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# [Monocyanide ColorScheme]
for [Sublime Text]
> Extends [Monokai Extended] with a darker background, and lighter but slightly more saturated colors, as well as boldness added for functions, classnames, and a differentiated style for doc-block comments (e.g: javadocs).
A companion to the **[Cyanide Theme]**.
## Getting Started
### 1. Installation
#### Package Control
If you already have [Package Control] installed in Sublime Text:
* Select "Install Package" from the Command Palette:
+ Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows and Linux
+ ⇧⌘P on OS X
* Search for "**Monocyanide Colorscheme**" and hit ENTER.
#### Manual Installation
Go to `Preferences -> Browse Packages`, and then either download and unzip this plugin into that directory, or:
git clone https://github.com/centril/sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme.git "sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme"
### 2. Switch Themes
Then inside Sublime Text, go to:
Preferences -> Color Scheme -> Monocyanide ColorScheme
Here you can pick the variation that you like.
## Monokai Extended Enhancements
Adds scopes, support and/or improves styling for:
* JSON, syntax highlighting added.
* Keyword control: bold
* Primitives are differently colored.
* Comments are entirely desaturated.
* Documentation comments: lighter than normal comments.
* Documentation tags (@param, ...): bold
* {@link <ref>}, <ref> is now bold
* Method calls, bold
* Variations on the background
## Sneak peak
![screenshot: gruntfile.js]
The gruntfile that builds the colorschemes.
![screenshot: groovy]
> A groovy file.
## Background variations
[Monocyanide ColorScheme] comes in 5 flavors where the background of each is different. The variations that are available are:
+ Default (the one with no suffix): `#0a0a0a`
+ Black: `#000000`
+ Contrasted: `#121212`
+ Contrasted Semi: `#191919`
+ Contrasted Light: `#282828`
When words are not enough:
![screenshot: bg-variations]
## [Monocyanide ColorScheme] Builder
*You must install the Monocyanide ColorScheme if you want to use the Monocyanide ColorScheme Builder.*
Create your own custom Monocyanide ColorScheme with the builder. If you don't have [grunt] installed, do that first.
Go to your Monocyanide ColorScheme Theme folder and run:
npm install
Edit the `backgrounds.json` file to add your own custom backgrounds.
Save the file, and run:
grunt build
Your new colorschemes are generated. Update the [Sublime Text] settings to use it.
## Plugins support
The following Sublime Text plugins are currently supported by Cyanide Theme:
* [GitGutter]
* [SublimeLinter3]
## Changelog
See the **[messages folder][CHANGES]**.
## Bugs / Issues / Feature requests / Contribution
Want to contribute? Great stuff! Please use the issue system that github provides to report bugs/issues or request an enhancement. Pull requests are also more than welcome.
## Author
**Mazdak Farrokhzad / Centril [<twingoow@gmail.com>]**
+ [twitter]
+ [github]
## Copyright & License
Licensed under the **[MIT License]**.
Copyright 2014 Mazdak Farrokhzad for the modified parts.
Original parts: [Jon Schlinkert].
## Acknowledgements
This color scheme is based on **[Monokai Extended]** by [Jon Schlinkert] and has been modified to fit the **[Cyanide Theme]** by [Lefoy] and my self. The tools that have been used are **[Color Scheme Editor]** by [Borislav Peev], and **[Scope Hunter]** by [facelessuser].
[Build Status]: http://img.shields.io/travis/Centril/sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme.svg?style=flat
[url: Build Status]: https://travis-ci.org/Centril/sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme
[Gittip]: http://img.shields.io/gittip/Centril.svg?style=flat
[url: Gittip]: https://www.gittip.com/Centril/
[License]: http://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg?style=flat
[url: License]: LICENSE.md
[Semver]: http://img.shields.io/badge/semver-2.0.0-blue.svg?style=flat
[url: Semver]: http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html
[Monocyanide ColorScheme]: https://github.com/centril/sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme
[Sublime Text]: http://www.sublimetext.com/
[Monokai Extended]: https://github.com/jonschlinkert/sublime-monokai-extended
[Cyanide Theme]: https://github.com/lefoy/cyanide-theme
[Package Control]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control/
[grunt]: http://gruntjs.com/
[screenshot: gruntfile.js]: https://github.com/Centril/sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme/blob/screenshots/gruntfile.js.png?raw=true "The gruntfile that builds the colorschemes."
[screenshot: groovy]: https://github.com/Centril/sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme/blob/screenshots/groovy.png?raw=true "A .groovy file"
[screenshot: bg-variations]: https://github.com/Centril/sublime-monocyanide-colorscheme/blob/screenshots/bg-variations.png?raw=true "Background variations"
[GitGutter]: https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/GitGutter
[SublimeLinter3]: https://github.com/SublimeLinter/SublimeLinter3
[twitter]: http://twitter.com/CenoRIX
[github]: http://github.com/centril
[<twingoow@gmail.com>]: mailto:twingoow@gmail.com
[CHANGES]: messages/
[MIT License]: LICENSE.md
[Lefoy]: https://github.com/lefoy
[Jon Schlinkert]: https://github.com/jonschlinkert
[Color Scheme Editor]: https://github.com/bobef/ColorSchemeEditor)
[Borislav Peev]: https://github.com/bobef
[Scope Hunter]: https://github.com/facelessuser/ScopeHunter
[facelessuser]: https://github.com/facelessuser