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Select a valid option:" } ], "response_type": "text" } ] }, "handler": "validation_not_found_handler", "resolver": { "type": "prompt_again" }, "next_handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler" }, { "type": "not_found_max_tries", "title": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "resolver": { "type": "fallback" } } ], "question": { "entity": "entity_4947", "max_tries": 3 }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_150", "next_step": "step_163" }, { "step": "step_163", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Looks like you owe $500 by May 31. Would you like to pay now?" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "value": { "input": { "text": "Yes" } } }, { "label": "No", "value": { "input": { "text": "No" } } } ], "response_type": "option", "repeat_on_reprompt": true } ] }, "context": { "variables": [ { "value": { "variable": "step_150" }, "skill_variable": "credit_card" } ] }, "handlers": [ { "type": "not_found", "title": "validation_not_found_handler", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I'm sorry, I did not catch that, please restate your response." } ], "response_type": "text" } ] }, "handler": "validation_not_found_handler", "resolver": { "type": "prompt_again" }, "next_handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler" }, { "type": "not_found_max_tries", "title": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "resolver": { "type": "fallback" } } ], "question": { "entity": "sys-yes-no", "max_tries": 3 }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_163", "condition": { "or": [ { "eq": [ { "variable": "step_150" }, { "value": "Credit card: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-0808", "from_entity": "entity_4947" } ] }, { "eq": [ { "variable": "step_150" }, { "value": "Credit card: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1045", "from_entity": "entity_4947" } ] } ] }, "next_step": "step_100" }, { "step": "step_100", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "No problem! 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Congrats on paying your bill :)" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_795", "condition": { "or": [ { "and": [ { "eq": [ { "variable": "step_163" }, { "scalar": "yes" } ] } ] }, { "and": [ { "exists": { "skill_variable": "credit_card" } } ] } ] } } ], "title": "Pay Bills", "action": "action_38196", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_38196_intent_17684" }, "variables": [ { "title": "No problem! Let me know if you change your mind", "variable": "step_100", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Which bill would you like to pay?", "variable": "step_150", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Looks like you owe $500 by May 31. Would you like to pay now?", "variable": "step_163", "data_type": "yes_no" }, { "title": "Done! Congrats on paying your bill :)", "variable": "step_795", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_18173", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_001", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I'm afraid I don't understand. I can connect you to an agent." } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "connect_to_agent", "response": { "transfer_info": { "target": {} }, "agent_available": { "message": "Let's send you to an available agent." }, "agent_unavailable": { "message": "There are no agents available at this time. When one becomes available, we'll connect you." }, "message_to_human_agent": "" } }, "variable": "step_001", "condition": { "eq": [ { "system_variable": "fallback_reason" }, { "scalar": "Step validation failed" } ] }, "next_step": "step_002" }, { "step": "step_002", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "Sorry I couldn't assist you. I will connect you to an agent right away." } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "connect_to_agent", "response": { "transfer_info": { "target": {} }, "agent_available": { "message": "Let's send you to an available agent." }, "agent_unavailable": { "message": "There are no agents available at this time. When one becomes available, we'll connect you." }, "message_to_human_agent": "" } }, "variable": "step_002", "condition": { "eq": [ { "system_variable": "fallback_reason" }, { "scalar": "Agent requested" } ] }, "next_step": "step_003" }, { "step": "step_003", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I am afraid I do not understand what you are asking, let me connect you to an agent." } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "connect_to_agent", "response": { "transfer_info": { "target": {} }, "agent_available": { "message": "Let's send you to an available agent." }, "agent_unavailable": { "message": "There are no agents available at this time. When one becomes available, we'll connect you." }, "message_to_human_agent": "" } }, "variable": "step_003", "condition": { "eq": [ { "system_variable": "fallback_reason" }, { "scalar": "No action matches" } ] } } ], "title": "Fallback", "action": "fallback", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "fallback_connect_to_agent" }, "variables": [ { "title": "I'm afraid I don't understand. I can connect you to an agent.", "variable": "step_001", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Sorry I couldn't assist you. I will connect you to an agent righ", "variable": "step_002", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "I am afraid I do not understand what you are asking, let me conn", "variable": "step_003", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "anything_else", "disambiguation_opt_out": true }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_626", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Go to your Lendyr account, click settings, digital wallet, and then click Add!" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_626" } ], "title": "Setting up digital wallet", "action": "action_41465", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_41465_intent_37844" }, "variables": [ { "title": "Go to your Lendyr account, click settings, digital wallet, and t", "variable": "step_626", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_25756", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_425", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "You can use any of the following digital wallets for your Lendyr cards: Apple Pay®, Fitbit Pay™, Google Pay™, Paypal®, Samsung® Pay." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_425" } ], "title": "Learn about digital wallets", "action": "action_14041", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_14041_intent_8574" }, "variables": [ { "title": "You can use any of the following digital wallets for your Lendyr", "variable": "step_425", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_45200", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_147", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "The amount of money you can borrow in federal student loans depends on the loan type and your student status (undergraduate or graduate). What's your status?" } ] } } ], "user_defined": { "user_defined_type": "change-conversation-topic-end" }, "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "options": [ { "label": "Undergraduate", "value": { "input": { "text": "Undergraduate" } } }, { "label": "Graduate", "value": { "input": { "text": "Graduate" } } } ], "response_type": "option", "repeat_on_reprompt": true } ] }, "context": { "variables": [] }, "handlers": [ { "type": "not_found", "title": "validation_not_found_handler", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I didn't catch that. Select a valid option:" } ], "response_type": "text" } ] }, "handler": "validation_not_found_handler", "resolver": { "type": "prompt_again" }, "next_handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler" }, { "type": "not_found_max_tries", "title": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "resolver": { "type": "fallback" } } ], "question": { "entity": "entity_38102", "max_tries": 3 }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_147", "next_step": "step_910" }, { "step": "step_910", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "For " }, { "variable": "step_147" }, { "scalar": " students, the maximum combined amount of Direct Subsidized and Direct Unsubsidized Loans you can borrow each academic year is between $5,500 and $12,500." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "context": { "variables": [ { "value": { "variable": "step_147" }, "skill_variable": "student_status" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_910" } ], "title": "Student loan amounts", "action": "action_41099", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_41099_intent_48449" }, "variables": [ { "title": "The amount of money you can borrow in federal student loans depe", "variable": "step_147", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_462_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_599_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "For {variable} students, the maximum combined amount of Direct S", "variable": "step_910", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_910_result_1", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_23644", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": true }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_586", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "I can help you apply for an additional card to be added to your account. Please confirm before I get you started in the process:" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "value": { "input": { "text": "Yes" } } }, { "label": "No", "value": { "input": { "text": "No" } } } ], "response_type": "option", "repeat_on_reprompt": true } ] }, "handlers": [ { "type": "not_found", "title": "validation_not_found_handler", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I'm sorry, I did not catch that, please restate your response." } ], "response_type": "text" } ] }, "handler": "validation_not_found_handler", "resolver": { "type": "prompt_again" }, "next_handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler" }, { "type": "not_found_max_tries", "title": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "resolver": { "type": "fallback" } } ], "question": { "entity": "sys-yes-no", "max_tries": 3 }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_586", "next_step": "step_507" }, { "step": "step_507", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "I just sent you an email with further details!" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_507", "condition": { "eq": [ { "variable": "step_586" }, { "scalar": "yes" } ] }, "next_step": "step_755" }, { "step": "step_755", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "No worries! 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Let me know if I can help with anything else.", "variable": "step_755", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_2100", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_708", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Credit card companies ask for your income to determine whether to approve your application and, if so, the amount of credit it will issue you.\n\n
\n\n\n\nPlease provide your annual income." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [ { "type": "not_found", "title": "validation_not_found_handler", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I'm sorry, I did not catch that, please restate your response." } ], "response_type": "text" } ] }, "handler": "validation_not_found_handler", "resolver": { "type": "prompt_again" }, "next_handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler" }, { "type": "not_found_max_tries", "title": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "resolver": { "type": "fallback" } } ], "question": { "entity": "sys-currency", "max_tries": 3 }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_708", "next_step": "step_583" }, { "step": "step_583", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Thank you for providing your annual income. I've gone ahead and filled it in the application for you." } ] } } ], "user_defined": { "user_defined_type": "annual-income" }, "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "context": { "variables": [ { "value": { "variable": "step_708" }, "skill_variable": "annual_income" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_583" } ], "title": "Why do you need my annual income?", "action": "action_9795", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_9795_intent_35264" }, "variables": [ { "title": "Thank you for providing your annual income. 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When one becomes available, we'll connect you." }, "message_to_human_agent": "Increase credit limit" } }, "variable": "step_567" } ], "title": "Id like to increase my credit limit", "action": "action_26783", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_26783_intent_15527" }, "variables": [ { "title": "I'm afraid credit limits are beyond my scope but let me connect ", "variable": "step_567", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_21530", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_897", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "I need an agent for that topic but all agents are offline. Would you like to file a ticket so someone can respond later?" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "options": [ { "label": "Yes", "value": { "input": { "text": "Yes" } } }, { "label": "No", "value": { "input": { "text": "No" } } } ], "response_type": "option", "repeat_on_reprompt": true } ] }, "handlers": [ { "type": "not_found", "title": "validation_not_found_handler", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I'm sorry, I did not catch that, please restate your response." } ], "response_type": "text" } ] }, "handler": "validation_not_found_handler", "resolver": { "type": "prompt_again" }, "next_handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler" }, { "type": "not_found_max_tries", "title": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "resolver": { "type": "fallback" } } ], "question": { "entity": "sys-yes-no", "max_tries": 3 }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_897", "next_step": "step_765" }, { "step": "step_765", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "No worries. 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Filing a ticket..." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "callout", "callout": { "path": "/api/v2/requests.json", "type": "integration_interaction", "method": "POST", "internal": { "catalog_item_id": "3233dca4-e2be-409e-98e2-5c05c8511e8b" }, "request_mapping": { "body": [ { "value": { "expression": "\"Modify credit card app\"" }, "parameter": "request.subject" }, { "value": { "expression": "\"I'd like to modify my credit card application but I already mailed it.\"" }, "parameter": "request.comment.body" }, { "value": { "expression": "\"Cade McGregor\"" }, "parameter": "request.requester.name" }, { "value": { "expression": "\"Cade@example.com\"" }, "parameter": "request.requester.email" } ] }, "result_variable": "step_614_result_1" } }, "variable": "step_614", "condition": { "or": [ { "eq": [ { "variable": "step_729" }, { "scalar": "yes" } ] }, { "exists": { "variable": "step_866" } } ] }, "next_step": "step_280" }, { "step": "step_280", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Done! 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Please try again later." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_345", "condition": { "eq": [ { "variable": "step_614_result_1", "variable_path": "success" }, { "scalar": false } ] } } ], "title": "Modify in progress application", "action": "action_42499", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_42499_intent_22600" }, "variables": [ { "title": "Ok, what would you like the description to be?", "variable": "step_148", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Done! Your ticket number is {variable}", "variable": "step_280", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again later.", "variable": "step_345", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "I see you'd like to modify a credit card application but you've ", "variable": "step_519", "data_type": "yes_no" }, { "title": "Thank you! Filing a ticket...", "variable": "step_614", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_614_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "I see you're logged in as Cade McGregor, should we use your cont", "variable": "step_729", "data_type": "yes_no" }, { "variable": "step_765", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_853_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Ok, what account name would you like to file this ticket for?", "variable": "step_866", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "I need an agent for that topic but all agents are offline. 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Someone has picked up your ticket and wil", "variable": "step_688", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Checking for status...", "variable": "step_853", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_853_result_1", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_42499", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_210", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "What type of account would you like to open?" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "options": [ { "label": "Checking", "value": { "input": { "text": "Checking" } } }, { "label": "Checking Premium", "value": { "input": { "text": "Checking Premium" } } }, { "label": "Savings", "value": { "input": { "text": "Savings" } } }, { "label": "Savings Premium", "value": { "input": { "text": "Savings Premium" } } }, { "label": "Investment", "value": { "input": { "text": "Investment" } } } ], "response_type": "option", "repeat_on_reprompt": true } ] }, "handlers": [ { "type": "not_found", "title": "validation_not_found_handler", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I didn't catch that. 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\n\n\n\nAccount type: " }, { "variable": "step_210" }, { "scalar": "\n\nAccount number: 1259289656" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_915", "next_step": "step_436" }, { "step": "step_436", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Note: This interaction was made possible by integrating Watson Assistant with IBM RPA. Learn more [here](https://vimeo.com/733264329/f3e58b4830)." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "invoke_another_action_and_end", "invoke_action": { "action": "action_2644", "parameters": null, "result_variable": "step_436_result_1" } }, "variable": "step_436" } ], "title": "Open an account", "action": "action_23245", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_23245_intent_40027" }, "variables": [ { "title": "What type of account would you like to open?", "variable": "step_210", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Note: This interaction was made possible by integrating Watson A", "variable": "step_436", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_436_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Your account has been opened!
Account type: {variable} Ac", "variable": "step_915", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_41465", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_446", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Applying for a home loan is easy!" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_446" } ], "title": "Applying for a home loan", "action": "action_37651", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_37651_intent_34596" }, "variables": [ { "title": "Applying for a home loan is easy!", "variable": "step_446", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_38196", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_509", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { 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After accepting the browser prompt it may take a moment to retrieve your location data and share it." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "user_defined": { "custom_type": "shareLocation", "user_defined_type": "shareLocation" }, "response_type": "user_defined" } ] }, "handlers": [], "question": { "free_text": true, "only_populate_when_prompted": true }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_186", "next_step": "step_901" }, { "step": "step_901", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Ok, feel free to ask for our nearest location again later." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_901", "condition": { "or": [ { "expression": "${step_186} == \"The browser encountered an error sharing my location.\"" }, { "expression": "${step_186} == \"I don't want to share my location at this time.\"" }, { "expression": "${step_186} == \"There was an error sharing my location.\"" } ] }, "next_step": "step_851" }, { "step": "step_851", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "This is the most convenient branch based on your location! (Please note: since Lendyr is not a real bank, and we don’t have any actual branches, here is the IBM office that's closest to you.)" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "title": "IBM Location", "source": "https://www.ibm.com", "response_type": "iframe" } ] }, "context": { "variables": [] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_851", "condition": { "expression": "${step_186} == \"Ok I've shared my location.\"" }, "next_step": "step_709" }, { "step": "step_709", "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "replay", "clear": [ { "variable": "step_186" } ] }, "variable": "step_709" } ], "title": "Find nearest branch", "action": "action_24961", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_24961_intent_48194" }, "variables": [ { "title": "Please first share your location with me. After accepting the br", "variable": "step_186", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "No response", "variable": "step_709", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "This is the most convenient branch based on your location! (Plea", "variable": "step_851", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Ok, feel free to ask for our nearest location again later.", "variable": "step_901", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_35114", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_129", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "I can help you use the Lendyr mortgage calculator. Since you're logged in, I can grab your credit score and auto-fill that information for you." } ] } } ], "user_defined": { "type": "mc_first_step", "user_defined_type": "mc_first_step" }, "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_129", "next_step": "step_872" }, { "step": "step_872", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "What is your loan amount?" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "context": { "variables": [] }, "handlers": [ { "type": "not_found", "title": "validation_not_found_handler", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I'm sorry, I did not catch that, please restate your response." } ], "response_type": "text" } ] }, "handler": "validation_not_found_handler", "resolver": { "type": "prompt_again" }, "next_handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler" }, { "type": "not_found_max_tries", "title": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "resolver": { "type": "fallback" } } ], "question": { "entity": "sys-currency", "max_tries": 3 }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_872", "next_step": "step_978" }, { "step": "step_978", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Please select your loan term." } ] } } ], "user_defined": { "type": "mc_loan_term_step", "user_defined_type": "mc_loan_term_step" }, "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "options": [ { "label": "30 years", "value": { "input": { "text": "30 years" } } }, { "label": "20 years", "value": { "input": { "text": "20 years" } } }, { "label": "15 years", "value": { "input": { "text": "15 years" } } } ], "response_type": "option", "repeat_on_reprompt": true } ] }, "context": { "variables": [ { "value": { "variable": "step_872" }, "skill_variable": "mortgage_loan_amount" } ] }, "handlers": [ { "type": "not_found", "title": "validation_not_found_handler", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I didn't catch that. Select a valid option:" } ], "response_type": "text" } ] }, "handler": "validation_not_found_handler", "resolver": { "type": "prompt_again" }, "next_handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler" }, { "type": "not_found_max_tries", "title": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "resolver": { "type": "fallback" } } ], "question": { "entity": "entity_47510", "max_tries": 3 }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_978", "next_step": "step_832" }, { "step": "step_832", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "I filled in the Lendyr mortgage calculator on the page for you. Check it out to see your monthly mortgage payments!" } ] } } ], "user_defined": { "type": "mc_last_step", "user_defined_type": "mc_last_step" }, "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "context": { "variables": [ { "value": { "variable": "step_978" }, "skill_variable": "mortgage_loan_term" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_832" } ], "title": "Mortgage calculator", "action": "action_18173", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_18173_intent_22211" }, "variables": [ { "title": "I can help you use the Lendyr mortgage calculator. Since you're ", "variable": "step_129", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_349_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "I filled in the Lendyr mortgage calculator on the page for you. 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Select a valid option:" } ], "response_type": "text" } ] }, "handler": "validation_not_found_handler", "resolver": { "type": "prompt_again" }, "next_handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler" }, { "type": "not_found_max_tries", "title": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "handler": "validation_not_found_max_tries_handler", "resolver": { "type": "fallback" } } ], "question": { "entity": "entity_22498", "max_tries": 3 }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_130", "next_step": "step_552" }, { "step": "step_552", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Which of these describes the type of program your loan is for?" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "options": [ { "label": "Undergraduate", "value": { "input": { "text": "Undergraduate" } } }, { "label": "Graduate", "value": { "input": { "text": "Graduate" } } }, { "label": "Dental", "value": { "input": { "text": "Dental" } } }, { "label": "Medical", "value": { "input": { "text": "Medical" } } }, { "label": "Bar", "value": { "input": { "text": "Bar" } } } ], "response_type": "option", "repeat_on_reprompt": true } ] }, "context": { "variables": [] }, "handlers": [ { "type": "not_found", "title": "validation_not_found_handler", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text": "I didn't catch that. 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Do you want me to show you or tell you how to view charge details and file disputes?" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "user_defined": { "custom_type": "walkMe-flow", "user_defined_type": "walkMe-flow" }, "response_type": "user_defined" } ] }, "handlers": [], "question": { "free_text": true, "only_populate_when_prompted": true }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_880", "next_step": "step_548" }, { "step": "step_548", "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_548", "condition": { "expression": "${step_880}==\"Show me\"" }, "next_step": "step_871" }, { "step": "step_871", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Steps to dispute a charge:\n\n\n 1. Visit the Transactions page\n 2. Scroll down to the table of recent transactions.\n 3. You can find the 'Dispute' button for a charge on the right side of the table. When you click the 'Dispute' button, we begin the process of evaluating the transaction and determining your reimbursement options." }, { "scalar": " Our dispute agents will follow up via phone or email within 48 hours." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "invoke_another_action_and_end", "invoke_action": { "action": "action_45200", "parameters": null, "result_variable": "step_871_result_1" } }, "variable": "step_871", "condition": { "expression": "${step_880}==\"Tell me\"" } } ], "title": "WALKME_INTEGRATION", "action": "action_16219-2", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_16219_intent_30612-2" }, "variables": [ { "variable": "step_490_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "No response", "variable": "step_548", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Steps to dispute a charge: 1. Visit the Transactions page 2. 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\n\n\n\nKeep asking me more questions!" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_705" } ], "title": "Hobbies", "action": "action_23980", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_23980_intent_28809" }, "variables": [ { "title": "Does talking to you count?
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\n\n\n\nCheck out this video to learn more!" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" }, { "title": "", "source": "https://vimeo.com/712207659/acdfd3b852", "alt_text": "Lendyr advertisement", "description": "", "response_type": "video", "channel_options": { "chat": { "dimensions": {} } } } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_627" } ], "title": "Get to know Lendyr", "action": "action_35114", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_35114_intent_3896" }, "variables": [ { "title": "Lendyr is one of the premier banks in the U.S., providing millio", "variable": "step_627", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_747_result_1", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_41798", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": false }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_421", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": 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\n\n\n\nWhy did the chatbot cross the road?" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "question": { "free_text": true, "only_populate_when_prompted": true }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_730", "condition": { "eq": [ { "skill_variable": "jokes_told" }, { "scalar": 0 } ] }, "next_step": "step_445" }, { "step": "step_445", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Because it was programmed to be a chicken!" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "context": { "variables": [ { "value": { "expression": "${jokes_told} + 1" }, "skill_variable": "jokes_told" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_445", "condition": { "eq": [ { "skill_variable": "jokes_told" }, { "scalar": 0 } ] }, "next_step": "step_524" }, { "step": "step_524", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "Now it's your turn. Ask me \"what's up\"!" } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "question": { "free_text": true, "only_populate_when_prompted": true }, "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_524", "condition": { "lte": [ { "skill_variable": "jokes_told" }, { "scalar": "1" } ] }, "next_step": "step_645" }, { "step": "step_645", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "The URL Bar! Oh wait, that's just a chatbot thing." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "context": { "variables": [ { "value": { "expression": "${jokes_told}+1" }, "skill_variable": "jokes_told" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_645", "condition": { "lte": [ { "skill_variable": "jokes_told" }, { "scalar": "1" } ] } } ], "title": "Jokes please!", "action": "action_41798", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_41798_intent_9675" }, "variables": [ { "variable": "step_349_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Because it was programmed to be a chicken!", "variable": "step_445", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "No response", "variable": "step_475", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Now it's your turn. Ask me \"what's up\"!", "variable": "step_524", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "I'm all out of new jokes! Can I share my old ones?", "variable": "step_617", "data_type": "yes_no" }, { "title": "The URL Bar! Oh wait, that's just a chatbot thing.", "variable": "step_645", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "I love a good laugh. Here's a joke for you.
Why did the c", "variable": "step_730", "data_type": "any" }, { "variable": "step_747_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Okay! 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"data_type": "date" }, { "variable": "step_349_result_1", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "Done!", "variable": "step_379", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "To confirm, you want to send ${variable} on {variable}?", "variable": "step_460", "data_type": "yes_no" }, { "title": "How much would you like to transfer?", "variable": "step_748", "data_type": "currency" }, { "title": "Alright, let's try again.", "variable": "step_766", "data_type": "any" } ], "next_action": "action_38418", "topic_switch": { "allowed_from": true, "allowed_into": true }, "disambiguation_opt_out": true }, { "steps": [ { "step": "step_730", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "The most recent item sent to your address, with ZIP Code 95008, was a debit card ending in 9009 in January of 2021." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "continue" }, "variable": "step_730", "next_step": "step_262" }, { "step": "step_262", "output": { "generic": [ { "values": [ { "text_expression": { "concat": [ { "scalar": "You have one item *scheduled* to be sent to your address, ZIP Code 95008. This item is a debit card ending in 9019, scheduled to arrive in the next five to seven business days." } ] } } ], "response_type": "text", "selection_policy": "sequential" } ] }, "handlers": [], "resolver": { "type": "end_action" }, "variable": "step_262" } ], "title": "Lv2p Latest mail", "action": "action_38418", "boosts": [], "handlers": [], "condition": { "intent": "action_38418_intent_37426" }, "variables": [ { "title": "You have one item *scheduled* to be sent to your address, ZIP Co", "variable": "step_262", "data_type": "any" }, { "title": "The most recent item sent to your address, with ZIP Code