from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys import logging import xml.dom.minidom import xml.etree.ElementTree as eT from bkr.client import BeakerCommand, BeakerWorkflow, BeakerJob from bkr.client import BeakerRecipeSet, BeakerRecipe from bkr.common.hub import HubProxy from bkr.common.pyconfig import PyConfigParser from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule import six from six.moves import range # WANT_JSON # We want JSON input from Ansible. Please give it to us LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) BEAKER_CONF = \ (os.environ.get('BEAKER_CONF', '/etc/beaker/client.conf')) class BkrConn(object): """ Make connection to Beaker """ enabled = True doc = xml.dom.minidom.Document() def __init__(self, logger=None, conf=None, **kwargs): self.conf = PyConfigParser() default_config = os.path.expanduser(BEAKER_CONF) self.conf.load_from_file(default_config) self.hub = HubProxy(logger=logger, conf=self.conf, **kwargs) class BkrFactory(BkrConn): """ Simple way to provision a job to the Beaker scheduler """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(BkrFactory, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def provision(self, *args, **kwargs): """ provision resources in Beaker """ # Break down kwargs for debug, dryrun, recipesets, and whiteboard debug = kwargs.get("debug", False) dryrun = kwargs.get("dryrun", False) recipesets = kwargs.get("recipesets", []) keys_path = kwargs.get('ssh_keys_path', '') # Create Job job = BeakerJob(*args, **kwargs) # Add All Host Requirements for recipeset in recipesets: kwargs = self.create_recipesets(recipeset, **kwargs) family = kwargs.get("family", None) distro = kwargs.get("distro", None) task_params = kwargs.get("taskparam", []) # tasks are list of dictionaries which follows format # for beaker in a box # tasks = [ {arches:[], 'name': '/distribution/utils/dummy'}] # for beaker production # tasks = [ {arches:[], 'name': '/distribution/dummy'}] tasks = kwargs.get("tasks", [{'arches': [], 'name': '/distribution/dummy'}]) arch = kwargs.get("arch", "x86_64") ks_meta = kwargs.get("ks_meta", "") method = kwargs.get("method", "nfs") priority = kwargs.get("priority", "Normal") hostrequires = kwargs.get("hostrequires", []) reserve_duration = kwargs.get("reserve_duration", None) if reserve_duration: kwargs.update({"reserve_duration": "%s" % reserve_duration}) tags = kwargs.get("tags", []) if tags: kwargs.update({"tag": tags}) repos = kwargs.get("repos", []) baseurls = [] for repo in repos: if "baseurl" in repo: baseurls.append(repo.get("baseurl")) else: kwargs.update({"repo": baseurls}) ks_append = kwargs.get("ks_append", []) ssh_key = kwargs.get("ssh_key", []) for key_file in kwargs.get("ssh_key_file", []): file_path = os.path.join(keys_path, key_file) try: with open(file_path, "r") as f: ssh_key.append( except (OSError, IOError):"Unable to read from ssh key file: %s" % file_path) if ssh_key: ks_append.append("""%%post mkdir -p /root/.ssh cat >>/root/.ssh/authorized_keys << "__EOF__" %s __EOF__ restorecon -R /root/.ssh chmod go-w /root /root/.ssh /root/.ssh/authorized_keys %%end""" % '\n'.join(ssh_key)) kwargs.update({"ks_append": ks_append}) requested_tasks = [] # adding arches=[] to every task definition for task in tasks: if not('arches' in list(task.keys())): task['arches'] = [] requested_tasks.append(task) # Tasks and harnesses if 'harness' in ks_meta: # Disable report plugins task_params.append("RSTRNT_DISABLED=01_dmesg_check " "10_avc_check") # Reserve the system after its installed kwargs.update({"reserve": True}) else: requested_tasks.append({'arches': [], 'name': '/distribution/reservesys'}) if reserve_duration: task_params.append("RESERVETIME=%s" % reserve_duration) # Update defaults kwargs.update({"suppress_install_task": True}) kwargs.update({"method": method}) kwargs.update({"priority": priority}) # Must have family or distro if not family and not distro and not arch: sys.stderr.write("No Family or Distro and arch specified\n") sys.exit(1) if not requested_tasks: sys.stderr.write("You must specify a task to run\n") sys.exit(1) # Create Workflow wrkflow = BeakerWorkflow('BeakerWorkflow') # Create Base Recipe recipe_template = BeakerRecipe(*args, **kwargs) # Add to the job XML ignore_panic = kwargs.get("ignore_panic", False) if ignore_panic: recipe_template.add_ignore_panic() # Add Host Requirements for requirement in hostrequires: if 'force' in requirement: # hostRequires element is created by BeakerRecipe, use it hostrequires_node = recipe_template.node.getElementsByTagName('hostRequires')[0] # noqa E501 # all other filters are ignored if the hostname is forced, # so the use of 'force' is mutually exclusive with the use # of any other 'hostRequires' filters hostrequires_node.setAttribute('force', requirement['force']) elif 'rawxml' in requirement: requirement_node = xml.dom.minidom.parseString( requirement['rawxml']).documentElement recipe_template.addHostRequires(requirement_node) else: # If force is not used, a requirement can be any number # of differently formatted XML elements, each with their # own combination of element name and valid attrs. So, # the best we can do is generate XML based on the input, # and only the "tag" key is required. tag_name = requirement['tag'] requirement_node = self.doc.createElement(tag_name) for attr, value in requirement.items(): # Force all values to str, which the XML writer expects. requirement_node.setAttribute(attr, str(value)) # use the BeakerRecipe API to add the element recipe_template.addHostRequires(requirement_node) # Add Distro Requirements recipe_template.addBaseRequires(*args, **kwargs) for partition in kwargs.get("partitions", []): recipe_template.addPartition(**partition) arch_node = self.doc.createElement('distro_arch') arch_node.setAttribute('op', '=') arch_node.setAttribute('value', arch) recipe_set = BeakerRecipeSet(**kwargs) if wrkflow.multi_host: for i in range(self.n_servers): recipe_set.addRecipe(wrkflow.processTemplate( recipe_template, requested_tasks, taskParams=task_params, distroRequires=arch_node, role='SERVERS', **kwargs)) for i in range(self.n_clients): recipe_set.addRecipe(wrkflow.processTemplate( recipe_template, requested_tasks, taskParams=task_params, distroRequires=arch_node, role='CLIENTS', **kwargs)) else: recipe_set.addRecipe(wrkflow.processTemplate( recipe_template, requested_tasks, taskParams=task_params, distroRequires=arch_node, **kwargs)) job.addRecipeSet(recipe_set) # jobxml jobxml = job.toxml(**kwargs) if debug: LOG.debug(jobxml) self.submitted_jobs = [] if not dryrun: self.submitted_jobs.append("Submitted: %s" % self.submitted_jobs) return self.submitted_jobs def create_recipesets(self, recipeset, **kwargs): kwargs = {} for key, values in six.iteritems(recipeset): kwargs.update({key: values}) return kwargs def check_jobs(self, jobs): # slightly modified copy of the same method in bkr_info, used here to # let bkr_server return beaker job info in the same structure as # bkr_info so we can stash provisioning details in rundb before the # bkr_info task blocks on waiting for the beaker job(s) to finish. # Importing code from bkr_info is not an option due to ansible's # sandboxing; bkr_info is not guaranteed to be importable at runtime. resources = [] bkrcmd = BeakerCommand('BeakerCommand') bkrcmd.check_taskspec_args(jobs) for task in jobs: myxml = self.hub.taskactions.to_xml(task) myxml = myxml.encode('utf8') root = eT.fromstring(myxml) # Using getiterator() since its backward compatible with py26 for recipe in root.getiterator('recipe'): resources.append({'family': recipe.get('family'), 'distro': recipe.get('distro'), 'arch': recipe.get('arch'), 'variant': recipe.get('variant'), 'system': recipe.get('system'), 'status': recipe.get('status'), 'result': recipe.get('result'), 'rid': recipe.get('id'), 'id': recipe.get('job_id')}) return resources def cancel_jobs(self, jobs, msg): """ Cancel job in Beaker """ for task in jobs: self.hub.taskactions.stop(task, 'cancel', msg)"Cancel job %s in Beaker" % task) def get_url(self, bkr_id): """ Constructs the Beaker URL for the job related to the provided Beaker ID. That ID should be all numeric, unless the structure of Beaker changes in the future. If that's the case, then the ID should be appropriately URL encoded to be appended to the end of a URL properly. """ base = self.conf.get('HUB_URL', '') if base == '': raise Exception("Unable to construct URL") if base[-1] != '/': base += '/' return base + 'jobs/' + bkr_id def main(): module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec={ 'whiteboard': {'required': False, 'type': 'str'}, 'recipesets': {'required': True, 'type': 'list'}, 'job_group': {'default': '', 'type': 'str'}, 'state': {'default': 'present', 'choices': ['present', 'absent']}, 'cancel_message': {'default': 'Job canceled by LinchPin'}, 'max_attempts': {'default': 60, 'type': 'int'}, 'attempt_wait_time': {'default': 60, 'type': 'int'}, 'ssh_keys_path': {'required': False, 'type': 'str'}, }) params = type('Args', (object,), module.params) factory = BkrFactory() recipesets = [] for recipeset in params.recipesets: for x in range(0, recipeset.get('count', 1)): recipesets.append(recipeset) parsed_ids = {} if params.state == 'present': extra_params = {} if params.job_group: extra_params['job_group'] = params.job_group extra_params['ssh_keys_path'] = params.ssh_keys_path # Make provision try: job_ids = factory.provision(debug=True, recipesets=recipesets, whiteboard=params.whiteboard, **extra_params) except Exception as ex: module.fail_json(msg=str(ex)) for job_id in job_ids: parsed_id = job_id[2:] parsed_ids[parsed_id] = factory.get_url(parsed_id) hosts = factory.check_jobs(job_ids) # pass out the provisioned job ids (or empty dict, if none) and # provisioning params to be used in the bkr_info task later module.exit_json(changed=True, ids=parsed_ids, hosts=hosts, provision_params=module.params) else: # state == absent, cancel provisioned jobs for recipeset in params.recipesets: # recipeset 'ids" value is set in the teardown playbook for use here factory.cancel_jobs(recipeset['ids'], params.cancel_message) module.exit_json(changed=True) main()