rosewater: &rosewater "#f5e0dc" flamingo: &flamingo "#f2cdcd" pink: &pink "#f5c2e7" mauve: &mauve "#cba6f7" red: &red "#f38ba8" maroon: &maroon "#eba0ac" peach: &peach "#fab387" yellow: &yellow "#f9e2af" green: &green "#a6e3a1" teal: &teal "#94e2d5" sky: &sky "#89dceb" sapphire: &sapphire "#74c7ec" blue: &blue "#89b4fa" lavender: &lavender "#b4befe" text: &text "#cdd6f4" subtext1: &subtext1 "#bac2de" subtext0: &subtext0 "#a6adc8" overlay2: &overlay2 "#9399b2" overlay1: &overlay1 "#7f849c" overlay0: &overlay0 "#6c7086" surface2: &surface2 "#585b70" surface1: &surface1 "#45475a" surface0: &surface0 "#313244" base: &base "#1e1e2e" mantle: &mantle "#181825" crust: &crust "#11111b" crust_tp: &crust_tp "#11111bcc" general: # Whether to automatically focus windows underneath the cursor. focus_follows_cursor: false # Whether to jump the cursor between windows focused by the WM. cursor_follows_focus: false # Whether to switch back and forth between the previously focused workspace # when focusing the current workspace. toggle_workspace_on_refocus: true # Whether to show floating windows as always on top. show_floating_on_top: false # Amount to move floating windows by (eg. when using `alt+` on a floating window) floating_window_move_amount: "5%" # Whether to center new floating windows. center_new_floating_windows: true # *Strongly* recommended to set to 'false'. Whether to globally enable/disable # window transition animations (on minimize, close, etc). Set to 'unchanged' # to make no setting changes. window_animations: "unchanged" gaps: # Gap between adjacent windows. inner_gap: "2" # Gap between windows and the screen edge. outer_gap: "1" # Highlight active/inactive windows with a colored border. # ** Exclusive to Windows 11 due to API limitations. focus_borders: active: enabled: true color: "#0000ff" inactive: enabled: false color: "#ff0000" bar: height: "28px" position: "top" opacity: 1.0 background: *crust_tp foreground: *blue font_family: "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font" font_size: "13px" padding: "4px 6px" offset_x: "0" offset_y: "0" border_radius: "0" component_separator: label: "  " components_left: #- type: "tiling direction" # label_horizontal: "⮂" # label_vertical: "⮁" # background: *crust_tp # margin: "0 4px" # padding: "0 8px" - type: "workspaces" focused_workspace_background: *blue focused_workspace_foreground: *crust displayed_workspace_background: *surface0 default_workspace_background: "transparent" - type: "music" label_not_playing: " -- --" label_paused: " {song_title} - {artist_name}" label_playing: " {song_title} - {artist_name}" max_title_length: 30 max_artist_length: 20 - type: "volume" label_low: " {volume_level}%" label_medium: " {volume_level}%" label_high: " {volume_level}%" label_mute: " {volume_level}%" components_center: - type: "window title" components_right: - type: "system tray" # - type: "system tray" #- type: "network" # label_no_internet: "NC" # label_ethernet: "Eth" # label_wifi_strength0: "WiFi: 0%" # label_wifi_strength25: "WiFi: 25%" # label_wifi_strength50: "WiFi: 50%" # label_wifi_strength75: "WiFi: 75%" # label_wifi_strength100: "WiFi: 100%" - type: "clock" # Documentation on formatting date/time string: # # time_formatting: "hh:mm tt ddd MMM d" time_formatting: "yyyy-dd-MM HH:mm" workspaces: - name: "1" # display_name: "󰋞" display_name: "home" keep_alive: true - name: "2" # display_name: "" # centered, small # display_name: "" display_name: "web" - name: "3" # display_name: "" # display_name: "" # display_name: "" display_name: "comms" - name: "4" # display_name: "󰂺" # display_name: "" - name: "5" # display_name: "" - name: "6" # display_name: "" - name: "7" # display_name: "" - name: "8" # display_name: "" - name: "9" # display_name: "" window_rules: # Task Manager requires admin privileges to manage and should be ignored unless running # the WM as admin. - command: "ignore" match_process_name: "/Taskmgr|ScreenClippingHost/" # Launches system dialogs as floating by default (eg. File Explorer save/open dialog). - command: "set floating" match_class_name: "#32770" # Do not manage picture-in-picture windows for browsers. Note that the default is for # English; change `match_title` to the window's title if you use another language. - command: "ignore" match_title: "[Pp][Pp]icture" match_class_name: "Chrome_WidgetWin_1|MozillaDialogClass" # Some applications (eg. Steam) have borders that extend past the normal border size. - command: "resize borders 0px -7px -7px -7px" match_process_name: "steam" - command: "ignore" match_process_name: "eso64|DaggerfallUnity|valheim|OpenMW|openmw|openmw.exe" - command: "move to workspace 2" match_process_name: "firefox|thorium" - command: "move to workspace 3" match_process_name: "Discord|mailspring|slack" binding_modes: - name: "resize" keybindings: # Resize focused window by a percentage or pixel amount. - command: "resize width -2%" bindings: ["H", "Left"] - command: "resize width +2%" bindings: ["L", "Right"] - command: "resize height +2%" bindings: ["K", "Up"] - command: "resize height -2%" bindings: ["J", "Down"] # Press enter/escape to return to default keybindings. - command: "binding mode none" bindings: ["Escape", "Enter"] keybindings: - command: "exec 'C:\\Program Files\\Thorium\\Application\\thorium.exe'" bindings: ["Alt+B"] - command: "exec wt" bindings: ["Alt+X"] - command: "exec explorer" bindings: ["Alt+E"] - command: "exec '%LOCALAPPDATA%\\Programs\\cursor\\Cursor.exe'" bindings: ["Alt+W"] # Shift focus in a given direction. - command: "focus left" bindings: ["Alt+H", "Alt+Left"] - command: "focus right" bindings: ["Alt+L", "Alt+Right"] - command: "focus up" bindings: ["Alt+K", "Alt+Up"] - command: "focus down" bindings: ["Alt+J", "Alt+Down"] # Move focused window in a given direction. - command: "move left" bindings: ["Alt+Shift+H", "Alt+Shift+Left"] - command: "move right" bindings: ["Alt+Shift+L", "Alt+Shift+Right"] - command: "move up" bindings: ["Alt+Shift+K", "Alt+Shift+Up"] - command: "move down" bindings: ["Alt+Shift+J", "Alt+Shift+Down"] # Resize focused window by a percentage or pixel amount. - command: "resize width -2%" binding: "Alt+U" - command: "resize width +2%" binding: "Alt+P" - command: "resize height +2%" binding: "Alt+O" - command: "resize height -2%" binding: "Alt+I" # As an alternative to the resize keybindings above, resize mode enables resizing via # HJKL or arrow keys. The binding mode is defined above with the name "resize". - command: "binding mode resize" binding: "Alt+R" # Change tiling direction. This determines where new tiling windows will be inserted. - command: "tiling direction toggle" binding: "Alt+V" # Change focus between floating / tiling windows. - command: "focus mode toggle" binding: "Alt+Space" # Change the focused window to be floating / tiling. - command: "toggle floating" binding: "Alt+Shift+Space" # Change the focused window to be maximized / unmaximized. - command: "toggle maximized" binding: "Alt+X" # Minimize focused window. - command: "set minimized" binding: "Alt+M" # Close focused window. - command: "close" binding: "Alt+Q" # Kill GlazeWM process safely. - command: "exit wm" binding: "Alt+Shift+E" # Re-evaluate configuration file. - command: "reload config" binding: "Alt+Shift+R" # Launch CMD terminal (alternatively `exec wt` or `exec %ProgramFiles%/Git/git-bash.exe` # to start Windows Terminal and Git Bash respectively. - command: "exec cmd" binding: "Alt+Enter" # Focus the workspace that last had focus. - command: "focus workspace recent" binding: "Alt+Y" # Focus the next/previous workspace defined in `workspaces` config. - command: "focus workspace next" binding: "Alt+T" - command: "focus workspace prev" binding: "Alt+Shift+T" # Change focus to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config. - command: "focus workspace 1" binding: "Alt+1" - command: "focus workspace 2" binding: "Alt+2" - command: "focus workspace 3" binding: "Alt+3" - command: "focus workspace 4" binding: "Alt+4" - command: "focus workspace 5" binding: "Alt+5" - command: "focus workspace 6" binding: "Alt+6" - command: "focus workspace 7" binding: "Alt+7" - command: "focus workspace 8" binding: "Alt+8" - command: "focus workspace 9" binding: "Alt+9" # Move focused workspace to a monitor in a given direction. - command: "move workspace left" binding: "Alt+A" - command: "move workspace right" binding: "Alt+F" - command: "move workspace up" binding: "Alt+D" - command: "move workspace down" binding: "Alt+S" # Move focused window to a workspace defined in `workspaces` config. - commands: ["move to workspace 1", "focus workspace 1"] binding: "Alt+Shift+1" - commands: ["move to workspace 2", "focus workspace 2"] binding: "Alt+Shift+2" - commands: ["move to workspace 3", "focus workspace 3"] binding: "Alt+Shift+3" - commands: ["move to workspace 4", "focus workspace 4"] binding: "Alt+Shift+4" - commands: ["move to workspace 5", "focus workspace 5"] binding: "Alt+Shift+5" - commands: ["move to workspace 6", "focus workspace 6"] binding: "Alt+Shift+6" - commands: ["move to workspace 7", "focus workspace 7"] binding: "Alt+Shift+7" - commands: ["move to workspace 8", "focus workspace 8"] binding: "Alt+Shift+8" - commands: ["move to workspace 9", "focus workspace 9"] bindings: ["Alt+Shift+9"]