# ~/.config/starship.toml add_newline = false command_timeout = 1000 format = """$os$username$hostname$kubernetes$directory$git_branch$git_status""" # Drop ugly default prompt characters [character] success_symbol = '' error_symbol = '' # --- [os] format = '[$symbol](bold white) ' disabled = false [os.symbols] Windows = ' ' Arch = '󰣇' Ubuntu = '' Macos = '󰀵' # ---y # Shows the username [username] style_user = 'white bold' style_root = 'black bold' format = '[$user]($style) ' disabled = false show_always = true # Shows the hostname [hostname] ssh_only = false format = 'on [$hostname](bold yellow) ' disabled = false # Shows current directory [directory] truncation_length = 1 truncation_symbol = '…/' home_symbol = '󰋜 ~' read_only_style = '197' read_only = '  ' format = 'at [$path]($style)[$read_only]($read_only_style) ' # Shows current git branch [git_branch] symbol = ' ' format = 'via [$symbol$branch]($style)' # truncation_length = 4 truncation_symbol = '…/' style = 'bold green' # Shows current git status [git_status] format = '([ \( $all_status$ahead_behind\)]($style) )' style = 'bold green' conflicted = '[ confliced=${count}](red) ' up_to_date = '[󰘽 up-to-date](green) ' untracked = '[󰋗 untracked=${count}](red) ' ahead = ' ahead=${count}' diverged = ' ahead=${ahead_count}  behind=${behind_count}' behind = ' behind=${count}' stashed = '[ stashed=${count}](green) ' modified = '[󰛿 modified=${count}](yellow) ' staged = '[󰐗 staged=${count}](green) ' renamed = '[󱍸 renamed=${count}](yellow) ' deleted = '[󰍶 deleted=${count}](red) ' # Shows kubernetes context and namespace [kubernetes] format = 'via [󱃾 $context\($namespace\)](bold purple) ' disabled = false # --- [vagrant] disabled = true [docker_context] disabled = true [helm] disabled = true [python] disabled = true [nodejs] disabled = true [ruby] disabled = true [terraform] disabled = true