require "__core__/lualib/util" require '__SmartTrains__/stdlib/area/position' require '__SmartTrains__/stdlib/surface' require '__SmartTrains__/stdlib/string' require '__SmartTrains__/stdlib/table' Logger = require('__SmartTrains__/stdlib/log/logger') LOGGERS = {} --luacheck: allow defined top --LOGGERS.main ="SmartTrains","main", true) --LOGGERS.update ="SmartTrains", "updates", true) -- myevent = game.generateeventname() -- the name and tick are filled for the event automatically -- this event is raised with extra parameter foo with value "bar" --game.raiseevent(myevent, {foo="bar"}) events = {} --luacheck: allow defined top events["on_player_opened"] = script.generate_event_name() events["on_player_closed"] = script.generate_event_name() --luacheck: allow defined top combinator_index = { station_number = 1, train_at_station = 2, locomotives = 3, cargowagons = 4, passenger = 5, lowest_fuel = 6, line = 7, destination = 8 } require("__SmartTrains__/gui") require("__SmartTrains__/Train") defaultSettings = { refuel = { station = "Refuel", rangeMin = 25*8, rangeMax = 50*8, time = 600 }, intervals = { write = 60, -- ticks between constant combinator updates inactivity = 120, --ticks between cargo comparison }, } stationsPerPage = 5 linesPerPage = 5 rulesPerPage = 5 mappingsPerPage = 10 colors = { RED = {r = 0.9}, GREEN = {g = 0.7}, YELLOW = {r = 0.8, g = 0.8} } train_state = {left_station = 11} function insertInTable(tableA, key, value) if not tableA[key] then tableA[key] = {} end table.insert(tableA[key], value) end TrainList = {} TrainList.getMainLocomotive = function(train) if train.valid and train.locomotives and (#train.locomotives.front_movers > 0 or #train.locomotives.back_movers > 0) then return train.locomotives.front_movers and train.locomotives.front_movers[1] or train.locomotives.back_movers[1] end end TrainList.getTrainID = function(train) local loco = TrainList.getMainLocomotive(train) return loco and loco.unit_number end TrainList.getLocomotives = function(train) local locomotives = {} if train.locomotives then for _, loco in pairs(train.locomotives.front_movers) do table.insert(locomotives, loco) end for _, loco in pairs(train.locomotives.back_movers) do table.insert(locomotives, loco) end end return locomotives end TrainList.addTrainInfo = function(train) local id = TrainList.getTrainID(train) if id then local trainInfo =, id) global.trains[id] = trainInfo return trainInfo end end TrainList.updateTrainInfo = function(train) local newMainID = TrainList.getTrainID(train) if not newMainID then return end local newLocos = TrainList.getLocomotives(train) local found = {} local foundMainID = false for _, loco in pairs(newLocos) do if global.trains[loco.unit_number] then if newMainID == loco.unit_number then --log("found main loco " .. newMainID) foundMainID = global.trains[newMainID] else table.insert(found, global.trains[loco.unit_number]) end end end -- old front loco stays front loco if foundMainID then for _, old in pairs(found) do TrainList.removeTrain(old) end -- check old locomotives for different train (decoupling) local newTrain = false for _, oldLoco in pairs(foundMainID.locomotives) do if oldLoco.valid and TrainList.getTrainID(oldLoco.train) ~= newMainID then newTrain = oldLoco.train end end if newTrain then TrainList.addTrainInfo(newTrain) end foundMainID:update(train, newMainID) foundMainID:resetWaitingStation() global.trains[newMainID] = foundMainID -- loco/cargo wagon added in front of old front loco else if #found > 0 then found[1]:update(train, newMainID) found[1]:resetWaitingStation() global.trains[newMainID] = found[1] for i=#found, 2, -1 do TrainList.removeTrain(found[i]) end else --loco was added to cargo-wagon return TrainList.addTrainInfo(train) end end return global.trains[newMainID] end TrainList.getTrainInfo = function(train) local id = TrainList.getTrainID(train) local trainInfo = global.trains[id] if not trainInfo or not trainInfo.train.valid then if train.valid and id then return TrainList.addTrainInfo(train) end end return trainInfo end TrainList.getTrainInfoFromUI = function(playerIndex) local player = game.players[playerIndex] local trainInfo if player.opened ~= nil and player.opened.valid then if player.opened.type == "locomotive" then trainInfo = TrainList.getTrainInfo(player.opened.train) end return trainInfo end end TrainList.removeTrain = function(trainInfo) if trainInfo and trainInfo.ID and global.trains[trainInfo.ID] then trainInfo:resetWaitingStation() global.trains[trainInfo.ID] = nil end end TrainList.removeInvalidTrains = function(show) local removed = 0 for id, ti in pairs(global.trains) do if not ti.train or not ti.train.valid or (#ti.train.locomotives.front_movers == 0 and #ti.train.locomotives.back_movers == 0) then ti:resetCircuitSignal() TrainList.removeTrain(ti) removed = removed + 1 -- try to detect change through pressing G/V else local test = ti:getType() if test ~= ti.type then ti:resetCircuitSignal() TrainList.removeTrain(ti) removed = removed + 1 end end end if removed > 0 and show then flyingText("Removed "..removed.." invalid trains", colors.RED, false, true) end return removed end TrainList.getCount = function() local c = 0 for _, _ in pairs(global.trains) do c = c + 1 end return c end TrainList.removeDuplicates = function() local removeIds = {} local addIds = {} local validTrains = {} for i, ti in pairs(global.trains) do if ti.train and ti.train.valid then local ID = TrainList.getTrainID(ti.train) log("i: " .. i .. " mainId: " .. ID) if i == ID and global.trains[ID] and global.trains[ID].train == ti.train then validTrains[ID] = ti log("valid: " .. ID) else log("invalid: " .. ID) -- update lookup table if i ~= ID then if not global.trains[ID] then addIds[ID] = ti else removeIds[i] = ti end end end else removeIds[i] = ti end end for _, ti in pairs(addIds) do TrainList.addTrainInfo(ti.train) end for id, ti in pairs(removeIds) do TrainList.removeTrain(ti) global.trains[id] = nil end end local function debugLog(var, prepend) if not global.debug_log then return end local str = prepend or "" for _,_ in pairs(game.players) do local msg if type(var) == "string" then msg = var else msg = serpent.dump(var, {name="var", comment=false, sparse=false, sortkeys=true}) end --player.print(str..msg) log(str..msg) end end function util.getKeyByValue(tableA, value) for i,c in pairs(tableA) do if c == value then return i end end end function util.formattime(ticks, showTicks) if ticks then local seconds = ticks / 60 local minutes = math.floor((seconds)/60) seconds = math.floor(seconds - 60*minutes) local tick = ticks - (minutes*60*60+seconds*60) local format = showTicks and "%d:%02d:%02d" or "%d:%02d" return string.format(format, minutes, seconds, tick) else return "-" end end function resetMetatable(o, mt) setmetatable(o,{__index=mt}) return o end function setMetatables() for _, object in pairs(global.trains) do resetMetatable(object, Train) end if global.update_cargo then for _, tick in pairs(global.update_cargo) do for _, object in pairs(tick) do resetMetatable(object, Train) end end end if global.check_rules then for _, tick in pairs(global.check_rules) do for _, object in pairs(tick) do resetMetatable(object, Train) end end end end function initGlob() global = global or {} global.version = global.version or "0.3.75" global.trains = global.trains or {} global.train = nil global.trainLines = global.trainLines or {} global.scheduleUpdate = global.scheduleUpdate or {} global.update_cargo = global.update_cargo or {} global.check_rules = global.check_rules or {} global.refueling = global.refueling or {} global.reset_signals = global.reset_signals or {} global.player_passenger = global.player_passenger or {} global.showFlyingText = global.showFlyingText or false global.playerPage = global.playerPage or {} global.playerRules = global.playerRules or {} global.guiData = global.guiData or {} -- by force global.stationCount = global.stationCount or {} global.smartTrainstops = global.smartTrainstops or {} global.stationMapping = global.stationMapping or {} global.stationMap = global.stationMap or {} global.stationNumbers = global.stationNumbers or {} global.settings = global.settings or defaultSettings global.settings.stationsPerPage = stationsPerPage global.settings.linesPerPage = linesPerPage global.settings.rulesPerPage = rulesPerPage global.settings.mappingsPerPage = mappingsPerPage global.settings.intervals = global.settings.intervals or {} global.settings.intervals.write = global.settings.intervals.write or defaultSettings.intervals.write global.settings.intervals.inactivity = global.settings.intervals.inactivity or defaultSettings.intervals.inactivity global.fuel_values = global.fuel_values or {} global.fuel_values["coal"] = game.item_prototypes["coal"].fuel_value/1000000 global.blueprinted_proxies = global.blueprinted_proxies or {} global.stopped_trains = global.stopped_trains or {} setMetatables() end local function init_player(player) global.playerRules[player.index] = global.playerRules[player.index] or {page=1} global.player_passenger[player.index] = player.vehicle end local function init_players() for _,player in pairs(game.players) do init_player(player) end end local function init_force(force) initGlob() global.stationCount[] = global.stationCount[] or {} global.smartTrainstops[] = global.smartTrainstops[] or {} global.stationMapping[] = global.stationMapping[] or {} global.stationMap[] = global.stationMap[] or {} global.stationNumbers[] = global.stationNumbers[] or {} global.stopped_trains[] = global.stopped_trains[] or {} end local function init_forces() for _, force in pairs(game.forces) do init_force(force) end end local function on_force_created(event) init_force(event.force) end local function on_player_created(event) init_player(game.players[event.player_index]) end function oninit() initGlob() init_forces() init_players() findStations() end function onload() setMetatables() end function get_station_number(force_name, station_name) if global.stationMapping[force_name][station_name] then return global.stationMapping[force_name][station_name] end local count_lines = 0 local station_number = 0 for line, line_data in pairs(global.trainLines) do for index, record in pairs(line_data.records) do if record.station == station_name then count_lines = count_lines + 1 station_number = index end end end if count_lines > 1 then station_number = 0 end return station_number end function add_or_update_parameter(behavior, signal, index) if behavior then local parameters = behavior.parameters if not parameters[index] or (not parameters[index] or parameters[index] == if signal.count == 0 then signal = {signal={type = "item"}, count = 1, index = index} end parameters[index] = signal behavior.parameters = parameters return else for i, param in pairs(parameters) do if not param.signal or not then if signal.count == 0 then signal = {signal={type = "item"}, count = 1, index = i} end parameters[i] = signal parameters[i].index = i behavior.parameters = parameters return end end end end end function update_station_numbers() for force, smartTrainstops in pairs(global.smartTrainstops) do global.stationNumbers[force] = {} for _, station in pairs(smartTrainstops) do if station.station and station.station.valid then local number = get_station_number(force,tostring(station.station.backer_name)) global.stationNumbers[force][tostring(station.station.backer_name)] = number local signal = {signal={type = "virtual", name = "signal-station-number"}, count = number, index = combinator_index.station_number} add_or_update_parameter(station.cargo.get_or_create_control_behavior(), signal, combinator_index.station_number) end end end end local function getProxyPositions(trainstop) local offset = { [0] = {x=-0.5,y=-0.5}, [2]={x=0.5,y=-0.5}, [4]={x=0.5,y=0.5}, [6]={x=-0.5,y=0.5}} local offsetcargo = { [0] = {x=0.5,y=-0.5}, [2]={x=0.5,y=0.5}, [4]={x=-0.5,y=0.5}, [6]={x=-0.5,y=-0.5}} local pos = Position.add(trainstop.position, offset[trainstop.direction]) local poscargo = Position.add(trainstop.position, offsetcargo[trainstop.direction]) return {signalProxy = poscargo, cargo = pos} end local function recreateProxy(station) local key = stationKey(station) if not global.smartTrainstops[][key] then global.smartTrainstops[][key] = {station = station} end local trainstop = global.smartTrainstops[][key] local positions = getProxyPositions(trainstop.station) if trainstop.station.valid then local force = if not trainstop.cargo or not trainstop.cargo.valid then local poscargo = positions.cargo local proxycargo = {name="smart-train-stop-proxy-cargo", direction=0, force=trainstop.station.force, position=poscargo} local ent2 = trainstop.station.surface.create_entity(proxycargo) if ent2.valid then global.smartTrainstops[force][key].cargo = ent2 ent2.minable = false ent2.operable = false ent2.destructible = false --log("Updated smart train stop cargo: " .. trainstop.station.unit_number .. " " ..trainstop.station.backer_name) end else if trainstop.cargo and trainstop.cargo.valid then if not Position.equals(positions.cargo, trainstop.cargo.position) then if not trainstop.cargo.teleport(positions.cargo) then log("fail: moved cargo proxy " .. trainstop.station.backer_name) end end end end if not trainstop.signalProxy or not trainstop.signalProxy.valid then local pos = positions.signalProxy local proxy = {name="smart-train-stop-proxy", direction=0, force=trainstop.station.force, position=pos} local ent = trainstop.station.surface.create_entity(proxy) if ent.valid then global.smartTrainstops[force][key].signalProxy=ent ent.minable = false ent.destructible = false --log("Updated smart train stop signal: " .. trainstop.station.unit_number .. " " ..trainstop.station.backer_name) end else if trainstop.signalProxy and trainstop.signalProxy.valid then if not Position.equals(positions.signalProxy, trainstop.signalProxy.position) then if not trainstop.signalProxy.teleport(positions.signalProxy) then log("fail: moved signal proxy " .. trainstop.station.backer_name) end end end end end end local function fixSmartstopTable() local tmp = { player = global.smartTrainstops.player or {}, enemy = global.smartTrainstops.enemy or {}, neutral = global.smartTrainstops.neutral or {} } local forces = {player = true, enemy=true, neutral=true, gate=true} for key, smartStop in pairs(global.smartTrainstops) do if not forces[key] then if smartStop.entity then smartStop.station = smartStop.entity smartStop.entity = nil end if smartStop.proxy then smartStop.signalProxy = smartStop.proxy smartStop.proxy = nil end tmp[] =tmp[] or {} tmp[][key] = smartStop end end global.smartTrainstops = tmp for _, stops in pairs(global.smartTrainstops) do for _, smartStop in pairs(stops) do recreateProxy(smartStop.station) end end end local function factorioVersion() local baseVersion = game.active_mods.base and string.split(game.active_mods.base, ".") if baseVersion then return baseVersion[2] end end local function removeDuplicateTrains() for k, ent in pairs(global.blueprinted_proxies) do if not ent.valid then global.blueprinted_proxies[k] = nil end end TrainList.removeInvalidTrains() local r = {} local found = false for i, ti in pairs(global.trains) do if ti.train and ti.train.valid then local id = TrainList.getTrainID(ti.train) if i ~= id then for _, loco in pairs(TrainList.getLocomotives(ti.train)) do if global.trains[loco.unit_number] then found = true end end if found then r[i] = true else global.trains[id] = ti end end else r[i] = true end end for id, _ in pairs(r) do if global.trains[id] and global.trains[id].train and global.trains[id].train.valid then global.trains[id]:resetWaitingStation() end global.trains[id] = nil end --TrainList.removeDuplicates() end local update_from_version = { ["0.0.0"] = function() return "4.0.8" end, } function on_configuration_changed(data) local status, err = pcall(function() if not data.mod_changes then return end if data.mod_changes.SmartTrains then local old_version = data.mod_changes.SmartTrains.old_version local new_version = data.mod_changes.SmartTrains.new_version if old_version then saveGlob("PreUpdate"..old_version.."_" end initGlob() init_forces() init_players() setMetatables() local searchedStations = false if old_version and new_version then if old_version < "2.0.3" then error("Updating from an outdated version, get at least SmartTrains 2.0.3 from the mod portal to update this save.") end local ver = update_from_version[old_version] and old_version or "0.0.0" local searched while ver ~= new_version do if update_from_version[ver] then ver, searched = update_from_version[ver]() searchedStations = searchedStations or searched else break end end debugDump("SmartTrains version changed from "..old_version.." to ".. new_version,true) end if not searchedStations then findStations() end global.version = new_version end --clear fuelvalue cache global.fuel_values = {} end) if not status then --LOGGERS.main.write() error(err, 2) end end function createProxy(trainstop) local positions = getProxyPositions(trainstop) local force = local key = stationKey(trainstop) local smartStop = global.smartTrainstops[force][key] local keySignal = stationKey({position=positions.signalProxy}) local keyCargo = stationKey({position=positions.cargo}) local signalProxy, cargoProxy local proxy = {name="smart-train-stop-proxy", direction = 0, force=trainstop.force, position=positions.signalProxy} local proxycargo = {name="smart-train-stop-proxy-cargo", direction = trainstop.direction, force=trainstop.force, position=positions.cargo} if global.blueprinted_proxies[keySignal] then local signal = global.blueprinted_proxies[keySignal] if signal and signal.valid then --debugDump("signal: "..serpent.line(signal.position),true) signal.revive() end global.blueprinted_proxies[keySignal] = nil end if global.blueprinted_proxies[keyCargo] then local cargo = global.blueprinted_proxies[keyCargo] if cargo and cargo.valid then --debugDump("cargo: "..serpent.line(cargo.position),true) cargo.revive() end global.blueprinted_proxies[keyCargo] = nil end if smartStop and smartStop.station and smartStop.station.valid then if smartStop.signalProxy and smartStop.signalProxy.valid then if not Position.equals(positions.signalProxy, smartStop.signalProxy.position) then smartStop.signalProxy.teleport(positions.signalProxy) log("moved signal proxy " .. trainstop.backer_name) end end if smartStop.cargo and smartStop.cargo.valid then if not Position.equals(positions.cargo, smartStop.cargo.position) then smartStop.cargo.teleport(positions.cargo) log("moved cargo proxy " .. trainstop.backer_name) end end end signalProxy = trainstop.surface.find_entity("smart-train-stop-proxy", positions.signalProxy) if not signalProxy then signalProxy = trainstop.surface.create_entity(proxy) end cargoProxy = trainstop.surface.find_entity("smart-train-stop-proxy-cargo", positions.cargo) if not cargoProxy then cargoProxy = trainstop.surface.create_entity(proxycargo) end if signalProxy.valid and cargoProxy.valid then cargoProxy.operable = false cargoProxy.destructible = false cargoProxy.minable = false cargoProxy.get_or_create_control_behavior().parameters = nil signalProxy.destructible = false signalProxy.minable = false if not global.smartTrainstops[force][key] then global.smartTrainstops[force][key] = {station = trainstop, signalProxy = signalProxy, cargo = cargoProxy} end else pauseError("Could not find signal/cargo proxy for " .. trainstop.backer_name .. " @ " .. serpent.line(trainstop.position,{comment=false})) end end function removeProxy(trainstop) local force = local key = stationKey(trainstop) if global.smartTrainstops[force][key] then local proxy = global.smartTrainstops[force][key].signalProxy local cargo = global.smartTrainstops[force][key].cargo if proxy and proxy.valid then proxy.destroy() end if cargo and cargo.valid then cargo.destroy() end global.smartTrainstops[force][key] = nil end end function findTrainStopByTrain(trainInfo) return trainInfo.train.station end function findSmartTrainStopByTrain(trainInfo, stationName) local station = findTrainStopByTrain(trainInfo) if station and == "smart-train-stop" and station.backer_name == stationName then flyingText("S", colors.GREEN, station.position, true, station.surface) return global.smartTrainstops[][stationKey(station)] end return false end function inSchedule(station, schedule) if type(schedule) == "table" and type(schedule.records) == "table" then for i, rec in pairs(schedule.records) do if rec.station == station then return i end end end return false end function inSchedule_reverse(station, schedule) if type(schedule) == "table" and type(schedule.records) == "table" then for i=#schedule.records, 1, -1 do if schedule.records[i].station == station then return i end end end return false end function removeStation(station, schedule) local found = false local tmp = schedule for i, rec in pairs(schedule.records) do if rec.station == station then found = i end end if found then table.remove(schedule.records, found) end return tmp end function addStation(station, schedule, wait, after) wait = wait or 600 local tmp = {wait_conditions = {{type="time", ticks = wait, compare_type = "and"}}, station = station} if after then table.insert(schedule.records, after+1, tmp) else table.insert(schedule.records, tmp) end return schedule end function fuelvalue(item) if not global.fuel_values[item] then global.fuel_values[item] = game.item_prototypes[item].fuel_value/1000000 end --return game.item_prototypes[item].fuel_value/1000000 return global.fuel_values[item] end function fuel_value_to_coal(value) return math.ceil(value/fuelvalue('coal')) end local function getKeyByValue(t, value) for k, v in pairs(t) do if v == value then return k end end end function on_train_changed_state(event) --log(game.tick.." "..getKeyByValue(defines.train_state, event.train.state)) --debugLog("train changed state to "..event.train.state.. " s") local status, err = pcall(function() local train = event.train local t = TrainList.getTrainInfo(train) --log(serpent.block(t,{comment=false})) --assert(t.train.valid) -- TODO is this for de/coupling an automated train??? if t and not t.train.valid then t = TrainList.updateTrainInfo(train) end if not t then return end --log(event.tick .. " " .. .. ": State change from " .. util.getKeyByValue(defines.train_state, event.old_state) .. " to " .. util.getKeyByValue(defines.train_state, event.train.state)) --log( .. " ".. util.getKeyByValue(defines.train_state, event.train.state)) t:updateState() if t.advancedState == train_state.left_station then --if t.current then --log( .. ": Leaving station #" .. t.current .. " " .. t.train.schedule.records[t.current].station .. " @tick: "..event.tick) --log( .. ": t.train current #" .. t.train.schedule.current) --end local jump, use_mapping local needs_update = (t.line and global.trainLines[t.line]) and t.lineVersion < global.trainLines[t.line].changed or false --log("Checking line, needs update: " ..serpent.line( needs_update,{comment=false})) local oldSchedule = t.train.schedule local oldName = t:getStationName(t.current) local numRecordsOld = #oldSchedule.records local newSchedule, numRecordsNew, newName if needs_update and oldSchedule then if t:updateLine() then newSchedule = t.train.schedule newName = t:getStationName(t.current) numRecordsNew = #newSchedule.records --log("old count: " .. numRecordsOld .. " new count: " .. numRecordsNew) if t.current == numRecordsOld and numRecordsOld < numRecordsNew then jump = t.current + 1 --log("setting current to " .. jump) end if t.current > numRecordsNew then jump = 1 --log("setting current to " .. jump) end if newName ~= oldName then --TODO find oldStation in schedule and use its rules? --for newIndex, r in pairs(newSchedule.records) do --if r.station == oldName then --log("setting current to new value: " .. t.current .. " -> " .. newIndex) --t.current = newIndex --end --end log("updating line changed name of current station, so what?") end --TODO check if jumpTo is still used for the departing station and jump target is valid with the new schedule end end local rules = t:get_rules(t.current) if t.departAt and event.tick < t.departAt and rules and (rules.jumpTo or rules.jumpToCircuit) then local signalValue = rules.jumpToCircuit local gotoStation = rules.jumpTo if signalValue then signalValue = t:getCircuitValue(t.current) --log("signalValue: " .. signalValue) end use_mapping = global.trainLines[t.line] and global.trainLines[t.line].settings.useMapping or false --log("Signal: "..serpent.line(signalValue,{comment=false}) .. " use mapping: " .. serpent.line(use_mapping,{comment=false})) if use_mapping then local jumpSignal, jumpTo if signalValue then jumpSignal = t:get_first_matching_station(signalValue, t.current) --log("jumpSignal: " .. serpent.line(jumpSignal, {comment=false}) .. " -> " .. t:getStationName(jumpSignal) or " invalid index") end if gotoStation then jumpTo = t:get_first_matching_station(gotoStation, t.current) --log("jumpTo: " .. serpent.line(jumpTo, {comment=false}) .. " -> " .. t:getStationName(jumpTo) or " invalid index") end jump = jumpSignal or jumpTo or false else jump = (t:isValidScheduleIndex(signalValue)) or gotoStation or false --log("Jumping to " .. tostring(jump)) end end if jump then t:nextStation(false, jump) end if t.settings.autoRefuel and t.current == #t.train.schedule.records then --t.refueling might be false already if t:getStationName(t.current) == t:refuelStation() and t:isRefuelingDone() then t.refueling = false t:removeRefuelStation() end end t.current = nil t:resetWaitingStation(true) return end if train.state == defines.train_state.wait_signal or train.state == defines.train_state.arrive_signal then return end local settings = t.settings local lowest_fuel = t:lowestFuel() local schedule = train.schedule if train.state == defines.train_state.manual_control_stop or train.state == defines.train_state.manual_control then -- TODO Why like this?? for _, train_ in pairs(global.trains) do if train_ == t then t:resetWaitingStation() end end t:updateLine() elseif train.state == defines.train_state.wait_station then -- if global.timingStarted then -- global.timedTrains = global.timedTrains - 1 -- if global.timedTrains == 0 then --"st", "stopTiming") -- end -- end --LOGGERS.main.log("Train arrived at " .. t:currentStation() .. "\t\t train: " .. .. " Speed: " .. t.train.speed) --t:updateLine() t:setWaitingStation() t.current = t.train.schedule.current --local rules = t:get_rules() --log("waiting: " .. serpent.line(rules,{comment=false})) t.departAt = event.tick + t:getWaitingTime() if settings.autoRefuel then if t:currentStation() == t:refuelStation() and #schedule.records == schedule.current then t:startRefueling() end end elseif train.state == defines.train_state.arrive_station then if t.settings.autoRefuel then if lowest_fuel < (global.settings.refuel.rangeMin) and not inSchedule(t:refuelStation(), train.schedule) then train.schedule = addStation(t:refuelStation(), train.schedule, global.settings.refuel.time) if global.showFlyingText then t:flyingText("Refuel station added", colors.YELLOW) end end if t:isRefuelingDone() and t:currentStation() ~= t:refuelStation() and train.schedule.current < #train.schedule.records then t:removeRefuelStation() end end --log( .. " updating") t:updateLine() if t.train.speed ~= 0 then --only update direction when train is moving: prevents direction being lost when train is stopped/started at a station t.direction = t.train.speed < 0 and 1 or 0 end end end) if not status then pauseError(err, "train_changed_state") end --debugLog("train changed state to "..event.train.state.. " e") --log("state change e") end --local abs = math.abs function on_tick(event) local current_tick = event.tick -- if global.timingStarted then -- local tick = event.tick - global.timingStarted -- --global.timingData[tick] = {} -- local line = global.timingBuffer ..tick -- for i, ti in pairs(global.timing) do -- line = line .. "," .. abs(ti.train.speed) -- end -- line = line .. "\n" -- global.timingBuffer = line -- end if global.reset_signals[current_tick] then for _, station in pairs(global.reset_signals[current_tick]) do local behavior = station.cargo.get_or_create_control_behavior() if behavior then local station_number = global.stationNumbers[][station.station.backer_name] or false if station_number and station_number ~= 0 then local params = {{signal={type = "virtual", name = "signal-station-number"}, count = station_number, index = combinator_index.station_number}} behavior.parameters = params else behavior.parameters = nil end end end global.reset_signals[current_tick] = nil end if global.refueling[current_tick] then local status,err = pcall(function() local remove_invalid = false for _, train in pairs(global.refueling[current_tick]) do if train.train and train.train.valid then if train.refueling and train.refueling == current_tick then if train:isRefuelingDone() then train:refuelingDone(true) else train.refueling = current_tick + global.settings.intervals.inactivity insertInTable(global.refueling, train.refueling, train) end --else --LOGGERS.main.log("Invalid tick refueling \t" --LOGGERS.main.log(serpent.block(train,{comment=false})) end else remove_invalid = true end end if remove_invalid then TrainList.removeInvalidTrains() end end) if not status then pauseError(err, "on_tick: refueling") end global.refueling[current_tick] = nil end -- update cargo (setWaitingStation <- only if smart stop or full/empty/inactivity rule set -- write to combinator (setWaitingStation if global.update_cargo[current_tick] then local status,err = pcall(function() local remove_invalid = false for _, train in pairs(global.update_cargo[current_tick]) do if train.train and train.train.valid then local station = train.waitingStation and train.waitingStation.station.valid and train.waitingStation.station if train.train.station and train.train.station == station then if train.update_cargo and train.update_cargo == current_tick then train:setCircuitSignal() train.update_cargo = current_tick + global.settings.intervals.write insertInTable(global.update_cargo, train.update_cargo, train) end else train:resetWaitingStation() end else remove_invalid = true end end if remove_invalid then TrainList.removeInvalidTrains() end end) if not status then pauseError(err, "on_tick: update_cargo") end global.update_cargo[current_tick] = nil end end function on_player_opened(event) local pi = event.player_index local player = game.get_player(pi) if event.entity and event.entity.valid and player.valid then if event.entity.type == "locomotive" and event.entity.train then global.playerPage[pi] = {schedule=1,lines=1} local trainInfo = TrainList.getTrainInfo(event.entity.train) GUI.create_or_update(pi) trainInfo.opened = true global.guiData[pi] = {rules={}} elseif event.entity.type == "train-stop" then global.playerPage[pi] = {schedule=1,lines=1} local force = game.players[pi] global.guiData[pi] = {rules={}, mapping=table.deepcopy(global.stationMapping[force])} GUI.create_or_update(pi) end end end function schedule_changed(s1, s2) if type(s1) ~= type(s2) then log(string.format("%s %s", type(s1), type(s2))) return true end local records1 = s1.records local records2 = s2.records if not records1 or type(records1) ~= type(records2) then return true end if s1.records and s2.records and #s1.records ~= #s2.records then return true end for i, record in pairs(records1) do if not record.wait_conditions and record.wait_conditions ~= records2[i].wait_conditions then return true end if record.wait_conditions and not records2[i].wait_conditions then return true end if #record.wait_conditions ~= #records2[i].wait_conditions then return true end for j, condition in pairs(record.wait_conditions) do local condition2 = records2[i].wait_conditions[j] if condition.type ~= condition2.type or condition.compare_type ~= condition2.compare_type or condition.ticks ~= condition2.ticks or type(condition) ~= type(condition2) then log(serpent.block(condition,{comment=false})) log(" ~= ") log(serpent.block(condition2,{comment=false})) return true end if condition.condition then local c1 = condition.condition local c2 = condition2.condition if c1.comparator ~= c2.comparator or c1.constant ~= c2.constant then log(serpent.line(c1,{comment=false}) .. " ~= " .. serpent.line(c2,{comment=false})) return true end if type(c1.first_signal) ~= type(c2.first_signal) then return true end if c1.first_signal then if c1.first_signal.type ~= c2.first_signal.type or ~= then log(serpent.line(c1.first_signal,{comment=false}) .. " ~= " .. serpent.line(c2.first_signal,{comment=false})) return true end end if type(c1.second_signal) ~= type(c2.second_signal) then return true end if c1.second_signal then if c1.second_signal.type ~= c2.second_signal.type or ~= then log(serpent.line(c1.second_signal,{comment=false}) .. " ~= " .. serpent.line(c2.second_signal,{comment=false})) return true end end end end if record.station ~= records2[i].station or record.time_to_wait ~= records2[i].time_to_wait then return true end end return false end function on_player_closed(event) local pi = event.player_index local player = game.get_player(pi) if event.entity and event.entity.valid and player.valid then if event.entity.type == "locomotive" then if event.entity.type == "locomotive" then local trainInfo = TrainList.getTrainInfo(event.entity.train) GUI.destroy(pi) trainInfo.opened = nil if trainInfo.line and global.trainLines[trainInfo.line] and schedule_changed(global.trainLines[trainInfo.line], event.entity.train.schedule) and trainInfo.lineVersion ~= 0 then --set line version to -1, so it gets updated at the next station trainInfo.lineVersion = -1 if trainInfo.train.state == defines.train_state.manual_control then trainInfo:updateLine() end end end elseif event.entity.type == "train-stop" then GUI.destroy(pi) end end end function decreaseStationCount(force, name) name = tostring(name) if not global.stationCount[force][name] then global.stationCount[force][name] = 1 end global.stationCount[force][name] = global.stationCount[force][name] - 1 if global.stationCount[force][name] == 0 then local found = false for _, data in pairs(global.trainLines) do for _, record in pairs(data.records) do if record.station == name then found = true break end end end if not found then global.stationCount[force][name] = nil return 0 end end return global.stationCount[force][name] end function increaseStationCount(force, name) name = tostring(name) if not global.stationCount[force][name] or global.stationCount[force][name] < 0 then global.stationCount[force][name] = 0 end global.stationCount[force][name] = global.stationCount[force][name] + 1 return global.stationCount[force][name] end function renameStation(newName, oldName) --update global.trainLines with new name --debugDump("Updating lines",true) for line, data in pairs(global.trainLines) do for _, record in pairs(data.records) do if record.station == oldName then debugDump("Line "..line.." changed: "..oldName.." to "..newName,true) --TODO localisation record.station = newName end end if type(data.rules) == "table" then for _, rule in pairs(data.rules) do if rule.station == oldName then rule.station = newName end end end end end function on_station_rename(event, new_name) local newName, oldName, force = tostring(event.entity.backer_name), tostring(event.old_name), newName = new_name or newName local oldc = decreaseStationCount(force, oldName) if oldc == 0 then renameStation(newName, oldName) global.stationMapping[force][oldName] = nil for i, stations in pairs(global.stationMap[force]) do stations[oldName] = nil if not next(global.stationMap[force][i]) then global.stationMap[force][i] = nil end end global.stationCount[force][oldName] = nil end increaseStationCount(force, newName) update_station_numbers() end -- on_pre_entity_settings_pasted and on_entity_settings_pasted function on_pre_entity_settings_pasted(event) if event.source.type == "train-stop" then on_station_rename({entity = event.destination, old_name = event.destination.backer_name}, event.source.backer_name) end end function on_entity_settings_pasted(event) if event.source.type == "train-stop" then if == "smart-train-stop" and == "smart-train-stop" then local k_source = stationKey(event.source) local k_dest = stationKey(event.destination) local proxy_source = global.smartTrainstops[][k_source].signalProxy local proxy_dest = global.smartTrainstops[][k_dest].signalProxy if proxy_source and proxy_source.valid and proxy_dest and proxy_dest.valid then local behavior_source = proxy_source.get_control_behavior() if behavior_source then local behavior_dest = proxy_dest.get_or_create_control_behavior() local cond = behavior_source.circuit_condition behavior_dest.circuit_condition = cond end end end end end script.on_event(, on_pre_entity_settings_pasted) script.on_event(, on_entity_settings_pasted) script.on_event(, on_station_rename) script.on_event(, on_player_opened) script.on_event(, on_player_closed) --function on_train_created(event) --log("train created") --log("length: " .. #event.train.carriages) --log(serpent.block(event)) --end function on_built_entity(event) --log("built entity") local status, err = pcall(function() local ent = event.created_entity local ctype = ent.type --debugDump({e=ent.ghost_name, t=ctype},true) if ctype == "entity-ghost" then if (ent.ghost_name == "smart-train-stop-proxy" or ent.ghost_name == "smart-train-stop-proxy-cargo") then global.blueprinted_proxies[stationKey(ent)] = ent end end if ctype == "locomotive" or ctype == "cargo-wagon" then local c = #ent.train.carriages if c == 1 then if ctype == "locomotive" then TrainList.addTrainInfo(ent.train) end else TrainList.updateTrainInfo(ent.train) end end if ctype == "train-stop" then increaseStationCount(, ent.backer_name) end if == "smart-train-stop" then createProxy(event.created_entity) end end) if not status then pauseError(err, "on_built_entity") end end function on_preplayer_mined_item(event) --log("premined entity") local status, err = pcall(function() local ent = event.entity local ctype = ent.type if ctype == "locomotive" or ctype == "cargo-wagon" then local ownPos for i,carriage in pairs(ent.train.carriages) do if ent == carriage then ownPos = i break end end local oldTrainInfo = TrainList.getTrainInfo(ent.train) if oldTrainInfo then oldTrainInfo:resetCircuitSignal() if oldTrainInfo.opened then for _, p in pairs(game.players) do if p.opened and p.opened.type == "locomotive" and p.opened.train == event.entity.train then GUI.destroy(p.index) end end end end if #ent.train.carriages > 1 then if not global.tmpPos then global.tmpPos = {} end if ent.train.carriages[ownPos-1] then table.insert(global.tmpPos, ent.train.carriages[ownPos-1]) end if ent.train.carriages[ownPos+1] then table.insert(global.tmpPos, ent.train.carriages[ownPos+1]) end else TrainList.removeTrain(oldTrainInfo) end end if ctype == "train-stop" then decreaseStationCount(, ent.backer_name) for _, p in pairs(game.players) do if p.opened and p.opened == event.entity then GUI.destroy(p.index) end end end if == "smart-train-stop" then removeProxy(event.entity) end end) if not status then pauseError(err, "on_pre_player_mined_item") end end function on_player_mined_item(event) --log("mined entity") local status, err = pcall(function() local name = local type = game.item_prototypes[name].place_result and game.item_prototypes[name].place_result.type if type and type == "locomotive" or type == "cargo-wagon" then if global.tmpPos then for _, entity in pairs(global.tmpPos) do if entity.valid then TrainList.updateTrainInfo(entity.train) end end global.tmpPos = nil end TrainList.removeInvalidTrains() end end) if not status then pauseError(err, "on_player_mined_item") end end function on_robot_built_entity(event) if event.created_entity.type == "train-stop" then increaseStationCount(, event.created_entity.backer_name) end if == "smart-train-stop" then createProxy(event.created_entity) end end function on_robot_pre_mined(event) if event.entity.type == "train-stop" then decreaseStationCount(, event.entity.backer_name) end if == "smart-train-stop" then removeProxy(event.entity) end end function on_player_driving_changed_state(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player.connected then return end if player.controller_type == defines.controllers.god or player.controller_type == defines.controllers.editor or (player.character and ~= "fatcontroller") then if player.vehicle and player.vehicle.train then global.player_passenger[player.index] = player.vehicle local trainInfo = TrainList.getTrainInfo(player.vehicle.train) if trainInfo then trainInfo.passengers = trainInfo.passengers + 1 trainInfo:updatePassengerSignal() end end if not player.vehicle then local vehicle = global.player_passenger[player.index] if vehicle and vehicle.valid and vehicle.train then local trainInfo = TrainList.getTrainInfo(global.player_passenger[player.index].train) if trainInfo then trainInfo.passengers = trainInfo.passengers - 1 trainInfo:updatePassengerSignal() end end global.player_passenger[player.index] = nil end end end function debugDump(var, force) if false or force then for _, player in pairs(game.players) do local msg if type(var) == "string" then msg = var else msg = serpent.dump(var, {name="var", comment=false, sparse=false, sortkeys=true}) end player.print(msg) end end end function flyingText(line, color, pos, show, surface) if show then color = color or colors.RED if not pos then for _, p in pairs(game.players) do p.surface.create_entity({name="flying-text", position=p.position, text=line, color=color}) end return else if surface then surface.create_entity({name="flying-text", position=pos, text=line, color=color}) end end end end function printToFile(line, path) path = path or "log" path = table.concat({ "st", "/", path, ".lua" }) game.write_file( path, line) end function pairsByKeys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end table.sort(a, f) local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]] end end return iter end function sortByName(a,b) local function padnum(d) return ("%012d"):format(d) end --table.sort(o, function(a,b) return tostring(a):gsub("%d+",padnum):lower() < tostring(b):gsub("%d+",padnum):lower() --return a < b end function saveGlob(name) local n = name or "" global.aaaa = game.tick game.write_file("st/debugGlob"..n..".lua", serpent.block(global, {name="glob"})) global.aaaa = nil --game.write_file("st/loco"..n..".lua", serpent.block(findAllEntitiesByType("locomotive"))) end function pauseError(err, desc) debugDump("Error in SmartTrains:",true) debugDump(err,true) global.error = {msg = err, desc = desc} game.write_file("errorReportSmartTrains.txt", serpent.block(global, {name="global"})) global.error = nil for _, logger in pairs(LOGGERS) do logger.write() end end function stationKey(station) if type(station) == "boolean" then error("wrong type", 2) end return station.position.x..":"..station.position.y -- return station.unit_number end function findStations() if global.searchedStations == game.tick then return end initGlob() global.stationCount = {} init_forces() log("Searching smart trainstops...") local results = Surface.find_all_entities({ type = 'train-stop', surface = 'nauvis' }) for _, station in pairs(results) do if == "smart-train-stop" then recreateProxy(station) end local force = local backer_name = tostring(station.backer_name) if not global.stationCount[force][backer_name] then global.stationCount[force][backer_name] = 0 end global.stationCount[force][backer_name] = global.stationCount[force][backer_name] + 1 end global.searchedStations = game.tick log("Found " .. #results .. " trainstops (all forces)") return #results end script.on_init(oninit) script.on_load(onload) script.on_configuration_changed(on_configuration_changed) script.on_event(, on_player_created) script.on_event(, on_force_created) --script.on_event(, on_forces_merging) script.on_event(, on_train_changed_state) --script.on_event(, on_train_created) script.on_event(, on_player_mined_item) script.on_event(, on_preplayer_mined_item) script.on_event(, on_player_driving_changed_state) script.on_event(, on_preplayer_mined_item) script.on_event(, on_built_entity) script.on_event(, on_gui_click.on_gui_click) script.on_event(, on_gui_checked_state_changed.on_gui_checked_state_changed) script.on_event(, on_robot_pre_mined) script.on_event(, on_robot_built_entity) script.on_event(, on_tick) remote.add_interface("st", { printGlob = function(name) if name then debugDump(global[name], true) else debugDump(global, true) end end, printFile = function(var, name) name = name or "log" if global[var] then printToFile(serpent.block(global[var]), name ) else debugDump("global["..var.."] not found.") end end, --/c"st", "saveGlob") saveGlob = function(name) saveGlob(name) end, hardReset = function(confirm) if confirm then global = nil initGlob() init_forces() init_players() findStations() end end, findStations = function() initGlob() init_forces() init_players() findStations() end, toggleFlyingText = function() global.showFlyingText = not global.showFlyingText debugDump("Flying text: "..tostring(global.showFlyingText),true) end, nilGlob = function(key) if global[key] then global[key] = nil end end, resetGui = function(player) if player and player.valid then GUI.destroy(player) end end, init = function() initGlob() init_players() end, set_train_mode = function(lua_train) local status, err = pcall(function() local trainInfo = TrainList.getTrainInfo(lua_train) --debugDump(train,true) if trainInfo.waiting then trainInfo:resetCircuitSignal() trainInfo.waitingStation = false trainInfo.waiting = false end end) if not status then pauseError(err, "set_train_mode") end end, is_waiting_forever = function(lua_train) local status, err = pcall(function() if lua_train.valid then local trainInfo = TrainList.getTrainInfo(lua_train) if trainInfo and trainInfo.line and trainInfo.train.valid then if trainInfo.waitForever then return trainInfo.train.schedule.records[trainInfo.train.schedule.current].station else return false end else return false end end return false end) if not status then pauseError(err, "set_train_mode") return false else return err end end, smart_stops = function(player) for _,s in pairs(global.smartTrainstops[]) do player.print(s.station.backer_name) end end, debuglog = function() global.debug_log = not global.debug_log local state = global.debug_log and "on" or "off" debugDump("Debug: "..state,true) end, countTrains = function() local t = TrainList.getCount() local ticksC = 0 local ticksU = 0 for tick, trains in pairs(global.check_rules) do ticksC = ticksC + #trains log("tick " .. tick ..": " .. #trains) end for _, trains in pairs(global.update_cargo) do ticksU = ticksU + #trains end debugDump({t=t,c=ticksC,u=ticksU},true) end, getProxyPositions = function(trainstop) if trainstop and trainstop.direction and trainstop.position then return getProxyPositions(trainstop) end end, addTrain = function(train) train = train or game.player.selected.train local ti = TrainList.getTrainInfo(train) global.timing = global.timing or {} table.insert(global.timing, ti) end, clearTrains = function(_) global.timing = {} end, startTiming = function(combinator) global.timingStarted = game.tick local header = "time" global.timingPos = {} for i, ti in pairs(global.timing) do header = header.. "," .. ti:getType() global.timingPos[i] = ti.train.speed end game.write_file("st/timing.csv", header .. "\n") global.timingBuffer = "" global.timingCombinator = combinator or game.player.selected global.timingCombinator.get_control_behavior().enabled = true global.timedTrains = #global.timing end, stopTiming = function() global.timingStarted = nil global.timingCombinator.get_control_behavior().enabled = false global.timingData = nil game.write_file("st/timing.csv", global.timingBuffer, true) -- local tick = game.tick --global.timingData[tick][ti:getType()] = ti.train.speed -- local line = "" -- local first = false -- local abs = math.abs -- for tick, data in pairs(global.timingData) do -- line = line .. tick -- for trainType, speed in pairs(data) do -- line = line .. "," .. abs(speed) -- end -- line = line .. "\n" -- end -- game.write_file("st/timing.csv", line, true) end, stationNameFromNumber = function(player, stationID) if global.stationMap[][stationID] then for name, set in pairs(global.stationMap[][stationID]) do if set then return name end end end return "" end, stationNamesFromNumber = function(force, stationID) local forceName = type(force) == "string" and force or local map = global.stationMap[forceName] local result = {} if map and map[stationID] then for name, set in pairs(map[stationID]) do if set then table.insert(result, name) end end return result end return "" end, } ) local st_commands = {} st_commands.stop_trains = function(event) if not global.stopped_trains then initGlob() init_forces() end local p = game.players[event.player_index] local name = for _, t in pairs(p.surface.get_trains(name)) do if not t.manual_mode and not global.stopped_trains[name][] then global.stopped_trains[name][] = t t.manual_mode = true t.speed = 0 end end end st_commands.start_trains = function(event) if not global.stopped_trains then initGlob() init_forces() end local p = game.players[event.player_index] local name = for id, t in pairs(global.stopped_trains[name]) do if t.valid and t.manual_mode then t.manual_mode = false end end global.stopped_trains[name] = {} end st_commands.find_stations = function(event) init_players() local n = findStations() game.players[event.player_index].print("Found " .. n .. " train stations") end st_commands.resetGui = function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if player and player.valid then GUI.destroy(player) end end st_commands.toggle_flying_text = function() global.showFlyingText = not global.showFlyingText debugDump("Flying text: "..tostring(global.showFlyingText),true) end commands.add_command("st_stop_trains", "Stops all trains of the players force", st_commands.stop_trains) commands.add_command("st_start_trains", "Starts all trains that have been previously stopped by st_stop_trains", st_commands.start_trains) commands.add_command("st_find_stations", "Rescan the surface for train stations", st_commands.find_stations) commands.add_command("st_reset_gui", "Reset the SmartTrains gui", st_commands.resetGui) commands.add_command("st_toggle_flying_text", "Toggle flying text", st_commands.toggle_flying_text)