# WaveInApp [![Awesome](https://cdn.rawgit.com/sindresorhus/awesome/d7305f38d29fed78fa85652e3a63e154dd8e8829/media/badge.svg)](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome) ![Header image](/images/header.jpg) ## Migration from v.0.9.2 to v.0.9.3 All attributes and appropriate methods in builder were renamed. | Old name | New name | | --- | --- | | av_waves_count | av_wavesCount | | av_waves_colors | av_wavesColors | | av_wave_height | av_wavesHeight | | av_footer_height | av_wavesFooterHeight | | av_bubble_size | av_bubblesSize | | av_randomize_bubble_size | av_bubblesRandomizeSizes | | av_layers_count | av_layersCount | | av_background_color | av_backgroundColor | ## Migration from v.0.9.1 to v.0.9.2 * **DbmHandler.Factory.newVisualizerHandler(int)** method signature changed to **DbmHandler.Factory.newVisualizerHandler(Context, int)**. ## Migration from v.0.9.0 to v.0.9.1 * All library resources and attributes were renamed, prefix `av_` was added. If you're adding Audio Visualization view through XML, make sure you'd properly renamed all attributes. See updated example above. * All library resources were marked as private. If you're pointing to any library resource (color, dimen, etc), Android Studio will warn you. * All calculations of dBm values were moved to separate classes. Now you should use **DbmHandler.Factory** class to create new handlers and link it to audio visualization view using **linkTo(DbmHandler)** method. You can provide your implementation of DbmHandler as well. * **setInnerOnPreparedListener()** and **setInnerOnCompletionListener()** methods moved to new **VisualizerDbmHandler** class.
## Support If you have any other questions regarding the use of this library, please contact us for support at info@cleveroad.com (email subject: "Android visualization view. Support request.")