require("Inspired") if GetObjectName(myHero) ~= "Yasuo" then return end -- Global stuff KnockedUnits = {} <<<<<<< HEAD Ignite = (GetCastName(myHero,SUMMONER_1):lower():find("summonerdot") and SUMMONER_1 or (GetCastName(myHero,SUMMONER_2):lower():find("summonerdot") and SUMMONER_2 or nil)) WALL_SPELLS = { -- Yea boiz and grillz its all right here....... ["Fizz"] = {_R}, ["Aatrox"] = {_E}, ["Ahri"] = {_Q,_W,_E,_R}, ["Anivia"] = {_Q,_E}, ["Annie"] = {_Q}, ["Ashe"] = {_W,_R}, ["Amumu"] = {_Q}, ["Blitzcrank"] = {_Q}, ["Brand"] = {_Q,_R}, ["Braum"] = {_Q,_R}, ["Caitlyn"] = {_Q,_E,_R}, ["Cassiopiea"] = {_W,_E}, ["Corki"] = {_Q,_R}, ["Diana"] = {_Q}, ["DrMundo"] = {_Q}, ["Draven"] = {_Q,_E,_R}, ["Elise"] = {_Q,_E}, ["Evelynn"] = {_Q}, ["Ezreal"] = {_Q,_W,_R}, ["Galio"] = {_Q,_E}, ["Gangplank"] = {_Q}, ["Gnar"] = {_Q}, ["Graves"] = {_Q,_R}, ["Heimerdinger"] = {_W}, ["Irelia"] = {_R}, ["Janna"] = {_Q}, ["Jayce"] = {_Q}, ["Jinx"] = {_W,_R}, ["Kalista"] = {_Q}, ["Karma"] = {_Q}, ["Kassidan"] = {_Q}, ["Katarina"] = {_R}, ["Leblanc"] = {_Q,_E}, ["Irelia"] = {_R}, ["Leesin"] = {_Q}, ["Irelia"] = {_R}, ["Leona"] = {_E}, ["Lissandra"] = {_E}, ["Lucian"] = {_R}, ["Lux"] = {_Q,_E}, ["Missfortune"] = {_R}, ["Morgana"] = {_Q}, ["Nami"] = {_R}, ["Nocturne"] = {_Q}, ["Pantheon"] = {_Q}, ["Quinn"] = {_Q}, ["Rengar"] = {_E}, ["Riven"] = {_R}, ["Ryze"] = {_Q,_E}, ["Sejuani"] = {_R}, ["Sivir"] = {_Q,_E}, ["Skarner"] = {_E}, ["Sona"] = {_R}, ["Swain"] = {_Q,_R}, ["Irelia"] = {_R}, ["Syndra"] = {_E,_R}, ["Talon"] = {_W,_R}, ["Teemo"] = {_Q}, ["Thresh"] = {_Q}, ["Tristana"] = {_R}, ["Varus"] = {_Q,_R}, ["Vayne"] = {_E}, ["Veigar"] = {_R}, ["Twistedfate"] = {_Q}, ["Velkoz"] = {_Q,_W}, ["Viktor"] = {_E}, ["Xerath"] = {_Q}, ["Zed"] = {_Q}, ["Ziggs"] = {_Q, _R}, ["Zyra"] = {_E} ======= WALL_SPELLS = { -- Yea boiz and grillz its all right here....... ["FizzMarinerDoom"] = {Spellname ="FizzMarinerDoom",Name = "Fizz", Spellslot =_R}, ["AatroxE"] = {Spellname ="AatroxE",Name= "Aatrox", Spellslot =_E}, ["AhriOrbofDeception"] = {Spellname ="AhriOrbofDeception",Name = "Ahri", Spellslot =_Q}, ["AhriFoxFire"] = {Spellname ="AhriFoxFire",Name = "Ahri", Spellslot =_W}, ["AhriSeduce"] = {Spellname ="AhriSeduce",Name = "Ahri", Spellslot =_E}, ["AhriTumble"] = {Spellname ="AhriTumble",Name = "Ahri", Spellslot =_R}, ["FlashFrost"] = {Spellname ="FlashFrost",Name = "Anivia", Spellslot =_Q}, ["Anivia2"] = {Spellname ="Frostbite",Name = "Anivia", Spellslot =_E}, ["Disintegrate"] = {Spellname ="Disintegrate",Name = "Annie", Spellslot =_Q}, ["Volley"] = {Spellname ="Volley",Name ="Ashe", Spellslot =_W}, ["EnchantedCrystalArrow"] = {Spellname ="EnchantedCrystalArrow",Name ="Ashe", Spellslot =_R}, ["BandageToss"] = {Spellname ="BandageToss",Name ="Amumu",Spellslot =_Q}, ["RocketGrabMissile"] = {Spellname ="RocketGrabMissile",Name ="Blitzcrank",Spellslot =_Q}, ["BrandBlaze"] = {Spellname ="BrandBlaze",Name ="Brand", Spellslot =_Q}, ["BrandWildfire"] = {Spellname ="BrandWildfire",Name ="Brand", Spellslot =_R}, ["BraumQ"] = {Spellname ="BraumQ",Name ="Braum",Spellslot =_Q}, ["BraumRWapper"] = {Spellname ="BraumRWapper",Name ="Braum",Spellslot =_R}, ["CaitlynPiltoverPeacemaker"] = {Spellname ="CaitlynPiltoverPeacemaker",Name ="Caitlyn",Spellslot =_Q}, ["CaitlynEntrapment"] = {Spellname ="CaitlynEntrapment",Name ="Caitlyn",Spellslot =_E}, ["CaitlynAceintheHole"] = {Spellname ="CaitlynAceintheHole",Name ="Caitlyn",Spellslot =_R}, ["CassiopeiaMiasma"] = {Spellname ="CassiopeiaMiasma",Name ="Cassiopiea",Spellslot =_W}, ["CassiopeiaTwinFang"] = {Spellname ="CassiopeiaTwinFang",Name ="Cassiopiea",Spellslot =_E}, ["PhosphorusBomb"] = {Spellname ="PhosphorusBomb",Name ="Corki",Spellslot =_Q}, ["MissileBarrage"] = {Spellname ="MissileBarrage",Name ="Corki",Spellslot =_R}, ["DianaArc"] = {Spellname ="DianaArc",Name ="Diana",Spellslot =_Q}, ["InfectedCleaverMissileCast"] = {Spellname ="InfectedCleaverMissileCast",Name ="DrMundo",Spellslot =_Q}, ["dravenspinning"] = {Spellname ="dravenspinning",Name ="Draven",Spellslot =_Q}, ["DravenDoubleShot"] = {Spellname ="DravenDoubleShot",Name ="Draven",Spellslot =_E}, ["DravenRCast"] = {Spellname ="DravenRCast",Name ="Draven",Spellslot =_R}, ["EliseHumanQ"] = {Spellname ="EliseHumanQ",Name ="Elise",Spellslot =_Q}, ["EliseHumanE"] = {Spellname ="EliseHumanE",Name ="Elise",Spellslot =_E}, ["EvelynnQ"] = {Spellname ="EvelynnQ",Name ="Evelynn",Spellslot =_Q}, ["EzrealMysticShot"] = {Spellname ="EzrealMysticShot",Name ="Ezreal",Spellslot =_Q,}, ["EzrealEssenceFlux"] = {Spellname ="EzrealEssenceFlux",Name ="Ezreal",Spellslot =_W}, ["EzrealArcaneShift"] = {Spellname ="EzrealArcaneShift",Name ="Ezreal",Spellslot =_R}, ["GalioRighteousGust"] = {Spellname ="GalioRighteousGust",Name ="Galio",Spellslot =_E}, ["GalioResoluteSmite"] = {Spellname ="GalioResoluteSmite",Name ="Galio",Spellslot =_Q}, ["Parley"] = {Spellname ="Parley",Name ="Gangplank",Spellslot =_Q}, ["GnarQ"] = {Spellname ="GnarQ",Name ="Gnar",Spellslot =_Q}, ["GravesClusterShot"] = {Spellname ="GravesClusterShot",Name ="Graves",Spellslot =_Q}, ["GravesChargeShot"] = {Spellname ="GravesChargeShot",Name ="Graves",Spellslot =_R}, ["HeimerdingerW"] = {Spellname ="HeimerdingerW",Name ="Heimerdinger",Spellslot =_W}, ["IreliaTranscendentBlades"] = {Spellname ="IreliaTranscendentBlades",Name ="Irelia",Spellslot =_R}, ["HowlingGale"] = {Spellname ="HowlingGale",Name ="Janna",Spellslot =_Q}, ["JayceToTheSkies"] = {Spellname ="JayceToTheSkies" or "jayceshockblast",Name ="Jayce",Spellslot =_Q}, ["jayceshockblast"] = {Spellname ="JayceToTheSkies" or "jayceshockblast",Name ="Jayce",Spellslot =_Q}, ["JinxW"] = {Spellname ="JinxW",Name ="Jinx",Spellslot =_W}, ["JinxR"] = {Spellname ="JinxR",Name ="Jinx",Spellslot =_R}, ["KalistaMysticShot"] = {Spellname ="KalistaMysticShot",Name ="Kalista",Spellslot =_Q}, ["KarmaQ"] = {Spellname ="KarmaQ",Name ="Karma",Spellslot =_Q}, ["NullLance"] = {Spellname ="NullLance",Name ="Kassidan",Spellslot =_Q}, ["KatarinaR"] = {Spellname ="KatarinaR",Name ="Katarina",Spellslot =_R}, ["LeblancChaosOrb"] = {Spellname ="LeblancChaosOrb",Name ="Leblanc",Spellslot =_Q}, ["LeblancSoulShackle"] = {Spellname ="LeblancSoulShackle" or "LeblancSoulShackleM",Name ="Leblanc",Spellslot =_E}, ["LeblancSoulShackleM"] = {Spellname ="LeblancSoulShackle" or "LeblancSoulShackleM",Name ="Leblanc",Spellslot =_E}, ["BlindMonkQOne"] = {Spellname ="BlindMonkQOne",Name ="Leesin",Spellslot =_Q}, ["LeonaZenithBladeMissle"] = {Spellname ="LeonaZenithBladeMissle",Name ="Leona",Spellslot =_E}, ["LissandraE"] = {Spellname ="LissandraE",Name ="Lissandra",Spellslot =_E}, ["LucianR"] = {Spellname ="LucianR",Name ="Lucian",Spellslot =_R}, ["LuxLightBinding"] = {Spellname ="LuxLightBinding",Name ="Lux",Spellslot =_Q}, ["LuxLightStrikeKugel"] = {Spellname ="LuxLightStrikeKugel",Name ="Lux",Spellslot =_E}, ["MissFortuneBulletTime"] = {Spellname ="MissFortuneBulletTime",Name ="Missfortune",Spellslot =_R}, ["DarkBindingMissile"] = {Spellname ="DarkBindingMissile",Name ="Morgana",Spellslot =_Q}, ["NamiR"] = {Spellname ="NamiR",Name ="Nami",Spellslot =_R}, ["JavelinToss"] = {Spellname ="JavelinToss",Name ="Nidalee",Spellslot =_Q}, ["NocturneDuskbringer"] = {Spellname ="NocturneDuskbringer",Name ="Nocturne",Spellslot =_Q}, ["Pantheon_Throw"] = {Spellname ="Pantheon_Throw",Name ="Pantheon",Spellslot =_Q}, ["QuinnQ"] = {Spellname ="QuinnQ",Name ="Quinn",Spellslot =_Q}, ["RengarE"] = {Spellname ="RengarE",Name ="Rengar",Spellslot =_E}, ["rivenizunablade"] = {Spellname ="rivenizunablade",Name ="Riven",Spellslot =_R}, ["Overload"] = {Spellname ="Overload",Name ="Ryze",Spellslot =_Q}, ["SpellFlux"] = {Spellname ="SpellFlux",Name ="Ryze",Spellslot =_E}, ["SejuaniGlacialPrisonStart"] = {Spellname ="SejuaniGlacialPrisonStart",Name ="Sejuani",Spellslot =_R}, ["SivirQ"] = {Spellname ="SivirQ",Name ="Sivir",Spellslot =_Q}, ["SivirE"] = {Spellname ="SivirE",Name ="Sivir",Spellslot =_E}, ["SkarnerFractureMissileSpell"] = {Spellname ="SkarnerFractureMissileSpell",Name ="Skarner",Spellslot =_E}, ["SonaCrescendo"] = {Spellname ="SonaCrescendo",Name ="Sona",Spellslot =_R}, ["SwainDecrepify"] = {Spellname ="SwainDecrepify",Name ="Swain",Spellslot =_Q}, ["SwainMetamorphism"] = {Spellname ="SwainMetamorphism",Name ="Swain",Spellslot =_R}, ["SyndraE"] = {Spellname ="SyndraE",Name ="Syndra",Spellslot =_E}, ["SyndraR"] = {Spellname ="SyndraR",Name ="Syndra",Spellslot =_R}, ["TalonRake"] = {Spellname ="TalonRake",Name ="Talon",Spellslot =_W}, ["TalonShadowAssault"] = {Spellname ="TalonShadowAssault",Name ="Talon",Spellslot =_R}, ["BlindingDart"] = {Spellname ="BlindingDart",Name ="Teemo",Spellslot =_Q}, ["Thresh"] = {Spellname ="ThreshQ",Name ="Thresh",Spellslot =_Q}, ["BusterShot"] = {Spellname ="BusterShot",Name ="Tristana",Spellslot =_R}, ["VarusQ"] = {Spellname ="VarusQ",Name ="Varus",Spellslot =_Q}, ["VarusR"] = {Spellname ="VarusR",Name ="Varus",Spellslot =_R}, ["VayneCondemm"] = {Spellname ="VayneCondemm",Name ="Vayne",Spellslot =_E}, ["VeigarPrimordialBurst"] = {Spellname ="VeigarPrimordialBurst",Name ="Veigar",Spellslot =_R}, ["WildCards"] = {Spellname ="WildCards",Name ="Twistedfate",Spellslot =_Q}, ["VelkozQ"] = {Spellname ="VelkozQ",Name ="Velkoz",Spellslot =_Q}, ["VelkozW"] = {Spellname ="VelkozW",Name ="Velkoz",Spellslot =_W}, ["ViktorDeathRay"] = {Spellname ="ViktorDeathRay",Name ="Viktor",Spellslot =_E}, ["XerathArcanoPulseChargeUp"] = {Spellname ="XerathArcanoPulseChargeUp",Name ="Xerath",Spellslot =_Q}, ["ZedShuriken"] = {Spellname ="ZedShuriken",Name ="Zed",Spellslot =_Q}, ["ZiggsR"] = {Spellname ="ZiggsR",Name ="Ziggs",Spellslot =_R}, ["ZiggsQ"] = {Spellname ="ZiggsQ",Name ="Ziggs",Spellslot =_Q}, ["ZyraGraspingRoots"] = {Spellname ="ZyraGraspingRoots",Name ="Zyra",Spellslot =_E} >>>>>>> origin/master } OnProcessSpell(function(unit, spell) myHero = GetMyHero() if Yasuo.Wall.W:Value() and WALL_SPELLS[] and Yasuo.Wall[GetObjectName(unit).."Wall"]:Value() then if unit and GetTeam(unit) ~= GetTeam(myHero) and GetObjectType(unit) == GetObjectType(myHero) and GetDistance(unit) < 1500 then unispells = WALL_SPELLS[GetObjectName(unit)] if myHero == and GetRange(unit) >= 450 and CalcDamage(unit, myHero, GetBonusDmg(unit)+GetBaseDamage(unit))/GetCurrentHP(myHero) > 0.1337 and not"attack") then local wPos = GetOrigin(unit) CastSkillShot(_W, wPos.x, wPos.y, wPos.z) elseif spell.endPos and not"attack") then local makeUpPos = GenerateSpellPos(GetOrigin(unit), spell.endPos, GetDistance(unit, myHero)) if GetDistanceSqr(makeUpPos) < (GetHitBox(myHero)*3)^2 or GetDistanceSqr(spell.endPos) < (GetHitBox(myHero)*3)^2 then local wPos = GetOrigin(unit) CastSkillShot(_W, wPos.x, wPos.y, wPos.z) end end end end end) DelayAction(function() --Deftsu <<<<<<< HEAD class "Yasuo" function Yasuo:__init() OnLoop(function(myHero) self:Loop(myHero) end) Yasuo = Menu("Yasuo", "Yasuo") Yasuo:SubMenu("c", "Combo") Yasuo.c:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.c:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Yasuo.c:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) Yasuo.c:Slider("RP", " R HP Enemy", 45, 1, 100, 1) Yasuo.c:Key("combo", "Combo", string.byte(" ")) Yasuo:SubMenu("f", "Farm") Yasuo.f:SubMenu("l", "LaneClear") Yasuo.f.l:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.f.l:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Yasuo.f.l:Key("lca", "LaneClear", string.byte("V")) Yasuo.f:SubMenu("h", "LastHit") Yasuo.f.h:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.f.h:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Yasuo.f.h:Key("lha", "LastHit", string.byte("X")) Yasuo.f:SubMenu("j", "JungleClear") Yasuo.f.j:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.f.j:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Yasuo.f.j:Key("jca", "LaneClear", string.byte("V")) Yasuo:SubMenu("j", "JungleSteal") ======= local str = {[_Q] = "Q", [_W] = "W", [_E] = "E", [_R] = "R"} for i, spell in pairs(WALL_SPELLS) do for _,k in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if spell["Name"] == GetObjectName(k) then Yasuo.Wall:Boolean(GetObjectName(k).."Wall", "On "..GetObjectName(k).." "..(type(spell.Spellslot) == 'number' and str[spell.Spellslot]), true) end end end end, 1) class "Yasuo" function Yasuo:__init() OnTick(function(myHero) self:Loop(myHero) end) Yasuo = MenuConfig("Yasuo", "Yasuo") Yasuo:Menu("c", "Combo") Yasuo.c:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.c:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Yasuo.c:Boolean("R", "Use R HP", true) Yasuo.c:Slider("RP", " R HP Enemy", 45, 1, 100, 1) PermaShow(Yasuo.c.R) Yasuo:Menu("f", "Farm") Yasuo.f:Menu("l", "LaneClear") Yasuo.f.l:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.f.l:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Yasuo.f:Menu("h", "LastHit") Yasuo.f.h:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.f.h:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Yasuo.f:Menu("j", "JungleClear") Yasuo.f.j:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.f.j:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Yasuo:Menu("j", "JungleSteal") >>>>>>> origin/master Yasuo.j:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.j:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) <<<<<<< HEAD Yasuo:SubMenu("m", "Misc") Yasuo.m:Key("ma", "Dash Force", string.byte("G")) Yasuo.m:Boolean("tfra", "R Team Fight", true) Yasuo.m:Boolean("ignite", "Use Ignite", true) Yasuo.m:Slider("tfr", " R X Enemies", 3, 0, 5, 1) Yasuo.m:SubMenu("I", "Items") Yasuo.m.I:Boolean("B", "Use BoTRK", true) Yasuo.m.I:Boolean("b", "Use BilgeWater", true) Yasuo.m.I:Boolean("G", "Use Ghostblade", true) Yasuo.m.I:Boolean("H", "Use Hydra", true) Yasuo.m.I:Boolean("T", "Use Tiamat", true) Yasuo.m.I:Slider("QM", " QSS HP", 75, 0, 100, 1) Yasuo.m.I:Boolean("R", "Use Randuins", true) Yasuo.m.I:Boolean("M", "Use Mercurial", true) Yasuo.m.I:Boolean("Q", "Use QSS", true) Yasuo:SubMenu("ks", "KillSteal") ======= Yasuo:Menu("m", "Misc") Yasuo.m:KeyBinding("ma", "DashForce", 71) Yasuo.m:Boolean("tfra", "R Team Fight", true) Yasuo.m:Slider("tfr", " R X Enemies", 3, 0, 5, 1) PermaShow( PermaShow(Yasuo.m.tfra) Yasuo:Menu("ks", "KillSteal") >>>>>>> origin/master Yasuo.ks:Boolean("Q", "Use Q", true) Yasuo.ks:Boolean("E", "Use E", true) Yasuo.ks:Boolean("R", "Use R", true) <<<<<<< HEAD Yasuo:SubMenu("Wall", "Wall") ======= Yasuo:Menu("Wall", "Wall") >>>>>>> origin/master Yasuo.Wall:Boolean("W", "Use W", true) Yasuo:Info("Made", "Script by Cloud") end <<<<<<< HEAD function Yasuo:Loop(myHero) self:Checks() if IOW:Mode() == "Combo" then self:Combo() self:Items() end if IOW:Mode() == "LaneClear" then self:LaneClear() end if IOW:Mode() == "LaneClear" then self:JungleClear() end if IOW:Mode() == "LastHit" then self:LastHit() end self:YasuoRinCombo() self:KillSteal() self:AutoUlt() self:AutoIgnite() self:YasuoDash2minion() end function Yasuo:Checks() self.QREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_Q) == READY self.WREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_W) == READY self.EREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY self.RREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_R) == READY EnemyPos2 = GetOrigin(unit) target = GetCurrentTarget() unit = GetCurrentTarget() QWPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GoS:myHeroPos(),unit,GetMoveSpeed(unit),1500,250,425,90,false,false) Q2Pred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GoS:myHeroPos(),unit,GetMoveSpeed(unit),1500,250,GetCastRange(myHero, _Q),55,false,true) Q3Pred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GoS:myHeroPos(),unit,GetMoveSpeed(unit),1500,250,1000,90,false,false) end function Yasuo:Combo() if Yasuo.c.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(unit) end if Yasuo.c.E:Value() then self:CastE(unit) end end function Yasuo:CastQ(unit) if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 475) and Yasuo.c.Q:Value() and QWPred.HitChance == 1 and GetCastName(myHero,_Q) ~= "yasuoq3w" then CastSkillShot(_Q,QWPred.PredPos.x,QWPred.PredPos.y,QWPred.PredPos.z) end if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and GetCastName(myHero,_Q) == "yasuoq3w" and Q3Pred.HitChance == 1 and Yasuo.c.Q:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 900) then CastSkillShot(_Q,Q3Pred.PredPos.x,Q3Pred.PredPos.y,Q3Pred.PredPos.z) end end function Yasuo:CastE(unit) if CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY and Yasuo.c.combo:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 475) and Yasuo.c.E:Value() then CastTargetSpell(unit,_E) end end function Yasuo:YasuoRinCombo() if GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 1200) then if CanUseSpell(myHero,_R) == READY and Yasuo.c.R:Value() and (GetCurrentHP(unit)/GetMaxHP(unit))*100 <= Yasuo.c.RP:Value() then GoS:DelayAction(function() CastSpell(_R) end, 2 - GetLatency()/2000) ======= function Yasuo:Loop(myHero) self:Checks() if IOW:Mode() == "Combo" then self:Combo() end if IOW:Mode() == "LaneClear" then self:LaneClear() end if IOW:Mode() == "LaneClear" then self:JungleClear() end if IOW:Mode() == "LastHit" then self:LastHit() end self:KillSteal() self:AutoUlt() self:YasuoDash2minion() end function Yasuo:Checks() self.QREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_Q) == READY self.WREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_W) == READY self.EREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY self.RREADY = CanUseSpell(myHero,_R) == READY EnemyPos2 = GetOrigin(unit) target = GetCurrentTarget() unit = GetCurrentTarget() end function Yasuo:Combo() if Yasuo.c.Q:Value() then self:CastQ(unit) end if Yasuo.c.E:Value() then self:CastE(unit) end end function Yasuo:CastQ(unit) if target or unit then local QWPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(myHeroPos(),unit,GetMoveSpeed(unit),1500,250,425,90,false,false) local Q3Pred = GetPredictionForPlayer(myHeroPos(),unit,GetMoveSpeed(unit),1500,250,1000,90,false,false) if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and Yasuo.c.Q:Value() and QWPred.HitChance == 1 and GetCastName(myHero,_Q) ~= "yasuoq3w" then CastSkillShot(_Q,QWPred.PredPos.x,QWPred.PredPos.y,QWPred.PredPos.z) end if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and GetCastName(myHero,_Q) == "yasuoq3w" and Q3Pred.HitChance == 1 and Yasuo.c.Q:Value() then CastSkillShot(_Q,Q3Pred.PredPos.x,Q3Pred.PredPos.y,Q3Pred.PredPos.z) >>>>>>> origin/master end end end function Yasuo:CastE(unit) if CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY and ValidTarget(unit, 475) and Yasuo.c.E:Value() then CastTargetSpell(unit,_E) end end <<<<<<< HEAD function Yasuo:KillSteal() for i,enemy in pairs(GoS:GetEnemyHeroes()) do if GoS:ValidTarget(enemy, 1200) then ======= OnUpdateBuff(function(Object,buffProc) if ValidTarget(unit, 1200) then if CanUseSpell(myHero,_R) == READY and Yasuo.c.R:Value() and (GetCurrentHP(unit)/GetMaxHP(unit))*100 <= Yasuo.c.RP:Value() and buffProc.Type == 29 or buffProc.Type == 30 then DelayAction(function() CastSpell(_R) end, 2 - GetLatency()/2000) end end end) function Yasuo:KillSteal() for i,enemy in pairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if target or unit then >>>>>>> origin/master local z = (GetCastLevel(myHero,_E)*20)+(GetBonusAP(myHero)*.60)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero)) local hp = GetCurrentHP(enemy) local Dmg = CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, z) local y = (GetCastLevel(myHero,_E)*20)+(GetBonusDmg(myHero)*1)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero)) local hpq = GetCurrentHP(enemy) local Dmgq = CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, y) local ult = (GetCastLevel(myHero,_R)*100)+(GetBonusDmg(myHero)*1.50)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero)) local Dmgr = CalcDamage(myHero, enemy, ult) local QPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(myHeroPos(),unit,GetMoveSpeed(unit),1500,250,1025,90,false,false) if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and ValidTarget(EnemyPos2, 475) and GetCastName(myHero,_Q) == "YasuoQW" or "yasuoq2w" and Dmg > hp and Yasuo.ks.Q:Value() and ValidTarget(unit, 425) then CastSkillShot(_Q,QPred.PredPos.x,QPred.PredPos.y,QPred.PredPos.z) elseif CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and GetCastName(myHero,_Q) == "yasuoq3w" and QPred.HitChance == 1 and Yasuo.ks.Q:Value() and Dmg > hp and ValidTarget(unit, 425) then CastSkillShot(_Q,QPred.PredPos.x,QPred.PredPos.y,QPred.PredPos.z) end if GetCastName(myHero, _E) == "YasuoDashWrapper" and GotBuff(unit, "YasuoDashWrapper") == 0 and Dmg > hp and Yasuo.ks.E:Value() and ValidTarget(unit, 425) then CastTargetSpell(enemy, _E) end if CanUseSpell(myHero, _R) == READY and Dmgr > hpq and Yasuo.ks.R:Value() and ValidTarget(unit, 1200) then DelayAction(function() CastSpell(_R) end, 2 - GetLatency()/1000) end end end end function Yasuo:LaneClear() <<<<<<< HEAD if Yasuo.f.l.lca:Value()then ======= >>>>>>> origin/master local towerPos = GetOrigin(objectManager2.turrents) for _,Q in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidTarget(Q, 475) then EnemyPos3 = GetOrigin(Q) ETower = GetOrigin(myHero) + (Vector(GetOrigin(myHero)) - GetOrigin(myHero)):normalized() * 300 if CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and Yasuo.f.l.E:Value() and UnderTower(ETower) == false then CastTargetSpell(Q, _E) end if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and Yasuo.f.l.Q:Value() then CastSkillShot(_Q,EnemyPos3.x,EnemyPos3.y,EnemyPos3.z) end end end end function Yasuo:JungleClear() <<<<<<< HEAD if Yasuo.f.j.jca:Value() then ======= >>>>>>> origin/master for _,Q in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidTarget(Q, 475) then local EnemyPos = GetOrigin(Q) if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and Yasuo.f.j.Q:Value() then CastSkillShot(_Q,EnemyPos.x,EnemyPos.y,EnemyPos.z) end if CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and Yasuo.f.j.E:Value() and UnderTower(ETower) == false then CastTargetSpell(Q, _E) end end end end function Yasuo:LastHit() <<<<<<< HEAD if Yasuo.f.h.lha:Value() then for _,M in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_ENEMY)) do if GoS:ValidTarget(M, 475) then ======= for _,M in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidTarget(M, 475) then >>>>>>> origin/master local z = (GetCastLevel(myHero,_E)*20)+(GetBonusAP(myHero)*.60)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero)) local hp = GetCurrentHP(M) local Dmg = CalcDamage(myHero, M, z) local y = (GetCastLevel(myHero,_Q)*20)+(GetBonusDmg(myHero)*1)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero)) local hpq = GetCurrentHP(M) local Dmgq = CalcDamage(myHero, M, y) local towerPos = GetOrigin(objectManager2.turrents) if CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and Dmg > hp and Yasuo.f.h.E:Value() and UnderTower(myHero) == false then CastTargetSpell(M, _E) end local EnemyPos3 = GetOrigin(M) if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and Dmgq > hpq and Yasuo.f.h.Q:Value() then CastSkillShot(_Q,EnemyPos3.x,EnemyPos3.y,EnemyPos3.z) end end end end function Yasuo:JungleSteal() for _,js in pairs(minionManager.objects) do local y = (GetCastLevel(myHero,_Q)*20)+(GetBonusDmg(myHero)*1)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero)) local hpq = GetCurrentHP(M) local Dmgq = CalcDamage(myHero, js, y) local EnemyPos4 = GetOrigin(js) local z = (GetCastLevel(myHero,_E)*20)+(GetBonusAP(myHero)*.60)+(GetBaseDamage(myHero)) local Dmg = CalcDamage(myHero, js, z) if ValidTarget(js, 475) and IsInDistance(js, GetCastRange(myHero,_Q)) then if CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and Dmgq > GetCurrentHp(js) and GetObjectName(js) == "SRU_Baron" and Yasuo.j.Q:Value() then CastSkillShot(_Q,EnemyPos4.x,EnemyPos4.y,EnemyPos4.z) elseif CanUseSpell(myHero, _Q) == READY and Dmgq > GetCurrentHp(js) and GetObjectName(js) == "SRU_Dragon" and Yasuo.j.Q:Value() then CastSkillShot(_Q,EnemyPos4.x,EnemyPos4.y,EnemyPos4.z) elseif CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and Dmg > GetCurrentHp(js) and GetObjectName(js) == "SRU_Baron" and Yasuo.j.E:Value() then CastTargetSpell(js, _E) elseif CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and Dmg > GetCurrentHp(js) and GetObjectName(js) == "SRU_Dragon" and Yasuo.j.E:Value() then CastTargetSpell(js, _E) end end end end function Yasuo:YasuoDash2minion() <<<<<<< HEAD for _,Q in pairs(GoS:GetAllMinions(MINION_ENEMY)) do if GoS:ValidTarget(Q, 375) then if GetCastName(myHero, _E) == "YasuoDashWrapper" and CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and and not GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 475) then ======= local Q = ClosestMinion(GetMousePos(), GetTeam(unit)) if ValidTarget(Q, 375) then if CanUseSpell(myHero, _E) == READY and then >>>>>>> origin/master CastTargetSpell(Q,_E) end end end <<<<<<< HEAD end ======= >>>>>>> origin/master function GenerateWallPos(unitPos) local mydpos = GetOrigin(myHero) local tV = {x = (unitPos.x-mydpos.x), z = (unitPos.z-mydpos.z)} local len = math.sqrt(tV.x * tV.x + tV.z * tV.z) return {x = mydpos.x + 400 * tV.x / len, y = 0, z = mydpos.z + 400 * tV.z / len} end function GenerateSpellPos(unitPos, spellPos, range) local tV = {x = (spellPos.x-unitPos.x), z = (spellPos.z-unitPos.z)} local len = math.sqrt(tV.x * tV.x + tV.z * tV.z) return {x = unitPos.x + range * tV.x / len, y = 0, z = unitPos.z + range * tV.z / len} end function UnderTower(p1) local p1 = GetOrigin(p1) or p1 for i,turrent in pairs(objectManager2.turrets) do if GetTeam(turrent) ~= GetTeam(myHero) and ValidTarget(turrent, 1450) then local turretPos = GetOrigin(turrent) <<<<<<< HEAD if GoS:GetDistance(myHero, turrentPos) <= 1140 then return true ======= if GetDistance(myHero, turrentPos) <= 900 then return true >>>>>>> origin/master end end end return false end function Yasuo:AutoUlt() if Yasuo.m.tfra:Value() and Yasuo.m.tfr:Value() > 0 and #EnemiesKnocked() >= Yasuo.m.tfr:Value() then CastR(unit) end end function CastR(unit) if target then if CanUseSpell(myHero, _R) == READY and KnockedUnits[GetNetworkID(unit)] ~= nil then CastSpell(_R) end end end function EnemiesKnocked() local Knockeds = {} for i, enemy in ipairs(GetEnemyHeroes()) do if target and KnockedUnits[GetNetworkID(enemy)] ~= nil then table.insert(Knockeds, enemy) end end return Knockeds end <<<<<<< HEAD function Yasuo:AutoIgnite() if Ignite then for _, k in pairs(GoS:GetEnemyHeroes()) do if GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 600) and CanUseSpell(myHero, Ignite) == READY and (20*GetLevel(myHero)+50) > GetCurrentHP(k)+GetHPRegen(k)*2.5 and GoS:GetDistanceSqr(GetOrigin(k)) < 600*600 and Yasuo.m.ignite:Value() then CastTargetSpell(k, Ignite) end end end end function Yasuo:Items() -- Yes deftsu ik your looking right here kappa -- QSS if GetItemSlot(myHero,3140) > 0 and Yasuo.m.I.Q:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "rocketgrab2") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "charm") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "fear") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "flee") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "snare") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "taunt") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "suppression") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "stun") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "zedultexecute") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "summonerexhaust") > 0 and (GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero))*100 <= Yasuo.m.I.QM:Value() then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3140)) end --Mercurial if GetItemSlot(myHero,3139) > 0 and Yasuo.m.I.M:Value() and GotBuff(myHero, "rocketgrab2") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "charm") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "fear") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "flee") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "snare") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "taunt") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "suppression") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "stun") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "zedultexecute") > 0 or GotBuff(myHero, "summonerexhaust") > 0 and (GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero))*100 <= Yasuo.m.I.QM:Value() then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3139)) end -- blade of ruined king if GetItemSlot(myHero,3153) > 0 and Yasuo.m.I.B:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(unit, 550) and GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero) < 0.5 and GetCurrentHP(target)/GetMaxHP(target) > 0.2 then CastTargetSpell(target, GetItemSlot(myHero,3153)) end -- Bilgewater if GetItemSlot(myHero,3144) > 0 and Yasuo.m.I.b:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 550) and GetCurrentHP(myHero)/GetMaxHP(myHero) < 0.5 and GetCurrentHP(target)/GetMaxHP(target) > 0.2 then CastTargetSpell(target, GetItemSlot(myHero,3144)) end -- Ghost Blade if GetItemSlot(myHero,3142) > 0 and Yasuo.m.I.G:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 550) then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3142)) end -- Hydra if GetItemSlot(myHero,3074) > 0 and Yasuo.m.I.H:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 550) then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3074)) end -- Tiamat if GetItemSlot(myHero,3077) > 0 and Yasuo.m.I.T:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 550) then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3077)) end -- Randiuns if GetItemSlot(myHero,3143) > 0 and Yasuo.m.I.R:Value() and GoS:ValidTarget(target, 550) then CastTargetSpell(myHero, GetItemSlot(myHero,3143)) end end ======= >>>>>>> origin/master do _G.objectManager2 = {} objectManager2.maxObjects = 0 objectManager2.objects = {} objectManager2.spawnpoints = {} objectManager2.camps = {} objectManager2.barracks = {} objectManager2.heroes = {} objectManager2.minions = {} objectManager2.turrets = {} objectManager2.missiles = {} objectManager2.shops = {} objectManager2.wards = {} objectManager2.unknown = {} OnObjectLoop(function(object, myHero) objectManager2.objects[GetNetworkID(object)] = object end) OnTick(function(myHero) objectManager2.maxObjects = 0 for _, obj in pairs(objectManager2.objects) do objectManager2.maxObjects = objectManager2.maxObjects + 1 local type = GetObjectType(obj) if type == Obj_AI_SpawnPoint then objectManager2.spawnpoints[_] = obj elseif type == Obj_AI_Camp then objectManage2r.camps[_] = obj elseif type == Obj_AI_Barracks then objectManager2.barracks[_] = obj elseif type == Obj_AI_Hero then objectManager2.heroes[_] = obj elseif type == Obj_AI_Minion then objectManager2.minions[_] = obj elseif type == Obj_AI_Turret then objectManager2.turrets[_] = obj elseif type == Obj_AI_LineMissle then objectManager2.missiles[_] = obj elseif type == Obj_AI_Shop then objectManager2.shops[_] = obj else local objName = GetObjectBaseName(obj) if objName:lower():find("ward") or objName:lower():find("totem") then objectManager2.wards[_] = obj else objectManager2.unknown[_] = obj end end end end) DelayAction(function() EmptyObjManager() end, 60000) end function EmptyObjManager() _G.objectManager2 = {} objectManager2.maxObjects = 0 objectManager2.objects = {} objectManager2.spawnpoints = {} objectManager2.camps = {} objectManager2.barracks = {} objectManager2.heroes = {} objectManager2.minions = {} objectManager2.turrets = {} objectManager2.missiles = {} objectManager2.shops = {} objectManager2.wards = {} objectManager2.unknown = {} collectgarbage() DelayAction(function() EmptyObjManager() end, 60000) end if _G[GetObjectName(myHero)] then _G[GetObjectName(myHero)]() end <<<<<<< HEAD PrintChat(string.format("Yasuo: By Cloud Loaded ")) ======= PrintChat(string.format("Yasuo: By Cloud Loaded \nRecommended usage with Platypus Activator ")) >>>>>>> origin/master