information: name: onedark background: dark author: "Christian Chiarulli " palette: fg: "#ABB2BF" bg: "#282C34" red: "#E06C75" error_red: "#F44747" green: "#98C379" yellow: "#E5C07B" orange: "#D19A66" blue: "#61AFEF" purple: "#C678DD" cyan: "#56B6C2" white: "#ABB2BF" black: "#282C34" line_grey: "#5C6370" gutter_fg_grey: "#4B5263" cursor_grey: "#2C323C" visual_grey: "#3E4452" menu_grey: "#282C34" special_grey: "#3B4048" vertsplit: "#181A1F" highlights: Normal: "fg bg" Comment: "line_grey - i" Constant: "yellow" String: "green" Character: "green" Number: "orange" Boolean: "blue" Float: "orange" Identifier: "blue" Function: "yellow" Statement: "purple" Conditional: "purple" Repeat: "purple" Label: "blue" Operator: "purple" Keyword: "blue" Exception: "purple" PreProc: "yellow" Include: "purple" Define: "purple" Title: "cyan" Macro: "purple" PreCondit: "blue" Type: "blue" StorageClass: "blue" Structure: "yellow" Typedef: "yellow" Special: "blue - i" SpecialComment: "line_grey" Error: "error_red - br" Todo: "purple - bi" Underlined: "cyan . u" Cursor: "- - r" ColorColumn: "- cursor_grey" CursorLineNr: "white - b" SignColumn: "- bg" Conceal: "line_grey" CursorColumn: "- cursor_grey" CursorLine: "- cursor_grey" Directory: "blue" DiffAdd: "black green" DiffChange: "yellow - u" DiffDelete: "black red" DiffText: "black yellow" ErrorMsg: "error_red" VertSplit: "vertsplit" Folded: "line_grey" FoldColumn: "" IncSearch: "yellow line_grey" LineNr: "gutter_fg_grey" MatchParen: "blue - u" NonText: "special_grey" Pmenu: "white menu_grey" PmenuSel: "black blue" PmenuSbar: "- special_grey" PmenuThumb: "- white" Question: "purple" QuickFixLine: "black yellow" Search: "black yellow" SpecialKey: "special_grey" SpellBad: "error_red - u" SpellCap: "yellow" SpellLocal: "yellow" SpellRare: "yellow" StatusLine: "white cursor_grey" StatusLineNC: "line_grey" StatusLineTerm: "white cursor_grey" StatusLineTermNC: "cursor_grey" TabLine: "line_grey" TabLineSel: "white" TabLineFill: "- bg" Terminal: "white black" Visual: "- visual_grey" VisualNOS: "visual_grey" WarningMsg: "yellow" WildMenu: "black blue" EndOfBuffer: "black" # -- Start Treesitter -- # Misc TSError: "error_red" TSPunctDelimiter: "white" TSPunctBracket: "white" TSPunctSpecial: "white" # Constants TSConstant: "blue" TSConstBuiltin: "orange" # Not sure about this guy TSConstMacro: "cyan" TSStringRegex: "green" TSString: "green" TSStringEscape: "cyan" TSCharacter: "green" TSNumber: "orange" TSBoolean: "orange" TSFloat: "green" TSAnnotation: "yellow" TSAttribute: "cyan" TSNamespace: "#FF00FF" # Functions TSFuncBuiltin: "blue" TSFunction: "blue" TSFuncMacro: "yellow" TSParameter: "cyan" TSParameterReference: "cyan" TSMethod: "blue" TSField: "red" TSProperty: "yellow" TSConstructor: "cyan" # Keywords TSConditional: "purple" TSRepeat: "purple" TSLabel: "blue" # Does not work for yield and return they should be diff then class and def TSKeyword: "purple" TSKeywordFunction: "purple" TSKeywordOperator: "purple" TSOperator: "white" TSException: "purple" TSType: "blue" TSTypeBuiltin: "blue" TSStructure: "#FF00FF" TSInclude: "purple" # Variable TSVariable: "cyan" TSVariableBuiltin: "yellow" # Text TSText: "#FFFF00" TSStrong: "#FFFF00" TSEmphasis: "#FFFF00" TSUnderline: "#FFFF00" TSTitle: "#FFFF00" TSLiteral: "#FFFF00" TSURI: "#FFFF00" # Tags TSTag: "red" TSTagDelimiter: "line_grey" # -- END Treesitter -- # -- START Languages -- # HTML (keep consistent with Markdown, below) htmlArg: "yellow" htmlBold: "yellow - b" htmlEndTag: "white" htmlH1: "blue" htmlH2: "blue" htmlH3: "blue" htmlH4: "blue" htmlH5: "blue" htmlH6: "blue" htmlItalic: "purple - i" htmlLink: "cyan - u" htmlSpecialChar: "yellow" htmlSpecialTagName: "blue" htmlTag: "white" htmlTagN: "blue" htmlTagName: "blue" htmlTitle: "white" # Markdown (keep consistent with HTML, above) markdownBlockquote: "line_grey" markdownBold: "yellow - b" markdownCode: "green" markdownCodeBlock: "green" markdownCodeDelimiter: "green" markdownH1: "blue" markdownH2: "blue" markdownH3: "blue" markdownH4: "blue" markdownH5: "blue" markdownH6: "blue" markdownHeadingDelimiter: "red" markdownHeadingRule: "line_grey" markdownId: "purple" markdownIdDeclaration: "blue" markdownIdDelimiter: "purple" markdownItalic: "purple - i" markdownLinkDelimiter: "purple" markdownLinkText: "blue" markdownListMarker: "red" markdownOrderedListMarker: "red" markdownRule: "line_grey" markdownUrl: "cyan - u" # -- END Languages -- # -- START CoC -- CocExplorerIndentLine: "line_grey" CocExplorerBufferRoot: "cyan" CocExplorerFileRoot: "cyan" CocExplorerBufferFullPath: "line_grey" CocExplorerFileFullPath: "line_grey" CocExplorerBufferReadonly: "purple" CocExplorerBufferModified: "purple" CocExplorerBufferNameVisible: "green" CocExplorerFileReadonly: "purple" CocExplorerFileModified: "purple" CocExplorerFileHidden: "line_grey" CocExplorerHelpLine: "purple" # -- END CoC -- # -- START Easymotion -- EasyMotionTarget: "error_red - b" EasyMotionTarget2First: "error_red - b" EasyMotionTarget2Second: "error_red - b" EasyMotionShade: "" # EasyMotionIncSearch: # EasyMotionMoveHL: # -- END Easymotion -- # -- START Startify -- StartifyNumber: "orange" StartifySelect: "green" StartifyBracket: "blue" StartifySpecial: "cyan" StartifyVar: "blue" StartifyPath: "blue" StartifyFile: "red" StartifySlash: "blue" StartifyHeader: "green" StartifySection: "purple" StartifyFooter: "green" # -- END Startify -- # -- START WhichKey -- WhichKey: "purple" WhichKeySeperator: "green" WhichKeyGroup: "blue" WhichKeyDesc: "blue" # -- END WhichKey -- # old stuff diffAdded: "green" diffRemoved: "red" diffFileId: "blue - br" diffFile: "special_grey" diffNewFile: "green" diffOldFile: "red" # ToolbarLine: ". darkgray" # ToolbarButton: "suvagray - r" debugPc: "- cyan" debugBreakpoint: "red - r" # terminal: "bg red green yellow blue magenta cyan silver gray red green yellow blue magenta cyan fg" # -- Other junk you can define -- # Debug # Ignore # Tag # Delimiter # SpecialChar # Cursor", { "fg": s:black, "bg": s:blue }) " the character under the cursor # CursorIM", {}) " like Cursor, but used when in IME mode # FoldColumn", {}) " 'foldcolumn' # CursorLineNr", {}) " Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line. # MoreMsg", {}) " more-prompt # ModeMsg", {}) " 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT --") # ErrorMsg: "red - br" # WarningMsg: "green - br" # ModeMsg: "yellow - br" # MoreMsg: "green - br" # Question: "cyan - br" # Directory: "blue - b" # VimWiki VimwikiHeader1: "orange - b" VimwikiHeader2: "green - b" VimwikiHeader3: "blue - b" VimwikiHeader4: "cyan - b" VimwikiHeader5: "yellow - b" VimwikiHeader6: "purple - b" VimwikiLink: "cyan" VimwikiHeaderChar: "line_grey" VimwikiHR: "yellow" VimwikiList: "orange" VimwikiTag: "orange" VimwikiMarkers: "line_grey"