tosca_definitions_version: tosca_simple_yaml_1_0 imports: - indigo_custom_types: description: TOSCA template for a complete CMS Site over Mesos orchestrator topology_template: inputs: # Marathon and Mesos related configuration parameters marathon_username: type: string default: "Marathon-user" marathon_password: type: string default: "Marathon-passwd" mesos_username: type: string default: "Mesos-user" mesos_password: type: string default: "Mesos-passwd" number_of_masters: type: integer default: 1 num_cpus_master: type: integer default: 4 mem_size_master: type: string default: "8 GB" number_of_slaves: type: integer default: 1 num_cpus_slave: type: integer default: 4 mem_size_slave: type: string default: "8 GB" number_of_lbs: type: integer default: 1 num_cpus_lb: type: integer default: 2 mem_size_lb: type: string default: "4 GB" server_image: type: string default: "ost://" # default: "ost://" #### # IAM related configurations to enable the OIDC to X.509 certificate translation iam_token: type: string default: "eyJraWQiOiJyc2ExIiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJzdWIiOiIxZTcwNzRlNS05NmZlLTQzZTgtODgxZC00ZDU3MmMxMjg5MzEiLCJpc3MiOiJodHRwczpcL1wvZG9kYXMtaWFtLmNsb3VkLmNuYWYuaW5mbi5pdFwvIiwiZXhwIjoxNTM2NDE2NTI4LCJpYXQiOjE1MzY0MDIxMjksImp0aSI6Ijc3ZTdmYzMyLTIyMjItNDQzYS1hZmNiLTk2MDgzYTgyNmNiNCJ9.BaN9XVX6PSjFJex1mij5h04LVyl8pLfcABjePccLXt0r06aeblU3LHTa6bp5oUuKoOZ5S20XW7Q5lC8mgpqcLQ4oVJGPQCTdzNu1RRh2lxPS_C1kB-D0AqZF8r4luV0px9FNTv-yFfUrn_lFjcBfPLl565jzQkLOcb1rkbJ9n28" iam_client_id: type: string default: "99f7152a-0550-4be6-8c55-8f27dcbe67e0" iam_client_secret: type: string default: "AIEx7S3vAiIKhinEPndgnEw61GHxMC0k-_4wiVXpLOhLokr97-wNK5PEgMZOpqfO6UkKVARyBb2lQ8i4Qdv_38o" # CMS specific configurations cms_local_site: type: string default: "T3_IT_Opportunistic_xcache" cms_stageoutsite: type: string default: "T1_IT_CNAF" cms_stageoutprotocol: type: string default: "srmv2" # DODAS-Monitoring specific params (NOTE this is optional) monitordb_ip: type: string default: "ES-Endpoint" elasticsearch_secret: type: string default: "ES-secret" cms_stageoutcommand: type: string default: "gfal2" cms_phedexnode: type: string default: "T1_IT_CNAF_Disk" node_templates: mesos_master: type: tosca.nodes.indigo.MesosMaster properties: mesos_username: { get_input: mesos_username } mesos_password: { get_input: mesos_password } marathon_username: { get_input: marathon_username } marathon_password: { get_input: marathon_password } mesos_masters_list: { get_attribute: [ mesos-master-server, private_address ] } requirements: - host: mesos-master-server cms_services: type: tosca.nodes.indigo.CmsServices properties: marathon_password: { get_input: marathon_password } marathon_username: { get_input: marathon_username } mysquid_host: { get_attribute: [ mesos-lb-server, private_address, 0 ] } proxycache_host: { get_attribute: [ mesos-lb-server, private_address, 0 ] } iam_access_token: { get_input: iam_token } iam_client_id: { get_input: iam_client_id } iam_client_secret: { get_input: iam_client_secret } master_ips: { get_attribute: [ mesos-master-server, private_address ] } cms_local_site: { get_input: cms_local_site } cms_input_protocol: "xrootd" requirements: - host: mesos_master cms_xcache: type: tosca.nodes.indigo.XCache requirements: - host: mesos_master mesos_slave: type: tosca.nodes.indigo.MesosSlave properties: master_ips: { get_attribute: [ mesos-master-server, private_address ] } front_end_ip: { get_attribute: [ mesos-master-server, private_address, 0 ] } requirements: - host: mesos-slave-server cms_wn: type: tosca.nodes.indigo.CmsWnConfig properties: mysquid_host: { get_attribute: [ mesos-lb-server, private_address, 0 ] } proxycache_host: { get_attribute: [ mesos-lb-server, private_address, 0 ] } cms_local_site: { get_input: cms_local_site } cms_stageoutsite: { get_input: cms_stageoutsite } cms_stageoutprotocol: { get_input: cms_stageoutprotocol } monitordb_ip: { get_input: monitordb_ip } elasticsearch_secret: { get_input: elasticsearch_secret } cms_stageoutcommand: { get_input: cms_stageoutcommand } cms_phedexnode: { get_input: cms_phedexnode } cms_input_protocol: "xrootd" requirements: - host: mesos_slave mesos_load_balancer: type: tosca.nodes.indigo.MesosLoadBalancer properties: master_ips: { get_attribute: [ mesos-master-server, private_address ] } marathon_username: { get_input: marathon_username } marathon_password: { get_input: marathon_password } requirements: - host: mesos-lb-server - dependency: mesos_master mesos-master-server: type: tosca.nodes.indigo.Compute capabilities: endpoint: properties: network_name: PUBLIC dns_name: mesosserverpublic ports: mesos_port: protocol: tcp source: 5050 marathon_port: protocol: tcp source: 8080 scalable: properties: count: { get_input: number_of_masters } host: properties: num_cpus: { get_input: num_cpus_master } mem_size: { get_input: mem_size_master } os: properties: image: { get_input: server_image } mesos-slave-server: type: tosca.nodes.indigo.Compute capabilities: scalable: properties: count: { get_input: number_of_slaves } host: properties: num_cpus: { get_input: num_cpus_slave } mem_size: { get_input: mem_size_slave } os: properties: image: { get_input: server_image } mesos-lb-server: type: tosca.nodes.indigo.Compute capabilities: endpoint: properties: network_name: PUBLIC dns_name: mesoslb scalable: properties: count: { get_input: number_of_lbs } host: properties: num_cpus: { get_input: num_cpus_lb } mem_size: { get_input: mem_size_lb } os: properties: image: { get_input: server_image } outputs: mesos_lb_ip: value: { get_attribute: [ mesos-lb-server, public_address ] } mesos_endpoint: value: { concat: [ 'http://', get_attribute: [ mesos-master-server, public_address, 0 ], ':5050' ] } marathon_endpoint: value: { concat: [ 'http://', get_attribute: [ mesos-master-server, public_address, 0 ], ':8080' ] }