// All mod worldbuilding concepts like biomes and factions with their color codes and links to respective wiki pages. // Note that you can find definitions for most of these on Wiki, and also in the `Guide to My Enternia` codex (/codex/alta/ct_my_enternia_guide.codex) { "planets" : [ "^#20f080;Alterash^reset;", // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Alterash "^#2080f0;Alterash Prime^reset;", // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Alterash-Prime "^#8020f0;Enterash^reset;", // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Enterash "^#f02080;Enterash Prime^reset;" // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Enterash-Prime ], "energy" : [ "^#20f080;Ceternia^reset;", "Cenia", "Cena", "Thoughts", "^#20f080;Impulse^reset;", // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Ceternia "^#2080f0;Alternia^reset;", "Alnia", "Alna", "Memories","^#2080f0;Plasma^reset;", // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Alternia "^#8020f0;Enternia^reset;", "Ennia", "Enna", "Dreams", "^#8020f0;Ionic^reset;", // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Enternia "^#ffa8e8;Stardust^reset;", "Staris", // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Stardust "^#8080f0;Enchanted^reset;", "Vionia", "Viona", // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Enchanted-Datamass "^#f080f0;Miazma^reset;", // https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Viona-Miazma-Monitoring "^#f0f020;Void^reset;" ], "regions" : [ // Biomes, Minibiomes, Biome types, Worlds, Layers, etc. "^#6f6c66;Astera^reset;", "^#80f020;Haven^reset;", "^#2d4c56;Riversides^reset;", "^#202080;Ion Core^reset;", "^#202080;Esetera^reset;", "^#208020;Antorash^reset;", "^#f080f0;Invertia^reset;" ], "nature" : [ // Plants, growth, fruits, produce "^#497c64;Koywa^reset;", "^#9b2d3f;Warped^reset;", "^#20f080;Yaara^reset;", "^#3baf2f;Aric^reset;", "^#c1ebf8;Tonnova^reset;", "^#3587ff;Ayaka^reset;", "^#ff3f5a;Gil^reset;", "^#80f020;Tsay^reset;" ], "materials" : [ "^#299fc5;Bionid^reset;", "^#ceffd7;Phospholion^reset;", "^#7ddcde;Isoslime^reset;", // Crystals "^#76c7e4;Crystal^reset;", "Cal", "^#378754;Bishyn^reset;", "Poison Crystal", "^#0050c0;Hevika^reset;", "^#a7e001;Gheatsyn^reset;", "^#c1dfae;Crystalline Prime^reset;", "Calline Prime", "^#c1dfae;Crystal Plant^reset;", "Carel" ], "factions" : [ "^#b0e0fc;Alta^reset;", "^#f02020;EDS^reset;", "^#ffe364;Faradea^reset;", "^#f08f20;A.R.C.O.^reset;", "^#10b4ef;Combat^reset;", "^#a7e001;Ghearun^reset;", "^#60c0fc;Arknight^reset;", "^#76c7e4;Elin^reset;", "^#0050c0;Hevika Ordis^reset;" ], "blocks" : [ "^#ffe8e8;Cloud^reset;", "^#6f6c66;Moonrock^reset;", "^#4f4c46;Obsidian^reset;", "^#e8e8ff;Snow^reset;" ], "elements" : [ "^#7733aa;Electric^reset;", "^#f08020;Fire^reset;", "^#80f0f0;Ice^reset;", "^#80f020;Poison^reset;" ], "palettes" : { // More palettes here: /.meta/palettes/colors_swaps.json "omniblue" : [ "#b0e0fc", "#60c0fc", "#2080f0", "#0050c0" ], "ceterteal" : [ "#e0b0fc", "#c060fc", "#8020f0", "#5000c0" ], "ionic" : [ "#b0fce0", "#60fcc0", "#20f080", "#00c050" ], "stardust" : [ "#fcb0e0", "#fc60c0", "#f02080", "#c00050" ], // Other color variations (omniblue hue variations) "omniteal" : [ "#b0eafc", "#60d4fc", "#209bf0", "#0069c0" ], "omnicyan" : [ "#b0f4fc", "#60e8fc", "#20b6f0", "#0082c0" ], "crystal_blue" : [ "#c9eef6", "#76c7e4", "#4e8fb8", "#366388" ], "crystal_purple" : [ "#c9dcf6", "#769be4", "#4e64b8", "#364288" ], "crystal_magenta" : [ "#cec9f6", "#8b76e4", "#704eb8", "#563688" ], "crystal_violet" : [ "#f6c9ee", "#e476c7", "#b84e8f", "#883662" ], "emerald" : [ "#bcf0d4", "#78e3ac", "#41cf9b", "#1ea178" ], "gheatsyn_cold" : [ "#e2f0bc", "#c4e378", "#91cf41", "#61a11e" ], "hevika_marine" : [ "#bcdef0", "#78bde3", "#4187cf", "#1e58a1" ], // Accent colors "lime" : [ "#f9fcb0", "#f3fc60", "#c5f020", "#8fc000" ], "teal" : [ "#b0fcc7", "#60fc91", "#20f081", "#00c063" ], "cyan" : [ "#b0fcf9", "#60fcf9", "#20d3f0", "#009cc0" ], "red" : [ "#fcb0c2", "#fc6082", "#f0202d", "#c00003" ], "orange" : [ "#fcccb0", "#fc9c60", "#f08f20", "#c07000" ], "yellow" : [ "#fce5b0", "#fcd060", "#f0d420", "#c0af00" ], "green" : [ "#c2fcb0", "#82fc60", "#2df020", "#03c000" ], "blue" : [ "#b0ccfc", "#6096fc", "#2049f0", "#001cc0" ], "purple" : [ "#d1b0fc", "#a660fc", "#9d20f0", "#7c00c0" ], "pink" : [ "#fcb0ea", "#fc60d4", "#f0209b", "#c00069" ], "crystal" : [ "#c9eef6", "#76c7e4", "#4e8fb8", "#366388" ], // Factions "alta" : [ "#f6f6f6", "#d8dcf0", "#b0b4c8", "#606478" ], "alta_dark" : [ "#707088", "#606074", "#404050", "#2c2c34" ], "eds_light" : [ "#ff6480", "#ff2c40", "#b81824", "#801c1c" ], "eds" : [ "#ca002b", "#a42b2b", "#762222", "#551b1b" ], "combat" : [ "#71d4f8", "#10b4ef", "#1090c0", "#106890" ], "omniblue_dark" : [ "#60c0fc", "#2080f0", "#0050c0", "#001054" ], // Materials "titanium" : [ "#f6f6f6", "#d8dcf0", "#b0b4c8", "#606478" ], "metal" : [ "#e6e9ea", "#c6d2d4", "#959ea2", "#464a4c" ], "bion" : [ "#606478", "#4c5064", "#383c50", "#24283c" ], "eds_armor" : [ "#707088", "#606074", "#404050", "#2c2c34" ], "metal_dark" : [ "#6d7278", "#505559", "#373b3e", "#1c1c1e" ], "default" : [ "#ffca8a", "#e0975c", "#a85636", "#6f2919" ], // Body colors "hair_color" : [ [ "#59617c", "#45516d", "#2d3852", "#1d283a" ], [ "#585b63", "#484c55", "#32353e", "#22252b" ], [ "#b2c2f7", "#89a1d9", "#596fa3", "#3a4f73" ], [ "#ffeff7", "#fcdff0", "#f2b4d8", "#e686c4" ], [ "#eff4ff", "#dfeafc", "#b4cbf2", "#86b1e6" ], [ "#f4f5fa", "#e8eaf3", "#c7cbde", "#a5adc8" ] ], // Biome "bionid" : [ "#10b4ef", "#71d4f8", "#e1f4fa", "#f4fafd" ], "yaara" : [ "#47b6ab", "#177a71", "#086458", "#074c44" ], "yaara_light" : [ "#fbe7d4", "#e2944b", "#a5601f", "#642f00" ], "yaara_flower" : [ "#ae75f0", "#713bb0", "#461e74", "#341458" ], "gheatsyn" : [ "#d4ff5a", "#b7f601", "#a7e001", "#8dbd01", "#6c9000" ], "yonnur" : [ "#9044a8", "#6a2284", "#ffd495", "#ffd495", "#ea9931", "#ae6f1d" ], "aric" : [ "#8affb0", "#36a83e", "#36a83e", "#1c6f19", "#d4ff8d", "#b1eb54", "#72a131", "#465b12" ] }, // Translation table (includes around 230 words/names) "alkey" : { // You can find definitions for most of these on Wiki, or in the `Guide to My Enternia` codex (/codex/alta/ct_my_enternia_guide.codex) "alkey" : [ "language", "communication", "conversing" ], "alta" : [ "blue-ish being", "alternative", "created one" ], "ceternia" : [ "cyan energy", "impulse energy", "thought" ], // also cenia (short ver.) "alternia" : [ "blue energy", "plasmic energy", "memory" ], // also alnia (short ver.) "enternia" : [ "purple energy", "ionic energy", "dream" ], // also ennia (short ver.) "nia" : [ "energy" ], "aya" : [ "aya" ], // proper name of a fruit, similar to mango, pear or peach. "ayaka" : [ "aya tree" ], // adding endings like "ka", "ra", etc to a fruit/produce forms a type of tree, or general growth: ayaka, yaara, nivera. "ayakut" : [ "ayaka wood" ], // adding endings like "kut", "rut", etc to a tree/growth forms a type of wood/plant matter: ayakut, yaarut, niverut. "gil" : [ "gil" ], // proper name of a fruit. "tsay" : [ "tsay" ], // proper name of a fruit. "prime" : [ "elite", "prime", "in its true form", "saturated with energy or power" ], // Environments "alterash" : [ "alternia world", "plasmic world" ], // Wiki: https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Alterash "enterash" : [ "enternia world", "ionic world" ], // Wiki: https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Enterash "antorash" : [ "underland", "underworld" ], // /codex/alta/ct_antorash.codex, Wiki: https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Alterash#Antorash "astera" : [ "cosmic land", "astro land" ], // generally astroid layers orbiting alterash planets - /biomes/space/ct_moonrock_space_islands.biome "esetera" : [ "empty space/place" ], // /codex/alta/ct_esetera.codex "gyera" : [ "nature" ], "vionostera" : [ "enchanted land", "viona land" ], "viona" : [ "enchantment", "magic" ], "vionia" : [ "enchanted energy", "viona energy" ], "miazma" : [ "(enchanted/gravitational) anomaly", "miazma" ], "malina" : [ "haven" ], // refers to Alterash Havens: /biomes/alterash/surface/ct_alterash_haven.biome "eva" : [ "sky", "air" ], // /codex/alta/ct_eva.codex, /biomes/alterash_prime/evarus prime/ct_eva_prime.biome, Wiki: Eva Prime "evarus" : [ "air force", "atmosphere" ], // /codex/alta/ct_evarus.codex, Wiki: https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Alterash-Prime#evarus-prime "evostaris" : [ "stardust sky" ], // /biomes/alterash/evarus/ct_alterash_clouds.biome, Wiki: https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Evostaris "gheatorn" : [ "gheatsyn caves" ], // cave-like area full of gheatsyn-moonrock formations: /biomes/alterash_prime/esetera/ct_gheatorn.biome "gheaprism" : [ "gheatsyn prims land" ], // prims-like asteroid area full of gheatsyn prims: WIP "hevikara" : [ "overcharged crystal cave" ], // an area saturated with hevika crystals: /biomes/alterash_prime/esetera depths/ct_hevika.biome "hevikai" : [ "overcharged disease" ], // proper name, but can be translated to these. "enigira" : [ "ion core", "ionic core", "ionized core" ], // /codex/alta/ct_ion_core.codex "koywa" : [ "koywa" ], // proper name, reed-like growth. "verriskoywa" : [ "koywa" ], // longer version, specifying the region of growth as sandy riversides. "sona" : [ "snow", "ice element" ], "vuzia" : [ "warped" ], "yaara" : [ "yaara", "yaa growth" ], // proper name. "nivera" : [ "nivera", "nive growth" ], // proper name. "virma" : [ "virma" ], // proper name, poisonous plant living in ayaka forests: /codex/alta/ct_virma.codex "tonna" : [ "tonna" ], // proper name. "tonnova" : [ "tonna tree" ], "aric" : [ "mushroomy", "fungi" ], // generally used for anything mushroom-related. "io" : [ "Io", "alta space/world" ], // proper name, often reffered to as a being: /codex/alta/ct_my_enternia_guide.codex "iorash" : [ "Io land", "Io structs" ], // planets, asteroids, etc found in Io. "ceterai" : [ "all that exists", "everything in existence", "universe", "Ceterai" ], // used as a general name, but also as proper name/last name "asta" : [ "stardust being", "little star" ], "astia" : [ "stardust orchid", "Tiana", "Tia" ], // Colors "alto" : [ "blue/light blue" ], "faro" : [ "yellow" ], "miko" : [ "red/pink" ], // Materials "bion" : [ "bion" ], // proper name, /items/generic/crafting/ct_bion.item, /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex "bionid" : [ "bion-organic variation that occurs in nature" ], // /items/generic/crafting/ct_bionid.item, /codex/alta/ct_bionid.codex "bionic" : [ "bion compound", "bion-based compound" ], // you can read more about these here: /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex (& other related pages). "bionica" : [ "bion creature", "bion-based creature" ], // altas are considered bionicas: /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex, /codex/alta/ct_bion.codex "bionium" : [ "bionium" ], // a type of a bion compound: /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex "bionix" : [ "bionix" ], // a type of a bion compound: /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex "dianid" : [ "dianid" ], // a type of a bion compound: /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex "calonid" : [ "calonid" ], // a type of a bion compound: /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex "biocaloid" : [ "biocaloid" ], // a type of a bion compound: /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex "poi" : [ "slime" ], "izopoi" : [ "cryo slime", "cryonic slime" ], "izoslime" : [ "cryo slime", "cryonic slime" ], // not pure alkey - this is a mix between izo and slime (english). "isoslime" : [ "cryo slime", "cryonic slime" ], // not pure alkey - this is a mix between izo and slime (english) - more english-sounding. "phospholion" : [ "phospholion" ], // radio-reactive metal: /codex/alta/ct_docs_mining_desc.codex, /items/generic/crafting/ct_phospholion.item "yonnur" : [ "yonnur" ], // proper name of warped bioluminescent juice: /codex/alta/ct_yonnur.codex "archulin" : [ "archulin" ], // proper name of warped nivera berries "staris" : [ "stardust" ], "munris" : [ "moondust" ], "eni-leaves" : [ "ion-leaves", "ion-charged leaves" ], // leaves from specific ionic plants. Found here: /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/food.consumable "yaavi" : [ "yaara eye" ], // Found here: /items/generic/produce/ct_yaara_eye.consumable // Crystals "bishyn" : [ "poisonous crystal", "crystal poison" ], // proper name, but can be translated to these. "cal" : [ "crystal" ], "calin" : [ "crystalline", "crystallic environment/area" ], "calline" : [ "crystalline" ], // not pure alkey - this is a mix between cal/calin and crystalline (english). "gheatsyn" : [ "crystallic liquid", "liquid crystal" ], // proper name, but can be translated to these. "tsyntex" : [ "tsyntex" ], // crystallization/decryst-n under electric pressure: /items/active/weapons/ranged/alta/blaster/ct_tsyntex.activeitem "hevika" : [ "overcharged crystal", "saturated crystal" ], // proper name, but can be translated to these. "calotorn" : [ "geode" ], // /codex/alta/ct_alta_crystals.codex "soneva" : [ "ice crystal" ], // /codex/alta/ct_alta_crystals.codex "statsyn" : [ "stardust crystal" ], // /codex/alta/ct_alta_crystals.codex "mical" : [ "pink crystal" ], // /codex/alta/ct_alta_crystals.codex "carel" : [ "crystal plant" ], // /codex/alta/ct_alta_crystals.codex // Creatures "sentia" : [ "nivera sentia" ], // big spider-alta-mix creature: /codex/alta/ct_sentia.codex "vyurm" : [ "worm", "tenctacle", "appendage" ], // Artificial Environment "tek" : [ "lab", "laboratory" ], "evia" : [ "ship", "spaceship" ], "ordis" : [ "company", "organization", "faction", "order" ], // Factions "faradea" : [ "faradea" ], // proper name, prefix "far" refers to the power of will and the color yellow (faro). Find on Wiki for more info. "ghearun" : [ "ghearun" ], // proper name, stems from gheatsyn. More: /codex/alta/ct_ghearun.codex "al'deron" : [ "alderon" ], // proper name of a mothership. "neiteru" : [ "neiteru" ], // proper name of a research group like A.R.C.O, Tserera, Project C.T., etc. "tserera" : [ "tserera" ], // proper name of a research group like A.R.C.O, Neiteru, Project C.T., etc. "unika" : [ "unika" ], // proper name. "perizhad" : [ "perizhad" ], // proper name. // Proffesions, Hobbies, Lifestyle "arco" : [ "science in action", "technology" ], // A.R.C.O. is a tech company, its name is an abbreviation that also ends up forming a word "arco". "diva" : [ "alta metrocop" ], // this is not a direct translation, but the closest description of what an alta diva is. "scava" : [ "scout" ], "varda" : [ "security", "guardian" ], "arknite" : [ "alta arknight", "warrior of flight" ], "aena" : [ "dreamer" ], // an alta dreamer - alta + ennia, or enternia. "arca" : [ "researcher", "scientist" ], // also arcia or arkia "arcana" : [ "alta gladiator", "alta berserker" ], // not a direct translation: /items/active/weapons/melee/alta/heavy/ct_plasmasword.activeitem "arkana" : [ "alta gladiator", "alta berserker" ], // same as arcana "glasta" : [ "soldier", "combat unit" ], // Equipment "veus" : [ "set of things", "full uniform/equipment set" ], "taum" : [ "shield", "sturdy protection" ], "pad" : [ "shield", "sturdy protection" ], "nion" : [ "energy cell", "accumulator", "battery" ], "arkves" : [ "datamass", "a pack/bundle/storage of data" ], "nami" : [ "my personal", "personal", "private" ], "droi" : [ "robot", "robotic" ], "drei" : [ "drone" ], "dron" : [ "droid" ], "niaton" : [ "energy halter", "energy stunner" ], // in full it is "nia tonn", something that uses energy to stop things. (ct_alta_stun_stick, ct_entermace) "isk" : [ "spear-like", "pointy stick", "spike", "pike" ], // used to describe spear-like weapons and spikes. Doesn't have to be sharp. "vir" : [ "visor", "ocular" ], // most integrated and standalone alta visors are called virs. "proto" : [ "energy-protective", "connected/protected/united" ], // unlike prime, proto often refers to the alta way of calling protection/defense - prot/protei. // Protosystems are defensive energy systems, protohelmets are special "energy protection" helmets, Protolaris is a name of a high-tier shield, etc // Food stuff "minto" : [ "minto" ], // proper name. "motsu" : [ "motsu" ], // proper name, a type of plant-only soup. "ciranga" : [ "ciranga" ], // proper name, a citrus-like taste made from random fruits. "gillimon" : [ "gillimon" ], // proper name, a gil-poi mix. "kada" : [ "kada" ], // proper name, a type of dish made inside of a fruit, using its other parts as separate ingredients. "vermont" : [ "vermont" ], // proper name. "fival'do" : [ "fivaldo" ], // proper name. "heecho" : [ "heecho" ], // proper name. "natal" : [ "natal" ], // proper name. "niatto" : [ "energy-rich" ], // proper name, but can be translated to these. "onitti" : [ "onitti" ], // proper name. "rimar" : [ "rimar" ], // proper name. "haruplavu_venetto" : [ "haruplavu_venetto" ], // proper name. "mohitava" : [ "yava mojito" ], // proper name, mojito made using ingredients from alta yava cuisine. "pavolda" : [ "pavolda" ], // proper name. "gharus" : [ "gharus" ], // proper name, a certain spicy-meaty taste/style. "markvin" : [ "markvin" ], // proper name - a riverside multifruit mix with a mango-ish aftertaste. "viola" : [ "viola" ], // proper name. "poivani" : [ "poivani" ], // proper name, slime (poi) based. "keromix" : [ "keromix" ], // proper name of a taste mix resulting in red coloration. "ayakoycalin" : [ "ayabaycalin" ], // proper name, slight differences when translated to english. "gheamont" : [ "gheatsyn vermont" ], "maito" : [ "spicy" ], "yae" : [ "passion" ], "estra" : [ "desire", "lust", "pursuit" ], "runeva" : [ "runeva" ], // with ru meaning 3, this refers to the 3 main ingredients of runeva cuisine - aya, gil and tsay. "yava" : [ "plant-based" ], // Unique - concepts that are only mentioned once or twice in special items or codexes // From /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/tool.activeitem: "sura" : [ "sura" ], // proper name, mentioned in "presets.suria" "suria" : [ "sura energy" ], // mentioned in "presets.suria" // From /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/food.consumable: "junilin" : [ "junilin", "juni crystal" ], // proper name, mentioned in "presets.juni_porridge_w_galo" "juni" : [ "juni", "junilin fruit" ], // proper name, mentioned in "presets.juni_porridge_w_galo" "chinid" : [ "chinid" ], // proper name, a type of crystal plant mentioned in "presets.juni_porridge_w_galo" "yukva" : [ "yukva" ], // proper name, a berry plant mentioned in "presets.graa_venetto" "galo" : [ "galo" ], // proper name, a mix of ingredients mentioned in "presets.juni_porridge_w_galo" "koichi pea" : [ "koichi pea" ], // a mix of a word koichi (type of plant, proper name) and pea (english) mentioned in "presets.juni_porridge_w_galo" "alunika" : [ "alunika" ], // proper name. "cuva" : [ "cuva" ], // a made-up fruit/essence of uknown origin. "cuvia" : [ "cuva energy" ], // From /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/head.head: "felistraza" : [ "felistraza" ], // proper name of a flower. // From /plants/bushes/ground/ct_yaara/ct_yaara.bush: "ialista" : [ "ialista" ], // proper name. "bayun" : [ "bayun" ], // proper name. "bayo" : [ "bayo" ], // proper name. "caloya" : [ "caloya" ], // proper name. // Given names & more proper names "names" : [ // Note that this might overlap with some entries in the alkey section. // People (plus everything from /species/alta_namegen.config) "Protea", // Stardust scout - once a regular scout, she has done great things and became a hero and an icon among altas, saving numerous alta lives. "Alliana", // proper name of the main alta capital, but also of its empress, Alliana. "Celestia", "Mira", "Elin", "Tiana", // Little Orchid // check out "astia" in the "alkey" section. "Ceterai", // check out "ceterai" in the "alkey" section. "Lenn", "Estria", // a nivera sentia's name "Octavia", "Sonia", "Naya", // from /codex/alta/ct_ayaka.codex or https://github.com/Ceterai/Enternia/wiki/Ayaka-Gardener%27s-Notes // Items "Asirai", "Ammerax", "Astralis", "Celeste", "Sinigai", "Uvi-Staa", "Jinix-AU", "Razhus Az'Ar", "Lira", "Niverisk", // Nivera-Isk "Faradeus", // Referring to Faradea "Plasmora", "Viter-Shai", "Vitero", "Aina Veritas", "NGX-000", "Eva Linn", // Sky Lance, meant to sound close to Evelyn "Bipolaris", "Enal'Nia", "Nia Erea Desit", "Alistraza", "Ararang", // Mix of aric and boomerang "Naghurta", "Inarus", "Tsentarish", "Oni-Nerus", "Ikai Protolaris", "S'urysk", // from /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/tool.activeitem "Mirazh", // from /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/tool.activeitem "Asterix", // from /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/tool.activeitem "Vi-Callista", // vi is short for viona, from /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/tool.activeitem "Ruvikva", // from /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/food.consumable "Graa Venetto", // from /items/buildscripts/ct_mimics/food.consumable "Caliopa", // crystal pizza, from /items/generic/food/tier3/ct_caliopa.consumable "Palopias", // crystal pizza, from /items/generic/food/tier4/ct_palopias.consumable // Factions "Faradea", // proper name, prefix "far" refers to the power of will and the color yellow (faro). Find on Wiki for more info. "Ghearun", // proper name, stems from gheatsyn. More: /codex/alta/ct_ghearun.codex "Neiteru", // proper name of a research group like A.R.C.O, Tserera, Project C.T., etc. "Tserera", // proper name of a research group like A.R.C.O, Neiteru, Project C.T., etc. "Unika", "Perizhad", "A.R.C.O.", // no clear meaining behind each letter separately as of now (except that O is Ordis), check out "arco" in the "alkey" section. // Space ships, vehicles, etc "Al'deron" // proper name of a mothership. ], "abbreviations" : [ "EDS", "SSR", // no meaning as of now, originaly came from "super-super rare", subject to change. "GSR", // no meaning as of now. "A.R.C.O.", // check out "arco" in the "alkey" section and "A.R.C.O" in the "alkey.names" section. "MECA", // an abbreviation of names of 4 members of Commander Order, or 4 Alta Mothers - Mira, Elin, Celestia, Alliana. "CNOB", // from: /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex "ECOC-FIOC", // from: /codex/alta/ct_bionics.codex "NG", // NG4, NG5, etc - nia girin (energy rifle), SG - sona girin (snow rifle) "NGX-000" // N can stand for both Nia and Neiteru ] } }