require "__core__/lualib/util" local Position = require '__FARL__/stdlib/area/position' local Area = require '__FARL__/stdlib/area/area' local Blueprint = require "__FARL__/Blueprint" local lib = require "__FARL__/lib_control" local debugDump = lib.debugDump local debugLog = lib.debugLog local endsWith = lib.endsWith local diagonal_to_real_pos = lib.diagonal_to_real_pos --local saveVar = lib.saveVar local math = math local floor, ceil = math.floor, math.ceil local abs, min, max = math.abs, math.min, math.max local function round(num, idp) local mult = 10 ^ (idp or 0) return floor(num * mult + 0.5) / mult end local sqrt2 = math.sqrt(2)/2 local curved_l = 3--7.7288196964265417438549920430937/2 local function get_signal_weight(rail, settings) -- curve length from local weight = == settings.rail.curved and curved_l or 1 if ~= settings.rail.curved and rail.direction % 2 == 1 then return sqrt2 end return weight end local rot = {} for i = 0, 7 do local rad = i * (math.pi / 4) rot[rad] = { cos = math.cos(rad), sin = math.sin(rad) } end local function rotate(pos, rad) if not rot[rad] then error("rot[" .. rad .. "]", 2) end local cos, sin = rot[rad].cos, rot[rad].sin local r = { { x = cos, y = -sin }, { x = sin, y = cos } } local ret = { x = 0, y = 0 } ret.x = pos.x * r[1].x + pos.y * r[1].y ret.y = pos.x * r[2].x + pos.y * r[2].y return ret end local function get_fake_rail(rail, position) return {name =, type = rail.type, direction = rail.direction, position = position or Position.copy(rail.position)} end local function move_right_forward(pos, direction, right, forward) local dir = (direction + 2) % 8 return Position.translate(Position.translate(pos, dir, right), direction, forward) end local function protectedKey(ent) if ent.valid then return .. ":" .. ent.position.x .. ":" .. ent.position.y .. ":" .. ent.direction end return false end local function get_item_name(some_name) if not some_name then return end local name = false local count = 1 if game.item_prototypes[some_name] then name = game.item_prototypes[some_name].name elseif game.entity_prototypes[some_name] then local entityProto = game.entity_prototypes[some_name] local item = entityProto.items_to_place_this and entityProto.items_to_place_this[1] name = item and if name and entityProto.mineable_properties and entityProto.mineable_properties.minable and entityProto.mineable_properties.products then for _, item1 in pairs(entityProto.mineable_properties.products) do if == name then count = item1.amount or item1.amount_max end end end elseif game.tile_prototypes[some_name] then local tileProto = game.tile_prototypes[some_name].items_to_place_this name = tileProto and tileProto[1] and tileProto[1].name if name == "landfill" or name == "fertiliser" then name = false end end return name, count end --apiCalls = {find={item=0,tree=0,stone=0,other=0},canplace=0,create=0,count={item=0,tree=0,stone=0,other=0}} local RED = { r = 0.9 } local GREEN = { g = 0.7 } local YELLOW = { r = 0.8, g = 0.8 } FARL = {}--luacheck: allow defined FARL.curvePositions = { [0] = { straight = { dir = 0, off = { x = 1, y = 3 } }, diagonal = { dir = 5, off = { x = -1, y = -3 } } }, [1] = { straight = { dir = 0, off = { x = -1, y = 3 } }, diagonal = { dir = 3, off = { x = 1, y = -3 } } }, [2] = { straight = { dir = 2, off = { x = -3, y = 1 } }, diagonal = { dir = 7, off = { x = 3, y = -1 } } }, [3] = { straight = { dir = 2, off = { x = -3, y = -1 } }, diagonal = { dir = 5, off = { x = 3, y = 1 } } }, [4] = { straight = { dir = 0, off = { x = -1, y = -3 } }, diagonal = { dir = 1, off = { x = 1, y = 3 } } }, [5] = { straight = { dir = 0, off = { x = 1, y = -3 } }, diagonal = { dir = 7, off = { x = -1, y = 3 } } }, [6] = { straight = { dir = 2, off = { x = 3, y = -1 } }, diagonal = { dir = 3, off = { x = -3, y = 1 } } }, [7] = { straight = { dir = 2, off = { x = 3, y = 1 } }, diagonal = { dir = 1, off = { x = -3, y = -1 } } } } --local direction ={ N=0, NE=1, E=2, SE=3, S=4, SW=5, W=6, NW=7} FARL.input2dir = { [0] = -1, [1] = 0, [2] = 1 } --[traveldir] ={[raildir] -- TODO use this to get corresponding rail, instead of relying on the array order to be the same for rails and signals (messed up by 180° rotation) FARL.signalOffset = { [0] = { [0] = { pos = { x = 1.5, y = 0.5 }, dir = 4 } }, [1] = { [3] = { pos = { x = 1.5, y = 1.5 }, dir = 5 }, [7] = { pos = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 }, dir = 5 } }, [2] = { [2] = { pos = { x = -0.5, y = 1.5 }, dir = 6 } }, [3] = { [1] = { pos = { x = -0.5, y = 0.5 }, dir = 7 }, [5] = { pos = { x = -1.5, y = 1.5 }, dir = 7 } }, [4] = { [0] = { pos = { x = -1.5, y = -0.5 }, dir = 0 } }, [5] = { [3] = { pos = { x = -0.5, y = -0.5 }, dir = 1 }, [7] = { pos = { x = -1.5, y = -1.5 }, dir = 1 } }, [6] = { [2] = { pos = { x = 0.5, y = -1.5 }, dir = 2 } }, [7] = { [1] = { pos = { x = 1.5, y = -1.5 }, dir = 3 }, [5] = { pos = { x = 0.5, y = -0.5 }, dir = 3 } }, } FARL.real_signalOffset = { [0] = { [0] = { x = 1.5, y = 0.5 } }, [1] = { [3] = { x = 1, y = 1 }, [7] = { x = 1, y = 1 } }, [2] = { [2] = { x = -0.5, y = 1.5 } }, [3] = { [1] = { x = -1, y = 1 }, [5] = { x = -1, y = 1 } }, [4] = { [0] = { x = -1.5, y = -0.5 } }, [5] = { [3] = { x = -1, y = -1 }, [7] = { x = -1, y = -1 } }, [6] = { [2] = { x = 0.5, y = -1.5 } }, [7] = { [1] = { x = 1, y = -1 }, [5] = { x = 1, y = -1 } }, } local function moveRail(rail, direction, distance) local data = lib.diagonal_data distance = (rail.type == "straight-rail" and rail.direction % 2 == 1) and distance or distance * 2 local off = data[rail.direction] and data[rail.direction] or { x = 0, y = 0 } local pos = Position.add(off, rail.position) pos = Position.translate(pos, direction, distance) local newRail = get_fake_rail(rail, pos) if rail.type == "straight-rail" and rail.direction % 2 == 1 and distance % 2 == 1 then newRail.direction = (rail.direction + 4) % 8 end off = data[newRail.direction] or { x = 0, y = 0 } pos = Position.subtract(pos, off) newRail.position = pos return newRail end local function get_signal_for_rail(rail, traveldir, end_of_rail) local rail_pos = diagonal_to_real_pos(rail) local offset = FARL.real_signalOffset[traveldir][rail.direction] local pos = Position.add(rail_pos, offset) local dir = (traveldir + 4) % 8 local signal = { name = "rail-signal", position = pos, direction = dir } if rail.force then signal.force = rail.force end if end_of_rail and rail.direction % 2 == 0 then signal.position = move_right_forward(signal.position, traveldir, 0, 1) end return signal end FARL.find_entities_filtered = function(self, args, from) log(game.tick .. " " .. from .. " " .. serpent.line(args, {comment=false}) .. " found: " .. self.surface.count_entities_filtered(args)) return self.surface.find_entities_filtered(args) end FARL.getIdFromTrain = function(train) if train and train.valid and train.locomotives then return #train.locomotives.front_movers > 0 and train.locomotives.front_movers[1].unit_number or train.locomotives.back_movers[1].unit_number end end FARL.isFARLLocomotive = function(loco) if not loco or not loco.valid or not loco.type == "locomotive" then return false end if == "farl" or == "farl-mu" then return true end if loco.grid then for _, equipment in pairs( do if == "farl-roboport" then return true end end end return false end FARL.newByLocomotive = function(loco) local new = { locomotive = loco, train = loco.train, driver = false, active = false, lastrail = false, direction = false, input = 1, signalCount = { main = 0 }, cruise = false, cruiseInterrupt = 0, lastposition = false, surface = loco.surface, concrete_queue = {}, rail_queue = {}, } setmetatable(new, { __index = FARL }) local idLoco = FARL.getIdFromTrain(loco.train) global.farl[idLoco] = new return new end = function(player) local farl = FARL.newByLocomotive(player.vehicle) farl.driver = player farl.cheat_mode = player.cheat_mode farl.settings = Settings.loadByPlayer(player) return farl end FARL.setup = function(loco) local farl = FARL.findByLocomotive(loco) if farl then if not then farl.train = loco.train farl.frontmover = false farl.locomotive = loco for _, l in pairs(farl.train.locomotives.front_movers) do if l == loco then farl.frontmover = true break end end end farl.max_speed = math.huge farl.max_speed_loco = false for _, l in pairs(farl.train.locomotives.front_movers) do if l.prototype.speed < farl.max_speed then farl.max_speed = l.prototype.speed farl.max_speed_burner = l.burner end end for _, l in pairs(farl.train.locomotives.back_movers) do farl.max_speed = l.prototype.speed < farl.max_speed and l.prototype.speed or farl.max_speed end --log('max :' .. farl.max_speed) end return farl end FARL.onPlayerEnter = function(player, loco) --TODO fix train/farl tracking local status, err = pcall(function() local farl = FARL.setup(loco or player.vehicle) if farl and not then farl.driver = player farl.settings = Settings.loadByPlayer(player) farl.cheat_mode = player.cheat_mode farl.read_blueprints = 0 if farl.settings.bulldozer and not farl:bulldozerModeAllowed() then farl.settings.bulldozer = false farl:print({ "msg-bulldozer-error" }) farl:print({ "msg-bulldozer-disabled" }) end if remote.interfaces.YARM and remote.interfaces.YARM.hide_expando and ~= "farl_player" then farl.settings.YARM_old_expando ="YARM", "hide_expando", player.index) end global.activeFarls[FARL.getIdFromTrain(farl.train)] = farl farl.settings.cruiseSpeed = farl.settings.fullCruise and farl.train.max_forward_speed or 0.4 return farl end end) if not status then debugDump("Unexpected error:",true) debugDump(err,true) else return err end end FARL.onPlayerLeave = function(player) --TODO fix train/farl tracking local status, err = pcall(function() for _, f in pairs(global.farl) do if f.driver and f.driver == player then f:deactivate() global.activeFarls[FARL.getIdFromTrain(f.train)] = nil f.driver = false f.lastMove = nil f.railBelow = nil f.next_rail = nil f.read_blueprints = 0 if remote.interfaces.YARM and remote.interfaces.YARM.show_expando and f.settings.YARM_old_expando and ~= "farl_player" then"YARM", "show_expando", player.index) end --f.settings = false break end end end) if not status then debugDump("Unexpected error:",true) debugDump(err,true) end --debugDump(apiCalls,true) --apiCalls = {find={item=0,tree=0,stone=0,other=0},canplace=0,create=0,count={item=0,tree=0,stone=0,other=0}} end FARL.findByLocomotive = function(loco) local idLoco = FARL.getIdFromTrain(loco.train) return global.farl[idLoco] or FARL.newByLocomotive(loco) end FARL.findByPlayer = function(player) local farl if player.vehicle then local id = FARL.getIdFromTrain(player.vehicle.train) farl = global.farl[id] if farl and farl.locomotive == player.vehicle then farl.driver = player return farl else return end else if player.opened and FARL.isFARLLocomotive(player.opened) then farl = global.farl[player.opened.unit_number] if farl and farl.locomotive == player.opened then return farl else return FARL.newByLocomotive(player.opened) end end end return false end FARL.update = function(self, _) if not self.driver then return end if not self.train.valid then if self.locomotive.valid then self.train = self.locomotive.train else --self:deactivate("Error (invalid train)2") for i, farl in pairs(global.activeFarls) do if not farl.train or (farl.train and not farl.train.valid) then if farl.driver and farl.driver.valid then GUI.destroyGui(farl.driver) end log("Error update (invalid train): " .. i .. " tick: " .. game.tick) farl:deactivate("Error (invalid train): " .. i .. " tick: " .. game.tick) global.activeFarls[i] = nil global.farl[i] = nil end end return true end end if and not self.train.manual_mode then self:deactivate() self.train.manual_mode = true return true end self.cruiseInterrupt = self.driver.riding_state.acceleration if then self:cruiseControl() end if then self.input = self.driver.riding_state.direction --local next_rail = self:findNeighbour(below, self.direction, self.input) or self:get_connected_rail(below, false, self.direction) --if not next_rail then if not self.lastrail.valid then self:deactivate({ "msg-error-2" }) return true end local firstWagon = self.frontmover and self.train.carriages[1] or self.train.carriages[#self.train.carriages] if Position.distance_squared(self.lastrail.position, firstWagon.position) < 36 then --log("start update") --debugDump(#self.path, true) --if not self.last_moved then self.last_moved = game.tick end --local diff = game.tick - self.last_moved --self:print(diff.."@" --self.last_moved = game.tick self.acc = self.driver.riding_state.acceleration if ((self.acc ~= 3 and self.frontmover) or (self.acc ~= 1 and not self.frontmover)) then --autopilot if self.ghostPath then local data = self.ghostPath[#self.ghostPath] self.input = data.input self.ghostPath[#self.ghostPath] = nil end --check if previous curve is far enough behind if input is the same if self.lastCurve and self.lastCurve.input == self.input and self.settings.parallelTracks and #self.settings.activeBP.straight.lanes > 0 and not self.settings.bulldozer then --self:print("curveblock:"..self.lastCurve.curveblock.."dist:"..self.lastCurve.dist) if self.lastCurve.dist < self.lastCurve.curveblock then self.input = 1 --deactivate if it's a scripted player, as the path gets messed up if self.ghostPath or == "farl_player" then self:deactivate("Curves to close to each other.") return true end end end local newTravelDir, nextRail = self:getRail(self.lastrail, self.direction, self.input) if not nextRail then --log("Need extra rail "..serpent.block(self.lastrail)) newTravelDir, nextRail = self:getRail(self.lastrail, self.direction, 1) if not nextRail then --self:print("What happened?") return true end end --log("start placeRails") local dir_, last = self:placeRails(nextRail, newTravelDir) --log("end placeRails") if dir_ then if not last.position and not then self:deactivate({ "msg-no-entity" }) return true end if self.ghostPath then self.ghostProgress = self.ghostProgress + 1 end self.protected_index = self.protected_index + 1 if self.protected_index == 7 then self.protected_index = 1 self.protected[self.protected_index] = {} self.protected_tiles[self.protected_index] = {} end --debugDump(self.protected_index,true) -- add created rail to path table.insert(self.path, { rail = last, travel_dir = newTravelDir, input = self.input }) -- remove rails behind train from path local behind = self:rail_behind_train() local found = false local max_path = #self.path for i = max_path, 1, -1 do if self.path[i].rail == behind and i > 1 then found = i end if found and found > i then local name = self.path[i] local rail = self.path[i].rail self:protect(rail) if self.settings.bulldozer then self:bulldoze_area(rail, self.path[i].travel_dir) local addAmount = self.path[i].rail.type == "straight-rail" and 1 or 4 if self.path[i].rail.destroy({raise_destroy = true}) then self:addItemToCargo(name, addAmount, true) --TODO addAmount shouldn't be needed else self:deactivate({ "msg-cant-remove" }) return true end end table.remove(self.path, i) end end --self:flyingText2("X", RED, true,self.path[1].rail.position) if last.type == "curved-rail" then self.lastCurve = { dist = -1, input = self.input, direction = self.direction, blocked = {}, curveblock = 0 } else self.lastCurve.dist = self.lastCurve.dist + 1 end if not self.settings.bulldozer then --add concrete to the queue to be placed in a tick without track placement (probably the next one) if self.settings.concrete then table.insert(self.concrete_queue, { travelDir = newTravelDir, rail = get_fake_rail(last) }) end --place rail entities (only walls for now), place on the mainrail euqal to the furthest lagging parallel track if self.settings.railEntities and #self.settings.activeBP.straight.lanes == 0 then local c = #self.path - 1 if c > 0 and self.path[c] and self.path[c].rail.type ~= "curved-rail" then local rail = self.path[c].rail table.insert(self.rail_queue, { travelDir = self.path[c].travel_dir, rail = get_fake_rail(rail) }) end end --debugLog("Path length: "..#self.path) if self.settings.poles and #self.path > 2 then local c = #self.path local rail = self.path[c - 1].rail local dir = self.path[c - 1].travel_dir --debugLog("calculating pole for rail@"..Position.tostring(self.path[c-1].rail.position)) local rails = self:getPoleRails(rail, dir, self.path[c - 2].travel_dir) if self.path[c - 2].rail.type == "curved-rail" and #rails > 0 then rails[1].range[1] = -1 end --local bestpole, bestrail = self:getBestPole(self.lastPole, rails, newTravelDir) local bestpole, bestrail = self:getBestPole(self.lastPole, rails, dir) if bestpole then --debugLog("--pole: "..Position.tostring(bestpole.p)) self.lastCheckPole = bestpole.p self.lastCheckDir = bestpole.dir self.lastCheckRail = bestrail --if global.debug_log then --self:flyingText2("bp", RED, true, bestpole.p) --self:flyingText2("br", RED, true, bestrail.position) --end else --self:print("should place pole") --self:flyingText2("sp", RED, true, self.lastCheckPole) if self.lastCheckPole.x then --debugLog("--Should be placing pole @"..Position.tostring(self.lastCheckPole)) local status, err = pcall(function() self:placePole(self.lastCheckPole, self.lastCheckDir) end) if not status then error(err, 2) end end end end if self.settings.signals then self.signalCount.main = self.signalCount.main + get_signal_weight(last, self.settings) if last.type == "curved-rail" then self.signalCount.main = self.signalCount.main - self.lanes.max_lag[newTravelDir % 2] - get_signal_weight(last, self.settings) end if self:placeSignal(newTravelDir, nextRail) then self.signalCount.main = 0 end end if self.settings.parallelTracks and #self.settings.activeBP.straight.lanes > 0 then max_path = -1 local all_placed = 0 for i, _ in pairs(self.settings.activeBP.straight.lanes) do if last.type == "curved-rail" then local traveldir = newTravelDir local block = self:placeParallelCurve(newTravelDir, last, i) if block then local lag = abs(self.lanes["d" .. traveldir % 2]["i" .. self.input]["l" .. i].lag) + block - 1 max_path = lag > max_path and lag or max_path self.lastCurve.curveblock = max_path end else local placed = self:placeParallelTrack(newTravelDir, last, i) if placed then self.lanerails[i] = placed all_placed = self.lanerails[i] and all_placed + 1 or all_placed end end end if self.settings.railEntities and all_placed == #self.settings.activeBP.straight.lanes then local lag = self.lanes.max_lag[newTravelDir % 2] local c = #self.path - lag if c > 0 and self.path[c] and self.lastCurve.dist > lag then local rail = self.path[c].rail rail = get_fake_rail(rail) table.insert(self.rail_queue, { travelDir = self.path[c].travel_dir, rail = rail }) end end end end self.direction = newTravelDir self.lastrail = last --log("end update success") return true else self:deactivate(last) --log("end update fail:"..last) return true end end else -- if bulldoze mode is on, prepare the area for the next rail after self.lastrail according to input if self.settings.bulldozer or self.settings.maintenance then local _, next = self:getRail(self.lastrail, self.direction, 1) if next and self.already_prepared ~= Position.tostring(next.position) then --self:flyingText2("R", RED,true, next.position) self.already_prepared = Position.tostring(next.position) self:bulldoze_area(next, self.direction) end end if self.settings.concrete and #self.concrete_queue > 0 then for _, queue in pairs(self.concrete_queue) do self:placeConcrete(queue.travelDir, queue.rail) end self.concrete_queue = {} end if self.settings.railEntities and #self.rail_queue > 0 then for _, queue in pairs(self.rail_queue) do self:placeRailEntities(queue.travelDir, queue.rail) end self.rail_queue = {} end end if self.ghostPath then if #self.ghostPath == 0 then self:deactivate("Finished path") return true end end end end FARL.show_path = function(self) for i = 1, #self.path do self:flyingText2(i, RED, true, diagonal_to_real_pos(self.path[i].rail)) --self:flyingText(i..":"..self.path[i].travel_dir, RED, true, self.path[i].rail.position) --debugDump(path[i].rail.position,true) end end FARL.createBoundingBox = function(self, rail, direction) local bb = direction % 2 == 1 and self.settings.activeBP.diagonal.boundingBox or self.settings.activeBP.straight.boundingBox local realpos = diagonal_to_real_pos(rail) local area = { move_right_forward(realpos, direction,,, move_right_forward(realpos, direction,, } local tl = { x = min(area[1].x, area[2].x), y = min(area[1].y, area[2].y) } local br = { x = max(area[1].x, area[2].x), y = max(area[1].y, area[2].y) } return { left_top = tl, right_bottom = br } end --prepare an area for entity so it can be placed FARL.prepareArea = function(self, entity, rangeOrArea) local pos = entity.position local area = (type(rangeOrArea) == "table") and rangeOrArea or false local range = (type(rangeOrArea) ~= "number") and 1.5 or 0.5 area = area and area or Position.expand_to_area(pos, range) --if force or not self:genericCanPlace(entity) then --debugDump(area,true) --self:showArea2(area) --log(game.tick.." prepArea") self:removeTrees(area) self:pickupItems(area) self:removeStone(area) self:removeCliffs(area) --log(game.tick.." prepArea done") --else --return true --end if entity and and not self:genericCanPlace(entity) then self:fillWater(area) end return self:genericCanPlace(entity) end FARL.prepareAreaForCurve = function(self, newRail) local areas = FARL.clearAreas[newRail.direction % 4] for i = 1, 2 do local area = areas[i] local tl, lr = Position.add(newRail.position, area[1]), Position.add(newRail.position, area[2]) area = { left_top = { x = tl.x - 1, y = tl.y - 1 }, right_bottom = { x = lr.x + 1, y = lr.y + 1 } } self:removeTrees(area) self:pickupItems(area) self:removeStone(area) self:removeCliffs(area) if self.settings.bulldozer or self.settings.maintenance then local types = { "straight-rail", "curved-rail", "rail-signal", "rail-chain-signal", "electric-pole", "lamp", "wall" } for _, t in pairs(types) do self:removeEntitiesFiltered({ area = area, type = t }, self.protected) end end if not self:genericCanPlace(newRail) then self:fillWater(area) end end end FARL.removeTrees = function(self, area) --apiCalls.count.tree = apiCalls.count.tree + 1 local amount, name, proto local random = math.random --log(game.tick .. ' removeTrees start ' .. tostring(self.surface.count_entities_filtered { area = area, type = "tree" })) for _, entity in pairs(self.surface.find_entities_filtered { area = area, type = "tree" }) do --for _, entity in pairs(self:find_entities_filtered({ area = area, type = "tree" }, "removeTrees")) do local stat = global.statistics[].removed["tree-01"] or 0 global.statistics[].removed["tree-01"] = stat + 1 proto = entity.prototype.mineable_properties if proto and proto.minable and proto.products and (not self.cheat_mode) and self.settings.collectWood then local products = proto.products if products then for _, product in pairs(products) do if product.type == "item" then if == "wood" then self:addItemToCargo("wood", 1) else if product.probability then if product.probability == 1 or (product.probability >= random()) then name = end if name then if product.amount_max == product.amount_min then amount = product.amount_max else amount = random(product.amount_min, product.amount_max) end if amount and amount > 0 then self:addItemToCargo(name, ceil(amount/2)) end name = false end elseif and product.amount then name = amount = product.amount if amount and amount > 0 then self:addItemToCargo(name, ceil(amount/2)) end name = false end end end end end end entity.die() -- using die() here, because destroy() doesn't leave tree stumps end --log(game.tick .. ' removeTrees end') end FARL.removeCreep = function(self, area) if self.surface.count_tiles_filtered{area = area, name = "kr-creep"} > 0 then local tiles = {} local tiles_filtered = self.surface.find_tiles_filtered{area = area, name = "kr-creep"} local collected = 0 for _, tile in pairs(tiles_filtered) do table.insert(tiles, {name = "landfill", position = tile.position}) collected = collected + 1 end if collected > 0 and not self.cheat_mode then collected = round(collected * (math.random(30,80)/100)) if collected > 0 then self:addItemToCargo("biomass", collected) end end if #tiles > 0 then self.surface.set_tiles(tiles) end end end FARL.removeStone = function(self, area) self:removeCreep(area) local amount, name, proto local random = math.random for _, entity in pairs(self.surface.find_entities_filtered { area = area, type = "simple-entity", force = "neutral" }) do proto = entity.prototype.mineable_properties if proto and proto.minable and proto.products then if entity.destroy() and self.settings.collectWood and not self.cheat_mode then local products = proto.products for _, product in pairs(products) do if product.type == "item" then if product.probability then if product.probability == 1 or (product.probability >= random()) then name = end if name then if product.amount_max == product.amount_min then amount = product.amount_max else amount = random(product.amount_min, product.amount_max) end if amount and amount > 0 then --log(string.format("added %s %s", amount, name)) self:addItemToCargo(name, ceil(amount/2)) end name = false end elseif and product.amount then name = amount = product.amount if amount and amount > 0 then --log(string.format("added %s %s", amount, name)) self:addItemToCargo(name, ceil(amount/2)) end name = false end end end local stat = global.statistics[].removed["stone-rock"] or 0 global.statistics[].removed["stone-rock"] = stat + 1 end end end end FARL.removeCliffs = function(self, area) if not self.settings.remove_cliffs then return end local cliffs = self.surface.find_entities_filtered { area = area, type = "cliff" } if #cliffs == 0 then return end local amount = ceil(#cliffs / 3) local explosives = self:getCargoCount("cliff-explosives") if explosives >= amount then local stat = global.statistics[].removed["cliff"] or 0 global.statistics[].removed["cliff"] = stat + #cliffs local removed = 0 for _, entity in pairs(cliffs) do if entity.destroy({do_cliff_correction = true}) then removed = removed + 1 end --entity.destroy{do_cliff_correction = true} end self:removeItemFromCargo("cliff-explosives", amount, explosives) else self:print_out_of_item("cliff-explosives") end end -- args = {area=area, name="name"} or {area=area,type="type"} -- exclude: table with entities as keys FARL.removeEntitiesFiltered = function(self, args) local force = self.locomotive.force local neutral_force = game.forces.neutral local count for _, entity in pairs(self.surface.find_entities_filtered(args)) do count = 1 --for _, entity in pairs(self:find_entities_filtered(args, "removeEntitiesFiltered")) do if not self:isProtected(entity) and (entity.force == force or entity.force == neutral_force) then local item = false local name = if entity.type == "straight-rail" or entity.type == "curved-rail" then item = else if entity.prototype.items_to_place_this then local item_stacks = entity.prototype.items_to_place_this if item_stacks and #item_stacks > 0 then item = item_stacks[1].name count = item_stacks[1].count end end end if not entity.destroy({raise_destroy = true}) then self:deactivate({ "msg-cant-remove" }) return else if item and name ~= "concrete-lamp" then self:addItemToCargo(item, count) local stat = global.statistics[].removed[item] or 0 global.statistics[].removed[item] = stat + 1 end end end end end FARL.fillWater = function(self, area) local status, err = pcall(function() -- check if bridging is turned on in settings if self.settings.bridge then -- following code mostly pulled from landfill mod itself and adjusted to fit local tiles = {} area = Area.to_table(area) local st, ft = area.left_top, area.right_bottom local dw, w = 0, 0 local water_tiles = {water = true, deepwater = true, ['water-shallow'] = true, ['water-mud'] = true} local place_result = game.item_prototypes["landfill"] and game.item_prototypes["landfill"].place_as_tile_result place_result = place_result and or "landfill" local _tile_prototypes = game.tile_prototypes local tile_prototypes = {} for x = st.x, ft.x, 1 do for y = st.y, ft.y, 1 do local tileName = self.surface.get_tile(x, y).name -- check that tile is water, if it is add it to a list of tiles to be changed to grass if water_tiles[tileName] then if tileName ~= "deepwater" then w = w + 1 else dw = dw + 1 end tile_prototypes[tileName] = tile_prototypes[tileName] or _tile_prototypes[tileName] table.insert(tiles, { name = place_result, position = { x=x, y=y } }) end end end self:replaceWater(tiles, w, dw) end end) if not status then debugDump(area, true) error(err, 3) end end FARL.replaceWater = function(self, tiles, w, dw) -- check to make sure water tiles were found if #tiles ~= 0 then -- if they were calculate the minimum number of landfills to fill them in ( quick and dirty at the moment may need tweeking to prevent overusage) local lfills = ceil(w / 2 + dw * 1.5) lfills = lfills > 20 and 20 or lfills -- check to make sure there is enough landfill in the FARL and if there is apply the changes, remove landfill. if not then show error message if self:getCargoCount("landfill") >= lfills then self.surface.set_tiles(tiles, true, true, true, true) self:removeItemFromCargo("landfill", lfills) --script.raise_event(, {surface_index = self.surface.index, tiles = tiles,}) end end end FARL.placeConcrete = function(self, dir, rail) if rail.type == "curved-rail" then return end local type = rail.direction % 2 == 1 and "diagonal" or "straight" local concrete = self.settings.activeBP[type].concrete if not concrete then return end local diff = dir % 2 == 0 and dir or dir - 1 local rad = diff * (math.pi / 4) local tiles = {} local pave = {} local w, dw = 0, 0 local railpos = diagonal_to_real_pos(rail) --mirror directional concrete from color-coding local textured = {} textured["concrete-hazard-left"] = "concrete-hazard-right" textured["concrete-hazard-right"] = "concrete-hazard-left" textured["concrete-fire-left"] = "concrete-fire-right" textured["concrete-fire-right"] = "concrete-fire-left" --vanilla hazard concrete textured["hazard-concrete-left"] = "hazard-concrete-right" textured["hazard-concrete-right"] = "hazard-concrete-left" local tile_prototypes = {} local _tile_prototypes = game.tile_prototypes local water_tiles = {water = true, deepwater = true, ['water-shallow'] = true, ['water-mud'] = true} local place_result = game.item_prototypes["landfill"] and game.item_prototypes["landfill"].place_as_tile_result place_result = place_result and or "grass-1" for _, c in pairs(concrete) do local name = if self.settings.mirrorConcrete and endsWith(name, "-left") or endsWith(name, "-right") then if (type == "straight" and dir % 4 == 2) or (type == "diagonal" and (dir == 3 or dir == 7)) then name = textured[name] or name end end local entity = { name = name } local offset = c.position offset = rotate(offset, rad) local pos = Position.add(railpos, offset) self:protect_tile({ x = pos.x, y = pos.y }) entity.position = pos pave[name] = pave[name] or {} --self:flyingText2(".", GREEN,true,entity.position) local tileName = self.surface.get_tile(pos.x, pos.y).name -- check that tile is water, if it is add it to a list of tiles to be changed to grass if water_tiles[tileName] then if self.settings.bridge then if tileName ~= "deepwater" then w = w + 1 else dw = dw + 1 end tile_prototypes[tileName] = tile_prototypes[tileName] or _tile_prototypes[tileName] table.insert(tiles, { name = place_result, position = { x=pos.x, y=pos.y } }) table.insert(pave[name], entity) end elseif tileName ~= name and tileName ~= "out-of-map" then table.insert(pave[name], entity) end end if self.settings.bridge then self:replaceWater(tiles, w, dw) end for name, p in pairs(pave) do local c = #p local cargo_count = self:getCargoCount(name) if cargo_count > c then if c > 0 then self.surface.set_tiles(p) self:removeItemFromCargo(name, c, cargo_count) local stat = global.statistics[].created[name] or 0 global.statistics[].created[name] = stat + c end end end end -- local tile_prototypes = {} -- local function get_proto(tileName) -- if not tile_prototypes[tileName] then -- log("get proto " .. serpent.line(tileName)) -- end -- tile_prototypes[tileName] = tile_prototypes[tileName] or game.tile_prototypes[tileName] -- return tile_prototypes[tileName] -- end FARL.removeConcrete = function(self, area) local status, err = pcall(function() area = Area.round_to_integer(area) local options = {area = area, has_hidden_tile = true, collision_mask = "ground-tile"} if self.surface.count_tiles_filtered(options) == 0 then return end local tiles = {} local counts = {} local tileName, itemsToPlace, toPlace local _tile_prototypes = game.tile_prototypes local tile_prototypes = {} local tiles_filtered = self.surface.find_tiles_filtered(options) for _, tile in pairs(tiles_filtered) do tileName = tile_prototypes[tileName] = tile_prototypes[tileName] or _tile_prototypes[tileName] -- check that tile is placeable by the player itemsToPlace = tile_prototypes[tileName].items_to_place_this toPlace = (itemsToPlace and #itemsToPlace >= 1) and itemsToPlace[1].name if (tile_prototypes[tileName].can_be_part_of_blueprint and toPlace and toPlace ~= "landfill" and toPlace ~= "bi-adv-fertiliser" and (not string.starts_with(toPlace, 'dect-base') and not string.starts_with(toPlace, 'dect-alien')) --luacheck: ignore and not self:is_protected_tile(tile.position) ) then counts[tileName] = counts[tileName] or 0 table.insert(tiles, { name = tile.hidden_tile or "grass-1", position = tile.position }) counts[tileName] = counts[tileName] + 1 end end if #tiles > 0 then self.surface.set_tiles(tiles) for name, c in pairs(counts) do local item = get_item_name(name) if item then self:addItemToCargo(item, c, true) local stat = global.statistics[].removed[item] or 0 global.statistics[].removed[item] = stat + c end end end end) if not status then error(err, 3) end end FARL.pickupItems = function(self, area) --apiCalls.count.item = apiCalls.count.item + 1 if self.surface.count_entities_filtered { area = area, name = "item-on-ground" } > 0 then --apiCalls.find.item = apiCalls.find.item + 1 for _, entity in pairs(self.surface.find_entities_filtered { area = area, name = "item-on-ground" }) do --for _, entity in pairs(self:find_entities_filtered( { area = area, name = "item-on-ground" },"pickUpItems")) do self:addItemToCargo(, entity.stack.count, entity.stack.prototype.place_result) entity.destroy() end end end FARL.find_tile = function(self, sarea1, sarea2, travel_dir) local tpos1 = move_right_forward(sarea1, travel_dir, -1, 0) local tpos2 = move_right_forward(sarea2, travel_dir, 1, 0) local tile1 = self.surface.get_tile(tpos1.x, tpos1.y) local tile2 = self.surface.get_tile(tpos2.x, tpos2.y) local found = false local count = 0 while count < 20 and not found do --self:flyingText2("1", RED,true,tpos1) --self:flyingText2("2", RED,true,tpos2) if not string.find(, "water") and ~= "out-of-map" and not get_item_name( then return end if not string.find(, "water") and ~= "out-of-map" and not get_item_name( then return end tpos1 = move_right_forward(tpos1, travel_dir, -1, 0) tpos2 = move_right_forward(tpos2, travel_dir, 1, 0) tile1 = self.surface.get_tile(tpos1.x, tpos1.y) tile2 = self.surface.get_tile(tpos2.x, tpos2.y) count = count + 1 end return found end FARL.bulldoze_area = function(self, rail, travel_dir) if rail.type == "curved-rail" then self:prepareAreaForCurve(rail) return end local types = { "straight-rail", "curved-rail", "rail-signal", "rail-chain-signal", "electric-pole", "lamp", "wall" } local rtype = travel_dir % 2 == 0 and "straight" or "diagonal" local bp = self.settings.activeBP[rtype] if rtype == "straight" then local area = self:createBoundingBox(rail, travel_dir) self:prepareArea(rail, area) self:removeConcrete(area) local area2 = Position.expand_to_area(diagonal_to_real_pos(rail), 1.5) for _, t in pairs(types) do self:removeEntitiesFiltered({ area = area, type = t }, self.protected) self:removeEntitiesFiltered({ area = area2, type = t }, self.protected) end else for i, p in pairs(bp.clearance_points) do local pos = move_right_forward(rail.position, travel_dir, p.x, 0) local area = Position.expand_to_area(pos, 1.5) self:removeTrees(area) self:pickupItems(area) self:removeStone(area) self:removeCliffs(area) self:removeConcrete(area) for _, t in pairs(types) do self:removeEntitiesFiltered({ area = area, type = t }, self.protected) end end end end FARL.getRail = function(self, lastRail, travelDir, input) if not travelDir or not input then error("no traveldir or input", 2) end if travelDir > 7 or travelDir < 0 then self:deactivate("Traveldir wrong: " .. travelDir) return false, false end if input > 2 or input < 0 then self:deactivate("Input wrong: " .. input) return travelDir, false end if not lastRail then error("no lastRail", 2) end local data = FARL.input_to_next_rail[travelDir][lastRail.type] if not data then error("no data", 2) end if not data[lastRail.direction] or not data[lastRail.direction][input] then if not data[lastRail.direction] then return travelDir, false end input = 1 end data = data[lastRail.direction][input] local name = data.type == "straight-rail" and self.settings.rail.straight or self.settings.rail.curved local newTravelDir = (travelDir + FARL.input2dir[input]) % 8 return newTravelDir, { name = name, position = Position.add(lastRail.position, data.offset), direction = data.direction, type = data.type } end FARL.getGhostRail = function(self, lastRail, travelDir, input) if not travelDir or not input then error("no traveldir or input", 2) end if travelDir > 7 or travelDir < 0 then self:deactivate("Traveldir wrong: " .. travelDir) return false, false end if input > 2 or input < 0 then self:deactivate("Input wrong: " .. input) return travelDir, false end if not lastRail then error("no lastRail", 2) end local data = FARL.input_to_next_rail[travelDir][lastRail.ghost_type] if not data then error("no data", 2) end if not data[lastRail.direction] or not data[lastRail.direction][input] then if not data[lastRail.direction] then return travelDir, false end input = 1 end data = data[lastRail.direction][input] local name = data.type == "straight-rail" and self.settings.rail.straight or self.settings.rail.curved local newTravelDir = (travelDir + FARL.input2dir[input]) % 8 return newTravelDir, { name = "entity-ghost", ghost_name = name, ghost_type = data.type, position = Position.add(lastRail.position, data.offset), direction = data.direction, type = "entity-ghost" } end FARL.cruiseControl = function(self) local acc = self.frontmover and defines.riding.acceleration.accelerating or defines.riding.acceleration.reversing local decc = self.frontmover and defines.riding.acceleration.reversing or defines.riding.acceleration.accelerating local speed = abs(self.train.speed) local modifier = self.max_speed_burner.currently_burning and self.max_speed_burner.currently_burning.fuel_top_speed_multiplier or 1 local limit = and self.settings.cruiseSpeed or self.max_speed limit = limit * (modifier + 0.01) if self.cruiseInterrupt == 2 then self:toggleCruiseControl() return end if speed < limit then self.driver.riding_state = { acceleration = acc, direction = self.driver.riding_state.direction } elseif and speed > limit + 0.1 then self.driver.riding_state = { acceleration = decc, direction = self.driver.riding_state.direction } else self.driver.riding_state = { acceleration = defines.riding.acceleration.nothing, direction = self.driver.riding_state.direction } end end FARL.findNeighbours = function(self, rail, travelDir) local paths = {} local found = false if not travelDir then error("no travelDir", 2) end for i = 0, 2 do local newTravel, nrail = self:getRail(rail, travelDir, i) if type(newTravel) == "number" then local railEnt = self:findRail(nrail) if railEnt then --self:flyingText2("N", GREEN, true, railEnt.position) paths[i] = { newTravel, nrail, railEnt } found = true else paths[i] = false end else paths[i] = false end end return found and paths or false end FARL.findNeighbour = function(self, rail, travelDir, input) local neighbour = false local _, nrail = self:getRail(rail, travelDir, input) if nrail then local railEnt = self:findRail(nrail) if railEnt then neighbour = railEnt end end return neighbour end FARL.findRail = function(self, rail) local area = Position.expand_to_area(rail.position, 0.4) local found = false for _, r in pairs(self.surface.find_entities_filtered { area = area, type = rail.type }) do if r.position.x == rail.position.x and r.position.y == rail.position.y and r.direction == rail.direction then found = r break end end return found end FARL.findGhostRail = function(self, rail) local area = Position.expand_to_area(rail.position, 0.4) --local found = self.surface.find_entity(, rail.position) for _, r in pairs(self.surface.find_entities_filtered { area = area, name = }) do if r.position.x == rail.position.x and r.position.y == rail.position.y and r.direction == rail.direction then return r end end end FARL.calculate_rail_data = function(self) local curves = { [0] = { [0] = { name = "curved-rail", type = "curved-rail", direction = 0, position = { x = 0, y = 0 } }, [2] = { name = "curved-rail", type = "curved-rail", direction = 1, position = { x = 2, y = 2 } } }, [1] = { [0] = { name = "curved-rail", type = "curved-rail", direction = 3, position = { x = 1, y = 1 } }, [2] = { name = "curved-rail", type = "curved-rail", direction = 3, position = { x = 1, y = 1 } } } } self.lanes.max_lag = { [0] = 0, [1] = 0 } self.lanes.min_block = { [0] = 0, [1] = 0 } for _, direction_self in pairs({ 0, 1 }) do self.lanes["d" .. direction_self] = {} for _, input_self in pairs({ 0, 2 }) do self.lanes["d" .. direction_self]["i" .. input_self] = {} local rail = curves[direction_self][input_self] local straight_lanes = self.settings.activeBP.straight.lanes for lane_index, _ in pairs(straight_lanes) do local direction = direction_self local original_dir = direction local s_lane = self.settings.activeBP.straight.lanes[lane_index] local d_lane = self.settings.activeBP.diagonal.lanes[lane_index] local input = input_self -- invert direction, input, distances for diagonal rails if direction % 2 == 1 then direction = Position.opposite_direction((direction + FARL.input2dir[input]) % 8) input = input == 2 and 0 or 2 s_lane = -1 * s_lane d_lane = -1 * d_lane end local new_curve = { name =, type = rail.type, direction = rail.direction, force = rail.force } --luacheck: ignore local right = original_dir % 2 == 0 and s_lane * 2 or s_lane --left hand turns need to go back, moving right already moves the diagonal rail part local forward = input == 2 and (s_lane - d_lane) * 2 or (d_lane - s_lane) * 2 new_curve.position = move_right_forward(rail.position, direction, right, forward) local lag = forward / 2 local catchup local l, f = lag, forward local r if original_dir == 1 then right = -1 * right lag = 2 * right + d_lane lag = input == 2 and lag or -1 * lag forward = -1 * forward forward = forward / 2 l, f, r = lag, -1 * s_lane, forward if input_self == 2 then f = -1 * f end catchup = l + f + r else catchup = l < 0 and l or f end catchup = catchup > 0 and catchup or 0 local block if original_dir == 0 then block = forward / 2 else block = -1 * forward / 2 end local data = { forward = forward, right = right, lag = lag, catchup = catchup, block = block } self.lanes["d" .. direction_self]["i" .. input_self]["l" .. lane_index] = data self.lanes.max_lag[direction_self] = self.lanes.max_lag[direction_self] < abs(lag) and abs(lag) or self.lanes.max_lag[direction_self] --debugDump(self.lanes.max_lag,true) end end end end FARL.activate = function(self, scanForGhosts) local status, err = pcall(function() self.lastrail = false self.signalCount = { main = 0 } self.protected = {} self.protected_index = 1 self.protected[self.protected_index] = {} self.protected_tiles = {} self.protected_tiles[self.protected_index] = {} self.frontmover = false self.last_message = {} if (self.driver and ~= "farl_player") then self.cheat_mode = self.driver.cheat_mode or false else self.cheat_mode = self.startedBy and self.startedBy.cheat_mode or false end self.lastCurve = { dist = 20, input = false, direction = 0, blocked = {}, curveblock = 0 } for _, l in pairs(self.train.locomotives.front_movers) do if l == self.locomotive then self.frontmover = true break end end self.direction = self:calcTrainDir() self.lastrail = self:findLastRail() if scanForGhosts then self.ghostPath = self:getGhostPath() end if self.ghostPath then if self.confirmed == nil and ~= "farl_player" then GUI.createPopup(self.driver) return end if self.confirmed == true or == "farl_player" then self.ghostProgressStart = #self.ghostPath self.ghostProgress = 0 for _, data in pairs(self.ghostPath) do if data.rail and data.rail.valid then local position = data.rail.position local direction = data.rail.direction local name = local ghost_name = data.rail.ghost_name local ttl = data.rail.time_to_live data.rail.destroy() data.rail = {position = position, name=name, ghost_name = ghost_name, direction=direction, timeToLive = ttl} end end self.destroyedGhosts = true end end if not self.lastrail then self:deactivate({ "msg-error-2" }, true) return end if self.lastrail.type == "curved-rail" then self:deactivate({ "msg-error-curves" }, true) return end local first_carriage, bulldoze_rail local same_orientation = false first_carriage = not self.frontmover and self.train.carriages[#self.train.carriages] or self.train.carriages[1] local orientation = first_carriage.orientation for _, carriage in pairs(self.train.carriages) do if carriage.orientation == orientation or (carriage.orientation + 0.5) % 1 == orientation then same_orientation = orientation else same_orientation = false break end end local _ self.path, _ = self:get_rails_below_train(same_orientation) --debugDump(#self.path,true) if self.settings.bulldozer then bulldoze_rail = self.frontmover and self.train.back_rail or self.train.front_rail if not same_orientation or bulldoze_rail.type == "curved-rail" then debugDump("Train is on a curve somewhere, train doesn't like!", true) self:deactivate() return end end --self:flyingText("FR", YELLOW, true, self:rail_below_train().position) --self:show_path() for i = #self.path - 1, #self.path - 3, -1 do if self.settings.railEntities and not self.settings.bulldozer then local c = i if c > 0 and self.path[c] and self.path[c].rail.type ~= "curved-rail" then local rail = self.path[c].rail table.insert(self.rail_queue, { travelDir = self.path[c].travel_dir, rail = get_fake_rail(rail) }) end end end debugLog("--Path length:" .. #self.path) --self:show_path() self:findLastPole(self.lastrail) self:protect(self.lastPole) --self:show_path() local last_signal, signal_rail = false, false local signal_index = false for i = #self.path, 1, -1 do local rail = self.path[i].rail local dir = self.path[i].travel_dir last_signal, signal_rail = self:find_signal_rail(rail, dir) if last_signal then self.signalCount = { main = 0 } self:flyingText2("S", GREEN, true, last_signal.position) signal_index = i break end end if not signal_index then self.signalCount.main = self.settings.signalDistance end --debugDump(signal_index,true) if signal_index and self.settings.signals and not self.settings.bulldozer then --local c = self.settings.maintenance and front_rail_index+1 or #self.path local c = #self.path for i = signal_index + 1, c do local rail = self.path[i].rail local dir = self.path[i].travel_dir if self:placeSignal(dir, rail) then self.signalCount.main = 0 end self.signalCount.main = self.signalCount.main + get_signal_weight(rail, self.settings) end end --debugDump(self.signalCount,true) if last_signal and signal_rail then self:protect(last_signal) --self:flyingText2( "SR", GREEN, true, signal_rail.position) end --self:flyingText2( {"text-behind"}, RED, true, self:rail_behind_train().position) local bps = self.settings.activeBP local diag_lanes = bps.diagonal.lanes local straight_lanes = bps.straight.lanes --debugLog("--Lanes: vert: "..#straight_lanes.." diag: "..#diag_lanes) --debugLog("Poles: vert: "" diag: " self.lanes = {} if diag_lanes and straight_lanes and #diag_lanes ~= #straight_lanes then self:deactivate({ "msg-error-track-mismatch" }) return end -- lane lag, curve calculations if diag_lanes and straight_lanes then self:calculate_rail_data() end self.signal_in = {} local mainCount = get_signal_weight(self.lastrail, self.settings) for i, _ in pairs(straight_lanes) do local lane_data = self.lanes["d" .. self.direction % 2]["i0"]["l" .. i] local lag = abs(lane_data.lag) if self.direction % 2 == 1 and lane_data.right > 0 then lag = lag * mainCount end self.signalCount[i] = self.signalCount.main - lag --+ mainCount --self.signal_in[i] = lag end debugLog(self.signalCount, "--Signal count: ") debugLog(self.signal_in, "--Signals_in: ") self.lanerails = {} if self.settings.bulldozer and self.settings.concrete then local d = self.path[#self.path] --self:flyingText2(self.direction, RED,true,d.rail.position) self:placeConcrete(self.direction, d.rail) end = true end) if not status then self:deactivate({ "", { "msg-error-activating" }, err }) log(debug.traceback()) end end FARL.find_signal_rail = function(self, rail, travel_dir) local signal = get_signal_for_rail(rail, travel_dir) if not signal then return end local signal_dir = signal.direction local signal_pos = signal.position local range = (travel_dir % 2 == 0) and 1 or 0.5 for _, name in pairs({ "rail-signal", "rail-chain-signal" }) do for _, entity in pairs(self.surface.find_entities_filtered { area = Position.expand_to_area(signal_pos, range), name = name }) do if entity.direction == signal_dir then return entity, rail end end end end FARL.get_rails_below_train = function(self, no_limit) local behind = self:rail_behind_train() local front = self:rail_below_train() local front_rail_index = 0 local next, dir = self.lastrail, self.direction local path = {} --self:flyingText2("f", RED, true, Position.add(front.position,{x=0,y=-1})) --self:flyingText2("b", RED, true, behind.position) --self:flyingText2("n", RED, true, self.lastrail.position) local count = 0 dir = Position.opposite_direction(dir) local limit = no_limit and 1000 or 30 while next and (count < limit) do --self:flyingText2(count, RED, true, next.position) table.insert(path, { rail = next, travel_dir = Position.opposite_direction(dir) }) self:protect(next) if next == behind then break end next, dir = self:get_connected_rail(next, true, dir) count = count + 1 end -- if no_limit and next == behind then -- table.insert(path, {rail = next, travel_dir = Position.opposite_direction(dir)}) -- self:protect(next) -- end local path2 = {} for i = #path, 1, -1 do table.insert(path2, path[i]) if front == path[i] then front_rail_index = #path2 end end --debugDump("front index "..front_rail_index,true) return path2, front_rail_index end FARL.deactivate = function(self, reason) = false self.input = nil if then self:toggleCruiseControl() end = false self.path = nil self.ghostProgress = nil if self.ghostPath and #self.ghostPath > 0 and self.destroyedGhosts then --log(serpent.block(self.ghostPath,{comment=false})) local force = self.locomotive.force local status, err = pcall(function() for _, data in pairs(self.ghostPath) do local ghost = data.rail if not ghost.valid then--should be a simple table ghost.force = force local ent = self.surface.create_entity(ghost) if ent then ent.time_to_live = data.rail.timeToLive end end end end) if not status then self:print({ "", "Error deactivating (ghostPath): ", err }) end end if self.driver and == "farl_player" then self.driver.destroy() self.driver = false end self.ghostPath = nil self.confirmed = nil self.lastrail = nil self.already_prepared = nil self.lastCurve = 0 self.direction = nil self.lastPole, self.lastCheckPole = nil, nil self.lastCheckRail = nil self.ccNetPole = nil self.protected = {} self.protected_tiles = {} self.protected_index = {} self.concrete_queue = {} self.rail_queue = {} self.startedBy = nil self.last_message = {} self.read_blueprints = 0 if reason then self:print({ "", { "msg-deactivated" }, ": ", reason }) end end FARL.toggleActive = function(self, scanForGhosts) if not then self:activate(scanForGhosts) return else self:deactivate() end end FARL.toggleCruiseControl = function(self) if not then if self.driver and self.driver.riding_state then = true local input = self.input or defines.riding.direction.straight self.driver.riding_state = { acceleration = defines.riding.acceleration.accelerating, direction = input } self.max_speed = math.huge self.max_speed_loco = false for _, l in pairs(self.train.locomotives.front_movers) do if l.prototype.speed < self.max_speed then self.max_speed = l.prototype.speed self.max_speed_burner = l.burner end end for _, l in pairs(self.train.locomotives.back_movers) do self.max_speed = l.prototype.speed < self.max_speed and l.prototype.speed or self.max_speed end GUI.updateGui(self) end return else if self.driver and self.driver.riding_state then = false local input = self.input or defines.riding.direction.straight self.driver.riding_state = { acceleration = defines.riding.acceleration.nothing, direction = input } GUI.updateGui(self) end return end end FARL.bulldozerModeAllowed = function(self) return (FARL.isFARLLocomotive(self.train.carriages[1]) and FARL.isFARLLocomotive(self.train.carriages[#self.train.carriages])) end FARL.toggleBulldozer = function(self) if then self:deactivate({ "msg-changing-modes" }) end self.settings.bulldozer = not self.settings.bulldozer if self.settings.bulldozer and not self:bulldozerModeAllowed() then self.settings.bulldozer = false self:print({ "msg-bulldozer-error" }) end self.settings.maintenance = false end FARL.toggleMaintenance = function(self) if then self:deactivate({ "msg-changing-modes" }) end self.settings.maintenance = not self.settings.maintenance self.settings.bulldozer = false end FARL.findLastRail = function(self) local test = self:rail_below_train() local last = test local count = 1 local limit = (self.settings.maintenance or self.settings.bulldozer) and 5 or 20 while test and count <= limit do --and ~= self.settings.rail.curved do local rail = self:get_connected_rail(test, true, self.direction) if rail and count < limit then test = rail last = rail else break end count = count + 1 end if last then self:flyingText2({ "text-front" }, RED, true, last.position) end return last end FARL.getGhostPath = function(self) local next = {name = "entity-ghost", ghost_name =, ghost_type = self.lastrail.type, position = self.lastrail.position, direction=self.lastrail.direction} local dir = self.direction local count = 0 local ghostPath = {} local input local already_on_path = {} while next do --and count < limit do next, dir, input = self:getConnectedGhostRail(next, dir) if next then if not already_on_path[next.unit_number] then --self:flyingText(count, YELLOW, true, next.position) table.insert(ghostPath, 1, {dir = dir, rail = next, input = input}) already_on_path[next.unit_number] = true else break end end count = count + 1 end return #ghostPath > 0 and ghostPath or false end FARL.addItemToCargo = function(self, item, count, place_result) --TODO fix this --local original_item = item if not item then return end local item2, count2 = get_item_name(item) count = count or 1 if not game.item_prototypes[item] then item = item2 count = count2 end if not item then --log("No item found for " .. original_item) return end local itemStack = {name = item, count = count} local remaining = count - self.train.insert(itemStack) if remaining > 0 and (self.settings.dropWood or place_result) then local position = self.surface.find_non_colliding_position("item-on-ground", self.driver.position, 100, 0.5) self.surface.create_entity { name = "item-on-ground", position = position, stack = { name =, count = remaining } } end end FARL.removeItemFromCargo = function(self, item, count, current_count) count = count or 1 if self.cheat_mode then return count end if count == 0 then return 0 end local item_name = get_item_name(item) local removed = self.train.remove_item({ name = item_name, count = count }) if removed == current_count then self:print_out_of_item(item) end return removed end FARL.getCargoCount = function(self, item) local name = get_item_name(item) if self.cheat_mode then return 9001 end local count = 0 if name then count = self.train.get_item_count(name) if count == 0 then self:print_out_of_item(name) end else self:print("No item found for: " .. item) end return count end FARL.genericCanPlace = function(self, arg) if not arg.position or not arg.position.x or not arg.position.y then error("invalid position", 2) elseif not then error("no name", 2) end local name = arg.type == "entity-ghost" and arg.ghost_name or --apiCalls.canplace = apiCalls.canplace + 1 if not arg.direction then return self.surface.can_place_entity { name = name, position = arg.position } --return self.surface.can_place_entity { name = name, position = arg.position, ghost_name = arg.ghost_name } else return self.surface.can_place_entity { name = name, position = arg.position, direction = arg.direction } --return self.surface.can_place_entity { name = name, position = arg.position, direction = arg.direction, ghost_name = arg.ghost_name } end end FARL.genericPlace = function(self, arg, ignore, place_ghost) = is_placer_or_base[] and "ret-pole-placer" or local canPlace if not ignore then canPlace = self:genericCanPlace(arg) else canPlace = true end local entity if canPlace then local force = arg.force or self.locomotive.force arg.force = force arg.raise_built = true if not place_ghost then entity = self.surface.create_entity(arg) else entity = self.surface.create_entity(FARL.get_ghost(arg)) end --apiCalls.create = apiCalls.create + 1 end if entity then if entity.type ~= "entity_ghost" then local stat = global.statistics[].created[] or 0 global.statistics[].created[] = stat + 1 end self:protect(entity) --local diff = Position.subtract(arg.position, entity.position) --if diff.x ~= 0 or diff.y~= 0 then --self:flyingText2(serpent.line(canPlace, {comment=false}), RED,true,entity.position) --self:print("Misplaced entity: " --self:print("arg:"..Position.tostring(arg.position).." ent:"..Position.tostring(entity.position)) --end end return canPlace, entity end FARL.get_ghost = function(entity) local ghostEntity = table.deepcopy(entity) ghostEntity.ghost_name = = "entity-ghost" ghostEntity.expires = false return ghostEntity end --parse blueprints -- chain signal: needs direction == 4, defines track that FARL drives on --normal signals: define signal position for other tracks FARL.parseBlueprints = function(self, blueprints) for j = 1, #blueprints do local e = blueprints[j].get_blueprint_entities() if e then local bpType, rails, poles, box, offsets, original_string = Blueprint.group_entities(blueprints[j]) --log(serpent.block(offsets)) if not bpType then --self:print(rails) return end if rails == 1 and not offsets.chain then local rail = offsets.rails[1] local traveldir = bpType == "straight" and 0 or 1 local c = FARL.signalOffset[traveldir][rail.direction] offsets.chain = { direction = c.dir, name = "rail-chain-signal", position = Position.add(rail.position, c.pos) } end if #poles > 0 then Blueprint.get_max_pole(poles, offsets) end if offsets.chain and offsets.pole and bpType then local mainRail = false for _, rail in pairs(offsets.rails) do local traveldir = bpType == "straight" and 0 or 1 local signalPositions = {get_signal_for_rail(rail, traveldir, false), get_signal_for_rail(rail, traveldir, true)} for _, signal in pairs(signalPositions) do if not mainRail and signal.position.x == offsets.chain.position.x and signal.position.y == offsets.chain.position.y and signal.direction == offsets.chain.direction then rail.main = true mainRail = rail if rail.direction == 3 then rail = self:getRail(mainRail, 1, 1) end offsets.mainRail = rail end end end if mainRail then local lamps = {} -- make positions relative to the main pole for _, l in pairs(offsets.poleEntities) do if ~= "wooden-chest" then table.insert(lamps, {name =, position = Position.subtract(l.position, offsets.pole.position), direction = l.direction, pickup_position = l.pickup_position, drop_position = l.drop_position, request_filters = l.request_filters, recipe = l.recipe }) end end local railPos = mainRail.position if bpType == "diagonal" then railPos = diagonal_to_real_pos(mainRail) end --log(serpent.block(railPos)) --log(serpent.block(offsets.pole.position)) --local y_offset = offsets.pole.position.y - railPos.y --local x_offset = offsets.pole.position.x - railPos.x --log(string.format('Pole: %s', Position.tostring(offsets.pole.position))) --log(string.format('Rail: %s', Position.tostring(railPos))) offsets.pole.position = Position.subtract(offsets.pole.position, railPos) --log(serpent.block(offsets.pole.position)) local y_offset = offsets.pole.position.y local x_offset = offsets.pole.position.x --log(string.format('x offset: %s', x_offset)) --log(string.format('y offset: %s', y_offset)) --move main pole next to the main rail if bpType == "straight" then offsets.pole.position = Position.translate(offsets.pole.position, defines.direction.north, y_offset) else local distance = math.ceil((y_offset - x_offset) / 2) --log(string.format('y offset: %s', distance)) offsets.pole.position = Position.translate(offsets.pole.position, defines.direction.northeast, distance) end local railEntities = {} for _, re in pairs(offsets.railEntities) do table.insert(railEntities, { name =, position = Position.subtract(re.position, railPos), direction = re.direction }) end local concrete = blueprints[j].get_blueprint_tiles() if concrete then local off = { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 } local pos = Position.subtract(railPos, off) for _, c in pairs(concrete) do table.insert(offsets.concrete, { name =, position = Position.subtract(c.position, pos) }) local position = c.position if > position.x then = position.x end if > position.y then = position.y end if < position.x then = position.x end if < position.y then = position.y end end end local bp_rails = {} local lanes = {} local new_signals = {} local known_rails = {} for _, l in pairs(offsets.rails) do if not l.main then local lane_distance local tmp = { name =, position = Position.subtract(l.position, mainRail.position), direction = l.direction, type = game.entity_prototypes[].type, signal_number = l.signal_number, signal = l.signal } local move_dir = tmp.position.y < 0 and 1 or 5 if bpType == "diagonal" then lane_distance = Position.subtract(diagonal_to_real_pos(l), diagonal_to_real_pos(mainRail)) lane_distance = lane_distance.x + lane_distance.y else lane_distance = tmp.position.x end lane_distance = lane_distance / 2 if not known_rails[lane_distance] and lane_distance ~= 0 then table.insert(lanes, lane_distance) --TODO this is all so stupid for _, s in pairs(offsets.signals) do if s.entity_number == l.signal_number then local pos = Position.subtract(s.position, offsets.chain.position) local reverse = (s.direction ~= offsets.chain.direction) if bpType == "straight" then if pos.x % 2 == 0 then reverse = false else reverse = true end end new_signals[#lanes] = { name =, position = pos, direction = s.direction, reverse = reverse, entity_number = s.entity_number, distance = lane_distance } end end if not new_signals[#lanes] then new_signals[#lanes] = {distance = lane_distance} end known_rails[lane_distance] = true end local altRail, _ if l.direction % 2 == 1 and mainRail.direction == l.direction then _, altRail = self:getRail(tmp, move_dir, 1) altRail.signal_number = l.signal_number altRail.signal = l.signal tmp = altRail end table.insert(bp_rails, tmp) end table.sort(lanes) table.sort(new_signals, function(a, b) return a.distance < b.distance end) end local signals = {} for _, l in pairs(offsets.signals) do local pos = Position.subtract(l.position, offsets.chain.position) local reverse = (l.direction ~= offsets.chain.direction) if bpType == "straight" then if pos.x % 2 == 0 then reverse = false else reverse = true end end table.insert(signals, { name =, position = pos, direction = l.direction, reverse = reverse, entity_number = l.entity_number }) end local tl = Position.subtract(, diagonal_to_real_pos(mainRail)) local br = Position.subtract(, diagonal_to_real_pos(mainRail)) --forward tl.y = tl.y < -1.5 and tl.y or -1.5 br.y = br.y > 1.5 and br.y or 1.5 if bpType == "curve" then tl.y = tl.y < -3.5 and tl.y or -3.5 br.y = br.y > 3.5 and br.y or 3.5 end --right tl.x = tl.x < 0 and tl.x or -0.5 br.x = br.x > 0 and br.x or 0.5 --br.x = br.x + 1 local clearance_points = {} if bpType == "diagonal" then tl.x = tl.x - 1.5 tl.y = tl.y - 1.5 br.x = br.x + 1.5 br.y = br.y + 1.5 local tl2 = { x = tl.x + 1.5, y = tl.y + 1.5 } local br2 = { x = br.x - 1.5, y = br.y - 1.5 } for i = tl2.x, br2.x, 1.5 do table.insert(clearance_points, { x = i, y = i }) end end --log("adjusted") --log(serpent.block({tl=tl, br =br})) --log(serpent.block(mainRail)) --debugDump({tl=tl,br=br},true) local blueprint = { mainRail = mainRail, direction = mainRail.direction, pole = offsets.pole, poleEntities = lamps, rails = bp_rails, signals = new_signals, signals_old = signals, concrete = offsets.concrete, lanes = lanes, clearance_points = clearance_points, railEntities = railEntities, blueprint_string = original_string } --log(serpent.block(signals)) blueprint.boundingBox = { tl = tl, br = br } self.settings.activeBP[bpType] = blueprint --saveVar(blueprint, "parsed_".. bpType .. "_" .. game.tick) if #bp_rails > 0 then self.settings.flipPoles = false end local localised = game.entity_prototypes[].localised_name self:print({ "msg-bp-saved", bpType, localised }) else self:print({ "msg-bp-chain-direction" }) end else if not bpType then self:print({ "msg-bp-rail-direction" }) elseif not offsets.chain then self:print({ "msg-bp-chain-missing" }) else --if not offsets.pole then self:print({ "msg-bp-pole-missing" }) end end end end end FARL.placeRails = function(self, nextRail, newTravelDir) local newDir = nextRail.direction local newRail = get_fake_rail(nextRail) if newRail.type == "curved-rail" then self:prepareAreaForCurve(newRail) end local rtype = newDir % 2 == 0 and "straight" or "diagonal" local bp = self.settings.activeBP[rtype] local canplace if self.settings.bulldozer and newRail.type ~= "curved-rail" then self:bulldoze_area(newRail, newTravelDir) end if newRail.direction % 2 == 0 and newRail.type ~= "curved-rail" then local area = self:createBoundingBox(newRail, newTravelDir) canplace = self:prepareArea(newRail, area) if not canplace then canplace = self:prepareArea(newRail) end --self:showArea(newRail, newTravelDir, area, 2) else canplace = self:prepareArea(newRail) end if newRail.direction % 2 == 1 and == self.settings.rail.straight then for _, p in pairs(bp.clearance_points) do local pos = move_right_forward(newRail.position, newTravelDir, p.x, 0) local area = Position.expand_to_area(pos, 1.5) self:removeTrees(area) self:pickupItems(area) self:removeStone(area) self:removeCliffs(area) end end local removeAmount = newRail.type == "curved-rail" and 4 or 1 local removeItem = self.settings.rail.straight local hasRail = self:getCargoCount( >= removeAmount if canplace and hasRail then newRail.force = self.locomotive.force local _, ent = self:genericPlace(newRail) if ent and ent.valid then self:removeItemFromCargo(removeItem, removeAmount) else self:deactivate({ "msg-no-entity" }) return false end return true, ent elseif not canplace then return false, { "msg-cant-place" } elseif not hasRail then return false, { "msg-out-of-rails" } end end FARL.protect = function(self, ent) if self.settings.maintenance or self.settings.bulldozer then self.protected = self.protected or {} self.protected[self.protected_index] = self.protected[self.protected_index] or {} self.protected[self.protected_index][protectedKey(ent)] = ent end end FARL.protect_tile = function(self, pos_) if self.settings.maintenance or self.settings.bulldozer then local pos = { x = pos_.x, y = pos_.y } if pos.x - round(pos.x) == 0 then pos.x = pos.x + 0.5 end if pos.y - round(pos.y) == 0 then pos.y = pos.y + 0.5 end self.protected_tiles = self.protected_tiles or {} self.protected_tiles[self.protected_index] = self.protected_tiles[self.protected_index] or {} self.protected_tiles[self.protected_index][pos.x .. ":" .. pos.y] = true end end FARL.isProtected = function(self, ent) local key = protectedKey(ent) if not self.protected then return false end for _, protected in pairs(self.protected) do if protected[key] == ent then return true end end for _, r in pairs(self.path) do if r.rail == ent then return true end end return false end FARL.is_protected_tile = function(self, pos_) local pos = { x = pos_.x, y = pos_.y } if pos.x - round(pos.x) == 0 then pos.x = pos.x + 0.5 end if pos.y - round(pos.y) == 0 then pos.y = pos.y + 0.5 end local k = pos.x .. ":" .. pos.y for _, protected in pairs(self.protected_tiles) do if protected[k] then return true end end return false end FARL.protectRails = function(self, last_, dir_, limit) local last, dir = last_, dir_ local found, c = 0, 0 while found and c < limit do found = 0 local paths = self:findNeighbours(last, dir) if paths then for i = 0, 2 do local path = paths[i] if type(path) == "table" then if found == 0 then self:protect(path[3]) last = path[3] dir = path[1] end found = found + 1 end end end if found > 1 then self:deactivate("Junction detected") return false else if found == 0 then return false end end c = c + 1 end return true end FARL.placeParallelCurve = function(self, traveldir, rail, lane_index) local direction = self.direction local input = self.input local s_lane = self.settings.activeBP.straight.lanes[lane_index] local d_lane = self.settings.activeBP.diagonal.lanes[lane_index] local catchup = self.lanes["d" .. direction % 2]["i" .. input]["l" .. lane_index].catchup local bi = self.input == 0 and 2 or 0 if catchup > 0 then local dir, last = direction, self.lanerails[lane_index] if last then for _ = 1, catchup do dir, last = self:getRail(last, dir, 1) if not last then break end if self:getCargoCount( > 0 then self:prepareArea(last) --local _, ent = self:genericPlaceGhost(last) local _, ent = self:genericPlace(last) self.signalCount[lane_index] = self.signalCount[lane_index] + get_signal_weight(last, self.settings) if self.signal_in[lane_index] then self.signal_in[lane_index] = self.signal_in[lane_index] - 1 end -- if self.fake_signal_in and self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] then -- self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] = self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] - 1 -- end if self.settings.signals then if self:placeParallelSignals(dir, last, lane_index) then self.signalCount[lane_index] = 0 end end -- if global.fake_signals then -- if self.fake_signal_in and self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] and self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] < 1 and ~= self.settings.rail.curved then -- if self:place_fake_signal(dir, last, lane_index) then self.fake_signalCount[lane_index] = 0 end -- end -- end if ent and ent.valid then self:removeItemFromCargo(, 1) else self:print("Failed to create track @" .. Position.tostring(last.position)) self:flyingText2("E", RED, true, last.position) end else self:deactivate({ "msg-out-of-rails" }) return false end end end end -- invert direction, input, distances for diagonal rails if direction % 2 == 1 then direction = Position.opposite_direction((direction + FARL.input2dir[input]) % 8) input = input == 2 and 0 or 2 s_lane = -1 * s_lane d_lane = -1 * d_lane end local new_curve = { name =, type = rail.type, direction = rail.direction, force = rail.force } local right = s_lane * 2 --left hand turns need to go back, moving right already moves the diagonal rail part local forward = input == 2 and (s_lane - d_lane) * 2 or (d_lane - s_lane) * 2 --debugDump("l"..lane_index.." c:"..catchup.." b:"..block,true) new_curve.position = move_right_forward(rail.position, direction, right, forward) self.lastCurve.blocked[lane_index] = self.lanes["d" .. traveldir % 2]["i" .. bi]["l" .. lane_index].lag local remove_item, remove_amount = self.settings.rail.straight, 4 local hasRail = self:getCargoCount(self.settings.rail.straight) >= remove_amount if not hasRail then self:deactivate({ "msg-out-of-rails" }) return false end self:prepareAreaForCurve(new_curve) --local _, ent = self:genericPlaceGhost(new_curve) local _, ent = self:genericPlace(new_curve) if ent and ent.valid then self.signalCount[lane_index] = self.signalCount[lane_index] + get_signal_weight(ent, self.settings) self:removeItemFromCargo(remove_item, remove_amount) else self:print("Failed to create curve @" .. Position.tostring(new_curve.position)) end return self.lastCurve.blocked[lane_index] end FARL.placeParallelTrack = function(self, traveldir, lastRail, lane_index) local s_lane = self.settings.activeBP.straight.lanes[lane_index] local d_lane = self.settings.activeBP.diagonal.lanes[lane_index] local new_rail = get_fake_rail(lastRail) local lane = self.lanes["d" .. traveldir % 2]["i0"]["l" .. lane_index] local right = traveldir % 2 == 1 and d_lane or s_lane local lag = min(lane.lag, self.lanes["d" .. traveldir % 2]["i2"]["l" .. lane_index].lag) new_rail = moveRail(new_rail, traveldir, lag) new_rail = moveRail(new_rail, (traveldir + 2) % 8, right) local hasRail = self:getCargoCount( > 0 local blocked = false local block if not hasRail then self:deactivate({ "msg-out-of-rails" }) return false end if self.lastCurve.input then block = self.lastCurve.blocked[lane_index] + abs(lag) blocked = self.lastCurve.dist < block end --self:flyingText2(self.lastCurve.dist.."<"..block,RED,true,new_rail.position) if self.signal_in[lane_index] then self.signal_in[lane_index] = self.signal_in[lane_index] - 1 end -- if self.fake_signal_in and self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] then -- self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] = self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] - 1 -- end if not blocked and hasRail then self:prepareArea(new_rail) --local _, ent = self:genericPlaceGhost(new_rail) local _, ent = self:genericPlace(new_rail) self.signalCount[lane_index] = self.signalCount[lane_index] + get_signal_weight(new_rail, self.settings) --self.lanes[lane_index].lastrail = ent or new_rail if self.settings.signals then if self:placeParallelSignals(traveldir, new_rail, lane_index) then self.signalCount[lane_index] = 0 end end -- if global.fake_signals then -- if self.fake_signal_in and self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] and self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] < 1 and ~= self.settings.rail.curved then -- if self:place_fake_signal(traveldir, new_rail, lane_index) then self.fake_signalCount[lane_index] = 0 end -- end -- end if ent and ent.valid then self:removeItemFromCargo(, 1) return ent else local placed_rail = self.surface.find_entity(, new_rail.position) if not placed_rail then self:print("Failed to create track @" .. Position.tostring(new_rail.position)) self:flyingText2("E", RED, true, new_rail.position) return new_rail else return ent end end end end FARL.placeParallelSignals = function(self, traveldir, rail, lane_index) --if self.signalCount[lane_index] > self.settings.signalDistance and ~= self.settings.rail.curved then if self.signal_in[lane_index] and self.signal_in[lane_index] < 1 and rail.type ~= "curved-rail" then local cargo_count = self:getCargoCount("rail-signal") local place_ghost = self.settings.place_ghosts and cargo_count == 0 if self.settings.place_ghosts or cargo_count > 0 then local signals = traveldir % 2 == 0 and self.settings.activeBP.straight.signals or self.settings.activeBP.diagonal.signals if signals and type(signals) == "table" and signals[lane_index] and signals[lane_index].name then local signal_data = signals[lane_index] local end_of_rail = signal_data.reverse local signal_traveldir = signal_data.reverse and Position.opposite_direction(traveldir) or traveldir local signal = get_signal_for_rail(rail, signal_traveldir, end_of_rail) signal.force = self.locomotive.force self:prepareArea(signal) --local success, entity = self:genericPlaceGhost(signal) local success, entity = self:genericPlace(signal, false, place_ghost) if entity and entity.valid then self:protect(entity) if entity.type ~= "entity-ghost" then self:removeItemFromCargo(, 1) end self.signal_in[lane_index] = false return success, entity else --self:print("Can't place signal@"..Position.tostring(pos)) return success, entity end end end end end FARL.mirrorEntity = function(pos, traveldir) local deg = 0 if traveldir == 0 then deg = 90 elseif traveldir == 1 then deg = -45 elseif traveldir == 2 then deg = 0 elseif traveldir == 3 then deg = 45 elseif traveldir == 4 then deg = -90 elseif traveldir == 5 then deg = -45 elseif traveldir == 6 then deg = 180 elseif traveldir == 7 then deg = 45 end local rad = (deg % 360) * math.pi / 180 local cos, sin = math.cos(2 * rad), math.sin(2 * rad) local r = { { x = cos, y = sin }, { x = sin, y = -cos } } local ret = { x = 0, y = 0 } ret.x = pos.x * r[1].x + pos.y * r[1].y ret.y = pos.x * r[2].x + pos.y * r[2].y return ret end FARL.calcPole = function(self, lastrail, traveldir) local status, err = pcall(function() local offset if not lastrail then error("no rail", 2) end if not or not lastrail.type then error("calcPole: invalid rail", 2) end if lastrail.type ~= "curved-rail" then local diagonal = traveldir % 2 == 1 and true or false local pole = not diagonal and self.settings.activeBP.straight.pole or self.settings.activeBP.diagonal.pole local pos = Position.copy(pole.position) local diff = not diagonal and traveldir or traveldir - 1 local rad = diff * (math.pi / 4) offset = rotate(pos, rad) if self.settings.flipPoles then offset = FARL.mirrorEntity(offset, traveldir) end if diagonal then local railPos = lib.diagonal_data[lastrail.direction] or { x = 0, y = 0 } offset = Position.add(railPos, offset) end return offset else --error("calcPole called with curved", 2) return false end end) if not status then self:deactivate("Error with calcPole: " .. serpent.dump({ lr = lastrail, tdir = traveldir }, { name = "args", comment = false, sparse = false, sortkeys = true })) return false else return err end end FARL.placePoleEntities = function(self, traveldir, pole) local poleEntities = traveldir % 2 == 0 and self.settings.activeBP.straight.poleEntities or self.settings.activeBP.diagonal.poleEntities local diff = traveldir % 2 == 0 and traveldir or traveldir - 1 local rad = diff * (math.pi / 4) if type(poleEntities) == "table" then for i = 1, #poleEntities do local cargo_count = self:getCargoCount(poleEntities[i].name) local place_ghost = self.settings.place_ghosts and cargo_count == 0 if self.settings.place_ghosts or cargo_count > 0 then local offset = poleEntities[i].position offset = rotate(offset, rad) local direction = poleEntities[i].direction and (poleEntities[i].direction + diff) % 8 or 0 local pickup_position = poleEntities[i].pickup_position and rotate(poleEntities[i].pickup_position, rad) or nil local drop_position = poleEntities[i].drop_position and rotate(poleEntities[i].drop_position, rad) or nil if self.settings.flipPoles then offset = FARL.mirrorEntity(offset, traveldir) end local pos = Position.add(pole, offset) --debugDump(pos, true) local entity = { name = poleEntities[i].name, position = pos } if self:prepareArea(entity) then local _, ent = self:genericPlace( { name = poleEntities[i].name, position = pos, direction = direction, pickup_position = pickup_position, drop_position = drop_position, request_filters = poleEntities[i].request_filters, recipe = poleEntities[i].recipe, force = self.locomotive.force }, false, place_ghost) --local _, ent = self:genericPlaceGhost { --name = poleEntities[i].name, position = pos, direction = direction, pickup_position = pickup_position, drop_position = drop_position, --request_filters = poleEntities[i].request_filters, recipe = poleEntities[i].recipe, force = self.locomotive.force } if ent and ent.valid then self:protect(ent) if ent.type ~= "entity-ghost" then self:removeItemFromCargo(poleEntities[i].name, 1, cargo_count) end else self:deactivate("Trying to place " .. poleEntities[i].name .. " failed") end end end end end end FARL.placeRailEntities = function(self, traveldir, rail) local railEntities = traveldir % 2 == 0 and self.settings.activeBP.straight.railEntities or self.settings.activeBP.diagonal.railEntities local diff = traveldir % 2 == 0 and traveldir or traveldir - 1 local rad = diff * (math.pi / 4) if type(railEntities) == "table" then for i = 1, #railEntities do local cargo_count = self:getCargoCount(railEntities[i].name) local place_ghost = self.settings.place_ghosts and cargo_count == 0 if self.settings.place_ghosts or cargo_count > 0 then local offset = railEntities[i].position offset = rotate(offset, rad) local pos = Position.add(diagonal_to_real_pos(rail), offset) --debugDump(pos, true) local entity = { name = railEntities[i].name, position = pos } if self:prepareArea(entity) then local _, ent = self:genericPlace( { name = railEntities[i].name, position = pos, direction = 0, force = self.locomotive.force }, false, place_ghost ) --local _, ent = self:genericPlaceGhost { name = railEntities[i].name, position = pos, direction = 0, force = self.locomotive.force } if ent and ent.valid then self:protect(ent) if ent.type ~= "entity-ghost" then self:removeItemFromCargo(railEntities[i].name, 1, cargo_count) end else self:deactivate("Trying to place " .. railEntities[i].name .. " failed") end end end end end end FARL.connectCCNet = function(self, pole) if self.settings.ccNet and pole.neighbours.copper[1] and self.ccNetPole and self.ccNetPole.valid then if or ((self.settings.ccWires == 1 and self:getCargoCount("red-wire") > 0) or (self.settings.ccWires == 2 and self:getCargoCount("green-wire") > 0) or (self.settings.ccWires == 3 and (self:getCargoCount("red-wire") > 0 or self:getCargoCount("green-wire") > 0))) then local c local items if self.settings.ccWires == 1 then c = { } items = { "red-wire" } elseif self.settings.ccWires == 2 then c = { } items = { "green-wire" } else c = {, } items = { "red-wire", "green-wire" } end for i = 1, #c do if or self:getCargoCount(items[i]) > 0 then pole.connect_neighbour({ target_entity = self.ccNetPole, wire = c[i] }) if not then self:removeItemFromCargo(items[i], 1) end end end end end self.ccNetPole = pole end FARL.findClosestPole = function(self, minPos) local name = local reach = game.entity_prototypes[name].max_wire_distance local tmp, ret, minDist = minPos, false, 100 for _, p in pairs(self.surface.find_entities_filtered { area = Position.expand_to_area(tmp, reach), name = name }) do local dist = Position.distance(p.position, tmp) --debugDump({dist=dist, minPos=minPos, p=p.position},true) if dist < minDist and (p.position.x ~= minPos.x and p.position.y ~= minPos.y) then minDist = dist ret = p end end return ret end FARL.getPolePoints = function(self, rail) if not rail then error("no rail", 2) end if not rail.r then error("no r", 3) end local checks = {} local offset = self:calcPole(rail.r, rail.dir) local polePos = Position.add(rail.r.position, offset) if type(rail.range[1]) ~= "number" then error("no table2", 4) end for j = rail.range[1], rail.range[2] do table.insert(checks, { dir = rail.dir, pos = Position.translate(polePos, rail.dir, j) }) end return checks end FARL.getBestPole = function(self, lastPole, rails, travel_dir) local name = local reach = game.entity_prototypes[name].max_wire_distance --if (travel_dir % 2 == 0 and (travel_dir ~= 0 and travel_dir ~= 6)) and reach ~= floor(reach) then if travel_dir % 2 == 0 and reach ~= floor(reach) then reach = floor(reach) end local max_distance = -1 local maxPole, maxRail local points = {} if not rails then error("no rail", 2) end if type(rails) ~= "table" then error("no table3", 3) end if not lastPole then error("nil pole", 3) end for _, rail in pairs(rails) do local polePoints = self:getPolePoints(rail) for _, pole in pairs(polePoints) do local pos = pole.pos --if foo then self:flyingText2(foo, RED, true, pos) end local dist = Position.distance(lastPole.position, pos) table.insert(points, { d = dist, p = pos, dir = pole.dir }) if dist >= max_distance and dist <= reach then max_distance = dist maxRail = rail.r maxPole = { d = dist, p = pos, dir = pole.dir } end end end return maxPole, maxRail end FARL.getPoleRails = function(self, rail, newDir, oldDir) local rails if rail.type == "curved-rail" then --range[1][2] = 0 --debugDump({old=ptraveldir,new=pnewDir},true) local tracks, tmp = FARL.curvePositions[rail.direction], {} tmp.d = { name = self.settings.rail.straight, direction = tracks.diagonal.dir, position = Position.add(rail.position,, type = "straight-rail" } tmp.s = { name = self.settings.rail.straight, direction = tracks.straight.dir, position = Position.add(rail.position,, type = "straight-rail" } local dDir, sDir if oldDir % 2 == 1 then sDir = newDir dDir = oldDir rails = { [1] = { r = tmp.s, dir = sDir, range = { 0, 2 } }, [2] = { r = tmp.d, dir = dDir, range = { -1, 1 } } } else sDir = oldDir dDir = newDir rails = { [1] = { r = tmp.d, dir = dDir, range = { 0, 2 } }, [2] = { r = tmp.s, dir = sDir, range = { -1, 1 } } } end else rails = { { r = rail, dir = newDir, range = { 0, 1 } } } end return rails end FARL.placePole = function(self, polePos, poleDir) local name = --local name = (self.direction % 2 == 1) and or --name = is_placer_or_base[name] and "ret-pole-placer" or name --local name = self.settings.medium and "medium-electric-pole" or "big-electric-pole" --debugDump(Position.distance(polePos, self.lastPole.position),true) local canPlace = self:prepareArea({ name = name, position = polePos }) local placed_pole if not canPlace then placed_pole = self.surface.find_entity(name, polePos) if placed_pole then --log("found pole @" .. Position.tostring(polePos)) canPlace = true end end local cargo_count = self:getCargoCount(name) local place_ghost = self.settings.place_ghosts and cargo_count == 0 if canPlace and (self.settings.place_ghosts or cargo_count > 0) then local _, pole if not placed_pole then _, pole = self:genericPlace( { name = name, position = polePos, force = self.locomotive.force }, false, place_ghost) else pole = placed_pole end if pole then if pole.valid then local s_pole = { name =, position = pole.position } self.lastPole = s_pole self:protect(pole) if pole.type ~= "entity-ghost" then if not pole.neighbours.copper[1] then self:flyingText({ "msg-unconnected-pole" }, RED, true) end self:removeItemFromCargo(name, 1, cargo_count) self:connectCCNet(pole) end if self.settings.poleEntities then self:placePoleEntities(poleDir, polePos) end return true else debugDump("Can`t place pole@" .. Position.tostring(polePos), true) end else if not canPlace then debugDump("Can`t place pole@" .. Position.tostring(polePos), true) else self.lastPole = { name = name, position = polePos } end end else if not canPlace then debugDump("Can`t place pole@" .. Position.tostring(polePos), true) end end end FARL.placeSignal = function(self, traveldir, rail) if self.signalCount.main > self.settings.signalDistance and rail.type ~= "curved-rail" then local cargo_count = self:getCargoCount("rail-signal") local place_ghost = self.settings.place_ghosts and cargo_count == 0 if self.settings.place_ghosts or cargo_count > 0 then --debugDump(self.signalCount,true) local signal = get_signal_for_rail(rail, traveldir) signal.force = self.locomotive.force self:prepareArea(signal) local success, entity = self:genericPlace(signal, false, place_ghost) if entity and entity.valid then self:protect(entity) if entity.type ~= "entity-ghost" then self:removeItemFromCargo(, 1) end --reset lane counter, so that it lines up self.signal_in = self.signal_in or {} local bptype = rail.direction % 2 == 1 and "diagonal" or "straight" for i, _ in pairs(self.settings.activeBP[bptype].lanes) do local lane_data = self.lanes["d" .. self.direction % 2]["i0"]["l" .. i] self.signal_in[i] = abs(lane_data.lag) + 1 end return success, entity else --self:print("Can't place signal@"..Position.tostring(pos)) return success, entity end end end return nil end FARL.place_fake_signal = function(self, traveldir, rail, lane_index) if lane_index then local signals = traveldir % 2 == 0 and self.settings.activeBP.straight.signals or self.settings.activeBP.diagonal.signals if signals and type(signals) == "table" and signals[lane_index] then local signal_data = signals[lane_index] traveldir = signal_data.reverse and (traveldir + 4) % 8 or traveldir end end local li = lane_index and lane_index or "main" local signal = get_signal_for_rail(rail, traveldir) = "fake-signal" signal.force = self.locomotive.force local success, entity = self:genericPlace(signal) if entity and entity.valid then if lane_index and self.fake_signal_in then self.fake_signal_in[lane_index] = false end if self.last_signal[li] and self.last_signal[li].valid then self.last_signal[li].destroy() end self.last_signal[li] = entity return success, entity end end FARL.findLastPole = function(self, rail) local name = local reach = game.entity_prototypes[name].max_wire_distance local min_distance, pole = 900, nil local pos = rail and rail.position or self.locomotive.position for _, p in pairs(self.surface.find_entities_filtered { area = Position.expand_to_area(pos, reach), name = name }) do local dist = abs(Position.distance(pos, p.position)) if min_distance > dist then pole = p min_distance = dist end end local lastrail = self.lastrail or self:findLastRail() local trainDir = self.direction or self:calcTrainDir() if not pole then local offset = { x = 1, y = 1 } if lastrail.type ~= "curved-rail" then offset = self:calcPole(lastrail, trainDir) else self:print("calcPole with curved2") end local tmp = Position.translate(offset, trainDir, reach + 20) self.lastPole = { position = Position.add(lastrail.position, tmp), name = name } self.lastCheckDir = trainDir self.lastCheckPole = Position.add(lastrail.position, offset) self.lastCheckRail = lastrail debugLog("No pole found, using " .. Position.tostring(self.lastPole.position) .. ", from rail@" .. Position.tostring(lastrail.position)) --self:placePole(self.lastrail, trainDir) else debugLog("--Found pole: " .. Position.tostring(pole.position)) self.ccNetPole = pole local s_pole = { name =, position = pole.position } self.lastPole = s_pole self:flyingText2("p", GREEN, true, pole.position) local calcP = self:calcPole(lastrail, trainDir) if not calcP then return end local tmp = Position.translate(calcP, trainDir, -1) self.lastCheckPole = Position.add(lastrail.position, tmp) self:flyingText2("cp", GREEN, true, self.lastCheckPole) self.lastCheckDir = trainDir self.lastCheckRail = lastrail end end FARL.debugInfo = function(self) local locomotive = self.locomotive log(serpent.block(self, {comment=false})) log( log(self.cheat_mode) local foo = nil if foo then --if not then self:activate() end self:print("Train@" .. Position.tostring(locomotive.position) .. " dir:" .. self:calcTrainDir() .. " orient:" .. locomotive.orientation) self:print("Frontmover: " .. tostring(self.frontmover)) self:print("calcDir: " .. self.locomotive.orientation * 8) self:print("calcDirRound: " .. round(self.locomotive.orientation * 8, 0)) --self:show_path() local bulldoze_rail = self.frontmover and self.train.back_rail or self.train.front_rail self:flyingText("B", GREEN, true, bulldoze_rail.position) local rail = self.train.front_rail if rail then --self:flyingText2("B", GREEN, true, rail.position) self:print("Rail@" .. Position.tostring(rail.position) .. " dir:" .. rail.direction) local fixed = diagonal_to_real_pos(rail) if rail.direction % 2 == 1 then --self:flyingText2("F", GREEN, true, fixed) self:print("Fixed: " .. Position.tostring(fixed) .. " dir:" .. rail.direction) end else self:print({ "msg-no-rail" }) end local last = self:findLastRail() if last then self:print("Last@" .. Position.tostring(last.position) .. " dir:" .. last.direction) end if self.lastpole then self:print("Pole@" .. Position.tostring(self.lastPole)) end end end FARL.calcTrainDir = function(self, ent) --local r = (self.locomotive.orientation > 0.99 and self.locomotive.orientation < 1) and 0 or self.locomotive.orientation if not ent then return round(self.locomotive.orientation * 8, 0) --math.floor(r * 8) else return round(ent.orientation * 8, 0) --math.floor(r * 8) end end FARL.rail_below_train = function(self) return self.frontmover and self.train.front_rail or self.train.back_rail end FARL.rail_behind_train = function(self) return self.frontmover and self.train.back_rail or self.train.front_rail end FARL.get_connected_rail = function(self, rail, straight_only, travelDir) local dirs = { 1, 0, 2 } local ret = false if straight_only then dirs = { 1 } end for _, i in pairs(dirs) do local newTravel, nrail = self:getRail(rail, travelDir, i) if nrail and newTravel then ret = self:findRail(nrail) if ret then return ret, newTravel end end end return ret end FARL.getConnectedGhostRail = function(self, rail, travelDir, straight_only) local dirs = { 1, 0, 2 } local ret = false if straight_only then dirs = { 1 } end local newTravel, nrail --log("Searching neighbours for " .. rail.ghost_name .. "@" .. serpent.line(rail.position,{comment=false})) for _, i in pairs(dirs) do --log("input: " .. i) newTravel, nrail = self:getGhostRail(rail, travelDir, i) --self:flyingText2("C"..i, RED, true, nrail.position) if nrail and newTravel then --log("searching: " .. nrail.ghost_name .. "@" .. serpent.line(nrail.position,{comment=false})) ret = self:findGhostRail(nrail) if ret then --log("found: " .. ret.ghost_name .. "@" .. serpent.line(ret.position,{comment=false})) --self:flyingText2("C"..i.."F", RED, true, ret.position) return ret, newTravel, i end end end return ret end FARL.print_out_of_item = function(self, item) local tick = game.tick if not self.last_message[item] or tick >= self.last_message[item] then local name = (game.entity_prototypes[item] and game.entity_prototypes[item].localised_name) or (game.item_prototypes[item] and game.item_prototypes[item].localised_name) or (game.tile_prototypes[item] and game.tile_prototypes[item].localised_name) local msg = { "msg-out-of-item", name } self:print(msg, YELLOW) self.last_message[item] = tick + 300 end end FARL.print = function(self, msg, color) if self.driver and ~= "farl_player" then self.driver.print( msg ) elseif self.startedBy and self.startedBy.valid then local loco_name = (self.locomotive and self.locomotive.valid) and self.locomotive.backer_name or '' self.startedBy.print( { "", "FARL '", loco_name,"': ",msg } ) else self:flyingText( msg, color or RED, true ) end end FARL.flyingText = function(self, line, color, show, pos) if show then if self.locomotive and self.locomotive.valid then pos = pos or Position.add(self.locomotive.position, { x = 0, y = -1 }) color = color or RED self.surface.create_entity({ name = "flying-text", position = pos, text = line, color = color }) else game.print(line) end end end FARL.flyingText2 = function(self, line, color, show, pos) if show then pos = pos and Position.add(pos, { x = -0.5, y = -0.5 }) or Position.add(self.locomotive.position, { x = 0, y = -1 }) color = color or RED self.surface.create_entity({ name = "flying-text2", position = pos, text = line, color = color }) end end FARL.create_overlay = function(self, position, duration) local tick = game.tick + 60 * duration global.overlayStack[tick] = global.overlayStack[tick] or {} local overlay = self.surface.create_entity { name = "farl_overlay", position = position } overlay.minable = false overlay.destructible = false table.insert(global.overlayStack[tick], overlay) end FARL.showArea = function(self, rail, direction, area, duration) local bb = { tl = area[1], br = area[2] } local min_x = min(, local max_x = max(, local min_y = min(, local max_y = max(, min_x = ceil(min_x + 0.5) - 0.5 min_y = ceil(min_y + 0.5) - 0.5 max_x = ceil(max_x - 0.5) + 0.5 max_y = ceil(max_y - 0.5) + 0.5 for right = min_x, max_x do for forward = min_y, max_y do local pos = move_right_forward(diagonal_to_real_pos(rail), direction, right, forward) --self:create_overlay({x=right,y=forward},duration) self:create_overlay(pos, duration) end end -- for right=min(,,max(, do -- for forward=min(,,max(, do -- local pos = move_right_forward(diagonal_to_real_pos(rail),direction,right,forward) -- --self:create_overlay({x=right,y=forward},duration) -- self:create_overlay(pos, duration) -- end -- end end FARL.showArea2 = function(self, area) --area[1] = tl, area[2]=br debugDump(area, true) for x = area[1].x, area[2].x do for y = area[1].y, area[2].y do self:create_overlay({ x = x, y = y }, 1) end end end -- [traveldir][rail_type][rail_dir][input] = offset, new rail dir, new rail type FARL.input_to_next_rail = -- 0 to 4, 2 to 6: switch sign { -- North/South [0] = { ["straight-rail"] = { [0] = { [0] = { offset = { x = -1, y = -5 }, direction = 0, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 0, y = -2 }, direction = 0, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 1, y = -5 }, direction = 1, type = "curved-rail" } } }, ["curved-rail"] = { [4] = { [0] = { offset = { x = -2, y = -8 }, direction = 0, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = -1, y = -5 }, direction = 0, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 0, y = -8 }, direction = 1, type = "curved-rail" } }, [5] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 0, y = -8 }, direction = 0, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 1, y = -5 }, direction = 0, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 2, y = -8 }, direction = 1, type = "curved-rail" } }, } }, [4] = { ["straight-rail"] = { [0] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 1, y = 5 }, direction = 4, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 0, y = 2 }, direction = 0, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = -1, y = 5 }, direction = 5, type = "curved-rail" } } }, ["curved-rail"] = { [0] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 2, y = 8 }, direction = 4, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 1, y = 5 }, direction = 0, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 0, y = 8 }, direction = 5, type = "curved-rail" } }, [1] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 0, y = 8 }, direction = 4, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = -1, y = 5 }, direction = 0, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = -2, y = 8 }, direction = 5, type = "curved-rail" } }, } }, -- East/West [2] = { ["straight-rail"] = { [2] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 5, y = -1 }, direction = 2, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 2, y = 0 }, direction = 2, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 5, y = 1 }, direction = 3, type = "curved-rail" } } }, ["curved-rail"] = { [6] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 8, y = -2 }, direction = 2, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 5, y = -1 }, direction = 2, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 8, y = 0 }, direction = 3, type = "curved-rail" } }, [7] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 8, y = 0 }, direction = 2, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 5, y = 1 }, direction = 2, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 8, y = -2 }, direction = 3, type = "curved-rail" } } } }, [6] = { ["straight-rail"] = { [2] = { [0] = { offset = { x = -5, y = 1 }, direction = 6, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = -2, y = 0 }, direction = 2, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = -5, y = -1 }, direction = 7, type = "curved-rail" } } }, ["curved-rail"] = { [2] = { [0] = { offset = { x = -8, y = 2 }, direction = 6, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = -5, y = 1 }, direction = 2, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = -8, y = 0 }, direction = 7, type = "curved-rail" } }, [3] = { [0] = { offset = { x = -8, y = 0 }, direction = 6, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = -5, y = -1 }, direction = 2, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = -8, y = -2 }, direction = 7, type = "curved-rail" } } } }, -- NE / SW [1] = { ["straight-rail"] = { [3] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 3, y = -3 }, direction = 5, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 2, y = 0 }, direction = 7, type = "straight-rail" } }, [7] = { [1] = { offset = { x = 0, y = -2 }, direction = 3, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 3, y = -3 }, direction = 6, type = "curved-rail" } } }, ["curved-rail"] = { [1] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 4, y = -6 }, direction = 5, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 3, y = -3 }, direction = 7, type = "straight-rail" }, }, [2] = { [1] = { offset = { x = 3, y = -3 }, direction = 3, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 6, y = -4 }, direction = 6, type = "curved-rail" } } } }, [5] = { ["straight-rail"] = { [3] = { [1] = { offset = { x = 0, y = 2 }, direction = 7, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = -3, y = 3 }, direction = 2, type = "curved-rail" } }, [7] = { [0] = { offset = { x = -3, y = 3 }, direction = 1, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = -2, y = 0 }, direction = 3, type = "straight-rail" }, } }, ["curved-rail"] = { [5] = { [0] = { offset = { x = -4, y = 6 }, direction = 1, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = -3, y = 3 }, direction = 3, type = "straight-rail" } }, [6] = { [1] = { offset = { x = -3, y = 3 }, direction = 7, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = -6, y = 4 }, direction = 2, type = "curved-rail" } } } }, -- SE / NW [3] = { ["straight-rail"] = { [1] = { [1] = { offset = { x = 2, y = 0 }, direction = 5, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 3, y = 3 }, direction = 0, type = "curved-rail" } }, [5] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 3, y = 3 }, direction = 7, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 0, y = 2 }, direction = 1, type = "straight-rail" }, } }, ["curved-rail"] = { [3] = { [0] = { offset = { x = 6, y = 4 }, direction = 7, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 3, y = 3 }, direction = 1, type = "straight-rail" } }, [4] = { [1] = { offset = { x = 3, y = 3 }, direction = 5, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = 4, y = 6 }, direction = 0, type = "curved-rail" } } } }, [7] = { ["straight-rail"] = { [1] = { [0] = { offset = { x = -3, y = -3 }, direction = 3, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = 0, y = -2 }, direction = 5, type = "straight-rail" } }, [5] = { [1] = { offset = { x = -2, y = 0 }, direction = 1, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = -3, y = -3 }, direction = 4, type = "curved-rail" } } }, ["curved-rail"] = { [0] = { [1] = { offset = { x = -3, y = -3 }, direction = 1, type = "straight-rail" }, [2] = { offset = { x = -4, y = -6 }, direction = 4, type = "curved-rail" } }, [7] = { [0] = { offset = { x = -6, y = -4 }, direction = 3, type = "curved-rail" }, [1] = { offset = { x = -3, y = -3 }, direction = 5, type = "straight-rail" } } } }, } --clearArea[curveDir%4] FARL.clearAreas = { [0] = { { { x = -2.5, y = -3.5 }, { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 } }, { { x = -0.5, y = -0.5 }, { x = 2.5, y = 3.5 } } }, [1] = { { { x = -2.5, y = -0.5 }, { x = 0.5, y = 3.5 } }, { { x = -0.5, y = -3.5 }, { x = 2.5, y = 0.5 } } }, [2] = { { { x = -3.5, y = -0.5 }, { x = 0.5, y = 2.5 } }, { { x = -0.5, y = -2.5 }, { x = 3.5, y = 0.5 } } }, [3] = { { { x = -3.5, y = -2.5 }, { x = 0.5, y = 0.5 } }, { { x = -0.5, y = -0.5 }, { x = 3.5, y = 2.5 } }, } }