require "defines" require "util" MAX_CONFIG_SIZE = 6 MAX_STORAGE_SIZE = 12 DEBUG = false require "gui" types = {["mining-drill"]=true,["assembling-machine"]=true,lab=true, ["rocket-silo"] = true, furnace=true, beacon=true} typeToSlot = {} typeToSlot.lab = defines.inventory.lab_modules typeToSlot["assembling-machine"] = defines.inventory.assembling_machine_modules typeToSlot["mining-drill"] = defines.inventory.mining_drill_modules typeToSlot["furnace"] = defines.inventory.assembling_machine_modules typeToSlot["rocket-silo"] = defines.inventory.assembling_machine_modules typeToSlot["beacon"] = 1 nameToSlots = {} local metaitem =["mi-meta"].ingredients for i, ent in pairs(metaitem) do nameToSlots[] = ent.amount end game.forces.player.technologies["mi-meta-productivityRecipes"].reload() productivityRecipes = game.forces.player.technologies["mi-meta-productivityRecipes"].effects productivityAllowed = #productivityRecipes > 0 and {} or false for _, recipe in pairs(productivityRecipes) do productivityAllowed[recipe.recipe] = true end function subPos(p1,p2) local p2 = p2 or {x=0,y=0} return {x=p1.x-p2.x, y=p1.y-p2.y} end function expandPos(pos, range) local range = range or 0.5 if not pos or not pos.x then error("invalid pos",3) end return {{pos.x - range, pos.y - range}, {pos.x + range, pos.y + range}} end function entityKey(ent) if ent.position and ent.direction then return ent.position.x..":"..ent.position.y--..":"..ent.direction end return false end --/c game.player.print(serpent.dump(game.player.surface.find_logistic_network_by_position(game.player.position, function hasPocketBots(player) local logisticCell = player.character.logistic_cell local port = false if logisticCell and logisticCell.transmitting and then port = logisticCell end return port end game.on_event(, function(event) local status, err = pcall(function() local entity = event.entity local deconstruction = false local upgrade = false local module = false local player = nil -- Determine which player used upgrade planner. -- If more than one player has upgrade planner in their hand or one -- player has a upgrade planner and other has deconstruction planner, -- we can't determine it, so we have to discard deconstruction order. for _, p in pairs(game.players) do local stack = p.cursor_stack if stack.valid_for_read then if == "upgrade-planner" then if upgrade or deconstruction or module then --debugDump("Upgrade planner used", true) return end upgrade = true elseif == "deconstruction-planner" then if upgrade or module then --debugDump("Deconstruction/Module planner used", true) return end deconstruction = true elseif == "module-inserter" then if upgrade or deconstruction then --debugDump("Deconstruction/Upgrade planner used", true) return end player = p module = true end end end if not player then return end if not global["config"][] then -- Config for this player does not exist yet, so we have nothing to do. -- We can create it now for later usage. global["config"][] = {} entity.cancel_deconstruction(entity.force) return end local config = global["config"][] if entity.type ~= "rocket-silo" then -- Check if player has space for proxy item --/c game.player.print(serpent.dump(game.player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.player_main).can_insert{name="module-inserter-proxy", count=1} or game.player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.player_quickbar).can_insert{name="module-inserter-proxy", count=1})) local proxy = {name="module-inserter-proxy", count=1} --if player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.player_main).can_insert(proxy) or player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.player_quickbar).can_insert(proxy) then -- Check if entity is valid and stored in config as a source. local index = 0 for i = 1, #config do if config[i].from == then index = i break end end if index == 0 then entity.cancel_deconstruction(entity.force) return end local freeSlots = 0 for i=1,#player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.player_quickbar) do if not player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.player_quickbar)[i].valid_for_read then freeSlots = freeSlots + 1 end end if player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.player_main).can_insert(proxy) or (freeSlots > 1 and player.cursor_stack.valid_for_read) or (freeSlots > 0 and not player.cursor_stack.valid_for_read) then if entity.type == "assembling-machine" and not entity.recipe then player.print("Can't insert modules in assembler without recipe") entity.cancel_deconstruction(entity.force) return end local modules = util.table.deepcopy(config[index].to) local cTable = {} for i, module in pairs(modules) do if module then if not cTable[module] then cTable[module] = 1 else cTable[module] = cTable[module] + 1 end end local prototype = game.item_prototypes[module] if module and prototype.module_effects and prototype.module_effects["productivity"] then if prototype.module_effects["productivity"] ~= 0 then if entity.type == "beacon" then player.print("Can't insert "..module.." in " entity.cancel_deconstruction(entity.force) return end if productivityAllowed and entity.type == "assembling-machine" then if entity.recipe and not productivityAllowed[] == true then player.print("Can't use "..module.." with recipe: " .. entity.cancel_deconstruction(entity.force) return end end end end end local inventory = entity.get_inventory(typeToSlot[entity.type]) local contents = inventory.get_contents() if not,contents) then -- proxy entity that the robots fly to local new_entity = { name = "entity-ghost", inner_name = "module-inserter-proxy", position = entity.position, direction = entity.direction, force = entity.force } if string.find(, "replicator%-%d") then new_entity.position = subPos(new_entity.position, {x=0.5,y=0.5}) end local key = entityKey(new_entity) if global.entitiesToInsert[key] then global.entitiesToInsert[key] = nil if player.get_item_count("module-inserter-proxy") > 0 then player.remove_item(proxy) end local toDelete = false for tick, t in pairs(global.removeTicks) do for k, g in pairs(t) do if g.key == key then toDelete = {t=tick, k=k} break end end if toDelete then break end end if toDelete then global.removeTicks[toDelete.t][toDelete.k] = nil end end if not global.entitiesToInsert[key] then -- or (global.entitiesToInsert[key].ghost and not global.entitiesToInsert[key].ghost.valid) then local ghost = entity.surface.create_entity(new_entity) global.entitiesToInsert[key] = {entity = entity, player = player, modules = modules, ghost = ghost} --ghost.time_to_live = 60*30 local delTick = game.tick + ghost.time_to_live + 2 global.removeTicks[delTick] = global.removeTicks[delTick] or {} table.insert(global.removeTicks[delTick], {p=player,g=ghost, key = key}) player.insert{name="module-inserter-proxy", count=1} end end end end entity.cancel_deconstruction(entity.force) end) if not status then debugDump(err, true) end end) local function initGlob() if not global.version or global.version < "0.0.2" then global.config = {} global["config-tmp"] = {} global["storage"] = {} global.entitiesToInsert = {} global.removeTicks = {} global.version = "0.0.2" end global.entitiesToInsert = global.entitiesToInsert or {} global.removeTicks = global.removeTicks or {} global["config"] = global["config"] or {} global["config-tmp"] = global["config-tmp"] or {} global["storage"] = global["storage"] or {} global.guiVersion = global.guiVersion or {} if global.version < "0.0.7" then global["storage"] = {} global.version = "0.0.7" end if global.version < "0.0.9" then global.entitiesToInsert = {} global.removeTicks = {} global.guiVersion = {} global.version = "0.0.9" end --hanndle removed items here local items = game.item_prototypes for name, p in pairs(global.config) do for i=#p,1,-1 do if p[i].from ~= "" and not items[p[i].from] then global.config[name][i].from = "" global.config[name][i].to = "" debugDump(p[i].from,true) end if type(p[i].to) == "table" then for k, m in pairs(p[i].to) do if m and not items[m] then global.config[name][i].to[k] = false end end end end end for player, store in pairs( do for name, p in pairs(store) do for i=#p,1,-1 do if p[i].from ~= "" and not items[p[i].from] then[player][name][i].from = ""[player][name][i].to = "" end if type(p[i].to) == "table" then for k, m in pairs(p[i].to) do if m and not items[m] then[player][name][i].to[k] = false end end end end end end global.version = "0.0.9" end local function oninit() initGlob() game.on_event(, function() update_gui() end) end local function onload() initGlob() game.on_event(, function() update_gui() end) end function update_gui(player) local status, err = pcall(function() if player then if not global.guiVersion[] then global.guiVersion[] = "0.0.0" end if global.guiVersion[] < "0.0.7" and["module-inserter-config-button"] then["module-inserter-config-button"].destroy() global.guiVersion[] = "0.0.7" end gui_init(player) else for i,player in pairs(game.players) do if player.valid and player.connected then if not global.guiVersion[] then global.guiVersion[] = "0.0.0" end if global.guiVersion[] < "0.0.7" and["module-inserter-config-button"] then["module-inserter-config-button"].destroy() global.guiVersion[] = "0.0.7" end gui_init(player) end end end game.on_event(, on_tick) end) if not status then debugDump(err, true) end end function count_keys(hashmap) local result = 0 for _, __ in pairs(hashmap) do result = result + 1 end return result end function get_config_item(player, index, type1) if not global["config-tmp"][] or index > #global["config-tmp"][] or global["config-tmp"][][index][type1] == "" or type(global["config-tmp"][][index][type1]) == "table" then return {"upgrade-planner-item-not-set"} end return game.get_localised_item_name(global["config-tmp"][][index][type1]) end game.on_init(oninit) game.on_load(onload) function on_tick(event) if global.removeTicks[event.tick] then local status, err = pcall(function() for _, g in pairs(global.removeTicks[event.tick]) do if not g.g.valid and g.p.get_item_count("module-inserter-proxy") > 0 then g.p.remove_item{name="module-inserter-proxy", count = 1} global.entitiesToInsert[g.key] = nil end end global.removeTicks[event.tick] = nil end) if not status then debugDump(err, true) end end end game.on_event(, function(event) local status, err = pcall(function() local entity = event.created_entity if == "module-inserter-proxy" then local origEntity = global.entitiesToInsert[entityKey(entity)] if origEntity and origEntity.entity.valid then local player = origEntity.player local modules = origEntity.modules origEntity = origEntity.entity --debugDump(modules,true) local inventory = origEntity.get_inventory(typeToSlot[origEntity.type]) local contents = inventory.get_contents() -- remove all modules first for k, v in pairs(contents) do for i=1,v do if player.can_insert{name=k,count=1} then inventory.remove{name=k, count=1} player.insert{name=k, count=1} end end end if type(modules) == "table" then local logisticsNetwork = origEntity.surface.find_logistic_network_by_position(origEntity.position, for i,module in pairs(modules) do if module then if inventory.can_insert{name = module, count = 1} then if player.get_item_count(module) > 0 then inventory.insert{name = module, count = 1} player.remove_item{name = module, count = 1} --inventory.insert{name = module, count = player.remove_item{name= module, count = 1}} else --check logisticsnetwork if logisticsNetwork and logisticsNetwork.get_item_count(module) > 0 then inventory.insert{name = module, count = 1} logisticsNetwork.remove_item{name = module, count = 1} end end end end end end local key = entityKey(entity) global.entitiesToInsert[key] = nil end entity.destroy() end end) if not status then debugDump(err, true) end end) game.on_event(, function(event) local element = event.element --debugDump(, true) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not global.guiVersion[] then global.guiVersion[] = "0.0.0" end if global.guiVersion[] < "0.0.7" then update_gui(player) return end if == "module-inserter-config-button" then gui_open_frame(player) elseif == "module-inserter-apply" then gui_save_changes(player) elseif == "module-inserter-clear-all" then gui_clear_all(player) elseif == "module-inserter-debug" then saveVar(global,"debugButton") local c = 0 for _,k in pairs(global.entitiesToInsert) do c = c+1 end debugDump("#Entities "..c,true) c = 0 for _,k in pairs(global.removeTicks) do c = c+#k end debugDump("#Remove "..c,true) elseif == "module-inserter-storage-store" then gui_store(player) else"(%w+)__([%w%s%-%#%!%$]*)_*([%w%s%-%#%!%$]*)_*(%w*)") local type, index, slot = string.match(, "module%-inserter%-(%a+)%-(%d+)%-*(%d*)") --debugDump({t=type,i=index,s=slot},true) if type and index then if type == "from" then gui_set_rule(player, type, tonumber(index)) elseif type == "to" then gui_set_modules(player, tonumber(index), tonumber(slot)) elseif type == "restore" then gui_restore(player, tonumber(index)) elseif type == "remove" then gui_remove(player, tonumber(index)) end end end end) game.on_event(, function(event) if == 'automated-construction' then for _, player in pairs(event.research.force.players) do gui_init(player, true) end end end) function debugDump(var, force) if false or force then for i,player in ipairs(game.players) do local msg if type(var) == "string" then msg = var else msg = serpent.dump(var, {name="var", comment=false, sparse=false, sortkeys=true}) end player.print(msg) end end end function saveVar(var, name) local var = var or global local n = name or "" game.makefile("module"..n..".lua", serpent.block(var, {name="glob"})) end remote.add_interface("mi", { saveVar = function(name) saveVar(global, name) end, limits = function() debugDump(productivityAllowed,true) debugDump(productivityRecipes,true) end, })