# SVG Graphics Clojure can be used to generate and manipulate [Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalable_Vector_Graphics). SVG images are _drawn_ from a collection of points and paths and images do not lose any quality when making them larger or smaller. Using SVG images for the web and responsive design is highly recommended. ## An SVG image (using reagent) This example of an SVG image is made from: * a white background * a green circle and a smaller blue circle * a white curvy path ```reagent (defn concentric-circles [] [:svg {:style {:border "1px solid" :background "white" :width "150px" :height "150px"}} [:circle {:r 50, :cx 75, :cy 75, :fill "green"}] [:circle {:r 25, :cx 75, :cy 75, :fill "blue"}] [:path {:stroke-width 12 :stroke "white" :fill "none" :d "M 30,40 C 100,40 50,110 120,110"}]]) ``` > #### Note:: > Add another path to the code to make a curvy lambda symbol
Add the following path to the above code to make a curvy lambda symbol ```clojure [:path {:stroke-width 12 :stroke "white" :fill "none" :d "M 75,75 C 50,90 50,110 35,110"}] ``` Or simply replace the code with this example ```clojure (defn concentric-circles [] [:svg {:style {:border "1px solid" :background "white" :width "150px" :height "150px"}} [:circle {:r 50, :cx 75, :cy 75, :fill "green"}] [:circle {:r 25, :cx 75, :cy 75, :fill "blue"}] [:path {:stroke-width 12 :stroke "white" :fill "none" :d "M 30,40 C 100,40 50,110 120,110"}] [:path {:stroke-width 12 :stroke "white" :fill "none" :d "M 75,75 C 50,90 50,110 35,110"}]]) ```