let template = Templates.get(name); let page = token.get('_pageid'); let tokenId = token.get('_id'); let statusMarker = _getStatusMarker(token, name); if(statusMarker.textId) { // If the text object for the badge already exists, just update it. let text = getObj('text', statusMarker.textId); text.set('text', count); } else { // Otherwise, create a new text object for it. let text = createObj('text', { _pageid: page, layer: 'objects', color: '#f00', text: count, left: -9999, top: -9999 }); toFront(text); repositionStatusMarkers(token); statusMarker.textId = text.get('_id'); } statusMarker.count = count; return statusMarker; } /** * Reports an error. * @private * @param {Error} err */ function _error(err) { sendChat('Custom Status Markers Error', err.message); log('Custom Status Markers ERROR: ' + err.message); log(err.stack); } /** * Cookbook.getCleanImgsrc * */ function _getCleanImgsrc(imgsrc) { let parts = imgsrc.match(/(.*\/images\/.*)(thumb|med|original|max)(.*)$/); if(parts) return parts[1]+'thumb'+parts[3]; throw new Error('Only images that you have uploaded to your library ' + 'can be used as custom status markers. ' + 'See for more information.'); } /** * Gets a macro prompt for the user to choose from the list of saved * custom status markers. * @return {string} */ function getEffectNamePrompt() { let csmState = getState(); let names = _.keys(csmState.templates); names.sort(); return `?{Which custom status marker?|${names.join('|')}}`; } /** * Gets the BoundingBox of a Graphic. * @private * @param {Graphic} graphic * @return {PathMath.BoundingBox} */ function _getGraphicBoundingBox(graphic) { let left = graphic.get('left'); let top = graphic.get('top'); let width = graphic.get('width'); let height = graphic.get('height'); return new PathMath.BoundingBox(left, top, width, height); } /** * Gets the configured diameter for status marker icons. * @return {int} */ function getIconSize() { let options = getOptions(); return options.iconSize || MARKER_RADIUS*2; } /** * Gets the script's configured options. * @return {Object} */ function getOptions() { let scriptState = getState(); if(!scriptState.options) scriptState.options = {}; return scriptState.options; } /** * Returns this module's object for the Roll20 API state. * @return {Object} */ function getState() { if(!state.CustomStatusMarkers) state.CustomStatusMarkers = { tokens: {}, templates: {}, options: {} }; return state.CustomStatusMarkers; } /** * Gets the names of all the custom status markers on a token. * @param {Graphic} token * @return {string[]} */ function getStatusMarkers(token) { let tokenState = _getTokenState(token); if(token) return _.keys(tokenState.customStatuses); return []; } /** * Returns the scale for a status marker's icon. * @private * @param {number} width * @param {number} height * @return {number} */ function _getStatusMarkerIconScale(width, height) { let length = Math.max(width, height); let iconSize = getIconSize(); return iconSize/length; } /** * Returns the Custom Status Markers state for a token. * @private * @param {Graphic} token * @param {boolean} [createBlank: true] If the token state doesn't exist, create it. * @return {Object} */ function _getTokenState(token, createBlank) { if(createBlank === undefined) createBlank = true; let csmState = getState(); let tokenId = token.get('_id'); let tokenState = csmState.tokens[tokenId]; if(!tokenState && createBlank) { tokenState = csmState.tokens[tokenId] = { customStatuses: {} }; } return tokenState; } /** * Returns the state of a status marker on a token. * @private * @param {Graphic} token * @param {string} statusName * @return {StatusMarker} */ function _getStatusMarker(token, statusName) { let tokenState = _getTokenState(token, false); if(tokenState) return tokenState.customStatuses[statusName]; } /** * Checks if a token has the custom status marker with the specified name. * @param {graphic} token * @param {string} statusName * @return {boolean} * True iff the token has the custom status marker active. */ function hasStatusMarker(token, statusName) { let tokenState = _getTokenState(token, false); if(tokenState) return tokenState.customStatuses[statusName]; return false; } /** * Deletes a custom status marker from a token. * @param {Graphic} token * @param {String} statusName * @param {boolean} [silent=false] * If true, events won't be fired. * @fires change * @fires remove */ function removeStatusMarker(token, statusName, silent) { // Don't continue if the token is a status marker. if(token.get('name').startsWith('CUSTOM_STATUS_MARKER')) return; let tokenState = _getTokenState(token, false); if(tokenState) { let statusMarker = tokenState.customStatuses[statusName]; if(!statusMarker) return; let icon = getObj('graphic', statusMarker.iconId); if(icon) icon.remove(); let text = getObj('text', statusMarker.textId); if(text) text.remove(); delete tokenState.customStatuses[statusName]; repositionStatusMarkers(token); // Notify event listeners. if(!silent) Events.fireRemoveEvent(token, statusMarker); } } /** * Removes all custom status markers from a token. * @param {Graphic} token * @param {boolean} [silent=false] * If true, events won't be fired. */ function removeStatusMarkers(token, silent) { // Don't continue if the token is a status marker. if(token.get('name').startsWith('CUSTOM_STATUS_MARKER')) return; let tokenState = _getTokenState(token, false); if(tokenState) { _.each(tokenState.customStatuses, (statusMarker, statusName) => { removeStatusMarker(token, statusName, silent); }); } } /** * Moves a status marker to its token's current position. * @private * @param {Graphic} token * @param {Object} statusMarker * @param {int} index * @throws {Error} * An error is thrown if the marker's expected graphic and badge * are not present. (e.g. someone deleted them) */ function _repositionTokenStatusMarker(token, statusMarker, index) { let left = _calcStatusMarkerLeft(token, index); let top = _calcStatusMarkerTop(token); // Move the icon. let icon = getObj('graphic', statusMarker.iconId); if(!icon) throw new Error('Icon ' + statusMarker.iconId + ' is missing.'); icon.set('left', left); icon.set('top', top); toFront(icon); // Move the badge, if the icon marker has one. if(statusMarker.textId) { let text = getObj('text', statusMarker.textId); if(!text) throw new Error('Text ' + statusMarker.textId + ' is missing.'); text.set('left', left + PIXELS_PER_SQUARE/8); text.set('top', top + PIXELS_PER_SQUARE/8); toFront(text); } } /** * Moves a token's custom status markers to their correct positions. * @param {Graphic} token */ function repositionStatusMarkers(token) { // Don't continue if the token is a status marker. if(token.get('name').startsWith('CUSTOM_STATUS_MARKER')) return; let tokenState = _getTokenState(token, false); if(tokenState) { let index = 0; _.each(tokenState.customStatuses, (statusMarker, statusName) => { try { _repositionTokenStatusMarker(token, statusMarker, index); } catch(err) { // If there was an error while moving the marker (e.g. // Someone deleted its graphic instead of unsetting it), // then remove the status from the token's state and // log a warning. delete tokenState.customStatuses[statusName]; log('Custom Status Markers [WARN]: ' + err.message); } index++; }); } } /** * Changes the size of the status markers. * @param {int} size */ function setIconSize(size) { log('Custom Status Markers: Changing size of status marker icons to ' + size); let scriptState = getState(); let options = getOptions(); options.iconSize = size; // Resize and reposition all the status markers. _.each(scriptState.tokens, (tokenData, tokenId) => { let token = getObj('graphic', tokenId); if(token) { _.each(tokenData.customStatuses, (statusData, statusName) => { let template = Templates.get(statusName); let marker = getObj('graphic', statusData.iconId); if(marker) { let width = template.bbox.width; let height = template.bbox.height; let scale = _getStatusMarkerIconScale(width, height); marker.set('width', width*scale); marker.set('height', height*scale); } }); repositionStatusMarkers(token); } }); } /** * Sets the count badge for a status marker. * @param {Graphic} token * @param {string} statusName * @param {string} count * @param {boolean} [silent=false] * @fires change */ function setStatusMarkerCount(token, statusName, count, silent) { // Don't continue if the token is a status marker. if(token.get('name').startsWith('CUSTOM_STATUS_MARKER')) return; let statusMarker = _getStatusMarker(token, statusName); if(!statusMarker) addStatusMarker(token, statusName, silent); statusMarker = _createStatusMarkerBadge(token, statusName, count); repositionStatusMarkers(token); if(!silent) Events.fireChangeEvent(token, statusMarker); } /** * Sets the tint on a status marker's icon. * @param {Graphic} token * @param {string} statusName * @param {string} tint * @param {boolean} [silent=false] * @fires change */ function setStatusMarkerTint(token, statusName, tint, silent) { // Don't continue if the token is a status marker. if(token.get('name').startsWith('CUSTOM_STATUS_MARKER')) return; let statusMarker = _getStatusMarker(token, statusName); if(!statusMarker) statusMarker = addStatusMarker(token, statusName, silent); if(tint !== 'transparent' || !tint.startsWith('#')) tint = COLORS[tint]; if(tint === undefined) tint = 'transparent'; let icon = getObj('graphic', statusMarker.iconId); icon.set('tint_color', tint); statusMarker.tint = tint; if(!silent) Events.fireChangeEvent(token, statusMarker); } /** * Toggles a custom status marker on a token, with an optional count badge. * @param {Graphic} token * @param {String} statusName * @param {boolean} [silent=false] */ function toggleStatusMarker(token, statusName, silent) { // Don't continue if the token is a status marker. if(token.get('name').startsWith('CUSTOM_STATUS_MARKER')) return; if(_getStatusMarker(token, statusName)) removeStatusMarker(token, statusName, silent); else addStatusMarker(token, statusName, silent); } /** * @private * Whispers a Custom Status Markers message to someone. */ function _whisper(playerId, msg) { // var name = who.replace(/\(GM\)/, '').trim(); const name = (getObj('player', playerId)||{get:()=>'API'}).get('_displayname'); sendChat('Custom Status Markers', '/w "' + name + '" ' + msg); } // Event handler for the script's API chat commands. on('chat:message', msg => { try { if(msg.content.startsWith(SAVE_MARKER_CMD)) Commands.saveTemplate(msg); else if(msg.content.startsWith(SET_MARKER_CMD)) Commands.setMarker(msg); else if(msg.content.startsWith(SET_MARKER_COUNT_CMD)) Commands.setMarkerCount(msg); else if(msg.content.startsWith(SET_MARKER_TINT_CMD)) Commands.setMarkerTint(msg); else if(msg.content.startsWith(MENU_CMD)); else if(msg.content.startsWith(DEL_MARKER_CMD)) Commands.delTemplate(msg); else if(msg.content.startsWith(CLEAR_STATE_CMD)) Commands.clearState(msg); else if(msg.content.startsWith(CLEAR_TOKEN_CMD)) Commands.clearToken(msg); else if(msg.content.startsWith(CHANGE_SIZE_CMD)) Commands.setIconSize(msg); } catch(err) { _error(err); } }); // Event handler for moving custom status markers with their tokens when // they are moved. on('change:graphic', graphic => { try { repositionStatusMarkers(graphic); } catch(err) { _error(err); } }); // Event handler for destroying a token's custom status markers when the // token is destroyed. on('destroy:graphic', graphic => { try { removeStatusMarkers(graphic); } catch(err) { _error(err); } }); /** * Installs/updates a macro for the script. * @param {string} name * @param {string} action */ function _installMacro(player, name, action) { let macro = findObjs({ _type: 'macro', _playerid: player.get('_id'), name })[0]; if(macro) macro.set('action', action); else { createObj('macro', { _playerid: player.get('_id'), name, action }); } } // When the API is loaded, install the Custom Status Marker menu macro // if it isn't already installed. on('ready', () => { let players = findObjs({ _type: 'player' }); // Create the macro, or update the players' old macro if they already have it. _.each(players, player => { _installMacro(player, 'CustomStatusMarkersMenu', MENU_CMD); _installMacro(player, 'CustomStatusMarkersToggle', SET_MARKER_CMD + ' ' + getEffectNamePrompt()); _installMacro(player, 'CustomStatusMarkersToggleCount', SET_MARKER_COUNT_CMD + ' ' + getEffectNamePrompt() + ' ?{count}'); _installMacro(player, 'CustomStatusMarkersToggleTint', SET_MARKER_TINT_CMD + ' ' + getEffectNamePrompt() + ' ?{color}'); }); log('--- Initialized Custom Status Markers ---'); }); return { Templates, addStatusMarker, clearTokenState, deleteTemplate: Templates.delete, getState, getStatusMarkers, getTemplate: Templates.get, hasStatusMarker, on: Events.on, removeStatusMarker, removeStatusMarkers, repositionStatusMarkers, saveTemplate:, setStatusMarkerCount, setStatusMarkerTint, toggleStatusMarker, un: Events.un }; })();