<# .SYNOPSIS Enable Just In Time VM access. .DESCRIPTION Automate Just in time VM request access with PowerShell. .NOTES File Name : Request-JITVMAccess.ps1 Author : Charbel Nemnom Version : 2.0 Date : 20-August-2018 Updated : 16-October-2018 Requires : PowerShell Version 5.1 or later Module : AzureRM Version 6.10.0 or later Module : AzureRM.Security Version 0.2.0 (preview) Module : PowerShellGet Version 1.6.7 or later Module : PowerShell PackageManagement Version or later .LINK To provide feedback or for further assistance please visit: https://charbelnemnom.com .EXAMPLE1 .\Request-JITVMAccess.ps1 -VMName [VMName] -Port [PortNumber] -Time [Hours] -Verbose This example will enable Just in Time VM Access for a particular Azure VM from your current public IP address. The management port will be set as specified including the number of hours. You will be prompted to login to your Azure account. If Just in Time VM Access is not enabled, the tool will enable the policy for the VM, you need to provide the maximum requested time in hours. If the specified management port is not set by the policy previously, the script will enable that port, and then request VM access. If the time specified is greater than the time set by the policy, the script will force you to enter the valid time, and then request VM access. .EXAMPLE2 .\Request-JITVMAccess.ps1 -VMName [VMName] -Port [PortNumber] -AddressPrefix [AllowedSourceIP] -Time [Hours] -Verbose This example will enable Just in Time VM Access for a particular Azure VM including the management port, source IP, and number of hours. You will be prompted to login to your Azure account. If Just in Time VM Access is not enabled, the tool will enable the policy for the VM, you need to provide the maximum requested time in hours. If the specified management port is not set by the policy previously, the script will enable that port, and then request VM access. If the time specified is greater than the time set by the policy, the script will force you to enter the valid time, and then request VM access. .EXAMPLE3 .\Request-JITVMAccess.ps1 -VMName [VMName] -Port [PortNumber] -AddressPrefix [AllowedSourceIP] -Verbose This example will enable Just in Time VM Access for a particular Azure VM including the management port,and source IP address. You will be prompted to login to your Azure account. If Just in Time VM Access is not enabled, the tool will enable the policy for the VM, you need to provide the maximum requested time in hours. If Just in Time VM Access is already enabled, the tool will automatically extract the maximum requested time set by the policy, and then request VM access. If the specified management port is not set by the policy previously, the script will enable that port, and then request VM access. .EXAMPLE4 .\Request-JITVMAccess.ps1 -VMName [VMName] -Port [PortNumber] -Verbose This example will enable Just in Time VM Access for a particular Azure VM from your current public IP address. The management port will be set as specified. You will be prompted to login to your Azure account. If Just in Time VM Access is not enabled, the tool will enable the policy for the VM, you need to provide the maximum requested time in hours. If Just in Time VM Access is already enabled, the tool will automatically extract the maximum requested time set by the policy, and then request VM access. If the specified management port is not set by the policy previously, the script will enable that port, and then request VM access. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specify the VM Name')] [Alias('VM')] [String]$VMName, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $True, HelpMessage = 'Specify remote access port, must be a number between 1 and 65535.')] [Alias('AccessPort')] [ValidateRange(1, 65535)] [Int]$Port, [Parameter(Position = 2, HelpMessage = 'Source IP Address Prefix. (IP Address, or CIDR block) Default = Your IP')] [Alias('SourceIP')] [String]$AddressPrefix, [Parameter(Position = 3, HelpMessage = 'Specify time range in hours, valid range: 1-24 hours')] [Alias('Hours')] [ValidateRange(1, 24)] [Int]$Time ) Function Install-PackageManagement { Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -Installation Trusted -Verbose:$false Install-Module -Name PackageManagement -RequiredVersion -Confirm:$false -Verbose:$false } Function Install-PowerShellGet { Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -Installation Trusted -Verbose:$false Install-Module -Name PowerShellGet -RequiredVersion 1.6.7 -Confirm:$false -Verbose:$false } Function Install-AzureRM { Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -Installation Trusted -Verbose:$false Install-Module -Name AzureRM -RequiredVersion 6.10.0 -Confirm:$false -Verbose:$false } Function Install-AzureSecurity { Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -Installation Trusted -Verbose:$false Install-Module -Name AzureRM.Security -AllowPrerelease -Confirm:$false -Verbose:$false } Function ExtractMaxDuration ([string]$InStr) { $Out = $InStr -replace ("[^\d]") try {return [int]$Out} catch {} try {return [uint64]$Out} catch {return 0} } Function Enable-JITVMAccess { $JitPolicy = (@{ id = "$($VMInfo.Id)" ports = (@{ number = $Port; protocol = "*"; allowedSourceAddressPrefix = @("$AddressPrefix"); maxRequestAccessDuration = "PT$($time)H" }) }) $JitPolicyArr = @($JitPolicy) #! Enable Access to the VM including management Port, and Time Range in Hours Write-Verbose "Enabling Just in Time VM Access Policy for ($VMName) on port number $Port for maximum $time hours..." Set-AzureRmJitNetworkAccessPolicy -VirtualMachine $JitPolicyArr -ResourceGroupName $VMInfo.ResourceGroupName -Location $VMInfo.Location -Name "default" -Kind "Basic" | Out-Null } Function Invoke-JITVMAccess { $SubID = (Get-AzureRmContext).Subscription.Id $JitPolicy = (@{ id = "$($VMInfo.Id)" ports = (@{ number = $Port; endTimeUtc = "$endTimeUtc"; allowedSourceAddressPrefix = @("$AddressPrefix") }) }) $JitPolicyArr = @($JitPolicy) Write-Verbose "Enabling VM Request access for ($VMName) from IP $AddressPrefix on port number $Port for $Time hours..." Start-AzureRmJitNetworkAccessPolicy -ResourceId "/subscriptions/$SubID/resourceGroups/$($VMInfo.ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.Security/locations/$($VMInfo.Location)/jitNetworkAccessPolicies/default" -VirtualMachine $JitPolicyArr | Out-Null } #! Check PowerShell Package Management Module Try { Import-Module -Name PackageManagement -RequiredVersion -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Importing PowerShell PackageManagement Module..." } Catch { Write-Warning "PowerShell PackageManagement Module requires update..." Write-Verbose "Installing the latest PowerShell PackageManagement Module..." Install-PackageManagement } #! Check PowerShellGet Module Try { Import-Module -Name PowerShellGet -RequiredVersion 1.6.7 -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Importing PowerShellGet Module..." } Catch { Write-Warning "PowerShellGet Module requires update..." Write-Verbose "Installing the latest PowerShellGet Module..." Install-PowerShellGet } #! Check AzureRM PowerShell Module Try { Import-Module -Name AzureRM -RequiredVersion 6.10.0 -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Importing Azure RM PowerShell Module..." } Catch { Write-Warning "Azure RM Module requies update..." Write-Verbose "Installing the latest Azure RM Module..." Install-AzureRM } #! Check Azure Security PowerShell Module Try { Import-Module -Name AzureRM.Security -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Importing Azure RM Security PowerShell Module..." } Catch { Write-Warning "Azure RM Security PowerShell Module was not found..." Write-Verbose "Installing Azure RM Security PowerShell Module..." Install-AzureSecurity } #! Check Azure Cloud Connection Try { Write-Verbose "Connecting to Azure Cloud..." Login-AzureRmAccount -Environment AzureCloud -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null } Catch { Write-Warning "Cannot connect to Azure environment. Please check your credentials. Exiting!" Break } #! Get Azure Virtual Machine Info Write-Verbose "Get all Azure Subscriptions..." $AzureSubscriptions = Get-AzureRmSubscription | Where-Object {$_.Name -notlike "*Azure Active Directory*"} $MaxSub = ($AzureSubscriptions.Count) - 1 $Sub = 0 do { Set-AzureRmContext -SubscriptionId $AzureSubscriptions[$Sub].Id | Out-Null $VMInfo = Get-AzureRMVM | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq "$VMName"} $Sub++ } Until ($VMInfo.Name -eq "$VMName" -or $Sub -gt $MaxSub) If (!$VMInfo) { Write-Warning "Azure virtual machine ($VMName) cannot be found. Please check your virtual machine name. Exiting!" Break } $VMAccessPolicy = (Get-AzureRmJitNetworkAccessPolicy).VirtualMachines | Where-Object {$_.Id -like "*$VMName*"} | Select -ExpandProperty Ports If (!$AddressPrefix) { $AddressPrefix = Invoke-RestMethod 'http://ipinfo.io/json' -Verbose:$false | Select-Object -ExpandProperty IP } #! Check if Just in Time VM Access is enabled If (!$VMAccessPolicy) { Write-Warning "Just in Time VM Access is not enabled for ($VMName)..." if (-Not $Time) { do { $Time = Read-Host "`nEnter Max Requested Time in Hours, valid range: 1-24 hours" } Until ($Time -le 24) } Enable-JITVMAccess } Else { #! Check if the specified Port is enabled in Azure Security Center $AccessPolicy = $VMAccessPolicy | Where-Object {$_.Number -eq "$Port"} If (!$AccessPolicy) { Write-Warning "The Specified management port $Port for ($VMName) is not enabled in Azure Security Center..." do { $Time = Read-Host "`nEnter Max Requested Time in Hours, valid range: 1-24 hours" } Until ($Time -le 24) Enable-JITVMAccess } } #! Request Access to the VM including management Port, Source IP and Time range in Hours #! If time is NOT specified, then extract max time and request VM access If (!$Time) { $AccessPolicy = $VMAccessPolicy | Where-Object {$_.Number -eq "$Port"} $Time = ExtractMaxDuration $AccessPolicy.MaxRequestAccessDuration $Date = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours($Time) $endTimeUtc = Get-Date -Date $Date -Format o Invoke-JITVMAccess } #! If time is specified, then Extract Max Time and validate Else { $AccessPolicy = $VMAccessPolicy | Where-Object {$_.Number -eq "$Port"} $TimeSet = ExtractMaxDuration $AccessPolicy.MaxRequestAccessDuration #! If the time specified is greater than the time set by the policy If ($AccessPolicy -and $Time -gt $TimeSet) { do { Write-Warning "The requested access time for ($VMName) is not within the allowed time policy..." $Time = Read-Host "`nEnter access request Time in Hours, valid range: 1-$TimeSet hours" } until ($Time -le $TimeSet) $Date = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours($Time) $endTimeUtc = Get-Date -Date $Date -Format o Invoke-JITVMAccess } Else { $Date = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime().AddHours($Time) $endTimeUtc = Get-Date -Date $Date -Format o Invoke-JITVMAccess } }