// VERSION 1.33 function initializeVideoPlaylist(inputData, elementRoot) { // ALL VIDEO PLAYLIST API WIDGET CODE WRAPPED IN FUNCTION SO ALL VARIABLES ARE LOCALLY SCOPED TO AVOID ERRORS WITH UTILIZING THE WIDGET MORE THAN ONCE ON THE SAME PAGE // ALL HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT CODE FOR THE VIDEO PLAYLIST WIDGET API IS PRESENT HERE, MINUS THE ROOT WIDGET HTML CONTAINER. A CONTAINER MUST BE PRESENT IN THE HTML WITH THE ID OF THE WIDGET FOR THE "widgetRoot" DOM SELECTOR TO INITIATE THE WIDGET. // DOM ROOT DIV CREATION FOR CODE INSERTION. inputData ARGUMENT MUST CONTAIN AN id KEY AND MUST HAVE ITS CORRESPONDING PARENT SCRIPT TAG WITH A data-playlist-id ATTRIBUTE SET TO IT ALSO const existingWidgetsLength = document.querySelectorAll('[data-type="video-playlist-widget"]').length; const widgetId = `video-playlist-${existingWidgetsLength}`; const widgetIdSelector = `#${widgetId}`; const createdDiv = document.createElement('div'); createdDiv.id = widgetId; elementRoot.outerHTML = createdDiv.outerHTML; // Variable Declarations // Value Declarations. Elementors Unlimited Elements Widget Creator Inserts User Input Values Into Variables With Curly Bracket Surroundings. // API Keys function backupAPIKeys() { let apiKeyPicked; if (playlistService === 'youtube') { const youtubeAPIKeys = ['AIzaSyAGeChuN2jmAVvINB7aJv-ZzU_a2bnNGio']; apiKeyPicked = youtubeAPIKeys[Math.floor(Math.random() * youtubeAPIKeys.length)]; } return apiKeyPicked } // Input Data Variables Declarations const resultLimitPerRequest = typeof inputData.resultLimitPerRequest === 'number' ? inputData.resultLimitPerRequest : 50; // Youtube API Has A Limit Of 50 Results Per Request. const limitVideos = typeof inputData.limitVideos === 'boolean' ? inputData.limitVideos : true; // Limit Videos Displayed. Default Value Is: true const maxResults = typeof inputData.maxResults === 'number' ? inputData.maxResults : 6; // If limitVideos Is Set To: true, Limit Number Of Videos Displayed. Default Value Is: 6 const showAllVideoTypes = typeof inputData.showAllVideoTypes === 'boolean' ? inputData.showAllVideoTypes : false; // Determins If All Video Types Whether It Has An Episode Number Or Not Should Be Displayed const filterByName = typeof inputData.filterByName === 'boolean' ? inputData.filterByName : false; // Filter Video Results Based On Characters In Title. Default Value Is: false const filterNameParameters = typeof inputData.filterNameParameters === 'string' ? inputData.filterNameParameters.toLowerCase() : ''; // If filterByName Is Set To: true, Filter String Parameters For filterByName. Default Value Is: '' const sortVideosBy = typeof inputData.sortVideosBy === 'string' ? inputData.sortVideosBy : 'number-descending'; // How Video Items Should Be Sorted. Default Value Is: 'number-descending' const listByRange = typeof inputData.listByRange === 'boolean' ? inputData.listByRange : true; // Show Specific Range Of Videos By Episode Number. Default Value Is: false const fromEpisodeNumber = typeof inputData.fromEpisodeNumber === 'number' ? inputData.fromEpisodeNumber : 1; // If listByRange Is Set To: true, Set Starting Episode Number To Filter From. Default Value Is: 1 const toEpisodeNumber = typeof inputData.toEpisodeNumber === 'number' ? inputData.toEpisodeNumber : 2000; // If listByRange Is Set To: true, Set Starting Episode Number To Filter From. Default Value Is: 1 const showNonNumberedEpisodesOnly = typeof inputData.showNonNumberedEpisodesOnly === 'boolean' ? inputData.showNonNumberedEpisodesOnly : false; // Shows Videos That Do Not Have An Episode Number Only. Default Value Is: false const hideNonNumberedVideos = typeof inputData.hideNonNumberedVideos === 'boolean' ? inputData.hideNonNumberedVideos : true; // Hides Non-Numbered Videos In Playlist. Default Value Is: true const timeStorageInterval = typeof inputData.timeStorageInterval === 'number' ? inputData.timeStorageInterval * 60000 : 21600000; // Sets Time Interval That Another API Call Request Can Be Made Instead Of Loading From Local Storage In Minutes That Is Multiplied By 60000 To Convert Minutes To Milliseconds. Default Value is 60 const showPlayButtons = typeof inputData.showPlayButtons === 'boolean' ? inputData.showPlayButtons : true; // Sets If Play Button Icons Should Be Shown Over Video Thumbnails. Default Value Is: true let showVideoInfo = typeof inputData.showVideoInfo === 'boolean' ? inputData.showVideoInfo : true; // Sets If Text Information About Video Should Be Displayed Below Video Thumbnail. Default Value Is: false const showDescriptionText = typeof inputData.showDescriptionText === 'boolean' ? inputData.showDescriptionText : true; // If showVideoInfo Is Set To True, Sets If Video Description Text Should Be Displayed. Default Value Is: false const showTitleText = typeof inputData.showTitleText === 'boolean' ? inputData.showTitleText : false; // If showTitle Is Set To True, Sets If Video Title Text Should Be Displayed. Default Value Is: false const showAllInLightbox = typeof inputData.showAllInLightbox === 'boolean' ? inputData.showAllInLightbox : false; // Determines If Lightbox Will Allow User To See All Videos On PlayList If True. If False, User Can Only View Videos Shown On Page const fastForwardSpeed = typeof inputData.fastForwardSpeed === 'number' ? inputData.fastForwardSpeed : 150; // Set The Speed That Frames Should Be Fast Forwarded Through On Carousel And Lightbox When User Holds Down Arrow. const showLogoImgUrl = typeof inputData.showLogoImgUrl === 'string' ? inputData.showLogoImgUrl : ''; // Show Logo Image URL For Playlist Heading. If Nothing, Then TV Episodes Text Will Be Shown let playlistButton = typeof inputData.playlistButton === 'boolean' ? inputData.playlistButton : true; // Sets If Playlist Button Will Be Shown On Page. Default Value Is: true const playlistLayout = typeof inputData.playlistLayout === 'grid' ? 'grid' : inputData.playlistLayout === 'carousel' ? 'carousel' : inputData.playlistLayout === 'carousel-multi' ? 'carousel-multi' : 'grid'; // Determines The Layout Of Videos On Page. Default value is 'grid'. Other value is 'carousel' const playlistService = typeof inputData.playlistService === 'youtube' ? 'youtube' : inputData.playlistService === 'vimeo' ? 'vimeo' : 'youtube'; // Determines If Video Playlist Is Coming From. Default Value Is 'youtube' const apiKey = typeof inputData.apiKey === 'string' ? inputData.apiKey : backupAPIKeys(); // API Key. Loads Backup Keys If No Key Is Passed In const playlistId = inputData.playlistId; // Playlist Id. REQUIRED FOR WIDGET TO WORK. // Input CSS Variable Declarations const fontFamily = typeof inputData.fontFamily === 'string' ? inputData.fontFamily : 'Roboto'; // Sets Font Family Style For All Text In Widget. Default Value Is: 'Roboto' const thumbnailFontHeadingSize = typeof inputData.thumbnailFontHeadingSize === 'string' ? inputData.thumbnailFontHeadingSize : '2.25rem'; // Sets Font Size Of Video Thumbnail Episode Heading Text. Default Value is: 2rem const fontBodySize = typeof inputData.fontBodySize === 'string' ? inputData.fontBodySize : '1.375rem'; // Sets Font Size Of Video Thumbnail Instruction Text. Default Value is: 1.5rem const playButtonColor = typeof inputData.playButtonColor === 'string' ? inputData.playButtonColor : '#ffffff'; // Sets Color Of Play Button Icon Over Video Thumbnail. Default Value IS: '#ffffff' const gapBetweenGridVideos = typeof inputData.gapBetweenGridVideos === 'number' ? inputData.gapBetweenGridVideos : 48; // Sets Spacing Between Video Items In Grid Layout In Pixels. Default Value Is: 48 const gapBetweenPlaylistVideos = typeof inputData.gapBetweenPlaylistVideos === 'number' ? inputData.gapBetweenPlaylistVideos : 48; // Sets Spacing Between Video Items In Playlist Layout In Pixels. Default Value Is: 48 const videoContainerBorderThickness = typeof inputData.videoContainerBorderThickness === 'string' ? inputData.videoContainerBorderThickness : '0px'; // Sets Video Container Border Thickness: Default Value Is: '0px' const videoContainerBorderColor = typeof inputData.videoContainerBorderColor === 'string' ? inputData.videoContainerBorderColor : '#000000'; // Sets Video Container Border Color: Default Value Is: '#000000' const dropShadowValues = typeof inputData.dropShadowValues === 'string' ? inputData.dropShadowValues: '4px 4px 12px'; // Sets Drop-Shadow Values For Video Container. Default Value Is: 0px 0px 0px const dropShadowColor = typeof inputData.dropShadowColor === 'string' ? inputData.dropShadowColor : '#01010147'; // Sets Drop-Shadow Color For Video Container. Default Value Is: '#00000036' const textBelowThumbnailTopMargin = typeof inputData.textBelowThumbnailTopMargin === 'string' ? inputData.textBelowThumbnailTopMargin : '20px'; // Sets Text Below Video Thumbnail Margins On Top And Bottom. Default Value Is: '24px' const titleTextColorBelowThumbnail = typeof inputData.titleTextColorBelowThumbnail === 'string' ? inputData.titleTextColorBelowThumbnail : '#000000'; // Sets Color Of Video Title Text Below Video Thumbnail. Default Value Is: '#000000' const spaceBetweenTitleAndDescriptionBelowThumbnail = typeof inputData.spaceBetweenTitleAndDescriptionBelowThumbnail === 'string' ? inputData.spaceBetweenTitleAndDescriptionBelowThumbnail : '0px'; // Sets Vertical Space Gap Between Title Text And Description Text Below Video Thumbnail. Default Value Is: '24px' const descriptionTextColorBelowThumbnail = typeof inputData.descriptionTextColorBelowThumbnail === 'string' ? inputData.descriptionTextColorBelowThumbnail : '#00000090'; // Sets Color Of Description Text Below Video Thumbnail. Default Value Is: '#000000' const imageDarkeningOpacity = typeof inputData.imageDarkeningOpacity === 'string' ? inputData.imageDarkeningOpacity : '20'; // Sets How Dark The Video Thumbnail Should Get Opacity On Mouse Hover. Default Value Is: '20' const textOverThumbnailColor = typeof inputData.textOverThumbnailColor === 'string' ? inputData.textOverThumbnailColor : '#ffffff'; // Sets Color Of Text Over Video Thumbnail On Mouse Hover. Default Value Is: '#ffffff' const textContainerMargin = typeof inputData.textContainerMargin === 'string' ? inputData.textContainerMargin : '24px'; // Sets Padding Of Text Container That Cover Over Video Thumbnail For Text On Mouse Hover. Default Value Is: '24px' const spaceBetweenTitleAndClickToPlayText = typeof inputData.spaceBetweenTitleAndClickToPlayText === 'string' ? inputData.spaceBetweenTitleAndClickToPlayText : '2.25rem'; // Sets Vertical Spacing Between Episode Number Or Video Title Text And Instruction Text On Mouse Hover Over Thumbnail. Default Value Is: '40px' const playButtonSizing = typeof inputData.playButtonSizing === 'string' ? inputData.playButtonSizing : '32%'; // Sets Sizing Of Play Button Icon Over Video Thumbnail Relative To The HEight Of The Video Thumbnail In Percentage. Default Value Is: '35%' const playButtonOpacity = typeof inputData.playButtonOpacity === 'number' ? inputData.playButtonOpacity / 100 : .6; // Sets Opacity Of Play Button Icon Over Video Thumbnail. Divides Number By 100 To Convert Percentage To Decimal. Default Value Is: 75 const minimumWidthOfEachGridVideoItem = typeof inputData.minimumWidthOfEachGridVideoItem === 'number' ? inputData.minimumWidthOfEachGridVideoItem : 400; // Sets Minimun Width Size Of Each Video. Default Value Is: 480 const frameTransition = typeof inputData.frameTransition === 'number' ? inputData.frameTransition : 500; // Sets Transition Time Of LightBox Carousel Frame Transitioning In Milliseconds const carouselTransition = typeof inputData.carouselTransition === 'number' ? inputData.carouselTransition : 1000; // Sets Transition Time Of Carousel Layout Frame Transitioning In Milliseconds const carouselDelay = typeof inputData.carouselDelay === 'number' ? inputData.carouselDelay : 7000; // Sets Delay Carousel Layout Between Transitioning In Milliseconds const carouselWidth = typeof inputData.carouselWidth === 'number' ? inputData.carouselWidth : 40 // Set Width Of Carousel Layout Thumbnails In REMs const carouselArrowsColor = typeof inputData.carouselArrowsColor === 'string' ? inputData.carouselArrowsColor : '#949494' // Sets Color Of Carousel Layout Arrows And Text Overlay During Fast Forward const showThemeColor = typeof inputData.showThemeColor === 'string' ? inputData.showThemeColor : '#949494' // Sets Theme Color For LightBox Playlist Outline const playlistButtonColor = typeof inputData.playlistButtonColor === 'string' ? inputData.playlistButtonColor : '#FFF' // Sets Playlist Button Text Color const playlistButtonBackgroundColor = typeof inputData.playlistButtonBackgroundColor === 'string' ? inputData.playlistButtonBackgroundColor : typeof inputData.showThemeColor === 'string' ? inputData.showThemeColor : '#949494'; const playlistButtonPadding = typeof inputData.playlistButtonPadding === 'string' ? inputData.playlistButtonPadding : '0.75em 1.5em' // Sets Playlist Button Padding. Default Value is: '1em 2em' const playlistButtonFontWeight = typeof inputData.playlistButtonFontWeight === 'string' ? inputData.playlistButtonFontWeight : '700' // Sets Font Weight Of Playlist Button On Page const playlistButtonBorderRadius = typeof inputData.playlistButtonBorderRadius === 'string' ? inputData.playlistButtonBorderRadius : '0em' // Sets Border-Radius Of Playlist Button const carouselArrowSize = typeof inputData.carouselArrowSize === 'string' ? inputData.carouselArrowSize : '48px' ; // Sets Arrows Size On Carousel Layout In Percentage const thumbnailAspectRatio = typeof inputData.thumbnailAspectRatio === 'string' ? inputData.thumbnailAspectRatio : '1.777 / 1' // Sets Aspect Ratio Of Video Thumbnails. Default Value Is '1.777 / 1' const lightboxPlayerIconSize = typeof inputData.lightboxPlayerIconSize === 'number' ? inputData.lightboxPlayerIconSize : 4.75; // Sets Size Of Lightbox Arrows In Viewport Height. Default Value Is 4.75 const showLogoWhiteOut = typeof inputData.showLogoWhiteOut === 'boolean' ? inputData.showLogoWhiteOut : false; // Determines If Show Logo Image Should Become All White In Color const playlistButtonText = typeof inputData.playlistButtonText === 'string' ? inputData.playlistButtonText : window.innerWidth > 1200 ? 'Click Here For More Episodes' : 'Tap Here For More Episodes' // Playlist Button Text // Programming Variables Declarations let storedPlaylistRetrieved = false; // Determines If Data Was Loaded From Local Storage. Utilized In getPlaylistItems Function. Default Staring Value Is: false const instructionMessage = window.innerWidth > 1200 ? 'Click Here To Watch' : 'Tap Here To Watch'; // Instruction Message Text. Default Value is: 'Click Here To Watch' let playListSorted = []; // Captures All Videos After Filtering And Sorting Before They're Reduced To Output Amount For Showing All Videos When Navigating Through Lightbox let pageOutputList = []; // The Actual List Of Video That Will Be Shown On The Page (Grid Or Carousel Layout) let lightboxToggled = false; // Used To Determine If Lightbox Is Toggled let showPlaylist = false; // Toggles Lightbox Playlist On And Off const lightboxFrameVideoBaseUrl = playlistService === 'youtube' ? 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/' : ''; // Video Base Url For Lightbox Video Iframes const baseUrl = playlistService === 'youtube' ? `https://youtube.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet&playlistId=` : ``; const fullPath = playlistService === 'youtube' ? `${baseUrl}${playlistId}&key=${apiKey}&maxResults=1000` : ``; // CSS Programming Variable Declarations const mediaQueryMobileBreakpoint = (minimumWidthOfEachGridVideoItem * 2) + (gapBetweenGridVideos * 1.5); // Sets Media Query Break Point Of When Video Containers Should Stack In One Column. Calculation Based Upon minimumWidthOfEachVideo Number. Default Value Is: minimumWidthOfEachGridVideoItem * 2 // Error Handling Variables const apiErrMsg = `An error occured during the ${playlistService} playlist API call. The same ${playlistService} playlist was found in local storage and has been loaded instead.`; let failedItemTally = 0; // Initialization Loading Spinner const loadingSpinner = ` `; // HTML Base Container Initialization. Loading Spinner Is Included On Initialization const widgetRoot = document.querySelector(`${widgetIdSelector}`); widgetRoot.innerHTML = `
`; // Lightbox Container Created And Appended To Body Of HTML const lightboxDiv = document.createElement('div'); lightboxDiv.dataset.lightboxid = widgetIdSelector; document.body.appendChild(lightboxDiv); // DOM Element Selector Declarations const stylesContainer = document.querySelector(`${widgetIdSelector} .playlist-styling`) const playlistItems = document.querySelector(`${widgetIdSelector} .video-layout-container`); const lightbox = document.querySelector(`[data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"]`); const html = document.querySelector('html'); // END - Variable Declarations // CSS Generation const playlistStyling = ` @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Roboto:ital,wght@0,100;0,300;0,400;0,500;0,700;0,900;1,100;1,300;1,400;1,500;1,700;1,900&display=swap'); ${widgetIdSelector} > *, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] > * { box-sizing: border-box; } ${widgetIdSelector} { margin: 0; padding: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } ${playlistLayout === 'carousel-multi' ? `.video-layout-container { display: flex; gap: clamp(12px, 4vw, 40px); align-items: center; } .video-layout-container [data-carouselarrow="true"] { min-width: clamp(28px, 5vw, 48px); } .video-layout-container .carousel-multi-items .video-item .hover-text-container p { text-align: center; } .transition-carousel { transition: ${carouselTransition / 1000}s !important; } ` : '' } ${widgetIdSelector} ol { list-style: none; padding: 0; } ${widgetIdSelector} h2 { display: block; width: 100vw; text-align: center; font-size: 1.5rem; color: ${showThemeColor}; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; line-height: 1.5em; } ${widgetIdSelector} h3 { margin: 0!important; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; font-weight: 700; } ${widgetIdSelector} li, ${widgetIdSelector} li:hover [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] a, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] a:hover, ${widgetIdSelector} .playlist-button-page, ${widgetIdSelector} .playlist-button-page:hover { text-transform: revert !important; text-decoration: none !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .grid-layout { display: grid; grid-template-rows: min-content; gap: ${gapBetweenGridVideos}px; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .grid-layout { display: grid; grid-template-rows: min-content; gap: ${gapBetweenPlaylistVideos}px; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .grid-layout { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(320px, 1fr)); } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-multi-items-layout { max-width: 100%; overflow: hidden; -webkit-mask-image: linear-gradient(to right, transparent 0px, black min(4vw, 60px), black calc(100% - min(4vw, 60px)), transparent); } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-multi-items { display: flex; justify-content: center; position: relative; transition: 0s; gap: ${gapBetweenGridVideos}px; } ${widgetIdSelector} .loading-spinner { filter: drop-shadow(2px 4px 6px #00000090); position: absolute; width: 50vw; height: 50vw; max-width: 240px; max-height: 240px; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } ${widgetIdSelector} .grid-layout .video-item, ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout .video-item { max-width: 100%; text-align: center; border: ${videoContainerBorderThickness} ${videoContainerBorderColor} solid; width: 100%; height: 100%; animation-name: ${widgetId}-fade-in; animation-duration: 1s; cursor: auto !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout .carousel-video-frame .video-item { left: 0; } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-multi-items .video-item { width: min(340px, 100%) !important; flex-shrink: 0; align-self: stretch !important; display: flex; flex-direction: column; } @keyframes ${widgetId}-fade-in { from { opacity: 0; } to { opacity: 1; } } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .video-thumbnail-wrapper { background: #000000; position: relative; cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; aspect-ratio: 1.777 / 1; filter: drop-shadow(${dropShadowValues} ${dropShadowColor}); ${!showVideoInfo ? `height: 100% !important;` : ''} } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-video-thumbnail-wrapper { position: relative; cursor: pointer; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-info-text-container { padding: ${textBelowThumbnailTopMargin} 0px 0px; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-info-text-container h3 { color: ${titleTextColorBelowThumbnail}; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; ${ showTitleText ? `margin-bottom: ${spaceBetweenTitleAndDescriptionBelowThumbnail} !important;` : ''}; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-info-text-container h6 { color: ${descriptionTextColorBelowThumbnail}; font-size: 0.875rem; font-weight: 400; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; margin: 0; line-height: 1.25rem; text-transform: none; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper:hover img { opacity: calc(${imageDarkeningOpacity} / 100); } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper:hover svg { opacity: 0; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper:hover .hover-text-container { opacity: 1; } ${widgetIdSelector} .frame-transitioning-show-text img, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .frame-transitioning-show-text img { opacity: calc(${imageDarkeningOpacity} / 100); } ${widgetIdSelector} .frame-transitioning-show-text iframe, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .frame-transitioning-show-text iframe { opacity: calc(${imageDarkeningOpacity} / 100); } ${widgetIdSelector} .frame-transitioning-show-text svg, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .frame-transitioning-show-text svg { opacity: 0 !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .frame-transitioning-show-text .hover-text-container, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .frame-transitioning-show-text .hover-text-container { opacity: 1 !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper img, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-video-thumbnail-wrapper img { object-fit: cover; width: 100%!important; height: inherit !important; min-width: 100%!important; max-height: 100%!important; transition: 0.75s; aspect-ratio: ${thumbnailAspectRatio}; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .video-item { filter: grayscale(75%); transition: 0.5s; aspect-ratio: ${thumbnailAspectRatio}; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .video-item:hover svg{ opacity: 0.75 !important; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .video-item:hover { filter: grayscale(0%) !important; transform: scale(1.15); } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .video-thumbnail-wrapper iframe, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .video-thumbnail-wrapper h1 { transition: 0.75s; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper .hover-text-container, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .hover-text-container { position: absolute; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; height: 100%; color: ${textOverThumbnailColor}; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); padding: ${textContainerMargin}; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; opacity: 0; transition: 0.5s; gap: ${spaceBetweenTitleAndClickToPlayText}; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper .hover-text-container, ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout [data-fastforwardoverlay="true"], [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .hover-text-container, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-video-frame [data-fastforwardoverlay="true"] { font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .hover-text-container { z-index: 0; pointer-events: none; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper .hover-text-container h3, ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-video-frame [data-fastforwardoverlay="true"] h3 { font-size: ${thumbnailFontHeadingSize} !important; font-weight: 600; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper .hover-text-container p { font-size: ${fontBodySize} !important; font-weight: 400; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-info-text-container { opacity: 1; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper .hover-text-container h3 { margin: 0; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper .hover-text-container p { margin: 0; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper svg, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-video-thumbnail-wrapper svg { position: absolute; transition: 0.5s; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); z-index: 2; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-thumbnail-wrapper svg { width: ${playButtonSizing}; height: ${playButtonSizing}; opacity: ${playButtonOpacity}; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-video-thumbnail-wrapper svg { width: 50%; height: 50%; opacity: 0; } .show-lightbox { display: block!important; } .hide-scroll { overflow: hidden!important; } .hide-header { display: none!important; } .frame-transition-left { transform: translateX(-60%) rotateY(90deg) scale(0); opacity: 0; pointer-events: none !important; } .frame-transition-right { transform: translateX(60%) rotateY(-90deg) scale(0); opacity: 0; pointer-events: none !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-arrow-hold-transitioning { animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: ${fastForwardSpeed / 1000}s; animation-name: ${widgetId}-carousel-fast-forward; } @keyframes ${widgetId}-carousel-fast-forward { from { filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px ${carouselArrowsColor}) } to { filter: drop-shadow(calc(${carouselArrowSize} / 1.75) 0px 0px ${carouselArrowsColor}) } } .lightbox-arrow-hold-transitioning { animation-iteration-count: infinite; animation-duration: ${fastForwardSpeed / 1000}s; animation-name: ${widgetId}-lightbox-fast-forward; } @keyframes ${widgetId}-lightbox-fast-forward { from { filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 0px white) } to { filter: drop-shadow(${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 1.5}vh 0px 0px white) } } .disable-arrow { opacity: 0; pointer-events: none !important; } .element-invisible { opacity: 0 !important; z-index: -1 !important; pointer-events: none; } .fast-forward-transitioning { z-index: -1 !important; } .fast-forward-transitioning a { opacity: 0.25 !important; } .fast-forward-transitioning [data-lightboxframe="true"] { opacity: 0.20 !important; } .fast-forward-transitioning a, .fast-forward-transitioning [data-lightboxframe="true"] { transition: 0.05s !important; } .fast-forward-transitioning a svg { opacity: 0 !important; } .fast-forward-overlay { width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; position: absolute; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] { width: 100%; height: 100vh; display: none; background: #000000E2; position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 100000; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-content-container { max-width: 220vh; margin: 0 auto; position: relative; height: 100%; width: 100%; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-player-container { width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0 auto; box-sizing: border-box; position: absolute; top: 0; transition: 0.5s; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container { max-width: 1920px; max-height: 90vh; max-height: 90dvh; width: calc(100% - ${lightboxPlayerIconSize}vh * 4.5); height: calc(100% - ${lightboxPlayerIconSize}vh * 1.5); min-width: 75vw; min-height: 90vh; min-height: 90dvh; background: #00000090; overflow-y: auto; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); padding: 24px 40px 24px 40px; border: 8px ${showThemeColor} solid; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-heading { font-family: ${fontFamily}; color: white; text-align: left; font-size: 3rem; padding: 0 1.5rem; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-logo { top: 0; width: auto !important; height: auto !important; aspect-ratio: 1.777 / 1; object-fit: contain; padding: 0 16px 24px; min-width: 18vw !important; max-width: 30vh !important; ${showLogoWhiteOut ? 'filter: invert(1) brightness(2) saturate(0);' : ''} } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container legend { min-width: 0vw; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 8px; box-sizing: border-box; background: transparent; border-radius: 0px; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: transparent; border-right: 8px solid white; height: 25%; max-height: 100%; border-radius: 8px; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-player-container { padding: 40px; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-video-frame { margin: 0 3%; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-player-container .lightbox-video-frame iframe { width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-video-frame .fast-forward-overlay { position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; z-index: 100; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] [data-itemclickable="true"] { cursor: pointer; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-video-frame .fast-forward-overlay h1, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-video-frame [data-lightboxframe="true"] h1 { color: white; font-size: 9.75vh; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; text-align: center; font-weight: 700; z-index: 100; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-close-button { color: white; position: fixed; top: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 3.5}vh; left: calc(100% - ${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 2.75}vh); transform: translateX(-100%); font-family: 'Ruda', sans-serif; font-weight: 700; font-style: normal; padding: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 5}vh; font-size: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 1.5}vh; cursor: pointer; border: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 9}vh white solid; border-radius: 50%; width: 12vw; height: 12vw; max-width: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 1.5}vh; max-height: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 1.5}vh; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; transition: 0.25s; z-index: 10 !important; box-sizing: content-box; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-button { position: fixed; top: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 2.25}vh; left: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize / 2.25}vh; max-width: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize}vh; max-height: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize}vh; width: 15vh; height: 15vh; transition: 0.25s; cursor: pointer; z-index: 10 !important; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-close-button:hover { transform: translateX(-100%) scale(1.25); } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-button:hover { transform: scale(1.25); } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-button:active { transform: scale(0.9); } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-player-container svg { min-width: 4vw; max-height: 6.664vw; width: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize * 0.65}vh; height: ${lightboxPlayerIconSize * 1.082}vh; cursor: pointer; z-index: 3; transition: 0.25s; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-video-frame { width: 78vw!important; height: 43.9vw!important; max-height: 90vh!important; max-height: 90dvh!important; max-width: 160vh!important; position: relative; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-episode-text { font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; color: white; margin: 1rem 0 0; text-align: center; font-size: 1.75rem; font-weight: 700; } .arrow-left { cursor: pointer; fill: ${carouselArrowsColor}; } .arrow-left:hover { transform: scale(1.25); transition: 0.25s; } .arrow-right { fill: ${carouselArrowsColor}; cursor: pointer; transform: rotate(180deg); } .arrow-right:hover { transform: scale(1.25) rotate(180deg); transition: 0.25s; } .arrow-left:active { transform: translate(-10%); transition: 0.1s; } .arrow-right:active { transform: translate(10%) rotate(180deg); transition: 0.1s; } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-fast-transition { transition: ${frameTransition / 1000}s !important; } .carousel-zero-transition a { transition: 0.05s !important; } .lightbox-container-off { opacity: 0; pointer-events: none !important; transition: 0.5s; overflow: hidden !important; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] [data-lightboxframe="true"] { width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0px; position: absolute; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; box-shadow: 0px 0px 48px black; filter: drop-shadow(rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.44) 0px 0px 80px); transition: ${frameTransition / 1000}s !important; z-index: 10; } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout { width: 100%; display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; position: relative; } ${widgetIdSelector} [data-carouselarrow="true"] g, ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout [data-fastforwardoverlay="true"] h1 { fill: ${carouselArrowsColor}; color: ${carouselArrowsColor}; font-weight: 700; font-family: ${fontFamily} !important; } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout li { position: absolute; transition: ${carouselTransition / 1000}s; } ${widgetIdSelector} [data-carouselarrow="true"] { width: ${carouselArrowSize}; } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout .carousel-video-frame { position: relative; height: ${carouselWidth / 1.777}rem; width: ${carouselWidth}rem; margin: 0 3%; } ${widgetIdSelector} .playlist-button-page { font-family: ${fontFamily}; display: block; margin: ${gapBetweenGridVideos}px auto 0; padding: ${playlistButtonPadding}; font-size: ${fontBodySize}; font-weight: ${playlistButtonFontWeight}; background: ${playlistButtonBackgroundColor}; border-width: 0px; border-radius: ${playlistButtonBorderRadius}; color: ${playlistButtonColor}; cursor: pointer; transition: 0.25s; } ${widgetIdSelector} .playlist-button-page:hover { transform: scale(1.1); } @media(max-width: ${mediaQueryMobileBreakpoint}px) { ${widgetIdSelector} .grid-layout { grid-template-columns: 1fr; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container { width: 90vw; height: 90vh; height: 90dvh; padding: 24px 4%; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-heading { font-family: ${fontFamily}; color: white; text-align: left; font-size: 2.15rem; padding: 0 1rem; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-logo { top: 0; height: auto; padding: 0 16px 24px; max-width: 300px; width: 90%; margin-top: 0; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-close-button { top: 12px; left: calc(100% - 12px); } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .video-item { filter: grayscale(0%) !important; transform: scale(1); } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .video-item:hover { transform: scale(1); } ${widgetIdSelector} .playlist-button-page { padding: 1em; } } @media(min-width: ${mediaQueryMobileBreakpoint + 1}px) { ${widgetIdSelector} .grid-layout { grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fill, minmax(${minimumWidthOfEachGridVideoItem}px, 1fr)); } } @media(max-width: ${carouselWidth * 20}px) { ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout .carousel-video-frame { width: 72vw; height: calc(72vw / 1.777); } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout .carousel-video-frame .hover-text-container { gap: 7vw; } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout .carousel-video-frame h3 { font-size: 8vw; } ${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout .carousel-video-frame p { font-size: 5vw; } } @media(max-width: 576px) { ${widgetIdSelector} .video-layout-container .video-item h3 { font-size: 8.5vw; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-layout-container .video-item p, ${widgetIdSelector} .video-layout-container .playlist-button-page { font-size: 6vw; } ${widgetIdSelector} .video-layout-container .hover-text-container { gap: 8vw; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container .playlist-logo { width: 90% !important; } } @media(min-width: 1920px) { [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .fast-forward-overlay h1, [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] [data-lightboxframe="true"] h1 { font-size: 80px !important; } [data-lightboxid="${widgetIdSelector}"] .lightbox-playlist-container legend { min-width: 0vw !important; } } ` stylesContainer.innerHTML = playlistStyling; // END - CSS Generation // HTML Generation Methods // Lightbox HTML const lightboxHTML = ` `; // Carousel Arrows SVG Code const carouselLeftArrowSVG = ` `; const carouselRightArrowSVG = ` `; // Carousel Layout HTML const carouselHTML = ` `; // Video Item Play Button Icon HTML function playButtonIcon() { const playbackButton = ` ` return playbackButton } // Grid Layout Video Item HTML function renderGridItem(item, playlistItem) { const { title, thumbnail, publishedDate, id, description } = item; const htmlRender = `
  • ${title} ${showPlayButtons ? playButtonIcon() : ''} ${ !playlistItem ? `
    ${playlistLayout !== 'carousel-multi' ? `


    ` : ''} ${instructionMessage === '' ? '' : `


    ` : '' }
    ${ showVideoInfo && !playlistItem ? `
    ${showTitleText ? `


    ` : ''} ${description !== '' && showDescriptionText ? `
    ` : ''}
    ` : '' } ${ playlistItem ? `


    ` : ''}
  • `; return htmlRender } // Set Thumbnail Episode Number Or Title Text function setThumbnailText(item) { const { titledEpisode, title } = item; if (!showAllVideoTypes) { return titledEpisode !== -1 ? `Episode ${titledEpisode}` : `${title}` } else return title; } // Event Methods function setCarouselThumbnail(element, item) { const { thumbnail } = item; element.querySelector('img').src = thumbnail.url; element.querySelector('img').width = thumbnail.width; element.querySelector('img').height = thumbnail.height; element.querySelector('h3').innerHTML = setThumbnailText(item); element.dataset.videoid = item.id; } // Carousel Layout Video Event Handling function carouselEventHandling() { // Select DOM Elements const carouselContainer = document.querySelector(`${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-layout`); const carouselFramesContainer = carouselContainer.querySelector('[data-carouselvideoitems="true"]'); const carouselFastForwardOverlay = carouselContainer.querySelector('[data-fastforwardoverlay="true"]'); const carouselFastForwardText = carouselFastForwardOverlay.querySelector('h3'); const carouselArrowLeft = carouselContainer.querySelector(`[data-carouselarrowdirection="left"]`); const carouselArrowRight = carouselContainer.querySelector(`[data-carouselarrowdirection="right"]`); const carouselArrows = [carouselArrowLeft, carouselArrowRight]; const startingCarouselFrame = carouselContainer.querySelector('[data-frameposition="0"]'); const leftCarouselFrame = carouselContainer.querySelector('[data-frameposition="-1"]'); const rightCarouselFrame = carouselContainer.querySelector('[data-frameposition="1"]'); const carouselFrames = carouselContainer.querySelectorAll('.video-item'); // Video Index Start let currentVideoIndex = 0; // Initialize Carousel Frame Images // Starting Frame setCarouselThumbnail(startingCarouselFrame, playListSorted[currentVideoIndex]); // Left Frame setCarouselThumbnail(leftCarouselFrame, playListSorted[playListSorted.length - 1]); // Right Frame setCarouselThumbnail(rightCarouselFrame, playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + 1] ? playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + 1] : playListSorted[currentVideoIndex] ); // Records When Last Time Carousel Was Advanced To Avoid User Click/Auto Interval Conflict let lastTimeAdvanced = new Date().getTime(); // Fast Forward Handling function toggleFastForward(enabled, item) { if (enabled) { carouselFastForwardOverlay.classList.remove('element-invisible'); carouselFramesContainer.classList.add('fast-forward-transitioning'); carouselFastForwardText.innerHTML = setThumbnailText(item); } else { carouselFastForwardText.innerHTML = ''; carouselFastForwardOverlay.classList.add('element-invisible'); carouselFramesContainer.classList.remove('fast-forward-transitioning'); } } // Left Arrow Click/Mousedown Event Handling function advanceCarouselLeft(transitionType, fastForward) { if (playListSorted[currentVideoIndex - 1]) { currentVideoIndex -= 1; } else currentVideoIndex = playListSorted.length - 1 if (fastForward && mouseDown) { toggleFastForward(true, playListSorted[currentVideoIndex]); } else toggleFastForward() carouselFrames.forEach(frame => frameTransitionHandler(frame, 'left', 'carousel', currentVideoIndex, transitionType, fastForward) ); } // Right Arrow Click/Mousedown And Auto Transitioning function advanceCarouselRight(transitionType, fastForward) { if (playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + 1]) { currentVideoIndex += 1; } else currentVideoIndex = 0; if (fastForward && mouseDown) { toggleFastForward(true, playListSorted[currentVideoIndex]); } else toggleFastForward() carouselFrames.forEach(frame => frameTransitionHandler(frame, 'right', 'carousel', currentVideoIndex, transitionType, fastForward) ); } // Left Arrow Click Event Listener carouselArrowLeft.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!mouseDown) { lastTimeAdvanced = new Date().getTime(); advanceCarouselLeft() } else { mouseDown = false; } clearInterval(mouseDownInterval); }); // Right Arrow Click Event Listener carouselArrowRight.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!mouseDown) { lastTimeAdvanced = new Date().getTime(); advanceCarouselRight() } else { mouseDown = false; } clearInterval(mouseDownInterval); }); // Mouse Hold Speed Through Carousel Frames Event Handling. Variables For Checking For Mouse Down And Running Repeat Interval let mouseDownInterval; let mouseDown = false; // Left Arrow Mouse Down Event Handler carouselArrowLeft.addEventListener('mousedown', () => { mouseDown = true; setTimeout(() => { if (mouseDown) { mouseDownInterval = setInterval(() => { if (mouseDown) { advanceCarouselLeft(null, true), fastForwardSpeed; } }, fastForwardSpeed); carouselArrowLeft.classList.add('carousel-arrow-hold-transitioning'); } }, 500) }) // Right Arrow Mouse Down Event Handler carouselArrowRight.addEventListener('mousedown', () => { mouseDown = true; setTimeout(() => { if (mouseDown) { mouseDownInterval = setInterval(() => { if (mouseDown) { advanceCarouselRight(null, true), fastForwardSpeed; } }, fastForwardSpeed); carouselArrowRight.classList.add('carousel-arrow-hold-transitioning'); } }, 500) }) // Arrow Mouse Up Event Handling window.addEventListener('mouseup', () => { mouseDown = false; clearInterval(mouseDownInterval); carouselArrowLeft.classList.remove('carousel-arrow-hold-transitioning'); carouselArrowRight.classList.remove('carousel-arrow-hold-transitioning'); toggleFastForward(); setTimeout(() => { mouseDown = false; carouselArrowLeft.classList.remove('carousel-arrow-hold-transitioning'); carouselArrowRight.classList.remove('carousel-arrow-hold-transitioning'); clearInterval(mouseDownInterval); }, 500) }); // Automatic Advance Right Interval Handler. Checks That User Hasn't Advanced The Carousel Via Clicking The Arrows During The carouselDelay Time Period setInterval(() => { if (new Date().getTime() - lastTimeAdvanced > carouselDelay * 0.5 && !lightboxToggled) { advanceCarouselRight('carouselAutomated') } }, carouselDelay); } // Carousel Multi Handler function carouselMultiHandlerInit() { let cTransitioning = false; function slideCarousel(direction) { const itemWidth = document.querySelector(`${widgetIdSelector} .video-item`).clientWidth; const carousel = document.querySelector(`${widgetIdSelector} .carousel-multi-items`); const carouselNodes = document.querySelectorAll(`${widgetIdSelector} .video-item`); if (carouselNodes.length % 2 === 0) { carousel.style.transform = `translateX(${(itemWidth / 2) + (gapBetweenGridVideos / 2)}px)`; } if (!cTransitioning) { cTransitioning = true; switch(direction) { case 'left': const lastRemoved = carouselNodes[carouselNodes.length - 1]; lastRemoved.remove(); carousel.prepend(lastRemoved); carousel.style.left = `-${itemWidth}px`; break; case 'right': const firstRemoved = carouselNodes[0]; firstRemoved.remove(); carousel.append(firstRemoved); carousel.style.left = `${itemWidth}px`; break; } setTimeout(() => { carousel.classList.add("transition-carousel"); carousel.style.left = `0px`; }, 10) setTimeout(() => { carousel.classList.remove("transition-carousel"); cTransitioning = false; }, carouselTransition) } } let dataIntCheck; let dataIntCounter = 0; function initCarousel() { dataIntCounter++; if (document.querySelector(`${widgetIdSelector} .video-item`)) { clearInterval(dataIntCheck); // Slide Once On Init slideCarousel("right"); // Auto Slide Carousel setInterval(() => { slideCarousel("right") }, carouselDelay); // Handle Clicking Of Arrows const arrowClickHandling = document.querySelectorAll("[data-carouselarrowdirection]"); arrowClickHandling.forEach(arrow => { arrow.addEventListener('click', () => { const direction = arrow.dataset.carouselarrowdirection; slideCarousel(direction); }); }); } if (dataIntCounter > 200) { clearInterval(dataIntCheck); } } dataIntCheck = setInterval(initCarousel, 50); } // Clear Lightbox function lightboxClear() { lightbox.innerHTML = ''; lightboxToggled = false; lightbox.classList.remove('show-lightbox'); html.classList.remove('hide-scroll'); } // Escape Key Event Listener function escapeKeyListener(e) { if(e.key === 'Escape') { lightboxClear(); } } // Lightbox and Carousel Arrow Click Event Handlers function frameTransitionHandler(frame, direction, type, currentVideoIndex, transitionType, fastForward) { const currentFrameData = playListSorted[currentVideoIndex]; const nextFrameData = playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + 1]; const previousFrameData = playListSorted[currentVideoIndex - 1]; const iframe = frame.querySelector('iframe'); const iframeText = frame.querySelector('h1'); const currentIframeUrl = currentFrameData ? lightboxFrameVideoBaseUrl + currentFrameData.id : null; const nextIframeUrl = nextFrameData ? lightboxFrameVideoBaseUrl + nextFrameData.id : null; const previousIframeUrl = previousFrameData ? lightboxFrameVideoBaseUrl + previousFrameData.id : null; const transitionSpeed = type === 'lightbox' ? frameTransition : transitionType === 'carouselAutomated' ? carouselTransition : type === 'carousel' && transitionType !== 'carouselAutomated' ? frameTransition : frameTransition if (type === 'carousel' && transitionType !== 'carouselAutomated') { frame.classList.add('carousel-fast-transition'); setTimeout(() => frame.classList.remove('carousel-fast-transition') ,transitionSpeed) } if (fastForward) { frame.classList.remove('frame-transitioning-show-text'); } switch(frame.dataset.frameposition) { case '-1': if (direction === 'left') { if (type === 'lightbox' && currentFrameData && iframe.src !== currentIframeUrl ) { iframe.src = currentIframeUrl iframeText.innerHTML= setThumbnailText(currentFrameData); } if (type === 'carousel' && currentFrameData) { setCarouselThumbnail(frame, currentFrameData) } setTimeout(() => { frame.classList.remove('frame-transitioning-show-text'); }, transitionSpeed) frame.classList.remove('frame-transition-left'); frame.dataset.frameposition = 0; } if (direction === 'right') { frame.classList.remove('frame-transition-left'); frame.classList.add('frame-transition-right'); frame.dataset.frameposition = 1; setTimeout(() => { if (type === 'lightbox' && nextFrameData) { iframe.src = nextIframeUrl; iframeText.innerHTML = setThumbnailText(nextFrameData); } if (type === 'carousel' && nextFrameData) { setCarouselThumbnail(frame, nextFrameData) } if (nextFrameData && !fastForward) { frame.classList.add('frame-transitioning-show-text'); } }, transitionSpeed) } break; case '0': if (direction === 'left') { frame.classList.add('frame-transition-right'); frame.dataset.frameposition = 1; setTimeout(() => { if (type === 'lightbox' && nextFrameData) { iframe.src = nextIframeUrl; iframeText.innerHTML = setThumbnailText(nextFrameData); } if (type === 'carousel' && nextFrameData) { setCarouselThumbnail(frame, nextFrameData) } if (nextFrameData && !fastForward) { frame.classList.add('frame-transitioning-show-text'); } }, transitionSpeed) } if (direction === 'right') { frame.classList.add('frame-transition-left'); frame.dataset.frameposition = -1; setTimeout(() => { if (type === 'lightbox' && previousFrameData) { iframe.src = previousIframeUrl; iframeText.innerHTML = setThumbnailText(previousFrameData); } if (type === 'carousel' && previousFrameData) { setCarouselThumbnail(frame, previousFrameData) } if (previousFrameData && !fastForward) { frame.classList.add('frame-transitioning-show-text'); } }, transitionSpeed) } break; case '1': if (direction === 'left') { frame.classList.remove('frame-transition-right'); frame.classList.add('frame-transition-left'); frame.dataset.frameposition = -1; setTimeout(() => { if (type === 'lightbox' && previousFrameData) { iframe.src = previousIframeUrl; iframeText.innerHTML = setThumbnailText(previousFrameData); } if (type === 'carousel' && previousFrameData) { setCarouselThumbnail(frame, previousFrameData) } if (previousFrameData && !fastForward) { frame.classList.add('frame-transitioning-show-text'); } }, transitionSpeed) } if (direction === 'right') { if (type === 'lightbox' && currentFrameData && iframe.src !== currentIframeUrl) { iframe.src = currentIframeUrl; iframeText.innerText = setThumbnailText(currentFrameData); } if (type === 'carousel' && currentFrameData) { setCarouselThumbnail(frame, currentFrameData) } if (currentFrameData && !fastForward) { frame.classList.add('frame-transitioning-show-text'); setTimeout(() => { frame.classList.remove('frame-transitioning-show-text'); }, transitionSpeed) } frame.classList.remove('frame-transition-right'); frame.dataset.frameposition = 0; } break; } } // Lightbox Activated Event Handler function lightboxActivateHandler(itemClicked, loadPlaylist) { lightboxToggled = true; // Select DOM Elements lightbox.innerHTML = ''; lightbox.innerHTML = lightboxHTML; let startingLightboxActive = lightbox.querySelector('[data-frameposition="0"]'); let lightboxStartingLeft = lightbox.querySelector('[data-frameposition="-1"]'); let lightboxStartingRight = lightbox.querySelector('[data-frameposition="1"]'); const lightboxFramesContainer = lightbox.querySelector('[data-lightboxframes="true"]'); const lightboxFrames = lightbox.querySelectorAll('[data-lightboxframe="true"]'); const lightboxFastForwardOverlay = lightbox.querySelector('[data-fastforwardoverlay="true"]'); const lightboxFastForwardText = lightboxFastForwardOverlay.querySelector('h1'); const lightboxArrowLeft = lightbox.querySelector('[data-lightboxarrowdirection="left"]'); const lightboxArrowRight = lightbox.querySelector('[data-lightboxarrowdirection="right"]'); const lightboxCloseButton = lightbox.querySelector('[data-lightboxclosebutton="true"]'); const lightboxPlayerContainer = lightbox.querySelector('[data-lightboxplayer="true"]'); const lightboxPlaylistContainer = lightbox.querySelector('[data-lightboxplaylistcontainer="true"]'); const lightboxPlaylistContent = lightbox.querySelector('[data-lightboxplaylistcontent="true"]'); const lightboxPlaylistButton = lightbox.querySelector('[data-lightboxplaylistbutton="true"]'); // Elements To Hide When User Idle In Lightbox After 5 Seconds const elementsToHideWhenIdle = lightbox.querySelectorAll('[data-hideonidle="true"]'); let mouseOverElement = false; let lastMouseOverTime = new Date().getTime(); const idleDelayTime = 5000; // Checks If Playlist Button Was Clicked And If So, Loads Playlist On Load showPlaylist = loadPlaylist ? true : false; // Checks If Lightbox Arrow Was Clicked let lightboxArrowClicked = false; // Monitors Mouse Movements And Clicks In Lightbox function lightboxMouseMoveHandler(e, elementsToHideWhenIdle) { mouseOverElement = false; lastMouseOverTime = new Date().getTime(); if (e && e.path) { e.path.forEach(p => { if (p.dataset && p.dataset.hideonidle) { mouseOverElement = true; } }) } if (elementsToHideWhenIdle && elementsToHideWhenIdle[0] !== null && !mouseOverElement) { elementsToHideWhenIdle.forEach(element => { if (!element.dataset.lightboxplaylistbutton) { element.classList.remove('element-invisible'); } if (element.dataset.lightboxplaylistbutton && showPlaylist && !element.classList.toString().includes('element-invisible')) { element.classList.add('element-invisible'); } if (!showPlaylist && element.dataset.lightboxplaylistbutton && element.classList.toString().includes('element-invisible')) { element.classList.remove('element-invisible'); } }); setTimeout(() => { if (!mouseOverElement && (new Date().getTime() - lastMouseOverTime) >= idleDelayTime && !showPlaylist) { elementsToHideWhenIdle.forEach(element => element.classList.add('element-invisible')); } }, idleDelayTime) } if (!playlistButton) { lightboxPlaylistButton.classList.add('element-invisible'); } } // Sets Data function setData(index) { return playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + index] } // Sets Video Id function setVideoId(index) { return playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + index].id } // Calls Upon lightboxMouseMoveHandler Function lightboxMouseMoveHandler(); lightbox.addEventListener('mousemove', e => lightboxMouseMoveHandler(e, elementsToHideWhenIdle)); lightbox.addEventListener('click', e => lightboxMouseMoveHandler(e, elementsToHideWhenIdle)); // Video Index And Base Url For Youtube Embed Iframe. Will Be Set To 0 If Returned Value Is -1 let currentVideoIndex; if (itemClicked) { currentVideoIndex = playListSorted.findIndex(video => video.id === itemClicked.dataset.id); } if (!currentVideoIndex || currentVideoIndex === -1) { currentVideoIndex = 0; } // Check For Starting Position To See If Arrows Should Be Shown Based Upon Starting Video Index Position And Set Corresponding Iframe Urls function initLightboxFrames() { startingLightboxActive = lightbox.querySelector('[data-frameposition="0"]'); lightboxStartingLeft = lightbox.querySelector('[data-frameposition="-1"]'); lightboxStartingRight = lightbox.querySelector('[data-frameposition="1"]'); lightboxFrames.forEach(frame => { frame.classList.remove('frame-transitioning-left'); frame.classList.remove('frame-transitioning-right'); }); if (!playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + 1]) { lightboxArrowRight.classList.add('disable-arrow'); } else { lightboxArrowRight.classList.remove('disable-arrow'); lightboxStartingRight.classList.add('frame-transitioning-right'); lightboxStartingRight.querySelector('iframe').src = lightboxFrameVideoBaseUrl + setVideoId(1); lightboxStartingRight.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = setThumbnailText(setData(1)); } if (!playListSorted[currentVideoIndex - 1]) { lightboxArrowLeft.classList.add('disable-arrow'); } else { lightboxArrowLeft.classList.remove('disable-arrow'); lightboxStartingRight.classList.add('frame-transitioning-left'); lightboxStartingLeft.querySelector('iframe').src = lightboxFrameVideoBaseUrl + setVideoId(-1); lightboxStartingLeft.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = setThumbnailText(setData(-1)); } // Check If Video Index Has Video And Check For Browser Window Width And Set For Lightbox Or Full Screen Iframe On Mobile, Tablet if (playListSorted[currentVideoIndex]) { if (window.innerWidth > mediaQueryMobileBreakpoint || showPlaylist) { startingLightboxActive.querySelector('iframe').src = lightboxFrameVideoBaseUrl + setVideoId(0); startingLightboxActive.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = setThumbnailText(setData(0)); } else window.open(lightboxFrameVideoBaseUrl + setVideoId(0)) } if (window.innerWidth > mediaQueryMobileBreakpoint || showPlaylist) { lightbox.classList.add('show-lightbox'); html.classList.add('hide-scroll'); } else { lightboxClear(); } } initLightboxFrames(); // Render Grid Items In Playlist Container lightboxPlaylistContent.innerHTML = gridItemsProcessing(playListSorted, true); // Event Listeners On Playlist Items Clicked const lightboxPlaylistItems = lightboxPlaylistContent.querySelectorAll('[data-itemclickable="true"]'); lightboxPlaylistItems.forEach(itemClicked => itemClicked.addEventListener('click', () => { currentVideoIndex = playListSorted.findIndex(video => video.id === itemClicked.dataset.id); toggleLightboxPlayerOrPlaylist(); initLightboxFrames(); }) ); // Records When Last Time Carousel Was Advanced To Avoid User Click/Auto Interval Conflict let lastTimeAdvanced = new Date().getTime(); // Event Listener On Exit Button Click To Exit LightBox lightboxCloseButton.addEventListener('click', lightboxClear); // Set lightboxArrowClicked To True For 500 Milliseconds Then Changed Back To False function setLightboxArrowToggled(fastForwarded) { lightboxArrowClicked = true; setTimeout(() => { lightboxArrowClicked = false; }, 250) } // Mouse Hold Speed Through Carousel Frames Event Handling. Variables For Checking For Mouse Down And Running Repeat Interval let mouseDownInterval; let mouseDown = false; // Fast Forward Handling function toggleFastForward(enabled, item) { if (enabled) { lightboxFastForwardOverlay.classList.remove('element-invisible'); lightboxFramesContainer.classList.add('fast-forward-transitioning'); lightboxFastForwardText.innerHTML = setThumbnailText(item); } else { lightboxFastForwardText.innerHTML = ''; lightboxFastForwardOverlay.classList.add('element-invisible'); lightboxFramesContainer.classList.remove('fast-forward-transitioning'); } } // Left Arrow Click/Mousedown And Auto Transitioning function advanceLightboxLeft(fastForward) { currentVideoIndex -= 1; if (playListSorted[currentVideoIndex - 1]) { lightboxArrowLeft.classList.remove('disable-arrow'); } else { clearFastForwarding(); lightboxArrowLeft.classList.add('disable-arrow'); } if (playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + 1]) { lightboxArrowRight.classList.remove('disable-arrow') } else lightboxArrowRight.classList.add('disable-arrow') if (fastForward && mouseDown && playListSorted[currentVideoIndex]) { lightboxArrowFastForwarded = true; toggleFastForward(true, playListSorted[currentVideoIndex]); } else { toggleFastForward(); } setLightboxArrowToggled(); lightboxFrames.forEach(frame => frameTransitionHandler(frame, 'left', 'lightbox', currentVideoIndex)); } // Right Arrow Click/Mousedown And Auto Transitioning function advanceLightboxRight(fastForward) { currentVideoIndex += 1; if (playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + 1]) { lightboxArrowRight.classList.remove('disable-arrow'); } else { clearFastForwarding(); lightboxArrowRight.classList.add('disable-arrow'); } if (playListSorted[currentVideoIndex - 1]) { lightboxArrowLeft.classList.remove('disable-arrow'); } else lightboxArrowLeft.classList.add('disable-arrow'); if (fastForward && mouseDown && playListSorted[currentVideoIndex]) { lightboxArrowFastForwarded = true; toggleFastForward(true, playListSorted[currentVideoIndex]); } else { toggleFastForward(); } setLightboxArrowToggled(); lightboxFrames.forEach(frame => frameTransitionHandler(frame, 'right', 'lightbox', currentVideoIndex)); } // Left Arrow Click Event Handler lightboxArrowLeft.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!mouseDown) { lastTimeAdvanced = new Date().getTime(); advanceLightboxLeft() } else { clearInterval(mouseDownInterval); mouseDown = false; } }); // Right Arrow Click Event Handler lightboxArrowRight.addEventListener('click', () => { if (!mouseDown) { lastTimeAdvanced = new Date().getTime(); advanceLightboxRight() } else { clearInterval(mouseDownInterval); mouseDown = false; } }); // Left Arrow Mouse Down Event Handler lightboxArrowLeft.addEventListener('mousedown', () => { mouseDown = true; setTimeout(() => { if (mouseDown && playListSorted[currentVideoIndex - 1]) { mouseDownInterval = setInterval(() => { if (mouseDown) { advanceLightboxLeft(true), fastForwardSpeed; } }, fastForwardSpeed); lightboxArrowLeft.classList.add('lightbox-arrow-hold-transitioning'); } }, 500) }); // Right Arrow Mouse Down Event Handler lightboxArrowRight.addEventListener('mousedown', () => { mouseDown = true; setTimeout(() => { if (mouseDown && playListSorted[currentVideoIndex + 1]) { mouseDownInterval = setInterval(() => { if (mouseDown) { advanceLightboxRight(true), fastForwardSpeed; } }, fastForwardSpeed); lightboxArrowRight.classList.add('lightbox-arrow-hold-transitioning'); } }, 500) }); // Arrow Mouse Up Event Handling function clearFastForwarding() { mouseDown = false; clearInterval(mouseDownInterval); mouseDownInterval = ''; lightboxArrowLeft.classList.remove('lightbox-arrow-hold-transitioning'); lightboxArrowRight.classList.remove('lightbox-arrow-hold-transitioning'); toggleFastForward(); setTimeout(() => { mouseDown = false; clearInterval(mouseDownInterval); lightboxArrowLeft.classList.remove('lightbox-arrow-hold-transitioning'); lightboxArrowRight.classList.remove('lightbox-arrow-hold-transitioning'); clearInterval(mouseDownInterval); }, 500); } window.addEventListener('mouseup', clearFastForwarding); // Playlist Button Event Listener function toggleLightboxPlayerOrPlaylist(initialized) { if (!initialized) { showPlaylist = !showPlaylist; } if (showPlaylist) { lightboxFrames.forEach(frame => { frame.querySelector('iframe').src = ''; frame.querySelector('h1').innerHTML = ''; }); lightboxPlaylistButton.classList.add('element-invisible'); lightboxPlayerContainer.classList.add('lightbox-container-off'); lightboxPlaylistContainer.classList.remove('lightbox-container-off'); } else { if (playlistButton) { lightboxPlaylistButton.classList.remove('element-invisible'); } else lightboxPlaylistButton.classList.add('element-invisible'); lightboxPlayerContainer.classList.remove('lightbox-container-off'); lightboxPlaylistContainer.classList.add('lightbox-container-off'); } } toggleLightboxPlayerOrPlaylist(true); lightboxPlaylistButton.addEventListener('click', () => toggleLightboxPlayerOrPlaylist()); } // Data Retrieval From LocalStorage / API Method async function getPlaylistItems() { // Local Storage Check And Retrieval If Found. If Found, Checks Timing So That The Current Time Minus The Stored Time Do Not Exceed timeStorageInterval Declaration let storedPlaylists = localStorage.getItem(playlistService === 'youtube' ? 'youtubePlaylists' : ''); let storedPlaylistId; if (storedPlaylists) { storedPlaylists = JSON.parse(storedPlaylists) const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); if (playlistService === 'youtube') { storedPlaylistId = storedPlaylists.find(list => list.items[0].snippet.playlistId === playlistId); } if (storedPlaylistId) { if (currentTime - storedPlaylistId.storedTime < timeStorageInterval) { storedPlaylistRetrieved = true; console.log(`Video playlist loaded from localStorage since the time stamp period was less than the ${timeStorageInterval / 60000} minute specified API call period.`); return { data: storedPlaylistId, ok: true } } } } // API Fetch If Local Storage Data Not Found Or If Local Storage Data Found And Time Stored Exceeded timeStorageInterval Declaration if (!storedPlaylistRetrieved){ try { const res = await fetch(fullPath); if (res.ok) { let data = await res.json(); // Youtube API Has A Limit Of Results Per Request Based Upon resultLimitPerRequest Declaration. If Total Results In Playlist Exceeds This, Multiple Requests Are Made To The Youtube API Until Total Results Retrieved Equals Total In Playlist. if (playlistService === 'youtube') { if (data.pageInfo.totalResults > resultLimitPerRequest) { let nextPageToken = data.nextPageToken; for (let totalVideos = data.items.length; totalVideos < data.pageInfo.totalResults; totalVideos) { const nextPageTokenPath = fullPath + `&pageToken=${nextPageToken}`; const page = await fetch(nextPageTokenPath); if (res.ok) { const pageData = await page.json(); data.items = [...data.items, ...pageData.items]; data.pageInfo.resultsPerPage += pageData.items.length; if (pageData.nextPageToken) { nextPageToken = pageData.nextPageToken } totalVideos += pageData.items.length } else { console.error(`There Was An Error Attempting To Load Additional Pages Of Videos. Total Videos Displayed May Be Less Than The Max Results Or Total On Playlist`); break; } } } } // Data Retrieved From API Saved / Updated In Local Storage data.storedTime = new Date().getTime(); if (playlistService === 'youtube') { if (storedPlaylists) { let revisedStoredPlaylists; if (storedPlaylistId) { revisedStoredPlaylists = storedPlaylists.map(list => { if (list.items[0].snippet.playlistId === playlistId) { return data } else return list }); } else revisedStoredPlaylists = [...storedPlaylists, data] localStorage.removeItem('youtubePlaylists'); localStorage.setItem('youtubePlaylists', JSON.stringify(revisedStoredPlaylists)); } else { localStorage.setItem('youtubePlaylists', JSON.stringify([data])); } console.log(`Video playlist loaded via API Call. Playlist saved/updated in localStorage`); return { status: res.status, ok: true, data } } // Error Handling If res.ok Is False } else { console.error(`Server responded with a ${res.status}.`); if (storedPlaylistId) { console.warn(apiErrMsg); return { data: storedPlaylistId, ok: true } } else return { status: res.status, ok: false, data: await res.json()} } // Error Handling If Connection To API Fails } catch(err) { console.error(err); if (storedPlaylistId) { console.warn(apiErrMsg) return { data: storedPlaylistId, ok: true } } else return { status: res.status, ok: false, data: {msg: 'Failed To Fetch'} } } } } // Data List Management Methods // Data List Sorting function listSorter(a, b) { const aTime = Date.parse(a.publishedDate); const bTime = Date.parse(b.publishedDate); switch (sortVideosBy) { case 'number-descending': return a.titledEpisode < b.titledEpisode ? 1 : -1; case 'number-ascending': return a.titledEpisode < b.titledEpisode ? -1 : 1; case 'date-descending': return aTime < bTime ? 1 : -1; case 'date-ascending': return aTime < bTime ? -1 : 1; } } // Episode Number Assigning function numberReducer(input) { let finalResult; function hasNumber(numCheck) { return numCheck.search(/[0-9]/) > -1 ? numCheck.search(/[0-9]/) : -1; } const hasOneDigit = hasNumber(input); if (hasOneDigit > -1) { input = input.slice(input.search(/[0-9]/)); finalResult = input[0]; for (let i = 1; hasNumber(input.slice(i)) > -1; i++) { finalResult += input[i] } return Number(finalResult) } else return -1 } // Grid Layout Handling function gridItemsProcessing(outputList, playlist) { return outputList.map(item => { if (!item.id) { console.error(`Playlist Item Failed To Load Due To Insufficient Data`); failedItemTally++ } else if (!item.title) { console.error(`Video Playlist Item ${item.id} Did Not Have A Title And Could Not Be Loaded.`) } else if (item.title.toLowerCase() === 'deleted video' || item.title.toLowerCase() === 'private video') { console.error(`Video Playlist Item ${item.id} Could Not Be Loaded As Its Status Is: ${item.title}`); } else if (sortVideosBy === 'number-ascending' || sortVideosBy === 'number-descending' && item.titledEpisode.toString() === 'NaN') { console.error(`Video Playlist Item ${item.id} Entitled "${item.title}" Could Not Be Loaded As Number(s) Were Detected In Its Title Name But Could Not Generate An Episode Number. This Can Occur If The Video Title Has Two Or More Numbers In It. It Must Have Only One Number In Its Title Name That Pertains To Its Episode Number When Sorting Videos In The "${sortVideosBy}" Mode. If This Is The Case, Please Change It's Title Name Accordingly.`) } else return renderGridItem(item, playlist); }).join('') } // END - Data List Management Methods // CONTROLLER - Initialization For Data Retrieval, Data Management, HTML Render, And Event Listener Initializations getPlaylistItems().then(res => { if (res.ok) { pageOutputList = playlistService === 'youtube' ? [...res.data.items] : []; // Map Out Title, Episode Number, Video Id, And Thumbnail Image pageOutputList = pageOutputList.map(item => { const itemOutput = { }; if (item) { if (playlistService === 'youtube') { if (item.snippet) { const { snippet } = item; if (snippet.title) { itemOutput.titledEpisode = numberReducer(snippet.title) itemOutput.title = snippet.title; } else { itemOutput.titledEpisode = null; itemOutput.title = null; } if (snippet.resourceId && snippet.resourceId.videoId) { itemOutput.id = snippet.resourceId.videoId } else itemOutput.id = null; if (snippet.thumbnails) { const thumbnails = snippet.thumbnails; itemOutput.thumbnail = thumbnails.maxres ? thumbnails.maxres : thumbnails.standard ? thumbnails.standard : thumbnails.high ? thumbnails.high : thumbnails.medium ? thumbnails.medium : thumbnails.default; } else itemOutput.thumbnail = null; if (snippet.publishedAt) { itemOutput.publishedDate = snippet.publishedAt } else itemOutput.publishedDate = null; if (snippet.description) { itemOutput.description = snippet.description; } else itemOutput.description = null; } else return null itemOutput.titledEpisode = numberReducer(item.snippet.title) } } else itemOutput.id = null return itemOutput }); // Checks If Playlist Is Empty if (!pageOutputList[0].id) { console.warn('Failed To Load Playlist Due To Lack Of Sufficient Data. Playlist May Be Empty'); playlistItems.innerHTML = `

    The Playlist Is Currently Empty.

    ` return } // Filter By Name if (filterByName) { pageOutputList = pageOutputList.filter(item => item.title.toLowerCase().includes(filterNameParameters)); } // Sorting for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) { pageOutputList.sort((a, b) => listSorter(a, b)); } // If showAllVideoTypes Is False, Check Through Filters if (!showAllVideoTypes) { // Removes Duplicates If Found pageOutputList = pageOutputList.filter((item, index) => { if (pageOutputList[index + 1]) { return pageOutputList[index + 1].titledEpisode !== item.titledEpisode ? true : false; } else return true }); // Filter By Episode Range If listByRange Is True if (listByRange) { pageOutputList = pageOutputList.filter(item => item.titledEpisode >= fromEpisodeNumber && item.titledEpisode <= toEpisodeNumber); } // Filter Out Numbered Episodes Only Non Numbered Episodes Are Shown If showNonNumberedEpisodesOnly Is True if (showNonNumberedEpisodesOnly) { pageOutputList = pageOutputList.filter(item => item.titledEpisode === - 1); } // Filter Out Non Numbered Episodes If hideNonNumberedVideos Is True if (hideNonNumberedVideos) { pageOutputList = pageOutputList.filter(item => item.titledEpisode !== - 1); } } // Capture All Videos After Filtering And Sorting Before Quantity For Output Is Reduced If showAllInLightbox Is True To Show All Videos In Lightbox if (showAllInLightbox) { playListSorted = [...pageOutputList]; } // Reduces Amount Of Video Thumbnails To Be Displayed On Page if (maxResults < pageOutputList.length && limitVideos) { pageOutputList = pageOutputList.filter((item, index) => (index + 1) <= maxResults); } // Make playListSorted Show The Same as pageOutputList if showAllInLightbox Is False if (!showAllInLightbox) { playListSorted = [...pageOutputList]; } // Check If All Items Being Displayed On Page All Have Descriptions. If Not, showVideoInfo Will Be Set To False if (playListSorted.some(item => !item.description)) { showVideoInfo = false; } // Meta Tag Generating Of Each Episode For SEO's const headTag = document.querySelector("head"); pageOutputList.forEach(item => { const metaTag = document.createElement("meta"); metaTag.name = setThumbnailText(item); metaTag.content = item.description ? item.description : "TV Episode"; headTag.appendChild(metaTag); }); // HTML Rendering // Grid Layout Rendering const gridListMapping = '
      ' + gridItemsProcessing(pageOutputList) + '
    '; if (playlistLayout === 'grid') { playlistItems.innerHTML = gridListMapping; } // Carousel Layout Rendering if (playlistLayout === 'carousel') { playlistItems.innerHTML = carouselHTML; carouselEventHandling(); } // Carousel Multi Layout Rendering const carouselMultiMapping = carouselLeftArrowSVG + '' + carouselRightArrowSVG; if (playlistLayout === 'carousel-multi') { playlistItems.innerHTML = carouselMultiMapping; carouselMultiHandlerInit(); } // Playlist View Button If playlistButton Is Set To True // Checks If Total Items Is Less Than Or Equal To maxResults if (!limitVideos) { playlistButton = false; } if (limitVideos && playListSorted.length <= maxResults) { playlistButton = false; } function initializePlaylistPageButton() { if (playlistButton) { const buttonContainer = document.createElement('button'); buttonContainer.classList.add('playlist-button-page'); buttonContainer.dataset.playlistbuttonpage = 'true'; buttonContainer.innerText = playlistButtonText; playlistItems.appendChild(buttonContainer); document.querySelector(`${widgetIdSelector} [data-playlistbuttonpage="true"]`) .addEventListener('click', () => lightboxActivateHandler(null, true)) } } initializePlaylistPageButton(); // Error Logging if (failedItemTally > 0) { console.error(`${failedItemTally} Playlist Items Failed To Load.`) } // Click Event Listener Initialization After HTML Rendering Of Video Items let items = document.querySelectorAll(`${widgetIdSelector} [data-itemclickable="true"]`); function listenOnItemsClick() { items = document.querySelectorAll(`${widgetIdSelector} [data-itemclickable="true"]`); items.forEach(item => { item.addEventListener('click', () => lightboxActivateHandler(item)); }); } listenOnItemsClick(); // Escape Key And Click Event Listener Initialization For Lightbox window.addEventListener('keyup', escapeKeyListener); // lightbox.addEventListener('click', (e) => lightboxActivateHandler(lightbox, e)); window.addEventListener('resize', () => { if (!showPlaylist && window.innerWidth < mediaQueryMobileBreakpoint) { lightboxClear(); } }); } else { let errMsg; console.error(res.data) if (playlistService === 'youtube') { errMsg = res.data.error.message } // Error Message If Data Failed To Load playlistItems.innerHTML = `

    There was an error loading the ${playlistService} playlist. ${errMsg}

    ` } }); // END CONTROLLER }