// ==UserScript== // @name Cell Identification Helper // @namespace KrzysztofKruk-FlyWire // @version 0.3.1 // @description Helps typing in neurons' names // @author Krzysztof Kruk // @match https://ngl.flywire.ai/* // @match https://edit.flywire.ai/* // @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest // @grant unsafeWindow // @connect services.itanna.io // @connect prod.flywire-daf.com // @updateURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChrisRaven/FlyWire-Cell-Identification-Helper/main/Cell-identification-helper.user.js // @downloadURL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ChrisRaven/FlyWire-cell-Identification-Helper/main/Cell-identification-helper.user.js // @homepageURL https://github.com/ChrisRaven/FlyWire-Cell-Identification-Helper // ==/UserScript== if (!document.getElementById('dock-script')) { let script = document.createElement('script') script.id = 'dock-script' script.src = typeof DEV !== 'undefined' ? '' : 'https://chrisraven.github.io/FlyWire-Dock/Dock.js' document.head.appendChild(script) } let wait = setInterval(() => { if (unsafeWindow.dockIsReady) { unsafeWindow.GM_xmlhttpRequest = GM_xmlhttpRequest clearInterval(wait) main() } }, 100) let userId let storage let entries = {} let currentLabel = '' function save(label, values) { storage.set(label, { value: values }) } function get(label, callback) { storage.get(label).then(res => { const content = res[label] callback(content) }) } function main() { storage = unsafeWindow.Sifrr.Storage.getStorage('indexeddb') let checkClose // getting the userId fetch('https://global.daf-apis.com/auth/api/v1/user/me?middle_auth_token=' + localStorage.getItem('auth_token')) .then(res => res.json()) .then(data => userId = data.id) get('kk-identifier', ents => { if (!ents || typeof ents !== 'object' || (Object.hasOwn(ents, 'value') && ents.value === undefined)) { entries = {} } else { entries = ents } }) get('kk-identifier-label', label => currentLabel = label) let dock = new Dock() const addedIdentificator = document.createElement('div') addedIdentificator.id = 'kk-identifier-added-identificator' addedIdentificator.classList.add('kk-added-identificator-hidden') document.body.appendChild(addedIdentificator) dock.addAddon({ name: 'Identifier', id: 'kk-cell-identification-helper', html: generateHtml(), events: { '#kk-identifier-get-cells': { click: getCells } } }) function generateHtml() { return /*html*/` ` } function getCells() { Dock.dialog({ id: 'kk-identifier-get-cells-dialog', okLabel: 'Close', width: 1150, okCallback: () => {}, html: getCellsDialogContent(), afterCreateCallback: () => { fillIdentifierDialog() addIdentifierDialogEvents() updateNumberOfEnrtries() }, destroyAfterClosing: true }).show() } function getCellsDialogContent() { return /*html*/`
Current label:
Number of entries: 0
` } function fillIdentifierDialog() { document.getElementById('kk-identifier-current-label').value = currentLabel || '' if (!entries || !Object.keys(entries).length) return let html = /*html*/`ROOT IDCOORDSLABELACTIONSSTATUS` Object.entries(entries).forEach(entry => { entry = entry[1] let coords = entry.coords.map(en => { return Math.floor(en) }) html += /*html*/` ${entry.id} (${coords.join(', ')}) ${entry.label} ` }) document.getElementById('kk-identifier-cells-table').innerHTML = html } function updateNumberOfEnrtries() { const numberOfEntries = document.querySelectorAll('#kk-identifier-cells-table .id').length document.getElementById('kk-identifier-entries-counter').textContent = numberOfEntries } function addIdentifierDialogEvents() { document.getElementById('kk-identifier-label-save').addEventListener('click', e => { const labelField = document.getElementById('kk-identifier-current-label') const newLabel = labelField.value if (newLabel) { currentLabel = newLabel save('kk-identifier-label', currentLabel) } else { labelField.value = currentLabel || '' } }) document.getElementById('kk-identifier-submit-all').addEventListener('click', () => { identifierSubmitAll() }) document.getElementById('kk-identifier-clear-all').addEventListener('click', () => { identifierClearAll() updateNumberOfEnrtries() }) document.getElementById('kk-identifier-copy-ids')?.addEventListener('click', () => { const ids = [] document.querySelectorAll('#kk-identifier-cells-table .id').forEach(id => { ids.push(id.textContent) }) navigator.clipboard.writeText(ids.join(',')).then(() => { Dock.dialog({ id: 'kk-identifier-ids-copied-to-clipboard-dialog', html: 'IDs have been copied to the clipboard', okLabel: 'OK', okCallback: () => {}, destroyAfterClosing: true }).show() }) }) document.getElementById('kk-identifier-copy-by-label')?.addEventListener('click', () => { Dock.dialog({ id: 'kk-identifier-copy-by-label-dialog', width: 800, html: getHtml(), afterCreateCallback: afterCreateCallback, okLabel: 'Close', okCallback: () => {}, destroyAfterClosing: true }).show() // source: ChatGPT function convertMap(map) { const result = {}; for (const [id, label] of map) { if (result[label]) { result[label].push(id); } else { result[label] = [id]; } } return result; } function getHtml() { const entries = document.getElementsByClassName('kk-identifier-cells-table-row') const idTypeMap = new Map() entries.forEach(entry => idTypeMap.set(entry.dataset.id, entry.getElementsByClassName('label')[0].textContent)) const typeIdMap = convertMap(idTypeMap) let html = /*html*/` ` Object.entries(typeIdMap).forEach(entry => { html += `` }) html += '
${entry[0]}${entry[1].join(', ')}
' return html } function afterCreateCallback() { document.getElementById('kk-identifier-groupped-labels-table').addEventListener('click', e => { if (!e.target.classList.contains('copy')) return const row = e.target.parentNode.parentNode const ids = row.getElementsByClassName('ids')[0].textContent.replace(/\s/g, '') const label = row.getElementsByClassName('label')[0].textContent navigator.clipboard.writeText(ids).then(() => { Dock.dialog({ id: 'kk-identifier-groupped-labels-copied-dialog', width: 400, html: `IDs for label${label}have been copied to the clipboard`, okLabel: 'Close', okCallback: () => {} }).show() }) }) } }) document.getElementById('kk-identifier-cells-table').addEventListener('click', e => { switch (e.target.className) { case 'kk-identifier-submit': identifierSubmitCell(e.target); break case 'kk-identifier-edit': identifierEditCell(e.target); break case 'kk-identifier-remove': identifierRemoveCell(e.target); break case 'kk-identifier-jump': identifierJumpToCell(e.target); break } }) function identifierSubmitCell(row) { const parent = row.parentElement.parentElement const id = parent.dataset.id const coords = entries[id].coords const label = entries[id].label const authToken = localStorage.getItem('auth_token') const statusTableCell = parent.getElementsByClassName('status')[0] const url = `https://prod.flywire-daf.com/neurons/api/v1/submit_cell_identification?valid_id=${id}&submit=1&location=${ coords.join(',')}&tag=${encodeURIComponent(label)}` let status = 'Submitting...' statusTableCell.style.color = '#FFF' let options = {} options.method = 'POST' options.url = url options.cookie = 'middle_auth_token=' + authToken options.onload = function(response) { if (response.responseText.includes('Submitted successfully')) { status = 'Success' statusTableCell.style.color = '#0F0' delete entries[id] save('kk-identifier', entries) setTimeout(() => { parent.remove() updateNumberOfEnrtries() }, 1000) } else { status = 'Error' statusTableCell.style.color = '#F00' } statusTableCell.textContent = status } statusTableCell.textContent = status GM_xmlhttpRequest(options) } function identifierEditCell(row) { const parent = row.parentElement.parentElement const id = parent.dataset.id const oldName = entries[id].label Dock.dialog({ id: 'kk-identifier-edit-cell', html: ``, okCallback: saveLabel, okLabel: 'Save', cancelCallback: () => {}, destroyAfterClosing: true }).show() function saveLabel() { const newLabel = document.getElementById('kk-identifier-edit-cell-name').value if (!newLabel) { Dock.dialog({ id: 'kk-identifier-edit-cell-error', html: 'Label cannot be empty', cancelLabel: 'Close', cancelCallback: () => {}, destroyAfterClosing: true }).show() } else { parent.getElementsByClassName('label')[0].textContent = newLabel entries[id].label = newLabel save('kk-identifier', entries) } } } function identifierRemoveCell(row) { const tableRow = row.parentElement.parentElement const id = tableRow.dataset.id Dock.dialog({ id: 'kk-identifier-remove-cell', html: `
Are you sure, you want to remove entry for cell ${id}
`, okCallback: removeCell, okLabel: 'Yes', cancelCallback: () => {}, cancelLabel: 'No', width: 300 }).show() function removeCell() { tableRow.remove() delete entries[id] save('kk-identifier', entries) updateNumberOfEnrtries() } } function identifierJumpToCell(row) { const id = row.parentElement.parentElement.dataset.id const coords = entries[id].coords Dock.jumpToCoords(coords) } function identifierSubmitAll() { document.getElementsByClassName('kk-identifier-submit').forEach(el => el.click()) } function identifierClearAll() { Dock.dialog({ id: 'kk-identifier-clear-all-warning', html: 'Are you sure, you want to remove all the entries?', okLabel: 'Yes', cancelLabel: 'No', okCallback: confirmed, cancelCallback: () => {} }).show() function confirmed() { entries = {} save('kk-identifier', entries) document.getElementById('kk-identifier-cells-table').remove() updateNumberOfEnrtries() } } } document.addEventListener('fetch', result => { if (!result.detail.url.includes('/root?')) return let counter = 50 let wait = setInterval(() => { if (!--counter) { clearInterval(wait) } form = document.querySelector('input[title="segmentID"]') if (!form) return form = form.parentNode.parentNode if (form.firstChild.textContent === 'Error') return console.log('Error detected') checkClose = setInterval(checkForClear, 500) if (!document.getElementById('kk-cih-wrapper')) { addCode() } if (wasClosed) { wasClosed = false clearFields() } clearInterval(wait) }, 100) }) document.addEventListener('keyup', e => { if (e.key !== '/' && e.key !== '-' && e.key !== '`') return if (e.target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') return if ((e.target.tagName === 'INPUT') && ['text', 'password', 'email', 'number'].contains(e.target.type)) return const coords = Dock.getCurrentCoords() // coords[1] += 10 const mouseRootId = viewer.mouseState.pickedValue.toJSON() Dock.getRootIdByCoords(...coords, (rootId) => { const identificator = document.getElementById('kk-identifier-added-identificator') identificator.classList.remove('kk-added-identificator-hidden') setTimeout(() => identificator.classList.add('kk-added-identificator-hidden'), 1000) if (!rootId || mouseRootId !== rootId) { identificator.style.backgroundColor = 'red' return } identificator.style.backgroundColor = 'lime' entries[rootId] = { id: rootId, coords: coords, label: currentLabel } save('kk-identifier', entries) }) }) function checkForClear() { if (!document.getElementsByClassName('overlay-content').length) { clearInterval(checkClose) wasClosed = true } } addCss() } let form = null let textarea = null let longName = '' let shortName = '' let number = '' let isPutative = false let wasClosed = true function addCode() { form.firstChild.style.margin = 0 form.firstChild.nextSibling.style.fontSize = '12px' form.firstChild.nextSibling.style.paddingBottom = 0 form.forEach(node => { if (node.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') { textarea = node textarea.style.width = '100%' textarea.style.height = '80px' } }) let html = `
` if (!textarea) return textarea.insertAdjacentHTML('beforebegin', html) addEvents() } function generateHtmlList() { const list = [ ['Centrifugal', 'C'], ['Distal medulla', 'Dm'], ['Lamina intrinsic', 'Lai'], ['Lamina monopolar', 'L'], ['Lamina wide field', 'Lawf'], ['Lobula columnar', 'Lc'], ['Lobula-lobula plate columnar', 'LLPC'], ['Lobula plate-lobula columnar', 'LPLC'], ['Lobula intrinsic', 'Li'], ['Lobula plate intrinsic', 'Lpi'], ['Lobula tangential', 'Lt'], ['Medulla intrinsic', 'Mi'], ['Medulla tangential', 'Mt'], ['Optic lobe tangential', 'Olt'], ['Proximal medulla', 'Pm'], ['Retinula axon', 'R'], ['T', ''], ['Translobula', 'Tl'], ['Translobula-plate', 'Tlp'], ['Transmedullary', 'Tm'], ['Transmedullary Y', 'TmY'], ['Y', ''] ] let html = '' } function generateHtmlNumbersGrid() { return /*html*/ `
a b c
d e Y
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

` } function addEvents() { document.getElementById('kk-cih-digit-grid').addEventListener('click', e => { if (!e.target.classList.contains('kk-cih-digit')) return const digit = e.target.textContent document.getElementById('kk-cih-digit-grid-result').value += digit number = document.getElementById('kk-cih-digit-grid-result').value changeName() }) document.getElementById('kk-cih-digit-grid-clear').addEventListener('click', e => { document.getElementById('kk-cih-digit-grid-result').value = '' number = '' changeName() }) document.getElementById('kk-cih-selection').addEventListener('change', e => { longName = e.target.value let selectedOption = e.target.options[e.target.selectedIndex] shortName = Object.keys(selectedOption.dataset).length ? selectedOption.dataset.short : '' changeName() }) document.getElementById('kk-cih-putative').addEventListener('change', e => { isPutative = e.target.checked changeName() }) document.getElementById('kk-cih-digit-grid-result').addEventListener('input', e => { number = e.target.value changeName() }) } function changeName() { let fullName = '' if (isPutative) { fullName += 'Putative ' } if (shortName) { if (number) { fullName += `${longName} ${number}; ${shortName}${number}` } else { fullName += `${longName}; ${shortName}` } } else { fullName += `${longName}${number}` // no space here, hence the whole condition } textarea.value = fullName } function clearFields() { const selection = document.getElementById('kk-cih-selection') if (!selection) return selection.selectedIndex = -1 document.getElementById('kk-cih-digit-grid-result').value = '' document.getElementById('kk-cih-putative').checked = false longName = '' shortName = '' number = '' isPutative = false } function addCss() { const style = document.createElement('style') style.type = 'text/css' style.textContent = /*css*/` #kk-cih-digit-grid span { display: inline-block; padding: 0 5px; border: 1px solid #13d7ec; cursor: pointer; width: 10px; height: 20px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; } .kk-cih-digit-grid-empty { border: none !important; } #kk-cih-digit-grid-clear { width: 72px; height: 20px; border: 1px solid #13d7ec; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; cursor: pointer; } #kk-cih-digit-grid-suffix { font-size: 14px; margin-top: 20px; margin-left: -14px; } #kk-cih-digit-grid-result { width: 100px; height: 30px; margin-left: -14px; border: 1px solid #13d7ec; background-color: #3b686c; text-align: right; font-size: 18px; } #kk-cih-selection { display: inline-block; overflow-y: auto; font-size: 12px; } #kk-cih-digit-grid { display: inline-block; } #kk-cih-wrapper { display: flex; justify-content: space-around; } #kk-cih-putative { font-size: 14px; vertical-align: text-top; } #kk-cih-digit-grid label { margin-bottom: 20px; display: inline-block; } #kk-identifier-get-cells-dialog { height: 80vh; } #kk-identifier-cells-table-wrapper { height: 60vh; overflow-y: auto; } #kk-identifier-cells-table { font-size: 12px; } #kk-identifier-cells-table tr:nth-child(1) { top: 0; position: sticky; background-color: #222; box-shadow: 0 2px 2px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 40%); } .kk-identifier-cells-table-row td { padding: 0 10px; } .kk-identifier-cells-table-row .coords { width: 160px; } .kk-identifier-cells-table-row .label { width: 300px; } .kk-identifier-cells-table-row .actions { width: 325px; text-align: center; } .kk-identifier-cells-table-row .status { width: 120px; } .kk-identifier-cells-table-row:nth-child(even) { background-color: #333; } .content > div > input#kk-identifier-current-label { width: 600px; margin: 20px; } .content > div > button#kk-identifier-submit-all, .content > div > button#kk-identifier-clear-all { width: 80px; margin-bottom: 10px; } #kk-identifier-added-identificator { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; margin: 0; width: 20px; height: 20px; background-color: lime; z-index: 30; } .kk-added-identificator-hidden { display: none; } .kk-added-identificator-error { background-color: #F00; } #kk-identifier-get-cells-dialog button#kk-identifier-copy-by-label { width: 100px; } #kk-identifier-groupped-labels-table { font-size: 12px; } #kk-identifier-groupped-labels-table td { padding-right: 10px; } #kk-identifier-groupped-labels-table td:nth-child(1) { width: 400px; max-width: 400px; } #kk-identifier-groupped-labels-table td:nth-child(2) { width: 300px; max-width: 300px; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } #kk-identifier-groupped-labels-copied-dialog { font-size: 12px; } #kk-identifier-groupped-labels-copied-dialog span { display: block; color: orange; margin: 15px 0; } ` document.head.appendChild(style) }