# $Id: 37_ModbusRegister.pm 0025 2021-07-18 21:00:00Z CD $ # 140318 0001 initial release # 140504 0002 added attributes registerType and disableRegisterMapping # 140505 0003 added fc to defptr, added RAW reading # 140506 0004 added _BE plcDataTypes, use readingsBulkUpdate, fixed RAW # 140507 0005 fixed {helper}{nread} in ModbusRegister_Define # 140507 0006 delete $hash->{helper}{addr} in modules list on redefine (modify) # 150106 0007 added 3WORD and 3WORD_BE # 150107 0008 added QWORD and QWORD_BE # 150118 0009 completed documentation # 150215 0010 fixed bug with registerType and disableRegisterMapping (thanks Dieter1) # 150221 0011 fixed typo in attribute name updateIntervall # 150222 0012 added alignUpdateInterval # 150226 0013 force timestamp if alignUpdateInterval is used # 150304 0014 fixed lastUpdate and WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER # 150315 0015 added wago address conversion, added setList # 150316 0016 fix for eventMap 0:off 1:on, fixed SetExtensions # 150406 0017 added negativeRepresentation, 3WORD_S and 3WORD_S_BE # 151219 0018 added attribute 'enableUpdate' # 151220 0019 extended attribute 'enableUpdate' # 151228 0020 renamed attribute 'enableUpdate' to 'readCondition', added 'writeCondition' # 160128 0021 fixed wago address conversion for MD and MF # 160305 0022 added precision to conversion, changes for Wago I/O addressing # 160330 0023 added TIME and DT # 180206 0024 added DATE # 210718 0025 small change for modified IOdev handling in FHEM # TODO: package main; use strict; use warnings; use SetExtensions; use Time::Local; sub ModbusRegister_Parse($$); sub ModbusRegister_SetMinMax($); ## Modbus function code # standard use constant READ_COILS => 0x01; use constant READ_DISCRETE_INPUTS => 0x02; use constant READ_HOLDING_REGISTERS => 0x03; use constant READ_INPUT_REGISTERS => 0x04; use constant WRITE_SINGLE_COIL => 0x05; use constant WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER => 0x06; use constant WRITE_MULTIPLE_REGISTERS => 0x10; use constant MODBUS_ENCAPSULATED_INTERFACE => 0x2B; sub ModbusRegister_Initialize($) { my ($hash) = @_; $hash->{Match} = "^ModbusRegister"; $hash->{DefFn} = "ModbusRegister_Define"; $hash->{UndefFn} = "ModbusRegister_Undef"; $hash->{SetFn} = "ModbusRegister_Set"; $hash->{NotifyFn} = "ModbusRegister_Notify"; #$hash->{FingerprintFn} = "ModbusRegister_Fingerprint"; $hash->{ParseFn} = "ModbusRegister_Parse"; $hash->{AttrFn} = "ModbusRegister_Attr"; $hash->{AttrList} = "IODev ". "plcDataType:WORD,INT,DWORD,DWORD_BE,DINT,DINT_BE,REAL,REAL_BE,3WORD,3WORD_BE,3WORD_S,3WORD_S_BE,QWORD,QWORD_BE,TIME,DT,DATE ". "conversion ". "updateInterval updateIntervall alignUpdateInterval ". "disableRegisterMapping:0,1 ". "registerType:Holding,Input ". "stateAlias ". "setList ". "readCondition writeCondition ". "negativeRepresentation:2sComplement,flagged ". "$readingFnAttributes"; } sub ModbusRegister_Define($$) { my ($hash, $def) = @_; my @a = split("[ \t][ \t]*", $def); if((@a != 3 )&&(@a != 4)) { my $msg = "wrong syntax: define ModbusRegister [] "; Log3 undef, 2, $msg; return $msg; } if(!defined($a[3])) { $a[3]=$a[2]; $a[2]=0; } if($a[2] eq 'wago') { my $reg=-1; if($a[3]=~/^([M|Q|I]+)([W|D|F]+)(\d+)$/) { if($1 eq 'I') { if(($3>255) && ($3<512)) { $reg=512+$3; } elsif(($3>511) && ($3<1276)) { $reg=24064+$3; } else { $reg=$3; } $hash->{helper}{registerType}=4; } if($1 eq 'Q') { if(($3>255) && ($3<512)) { $reg=$3; } elsif(($2>511) && ($2<1276)) { $reg=28160+$3; } else { $reg=512+$3; } $hash->{helper}{registerType}=3; } if($1 eq 'M') { if($3<12288) { $reg=12288+$3 if($2 eq 'W'); $reg=12288+$3*2 if(($2 eq 'D')||($2 eq 'F')); # CD 0021 $hash->{helper}{registerType}=3; } } if($2 eq 'W') { $hash->{helper}{nread}=1; } else { $hash->{helper}{nread}=2; } $hash->{helper}{wagoDataType}=$2; } return "$a[3] is not a valid Wago address" if $reg==-1; $a[2]=0; # UnitId $a[3]=$reg; $hash->{helper}{wago}=1; $hash->{helper}{disableRegisterMapping}=1; } else { return "$a[2] $a[3] is not a valid Modbus register" if(($a[2]<0)||($a[2]>255)||($a[3]<0)||($a[3]>65535)); delete($hash->{helper}{wago}) if defined($hash->{helper}{wago}); delete($hash->{helper}{wagoDataType}) if defined($hash->{helper}{wagoDataType}); } my $name = $a[0]; if(defined($attr{$name}{IODev})) { $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}=$attr{$name}{IODev}; } else { AssignIoPort($hash); } if(defined($hash->{IODev}->{NAME})) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: I/O device is " . $hash->{IODev}->{NAME}; } else { # CD 0025 if(defined($hash->{IODevMissing})) { Log3 $name, 3, "$name: assignment of I/O device delayed by FHEM"; } else { Log3 $name, 1, "$name: no I/O device"; } } $hash->{helper}{unitId}=$a[2]; $hash->{helper}{register}=$a[3]; $hash->{helper}{nread}=1 unless defined($hash->{helper}{wago}); if(!defined($attr{$name}{disableRegisterMapping}) && !defined($hash->{helper}{wago})) { $hash->{helper}{disableRegisterMapping}=0; } if ($hash->{helper}{disableRegisterMapping}==0) { if(($hash->{helper}{register}>30000)&&($hash->{helper}{register}<40000)) { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=4; $hash->{helper}{address}=$hash->{helper}{register}-30001; } else { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=3; if(($hash->{helper}{register}>40000)&&($hash->{helper}{register}<50000)) { $hash->{helper}{address}=$hash->{helper}{register}-40001; } else { $hash->{helper}{address}=$hash->{helper}{register}; } } } else { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=AttrVal($name,"registerType",3) unless defined($hash->{helper}{wago}); $hash->{helper}{address}=$hash->{helper}{register}; } if(defined($hash->{helper}{addr})&&defined($modules{ModbusRegister}{defptr}{$hash->{helper}{addr}}{$name})) { Log3 $name, 5, "Removing $hash->{helper}{addr} $name"; delete( $modules{ModbusRegister}{defptr}{$hash->{helper}{addr}}{$name} ); } $hash->{helper}{addr} = "$hash->{helper}{registerType} $hash->{helper}{unitId} $hash->{helper}{address}"; Log3 $name, 5, "Def $hash->{helper}{addr} $name"; #Log 0, "Def $hash->{helper}{addr} $name"; # CD 0007 $modules{ModbusRegister}{defptr}{$hash->{helper}{addr}}{$name} = $hash; if(defined($attr{$name}{plcDataType}) && !defined($hash->{helper}{wago})) { if(($attr{$name}{plcDataType}=~/^DWORD/) || ($attr{$name}{plcDataType}=~/^DINT/) || ($attr{$name}{plcDataType}=~/^REAL/) || ($attr{$name}{plcDataType}=~/^TIME/) || ($attr{$name}{plcDataType}=~/^DT/) || ($attr{$name}{plcDataType}=~/^DATE/)) { # 0023 CD added TIME and DT # CD 0024 added DATE $hash->{helper}{nread}=2; } # CD 0007 start if($attr{$name}{plcDataType}=~/^3WORD/) { $hash->{helper}{nread}=3; } # CD 0007 end # CD 0008 start if($attr{$name}{plcDataType}=~/^QWORD/) { $hash->{helper}{nread}=4; } # CD 0008 end } $hash->{helper}{readCmd}=pack("CCnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, $hash->{helper}{registerType}, $hash->{helper}{address}, $hash->{helper}{nread}); $hash->{helper}{updateIntervall}=0.1 if (!defined($hash->{helper}{updateIntervall})); $hash->{helper}{nextUpdate}=time(); ModbusRegister_SetMinMax($hash); if ($init_done){ $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{AttrList} =~ s/updateIntervall.//; $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{AttrList} =~ s/enableUpdate.//; } notifyRegexpChanged($hash, "global"); # CD 0024 return undef; } ##################################### sub ModbusRegister_Undef($$) { my ($hash, $arg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $addr = $hash->{helper}{addr}; Log3 $name, 5, "Undef $addr $name"; delete( $modules{ModbusRegister}{defptr}{$addr}{$name} ); return undef; } ##################################### sub ModbusRegister_Set($@) { my ($hash, @a) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $ret = undef; my $na = int(@a); return "no set value specified" if($na==0); if($a[1] eq '?') { # my $list = "value:slider,$hash->{helper}{cnv}{min},$hash->{helper}{cnv}{step},$hash->{helper}{cnv}{max}"; my $list = AttrVal($name, "setList", " "); return SetExtensions($hash, $list, @a); } if(($na==2) && (ModbusRegister_is_float($a[1]) || (ModbusRegister_GetDataType($hash) eq 'TIME') || (ModbusRegister_GetDataType($hash) eq 'DT') || (ModbusRegister_GetDataType($hash) eq 'DATE'))) { $a[2]=$a[1]; $a[1]="value"; $na=3; } return "no set value specified" if($na<3); #Log 0,"$a[1] $a[2] $na"; return "writing to input registers not allowed" if ($hash->{helper}{registerType}==4); # CD 0016 fix for eventMap 0:off 1:on $a[1]=~s/^1-/on-/; $a[2]=~s/^0-/off-/; if(($a[1] eq "value")||($a[1] eq AttrVal($name,"stateAlias",''))) { # CD 0023 start if(ModbusRegister_GetDataType($hash) eq 'TIME') { if($a[2]=~/^(2[0-3]|[01]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])$/) { $a[2]=($1*3600+$2*60)*1000; } elsif ($a[2]=~/^(2[0-3]|[01]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])$/) { $a[2]=($1*3600+$2*60+$3)*1000; } else { return "invalid time value $a[2], format must be hh:mm[:ss]"; } } if(ModbusRegister_GetDataType($hash) eq 'DT') { if($a[2]=~/^((?:19|20)\d\d)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/) { $a[2]=timegm(0,0,0,$3,$2-1,$1); } elsif($a[2]=~/^((?:19|20)\d\d)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]).(2[0-3]|[01]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])$/) { $a[2]=timegm(0,$5,$4,$3,$2-1,$1); } elsif($a[2]=~/^((?:19|20)\d\d)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]).(2[0-3]|[01]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9]):([0-5]?[0-9])$/) { $a[2]=timegm($6,$5,$4,$3,$2-1,$1); } else { return "invalid date value $a[2], format must be yyyy-mm-dd[_hh:mi[:ss]]"; } } # CD 0023 end # CD 0024 start if(ModbusRegister_GetDataType($hash) eq 'DATE') { if($a[2]=~/^((?:19|20)\d\d)-(0[1-9]|1[012])-(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$/) { $a[2]=timegm(0,0,0,$3,$2-1,$1); } else { return "invalid date value $a[2], format must be yyyy-mm-dd"; } } # CD 0024 end return "invalid value for set" if(($na>3)||!ModbusRegister_is_float($a[2])||($a[2]<$hash->{helper}{cnv}{min})||($a[2]>$hash->{helper}{cnv}{max})); my $v=$a[2]; my $wlen=1; my $msg; my $plcDataType=ModbusRegister_GetDataType($hash); if(defined($hash->{helper}{cnv})) { my $nr = AttrVal($name, "negativeRepresentation", "2sComplement"); if($hash->{helper}{cnv}{a}==0) { $v=-$hash->{helper}{cnv}{b}; } else { $v=$v/$hash->{helper}{cnv}{a}-$hash->{helper}{cnv}{b}; } if($plcDataType eq "INT") { if($v<0) { if($nr eq "2sComplement") { $v+=65536; } elsif ($nr eq "flagged") { $v=-$v+32768; } } } if(($plcDataType=~ /^DWORD/)||($plcDataType=~ /^TIME/)||($plcDataType=~ /^DT/)||($plcDataType=~ /^DATE/)) { $wlen=2; } if($plcDataType=~ /^3WORD/) { if(($v<0) && ($plcDataType=~ /_S_/)) { if($nr eq "2sComplement") { $v+=281474976710656.0; } elsif ($nr eq "flagged") { $v=-$v+140737488355328.0; } } $wlen=3; } if($plcDataType=~ /^QWORD/) { $wlen=4; } if($plcDataType=~ /^DINT/){ if($v<0) { if($nr eq "2sComplement") { $v+=4294967296; } elsif ($nr eq "flagged") { $v=-$v+2147483648; } } $v+= 4294967296 if $v<0; $wlen=2; } if($plcDataType=~ /^REAL/){ $v=unpack "L", pack "f", $v; $wlen=2; } } if($wlen==2) { if($plcDataType=~ /_BE$/) { $msg=pack("CCnnCnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, 16, $hash->{helper}{address}, 2, 4, $v>>16, $v%65536); } else { $msg=pack("CCnnCnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, 16, $hash->{helper}{address}, 2, 4, $v%65536, $v>>16); } # CD 0008 start } elsif($wlen==3) { if($plcDataType=~ /_BE$/) { $msg=pack("CCnnCnnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, 16, $hash->{helper}{address}, 3, 6, ($v/4294967296.0)%65536, ($v/65536.0)%65536, $v%65536); } else { $msg=pack("CCnnCnnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, 16, $hash->{helper}{address}, 3, 6, $v%65536, ($v/65536.0)%65536, ($v/4294967296.0)%65536); } } elsif($wlen==4) { if($plcDataType=~ /_BE$/) { $msg=pack("CCnnCnnnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, 16, $hash->{helper}{address}, 4, 8, $v/281474976710656.0, ($v/4294967296.0)%65536, ($v/65536.0)%65536, $v%65536); } else { $msg=pack("CCnnCnnnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, 16, $hash->{helper}{address}, 4, 8, $v%65536, ($v/65536.0)%65536, ($v/4294967296.0)%65536, $v/281474976710656.0); } # CD 0008 end } else { $msg=pack("CCnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, 6, $hash->{helper}{address}, $v); } # CD 0020 start my $wcond=AttrVal($name,'writeCondition',undef); my $doWrite=1; if (defined($wcond)) { my @c=split(':',$wcond); if ($#c>=2) { my $cv=ReadingsVal($c[0],$c[1],undef); if (defined($cv) && ($cv ne $c[2])) { if ($c[3]==1) { my $conh=$defs{$c[0]}; if (defined($conh)) { # check type, only if same IODev if(($conh->{TYPE} eq 'ModbusRegister') && (defined($conh->{IODev}) && ($hash->{IODev} eq $conh->{IODev}))) { my $condmsg=pack("CCnn", $conh->{helper}{unitId}, 6, $conh->{helper}{address}, $c[2]); IOWrite($hash,$condmsg); } if(($conh->{TYPE} eq 'ModbusCoil') && (defined($conh->{IODev}) && ($hash->{IODev} eq $conh->{IODev}))) { my $v=0; $v=255 if(($c[2] eq "on") || ($c[2] eq "1")); my $condmsg=pack("CCnCC", $conh->{helper}{unitId}, 5, $conh->{helper}{address}, $v,0); $condmsg.="QQQQ" if(defined($conh->{helper}{wagoT}) && ($conh->{helper}{wagoT} eq "Q")); # CD 0022 IOWrite($hash,$condmsg); } } } else { $doWrite=0; } } } } # CD 0020 end IOWrite($hash,$msg) if ($doWrite==1); } else { my $list = "off on "; return SetExtensions($hash, $list, @a); } return undef; } ##################################### sub ModbusRegister_Get($@) { my ($hash, $name, $cmd, @args) = @_; return "\"get $name\" needs at least one parameter" if(@_ < 3); my $list = ""; return "Unknown argument $cmd, choose one of $list"; } sub ModbusRegister_Fingerprint($$) { my ($name, $msg) = @_; return ( "", $msg ); } sub ModbusRegister_GetDataType($) { my ($hash) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my $plcDataType=AttrVal($name,"plcDataType","WORD"); if(defined($hash->{helper}{wagoDataType})) { if ($hash->{helper}{wagoDataType} eq 'F') { $plcDataType='REAL' unless ($plcDataType=~/^REAL/); } if ($hash->{helper}{wagoDataType} eq 'D') { $plcDataType='DWORD' unless (($plcDataType=~/^DINT/) || ($plcDataType=~/^DT/) || ($plcDataType=~/^TIME/) || ($plcDataType=~/^DATE/)); # 0023 CD added TIME and DT # CD 0024 added DATE } if ($hash->{helper}{wagoDataType} eq 'W') { $plcDataType='WORD' unless ($plcDataType eq 'INT'); } } return $plcDataType; } sub ModbusRegister_Parse($$) { my ($hash, $msg) = @_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; my (undef,$unitid,$addr,$fc,$nvals,@vals) = split(":",$msg); Log3 $name, 5,"ModbusRegister_Parse: $fc $unitid $addr"; my @list; my $raddr; my $writeResponse=0; if($fc==WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER) { $raddr = "3 $unitid $addr"; $writeResponse=1; } else { $raddr = "$fc $unitid $addr"; } my $rhash = $modules{ModbusRegister}{defptr}{$raddr}; if($rhash) { foreach my $n (keys %{$rhash}) { my $lh = $rhash->{$n}; if((defined($lh->{IODev})) && ($lh->{IODev} == $hash)) { $n = $lh->{NAME}; #Log3 undef,0,$n; next if($nvals!=$lh->{helper}{nread}); next if(defined($lh->{helper}{lastUpdate}) && ($lh->{helper}{lastUpdate}==0) && ($fc!=WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER)); next if(!defined($lh->{helper}{lastUpdate}) && defined($lh->{helper}{alignUpdateInterval}) && ($fc!=WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER)); $lh->{ModbusRegister_lastRcv} = TimeNow(); my $v=$vals[0]; my $plcDataType=ModbusRegister_GetDataType($lh); my $nr = AttrVal($n, "negativeRepresentation", "2sComplement"); if($plcDataType eq "INT") { if ($v>32767) { if($nr eq "2sComplement") { $v-=65536; } elsif ($nr eq "flagged") { $v=-$v+32768; } } } if($plcDataType eq "DWORD"){ $v=($vals[1]<<16)+$vals[0]; } if($plcDataType eq "DWORD_BE"){ $v=($vals[0]<<16)+$vals[1]; } # CD 0017 start if($plcDataType=~ /^3WORD/) { if($plcDataType=~ /_BE$/) { $v=(4294967296.0*$vals[0])+($vals[1]<<16)+$vals[2]; } else { $v=(4294967296.0*$vals[2])+($vals[1]<<16)+$vals[0]; } if($plcDataType=~ /_S_/) { if($v>140737488355327.0) { if($nr eq "2sComplement") { $v-=281474976710656.0; } elsif ($nr eq "flagged") { $v=-$v+140737488355328.0; } } } } # CD 0017 end # CD 0008 start if($plcDataType eq "QWORD"){ $v=(281474976710656.0*$vals[3])+(4294967296.0*$vals[2])+($vals[1]<<16)+$vals[0]; } if($plcDataType eq "QWORD_BE"){ $v=(281474976710656.0*$vals[0])+(4294967296.0*$vals[1])+($vals[2]<<16)+$vals[3]; } # CD 0008 end if($plcDataType eq "DINT"){ $v=($vals[1]<<16)+$vals[0]; } if($plcDataType eq "DINT_BE"){ $v=($vals[0]<<16)+$vals[1]; } # CD 0017 start if($plcDataType=~ /^DINT/) { if($v>2147483647) { if($nr eq "2sComplement") { $v-=4294967296; } elsif ($nr eq "flagged") { $v=-$v+2147483648; } } } # CD 0017 end if($plcDataType eq "REAL"){ $v=unpack "f", pack "L", ($vals[1]<<16)+$vals[0]; } if($plcDataType eq "REAL_BE"){ $v=unpack "f", pack "L", ($vals[0]<<16)+$vals[1]; } my $docnv=1; # CD 0023 start if($plcDataType eq "TIME"){ $v=(($vals[1]<<16)+$vals[0])/1000; my $vs=$v % 60; $v=($v-$vs)/60; my $vm=$v % 60; my $vh=($v-$vm)/60; $v=sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",$vh,$vm,$vs); if(defined($lh->{helper}{cnv})) { $v=sprintf("%02d:%02d",$vh,$vm) if($lh->{helper}{cnv}{a}==60); } $docnv=0; } if($plcDataType eq "DT"){ $v=($vals[1]<<16)+$vals[0]; my @t = gmtime($v); $v=sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",$t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3], $t[2], $t[1], $t[0]); $docnv=0; } # CD 0023 end # CD 0024 start if($plcDataType eq 'DATE'){ $v=($vals[1]<<16)+$vals[0]; my @t = gmtime($v); $v=sprintf("%04d-%02d-%02d",$t[5]+1900, $t[4]+1, $t[3]); $docnv=0; } # CD 0024 end if(defined($lh->{helper}{cnv}) && ($docnv==1)) { $v=$v*$lh->{helper}{cnv}{a}+$lh->{helper}{cnv}{b}; if(defined($lh->{helper}{cnv}{pr}) && ($lh->{helper}{cnv}{pr}>=0)) { # CD 0022 $v=sprintf("%.".$lh->{helper}{cnv}{pr}."f",$v); } } readingsBeginUpdate($lh); if(defined($lh->{helper}{alignUpdateInterval}) && defined($lh->{helper}{lastUpdate}) && ($fc!=WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER)) { my $fmtDateTime = FmtDateTime($lh->{helper}{lastUpdate}); $lh->{".updateTime"} = $lh->{helper}{lastUpdate}; # in seconds since the epoch $lh->{".updateTimestamp"} = $fmtDateTime; } # CD 0018 start my $cond=AttrVal($n,"readCondition",undef); $cond=AttrVal($n,"writeCondition",undef) if ($writeResponse); my $doupdate=1; if (defined($cond)) { my @c=split(':',$cond); if ($#c>=2) { my $cv=ReadingsVal($c[0],$c[1],undef); if (defined($cv)) { $doupdate=0 if ($cv ne $c[2]); } } } if ($doupdate) { # CD 0018 end readingsBulkUpdate($lh,"state",$v); readingsBulkUpdate($lh,"RAW",unpack "H*",pack "n*", @vals); #sprintf("%08x",pack "n*", @vals)); readingsBulkUpdate($lh,AttrVal($n,"stateAlias",undef),$v) if(defined(AttrVal($n,"stateAlias",undef))); # CD 0007 $lh->{helper}{lastUpdate}=0 if ($fc!=WRITE_SINGLE_REGISTER); } readingsEndUpdate($lh,1); push(@list, $n); } } } else { Log3 $name, 2, "ModbusRegister_Parse: invalid address $raddr"; #return "UNDEFINED ModbusRegister_$rname ModbusRegister $raddr"; return undef; } return @list; } sub ModbusRegister_Attr(@) { my ($cmd, $name, $attrName, $attrVal) = @_; my $hash=$defs{$name}; if($attrName eq "plcDataType") { if (!defined($hash->{helper}{wago})) { $hash->{helper}{nread}=1; if ($cmd eq "set") { #$attr{$name}{plcDataType} = $attrVal; if(($attrVal eq "DWORD") || ($attrVal eq "DINT") || ($attrVal eq "REAL") || ($attrVal eq "DWORD_BE") || ($attrVal eq "DINT_BE") || ($attrVal eq "REAL_BE") || ($attrVal eq "DT") || ($attrVal eq "TIME") || ($attrVal eq "DATE")) { # 0023 CD added TIME and DT # CD 0024 added DATE $hash->{helper}{nread}=2; } # CD 0007 start if($attrVal =~ /^3WORD/) { $hash->{helper}{nread}=3; } # CD 0007 end # CD 0008 start if(($attrVal eq "QWORD") || ($attrVal eq "QWORD_BE")) { $hash->{helper}{nread}=4; } # CD 0008 end $attr{$name}{plcDataType}=$attrVal; ModbusRegister_SetMinMax($hash); } $hash->{helper}{readCmd}=pack("CCnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, $hash->{helper}{registerType}, $hash->{helper}{address}, $hash->{helper}{nread}); } else { if($hash->{helper}{wagoDataType} eq 'W') { return 'invalid datatype for defined address' unless (($attrVal eq 'WORD') || ($attrVal eq 'INT')); } if($hash->{helper}{wagoDataType} eq 'F') { return 'invalid datatype for defined address' unless ($attrVal =~ /^REAL/); } if($hash->{helper}{wagoDataType} eq 'D') { return 'invalid datatype for defined address' unless (($attrVal =~ /^DWORD/) || ($attrVal =~ /^DINT/) || ($attrVal eq 'DT') || ($attrVal eq 'TIME') || ($attrVal eq 'DATE')); # 0023 CD added TIME and DT # CD 0024 added DATE } } } elsif($attrName eq "conversion") { if ($cmd eq "set") { my @a=split(":",$attrVal); if(@a >= 2) { $attr{$name}{conversion} = $attrVal; $hash->{helper}{cnv}{a}=$a[0]; $hash->{helper}{cnv}{b}=$a[1]; $hash->{helper}{cnv}{pr}=(@a >= 3)?$a[2]:-1; # CD 0022 ModbusRegister_SetMinMax($hash); } else { return "wrong syntax: conversion a:b"; } } else { $hash->{helper}{cnv}{a}=1; $hash->{helper}{cnv}{b}=0; $hash->{helper}{cnv}{pr}=-1; ModbusRegister_SetMinMax($hash); } } elsif(($attrName eq "updateIntervall")||($attrName eq "updateInterval")) { if ($cmd eq "set") { if($attrVal =~ m/:/) { my ($err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn) = GetTimeSpec($attrVal); return $err if($err); $hash->{helper}{updateIntervall}=($hr*60+$min)*60+$sec; } else { $hash->{helper}{updateIntervall}=$attrVal; } $attr{$name}{updateInterval} = $attrVal; } else { $hash->{helper}{updateIntervall}=0.1; delete $attr{$name}{updateInterval} if defined($attr{$name}{updateInterval}); delete $attr{$name}{updateIntervall} if defined($attr{$name}{updateIntervall}); } ModbusRegister_CalcNextUpdate($hash); } elsif($attrName eq "alignUpdateInterval") { if (($cmd eq "set") && defined($attrVal)) { my @args=split(",",$attrVal); if(@args>0) { my ($err, $hr, $min, $sec, $fn) = GetTimeSpec($args[0]); return $err if($err); $hash->{helper}{alignUpdateInterval}=($hr*60+$min)*60+$sec; } } else { delete($hash->{helper}{alignUpdateInterval}) if (defined($hash->{helper}{alignUpdateInterval})); } ModbusRegister_CalcNextUpdate($hash); } elsif($attrName eq "registerType") { if (!defined($hash->{helper}{wago})) { if ($cmd eq "set") { $attr{$name}{registerType} = $attrVal; if($hash->{helper}{disableRegisterMapping}==1) { if($attrVal eq 'Input') { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=4; } else { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=3; } } } else { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=3 if($hash->{helper}{disableRegisterMapping}==1); } $hash->{helper}{readCmd}=pack("CCnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, $hash->{helper}{registerType}, $hash->{helper}{address}, $hash->{helper}{nread}); delete( $modules{ModbusRegister}{defptr}{$hash->{helper}{addr}}{$name} ); $hash->{helper}{addr} = "$hash->{helper}{registerType} $hash->{helper}{unitId} $hash->{helper}{address}"; $modules{ModbusRegister}{defptr}{$hash->{helper}{addr}}{$name} = $hash; } } elsif($attrName eq "disableRegisterMapping") { if (!defined($hash->{helper}{wago})) { if ($cmd eq "set") { $attr{$name}{disableRegisterMapping} = $attrVal; if($attrVal==1) { $hash->{helper}{disableRegisterMapping}=1; } else { $hash->{helper}{disableRegisterMapping}=0; } } else { $hash->{helper}{disableRegisterMapping}=0; } if ($hash->{helper}{disableRegisterMapping}==0) { if(($hash->{helper}{register}>30000)&&($hash->{helper}{register}<40000)) { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=4; $hash->{helper}{address}=$hash->{helper}{register}-30001; } else { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=3; if(($hash->{helper}{register}>40000)&&($hash->{helper}{register}<50000)) { $hash->{helper}{address}=$hash->{helper}{register}-40001; } else { $hash->{helper}{address}=$hash->{helper}{register}; } } } else { if(AttrVal($name,"registerType",'Holding') eq 'Input') { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=4; } else { $hash->{helper}{registerType}=3; } $hash->{helper}{address}=$hash->{helper}{register}; } $hash->{helper}{readCmd}=pack("CCnn", $hash->{helper}{unitId}, $hash->{helper}{registerType}, $hash->{helper}{address}, $hash->{helper}{nread}); delete( $modules{ModbusRegister}{defptr}{$hash->{helper}{addr}}{$name} ); $hash->{helper}{addr} = "$hash->{helper}{registerType} $hash->{helper}{unitId} $hash->{helper}{address}"; $modules{ModbusRegister}{defptr}{$hash->{helper}{addr}}{$name} = $hash; } } return undef; } sub ModbusRegister_CalcNextUpdate(@) {########################################################## my ($hash)=@_; my $name = $hash->{NAME}; delete($hash->{helper}{lastUpdate}) if(defined($hash->{helper}{lastUpdate})); if(defined($hash->{helper}{alignUpdateInterval})) { my $t=int(time()); my @lt = localtime($t); $t -= ($lt[2]*3600+$lt[1]*60+$lt[0]); my $nextUpdate=$t+$hash->{helper}{alignUpdateInterval}; while($nextUpdate{helper}{updateIntervall}; } $hash->{nextUpdate}=localtime($nextUpdate); $hash->{helper}{nextUpdate}=$nextUpdate; } else { $hash->{helper}{nextUpdate}=time()+$hash->{helper}{updateIntervall}; } } sub ModbusRegister_Notify(@) {########################################################## my ($hash,$dev) = @_; if ($dev->{NAME} eq "global" && grep (m/^INITIALIZED$|^REREADCFG$/,@{$dev->{CHANGED}})){ my $name = $hash->{NAME}; if (defined($attr{$name}{updateIntervall})) { $attr{$name}{updateInterval}=$attr{$name}{updateIntervall} if(!defined($attr{$name}{updateInterval})); delete $attr{$name}{updateIntervall}; } $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{AttrList} =~ s/updateIntervall.//; if (defined($attr{$name}{enableUpdate})) { $attr{$name}{readCondition}=$attr{$name}{enableUpdate} if(!defined($attr{$name}{readCondition})); delete $attr{$name}{enableUpdate}; } $modules{$hash->{TYPE}}{AttrList} =~ s/enableUpdate.//; } return; } sub ModbusRegister_SetMinMax($) { my ($hash)=@_; $hash->{helper}{cnv}{a}=1 if(!defined($hash->{helper}{cnv}{a})); $hash->{helper}{cnv}{b}=0 if(!defined($hash->{helper}{cnv}{b})); $hash->{helper}{nread}=1 if(!defined($hash->{helper}{nread})); $hash->{helper}{cnv}{step}=100 if(!defined($hash->{helper}{cnv}{step})); my $vmin=0.0; my $vmax=65535.0; my $plcDataType=ModbusRegister_GetDataType($hash); if($plcDataType eq "WORD") { $vmin=0; $vmax=65535; } if($plcDataType eq "INT") { $vmin=-32768; $vmax=32767; } if(($plcDataType=~ /^DWORD/) || ($plcDataType eq 'TIME') || ($plcDataType eq 'DT') || ($plcDataType eq 'DATE')) { $vmin=0; $vmax=0xffffffff; } # CD 0007 start if($plcDataType=~ /^3WORD/) { if($plcDataType=~ /_S_/) { $vmin=-2**47; $vmax=2**47-1; } else { $vmin=0; $vmax=2**48-1; } } # CD 0007 end # CD 0008 start if($plcDataType=~ /^QWORD/) { $vmin=0; $vmax=2**64-1; } # CD 0008 end if($plcDataType=~ /^DINT/) { $vmin=-2**31; $vmax=2**31-1; } if($plcDataType=~ /^REAL/) { $vmin=-3.403*10**38; $vmax=3.403*10**38; } $vmin=$vmin*$hash->{helper}{cnv}{a}+$hash->{helper}{cnv}{b}; $vmax=$vmax*$hash->{helper}{cnv}{a}+$hash->{helper}{cnv}{b}; $hash->{helper}{cnv}{min}=$vmin; $hash->{helper}{cnv}{max}=$vmax; if($vmax-$vmin == 0) { $hash->{helper}{cnv}{step}=1; } else { $hash->{helper}{cnv}{step}=10**(int(log($vmax-$vmin)/log(10))-2); $hash->{helper}{cnv}{step}=1 if($hash->{helper}{cnv}{step}==0); } } sub ModbusRegister_is_integer { # CD 0007 renamed defined $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^[+-]?\d+$/; } sub ModbusRegister_is_float { # CD 0007 renamed defined $_[0] && $_[0] =~ /^[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?$/; } 1; =pod =item device =item summary Modbus Register =begin html


    This module implements a set of registers as defined in the Modbus specification.

      define <name> ModbusRegister <unitId or slave address> <element number>

      The unitId allows addressing slaves on a serial line sub-network connected to a ModbusTCP gateway.
      Most ModbusTCP servers that do not act as a gateway ignore this setting, in that case 0, 1 or 255 should be used.

      On a serial Modbus network the slave address (1-254) of the device must be indicated.

      The module supports 2 addressing modes for the element, the attribute disableRegisterMapping defines how the element number is interpreted.

      set <name> <value>

      where value depends on the data type


    • readingFnAttributes

    • updateInterval
      Interval in seconds for reading the register. If the value is smaller than the pollInterval attribute of the IODev, the setting from the IODev takes precedence over this attribute. Default: 0.1

    • IODev
      IODev: Sets the ModbusTCP or ModbusRTU device which should be used for sending and receiving data for this register.

    • disableRegisterMapping
      The Modbus specification defines 2 word-addressable data blocks with elements numbered from 1 to n. Some vendors use in their documentation a numbering scheme starting from 0. If this attribute is not defined or set to 0 the numbering starts at 1 and the used data block depends on the register number. Numbers 40001-49999 are read and written to the holding register block, numbers 30001-39999 are read from the input register block (read-only). If the attribute is set to 1 the numbering starts at 0. By default data is then read from the holding register block, this can be changed with the attribute registerType

    • registerType
      This attribute can be used to define from which block (holding or input) data is read. If the attribute disableRegisterMapping is set to 0 or not defined, this attribute is ignored.

    • conversion
      The read data can be scaled with this attribute. The scaling factors are defined in the form a:b with
      returned value = a * raw data + b

        For an energy meter returning the current in 0.1A steps
        attr <name> conversion 0.1:0
        scales the value to A.

    • plcDataType
      A modbus register is 16 bit wide and contains an unsigned value ranging from 0 to 65535. With this attribute the data type and size can be modified.
      Possible values:
      • WORD, 1 register, 16 bit unsigned, default
      • INT, 1 register, 16 bit signed
      • DWORD, 2 registers, 32 bit unsigned, little endian
      • DWORD_BE, 2 registers, 32 bit unsigned, big endian
      • DINT, 2 registers, 32 bit signed, little endian
      • DINT_BE, 2 registers, 32 bit signed, big endian
      • 3WORD, 3 registers, 48 bit unsigned, little endian
      • 3WORD_BE, 3 registers, 48 bit unsigned, big endian
      • QWORD, 4 registers, 64 bit unsigned, little endian
      • QWORD_BE, 4 registers, 64 bit unsigned, big endian
      • REAL, 2 registers, IEEE 754 single precision floating point number, little endian
      • REAL_BE, 2 registers, IEEE 754 single precision floating point number, big endian
      • DT, 2 registers, 32 bit unsigned, UNIX timestamp, little endian
      • DATE, 2 registers, 32 bit unsigned, UNIX timestamp, little endian, only date part
      • TIME, 2 registers, 32 bit unsigned, milliseconds since 00:00:00, little endian

    • stateAlias
      The read data is written by default to the state reading. If this attribute is defined the data is also written to a reading with the name of the attribute value. This can be used to create a reading that is easier to use in a notify or in conjunction with an other module that requires a certain reading.

    • readCondition <device>:<reading>:<value>[:<force>[:<wait time>]]
      Data is only read if the reading of the device has the specified value. If the parameter <force> is 1 and the type of the specified device is ModbusRegister or ModbusCoil the value will be written before the read is started. An optional wait time between the write and the read can be specified in milliseconds.

    • writeCondition <device>:<reading>:<value>[:<force>]
      Data is only written if the reading of the device has the specified value. If the parameter <force> is 1 and the type of the specified device is ModbusRegister or ModbusCoil the indicated value will be written before the write is started.

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