/******************************************************************************* * Copyright 2013 ClearBlade, Inc * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Any redistribution of this program in any form must include this copyright *******************************************************************************/ if (!window.console) { window.console = window.console || {}; window.console.log = window.console.log || function () {}; } function createClearBladeInstance (window, options) { // 'use strict'; var ClearBlade; /** * This is the base module for the ClearBlade Platform API * @namespace ClearBlade * @example Initialize ClearBladeAPI * initOptions = {systemKey: 'asdfknafikjasd3853n34kj2vc', systemSecret: 'SHHG245F6GH7SDFG823HGSDFG9'}; * var cb = new ClearBlade(); * cb.init(initOptions); * */ if (typeof exports != 'undefined') { // window = exports; } ClearBlade = function () {}; ClearBlade.MESSAGING_QOS_AT_MOST_ONCE = 0; ClearBlade.MESSAGING_QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE = 1; ClearBlade.MESSAGING_QOS_EXACTLY_ONCE = 2; /** * This method initializes the ClearBlade module with the values needed to connect to the platform * @method ClearBlade.init * @param {Object} options This value contains the config object for initializing the ClearBlade module. A number of reasonable defaults are set for the option if none are set. *

*The connect options and their defaults are: *

{String} [systemKey] This is the app key that will identify your app in order to connect to the Platform


{String} [systemSecret] This is the app secret that will be used in combination with the systemKey to authenticate your app


{String} [URI] This is the URI used to identify where the Platform is located. Default is https://platform.clearblade.com


{String} [messagingURI] This is the URI used to identify where the Messaging server is located. Default is platform.clearblade.com

n *

{Number} [messagingPort] This is the default port used when connecting to the messaging server. Default is 8904


{Boolean} [logging] This is the property that tells the API whether or not the API will log to the console. This should be left `false` in production. Default is false


{Number} [callTimeout] This is the amount of time that the API will use to determine a timeout. Default is 30 seconds


{Boolean} [mqttAuth] Setting this to true and providing an email and password will use mqtt websockets to authenticate, rather than http.


{String} [messagingAuthPort] is the port that the messaging auth websocket server is listening on.


*/ ClearBlade.prototype.init = function (options) { var _this = this; //check for undefined/null then check if they are the correct types for required params if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') throw new Error('Options must be an object or it is undefined'); if (!options.systemKey || typeof options.systemKey !== 'string') throw new Error('systemKey must be defined/a string'); if (!options.systemSecret || typeof options.systemSecret !== 'string') throw new Error('systemSecret must be defined/a string'); //check for optional params. if (options.logging && typeof options.logging !== 'boolean') throw new Error('logging must be a true boolean if present'); if (options.callback && typeof options.callback !== 'function') { throw new Error('callback must be a function'); } if (options.email && typeof options.email !== 'string') { throw new Error('email must be a string'); } if (options.password && typeof options.password !== 'string') { throw new Error('password must be a string'); } if (options.registerUser && typeof options.registerUser !== 'boolean') { throw new Error('registerUser must be a true boolean if present'); } if ( options.useUser && (!options.useUser.email || !options.useUser.authToken) ) { throw new Error( 'useUser must contain both an email and an authToken ' + '{"email":email,"authToken":authToken}' ); } if (options.email && !options.password) { throw new Error('Must provide a password for email'); } if (options.password && !options.email) { throw new Error('Must provide a email for password'); } if (options.registerUser && !options.email) { throw new Error('Cannot register anonymous user. Must provide an email'); } if ( options.useUser && (options.email || options.password || options.registerUser) ) { throw new Error( 'Cannot authenticate or register a new user when useUser is set' ); } // store keys /** * This is the app key that will identify your app in order to connect to the Platform * @property systemKey * @type String */ ClearBlade.prototype.systemKey = options.systemKey; this.systemKey = options.systemKey; /** * This is the app secret that will be used in combination with the systemKey to authenticate your app * @property systemSecret * @type String */ ClearBlade.prototype.systemSecret = options.systemSecret; this.systemSecret = options.systemSecret; /** * This is the master secret that is used during development to test many apps at a time * This is not currently not in use * @property masterSecret * @type String */ ClearBlade.prototype.masterSecret = options.masterSecret; this.masterSecret = options.masterSecret || null; /** * This is the URI used to identify where the Platform is located * @property URI * @type String */ ClearBlade.prototype.URI = options.URI; this.URI = options.URI || 'https://platform.clearblade.com'; /** * This is the URI used to identify where the Messaging server is located * @property messagingURI * @type String */ ClearBlade.prototype.messagingURI = options.messagingURI; this.messagingURI = options.messagingURI || 'platform.clearblade.com'; /** * This is the default port used when connecting to the messaging server * @prpopert messagingPort * @type Number */ ClearBlade.prototype.messagingPort = options.messagingPort; this.messagingPort = options.messagingPort || 8904; /** * This is the property that tells the API whether or not the API will log to the console * This should be left `false` in production * @property logging * @type Boolean */ ClearBlade.prototype.logging = options.logging; this.logging = options.logging || false; ClearBlade.prototype.defaultQoS = options.defaultQoS; this.defaultQoS = options.defaultQoS || 0; /** * This is the amount of time that the API will use to determine a timeout * @property _callTimeout=30000 * @type Number * @private */ ClearBlade.prototype._callTimeout = options.callTimeout; this._callTimeout = options.callTimeout || 30000; //default to 30 seconds /** * This property tells us which port to use for websocket mqtt auth. * @property messagingAuthPort * @type Number */ this.messagingAuthPort = options.messagingAuthPort || 8907; this.user = {}; if (options.useUser) { _this.setUser(options.useUser.email, options.useUser.authToken); } else if (options.registerUser) { this.registerUser(options.email, options.password, function ( err, response ) { if (err) { execute(err, response, options.callback); } else { _this.loginUser(options.email, options.password, function ( err, user ) { execute(err, user, options.callback); }); } }); } else if (options.email) { if (options.mqttAuth) { this.loginUserMqtt(options.email, options.password, function ( err, user ) { execute(err, user, options.callback); }); } else { this.loginUser(options.email, options.password, function (err, user) { execute(err, user, options.callback); }); } } else { this.loginAnon(function (err, user) { execute(err, user, options.callback); }); } }; var _validateEmailPassword = function (email, password) { if (email == null || email == undefined || typeof email != 'string') { throw new Error('Email must be given and must be a string'); } if ( password == null || password == undefined || typeof password != 'string' ) { throw new Error('Password must be given and must be a string'); } }; /** * Used when assuming the role of a user to make subsequent requests * @method ClearBlade.setUser * @param email {String} the email of the user * @param authToken {String} the authToken for the user */ ClearBlade.prototype.setUser = function (email, authToken) { this.user.email = email; this.user.authToken = authToken; ClearBlade.prototype.user = this.user; }; /** * Method to register a user with the ClearBlade Platform * @method ClearBlade.registerUser * @param email {String} the users email * @param password {String} the password for the user * @param callback {function} returns a Boolean error value and a response as parameters * @example Register User * cb.registerUser("newUser@domain.com", "qwerty", function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ ClearBlade.prototype.registerUser = function (email, password, callback) { _validateEmailPassword(email, password); ClearBlade.request( { method: 'POST', endpoint: 'api/v/1/user/reg', useUser: true, user: this.user, body: { email: email, password: password }, authToken: this.user.authToken, systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, timeout: this._callTimeout, URI: this.URI, }, function (err, response) { if (err) { execute(true, response, callback); } else { this.setUser(email, response.user_token); execute(false, this.user, callback); } }.bind(this) ); }; /** * Method to check if the current user has an active server session * @method ClearBlade.isCurrentUserAuthenticated * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.isCurrentUserAuthenticated(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * //check authentication boolean * } * }) */ ClearBlade.prototype.isCurrentUserAuthenticated = function (callback) { ClearBlade.request( { method: 'POST', endpoint: 'api/v/1/user/checkauth', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, timeout: this._callTimeout, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }, function (err, response) { if (err) { execute(true, response, callback); } else { execute(false, response.is_authenticated, callback); } } ); }; /** * Method to end the server session for the current user * @method ClearBlade.logoutUser * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.logoutUser(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * //do post logout stuff * } * }) */ ClearBlade.prototype.logoutUser = function (callback) { ClearBlade.request( { method: 'POST', endpoint: 'api/v/1/user/logout', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, timeout: this._callTimeout, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }, function (err, response) { if (err) { execute(true, response, callback); } else { execute(false, 'User Logged out', callback); } } ); }; /** * Method to create an anonymous session with the ClearBlade Platform * @method ClearBlade.loginAnon * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.loginAnon(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * //do post login stuff * } * }) */ ClearBlade.prototype.loginAnon = function (callback) { var _this = this; ClearBlade.request( { method: 'POST', useUser: false, endpoint: 'api/v/1/user/anon', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, timeout: this._callTimeout, URI: this.URI, }, function (err, response) { if (err) { execute(true, response, callback); } else { _this.setUser(null, response.user_token); execute(false, _this.user, callback); } } ); }; /** * Method to create an authenticated session with the ClearBlade Platform * @method * @param {String} email * @param {String} password * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.loginUser("existentUser@domain.com", "qwerty", function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * //do post login stuff * } * }) */ ClearBlade.prototype.loginUser = function (email, password, callback) { var _this = this; _validateEmailPassword(email, password); ClearBlade.request( { method: 'POST', useUser: false, endpoint: 'api/v/1/user/auth', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, URI: this.URI, timeout: this._callTimeout, body: { email: email, password: password }, }, function (err, response) { if (err) { execute(true, response, callback); } else { _this.setUser(email, response.user_token); execute(false, _this.user, callback); } } ); }; /** * Method to log user or developer in via MQTT over websockets * @method ClearBlade.loginUserMqtt * @param {String} email * @param {String} password * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.loginUserMqtt("foo@bar.baz","secret_password", function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * //do post login stuff * } * }) */ ClearBlade.prototype.loginUserMqtt = function (email, password, callback) { var _this = this; _validateEmailPassword(email, password); var clientid = email + ':' + password; var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client( _this.messagingURI, _this.messagingAuthPort, '/mqtt_auth', clientid ); var ourTopic = _this.systemKey + '/' + email; //helper var getString = function (msg) { //take two bytes if (msg.length < 2) { var err = new Error('Bad Return Value from mqtt auth: bad length'); callback(err, null); } var b1 = msg[0]; var b2 = msg[1]; //get the string length var len = b1.charCodeAt(0) + b2.charCodeAt(0); if (msg.length < len + 2) { var err = new Error( 'Bad return value from mqtt auth: length longer than substring' ); callback(err, null); } return msg.substring(0, len); }; var onConnect = function () { //subscribe to our topic client.subscribe(ourTopic, { qos: 0 }); }; var success = false; var msgArrived = function (msg) { //we only anticipate receiving one message if (msg.destinationName != ourTopic) { return; } var body = msg.payloadString; var tok = getString(body); body = body.substring(tok.length + 2); //usrid is unused by the sdk at the momment var usrid = getString(body); body = body.substring(usrid.length + 2); var msgingHost = getString(body); _this.setUser(email, tok); _this.messagingURI = msgingHost; success = true; client.disconnect(); callback(false, _this.user); }; var mqtt_options = { useSSL: true, cleanSession: true, userName: _this.systemKey, password: _this.systemSecret, onSuccess: onConnect, onFailure: function (msg) { if (!success) { var err = new Error('failed to authenticate: ' + JSON.stringify(msg)); console.log(err); callback(err, null); } }, }; client.onConnectionLost = function (msg) { if (!success) { var err = new Error('connection lost ' + JSON.stringify(msg)); callback(err, null); } }; client.onMessageArrived = msgArrived; client.connect(mqtt_options); }; var masterCallback = null; ClearBlade.prototype.registerMasterCallback = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { this.masterCallback = callback; } else { logger('Did you forget to supply a valid Callback!'); } }; /* * Helper functions */ var execute = function (error, response, callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { if (masterCallback !== null) { masterCallback(error, response); } callback(error, response); } else { logger('Did you forget to supply a valid Callback!'); } }; var logger = function (message) { if (ClearBlade.logging) { console.log(message); } return; }; var isObjectEmpty = function (object) { /*jshint forin:false */ if (typeof object !== 'object') { return true; } for (var keys in object) { return false; } return true; }; /* * request method * */ var _createItemList = function (err, data, options, callback) { if (data === undefined) { callback(true, 'There was some problem. Data is undefined'); } else { var itemArray = []; for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { itemArray.push(ClearBlade.prototype.Item(data[i], options)); } callback(err, itemArray); } }; var _request = function (options, callback) { var method = options.method || 'GET'; var endpoint = options.endpoint || ''; var body = options.body || {}; var qs = options.qs || ''; var url = options.URI || 'https://platform.clearblade.com'; var useUser = options.useUser || true; var authToken = useUser && options.authToken; var callTimeout = options.timeout || 30000; if (useUser && !authToken && options.user && options.user.authToken) { authToken = options.user.authToken; } var params = qs; if (endpoint) { url += '/' + endpoint; } if (params) { url += '?' + params; } //begin XMLHttpRequest var httpRequest; if (typeof window.XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') { // Mozilla, Safari, IE 10 .. httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); // if "withCredentials is not in the XMLHttpRequest object CORS is not supported // if (!("withCredentials" in httpRequest)) { // logger("Sorry it seems that CORS is not supported on your Browser. The RESTful api calls will not work!"); // httpRequest = null; // throw new Error("CORS is not supported!"); // } httpRequest.open(method, url, true); } else if (typeof window.XDomainRequest !== 'undefined') { // IE 8/9 httpRequest = new XDomainRequest(); httpRequest.open(method, url); } else { alert( 'Sorry it seems that CORS is not supported on your Browser. The RESTful api calls will not work!' ); httpRequest = null; throw new Error('CORS is not supported!'); } // Set Credentials; Maybe some encryption later if (authToken) { httpRequest.setRequestHeader('CLEARBLADE-USERTOKEN', authToken); } if (options.systemKey) { httpRequest.setRequestHeader('ClearBlade-SystemKey', options.systemKey); } if (options.systemSecret) { httpRequest.setRequestHeader( 'ClearBlade-SystemSecret', options.systemSecret ); } if (!isObjectEmpty(body) || params) { if (method === 'POST' || method === 'PUT') { // Content-Type is expected for POST and PUT; bad things can happen if you don't specify this. httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); } httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'application/json'); } httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () { if (httpRequest.readyState === 4) { // Looks like we didn't time out! clearTimeout(xhrTimeout); //define error for the entire scope of the if statement var error = false; if (httpRequest.status >= 200 && httpRequest.status < 300) { var parsedResponse; var response; var flag = true; // try to parse response, it should be JSON if ( httpRequest.responseText == '[{}]' || httpRequest.responseText == '[]' ) { error = false; execute(error, [], callback); } else { try { response = JSON.parse(httpRequest.responseText); parsedResponse = []; for (var item in response) { if (response[item] instanceof Object) { for (var key in response[item]) { if (response[item][key] instanceof Object) { if (response[item][key]['_key']) { delete response[item][key]['_key']; } if (response[item][key]['collectionID']) { delete response[item][key]['collectionID']; } parsedResponse.push(response[item][key]); continue; } else { if (response[item]['_key']) { delete response[item]['_key']; } if (response[item]['collectionID']) { delete response[item]['collectionID']; } parsedResponse.push(response[item]); break; } } } else { flag = true; } } } catch (e) { // the response probably was not JSON; Probably had html in it, just output it until all requirements of our backend are defined. if (e instanceof SyntaxError) { response = httpRequest.responseText; // some other error occured; log message , execute callback } else { logger('Error during JSON response parsing: ' + e); error = true; execute(error, e, callback); } } // end of catch // execute callback with whatever was in the response if (flag) { execute(error, response, callback); } else { execute(error, parsedResponse, callback); } } } else { var msg = httpRequest.responseText; // var msg = "Request Failed: Status " + httpRequest.status + " " + (httpRequest.statusText); /*jshint expr: true */ // httpRequest.responseText && (msg += "\nmessage:" + httpRequest.responseText); logger(msg); error = true; execute(error, msg, callback); } } }; logger('calling: ' + method + ' ' + url); body = JSON.stringify(body); // set up our own TimeOut function, because XMLHttpRequest.onTimeOut is not implemented by all browsers yet. function callAbort() { httpRequest.abort(); logger('It seems the request has timed Out, please try again.'); execute(true, 'API Request TimeOut', callback); } // set timeout and timeout function var xhrTimeout = setTimeout(callAbort, callTimeout); httpRequest.send(body); }; ClearBlade.request = options.request || function (options, callback) { if (!options || typeof options !== 'object') { throw new Error('Request: options is not an object or is empty'); } _request(options, callback); }; var _parseOperationQuery = function (_query) { return encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(_query.FILTERS || [])); }; var _parseQuery = function (_query) { var parsed = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(_query)); return parsed; }; /** * Creates a new Collection that represents the server-side collection with the specified collection ID * @class ClearBlade.Collection * @classdesc This class represents a server-side collection. It does not actully make a connection upon instantiation, but has all the methods necessary to do so. It also has all the methods necessary to do operations on the server-side collections. * @param {String} collectionID The string ID for the collection you want to represent. * @example * var col = cb.Collection("12asd3049qwe834qe23asdf1234"); */ ClearBlade.prototype.Collection = function (options) { var collection = {}; if (typeof options === 'string') { collection.endpoint = 'api/v/1/data/' + options; options = { collectionID: options }; } else if (options.collectionName && options.collectionName !== '') { collection.isUsingCollectionName = true; collection.name = options.collectionName; collection.endpoint = 'api/v/1/collection/' + this.systemKey + '/' + options.collectionName; } else if (options.collectionID && options.collectionID !== '') { collection.endpoint = 'api/v/1/data/' + options.collectionID; } else { throw new Error( 'Must supply a collectionID or collectionName key in options object' ); } collection.user = this.user; collection.URI = this.URI; collection.systemKey = this.systemKey; collection.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; /** * Reqests an item or a set of items from the collection. * @method ClearBlade.Collection.prototype.fetch * @param {Query} _query Used to request a specific item or subset of items from the collection on the server. Optional. * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the collection * @return {ClearBlade.Item} An array of ClearBlade Items * @example Fetching data from a collection * var returnedData = []; * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * returnedData = data; * } * }; * * col.fetch(query, callback); * //this will give returnedData the value of what ever was returned from the server. */ collection.fetch = function (_query, callback) { var query; /* * The following logic may look funny, but it is intentional. * I do this because it is typeical for the callback to be the last parameter. * However, '_query' is an optional parameter, so I have to check if 'callback' is undefined * in order to see weather or not _query is defined. */ if (callback === undefined) { callback = _query; query = { FILTERS: [], }; query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(query); } else { if (Object.keys(_query) < 1) { query = ''; } else { query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(_query.query); } } var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: this.endpoint, qs: query, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; var callCallback = function (err, data) { if (err) { callback(err, data); } else { _createItemList(err, data.DATA, options, callback); } }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callCallback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Creates a new item in the collection and returns the created item to the callback * @method ClearBlade.Collection.prototype.create * @param {Object} newItem An object that represents an item that you want to add to the collection * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the collection * @example Creating a new item in the collection * //This example assumes a collection of items that have the columns: name, height, and age. * var newPerson = { * name: 'Jim', * height: 70, * age: 32 * }; * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * col.create(newPerson, callback); * //this inserts the the newPerson item into the collection that col represents * */ collection.create = function (newItem, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'POST', endpoint: this.endpoint, body: newItem, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Updates an existing item or set of items * @method ClearBlade.Collection.prototype.update * @param {Query} _query Query object to denote which items or set of Items will be changed * @param {Object} changes Object representing the attributes that you want changed * @param {function} callback Function that handles the response of the server * @example Updating a set of items * //This example assumes a collection of items that have the columns name and age. * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.equalTo('name', 'John'); * var changes = { * age: 23 * }; * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * * col.update(query, changes, callback); * //sets John's age to 23 */ collection.update = function (_query, changes, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', endpoint: this.endpoint, body: { query: _query.query.FILTERS, $set: changes }, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Removes an item or set of items from the specified collection * @method ClearBlade.Collection.prototype.remove * @param {Query} _query Query object that used to define what item or set of items to remove * @param {function} callback Function that handles the response from the server * @example Removing an item in a collection * //This example assumes that you have a collection with the item whose 'name' attribute is 'John' * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.equalTo('name', 'John'); * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * * col.remove(query, callback); * //removes every item whose 'name' attribute is equal to 'John' */ collection.remove = function (_query, callback) { var query; if (_query === undefined) { throw new Error('no query defined!'); } else { query = 'query=' + _parseOperationQuery(_query.query); } var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', endpoint: this.endpoint, qs: query, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; collection.columns = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request( { method: 'GET', URI: this.URI, endpoint: this.isUsingCollectionName ? 'api/v/2/collection/' + this.systemKey + '/' + this.name + '/columns' : this.endpoint + '/columns', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, user: this.user, }, callback ); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; collection.count = function (_query, callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { var query; if (_query === undefined || Object.keys(_query).length < 1) { query = ''; } else { query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(_query.query); } ClearBlade.request( { method: 'GET', URI: this.URI, qs: query, endpoint: this.isUsingCollectionName ? 'api/v/2/collection/' + this.systemKey + '/' + this.name + '/count' : this.endpoint + '/count', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, user: this.user, }, callback ); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; return collection; }; /** * creates and returns a Query object that can be used in Collection methods or on its own to operate on items on the server * @class ClearBlade.Query * @param {Object} options Object that has configuration values used when instantiating a Query object * @returns {Object} Clearblade.Query the created query */ ClearBlade.prototype.Query = function (options) { var _this = this; var query = {}; if (!options) { options = {}; } if (typeof options === 'string') { query.endpoint = 'api/v/1/data/' + options; options = { collectionID: options }; } else if (options.collectionName && options.collectionName !== '') { query.endpoint = 'api/v/1/collection/' + this.systemKey + '/' + options.collectionName; } else if (options.collectionID && options.collectionID !== '') { query.endpoint = 'api/v/1/data/' + options.collectionID; } query.user = this.user; query.URI = this.URI; query.systemKey = this.systemKey; query.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; query.query = {}; query.OR = []; query.OR.push([query.query]); query.offset = options.offset || 0; query.limit = options.limit || 10; query.addSortToQuery = function (queryObj, direction, column) { if (typeof queryObj.query.SORT === 'undefined') { queryObj.query.SORT = []; } var newSort = {}; newSort[direction] = column; queryObj.query.SORT.push(newSort); }; query.addFilterToQuery = function (queryObj, condition, key, value) { var newObj = {}; newObj[key] = value; var newFilter = {}; newFilter[condition] = [newObj]; if (typeof queryObj.query.FILTERS === 'undefined') { queryObj.query.FILTERS = []; queryObj.query.FILTERS.push([newFilter]); return; } else { for (var i = 0; i < queryObj.query.FILTERS[0].length; i++) { for (var k in queryObj.query.FILTERS[0][i]) { if (queryObj.query.FILTERS[0][i].hasOwnProperty(k)) { if (k === condition) { queryObj.query.FILTERS[0][i][k].push(newObj); return; } } } } queryObj.query.FILTERS[0].push(newFilter); } }; query.ascending = function (field) { this.addSortToQuery(this, 'ASC', field); return this; }; query.descending = function (field) { this.addSortToQuery(this, 'DESC', field); return this; }; /** * Creates an equality clause in the query object * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.equalTo * @param {String} field String defining what attribute to compare * @param {String} value String or Number that is used to compare against * @example Adding an equality clause to a query * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.equalTo('name', 'John'); * //will only match if an item has an attribute 'name' that is equal to 'John' */ query.equalTo = function (field, value) { this.addFilterToQuery(this, 'EQ', field, value); return this; }; /** * Creates a greater than clause in the query object * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.greaterThan * @param {String} field String defining what attribute to compare * @param {String} value String or Number that is used to compare against * @example Adding a greater than clause to a query * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.greaterThan('age', 21); * //will only match if an item has an attribute 'age' that is greater than 21 */ query.greaterThan = function (field, value) { this.addFilterToQuery(this, 'GT', field, value); return this; }; /** * Creates a greater than or equality clause in the query object * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.greaterThanEqualTo * @param {String} field String defining what attribute to compare * @param {String} value String or Number that is used to compare against * @example Adding a greater than or equality clause to a query * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.greaterThanEqualTo('age', 21); * //will only match if an item has an attribute 'age' that is greater than or equal to 21 */ query.greaterThanEqualTo = function (field, value) { this.addFilterToQuery(this, 'GTE', field, value); return this; }; /** * Creates a less than clause in the query object * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.lessThan * @param {String} field String defining what attribute to compare * @param {String} value String or Number that is used to compare against * @example Adding a less than clause to a query * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.lessThan('age', 50); * //will only match if an item has an attribute 'age' that is less than 50 */ query.lessThan = function (field, value) { this.addFilterToQuery(this, 'LT', field, value); return this; }; /** * Creates a less than or equality clause in the query object * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.lessThanEqualTo * @param {String} field String defining what attribute to compare * @param {String} value String or Number that is used to compare against * @example Adding a less than or equality clause to a query * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.lessThanEqualTo('age', 50); * //will only match if an item has an attribute 'age' that is less than or equal to 50 */ query.lessThanEqualTo = function (field, value) { this.addFilterToQuery(this, 'LTE', field, value); return this; }; /** * Creates a not equal clause in the query object * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.notEqualTo * @param {String} field String defining what attribute to compare * @param {String} value String or Number that is used to compare against * @example Adding a not equal clause to a query * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.notEqualTo('name', 'Jim'); * //will only match if an item has an attribute 'name' that is not equal to 'Jim' */ query.notEqualTo = function (field, value) { this.addFilterToQuery(this, 'NEQ', field, value); return this; }; /** * Creates an regular expression matching clause in the query object * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.matches * @param {String} field String defining what attribute to compare * @param {String} pattern String or Number that is used to compare against * @example Adding an regex matching clause to a query * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.matches('name', 'Smith$'); * //will only match if an item has an attribute 'name' that That ends in 'Smith' */ query.matches = function (field, pattern) { this.addFilterToQuery(this, 'RE', field, pattern); return this; }; /** * chains an existing query object to the Query object in an or * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.or * @param {Query} that Query object that will be added in disjunction to this query object * @example Chaining two queries together in an or * var query1 = ClearBlade.Query(); * var query2 = ClearBlade.Query(); * query1.equalTo('name', 'John'); * query2.equalTo('name', 'Jim'); * query1.or(query2); * //will match if an item has an attribute 'name' that is equal to 'John' or 'Jim' */ query.or = function (that) { if ( this.query.hasOwnProperty('FILTERS') && that.query.hasOwnProperty('FILTERS') ) { for (var i = 0; i < that.query.FILTERS.length; i++) { this.query.FILTERS.push(that.query.FILTERS[i]); } return this; } else if ( !this.query.hasOwnProperty('FILTERS') && that.query.hasOwnProperty('FILTERS') ) { for (var j = 0; j < that.query.FILTERS.length; j++) { this.query.FILTERS = []; this.query.FILTERS.push(that.query.FILTERS[j]); } return this; } }; /** * Set the pagination options for a Query. * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.setPage * @param {int} pageSize Number of items per response page. The default is * 100. * @param {int} pageNum Page number, taking into account the page size. The * default is 1. */ query.setPage = function (pageSize, pageNum) { this.query.PAGESIZE = pageSize; this.query.PAGENUM = pageNum; return this; }; /** * Get the field value for a particular column. * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.getFieldValue * @param {string} field Name of column to retrieve the value for */ query.getFieldValue = function (field) { var filters = this.query .FILTERS; /* [[{"EQ":[{"user_id":"f094b5b10bf6ad86f7f7d4b8b9f201"}]}]] */ for (var i = 0, len = filters.length; i < len; i++) { for (var j = 0, jLen = filters[i].length; j < jLen; j++) { for (var key in filters[i][j]) { for (var k = 0, kLen = filters[i][j][key].length; k < kLen; k++) { if (filters[i][j][key][k][field]) { return filters[i][j][key][k]; } } } } } return null; }; /** * Reqests an item or a set of items from the query. Requires that * the Query object was initialized with a collection. * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.fetch * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the collection * @return {ClearBlade.Item} An array of ClearBlade Items * @example The typical callback * var query = ClearBlade.Query({'collection': 'COLLECTIONID'}); * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * //error handling * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * query.fetch(callback); */ query.fetch = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', qs: 'query=' + _parseQuery(this.query), user: this.user, endpoint: this.endpoint, URI: this.URI, }; var callCallback = function (err, data) { if (err) { callback(err, data); } else { _createItemList(err, data.DATA, options, callback); } }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callCallback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Updates an existing item or set of items. Requires that a collection was * set when the Query was initialized. * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.update * @param {Object} changes Object representing the attributes that you want changed * @param {function} callback Function that handles the response of the server * @example Updating a set of items * //This example assumes a collection of items that have the columns name and age. * var query = ClearBlade.Query({'collection': 'COLLECTIONID'}); * query.equalTo('name', 'John'); * var changes = { * age: 23 * }; * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * * query.update(changes, callback); * //sets John's age to 23 */ query.update = function (changes, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', body: { query: this.query.FILTERS, $set: changes }, user: this.user, endpoint: this.endpoint, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Gets rows of the specified columns * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.columns * @param {Object} Columns object * @param {function} callback Function that handles the response of the server * @example Getting values of columns * //This example assumes a collection of items that have the columns name and age. * var query = ClearBlade.Query({'collectionName': 'COLLECTIONNAME'}); * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * * query.columns(["name","age"]); * query.fetch(callback); * //gets values in columns name and age */ query.columns = function (columnsArray) { this.query.SELECTCOLUMNS = columnsArray; return this; }; query.groupBy = function (columnsArray) { this.query.GROUPBY = columnsArray; return this; }; /** * Removes an item or set of items from the Query * @method ClearBlade.Query.prototype.remove * @param {function} callback Function that handles the response from the server * @example Removing an item in a collection * //This example assumes that you have a collection with the item whose 'name' attribute is 'John' * var query = ClearBlade.Query({'collection': 'COLLECTIONID'}); * query.equalTo('name', 'John'); * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * * query.remove(callback); * //removes every item whose 'name' attribute is equal to 'John' */ query.remove = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', qs: 'query=' + _parseQuery(this.query), user: this.user, endpoint: this.endpoint, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; return query; }; /** * Note: This class cannot be used with connections * @class ClearBlade.Item * @param {Object} data Object that contains necessary data for an item in a ClearBlade Collection * @param {String} collection Collection ID of the collection the item belongs to */ ClearBlade.prototype.Item = function (data, options) { var item = {}; if (!(data instanceof Object)) { throw new Error('data must be of type Object'); } if (options === undefined || options === null || options === '') { throw new Error('Must supply an options parameter'); } if (typeof options === 'string') { options = { collectionID: options }; } item.data = data; item.save = function (callback) { //do a put or a post to the database to save the item in the db var self = this; var query = ClearBlade.prototype.Query(options); query.equalTo('item_id', this.data.item_id); var callCallback = function (err, data) { if (err) { callback(err, data); } else { self.data = data[0]; callback(err, data); } }; query.update(this.data, callCallback); }; item.refresh = function (callback) { //do a get to make the local item reflect the database var self = this; var query = ClearBlade.prototype.Query(options); query.equalTo('item_id', this.data.item_id); var callCallback = function (err, data) { if (err) { callback(err, data); } else { self.data = data[0]; callback(err, data); } }; query.fetch(callCallback); }; item.destroy = function (callback) { //deletes the relative record in the DB then deletes the item locally var self = this; var query = ClearBlade.prototype.Query(options); query.equalTo('item_id', this.data.item_id); var callCallback = function (err, data) { if (err) { callback(err, data); } else { self.data = null; delete self.data; callback(err, data); } }; query.remove(callCallback); delete this; }; return item; }; /** * creates and returns a Code object that can be used to execute ClearBlade Code Services * @class ClearBlade.Code * @returns {Object} ClearBlade.Code */ ClearBlade.prototype.Code = function () { var code = {}; code.user = this.user; code.URI = this.URI; code.systemKey = this.systemKey; code.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; code.callTimeout = this._callTimeout; /** * Creates a ClearBlade Code Service * @method ClearBlade.Code.prototype.create * @param {String} name name of the ClearBlade service you wish to create * @param {String} body represents the function to be stored * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Code().create("ServiceName", "{"code":"function ServiceName (req, resp) { resp.success('hello!')}","parameters":[],"systemID":"","name":"ServiceName","dependencies":"clearblade, log","run_user":""}", function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ code.create = function (name, body, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'POST', endpoint: 'api/v/3/code/' + this.systemKey + '/service/' + name, body: body, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Updates a ClearBlade Code Service * @method ClearBlade.Code.prototype.update * @param {String} name name of the ClearBlade service you wish to update * @param {String} body represents the function to be stored * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Code().create("ServiceName", "{"code":"function ServiceName (req, resp) { resp.success('hello!!!!')}","parameters":[],"systemID":"","name":"ServiceName","dependencies":"clearblade, log","run_user":""}", function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ code.update = function (name, body, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', endpoint: 'api/v/3/code/' + this.systemKey + '/service/' + name, body: body, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Deletes a ClearBlade Code Service * @method ClearBlade.Code.prototype.delete * @param {String} name name of the ClearBlade service you wish to delete * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Code().delete("ServiceName", function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ code.delete = function (name, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', endpoint: 'api/v/3/code/' + this.systemKey + '/service/' + name, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Executes a ClearBlade Code Service * @method ClearBlade.Code.prototype.execute * @param {String} name name of the ClearBlade service * @param {Object} params object containing parameters to be used in service * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Code().execute("ServiceName", {stringParam: "stringVal", numParam: 1, objParam: {"key": "val"}, arrayParam: ["ClearBlade", "is", "awesome"]}, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ code.execute = function (name, params, callback, options) { if (typeof options === 'undefined') { options = {}; } var reqOptions = { method: 'POST', endpoint: 'api/v/1/code/' + this.systemKey + '/' + name, body: params, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, timeout: options.requestTimeout || this.callTimeout, }; if (options.id) { reqOptions.endpoint = reqOptions.endpoint + '?id=' + options.id; } if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Retrieves a list of completed services for a system * @method ClearBlade.Code.prototype.getCompletedServices * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Code().getCompletedServices(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ code.getCompletedServices = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: 'api/v/3/code/' + this.systemKey + '/completed', user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Retrieves a list of failed services for a system * @method ClearBlade.Code.prototype.getFailedServices * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Code().getFailedServices(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ code.getFailedServices = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: 'api/v/3/code/' + this.systemKey + '/failed', user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Retrieves a list of services for a system * @method ClearBlade.Code.prototype.getAllServices * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Code().fetch(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ code.getAllServices = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: 'api/v/3/code/' + this.systemKey, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; return code; }; /** * @class ClearBlade.User * @returns {Object} ClearBlade.User the created User object */ ClearBlade.prototype.User = function () { var user = {}; user.user = this.user; user.URI = this.URI; user.endpoint = 'api/v/1/user'; user.systemKey = this.systemKey; user.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; user.callTimeout = this._callTimeout; /** * Retrieves info on the current user * @method ClearBlade.User.prototype.getUser * @param {Function} callback * @example * var user = cb.User(); * user.getUser(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * //do stuff with user info * } * }); */ user.getUser = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: this.endpoint + '/info', systemKey: this.systemKey, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Performs a put on the current users row * @method ClearBlade.User.prototype.setUser * @param {Object} data Object containing the data to update * @param {Function} callback * @example * var newUserInfo = { * "name": "newName", * "age": 76 * } * var user = cb.User(); * user.setUser(newUserInfo, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ user.setUser = function (data, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', endpoint: this.endpoint + '/info', systemKey: this.systemKey, body: data, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Performs a post on the current users row * @method ClearBlade.User.prototype.addUser * @param {Object} data Object containing the data to insert * @param {Function} callback * @example * var newUserInfo = { * "email": "test@test.com", * "password": "thePassword" * "name": "newName", * "age": 76 * } * var user = cb.User(); * user.addUser(newUserInfo, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ user.addUser = function (data, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'POST', endpoint: this.endpoint + '/info', systemKey: this.systemKey, body: data, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Performs a put on the a users row * @method ClearBlade.User.prototype.updateUser * @param {Object} data Object containing the data to update * @param {Function} callback * @example * var newUserInfo = { * "name": "newName", * "age": 76 * } * var user = cb.User(); * user.updateUser(newUserInfo, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ user.updateUser = function (data, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', endpoint: 'api/v/2/user/info', systemKey: this.systemKey, body: data, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Performs a delete on the current users row * @method ClearBlade.User.prototype.deleteUser * @param {Object} data Object containing the user to delete * @param {Function} callback * @example * var deleteUserInfo = { * "user_id": "theID" * } * var user = cb.User(); * user.deleteUser(deleteUserInfo, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ user.deleteUser = function (data, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', endpoint: this.endpoint + '/info', systemKey: this.systemKey, body: data, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Method to retrieve all the users in a system * @method ClearBlade.User.prototype.allUsers * @param {ClearBlade.Query} _query ClearBlade query used to filter users * @param {Function} callback * @example * var user = cb.User(); * var query = cb.Query(); * query.equalTo("name", "John"); * query.setPage(0,0); * user.allUsers(query, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); * //returns all the users with a name property equal to "John" */ user.allUsers = function (_query, callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { var query; if (callback === undefined) { callback = _query; query = ''; } else if (Object.keys(_query).length < 1) { query = ''; } else { query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(_query.query); } ClearBlade.request( { method: 'GET', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, endpoint: this.endpoint, qs: query, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }, callback ); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; user.setPassword = function (oldPass, newPass, callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request( { method: 'PUT', endpoint: this.endpoint + '/pass', body: { old_password: oldPass, new_password: newPass }, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }, callback ); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; user.count = function (_query, callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { var query; if (_query === undefined || Object.keys(_query).length < 1) { query = ''; } else { query = 'query=' + _parseOperationQuery(_query.query); } ClearBlade.request( { method: 'GET', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, endpoint: this.endpoint + '/count', qs: query, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }, callback ); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; user.columns = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request( { method: 'GET', URI: this.URI, endpoint: this.endpoint + '/columns', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, user: this.user, }, callback ); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; return user; }; const DEFAULT_CALLBACK_ID = '__default_callback_id__'; /** * Initializes the ClearBlade messaging object and connects to a server. * @class ClearBlade.Messaging * @param {Object} options This value contains the config object for connecting. A number of reasonable defaults are set for the option if none are set. *

*The connect options and their defaults are: *

{number} [timeout] sets the timeout for the websocket connection in case of failure. The default is 60


{Messaging Message} [willMessage] A message sent on a specified topic when the client disconnects without sending a disconnect packet. The default is none.


{Number} [keepAliveInterval] The server disconnects if there is no activity for this pierod of time. The default is 60.


{boolean} [cleanSession] The server will persist state of the session if true. Not avaliable in beta.


{boolean} [useSSL] The option to use SSL websockets. Default is false for now.


{object} [invocationContext] An object to wrap all the important variables needed for the onFalure and onSuccess functions. The default is empty.


{function} [onSuccess] A callback to operate on the result of a sucessful connect. In beta the default is just the invoking of the `callback` parameter with the data from the connection.


{function} [onFailure] A callback to operate on the result of an unsuccessful connect. In beta the default is just the invoking of the `callback` parameter with the data from the connection.


{Object} [hosts] An array of hosts to attempt to connect too. Sticks to the first one that works. The default is [ClearBlade.messagingURI].


{Object} [ports] An array of ports to try, it also sticks to thef first one that works. The default is [1337].


* @param {function} callback Callback to be run upon either succeessful or * failed connection * @example A standard connect * var callback = function (data) { * console.log(data); * }; * //A connect with a nonstandard timeout * var cb = ClearBlade.Messaging({"timeout":15}, callback); */ ClearBlade.prototype.Messaging = function (options, callback) { if (!window.Paho) { throw new Error('Please include the mqttws31.js script on the page'); } var _this = this; var messaging = {}; var messageCallbacks = {}; messaging.user = this.user; messaging.URI = this.URI; messaging.endpoint = 'api/v/1/message'; messaging.systemKey = this.systemKey; messaging.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; messaging.callTimeout = this._callTimeout; messaging.numOfConnectRetries = 0; messaging.maxConnectRetries = options.maxConnectRetries || 3; //roll through the config var conf = {}; conf.userName = this.user.authToken; conf.password = this.systemKey; conf.cleanSession = options.cleanSession || true; conf.useSSL = options.useSSL || false; //up for debate. ole' perf vs sec argument conf.hosts = options.hosts || [this.messagingURI]; conf.ports = options.ports || [this.messagingPort]; conf.keepAliveInterval = options.keepAliveInterval || 50; if (options.qos !== undefined && options.qos !== null) { messaging._qos = options.qos; } else { messaging._qos = this.defaultQoS; } var clientID = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10e12).toString(); messaging.client = new Paho.MQTT.Client( conf.hosts[0], conf.ports[0], clientID ); //new Messaging.Client(conf.hosts[0],conf.ports[0],clientID); messaging.client.onConnectionLost = function (response) { if (messaging.numOfConnectRetries >= messaging.maxConnectRetries) { if (response.errorCode === 8) { var errMsg = 'Unable to connect via WebSocket - Invalid permissions'; console.warn(errMsg); callback(errMsg); } else { var errMsg = 'Disconnected via WebSocket. No longer attempting to reconnect'; console.warn(errMsg); callback(errMsg); } } else { console.log( 'ClearBlade Messaging connection lost- attempting to reestablish', response ); delete conf.mqttVersionExplicit; delete conf.uris; messaging.numOfConnectRetries++; messaging.client.connect(conf); } }; messaging.client.onMessageArrived = function (message) { // messageCallbacks from Subscribe() may contain multiple callbacks per topic const callbacks = Object.values( messageCallbacks[ getMessageTopic(message.destinationName, messageCallbacks) ] ); for (var theCallback of callbacks) { theCallback(message.payloadString, message); } }; // the mqtt websocket library uses "onConnect," but our terminology uses // "onSuccess" and "onFailure" var onSuccess = function (data) { messaging.numOfConnectRetries = 0; callback(undefined, data); }; messaging.client.onConnect = onSuccess; var onFailure = function (err) { console.log('ClearBlade Messaging failed to connect'); callback(err, undefined); }; conf.onSuccess = options.onSuccess || onSuccess; conf.onFailure = options.onFailure || onFailure; messaging.client.connect(conf); /** * Publishes to a topic. * @method ClearBlade.Messaging.prototype.publish * @param {string} topic Is the topic path of the message to be published. This will be sent to all listeners on the topic. No default. * @param {string | ArrayBuffer} payload The payload to be sent. Also no default. * @example How to publish * var callback = function (data) { * console.log(data); * }; * var cb = ClearBlade.Messaging({}, callback); * cb.publish("ClearBlade/is awesome!","Totally rules"); * //Topics can include spaces and punctuation except "/" */ messaging.publish = function (topic, payload) { var msg = new Paho.MQTT.Message(payload); msg.destinationName = topic; msg.qos = this._qos; messaging.client.send(msg); }; messaging.publishREST = function (topic, payload, callback) { ClearBlade.request( { method: 'POST', endpoint: this.endpoint + '/' + this.systemKey + '/publish', body: { topic: topic, payload: payload }, systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }, callback ); }; /** * Subscribes to a topic * @method ClearBlade.Messaging.prototype.subscribe * @param {string} topic The topic to subscribe to. No default. * @param {Object} [options] The configuration object. Options:

{Number} [qos] The quality of service specified within MQTT. The default is 0, or fire and forget.

{Object} [invocationContext] An object that contains variables and other data for the onSuccess and failure callbacks. The default is blank.

{function} [onSuccess] The callback invoked on a successful subscription. The default is nothing.

{function} [onFailure] The callback invoked on a failed subsciption. The default is nothing.

{Number} [timeout] The time to wait for a response from the server acknowleging the subscription.

* @param {function} messageCallback Callback to invoke upon message arrival * @example How to publish * var callback = function (data) { * console.log(data); * }; * var cb = ClearBlade.Messaging({}, callback); * cb.subscribe("ClearBlade/is awesome!",{}); */ messaging.subscribe = function ( topic, options, messageCallback, callbackId ) { var conf = { qos: this._qos || 0, }; for (var opt in options) { conf[opt] = options[opt]; } this.client.subscribe(topic, conf); if (messageCallbacks[topic]) { messageCallbacks[topic] = Object.assign(messageCallbacks[topic], { [callbackId || DEFAULT_CALLBACK_ID]: messageCallback, }); } else { messageCallbacks[topic] = { [callbackId || DEFAULT_CALLBACK_ID]: messageCallback, }; } }; /** * Unsubscribes from a topic * @method ClearBlade.Messaging.prototype.unsubscribe * @param {string} topic The topic to subscribe to. No default. * @param {Object} [options] The configuration object

@options {Object} [invocationContext] An object that contains variables and other data for the onSuccess and failure callbacks. The default is blank. @options {function} [onSuccess] The callback invoked on a successful unsubscription. The default is nothing. @options {function} [onFailure] The callback invoked on a failed unsubcription. The default is nothing. @options {Number} [timeout] The time to wait for a response from the server acknowleging the subscription.

* @example How to publish * var callback = function (data) { * console.log(data); * }; * var cb = ClearBlade.Messaging({}, callback); * cb.unsubscribe("ClearBlade/is awesome!",{"onSuccess":function(){console.log("we unsubscribe");}); */ messaging.unsubscribe = function (topic, options, callbackId) { var conf = {}; conf['invocationContext'] = options['invocationContext'] || {}; conf['onSuccess'] = options['onSuccess'] || function () {}; //null; conf['onFailure'] = options['onFailure'] || function () {}; //null; conf['timeout'] = options['timeout'] || 60; delete messageCallbacks[topic][callbackId || DEFAULT_CALLBACK_ID]; if (Object.keys(messageCallbacks[topic]).length === 0) { delete messageCallbacks[topic]; this.client.unsubscribe(topic, conf); } }; /** * Disconnects from the server. * @method ClearBlade.Messaging.prototype.disconnect * @example How to publish * var callback = function (data) { * console.log(data); * }; * var cb = ClearBlade.Messaging({}, callback); * cb.disconnect()//why leave so soon :( */ messaging.disconnect = function () { messageCallbacks = {}; this.client.disconnect(); }; return messaging; }; /** * @class ClearBlade.MessagingStats * @returns {Object} ClearBlade.MessagingStats the created MessagingStats object */ ClearBlade.prototype.MessagingStats = function () { var _this = this; var messagingStats = {}; messagingStats.user = this.user; messagingStats.URI = this.URI; messagingStats.endpoint = 'api/v/3/message'; messagingStats.endpointV1 = 'api/v/1/message'; messagingStats.systemKey = this.systemKey; messagingStats.callTimeout = this._callTimeout; /** * Gets the message history from a ClearBlade Messaging topic. * @method ClearBlade.MessagingStats.getMessageHistoryWithTimeFrame * @param {string} topic The topic from which to retrieve history * @param {number} last Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of messages before that timestamp. Set to -1 if not used * @param {number} count Number that signifies how many messages to return; 0 returns all messages * @param {number} start Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of messages within timeframe. Set to -1 if not used * @param {number} stop Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of messages within timeframe. Set to -1 if not used * @param {function} callback The function to be called upon execution of query -- called with a boolean error and the response */ messagingStats.getMessageHistoryWithTimeFrame = function ( topic, count, last, start, stop, callback ) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: this.endpointV1 + '/' + this.systemKey, qs: 'topic=' + topic + '&count=' + count + '&last=' + last + '&start=' + start + '&stop=' + stop, authToken: this.user.authToken, timeout: this.callTimeout, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, function (err, response) { if (err) { execute(true, response, callback); } else { execute(false, response, callback); } }); }; /** * Gets the message history from a ClearBlade Messaging topic. * @method ClearBlade.MessagingStats.getMessageHistory * @param {string} topic The topic from which to retrieve history * @param {number} last Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve 'count' number of messages before that timestamp. Set to -1 if not used * @param {number} count Number that signifies how many messages to return; 0 returns all messages * @param {function} callback The function to be called upon execution of query -- called with a boolean error and the response */ messagingStats.getMessageHistory = function (topic, last, count, callback) { messagingStats.getMessageHistoryWithTimeFrame( topic, count, last, -1, -1, callback ); }; /** * Gets the message history from a ClearBlade Messaging topic. * @method ClearBlade.MessagingStats.getAndDeleteMessageHistory * @param {string} topic The topic from which to retrieve history * @param {number} last Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve and delete 'count' number of messages before that timestamp. Set to -1 if not used * @param {number} count Number that signifies how many messages to return and delete; 0 returns and deletes all messages * @param {number} start Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve and delete 'count' number of messages within timeframe. Set to -1 if not used * @param {number} stop Epoch timestamp in seconds that will retrieve and delete 'count' number of messages within timeframe. Set to -1 if not used * @param {function} callback The function to be called upon execution of query -- called with a boolean error and the response */ messagingStats.getAndDeleteMessageHistory = function ( topic, count, last, start, stop, callback ) { var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', endpoint: this.endpointV1 + '/' + this.systemKey, qs: 'topic=' + topic + '&count=' + count + '&last=' + last + '&start=' + start + '&stop=' + stop, authToken: this.user.authToken, timeout: this.callTimeout, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, function (err, response) { if (err) { execute(true, response, callback); } else { execute(false, response, callback); } }); }; /** * Gets the list of all available topics * @method ClearBlade.MessagingStats.currentTopics * @param {function} callback The function to be called upon execution of query -- called with a boolean error and the response */ messagingStats.currentTopics = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request( { method: 'GET', endpoint: this.endpointV1 + '/' + this.systemKey + '/currentTopics', user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }, callback ); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Method to retrieve the average payload size for a topic * @method ClearBlade.MessagingStats.prototype.getAveragePayloadSize * @param {string} topic Topic to retrieve the average payload size for * @param {int} start Point in time in which to begin the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {int} stop Point in time in which to end the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.MessagingStats().getAveragePayloadSize("mytopic", 1490819666, 1490819676, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); * //returns {"payloadsize":28} */ messagingStats.getAveragePayloadSize = function ( topic, start, stop, callback ) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: this.endpoint + '/' + this.systemKey + '/averagePayload', qs: 'topic=' + topic + '&start=' + start + '&stop=' + stop, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Method to retrieve the number of MQTT connections for a system * @method ClearBlade.MessagingStats.prototype.getOpenConnections * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.MessagingStats().getOpenConnections(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); * //returns {"connections":42} */ messagingStats.getOpenConnections = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: this.endpoint + '/' + this.systemKey + '/connections', user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Method to retrieve the number of subscribers for a topic * @method ClearBlade.MessagingStats.prototype.getCurrentSubscribers * @param {string} topic Topic to retrieve the current subscribers for * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.MessagingStats().getCurrentSubscribers("mytopic", function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); * //returns {"subscribers": 42} */ messagingStats.getCurrentSubscribers = function (topic, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: this.endpoint + '/' + this.systemKey + '/subscribers/' + topic, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; return messagingStats; }; /** * Sends a push notification * @method ClearBlade.sendPush * @param {Array} users The list of users to which the message will be sent * @param {Object} payload An object with the keys 'alert', 'badge', 'sound' * @param {string} appId A string with appId that identifies the app to send to * @param {function} callback A function like `function (err, data) {}` to handle the response */ ClearBlade.prototype.sendPush = function (users, payload, appId, callback) { if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error('Callback must be a function'); } if (!Array.isArray(users)) { throw new Error('User list must be an array of user IDs'); } var formattedObject = {}; Object.getOwnPropertyNames(payload).forEach(function (key, element) { if (key === 'alert' || key === 'badge' || key === 'sound') { if (!formattedObject.hasOwnProperty('aps')) { formattedObject.aps = {}; } formattedObject.aps[key] = payload[key]; } }); var body = { cbids: users, 'apple-message': JSON.stringify(formattedObject), appid: appId, }; var reqOptions = { method: 'POST', endpoint: 'api/v/1/push/' + this.systemKey, body: body, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Gets an array of Edges on the system. * @method ClearBlade.getEdges * @param {function} callback A function like `function (err, data) {}` to handle the response */ ClearBlade.prototype.getEdges = function (_query, callback) { var query; if (callback === undefined) { callback = _query; query = { FILTERS: [], }; query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(query); } else { if (Object.keys(_query) < 1) { query = ''; } else { query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(_query.query); } } var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/edges/' + this.systemKey, qs: query, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; ClearBlade.prototype.Edge = function () { var edge = {}; edge.user = this.user; edge.URI = this.URI; edge.systemKey = this.systemKey; edge.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; /** * Updates data for an edge * @method ClearBlade.Edge.prototype.updateEdgeByName * @param {String} name Specifies which edge to update * @param {Object} object Supplies the data to update * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the devices * @return {Object} An object containing updated edge's data * @example Updating edge data * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } * }; * * edge.updateEdgeByName(name, object, callback); */ edge.updateEdgeByName = function (name, object, callback) { if (typeof object != 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid object format'); } if (typeof name === 'object') { name = name.query.FILTERS[0][0].EQ[0].edge_key.split(':')[1]; } var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/3/edges/' + this.systemKey + '/' + name, URI: this.URI, }; reqOptions['body'] = object; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Deletes edge or edges * @method ClearBlade.Edge.prototype.deleteEdgeByName * @param {String} name Specifies name of which edge to delete or query object containing edge or edges to delete * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the devices * @example Deleting edge data * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } * }; * * edge.deleteEdgeByName(name, callback); */ edge.deleteEdgeByName = function (name, callback) { if (typeof name === 'object') { var edges = name.query.FILTERS; for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { var edgeName = edges[i][0].EQ[0].edge_key.split(':')[1]; var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/3/edges/' + this.systemKey + '/' + edgeName, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } } else { var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/3/edges/' + this.systemKey + '/' + name, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } }; /** * Creates a new edge and returns the created item to the callback * @method ClearBlade.Edge.prototype.create * @param {Object} newItem An object that represents the new edge, requiring the fields below. * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the edge list * @example Creating a new edge * var newEdge = { token: '', system_key: '', system_secret: '', * }; * var name = 'newName'; * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * edge.create(newEdge, name, callback); * //this inserts the the newEdge into the edge list * */ edge.create = function (newEdge, name, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'POST', endpoint: 'api/v/3/edges/' + this.systemKey + '/' + name, body: newEdge, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; edge.columns = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request( { method: 'GET', URI: this.URI, endpoint: 'api/v/3/edges/' + this.systemKey + '/columns', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, user: this.user, }, callback ); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; edge.count = function (_query, callback) { var query; if (callback === undefined) { callback = _query; query = { FILTERS: [], }; query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(query); } else { if (Object.keys(_query) < 1) { query = ''; } else { query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(_query.query); } } var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', URI: this.URI, qs: query, endpoint: 'api/v/3/edges/' + this.systemKey + '/count', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, user: this.user, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; return edge; }; ClearBlade.prototype.Metrics = function () { var metrics = {}; metrics.systemKey = this.systemKey; metrics.URI = this.URI; metrics.user = this.user; metrics.setQuery = function (_query) { metrics.query = _query.query; }; metrics.getStatistics = function (callback) { if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error('Callback must be a function'); } var endpoint = 'api/v/3/platform/statistics/' + this.systemKey; var query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(this.query); var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: endpoint, URI: this.URI, qs: query, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; metrics.getStatisticsHistory = function (callback) { if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error('Callback must be a function'); } var endpoint = 'api/v/3/platform/statistics/' + this.systemKey + '/history'; var query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(this.query); var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: endpoint, URI: this.URI, qs: query, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; metrics.getDBConnections = function (callback) { if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error('Callback must be a function'); } var endpoint = 'api/v/3/platform/dbconnections/' + this.systemKey; var query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(this.query); var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: endpoint, URI: this.URI, }; if (this.query) { reqOptions.qs = query; } ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; metrics.getLogs = function (callback) { if (!callback || typeof callback !== 'function') { throw new Error('Callback must be a function'); } var endpoint = 'api/v/3/platform/logs/' + this.systemKey; var query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(this.query); var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: endpoint, URI: this.URI, qs: query, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; return metrics; }; /** * Creates a representation of devices * @class ClearBlade.Device * @classdesc It does not actually make a connection upon instantiation, but has all the methods necessary to do so. * @example * var device = cb.Device(); */ ClearBlade.prototype.Device = function () { var device = {}; device.user = this.user; device.URI = this.URI; device.systemKey = this.systemKey; device.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; /** * Requests the named device * @method ClearBlade.Device.prototype.getDeviceByName * @param {String} name Used to indicate which device to get * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the devices * @return {Object} An object containing device's data * @example Fetching data from device * var returnedData = {}; * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * returnedData = data; * } * }; * * device.updateDeviceByName(name, callback); * //this will give returnedData the value of what ever was returned from the server. */ device.getDeviceByName = function (name, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/devices/' + this.systemKey + '/' + name, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Updates data for a device * @method ClearBlade.Device.prototype.updateDeviceByName * @param {String} name Specifies which device to update * @param {Object} object Supplies the data to update * @param {Boolean} trigger Indicates whether or not should cause a trigger * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the devices * @return {Object} An object containing updated device's data * @example Updating device data * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } * }; * * device.updateDevice(name, object, trigger, callback); */ device.updateDeviceByName = function (name, object, trigger, callback) { if (typeof object != 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid object format'); } object['causeTrigger'] = trigger; var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/devices/' + this.systemKey + '/' + name, URI: this.URI, }; reqOptions['body'] = object; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Deletes the named device * @method ClearBlade.Device.prototype.deleteDeviceByName * @param {String} name Used to indicate which device to remove * @param {function} callback Handles response from the server * @example Removing device * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * returnedData = data; * } * }; * * device.deleteDeviceByName(name, callback); * //this will remove the indicated device. */ device.deleteDeviceByName = function (name, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/devices/' + this.systemKey + '/' + name, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Requests a list of all devices, unless query specifies item or a set of items. * @method ClearBlade.Device.prototype.fetch * @param {Query} _query Used to request a specific item or subset of items from the devices on the server. Optional. * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the devices * @return {Object} An array of objects * @example Fetching data from devices * var returnedData = []; * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * returnedData = data; * } * }; * * device.fetch(query, callback); * //this will give returnedData the value of what ever was returned from the server. */ device.fetch = function (_query, callback) { var query; /* * The following logic may look funny, but it is intentional. * I do this because it is typeical for the callback to be the last parameter. * However, '_query' is an optional parameter, so I have to check if 'callback' is undefined * in order to see weather or not _query is defined. */ if (callback === undefined) { callback = _query; query = { FILTERS: [], }; query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(query); } else { if (Object.keys(_query) < 1) { query = ''; } else { query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(_query.query); } } var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/devices/' + this.systemKey, qs: query, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Updates all devices, unless query specifies item or a set of items to update. * @method ClearBlade.Device.prototype.update * @param {Query} _query Used to request a specific item or subset of items from the devices on the server. Optional. * @param {Object} object Supplies the data to update * @param {Boolean} trigger Indicates whether or not should cause a trigger * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the devices * @return {Object} An object containing updated devices' data * @example Updating devices' data * var query = ClearBlade.query(); * query.equalTo('state', 'TX') * var changes = { * state: 'CA' * } * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } * }; * device.update(query, changes, true, callback); */ device.update = function (_query, object, trigger, callback) { var filters = _query ? _query.query.FILTERS : []; var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/devices/' + this.systemKey, URI: this.URI, }; reqOptions['causeTrigger'] = trigger; reqOptions['body'] = { query: filters, $set: object }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Deletes device or a set of devices indicated by query. * @method ClearBlade.Device.prototype.delete * @param {Query} _query Used to request a specific item or subset of items from the devices on the server. Required. * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the devices * @example Removing devices from devices * var query = ClearBlade.Query(); * query.equalTo('state', 'TX'); * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * * device.delete(query, callback); * //removes every device whose 'state' attribute is equal to 'TX' */ device.delete = function (_query, callback) { var query; if (_query === undefined) { throw new Error('no query defined!'); } else { query = 'query=' + _parseOperationQuery(_query.query); } var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/devices/' + this.systemKey, qs: query, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; /** * Creates a new device and returns the created item to the callback * @method ClearBlade.Device.prototype.create * @param {Object} newItem An object that represents the new device, requiring the fields below. * @param {function} callback Supplies processing for what to do with the data that is returned from the device list * @example Creating a new device * var newDevice = { * active_key: "deviceKey", * allow_certificate_auth: true, * allow_key_auth: true, * certificate: '', * description: '', * enabled: true, * keys: '', * name: 'newDevice", * state: 'TX', * type: '', * }; * var callback = function (err, data) { * if (err) { * throw new Error (data); * } else { * console.log(data); * } * }; * device.create(newDevice, callback); * //this inserts the the newDevice into the device list * */ device.create = function (newDevice, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'POST', endpoint: 'api/v/2/devices/' + this.systemKey + '/' + newDevice.name, body: newDevice, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; device.columns = function (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request( { method: 'GET', URI: this.URI, endpoint: 'api/v/3/devices/' + this.systemKey + '/columns', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, user: this.user, }, callback ); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; device.count = function (_query, callback) { var query; if (callback === undefined) { callback = _query; query = { FILTERS: [], }; query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(query); } else { if (Object.keys(_query) < 1) { query = ''; } else { query = 'query=' + _parseQuery(_query.query); } } var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', URI: this.URI, qs: query, endpoint: 'api/v/3/devices/' + this.systemKey + '/count', systemKey: this.systemKey, systemSecret: this.systemSecret, user: this.user, }; if (typeof callback === 'function') { ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); } else { logger('No callback was defined!'); } }; return device; }; /** * @class ClearBlade.Analytics * @returns {Object} ClearBlade.Analytics the created Analytics object */ ClearBlade.prototype.Analytics = function () { var analytics = {}; analytics.user = this.user; analytics.URI = this.URI; analytics.systemKey = this.systemKey; analytics.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; /** * Method to retrieve the average payload size for a topic * @method ClearBlade.Analytics.prototype.getStorage * @param {string} topic Topic to retrieve the average payload size for * @param {int} start Point in time in which to begin the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {int} stop Point in time in which to end the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.MessagingStats().getStorage(filter, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ analytics.getStorage = function (filter, callback) { var query = 'query=' + JSON.stringify(filter); var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/analytics/storage', qs: query, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Method to retrieve the average payload size for a topic * @method ClearBlade.Analytics.prototype.getCount * @param {string} topic Topic to retrieve the average payload size for * @param {int} start Point in time in which to begin the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {int} stop Point in time in which to end the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.MessagingStats().getCount(filter, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ analytics.getCount = function (filter, callback) { var query = 'query=' + JSON.stringify(filter); var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/analytics/count', qs: query, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Method to retrieve the average payload size for a topic * @method ClearBlade.Analytics.prototype.getEventList * @param {string} topic Topic to retrieve the average payload size for * @param {int} start Point in time in which to begin the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {int} stop Point in time in which to end the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.MessagingStats().getEventList(filter, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ analytics.getEventList = function (filter, callback) { var query = 'query=' + JSON.stringify(filter); var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/analytics/eventlist', qs: query, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Method to retrieve the average payload size for a topic * @method ClearBlade.Analytics.prototype.getEventTotals * @param {string} topic Topic to retrieve the average payload size for * @param {int} start Point in time in which to begin the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {int} stop Point in time in which to end the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.MessagingStats().getEventTotals(filter, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ analytics.getEventTotals = function (filter, callback) { var query = 'query=' + JSON.stringify(filter); var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/analytics/eventtotals', qs: query, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Method to retrieve the average payload size for a topic * @method ClearBlade.Analytics.prototype.getUserEvents * @param {string} topic Topic to retrieve the average payload size for * @param {int} start Point in time in which to begin the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {int} stop Point in time in which to end the query (epoch timestamp) * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.MessagingStats().getUserEvents(filter, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }); */ analytics.getUserEvents = function (filter, callback) { var query = 'query=' + JSON.stringify(filter); var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/analytics/userevents', qs: query, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; return analytics; }; ClearBlade.prototype.Portal = function (name) { var portal = {}; if (!name) { throw new Error('Must supply a name for portal'); } portal.name = name; portal.user = this.user; portal.URI = this.URI; portal.systemKey = this.systemKey; portal.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; portal.fetch = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/portals/' + this.systemKey + '/' + this.name, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; portal.update = function (data, callback) { if (typeof data != 'object') { throw new Error('Invalid object format'); } var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/2/portals/' + this.systemKey + '/' + this.name, URI: this.URI, }; reqOptions['body'] = data; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; return portal; }; ClearBlade.prototype.Triggers = function () { var triggers = {}; triggers.user = this.user; triggers.URI = this.URI; triggers.systemKey = this.systemKey; triggers.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; triggers.fetchDefinitions = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'admin/triggers/definitions', URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Creates a ClearBlade Trigger * @method ClearBlade.Triggers.prototype.create * @param {String} name name of the ClearBlade trigger you wish to create * @param {Object} def object that represents the trigger definition * @param {Function} callback * @example * var newTrigger = { * system_key: "", * name: "myTrigger", * def_module: "Messaging", * def_name: "Subscribe", * service_name: "", * key_value_pairs: {"topic":"mytopic"} * } * cb.Triggers().create("myTrigger", newTrigger, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ triggers.create = function (name, def, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'POST', user: this.user, body: def, endpoint: 'api/v/3/code/' + this.systemKey + '/trigger/' + name, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Updates a ClearBlade Trigger * @method ClearBlade.Triggers.prototype.update * @param {String} name name of the ClearBlade trigger you wish to update * @param {Object} def object that represents the trigger definition * @param {Function} callback * @example * var triggerUpdate = { * system_key: "", * name: "myTrigger", * def_module: "Messaging", * def_name: "Publish", * service_name: "", * key_value_pairs: {"topic":"mytopic"} * } * cb.Triggers().update("myTrigger", triggerUpdate, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ triggers.update = function (name, def, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', user: this.user, body: def, endpoint: 'api/v/3/code/' + this.systemKey + '/trigger/' + name, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Deletes a ClearBlade Trigger * @method ClearBlade.Triggers.prototype.delete * @param {String} name name of the ClearBlade trigger you wish to delete * @param {Object} def object that represents the trigger definition * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Triggers().delete("myTrigger", function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ triggers.delete = function (name, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/3/code/' + this.systemKey + '/trigger/' + name, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; return triggers; }; ClearBlade.prototype.Roles = function () { var roles = {}; roles.user = this.user; roles.URI = this.URI; roles.systemKey = this.systemKey; roles.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; /** * Create a ClearBlade Role * @method ClearBlade.Roles.prototype.create * @param {Object} role object that represents the role definition * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Roles().create({ name: "newRole", description: "description" collections: [], topics: [], services: [], servicecaches: [] }, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ roles.create = function (role, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'POST', user: this.user, body: role, endpoint: 'api/v/3/user/roles/' + this.systemKey, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Update a ClearBlade Role * @method ClearBlade.Roles.prototype.update * @param {String} id id of the ClearBlade role you wish to update * @param {Object} role object that represents the role changes * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Roles().update("myRoleId", { "changes": {"users": {"permissions": 1}} }, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ roles.update = function (id, changes, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', user: this.user, body: { id: id, changes: changes, }, endpoint: 'api/v/3/user/roles/' + this.systemKey, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Fetch ClearBlade Roles * @method ClearBlade.Roles.prototype.fetch * @param {Object} options object that contains either a query, user ID, or device ID * @param {Function} callback * @example * // fetch first page of roles * cb.Roles().fetch(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) * * // fetch second page of roles * cb.Roles({query: cb.Query().setPage(25, 2)}).fetch(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) * * // fetch all roles for user where user ID = "myUserId" * cb.Roles().fetch({user: "myUserId"}, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) * * // fetch all roles for device where device name = "myDevice" * cb.Roles().fetch({device: "myDevice"}, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) * * // fetch all roles that match a query * cb.Roles().fetch({query: cb.Query().equalTo("Name", "Authenticated")}, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ roles.fetch = function (options, callback) { var qs = ''; if (callback === undefined) { callback = options; options = {}; } if (options.query) { qs = 'query=' + _parseQuery(options.query.query); } else if (options && options.user) { qs += 'user=' + options.user; } else if (options && options.device) { qs += 'device=' + options.device; } var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/3/user/roles/' + this.systemKey, qs: qs, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; /** * Delete a ClearBlade Role * @method ClearBlade.Roles.prototype.delete * @param {String} roleId id of the ClearBlade role you wish to delete * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.Roles().delete("myRoleId", function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ roles.delete = function (roleId, callback) { var qs = 'role=' + roleId; var reqOptions = { method: 'DELETE', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/3/user/roles/' + this.systemKey, qs: qs, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; return roles; }; ClearBlade.prototype.UserManagement = function () { var userMgmt = {}; userMgmt.user = this.user; userMgmt.URI = this.URI; userMgmt.systemKey = this.systemKey; userMgmt.systemSecret = this.systemSecret; /** * Update a users password and/or roles * @method ClearBlade.UserManagement.prototype.update * @param {Object} payload object that represents the changes you want to make (user roles and/or password) * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.UserManagement().update({ * user: "userID", * changes: { * roles: { * add: ["roleIdToAdd"], * delete: ["roleIdToDelete"] * }, * password: "newPassword" * } * }, function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ userMgmt.update = function (payload, callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'PUT', user: this.user, endpoint: 'api/v/4/user/manage', body: payload, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; return userMgmt; }; /** * Retrieves a list of collections for a system * @method ClearBlade.Collection.prototype.getAllCollections * @param {Function} callback * @example * cb.getAllCollections(function(err, body) { * if(err) { * //handle error * } else { * console.log(body); * } * }) */ ClearBlade.prototype.getAllCollections = function (callback) { var reqOptions = { method: 'GET', endpoint: 'api/v/3/allcollections/' + this.systemKey, user: this.user, URI: this.URI, }; ClearBlade.request(reqOptions, callback); }; return ClearBlade; } function getMessageTopic (destinationName, callbackDict) { if (typeof callbackDict[destinationName] !== 'undefined') { return destinationName; } const destArr = destinationName.split('/'); for (const topic in callbackDict) { const topicArr = topic.split('/'); for (let i = 0; i < destArr.length; i++) { if (topicArr[i] === '#') { return topic; } if (destArr[i] !== topicArr[i] && topicArr[i] !== '+') { break; } if (i === destArr.length - 1) { return topic; } } } } module.exports = { ClearBlade: function(options) { const cb = createClearBladeInstance(window, options || {}); return new cb(); }, getMessageTopic };