module ydk { namespace ""; prefix "ydk"; organization "Cisco Systems, Inc."; contact "Cisco Systems, Inc. Customer Service Postal: 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: +1 800 553-NETS E-mail:"; description "This module defines the core YDK model. Top level objects of this model include + modules --> All the modules referenced by the Bundles. This is a repository of all YANG modules/submodules + service-providers --> All the registered service providers we know of A service provider should augment the list here. Implementations once active can show them selves here. + bundles --> All bundles that comprise the runtime A bundle is a collection YANG modules that are converted to an API in a target language/environment. Each bundle is defined in a file that is encoded in JSON/XML based on this YANG model. It lists among other things the data models that constitute this bundle as well as all the dependencies this bundle has. ydk-gen can use a bundle description today to produce a pip-installable package for the python API generated from these models. In the future the same mechanism can be used to create shared libraries , java jar files etc.. from a bundle profile. "; revision "2016-02-26" { description "Initial revision."; } typedef VERSION-NUMBER { type string { pattern "[0-9][0-9]"; } } typedef revision-identifier { type string { pattern '\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}'; } description "Represents a specific date in YYYY-MM-DD format."; } extension type-constraint { description "This extension is used under an instance-identifier type. It is used to qualify the instance-identifier with the type of target node identified by the path. A note a given type instance-identifier can have multiple targets "; argument path; } extension service-provider-class-name { description "The service provider class name extension. Service Providers are modelled in yang as augment statemnts that augment /ydk:service-providers/ydk:service-provider. This extension is a must to determine the name of the service-provider-class."; argument name; } extension service-class-name { description "The default behavior of ydk-gen is to group all rpc statements defined in a module and create a service class of the form Service which will have methods that correspond to each rpc. The service class is a wrapper around the RPC classes that makes it easier to consume the RPCs defined in a module. This extension can be used to create associate an rpc with a ServiceClass that will be generated as part of this module's transformation'"; argument name; } grouping semantic-version { description "The semantic version of the form major.minor.patch-level.suffix"; leaf major-version-number { config false; type VERSION-NUMBER; } leaf minor-version-number { config false; type VERSION-NUMBER; } leaf patch-level { type VERSION-NUMBER; } leaf suffix { type string; } } container ydk { container modules { config false; description "Model of the YANG statements represented by this module or submodule . A statement consists of a keyword followed by an argument and has list of substatements . Each statement is identified by a key that refers to row and column number in the file. "; list module { key "name revision"; description "Each entry represents one module/submodule"; leaf name { type string; description "The YANG module or submodule name."; } leaf revision { type union { type revision-identifier; type string { length 0; } } description "The YANG module or submodule revision date. A zero-length string is used if no revision statement is present in the YANG module or submodule."; } leaf uri { type string; description "Contains a URL that represents the YANG schema resource for this module or submodule. This leaf will only be present if there is a URL available for retrieval of the schema for this entry."; } leaf kind { type enumeration { enum MODULE { value 0; } enum SUBMODULE { value 1; } } } container statements { list statement { description "Represents a statement in a YANG model. Statement represents a meta-model of the YANG language itself. Any YANG document is composed of statements that are of the form keyword followed by a semi colon or a block { } Because this represents a list of statements there is a need to uniquely identify each statement "; key id; leaf id { description "A statement is defined by its keyword which is a tuple of the form ((name of the module, keyword), arg).Note the name of the module can be None in which case this is defined to be part of the YANG language. The arg can also be none We use a key a hash id that hashes the statement path. Statement path is defined as (/statement-path)+ statement-path := (, keyword, arg) The hash is necessary to identify the statement in YANG and has no meaning other wise"; type string; } leaf module-name { description "Module name of the extension that defines this keyword. Otherwise nothing."; type string; } leaf keyword { description "Keyword of the statement"; type string; } leaf arg { description "Optional argument"; type string; } leaf parent { description "The id of the parent of this statement"; type leafref { path /ydk:ydk/ydk:modules/ydk:module/ydk:statements/ydk:statement/ydk:id; } } leaf-list substatements { description "Substatements for this statement"; type leafref { path /ydk:ydk/ydk:modules/ydk:module/ydk:statements/ydk:statement/ydk:id; } } } } } } container service-providers { config false; list service-provider { description "Service Providers . A service provider augments this list. Note it is the responsibility of the service provider to provide an id module providers { ... import ydk { prefix ydk; } augment /ydk:service-providers/ydk:service-provider { ydk:service-provider-class-name NetconfServiceProvider; leaf address { type inet:address; } leaf port { type uint16; } leaf username { type string; } leaf password { type string; } leaf protocol { type enumeration { enum SSH; enum TCP; } } } } } "; key name; leaf name { description "A unique name identifying this service-provider within the system"; type string; } leaf-list capabilities { description "List of capabilities"; type string; } } } container bundles { config false; list bundle { description "A bundle definition. Each bundle consists of a list of modules/submodules that are used by ydk-gen to generate the API for this bundle. It also lists other bundles that this bundle is dependent on. Note that list of modules/submodules collected from this bundle's modules and its dependent bundles must be self contained. i.e all cross references must be resolvable from this set of modules.'"; key "name major-version-number minor-version-number"; leaf name { description "Name of the bundle. This is usually used as the root package."; type string; } leaf description-url { type string; } leaf author { type string; } leaf author_email { type string; } leaf license { type string; } uses semantic-version; container ydk-version { description "YDK version this bundle is dependent on."; uses semantic-version; } container bundle-dependencies { description "This would list all bundles that this bundle is dependent on."; list bundle-dependency { description "A bundle the parent bundle is dependent on."; key name; leaf name { description "Name of the bundle this bundle is dependent on ."; type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:name"; } } uses semantic-version; leaf uri { type string; description "Either file://.. path to file or git://?commit-id=?path= "; } } } container named-elements { description "Named elements exported by this bundle"; list named-element { key fqn; leaf fqn { type string; description "The fully qualified name of this element."; } leaf qn { type string; description "The qualified name of this element."; } leaf owner { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf-list owned_elements { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf module-name { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:modules/ydk:module/ydk:name" ; } } leaf module-revision { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:modules/ydk:module/ydk:revision"; } } leaf statement-id { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:modules/ydk:module/ydk:statements/ydk:statement/ydk:id"; } } leaf python-module-name { type string; } choice named-element { case typed-element { leaf lower-bound { type int32; } leaf upper-bound { type int32; } leaf many { type empty; } leaf ordered { type empty; } leaf required { type empty; } leaf unique { type empty; } choice typed-element { case structural-feature { leaf feature-id { type int32; } leaf changeable { type empty; } leaf derived { type empty; } leaf transient { type empty; } choice structural-feature { case attribute { leaf attribute-type { description "This has to point a data-type"; type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf id { description "Is this attribute a key"; type empty; } } case reference { leaf containment { description "A reference is a containment if it represents by-value content."; type empty; } leaf container { description "A reference is a container if has an opposite that is a containment"; type empty; } leaf opposite { description "Represents the other end of a bidirectional relation"; type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } } } } } /* choice typed element */ } /* case typed element */ case package { leaf-list subpackages { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } } case enum-literal { leaf literal { type string; } leaf value { type int32; } } case classifier { leaf classifier-id { type int32; } leaf package { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } choice classifier { case bits { } case class { leaf-list all-attributes{ type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf-list all-containments{ type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf-list all-structural-features{ type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf-list all-super-types { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf-list attributes{ type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf-list references{ type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf-list structural-features{ type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf-list super-types { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } leaf abstract { type empty; } } case data-type { choice data-type { case enum { leaf literals { type leafref { path "/ydk:ydk/ydk:bundles/ydk:bundle/ydk:named-elements/ydk:named-element/ydk:fqn"; } } } } } } } } } } container source-modules { description "Collection of modules/submodules that is part of this bundle"; list source-module{ description "Module or submodule that is part of this bundle"; key "name revision"; leaf name{ type leafref { path /ydk:ydk/ydk:modules/ydk:module/ydk:name; } } leaf revision { type leafref { path /ydk:ydk/ydk:modules/ydk:module/ydk:revision; } } } } container api-generation-strategy { presence "If this is instiated it usually means that a modification to the default code generation strategy is being requested. The default strategy uses the expanded api syntax. In the future other options can be added in here. Note the user is advised to consider the implications of each code generation-strategy when they they design their bundle."; leaf grouping-as-superclass { description "In this strategy groupings become classes in the module they are defined. Any container/ list that uses the grouping becomes a subclass of the grouping-class. This does reduce the number of classes generated. However it may break backward compatibility since the grouping now becomes part of the api."; type empty; } leaf collapse-containers-with-single-list { description "Consider the following pattern in yang list bundle { ..... container modules { list module { ... In the expanded API generations strategy the source file will be encoded as follows class Bundle(object): --> corresponds to the list bundle def __init__(self): self.modules = Modules() class Modules(object): --> corresponds to the container modules def __init__(self): self.module = YList() --> corresponds to the list Module class Module(object): --> corresponds to the list module If this leaf is set the generated api will skip the container modules and have the class Module as a child of the Bundle class like this class Bundle(object): ---> corresponds to the list bundle def __init__(self): self.modules = YList() --> corresponds to the list Module class Module(obect): ... "; type empty; } } } } } rpc generate { description "Generate APIs for the given set of bundles"; input { leaf-list bundles { description "Path to the bundle file. This will follow the uri syntax. Note although this is a list, the implementation may choose to support only one uri."; type string; } leaf output-directory { description "The output directory where the generated files will be put The structure of this directory will follow language bundle. For eg- +- | +-python | + cisco-xr600 | - "; type string; } leaf-list languages { description "The target language for the generated api"; type enumeration { enum python { value 1; } } } leaf reuse-modules-cache { description "If set the generator will use the cache for modules find in the output directory. This allows a previously downloaded file to be used."; type empty; } leaf reuse-bundles-cache { description "If set the generator will reuse the bundle cache for modules found in the output directory. This allows a previously downloaded file to be used."; type empty; } } } rpc create { description "The create rpc call to create an entity. This is the model for the CRUDService offered by ydk"; input { anyxml entity { description "The xml like payload that represents the entity or entities to create"; } } } rpc read { description "Read the entity/entities"; input { anyxml filter { description "Filter of what needs to be read. Modelled like the netconf get/get-config filter"; } leaf only-config { description "If set filter on config elements only"; type empty; } } output { anyxml data { description "Data that is read"; } } } rpc update { description "The update rpc call to update an entity. This is the model for the CRUDService offered by ydk"; input { anyxml entity { description "The xml like payload that represents the entity or entities to update"; } } } rpc delete { description "The delete rpc call to delete an entity. This is the model for the CRUDService offered by ydk"; input { anyxml entity { description "The xml like payload that represents the entity to delete."; } } } }