acl purge { "localhost"; ""; } sub vcl_backend_response { if ( (!(bereq.url ~ "(wp-(login|admin)|login)")) || (bereq.method == "GET") ) { unset beresp.http.set-cookie; set beresp.ttl = 1h; } if (bereq.url ~ "\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|swf|css|js|flv|mp3|mp4|pdf|ico|png)(\?.*|)$") { set beresp.ttl = 365d; } } sub vcl_recv { if (req.method == "PURGE") { if (!client.ip ~ purge) { return (synth(405, "Not allowed.")); } return (hash); } if (req.url ~ "\.(gif|jpg|jpeg|swf|css|js|flv|mp3|mp4|pdf|ico|png)(\?.*|)$") { unset req.http.cookie; set req.url = regsub(req.url, "\?.*$", ""); } if (req.url ~ "\?(utm_(campaign|medium|source|term)|adParams|client|cx|eid|fbid|feed|ref(id|src)?|v(er|iew))=") { set req.url = regsub(req.url, "\?.*$", ""); } if (req.url ~ "wp-(login|admin)" || req.url ~ "preview=true" || req.url ~ "xmlrpc.php") { return (pass); } if (req.http.cookie) { if (req.http.cookie ~ "(wordpress_|wp-settings-)") { return(pass); } else { unset req.http.cookie; } } } # Needed for SSL support sub vcl_hash { if ( req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto ) { hash_data( req.http.X-Forwarded-Proto ); } } sub vcl_deliver { # multi-server webfarm? set a variable here so you can check # the headers to see which frontend served the request # set resp.http.X-Server = "server-01"; if (obj.hits > 0) { set resp.http.X-Cache = "HIT"; } else { set resp.http.X-Cache = "MISS"; } } sub vcl_hit { if (req.method == "PURGE") { return (synth(200, "OK")); } } sub vcl_miss { if (req.method == "PURGE") { return (synth(404, "Not cached")); } }