//C6#CPS001 //Description: Author of contribution is also editor of compilation - ders., dies. //Version 4.2: Added parameter bool useNonBreakingSpaces... = true; //Version 4.1: Added parameter bool confineReplacementToSingleAuthorOnPartialIdentity = true; //Version 4.0: Completely re-written for Citavi 6 //Version 3.2: See note under 3.0 + jumps over 'empty' person fields //Version 3.1: Corrects error that "ders./dies./ibid." was always displayed //Version 3.0: Compares Persons by checking surrounding template (complete revision) //Version 2.0: Now works with GroupPrefix and GroupSuffix as well as additional LiteralElements or FieldElements inside the component part //Version 1.5: In case of "Contribution in Collected Works", we have to check for "Author (of contribution ) = Author (of parent reference)" // and not for "Author (of contribution) = Editor (of parent reference). See code line 40. //Version 1.4: New variable "outputInSmallCaps", "outputInBold", "outputUnderlined" //Version 1.3: Single N oder unknown author yields "ders." instead of "dies." // added outputInItalics variable on top using System; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic; using SwissAcademic.Citavi; using SwissAcademic.Citavi.Metadata; using SwissAcademic.Collections; using SwissAcademic.Drawing; namespace SwissAcademic.Citavi.Citations { public class ComponentPartFilter : IComponentPartFilter { public IEnumerable GetTextUnits(ComponentPart componentPart, Template template, Citation citation, out bool handled) { //return handled = true if this macro generates the output (as an IEnumerable); the standard output will be suppressed //return handled = false if you want Citavi to produce the standard output; handled = false; var useNonBreakingSpacesInAndBetweenFirstAndMiddleNames = false; //if true, then e.g. Meyers, J.°R. var useNonBreakingSpaceBetweenLastAndFirstName = false; //if true, then e.g. Meyers,°John Richard var useNonBreakingSpaceBetweenPrefixAndName = false; //if true, then e.g. von°Bülow, V. var useNonBreakingHyphenInFirstAndMiddleName = false; //if true, then e.g. Ewing, J.-R. if (citation == null || citation.Reference == null) return null; if (componentPart == null || componentPart.Elements == null || !componentPart.Elements.Any()) return null; Reference reference = citation.Reference; if (reference == null) return null; #region ThisPersonFieldElement PersonFieldElement thisPersonFieldElement = GetFirstPersonFieldElement(componentPart); if (thisPersonFieldElement == null || thisPersonFieldElement.SuppressOutput) return null; #endregion #region ThesePersons IEnumerable thesePersons = thisPersonFieldElement.GetPersons(citation); if (thesePersons == null || !thesePersons.Any()) return null; #endregion #region PreviousPersonFieldElement PersonFieldElement previousPersonFieldElement = GetPreviousPersonFieldElement(thisPersonFieldElement, template, citation); if (previousPersonFieldElement == null) return null; #endregion #region PreviousPersons IEnumerable previousPersons = previousPersonFieldElement.GetPersons(citation); if (previousPersons == null || !previousPersons.Any()) return null; #endregion IEnumerable personFieldElements = componentPart.Elements.OfType(); if (personFieldElements == null || personFieldElements.Count() == 0) return null; PersonTeamsCompareResult compareResult = GetPersonTeamsIdentityAndGenderStructure(thesePersons, previousPersons); if (compareResult.Identity == PersonTeamsIdentity.None) //return null; [old version without useNonBreakingSpace...] { foreach(PersonFieldElement element in personFieldElements) { if (useNonBreakingSpacesInAndBetweenFirstAndMiddleNames) { element.FirstGroupUseNonBreakingSpaceInAndBetweenFirstAndMiddleNames = true; element.SecondGroupUseNonBreakingSpaceInAndBetweenFirstAndMiddleNames = true; element.LastPersonUseNonBreakingSpaceInAndBetweenFirstAndMiddleNames = true; } if (useNonBreakingSpaceBetweenLastAndFirstName) { element.FirstGroupUseNonBreakingSpaceBetweenLastAndFirstName = true; element.SecondGroupUseNonBreakingSpaceBetweenLastAndFirstName = true; element.LastPersonUseNonBreakingSpaceBetweenLastAndFirstName = true; } if (useNonBreakingSpaceBetweenPrefixAndName) { element.FirstGroupUseNonBreakingSpaceBetweenPrefixAndName = true; element.SecondGroupUseNonBreakingSpaceBetweenPrefixAndName = true; element.LastPersonUseNonBreakingSpaceBetweenPrefixAndName = true; } if (useNonBreakingHyphenInFirstAndMiddleName) { element.FirstGroupUseNonBreakingHyphenInFirstAndMiddleNames = true; element.SecondGroupUseNonBreakingHyphenInFirstAndMiddleNames = true; element.LastPersonUseNonBreakingHyphenInFirstAndMiddleNames = true; } } //for downward compatibility of this script we make sure the separator is just a comma and not "comma + space" var currentVersion = SwissAcademic.Environment.InformationalVersion; var maxVersionForWorkaround = new Version(6,3,5,0); if (currentVersion <= maxVersionForWorkaround) { foreach(PersonFieldElement element in personFieldElements) { element.FirstGroupLastNameFirstNameSeparator.Text = ","; element.SecondGroupLastNameFirstNameSeparator.Text = ","; element.LastPersonLastNameFirstNameSeparator.Text = ","; } } //Citavi will do the rest, no need to return any output, since PersonTeamsIdentity.None = true return null; } bool handleAlsoPartialIdentity = true; //if true, all of the following cases (1) - (3) will be treated. Otherwise, //if false, only case (2) will be treated bool confineReplacementToSingleAuthorOnPartialIdentity = true; //ignored if handleAlsoPartialIdentity = false; //if true, only cases (1) and (2) will be treated //(1) Watson, Mary, »An interesting contribution«, in: eadem / Smith, Emma (Eds.), Edited book with 2 editors, London 2012. //(2) Watson, Mary / Smith, Emma, »An interesting contribution«, in: iidem (Eds.), Edited book with 2 editors, London 2012. //(3) Watson, Mary / Smith, Emma, »A rather boring contribution«, in: iidem / Green, Peter (Eds.), Edited book with 3 editors, London 2012. if (compareResult.Identity == PersonTeamsIdentity.Partial && !handleAlsoPartialIdentity) return null; if (compareResult.Identity == PersonTeamsIdentity.Partial && previousPersons.Count() > 1 && confineReplacementToSingleAuthorOnPartialIdentity) return null; //if you want "ders."/"dies." written in italics or other font styles, choose the desired option, for example FontStyle.Italic, FontStyle.Bold or FontStyle.SmallCaps LiteralTextUnit idemSingularMaleLiteral = new LiteralTextUnit("Ders.", FontStyle.Neutral); LiteralTextUnit idemSingularFemaleLiteral = new LiteralTextUnit("Dies.", FontStyle.Neutral); LiteralTextUnit idemSingularNeutralLiteral = new LiteralTextUnit("Dass.", FontStyle.Neutral); LiteralTextUnit idemPluralLiteral = new LiteralTextUnit("Dies.", FontStyle.Neutral); //NOTE: If you want a prefix such as "In: " and a suffix " (Hrsg.)", you can define them as group prefix and suffix on the field element inside the component part editor //CAUTION: This script will get more complex, if the separators between persons differ from group to group of for the last person LiteralTextUnit personSeparator = new LiteralTextUnit(thisPersonFieldElement.FirstGroupPersonSeparator.Text, thisPersonFieldElement.FirstGroupPersonSeparator.FontStyle); //we remove all separators, because some person names will have to be suppressed and we want to avoid excess separators such as the /'s in idem///John Smith thisPersonFieldElement.FirstGroupPersonSeparator.Text = ""; thisPersonFieldElement.FirstGroupLastPersonSeparator.Text = ""; thisPersonFieldElement.FirstGroupToSecondGroupSeparator.Text = ""; thisPersonFieldElement.SecondGroupPersonSeparator.Text = ""; thisPersonFieldElement.SecondGroupLastPersonSeparator.Text = ""; AfterFormatPersonEventArgs afp; thisPersonFieldElement.PersonFormatter.AfterFormatPerson += (sender, e) => { afp = (AfterFormatPersonEventArgs)e; #region Full Identity if (compareResult.Identity == PersonTeamsIdentity.Full) { if (afp.Index == 0) { afp.TextUnits.Clear(); switch (compareResult.GenderStructure) { case PersonTeamGenderStructure.SingleMale: { afp.TextUnits.Add(idemSingularMaleLiteral); } break; case PersonTeamGenderStructure.SingleFemale: { afp.TextUnits.Add(idemSingularFemaleLiteral); } break; case PersonTeamGenderStructure.SingleNeuter: { afp.TextUnits.Add(idemSingularNeutralLiteral); } break; default: { afp.TextUnits.Add(idemPluralLiteral); } break; } } else { afp.TextUnits.Clear(); } } #endregion #region Partial Identity else { if (afp.Index == 0) { afp.TextUnits.Clear(); switch (compareResult.GenderStructure) { case PersonTeamGenderStructure.SingleMale: { afp.TextUnits.Add(idemSingularMaleLiteral); } break; case PersonTeamGenderStructure.SingleFemale: { afp.TextUnits.Add(idemSingularFemaleLiteral); } break; case PersonTeamGenderStructure.SingleNeuter: { afp.TextUnits.Add(idemSingularNeutralLiteral); } break; default: { afp.TextUnits.Add(idemPluralLiteral); } break; } } else if (afp.Index < compareResult.IdenticalPersonsCount) { afp.TextUnits.Clear(); } else { afp.TextUnits.Insert(0, personSeparator); } } #endregion }; return null; } #region GetFirstPersonFieldElement private static PersonFieldElement GetFirstPersonFieldElement(ComponentPart componentPart) { if (componentPart == null) return null; if (componentPart.Elements == null || !componentPart.Elements.Any()) return null; return componentPart.Elements.OfType().FirstOrDefault() as PersonFieldElement; } #endregion #region GetPreviousPersonFieldElement private static PersonFieldElement GetPreviousPersonFieldElement(PersonFieldElement thisPersonFieldElement, Template template, Citation citation) { if (thisPersonFieldElement == null) return null; if (template == null || template.ComponentParts == null || !template.ComponentParts.Any()) return null; IEnumerable allPersonFieldElements = template.ComponentParts.SelectMany(part => part.Elements).OfType().ToList(); if (allPersonFieldElements == null || !allPersonFieldElements.Any()) return null; int thisIndex = allPersonFieldElements.FindIndex(item => item.Id == thisPersonFieldElement.Id); if (thisIndex == -1 || thisIndex == 0) return null; for (int i = thisIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) { PersonFieldElement previousPersonFieldElement = allPersonFieldElements.ElementAtOrDefault(i) as PersonFieldElement; if (previousPersonFieldElement == null) continue; IEnumerable previousPersons = previousPersonFieldElement.GetPersons(citation); if (previousPersons == null || !previousPersons.Any()) continue; return previousPersonFieldElement; } return null; } #endregion #region GetPersonTeamsIdentityAndGenderStructure public static PersonTeamsCompareResult GetPersonTeamsIdentityAndGenderStructure(IEnumerable personsA, IEnumerable personsB) { PersonTeamsIdentity identity = PersonTeamsIdentity.None; PersonTeamGenderStructure genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.Unknown; int identicalPersonsCount = 0; var personPairs = GetPersonPairsByIndexPosition(personsA, personsB); var overallCounter = personPairs.Count(); var identityCounter = 0; var maleCounter = 0; var femaleCounter = 0; var neutralCounter = 0; for (int i = 0; i < personPairs.Count(); i++) { var personA = personPairs.ElementAt(i).Item1; var personB = personPairs.ElementAt(i).Item2; if (personA == null || personB == null) break; if (!personA.Id.Equals(personB.Id)) break; //identical! identityCounter++; //determine sex (just need to look at one of them, because they are identical) if (personA.Sex == Sex.Male) { maleCounter++; continue; } if (personA.Sex == Sex.Female) { femaleCounter++; continue; } if (personA.Sex == Sex.Neutral || personA.Sex == Sex.Unknown) { neutralCounter++; continue; } } #region PersonTeamsIdentity if (identityCounter == 0) { identity = PersonTeamsIdentity.None; } else if (identityCounter == overallCounter) { identity = PersonTeamsIdentity.Full; } else if (identityCounter < overallCounter) { identity = PersonTeamsIdentity.Partial; } #endregion #region IdenticalPersonsCount identicalPersonsCount = identityCounter; #endregion #region PersonTeamGenderStructure if (identityCounter == 1 && maleCounter == 1) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.SingleMale; else if (identityCounter == 1 && femaleCounter == 1) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.SingleFemale; else if (identityCounter == 1 && neutralCounter == 1) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.SingleNeuter; else if (identityCounter > 1 && maleCounter == identityCounter) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.TeamOfMalesOnly; else if (identityCounter > 1 && femaleCounter == identityCounter) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.TeamOfFemalesOnly; else if (identityCounter > 1 && neutralCounter == identityCounter) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.TeamOfNeutersOnly; else if (identityCounter > 1 && maleCounter + femaleCounter == identityCounter) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.TeamOfMalesAndFemales; else if (identityCounter > 1 && femaleCounter + neutralCounter == identityCounter) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.TeamOfFemalesAndNeuters; else if (identityCounter > 1 && maleCounter + neutralCounter == identityCounter) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.TeamOfMalesAndNeuters; else if (identityCounter >= 3 && maleCounter >= 1 && femaleCounter >= 1 && neutralCounter >= 1 && maleCounter + femaleCounter + neutralCounter == identityCounter) genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.TeamOfMalesFemalesAndNeuters; else genderStructure = PersonTeamGenderStructure.Unknown; #endregion return new PersonTeamsCompareResult(identity, genderStructure, identicalPersonsCount); } private static IEnumerable> GetPersonPairsByIndexPosition(IEnumerable personsX, IEnumerable personsY) { int countX = personsX == null || !personsX.Any() ? 0 : personsX.Count(); int countY = personsY == null || !personsY.Any() ? 0 : personsY.Count(); int maxCount = Math.Max(countX, countY); if (maxCount == 0) yield break; for (int i = 0; i < maxCount; i++) { Person personX = personsX == null ? null : personsX.ElementAtOrDefault(i); Person personY = personsY == null ? null : personsY.ElementAtOrDefault(i); yield return new Tuple(personX, personY); } } #endregion #region PersonTeamsIdentity public enum PersonTeamsIdentity { None, Partial, Full } #endregion #region PersonTeamGenderStructure public enum PersonTeamGenderStructure { Unknown, /// /// Identical person, a single female (Latin: eadem), F /// SingleFemale, /// /// Identical person, a single male (Latin: idem), M /// SingleMale, /// /// Identical persons, a single (neuter) organization (Latin: idem), N /// SingleNeuter, /// /// Identical persons, only females, 2 or more (Latin: eaedem), FF /// TeamOfFemalesOnly, /// /// Identical persons, only males, 2 or more (Latin: eidem), MM /// TeamOfMalesOnly, /// /// Identical persons, only (neuter) organizations, 2 or more (Latin: eadem), NN /// TeamOfNeutersOnly, /// /// Identical persons, mixed group of females and males only, MF /// TeamOfMalesAndFemales, /// /// Identical persons, mixed group of females and neuters only, FN /// TeamOfFemalesAndNeuters, /// /// /// Identical persons, mixed group of males and neuters only, MN /// TeamOfMalesAndNeuters, /// /// Identical persons, mixed group of females, males and neuters, MFN /// TeamOfMalesFemalesAndNeuters } #endregion #region PersonTeamsCompareResult public class PersonTeamsCompareResult { #region Constructor public PersonTeamsCompareResult(PersonTeamsIdentity identity, PersonTeamGenderStructure genderStructure, int identicalPersonsCount) { Identity = identity; GenderStructure = genderStructure; IdenticalPersonsCount = identicalPersonsCount; } #endregion #region Properties #region Identity /// /// Identity.None Müller, Meier, Schultze versus Schmidt, Weber, Fischer: /// Identity.Partial Müller, Meier, Schultze versus Müller, Meier, Weber /// Identity.Full Müller, Meier, Schultze versus Müller, Meier, Schultze /// public PersonTeamsIdentity Identity { get; private set; } #endregion #region GenderStructure public PersonTeamGenderStructure GenderStructure { get; private set; } #endregion #region IdenticalPersonsCount public int IdenticalPersonsCount { get; private set; } #endregion #endregion } #endregion } }