kind: Template apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: "jenkins-slave-sonarqube-dotnet" annotations: description: "The sonarqube scanner slave image for dotnet core with the global sonarscanner installed." iconClass: "icon-jenkins" tags: "jenkins,slave,sonarqube,dotnet,sonarscanner" objects: - kind: "BuildConfig" apiVersion: "v1" metadata: name: ${IMAGE_NAME} spec: env: - name: "GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY" value: ${GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY} source: type: "Git" git: ref: ${GIT_BRANCH} uri: ${GIT_URL} contextDir: ${GIT_CONTEXT_DIR} strategy: type: "Docker" dockerStrategy: dockerfilePath: ${DOCKERFILE_PATH} env: - name: GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY value: ${GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY} from: kind: "DockerImage" name: ${BASE_IMAGE} output: to: kind: "ImageStreamTag" name: "${IMAGE_NAME}:${IMAGE_STREAM_TAG}" - kind: "ImageStream" apiVersion: "v1" metadata: name: ${IMAGE_NAME} parameters: - name: "GIT_URL" description: "The URL of the repository with your application source code" value: "" required: true - name: "GIT_BRANCH" description: "The branch within the repository which contains the applicable source code" value: "master" required: true - name: "GIT_CONTEXT_DIR" description: "The sub directory location of the docker file" value: "jenkins-slave-images-sonarqube/dotnet-core-global/" - name: "DOCKERFILE_PATH" description: "The path to the dockerfile to use when building the image." required: true value: "Dockerfile" - name: "BASE_IMAGE" description: "The name of the image to make a Jenkins slave." value: "" required: true - name: "IMAGE_NAME" description: "The name of the image this build will produce" value: "jenkins-slave-sonarqube-dotnet" required: true - name: "IMAGE_STREAM_TAG" description: "The tag to associate with the image" value: "latest" required: true - name: "GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY" value: "true" required: true