NUnit-Gui 0.7 - December 20, 2018 General This is expected to be the last independent release of the experimental GUI, which is being merged into the testcentric-gui project. Issues Resolved * 247 Update to use NUnit 3.8 * 258 Upgrade experimental gui to 3.9 version of the engine * 259 Upgrade to NUnit framework 3.11 * 261 Upgrade experimental GUI to nunit framework 3.11 * 262 Run tests under Travis CI * 263 Update experimental GUI to NUnit Engine 3.9 * 264 Fix build to use MsBuild under Mono 5 or greater * 265 Use console 3.9 * 266 Exp Gui: Rename nunit.uikit assembly to refer to TestCentric * 268 Exp GUI: Create separate exe project * 270 Exp GUI: Split tests between model and gui. * 271 Exp GUI: Review and merge model * 272 Exp GUI: Review and merge build scripts * 276 Exp Gui: Review and merge components assembly * 280 Revise GUI Element interfaces * 282 Result panel not displaying after test run * 287 Exp GUI: Rename menu classes to avoid conflicts with standard GUI NUnit-Gui 0.6 - September 10, 2017 Issues Resolved * 96 Show message of some kind while tests are loading. * 189 Move View to a separate Assembly * 199 Some compilation problem in tests... * 206 Use GitVersion for the GUI builds * 209 Utilise IAvailableFrameworks interface over RuntimeFramework class in engine * 223 ReportContainsStartAndEndDateAndDuration is dependent on the culture * 229 Create separate assembly for the model alone NUnit-Gui 0.5 - August 12, 2017 Issues Resolved * 60 Get extensions working for the GUI * 137 Allow changing ProcessModel and DomainUsage * 204 Move the GUI repository * 205 Create a Chocolatey package for the GUI NUnit-Gui 0.4 - June 21, 2017 Issues Resolved * 14 Display relative path in GUI's tree (option) * 26 Explicit tests are executed if a category is excluded * 112 Add icons to solution * 127 Decide Framework and C# levels for the gui project * 130 Corrupted NUNit30Settings file * 131 Initial Tree Display setting is not honored * 140 Add support for Multiple Asserts * 154 Change default to run in a separate process, allowing 32-bit processes to work among other things * 155 Cannot drag and drop test assemblies * 156 Fix RunTree image for transparency. * 163 No validation of tracelevel * 164 Missing escaping of content of CDATA in AddXmlCDataSection * 170 Test assembly locked * 173 Test result message and stacktrace not always updated * 176 Upgrade to version 3.6.1 of engine * 179 Compiling the project on a machine with only VS 2017 * 184 The path is not of a legal form exception on load * 192 Nuget package for engine doesn't have agent config files NUnit-Gui 0.3 - January 1, 2017 Issues Resolved * 61 When loading tests using an agent, a cmd window is opened * 86 Review and Revise Settings Panels * 101 Bug Fix when viewing by category * 102 Add Extension Manager dialog * 117 System.FormatException on parsing duration * 122 Update package references to latest versions * 123 Create temporary thread to run tests * 126 Need an easier way to make Engine changes for the Gui * 133 Initial NUnit Tree display should show top of tree * 134 File Exit command doesn't work * 146 Remove additional unused settings NUnit-Gui 0.2 - April 12, 2016 Issues Resolved * 93 Crash on startup if newer NUnit installation * 94 BadImageFormatException loading dlls targeting .NET 4.0 and higher NUnit-Gui 0.1 - April 8, 2016 General This is the initial release of the NUnit GUI runner. This is pre-alpha code we are releasing primarily for the purpose of getting feedback on the user interface itself. It is not suitable for use in production. Features * The left-hand panel displays the tests in a variety of ways. * As a traditional NUnit tree * As a list of fixtures * As a list of test cases * When displaying a list of fixtures or test cases, you may select various groupings. This is similar to how the Visual Studio test explorer window works. * The right-hand panel displays information about the individual test selected in the left-hand panel. It has two tabs. * Properties - shows the information about the test (upper pane) and it's result (lower pane) * XML - shows the XML representation for the test or test result Issues Resolved * 17 Gui should highlight not-runnable and ignored tests immediately upon load * 19 CI Server for nunit-gui * 32 Load last test on startup * 33 Command-line with assemblies and projects specified * 34 Command-line run option * 35 Command-line noload option * 36 Gui Layout * 37 File Open Menu Item * 38 File Close Menu Item * 41 File Reload menu item * 44 Select Runtime Menu Item * 45 Test List Display * 46 Status Bar Content * 47 View Status Bar Menu Item * 48 Support checkboxes in the gui tree display * 49 Recent Files Menu * 55 Running tests from the gui * 58 Test details * 59 Invalid file (non-assembly) is displayed as an assembly. * 62 Group headings are not shown with correct icon * 66 Remove unsupported options from GuiOptions class * 68 Implement XML view of test details * 69 Reloading nunit project file causes engine error * 72 ReloadProject versus ReloadTests * 84 Add context menu to XmlView * 85 Display test result info in XmlView