require '__FARL__/stdlib/string' require '__FARL__/stdlib/table' require "__FARL__/FarlSettings" require "__FARL__/FARL" require "__FARL__/GUI" local lib = require "__FARL__/lib_control" local saveVar = lib.saveVar local debugDump = lib.debugDump local mod_gui = require '__core__/lualib/mod-gui' local Position = require '__FARL__/stdlib/area/position' local v = require '__FARL__/semver' local MOD_NAME = "FARL" local function resetMetatable(o, mt) setmetatable(o,{__index=mt}) return o end local function setMetatables() for i, farl in pairs(global.farl) do global.farl[i] = resetMetatable(farl, FARL) end for name, s in pairs(global.players) do global.players[name] = resetMetatable(s,Settings) end end local function getRailTypes() global.rails = {} global.rails_by_index = {} global.rails_localised = {} local rails_by_item = { rail = { curved = "curved-rail", straight = "straight-rail", item = "rail" } } local curved, straight = game.entity_prototypes["curved-rail"], game.entity_prototypes["straight-rail"] if curved and straight then local vanilla = 0 if curved.items_to_place_this then for _, item in pairs(curved.items_to_place_this) do if == "rail" then vanilla = 1 end end end if straight.items_to_place_this then for _, item in pairs(straight.items_to_place_this) do if == "rail" then vanilla = vanilla + 1 end end end if vanilla ~= 2 then rails_by_item = {} end end --local items = game.get_filtered_item_prototypes{{filter="place-result", elem_filters={{filter="rail"}}}} local railstring = "" local rails = game.get_filtered_entity_prototypes({{filter="rail"}}) for name, proto in pairs(rails) do if proto.type == "straight-rail" and proto.items_to_place_this then for _, item in pairs(proto.items_to_place_this) do if not rails_by_item[] then rails_by_item[] = {} end if not rails_by_item[].straight then rails_by_item[].straight = name rails_by_item[].item = end end end if proto.type == "curved-rail" then for _, item in pairs(proto.items_to_place_this) do --log(serpent.block(item)) local item_proto = game.item_prototypes[] --log(serpent.block( if item_proto and game.entity_prototypes[].type == "straight-rail" then if not rails_by_item[] then rails_by_item[] = {} end if not rails_by_item[].curved then rails_by_item[].curved = name end end end end end local index = 1 if rails_by_item.rail then rails_by_item.rail.index = index global.rails_by_index[index] = rails_by_item.rail global.rails_localised[index] = game.item_prototypes["rail"].localised_name index = index + 1 railstring = railstring .. "rail" end for item, rails in pairs(rails_by_item) do if item ~= "rail" and rails.straight and rails.curved then rails.index = index global.rails_by_index[index] = rails_by_item[item] global.rails_localised[index] = game.item_prototypes[item].localised_name index = index + 1 railstring = railstring .. item end end --log(serpent.block(rails_by_item)) local rails_encoded = game.encode_string(game.table_to_json(rails_by_item)) global.rails = rails_by_item return railstring, rails_encoded end local function on_tick(event) local status, err = pcall(function() if global.overlayStack and global.overlayStack[event.tick] then for _, overlay in pairs(global.overlayStack[event.tick]) do if overlay.valid then overlay.destroy() end end global.overlayStack[event.tick] = nil end --for i, farl in pairs(global.farl) do for _, farl in pairs(global.activeFarls) do if farl.driver and farl.driver.valid then local status, err = pcall(function() if farl:update(event) then GUI.updateGui(farl) end end) if not status then if farl and then farl:deactivate("Unexpected error: "..err) end debugDump("Unexpected error: "..err,true) end end end end) if not status then debugDump("Unexpected error:",true) debugDump(err,true) end end local function init_global() global = global or {} global.players = global.players or {} global.savedBlueprints = global.savedBlueprints or {} global.farl = global.farl or {} global.activeFarls = global.activeFarls or {} global.railInfoLast = global.railInfoLast or {} global.electricInstalled = remote.interfaces.dim_trains and remote.interfaces.dim_trains.railCreated global.overlayStack = global.overlayStack or {} global.statistics = global.statistics or {} global.version = global.version or "0.5.35" global.railString = global.railString or "rail" global.rails_by_index = global.rails_by_index or {} global.rails_localised = global.rails_localised or {} global.rails = global.rails or { rail = {curved = "curved-rail", straight = "straight-rail", index = 1, item="rail"} } if global.debug_log == nil then global.debug_log = false end setMetatables() end local function init_player(player) Settings.loadByPlayer(player) global.savedBlueprints[player.index] = global.savedBlueprints[player.index] or {} end local function init_players() for _, player in pairs(game.players) do init_player(player) end end local function init_force(force) if not global.statistics then init_global() end global.statistics[] = global.statistics[] or {created={}, removed={}} end local function init_forces() for _, f in pairs(game.forces) do init_force(f) end end --when Player is in a FARL and used FatController to switch to another train local function on_player_switched(event) local status, err = pcall(function() if FARL.isFARLLocomotive(event.carriage) then local farl = FARL.findByLocomotive(event.carriage) if farl then farl:deactivate() end end end) if not status then debugDump("Unexpected error:",true) debugDump(err,true) end end local function register_events() if remote.interfaces.fat and remote.interfaces.fat.get_player_switched_event then script.on_event("fat", "get_player_switched_event"), on_player_switched) end end local function on_init() register_events() init_global() init_forces() init_players() setMetatables() global.railString, global.encoded_rails = getRailTypes() end local function on_load() register_events() setMetatables() end local function reset_rail_types() for _, player in pairs(game.players) do player.print("Rail types where changed, resetting to vanilla rail.") local psettings = global.players[player.index] if psettings then psettings.railType = 1 psettings.rail = global.rails_by_index[1] end end end local function on_configuration_changed(data) if data.mod_changes[MOD_NAME] then local newVersion = data.mod_changes[MOD_NAME].new_version newVersion = v(newVersion) local oldVersion = data.mod_changes[MOD_NAME].old_version if oldVersion then oldVersion = v(oldVersion) log("FARL version changed from ".. tostring(oldVersion) .." to ".. tostring(newVersion)) if oldVersion > newVersion then debugDump("Downgrading FARL, reset settings",true) global = {} on_init() else if oldVersion < v'3.0.0' then debugDump("FARL: Reset settings",true) global = {} end on_init() if oldVersion < v'3.0.1' then for _, psettings in pairs(global.players) do if psettings.player then psettings.player = nil end end end if oldVersion < v'3.0.2' then global.godmode = nil for _, psettings in pairs(global.players) do psettings.remove_cliffs = true end end if oldVersion < v'3.1.4' then local invalids = 0 for i, farl in pairs(global.farl) do if (not farl.train or (farl.train and not farl.train.valid)) or (not farl.locomotive or (farl.locomotive and not farl.locomotive.valid)) then if farl.driver and farl.driver.valid then GUI.destroyGui(farl.driver) end farl:deactivate() invalids = invalids + 1 global.activeFarls[i] = nil global.farl[i] = nil end end if invalids > 0 then log("Deactivated " .. invalids .. "FARL trains") end end if oldVersion < v'3.1.6' then local farl for _, player in pairs(game.players) do if player.gui.left.farl and player.gui.left.farl.valid then FARL.onPlayerLeave(player) player.gui.left.farl.destroy() farl = FARL.onPlayerEnter(player) GUI.createGui(player) if farl then GUI.updateGui(farl) end end end end if oldVersion < v'3.1.11' then for _, psettings in pairs(global.players) do psettings.flipPoles = false end end global.trigger_events = nil if oldVersion < v'4.0.3' then for i, player in pairs(game.players) do local psettings = global.players[i] psettings.bp = {diagonal=defaultsDiagonal, straight=defaultsStraight} psettings.activeBP = psettings.bp global.savedBlueprints[i] = {} player.print("FARL: Cleared blueprints") end local farl, frame_flow for _, player in pairs(game.players) do frame_flow = mod_gui.get_frame_flow(player) if frame_flow.farl and frame_flow.farl.valid then FARL.onPlayerLeave(player) frame_flow.farl.destroy() farl = FARL.onPlayerEnter(player) if farl then farl:deactivate() GUI.createGui(player) GUI.updateGui(farl) end end end end if oldVersion < v'4.0.4' then local railstring, encoded_rails = getRailTypes() reset_rail_types() global.railString = railstring global.encoded_rails = encoded_rails end end else debugDump("FARL version: ".. tostring(newVersion), true) end on_init() global.version = tostring(newVersion) end if data.mod_startup_settings_changed then local tech_name = game.active_mods["IndustrialRevolution"] and "automated-rail-transportation" or "rail-signals" for _, force in pairs(game.forces) do if force.technologies[tech_name].researched then["farl"].enabled = true if settings.startup.farl_enable_module.value then["farl-roboport"].enabled = true end end end end -- if remote.interfaces["satellite-uplink"] and remote.interfaces["satellite-uplink"].add_allowed_item then -- log("registered") --"satellite-uplink", "add_allowed_item", "rail") --"satellite-uplink", "add_item", "rail", 1) -- end local railstring, encoded_rails = getRailTypes() --rails where added/removed, reset to index 1 --log(string.format("%s == %s", railstring, global.railString)) if railstring ~= global.railString or encoded_rails ~= global.encoded_rails then reset_rail_types() end global.railString = railstring global.encoded_rails = encoded_rails setMetatables() for _,s in pairs(global.players) do s:checkMods() end end local function on_player_created(event) init_player(game.get_player(event.player_index)) end local function on_force_created(event) init_force(event.force) end local function on_gui_click(event) local status, err = pcall(function() local index = event.player_index local player = game.get_player(index) if mod_gui.get_frame_flow(player).farl ~= nil then local farl = FARL.findByPlayer(player) if farl then GUI.onGuiClick(event, farl, player) GUI.updateGui(farl) else player.print("Gui without train, wrooong!") GUI.destroyGui(player) end end end) if not status then debugDump("Unexpected error:",true) debugDump(err,true) end end local function on_gui_checked_state_changed(event) local status, err = pcall(function() local index = event.player_index local player = game.get_player(index) if mod_gui.get_frame_flow(player).farl ~= nil then local farl = FARL.findByPlayer(player) if farl then GUI.on_gui_checked_state_changed(event, farl, player) GUI.updateGui(farl) else player.print("Gui without train, wrooong!") GUI.destroyGui(player) end end end) if not status then debugDump("Unexpected error:",true) debugDump(err,true) end end local function on_preplayer_mined_item(event) local ent = event.entity if ent.type == "locomotive" or ent.type == "cargo-wagon" then for i, farl in pairs(global.farl) do if not farl.train or (farl.train.valid and farl.train == ent.train) or not farl.train.valid then if event.player_index then local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if farl.driver and farl.driver == player then FARL.onPlayerLeave(player) GUI.destroyGui(player) end end global.farl[i]:deactivate() global.farl[i] = nil global.activeFarls[i] = nil end end end end local function on_marked_for_deconstruction(event) on_preplayer_mined_item(event) end local function on_entity_died(event) on_preplayer_mined_item(event) end local function on_player_driving_changed_state(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if FARL.isFARLLocomotive(player.vehicle) then if mod_gui.get_frame_flow(player).farl == nil then local farl = FARL.onPlayerEnter(player) GUI.createGui(player) if farl then GUI.updateGui(farl) end end end if player.vehicle == nil and mod_gui.get_frame_flow(player).farl ~= nil then FARL.onPlayerLeave(player) debugDump("onPlayerLeave (driving state changed)") GUI.destroyGui(player) end end local function on_pre_player_removed(event) local status, err = pcall(function() local pi = event.player_index local player = game.get_player(pi) global.players[pi] = nil global.savedBlueprints[pi] = nil FARL.onPlayerLeave(player) for i, f in pairs(global.farl) do if f.startedBy == player then f:deactivate() end end end) if not status then debugDump("Unexpected error:",true) debugDump(err, true) end end local function script_raised_destroy(event) if event.entity and event.entity.valid and event.entity.type == "locomotive" then local status, err = pcall(function() local id = FARL.getIdFromTrain(event.entity.train) local farl = global.farl[id] if not farl then return end farl:deactivate() if farl.driver and farl.driver.valid then GUI.destroyGui(farl.driver) end global.activeFarls[id] = nil global.farl[id] = nil end) if not status then debugDump("Unexpected error:",true) debugDump(err, true) end end end -- local function script_raised_built(event) -- if event.entity and event.entity.valid and event.entity.type == "locomotive" then -- if event.mod_name and event.mod_name == "MultipleUnitTrainControl" then -- log(serpent.line(event)) -- -- local entity = event.entity -- -- if entity.get_driver() then -- -- FARL.onPlayerEnter(entity.get_driver(), entity) -- -- end -- end -- end -- end --function on_player_placed_equipment(event) -- local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) -- if == "farl-roboport" and isFARLLocomotive(player.vehicle) then -- if mod_gui.get_frame_flow(player).farl == nil then -- FARL.onPlayerEnter(player) -- GUI.createGui(player) -- end -- end --end -- --function on_player_removed_equipment(event) -- local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) -- if == "farl-roboport" and mod_gui.get_frame_flow(player).farl and player.vehicle then -- if not isFARLLocomotive(player.vehicle) then -- FARL.onPlayerLeave(player, event.tick + 5) -- log("onPlayerLeave (equipment changed)") -- local tick = event.tick + 5 -- if not global.destroyNextTick[tick] then -- global.destroyNextTick[tick] = {} -- end -- table.insert(global.destroyNextTick[tick], event.player_index) -- end -- end --end script.on_init(on_init) script.on_load(on_load) script.on_configuration_changed(on_configuration_changed) script.on_event(, on_player_created) script.on_event(, on_force_created) script.on_event(, on_tick) script.on_event(, on_gui_click) script.on_event(, on_gui_checked_state_changed) local stock_filter = {{filter = "rolling-stock"}} script.on_event(, on_preplayer_mined_item, stock_filter) script.on_event(, on_entity_died, stock_filter) script.on_event(, on_marked_for_deconstruction, stock_filter) script.on_event(, script_raised_destroy) --script.on_event(, script_raised_built) script.on_event(, on_player_driving_changed_state) script.on_event(, on_pre_player_removed) --script.on_event(, on_player_placed_equipment) --script.on_event(, on_player_removed_equipment) script.on_event(, function(event) if == "farl-roboport" then = 5000000000 end end) script.on_event("toggle-train-control", function(event) if not game.active_mods["Honk"] and not game.active_mods["Honck"] then local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) local vehicle = player.vehicle if vehicle and vehicle.type == "locomotive" then vehicle.train.manual_mode = not vehicle.train.manual_mode if player.mod_settings.farl_display_messages.value then local mode = vehicle.train.manual_mode and {"gui-train.manual-mode"} or {"gui-train.automatic-mode"} player.print({"msg-train-toggled", mode}) end end end end) script.on_event("farl-toggle-cruise-control", function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) local vehicle = player.vehicle if vehicle and FARL.isFARLLocomotive(vehicle) then local farl = FARL.findByPlayer(player) if farl then farl:toggleCruiseControl() end end end) script.on_event("farl-toggle-active", function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) local vehicle = player.vehicle if vehicle and FARL.isFARLLocomotive(vehicle) then local farl = FARL.findByPlayer(player) if farl then if then farl:deactivate() else farl:activate() end end end end) local command_to_button = { farl_read_bp = "blueprint", farl_clear_bp = "bpClear", farl_vertical_bp = "blueprint_concrete_vertical", farl_diagonal_bp = "blueprint_concrete_diagonal" } local function farl_command(data) local player = game.get_player(data.player_index) if not player.vehicle or not (FARL.isFARLLocomotive(player.vehicle)) then player.print("You need to be in a FARL to use this command") return end data.element = {name = command_to_button[], player_index = data.player_index} log(serpent.block(data)) on_gui_click(data) end commands.add_command("farl_read_bp", "Read the blueprint/book on the cursor", farl_command) commands.add_command("farl_clear_bp", "Clear stored layout", farl_command) commands.add_command("farl_vertical_bp", "Create vertical blueprint", farl_command) commands.add_command("farl_diagonal_bp", "Create diagonal blueprint", farl_command) commands.add_command("farl_flipPoles", "Flip the side of the electric pole", function(data) local player = game.get_player(data.player_index) local psettings = Settings.loadByPlayer(player) psettings.flipPoles = not psettings.flipPoles player.print("flipPoles: " .. tostring(psettings.flipPoles)) end) remote.add_interface("farl", { railInfo = function(rail) rail = rail or game.player.selected debugDump("@ ".. Position.tostring(rail.position).." dir:"..rail.direction.." realPos: "..Position.tostring(lib.diagonal_to_real_pos(rail)),true) if type(global.railInfoLast) == "table" and global.railInfoLast.valid then local pos = global.railInfoLast.position local diff=Position.subtract(rail.position,pos) local rdiff = Position.subtract(lib.diagonal_to_real_pos(rail),lib.diagonal_to_real_pos(global.railInfoLast)) debugDump("Offset from last: x="..diff.x..",y="..diff.y,true) debugDump("real Offset: x="..rdiff.x..",y="..rdiff.y,true) debugDump("Distance (util): "..util.distance(pos, rail.position),true) --debugDump("lag for diag: "..(diff.x-diff.y),true) --debugDump("lag for straight: "..(diff.y+diff.x),true) global.railInfoLast = false else global.railInfoLast = rail end end, --/c"farl", "debugInfo") debugInfo = function() saveVar(global, "console") --saveVar(global.debug, "RailDebug") end, reset = function() global = {} if game.forces.player.technologies["rail-signals"].researched then["farl"].enabled = true["farl-roboport"].enabled = true end local farl for _, player in pairs(game.players) do if player.gui.left.farl and player.gui.left.farl.valid then farl = FARL.findByPlayer(player) if farl then farl:deactivate() if mod_gui.get_frame_flow(player).farl == nil then farl = FARL.onPlayerEnter(player) GUI.createGui(player) if farl then GUI.updateGui(farl) end end end player.gui.left.farl.destroy() end end for _,p in pairs(game.players) do if p.gui.left.farl then p.gui.left.farl.destroy() end if mod_gui.get_frame_flow(p).farl then mod_gui.get_frame_flow(p).farl.destroy() end if then end end on_init() end, setCurvedWeight = function(weight, player) local s = Settings.loadByPlayer(player) s.curvedWeight = weight end, setSpeed = function(speed) for _, s in pairs(global.players) do s.cruiseSpeed = speed end end, tileAt = function(x,y) debugDump(game.surfaces[game.player.surface].get_tile(x, y).name,true) end, quickstart = function(player) local items = {"farl", "straight-rail", "medium-electric-pole", "big-electric-pole", "small-lamp", "solid-fuel", "rail-signal", "blueprint", "cargo-wagon"} local count = {5,100,50,50,50,50,50,10,5} player = player or game.player for i=1,#items do player.insert{name=items[i], count=count[i]} end end, quickstart2 = function(player) local items = {"power-armor-mk2", "personal-roboport-equipment", "fusion-reactor-equipment", "blueprint", "deconstruction-planner", "construction-robot", "exoskeleton-equipment"} local count = {1,5,3,1,1,50,2} player = player or game.player for i=1,#items do player.insert{name=items[i], count=count[i]} end end, quickstartElectric = function() local items = {"farl", "curved-power-rail", "straight-power-rail", "medium-electric-pole", "big-electric-pole", "small-lamp", "solid-fuel", "rail-signal", "blueprint", "electric-locomotive", "solar-panel", "basic-accumulator"} local count = {5,50,50,50,50,50,50,50,10,2,50,50} for i=1,#items do game.player.insert{name=items[i], count=count[i]} end end, debuglog = function() global.debug_log = not global.debug_log local state = global.debug_log and "on" or "off" debugDump("Debug: "..state,true) end, revive = function(player) for _, entity in pairs(player.surface.find_entities_filtered{area = Position.expand_to_area(player.position,50), type = "entity-ghost"}) do entity.revive() end end, tile_properties = function(player) local x = player.position.x local y = player.position.y local tile = player.surface.get_tile(x,y) local tprops = player.surface.get_tileproperties(x,y) player.print( local properties = { tierFromStart = tprops.tier_from_start, roughness = tprops.roughness, elevation = tprops.elevation, availableWater = tprops.available_water, temperature = tprops.temperature } for k,p in pairs(properties) do player.print(k.." "..p) end end, fake_signals = function(bool) global.fake_signals = bool end, init_players = function() for _, psettings in pairs(global.players) do if psettings.mirrorConcrete == nil then psettings.mirrorConcrete = true end end end, tiles = function() for tileName, prototype in pairs(game.tile_prototypes) do if prototype.items_to_place_this then log("Tile: " .. tileName .." item: " .. next(prototype.items_to_place_this)) end end end, add_entity_to_trigger = function() log("'farl', 'add_entity_to_trigger') is no longer supported. Listen to and/or instead.") end, remove_entity_from_trigger = function() log("'farl', 'remove_entity_from_trigger') is no longer supported. Listen to and/or instead.") end, get_trigger_list = function() log("'farl', 'get_trigger_list') is no longer supported. Listen to and/or instead") end, -- foo = function() -- local positions = {} -- local some_data = {whatever=10} -- log("concat start") -- for i = 0, 100 do -- for j = 0, 100 do -- positions[i..":"..j] = some_data.whatever + i -- end -- end -- log("concat stop") -- log(positions["0:0"]) -- positions = {} -- log("hash start") -- for i = 0, 100 do -- for j = 0, 100 do -- positions[position_hash(i,j)] = some_data.whatever + i -- end -- end -- log("hash stop") -- log(positions["0:0"]) -- end })